group 1 girls

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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a group output of group 1 girls


“Dos” And “Don’ts” when

Eating ..

Do : Wash your hands before coming to table. We need to wash

our hands before coming to table because the germs in our hands will affect our food to be dirty. And when we eat our food, there’s a possibility that we can be unhealthy.

Remove chewing gum before eating.  Wrap it in a small piece of paper and throw it away.

To avoid disorder of swallowing chewing gum while eating our food.

Unfold your napkin and put it on your lap.

So that, our clothes will not be dirty and we can use it by wiping our mouth or our hands.

Cut your food into bite size pieces before eating it.

Chewing well grinds food into small bits, allowing it to be more easily swallowed.

Chew with your mouth closed; eat as quietly as possible.

So that your food doesn't come flying out of your mouth. Plus it's noisy to chew with your mouth open. Lastly, people who are brought up with good manners chew with their mouths closed.

Finish eating what you put on your plate.

You are the one who put it all on your plate, eat it all. So that you will not waste some food.

Practice good manners all of the time.

In essence, good manners mean you don't make others uncomfortable around you.  It's not just eating quietly and neatly.

Treat those at the table with kindness & respect.

 Everyone tends to be a little too relaxed at the dinner table when it comes to proper behavior.

Put the silverware you’ve used on the side of your plate & the napkin beside your plate when done.

To be look nice at least you are done eating.

Thank those who have prepared the meal.

To show respect and kindness.

Take your plate, cup & silverware to the sink.

So that the table where you ate will be clean and will look great.

Don’ts :Do not chew food with your mouth open

People that chew food with their mouth open are not aware they are doing it. The next time you eat, pay attention to whether you are chewing with you mouth open. If you are, please stop.

Smacking and crunching.

Eating as quietly as possible is essential to good table manners. For many, other people's smacking noises are as cringe-making as on a blackboard.

Do not bolt your food.

Eat your food slowly and enjoy it. Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the company of your dining companions.

Never speak with a full mouth

A mouth full of food is unpleasant to see and makes conversation difficult to hear.

Don't take a half-bite

Eat every bite completely. Don't eat 1/2 of what you have placed on your fork or spoon.

Don’t wave utensils about

Never gesticulate with an eating utensil in the hand. You risk stabbing a dinner partner or knocking over a goblet.

Don't push your plate

Don't announce to the table that you have finished eating or push your plate away when you are done with the meal.

Don't slouch

To show that you're alert and engaged, don't slouch. Sit up straight and don't stoop to eat your food.

Picking your teeth

Toothpicks should be used in private, not as you walk out of the restaurant or, worse still, at the table. Also refrain from noisily cleaning your teeth with your tongue at meal's end-an equally unattractive habit.



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Thank You So Much For Listening ! More Knowledge To Come !

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