greutherm index - greu. therm thermal insulation systems are a great solution to...

Post on 21-Sep-2020






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greutherm | Index

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY


l greutherm | Systems

l greutherm | Application

l greutherm | Items

l greutherm | Diagrams

l greutherm | Technical data sheets







environment protection

Respecting the environment is achieved throu-gh energy efficiency, the rational use of energy and the reduced use of non-renewable energy sources.The solution to the most part of global environ-mental problems such as greenhouse effect, the depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain and, most of all, the fight against climate change implies correct energy management.greutherm thermal insulation system is the first step in minimising energy consumption for heating, decreasing losses by more than 50%.This saving in energy resources represents our significant and necessary contribution to the protection of the environment.

greutherm | Environment protection 03

home comfort and benefits

Many existing buildings have been built with obvious thermal flaws, resulting in problems such as excessive costs for heating and cooling, mould problems, condensation, damp and heat bridges.The greutherm thermal insulation system contributes to eliminate such flaws while at the same time significantly increasing comfort and wellbeing, supporting relevant energy saving and also preventing the formation of conden-sation from steam, mildew and mould on inte-rior walls.greutherm is an effective response to the new requirements of buildings that allow signi-ficantly reduced energy consumption, be they existing buildings or new ones. These advanta-ges go beyond just energy saving.The investment on thermal insulation becomes attractive also from a financial-economic point of view: it increases the value of the building and it is amortized over an average period of approximately 5 years thanks to the resulting significant energy saving.

greutherm | Home comfort and benefits 05

decoration and protection

With it’s essential lines, the greutherm ther-mal insulation system is easy to apply.It consists of fixing insulating panels onto the building’s external surfaces using adhesive mor-tar and anchors, and then they are smoothed and reinforced with fibre glass mesh.Then the decorative finish coat is applied, as decoration and protection of the layers below and of the entire system.The greutherm thermal insulation system en-sures that the building lasts for a long time, at the same time decorating it and protecting it.

greutherm | Decoration and protection 07

energy saving

The greutherm thermal insulation systems are a great solution to reduce energy waste: they act on the exterior walls, keeping them warm in winter and cool in summer, thus ensu-ring that the indoor temperature is constantly comfortable. Choosing greutherm insulation systems means investing over time, with signi-ficant energy savings and contributions to the protection of the environment, because lower energy consumption lowers harmful gases such as CO2.

greutherm | Energy saving 09

European Technical Approval

External thermal insulation systems imply the subordination of the existence of a relative Eu-ropean Technical Approval (ETA).Such European Technical Approval consists in a positive technical assessment of product su-itability, for its foreseen use, founded on the correspondence to requirements which are es-sential for the works for which the product is to be used and linked to the outcome of the examinations and tests contained in the speci-fic Guidelines for European Technical Approval (ETAG, European Technical Approval Guideline) in this case ETAG 004 for which greutherm is certified.Moreover, in prediction of acoustic certification of the buildings, licata+greutol has certified, at the Giordano institute, in collaboration with RDB Hebel S.p.a. and Saint-Gobain Isover Italia S.p.a., greutherm insulation systems obtai-ning acoustic insulation values equal to Rw= 55db.

greutherm | Certificates 011

What is insured

The insurance company insures all materials being part of

the greutherm External Thermal Insulation System.

Insured risk

The insurance company is obliged to indemnify material

damages directed at “Products of quality” caused by:

• errors in calculus and design

• faulty and defective material

• manufacturing errors

Duration of the guarantee

10 years from the date of end of works found in the

certificate of acceptance on the part of the buyer.

Compensable costs

The insurance company, apart from the value of the

products, covers:

• labour costs for replacing the insured products;

• the costs of demolition/clearing;

• the costs of installation, framework and scaffolding

....necessary for repairing the damage


Insurancegreutherm external

thermal insulation systems



Polizza n.



INIZIO GARANZIA: Data verbale di accettazione di fine lavori






licata+greutol s.r.l.

*estratto di CGP


l greutherm | Systems

greutherm EPS

Adhesive/base coatGreuRaso PlusRasotermRasoterm 1:1greutherm anchor

greutherm mesh 150

PrimerAcrilPrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan Primer

Decorative finishing coatSerie LericiGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan

greutherm | Composizione del sistema

greutherm EPS

Adhesive/base coatGreuRaso PlusRasotermRasoterm 1:1greutherm anchor

greutherm mesh 150

PrimerAcrilPrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan Primer

Decorative finishing coatSerie LericiGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan

greutherm | Composizione del sistema

greu EPS

016 greutherm | Systems

greutherm NEOPOR®

Adhesive/base coatGreuRaso PlusRasotermRasoterm 1:1greutherm anchor

greutherm mesh 150

PrimerAcrilPrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan Primer

Decorative finishing coatSerie LericiGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan

greutherm NEOPOR®

Adesivo - rasanteGreuRaso PlusRasotermRasoterm 1:1greutherm tassello

greutherm rete 150

PrimerAcrilPrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan Primer

Rivestimento decorativoSerie LericiGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan

greu NEOPOR®

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Systems 017

greutherm MINERAL WOOL

Adhesive/base coatGreuRaso PlusRasotermRasoterm 1:1greutherm anchor

greutherm mesh 150

PrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan PrimerPrimer Ocram

Decorative finishing coatGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan

greutherm LANA DI ROCCIA

Adesivo - rasanteGreuRaso PlusRasotermRasoterm 1:1greutherm tassello

greutherm rete 150

PrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan PrimerPrimer Ocram

Rivestimento decorativoGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan



Adhesive/base coatGreuRaso PlusRasotermRasoterm 1:1greutherm anchor

greutherm mesh 150

PrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan PrimerPrimer Ocram

Decorative finishing coatGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan


Adesivo - rasanteGreuRaso PlusRasotermRasoterm 1:1greu tassello

greu rete 150

PrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan PrimerPrimer Ocram

Rivestimento decorativoGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan


licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

018 greutherm | Systems

greutherm CORK

Adhesive/base coatGreuRaso PlusRasotermRasoterm 1:1greutherm anchor

greutherm mesh 150

PrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan PrimerPrimer Ocram

Decorative finishing coatGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan

greutherm SUGHERO

Adesivo - rasanteGreuRaso PlusRasotermRasoterm 1:1greutherm tassello

greutherm rete 150

PrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan PrimerPrimer Ocram

Rivestimento decorativoGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan

greu CORK

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

External thermal insulation systems

l greutherm | Application

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

022 greutherm | Substrates

It is possible to use the greutherm thermal insulation system on both old and new buildings. Suitable for various types of supports: masonry (concrete, cement concrete blocks, brickwork, porous concrete), exposed brickwork, prefabricated constructions (multi-layer sheets).The support must be analysed in order to check it’s mechanical cha-racteristics and it’s physical state, adapting the correct preparation and treatments that are most suitable for each case.

• Check the planimetry of the support and remove any protrusions in excess of 1 cm.

• The support must be dry and seasoned, clean, solid, without dust or oily substances, without humidity and salts. The primers (Acril-Primer, Isolante LG, SilPrimer, PrimerOcram and GreuSilo-xan Primer) should always be used and adapted to the relative underlay by dilution.

• Supports that have algae, fungi or lichen must always receive a special treatment. First of all the wal treated with a solution of active substances (GreuSanus) that must not be rinsed off.

• Damaged or loose masonry parts must be fixed with special re-storation mortar.

• For old paintwork, plasterwork or ceramic coats it is necessary to remove them and rebuild the planimetry.

• The minimum temperature of the support to be worked on must not be lower than + 5°C.

• Consider the correct processing temperature and the degree of humidity of the building. Operations such as indoor or screen pla-stering must be completed (including drying) before applying the system.

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Base rail fixing 023

Fixing the insulating sheets is carried out through universal initial profiles, base profiles. Measure and determine the height of the wainscot and install the profiles, spirit-levelled, with the relevant anchors.

Base profile

Mix the GreuRaso Plus adhesive adding 24% water (approxima-tely 6 l) necessary for the mix, and stir using a slow drill bit until the right consistency is achieved.Let it rest for 5 minutes and then mix again. To glue the panels, apply the adhesive in stripes using a toothed knife or in dots using a trowel, with an average consumption of 2-4 kg/m2. For perfectly flat supports, the product is laid onto the entire surface of the insu-lating layer using a toothed knife (see fig. 1).

When the support is not perfectly flat and has some irregularities that in any case do not exceed 1 cm, the product is laid in stripes a few centimetres long, parallel to the sides of the insulating sheet and, in the centre, some dots with a diameter of approximately 5-10 cm (see fig. 2).

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

024 greutherm | Insulation boards application

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greu | Insulation boards application 025

The insulating sheets must be applied to the wall from top to bot-tom, with staggered joints, ensuring that there are no gaps betwe-en the sheet edges (see fig. 3 and 4). After the sheet has been pres-sed against the wall, the adhesive must cover at least 40% of the entire surface (considering both the material on the support and that on the sheet) In corners, sheets must be alternated in order to guarantee absorbing tensions (see fig. 3). Unavoidable fissures must be closed by inserting equivalent insulating material, such as polyurethane foam greutherm SP 100 (fig. 5)

N.B. Immediately remove any adhesive mortar traces that may have ended up between the sheet joints or in the gaps, without leaving residues to prevent the formation of thermal bridges.

Fig. 3

Fig. 5

Fig. 4

Fig. 1 | normal fixing (less then 8 mt)

Fig. 2 | reinforced fixing (less then 20 mt)

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

026 greutherm | Insulation boards fixing

Then tap the sheets with a wooden or plastic plasterer’s trowel to ensure they adhere as much as possible to the support. In addition, check often the flatness of the entire surface with a straight edge and, if not flat, smooth it to prepare the area for the subsequent cycle: finishing.

Mechanical fixingOnce the adhesive has hardened, approximately 1 day, proceed with the mechanical fixing of the panels, which is carried out using specific anchors with an anchoring depth of at least 4 cm.

The length and diameter of the anchors vary depending on the type of load bearing support and insulating material to be fixed. The anchors disc presses the insulating sheet against the support, whilst the stem adheres to the support itself.

The quantity of anchors depends on the height and position (cen-tral area, edges) and can go from 6 to 8 per m² depending on height. These should be applied as illustrated in fig. 1, 2 and 3.

greutherm Fischer PN

greutherm Fischer CF

Fig. 3 | reinforced fixing (higher than 20 mt)

Fig. 4 | rock wool panels fixing

The Mineral Wool insulation panels in greutherm Mineral Wool insulation system have to be fixed as shown in fig. 4.Use always with the anchors a specific disk called Fischer DT90which improves and increases the surface pressure.

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greu | Insulation boards fixing 027

Mechanical fixing

In correspondence with the corners of windows and doors, it is ne-

cessary to work with reinforcements to the shearing strength with

diagonal reinforcements that need to be covered in the plasterwork

and fixed to the insulating panels before the reinforcement is instal-

led and before surface finishing, so that the edge of the mesh strip

is placed directly on the corner at approximately 45°. The size of the

mesh strips needs to be approximately 20 x 40 cm. Alternatively, you

may use greutherm reinforcement angles for parapets (fig. 1

and 2). In all corners it is necessary to install, with adhesive mortar,

the relevant greutherm mesh angles, taking care to use, in

the points where rainwater drains away, the relevant greutherm

PVC angle with drip mesh and visible edge.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

028 greutherm | Reinforcement angles and fitting

greu reinforcement angles with mesh

Fig. 1

Fig. 2




l ®




l ®




l ®

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Base coat and fibre glass mesh 029

greu mesh 150

Once the insulating layers are installed, you must wait at least 2 – 7

days (depending on weather conditions) for the finishing and then

inserting the reinforcement mesh.

Proceed with finishing with a toothed metal knife. Starting from

the top and going towards the bottom, insert fully the greu-

therm mesh 150 reinforcement mesh in alkali-resistant fibre

glass, overlapping it between one strip and the next by at least 10

cm. Average consumption is 1.5 kg/ m² per 1 mm of thickness. For

areas that may receive shocks, it is possible to use two mesh layers

as reinforcements. cm 10

GreuRasoPlus1° coat

030 greutherm | Base coat and fibre glass mesh

Once the operation is finished, it needs to dry for at least 2 days. Then proceed with the second coat of GreuRaso Plus finishing coat using a steel smooth knife, in order to completely cover the reinforcement mesh. N.B. In correspondence with corners, lay the fibre glass mesh on the entire wall and on the door/window opening, flattening it into the reinforcement mortar. With a sharp knife go along the corner of the intrados, cutting the reinforcement mesh at a 45° angle. At the intrados’ external corners, cut the reinforcement mesh carefully and precisely.

2° coat GreuRaso Plus

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Finishing coats application 031

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

PrimerAcrilPrimerIsolante LGGreuSiloxan PrimerPrimerOcram

After the finishing coat has completely hardened, approximately 5 – 7 days, proceed with applying the primer Isolante LG, Pri-merOcram, AcrilPrimer, GreuSiloxan Primer with wool roll and/or flat brush. Then, after at least 1 day, apply the decorative finish coat Serie Lerici, GreuSil, GreuSiloxan Color or Greu-Silsan. Lay the finish in the granulometry you have selected, then structure it with the help of suitable tools (plastic or steel plaste-rer’s trowel).

Decorative finishing coatSerie LericiGreuSiloxan ColorGreuSilGreuSilsan

l greutherm | Items

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

034 greutherm | Items

greutherm aluminium angle greutherm under-windowsillgreutherm aluminium starting profiles with drip length

greutherm aluminium angle bar with fibre glass mesh

greutherm PVC plus dilation joint

greutherm PVC angle with fibre glass mesh with “break drop” (with an adhesive strip)

greutherm reinforcement angles for parapets

greutherm PVC angle bar with fibre glass mesh

greutherm PVC angle with fibre glass mesh with “break drop”

greutherm | Items 035

greutherm SP100 polyurethane foam + dispension gun

greutherm disk Fischer DT90

greutherm cutter 1000 greutherm cutter 100

greutherm 150 alkali resistant fibre-glass mesh

greutherm band

greutherm cutter 500

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

036 greutherm | Accessories

Even the smallest heat bridges can cause the formation of water condensation or mould in cladding systems. The licata+greutol offer is its new “Accessories” line: elements for anchorage to walls coated with greutherm .They allow both light and heavy elements to be fixed onto any cladding thickness such as: lights, railing, awnings, roofing, air conditioners and so on. Assembly, easy and safe, of the various accessories allows time saving and prevents breakages and expensive repairs, preserving the integrity of greutherm.

greutherm Disk greutherm Cylinder greutherm Cylinder Pu greutherm Cube Pu

greutherm | Accessories 037

greutherm Disk

greutherm Disk washers are formed of a plate made of phenolic resin glued into a wa-sher in EPS or polypropylene.

greutherm Cylinder

greutherm Cylinder assembly cylinders are made of EPS, specifically heavy-weight or of plastic, with wavy sheathed surface. They are available in two different diameters.

greutherm Cylinder Pu

greutherm Cylinder Pu assembly cylinders are made of putrid proof rigid foam in EPS or of polyurethane,specifically heavy-weight. They are available in two different diameters.

greutherm Cube Pu

greutherm Cube Pu are made of putrid pro-of rigid foam in EPS or polyurethane, specifi-cally heavy-weight.They are available in two different diameters.


Curtain guides Light panels Temperature sensor Pipe clamps ermi per imposte


Pipe clamps Window stops Hat stands Bins Stop screws for


Window stops Advertising panels Small leading lights Pipe clamps Hat stands


Window stops Advertising panels Pipe clamps Hat stands

l greutherm | Diagrams



rasatura armata



profilo di base

cordolo di tamponamento

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

040 greutherm | Diagrams

Skirting board with profile start



rasatura armata



profilo di base

cordolo di tamponamento

AdhesiveInsulation panelReinforced coat

Finishing coat


Starting profile

Panel edging


Starting profile

Panel edging


licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Diagrams 041

Skirting board with XPS sheet



rasatura armata


zoccolo in xps


AdhesiveInsulation panelReinforced coat

Finishing coat


Skirting board with XPS

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

042 greutherm | Diagrams

Straight fitted skirting board with insulated underground area



rasatura armata


zoccolo in xps






AdhesiveInsulation panelReinforced coat

Finishing coat



Skirting board with XPS

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Diagrams 043

Staggered fitted skirting board with insulated underground area



rasatura armata


profilo di raccordoprofilo di baseguarnizione adesiva

zoccolo in xps




Insulation panel

Reinforced coatFinishing coat



Profile jointStarting profileAdhesive seal

Skirting board with XPS



rasatura armata


profilo di raccordoprofilo di baseguarnizione adesiva

zoccolo in xps



Profile joint

Starting profile

Adhesive seal


licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

044 greutherm | Diagrams

Detail of window/section

guarnizione adesiva



rasatura armata



guarnizione adesiva


Insulation panel

Insulation panel

Reinforced coat

Finishing coat

Adhesive seal

Adhesive seal

guarnizione adesiva



rasatura armata




AdhesiveInsulation panel

Insulation panel

Reinforced coat

Finishing coat

Adhesive seal

Edge beam

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Diagrams 045

Detail of window

guarnizione adesiva

profilo sottofinestra



rasatura armata



Under profile

Insulation panel

Reinforced coat

Finishing coat

Adhesive seal

guarnizione adesiva

profilo sottofinestra



rasatura armata


Under profile

Adhesive seal


licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

046 greutherm | Diagrams

Expansion joint/angular expansion joint



rasatura armata


giunto di dilatazione

guarnizione adesiva



Insulation panel

Insulation panel

Reinforced coat

Finishing coat

Adhesive seal

Dilation join



rasatura armata


giunto di dilatazione

guarnizione adesiva



Insulation panel

Insulation panel

Reinforced coat

Finishing coat

Adhesive seal

Dilation join

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

guarnizione adesiva



rasatura armata




Reinforced coat

Finishing coat

Adhesive seal

greutherm | Diagrams 047

Roof fitting

guarnizione adesiva



rasatura armata


Adhesive seal


licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

048 greutherm | Diagrams

Fitting with protruding wall



rasatura armata


profilo di raccordo

profilo di base

profilo di copertura

guarnizione adesiva


Insulation panel

Reinforced coat

Finishing coat

Profile join

Starting profile

Cover profile

Adhesive seal



rasatura armata


profilo di raccordo

profilo di base

profilo di copertura

guarnizione adesiva

Profile join

Starting profile

Cover profile

Adhesive seal


licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Diagrams 049

Position of the mesh in the adhesive






1/2 1/2



Fibre glass mesh

Fibre glass mesh

Finishing coat






2/3 1/3



Fibre glass mesh

Fibre glass mesh

Finishing coat

l greu | Schede tecniche dei componenti

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

052 greutherm | GreuRaso Plus



Product’s physical state/Colour Use Application

Powder grey/white

External Internal Notched trowel – Stainless steel trowel – Spray equipment

GreuRaso Plus is a mineral fibre-reinforced cement based powder, consi-sting of selected fine grained sands, polymers and special additives. Easily mixed with water on the job site, creamy smooth consistency, with excel-lent adhesion, increases durability and freeze/thaw resistance, etc are only some of the GreuRaso Plus benefits. It is used as an adhesive and base coat for insulating panels such as EPS, Neopor, XPS (with improved adhe-rence without skin), oak, mineral wood, etc. and in the thermal insulation system greutherm.

Fields of useThe product can be applied to a large part of concrete supports, concrete, plastered surfaces, prefabricated concrete panels, insulating expanded po-lystyrene sheets, extrusions with improved adherence without skin, fibre-glass, rock wool, cork, mineral fibre panels. It is also used in greutherm thermal insulation systems to fill reinforcement structures and at the same time to protect the carbonation of the concrete and pre-fabricated ele-ments, mixed concrete-lime plasterwork, premixed polystyrene insulating and thermal plaster, perlite, cork, etc.

Do not apply the product on old organic paintwork, inconsistent, degraded or crumbling supports. Do not apply the product on fresh or particularly alkaline supports; comply with a minimum carbonation period of at least four weeks.Critical supports should be submitted to a dedicated suitability asses-sment beforehand.

ApplicationThe application support must be well dry and seasoned, clean, consistent, free from dust and oily substances, with no humidity and salts. Add to GreuRaso Plus 24% of water (approx. 6 l) for 25 kg bag, mix with the appropriate rust-free electric drill at low speed, until you obtain the re-quired consistency. Allow to set approx. five minutes and then mix again.

As adhesive: apply GreuRaso Plus on the whole surface of the back of the panel with the appropriate size notched trowel or forming an uniform rib-bons of adhesive parallel to the long and short dimension of the insulation panel with two-three dabs in the centre.Immediately install the board horizontally with staggered joints and apply firm pressure over the entire board surface.To skim surfaces as base coat for concrete or concrete-base plasterwork, apply with a stainless steel trowel the necessary coats. As base and skim coat for insulating panels, apply 2 coats of GreuRaso Plus with a stainless steel trowel: the first one to insert the greutherm rete 150 alkali-resisting fibreglass mesh by troweling from the center to the edges of the mesh, in vertical strips and overlapping it at joins by at least 10 cm. Avoid wrinkles in the mesh and smooth the base coat to eliminate trowel marks. Apply a second coat, covering the mesh at least 24 hours after the first coat, finish with a trowel until you achieve a per-fectly flat surface; average consumption is 1.5 kg/m² for 1 mm thickness. Minimum recommended thickness of the reinforced base coat is 1.5 mm when dry. Reapply additional base coat if necessary to achieve minimum thickness as soon as the first application is dry.

Coloured finishing coat shall be carried out at least one week later, with the application of acrylic, silicate or siloxanes, etc, by following the relative application methods.

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | GreuRaso Plus 053

Advices• Product for professional use• Do not apply on frozen or defrosting supports.• Protect against direct exposure to the sun and rain for the first 48-72 hours. The effective temperature and humidity rate

of the air may accelerate or decelerate the drying process.• Protect eyes and skin during application.• After use, wash tools in water.

Safety For information regarding the proper disposal, storage and handling of the product, please consult the material Safety Data Sheet.

NotesThe licata+greutol always subjects its own products to qualitative controls. The information indicated in this schedule, though correspon-ding to present knowledge and experience, are simply indicative and therefore, to verify with particle application, before using the product, the user must check it’s suitability and take on any responsibility that may result with its use. The licata+greutol reserves the right to make technical modifications without any notice.Rif. scheda: 157/10




Time before applying second coatApplication temperature

Storage and conservation


TECHNICAL DATASpecific weight (UNI EN 1015-10)

PHResistance to compression at 28 days

(UNI EN 1015-11)Resistance to bending at 28 days

Static modulus of elasticity (ETAG 004)Static modulus of elasticity artificially aged

by the hydrothermal test (ETAG 004) Tensile strength after 28 days ( ETAG 004)

Tensile strength artificially aged by the hydrothermal test (ETAG 004)

Elongation at break (ETAG 004) Coefficient of diffusion to steam

(UNI EN 1745:2002) Water absorption (for the ETICS Greutherm)

Heat conductivity (UNI EN 1745:2002 λ10,dry)Heat capacity (UNI EN 1745:2002)

Freeze-thaw behaviour (ETAG 004) Fire behaviour

< 0,5 mm < 0,8 mm < 1,2 mmAs adhesive coat (on the whole surface of the panel): 4,0 – 6,0 Kg/m²As adhesive coat (in dabs and ribbons) : 3,0 – 4,0 Kg/m²As base coat: 4,0 – 5,0 Kg/m²approx. 24% water (6 l per 25 kg bag)3 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidity1 week at 20°C and 70% relative humidity+5°C and + 35°CThe product conserved in its original and whole packaging, at a temperature ranging from +5°C and + 30°C, away from humidity, shall remain stable for about 6 months (grey) and 12 months (white).25 kg bags – 1000 kg big-bag

1.300 kg/m³≈ 129,5 N/mm²

3,0 N/mm²1.300 N/mm² approx.9.190 N/mm² approx. 1,54 N/mm² approx.1,98 N/mm² approx.

0,22%μ ≤ 20 approx.

< 0,5 kg/m² 24 hours0,38 W/mK (tabule value)1 KJ/kgKno cracks, no blistering, no damage/degradationClass A1

Rasoterm is a synthetic polymer-based plastic adhesive and base coat with optimal adhesive characteristics, ideal for reinforced fini-shing coats and to glue insulating panels in expanded and extru-ded polystyrene with improved adherence without skin, glass wool, rock wool, cork and mineral fibre panels; elastic, flexible, with opti-mal workability, it is ideal in greutherm thermal insulation systems, to be mixed with Portland 32.5 cement. It is indicated for cracked façades and thermal insulation systems, it ensures a good adhesive and reinforced finish action.

Fields of useThe product can be applied to a large part of concrete supports, concrete, plastered surfaces, prefabricated concrete panels, insula-tion expanded polystyrene sheets, extrusions with improved adhe-rence without skin, fibreglass, rock wool, cork, mineral fibre panels and thermal insulation systems greutherm.Do not apply the product on old organic paintwork, inconsistent, degraded or crumbling supports. Do not apply the product on fresh or particularly alkaline supports; comply with a minimum carbona-tion period of at least four weeks.Critical supports should be submitted to a dedicated suitability as-sessment beforehand.

ApplicationThe application support must be well dry and seasoned, clean, consi-stent, free from dust and oily substances, with no humidity and salts. Surface must be primed with primer Isolante LG, PrimerOcram, ecc. Rasoterm is to be mixed with Portland 32.5 cement with a ratio of 1:0.3 in volume (1 bucket of Rasoterm with ¼ of a 25 kg bag of Portland 32.5 cement). It should then be stirred with a slow drill bit for at least 5 minutes. Apply the product using a stainless steel trowel, in a homogenous and continuous manner.

The product can be covered with a decorative finish coat after at least 5 days in normal conditions; in any case the drying is strongly affected by weather conditions.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

056 greutherm | Rasoterm

Product’s physical state/Colou Use Application


Stainless Steel Trowel - Plastic Trowel External Internal


licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Rasoterm 057

SafetyFor information regarding the proper disposal, storage and handling of the product, please consult thematerial Safety Data Sheet.

Advices• Product for professional use.• Do not apply on frozen or defrosting supports.• Protect against direct exposure to the sun and rain for the first 48-72 hours. The effective temperature and humidity rate of the air may accelerate or decelerate the drying process.• Protect eyes and skin during application.• After use, wash tools in water.

NoteThis technical data sheet replaces and annuls any and all previous versions.The above indication and instructions are based on our current technical-scientific knowledge, which in any case are to be intended as purely indicative, as we are unable to control the conditions of use. Therefore, buyers must in any case check that products are suitable for their specific cases, taking any and all responsibilities arising from use. Our technical-sales network ensures rapid advice and is at your disposal for any clarifications and questions on the use and processing of the licata+greutol products.Sheet ref. 157/10

PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSThickness of the grain/Yield

MixingDrying time

Time before applying second coatApplication temperature

Storage and conservation



Specific weightDry content in %

PhBrookfield viscosity

Tensile strength FP (UNI EN 1015-12) Resistance to bending

VOC expressedin grams/Litre for finish coats

class A/c, 40 g/L (2010

0,5 mmAs adhesive coat (on the whole surface of the panel): 2,0 – 3,0 kg/m²As adhesive coat (in dabs and ribbons) : 2,0 – 2,5 kg/m²As base coat: 2,5 – 3,0 kg/m²-3-4 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidity1 week at 20°C and 70% relative humidityBetween +5° C and +30° CThe product conserved in it’s original and whole packaging (at a temperature ranging from +5°C to + 30°C), protect from extreme heat, freezing and direct sunlight, shall remain stable for about 12 months25 Kg pail

acrylic resins 1,650 Kg/Ltapprox. 75≈ 7-880.000 cps at 20° C1,8-B N/mm²3,1 N/mm²< 30 g/l (in accordance with European directive 2004/42/CE for 2010)

Product’s physical state/Colou Use Application


Stainless Steel Trowel - Plastic Trowel External Internal

Rasoterm1:1 is a synthetic polymer-based plastic adhesive and base coat with optimal adhesive characteristics, ideal for reinforced finishing coats and to glue insulating panels in expanded and extru-ded polystyrene with improved adherence without skin, glass wool, rock wool, cork and mineral fibre panels; elastic, flexible, with opti-mal workability, it is ideal in greutherm thermal insulation systems, to be mixed with Portland 32.5 cement. It is indicated for cracked façades and thermal insulation systems, it ensures a good adhesive and reinforced finish action.

Fields of useThe product can be applied to a large part of concrete supports, concrete, plastered surfaces, prefabricated concrete panels, insula-tion expanded polystyrene sheets, extrusions with improved adhe-rence without skin, fibreglass, rock wool, cork, mineral fibre panels and thermal insulation systems greutherm.Do not apply the product on old organic paintwork, inconsistent, degraded or crumbling supports. Do not apply the product on fresh or particularly alkaline supports; comply with a minimum carbona-tion period of at least four weeks.Critical supports should be submitted to a dedicated suitability as-sessment beforehand.

ApplicationThe application support must be well dry and seasoned, clean, consi-stent, free from dust and oily substances, with no humidity and salts. Surface must be primed with primer Isolante LG, PrimerOcram, ecc. Rasoterm1:1 is to be mixed with Portland 32.5 cement with a ratio of 1:1 in volume (1 bucket of Rasoterm 1:1 with 18/20 kg of Portland 32.5 cement). It should then be stirred with a slow drill bit for at least 5 minutes. Apply the product using a stainless steel trowel, in a homogenous and continuous manner.

The product can be covered with a decorative finish coat after at least 5 days in normal conditions; in any case the drying is strongly affected by weather conditions.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

058 greutherm | Rasoterm1:1


licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Rasoterm1:1 059

SafetyFor information regarding the proper disposal, storage and handling of the product, please consult thematerial Safety Data Sheet.

Advices• Product for professional use.• Do not apply on frozen or defrosting supports.• Protect against direct exposure to the sun and rain for the first 48-72 hours. The effective temperature and humidity rate of the air may accelerate or decelerate the drying process.• Protect eyes and skin during application.• After use, wash tools in water.

NoteThis technical data sheet replaces and annuls any and all previous versions.The above indication and instructions are based on our current technical-scientific knowledge, which in any case are to be intended as purely indicative, as we are unable to control the conditions of use. Therefore, buyers must in any case check that products are suitable for their specific cases, taking any and all responsibilities arising from use. Our technical-sales network ensures rapid advice and is at your disposal for any clarifications and questions on the use and processing of the licata+greutol products.

Sheet ref. 157/10

PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSThickness of the grain/Yield

MixingDrying time

Time before applying second coatApplication temperature

Storage and conservation



Specific weightDry content in %

PhBrookfield viscosity

Tensile strength FP (UNI EN 1015-12) Resistance to bending

VOC expressedin grams/Litre for finish coats

class A/c, 40 g/L (2010)

0,5 mmAs adhesive coat (on the whole surface of the panel): 2,0 – 2,5 kg/m²As adhesive coat (in dabs and ribbons) : 2,0 – 2,5 kg/m²As base coat: 2,0 – 2,5 kg/m²-3-4 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidity1 week at 20°C and 70% relative humidityBetween +5° C and +30° CThe product conserved in it’s original and whole packaging (at a temperature ranging from +5°C to + 30°C), protect from extreme heat, freezing and direct sunlight, shall remain stable for about 12 months25 Kg pail

acrylic resins 1,250 Kg/Ltapprox. 75≈ 7-850.000 cps at 20° C2,0-B N/mm²3,5 N/mm²< 30 g/l (in accordance with European directive 2004/42/CE for 2010)

greutherm rete 150 (certificato secondo ETAG 004) e 200 in fibra di vetro ed alcali resistente, soddisfa i massimi requisiti in materia di sicurezza anticrepe e resistenza agli urti.

Campi d’impiego: Interno ed esterno

Modalità di applicazioneMontati le lastre isolante e asciugatosi il collante, si può procedere per la rasatura e annegamento della rete di armatura. Procedere alla rasatura con spatola metallica dentata.Partendo dall’alto verso il basso, inserire e annegare la rete d’arma-tura greutherm rete 150 e 200 in fibra di vetro alcali-resistente, sovrapponendo tra una striscia e l’altra almeno 10 cm. Nelle zone soggette ad urti, si può armare con un doppio strato di rete.

Ad operazione finita il tutto deve asciugare per almeno 2 giorni. Procedere quindi alla seconda mano di rasante GreuRasoPlus con spatola d’acciaio non dentata in modo da coprire completamente la rete d’armatura

N.B. In corrispondenza degli spigoli, stendere la rete in fibra di vetro su tutta la parete e sull’apertura (porta / finestra) allettandola nella malta di armatura. Con un coltello affilato passare lungo lo spigolo dell’intradosso tagliando la rete di armatura con un angolo di 45°. Agli angoli esterni dell’intradosso tagliare la rete di armatura con cura e precisione.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

072 greutherm rete 150 e 200 in fibra di vetro

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm rete 150 e 200 in fibra di vetro 072

Dati tecnici rete 150

Descrizione Unità di misura Valore Normativa

Dati tecnici rete 200

Descrizione Unità di misura Valore Normativa

Raccomandazioni• Evitare la formazione di piegature e/o bolle durante l’applicazione della rete.• Proteggere dai raggi UV, umidità e pioggia battente.

Le informazioni contenute nella presente scheda tecnica sono desunte dalle informazioni fornite dal produttore. La casa produttrice si riserva di apportare modifiche e variazioni dovute ad esigenze tecniche senza alcun preavviso.

Massa areica (rete apprettata)



Allungamento alla rottura

Carico di rottura a trazione:

• Ordito

• Trama

Spessore medio tessuto apprettato

Dimensioni nominali maglie

Larghezza nominale

Lunghezze bobine standard




N / 5 cm

N / 5 cm





150 ± 5%

Alkali resistente

3.5 ± 1.5

≥ 2000

≥ 1750

0.45 ± 0.04

4,2 x 5,5

100 ± 1


UNI 9311/4

UNI 9311/5

UNI 9311/5

UNI 9311/5

UNI 9311/3

UNI 9311/2

UNI 9311/2

Confezione Bobine in foglio individuale di PE, poste su bancale, il tutto avvolto in PE estensibile; con coperchio di legno

Resistente agli alcali del cemento

Massa areica (rete apprettata)



Allungamento alla rottura

Carico di rottura a trazione:

• Ordito

• Trama

Spessore medio tessuto apprettato

Dimensioni nominali maglie

Larghezza nominale

Lunghezze bobine standard




N / 5 cm

N / 5 cm





200 ± 5%

Alkali resistente

3.5 ± 1.5

≥ 2500

≥ 2000

0.65 ± 0.06

6,6 x 7,1

100 ± 1


UNI 9311/4

UNI 9311/5

UNI 9311/5

UNI 9311/5

UNI 9311/3

UNI 9311/2

UNI 9311/2

Confezione Bobine in foglio individuale di PE, poste su bancale, il tutto avvolto in PE estensibile; con coperchio di legno

Resistente agli alcali del cemento

Isolante LG is a universal primer that can be pigmented, an ac-rylic and quartz polymer-based preparation coat. With a gripping function, Isolante LG is particularly effective as base coat for supports to standardise in colour and absorption, to consolidate and prepare for the subsequent application of paste wall decorati-ve finish coats. Available in white and various Greusystemcolors exterior colours.

Fields of useThe product can be applied to a large part of concrete supports, concrete, plastered surfaces, prefabricated concrete panels, ther-mal insulation systems greutherm.Do not apply the product on old organic paintwork, inconsistent, degraded or crumbling supports. Do not apply the product on fresh or particularly alkaline supports; comply with a minimum carbona-tion period of at least four weeks.Critical supports should be submitted to a dedicated suitability as-sessment beforehand.

ApplicationThe application support must be well dry and seasoned, clean, con-sistent, free from dust and oily substances, with no humidity and salts. Before working , mix the product with a clean, rust-free electric drill. A small amount of clean water may be added (max 10%). Then apply with brush or roller one coat of Isolante LG - to con-solidate and uniform substrate’s absorption and if tinted, to match the finish coating.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

074 greutherm | Isolante LG

Product’s physical state/Colour Use Application

Paste/ white and our colour chart

Greusystemcolors Exterior



e x t e r i o r

Rivestimenti e pitture per esterni per usoprofessionale


External Internal Brush Roller

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Isolante LG 075

SafetyFor information regarding the proper disposal, storage and handling of the product, please consult thematerial Safety Data Sheet.

Advices• Product for professional use.• Do not apply on frozen or defrosting supports.• Protect against direct exposure to the sun and rain for the first 48-72 hours. The effective temperature and humidity rate of the air may accelerate or decelerate the drying process.• Protect eyes and skin during application.• After use, wash tools in water.

• Always check the material before application to ensure that the colour is correct. Any complaints concerning colour shall not be accepted after application. • It is not possible to ensure drying without any colour differences (stains) given:

- the difference in weather and physical conditions of a building- the correspondence of a scaffold- the conditions of the underlay (such as structure, absorption power, etc.)- the use of natural raw materials

• To prevent any colour differences, large surface should be realised only with products from the same batch.rtita. • All subsequent orders should be highlighted as “continuation”, specifying the date of the first order.

NoteThis technical data sheet replaces and annuls any and all previous versions.The above indication and instructions are based on our current technical-scientific knowledge, which in any case are to be intended as purely indicative, as we are unable to control the conditions of use. Therefore, buyers must in any case check that products are suitable for their specific cases, taking any and all responsibilities arising from use. Our technical-sales network ensures rapid advice and is at your disposal for any clarifications and questions on the use and processing of the licata+greutol products.Sheet ref. 157/10

PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSThickness of the grain/Yield

DilutionDrying time to touch

Time before applying second coatApplication temperature

Storage and conservation



Specific weightDry content in %

PhBrookfield viscosity

VOC expressedin grams/Litre for primers

class A/g, 30 g/L (2010)

< 400 micron approx.approx. 0,250 Kg/m²* Coverage may vary depending on surface conditions and absorption.ready to use/ max 10% of clean water may be added 2 - 3 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidityapprox. 24 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidityBetween +5° C and +30° CThe product conserved in it’s original and whole packaging (at a temperature ranging from +5°C to + 30°C), protect from extreme heat, freezing and direct sunlight, shall remain stable for about 12 months.20 kg Pail

acrylic resins1,250 kg/ltapprox. 639,03.800 cps at 20° C< 30 g/l (in accordance with European directive 2004/42/CE for 2010)

Product’s physical state/Colour Use Application

Paste/ white and our colour chart

Greusystemcolors Exterior

External Internal Brush Roller

PrimerOcram is a potassium silicate-based primer that can be pig-mented (compliant with standard DIN 18363), ready for use. It consolidates the support, decreases and standardises the supports’ absorption, indicated for the subsequent application of paste de-corative finish coats such as GreuSil, Greusilsan and Antiqua. Available in various Greusystemcolors exterior colours.

Fields of useThe product can be applied to a large part of concrete supports, concrete, plastered surfaces, prefabricated concrete panels, ther-mal insulation systems greutherm.Do not apply the product on old organic paintwork, inconsistent, degraded or crumbling supports. Do not apply the product on fresh or particularly alkaline supports; comply with a minimum carbona-tion period of at least four weeks.Critical supports should be submitted to a dedicated suitability as-sessment beforehand.

ApplicationThe application support must be well dry and seasoned, clean, con-sistent, free from dust and oily substances, with no humidity and salts. Before working , mix the product with a clean, rust-free electric drill. A small amount of clean water may be added (max 10%). Then apply with brush or roller one coat of Primer Ocram - to con-solidate and uniform substrate’s absorption and if tinted, to match the finish coating.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

076 greutherm | PrimerOcram

e x t e r i o r

Rivestimenti e pitture per esterni per usoprofessionale


licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | PrimerOcram 077

SafetyFor information regarding the proper disposal, storage and handling of the product, please consult thematerial Safety Data Sheet.

Advices• Product for professional use.• Do not apply on frozen or defrosting supports.• Protect against direct exposure to the sun and rain for the first 48-72 hours. The effective temperature and humidity rate of the air may accelerate or decelerate the drying process.• Protect eyes and skin during application.• After use, wash tools in water.

NoteThis technical data sheet replaces and annuls any and all previous versions.The above indication and instructions are based on our current technical-scientific knowledge, which in any case are to be intended as purely indicative, as we are unable to control the conditions of use. Therefore, buyers must in any case check that products are suitable for their specific cases, taking any and all responsibilities arising from use. Our technical-sales network ensures rapid advice and is at your disposal for any clarifications and questions on the use and processing of the licata+greutol products.Sheet ref. 157/100

PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSThickness of the grain/Yield

DilutionDrying time to touch

Time before applying second coatApplication temperature

Storage and conservation



Specific weightDry content in %

PhBrookfield viscosity

VOC expressedin grams/Litre for primers

class A/g, 30 g/L (2010)

< 150 micronapprox. 0,250 Kg/m²* Coverage may vary depending on surface conditions and absorption.ready to use/ max 10% of clean water may be added 2 - 3 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidityapprox. 24 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidityBetween +5° C and +30° CThe product conserved in it’s original and whole packaging (at a temperature ranging from +5°C to + 30°C), protect from extreme heat, freezing and direct sunlight, shall remain stable for about 6 months.20 kg Pail

potassium silicate1,100 kg/ltapprox. 63≈11-122.800 cps at 20° C< 30 g/l (in accordance with European directive 2004/42/CE for 2010)

Product’s physical state/Colour Use Application

Paste/ white and our colour chart

Greusystemcolors Exterior

External Internal Brush Roller


078 greutherm | AcrilPrimer

Acrilprimer è un primer trasparente fissativo a base polimeri acri-lici. Idoneo al trattamento per impregnazione della maggior parte dei supporti porosi usati in edilizia e particolarmente efficace per consolidare ed idrofobizzare in profondità supporti friabili o molto assorbenti. Indicato per la successiva applicazione di rivestimenti.

Campi d’impiegoSi applica su una grande parte dei supporti cementizi come calce-struzzo, facciate intonacate, pannelli prefabbricati in calcestruzzo, lastre isolanti e sistemi di isolamento termico greutherm, può avere funzione anche di consolidamento di intonaci cementizi.Non applicare su vecchie pitture organiche, supporti inconsistenti, degradati e sfarinati. Non applicare su supporti freschi o particolar-mente alcalini, rispettare un periodo minimo di carbonatazione di almeno quattro settimane.I supporti critici vanno prima sottoposti ad una apposita verifica dell’idoneità.

Modalità di applicazioneIl supporto di applicazione deve essere ben asciutto e stagionato, pulito, consistente, privo di polvere e di sostanze oleose, senza umi-dità e sali. Il prodotto può essere diluito da 1 a 1 sino a 1 a 3 con acqua a seconda del tipo di intervento. Applicare il prodotto utilizzando pennello o rullo.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY



greutherm | AcrilPrimer 079

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

Raccomandazioni• Non applicare su supporti gelati o in disgelo.• Proteggere dai raggi diretti del sole e pioggia battente per le prime 48-72 ore. La temperatura effettiva ed il tasso di .....umidità dell’aria possono accelerare o rallentare l’essiccazione.• Proteggere gli occhi e la pelle durante l’applicazione.• Dopo l’uso del prodotto, lavare gli attrezzi con acqua.

Scheda di sicurezzaPer quanto riguarda le informazioni relative al coretto smaltimento, stoccaggio e manipolazione del prodotto, si prega di consultare la relativa Scheda di Sicurezza.

NoteLa presente scheda tecnica sostituisce ed annulla le precedenti versioni.Le indicazioni e prescrizioni sopra indicate, sono basate sulle nostre attuali conoscenze tecnico-scentifiche, che in ogni caso sono da rite-nersi puramente indicative, in quanto le condizioni d’impiego non sono da noi controllabili. Pertanto l’acquirente deve comunque verificare l’idoneità del prodotto al caso specifico, assumendosi ogni responsabilità derivante dall’uso. La nostra rete tecnico-commerciale garantisce una rapida consulenza ed è a vostra disposizione per chiarimenti e quesiti sull’impiego e la lavorazione dei prodotti licata+greutol.

Rif. scheda: 157/10



DiluizioneTempo di essicazione al tatto

Tempo di essicazione per ricoperturaConservazione



Peso specificoContenuti di solidi % in peso

PHViscosità Brookfield

Valore limite UE di COV (Direttiva 2004/42/CE) per primer (Cat A/g), 50 g/L (2007), 30

g/L (2010)

-ca. 0,100 – 0,150 l/m² * la resa può variare in base alle caratteristiche di ruvidità

e assorbimento dei supporti ed al sistema di applicazione adottato

da diluire con acqua in rapporto da 1:1 fino a 1:3 (Acrilprimer : acqua)1 ora ca. a +20°C e 70% di U.R.24 ore ca. a +20°C e 70% di prodotto conservato nella confezione originale ed intera, a temperatura tra +5°C e +30°C, possiede una stabilità di circa 12 mesi.tanica in polietilene da 1 l,5 l oppure 10 l

polimeri acrilici in dispersione acquosa1.000 g/l24 ca.≈ 7 - 8ca. 100 cps a 20°< 30g/L di COV

Product’s physical state/Colour Use Application


External Internal Brush Roller

SilPrimer is a potassium silicate-based transparent silication pro-moter, ready for use and compliant with standard DIN 18363.It decreases and standardises the support’s absorption without pre-venting the transmission of steam. Indicated for the subsequent ap-plication of potassium silicate-based paste decorative finish coats. Such as GreuSil, Greusilsan and Antiqua.As primer on very absorbent mineral supports or to homogenise the absorption characteristics of mineral supports and old load-bearing decorative finish coats, as well as to consolidate supports with crumbling surfaces.

Fields of useThe product can be applied to a large part of concrete supports, concrete, plastered surfaces, prefabricated concrete panels, ther-mal insulation systems greutherm.Do not apply the product on old organic paintwork, inconsistent, degraded or crumbling supports. Do not apply the product on fresh or particularly alkaline supports; comply with a minimum carbona-tion period of at least four weeks.Critical supports should be submitted to a dedicated suitability as-sessment beforehand.

ApplicationThe application support must be well dry and seasoned, clean, con-sistent, free from dust and oily substances, with no humidity and salts. Before working , mix the product with a clean, rust-free electric drill. Then apply with brush or roller one coat of SilPrimer - to im-pregnate supports to be reminalized and to consolidate and make friable and highly absorbent supports uniform.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

080 greutherm | SilPrimer


licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | SilPrimer 081

SafetyFor information regarding the proper disposal, storage and handling of the product, please consult thematerial Safety Data Sheet.

Advices• Product for professional use.• Do not apply on frozen or defrosting supports.• Protect against direct exposure to the sun and rain for the first 48-72 hours. The effective temperature and humidity rate of the air may accelerate or decelerate the drying process.• Protect eyes and skin during application.• After use, wash tools in water.

NoteThis technical data sheet replaces and annuls any and all previous versions.The above indication and instructions are based on our current technical-scientific knowledge, which in any case are to be intended as purely indicative, as we are unable to control the conditions of use. Therefore, buyers must in any case check that products are suitable for their specific cases, taking any and all responsibilities arising from use. Our technical-sales network ensures rapid advice and is at your disposal for any clarifications and questions on the use and processing of the licata+greutol products.Sheet ref. 157/10

PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSThickness of the grain/Yield

DilutionDrying time to touch

Time before applying second coatApplication temperature

Storage and conservation



Specific weightDry content in %

PhBrookfield viscosity

VOC expressedin grams/Litre for primers class A/g, 30 g/L (2010))

-approx. 01000 Lt/m²* Coverage may vary depending on surface conditions and absorptionready to use 1 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidityapprox. 24 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidityBetween +5° C and +30° CThe product conserved in it’s original and whole packaging (at a temperature ranging from +5°C to + 30°C), protect from extreme heat, freezing and direct sunlight, shall remain stable for about 6 months.16 Lt Drum

potassium silicate1,000 gr/Ltapprox. 24≈11150 cps at 20° C< 30 g/l (in accordance with European directive 2004/42/CE for 2010)


GreuSiloxan Primer è un primer speciale a base di polimeri acril-silossanici, con caratteristiche antisale e con un grado elevato di penetrazione, consente un ottimo consolidamento dei supporti contribuendo a prevenire la formazione di sali derivanti dall’umidità di risalita, pronto all’uso. Diminuisce ed uniforma l’assorbimento del supporto senza impedire la trasmissione del vapore acqueo. In-dicato per la successiva applicazione di rivestimenti in pasta a base silossanica.

Campi d’impiegoSi applica su una grande parte dei supporti cementizi come calce-struzzo, facciate intonacate, pannelli prefabbricati in calcestruzzo, lastre isolanti e sistemi di isolamento termico greutherm, può avere funzione anche di consolidamento di intonaci cementizi.Come primer per ridurre il potere assorbente di supporti minerali assorbenti/vecchi rivestimenti portanti assorbenti e contemporaneo trattamento idrofobo. Non utilizzabile su supporti contenenti gesso e su vecchie pitture organiche.Non applicare su supporti freschi o particolarmente alcalini, rispet-tare un periodo minimo di carbonatazione di almeno quattro set-timane.I supporti critici vanno prima sottoposti ad una apposita verifica dell’idoneità.

Modalità di applicazioneIl supporto di applicazione deve essere ben asciutto e stagionato, pulito, consistente, privo di polvere e di sostanze oleose, senza umi-dità e sali. Il prodotto è pronto all’uso. Dopo averlo mescolato accuratamente, applicare con pennello o rullo in una sola passata.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

082 greutherm | GreuSiloxan Primer

Aspetto/colore Uso Applicazione


esterno interno Pennello Rullo



licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | GreuSiloxan Primer 083

Raccomandazioni• Non applicare su supporti gelati o in disgelo.• Proteggere dai raggi diretti del sole e pioggia battente per le prime 48-72 ore. La temperatura effettiva ed il tasso di .....umidità dell’aria possono accelerare o rallentare l’essiccazione.• Proteggere gli occhi e la pelle durante l’applicazione.• Dopo l’uso del prodotto, lavare gli attrezzi con acqua.

Scheda di sicurezzaPer quanto riguarda le informazioni relative al corretto smaltimento, stoccaggio e manipolazione del prodotto, si prega di consultare la relativa Scheda di Sicurezza.

NoteLa presente scheda tecnica sostituisce ed annulla le precedenti versioni.Le indicazioni e prescrizioni sopra indicate, sono basate sulle nostre attuali conoscenze tecnico-scentifiche, che in ogni caso sono da rite-nersi puramente indicative, in quanto le condizioni d’impiego non sono da noi controllabili. Pertanto l’acquirente deve comunque verificare l’idoneità del prodotto al caso specifico, assumendosi ogni responsabilità derivante dall’uso. La nostra rete tecnico-commerciale garantisce una rapida consulenza ed è a vostra disposizione per chiarimenti e quesiti sull’impiego e la lavorazione dei prodotti licata+greutol.

Rif. scheda: 157/10



DiluizioneTempo di essicazione al tatto

Tempo di essicazione per ricoperturaTemperatura di applicazione




Peso specificoContenuti di solidi % in peso

PHViscosità Brookfield

Valore limite UE di COV (Direttiva 2004/42/CE) per primer (Cat A/g), 50 g/L (2007), 30

g/L (2010)

-ca. 0,100 – 0,150 l/m² * la resa può variare in base alle caratteristiche di ruvidità

e assorbimento dei supporti ed al sistema di applicazione adottato

pronto all’uso1 ora ca. a +20°C e 70% di U.R.24 ore ca. a +20°C e 70% di U.R.tra + 5°C e +30°C e 70% di prodotto conservato nella confezione originale ed intera, a temperatura tra +5°C e +30°C, possiede una stabilità di circa 12 mesi.tanica in polietilene da 10 l

polimeri acril-silossanici in dispersione acquosa1.000 g/l23 ca.≈ 7- 8ca. 120 cps a 20°< 30g/L di COV

Lerici is an acrylic polymer-based paste finishing coat in aqueous dispersion, ready for use. It boasts notable characteristics such as optimal adherence to the support, is particularly weather-proof, elastic and hydrophobic. A perfected granulometric curve allows all the structures of our decorative finishing coats to be done with ex-ceptional homogeneity. Optimal workability with an even smoother laying of the coat and high resistance to attacks from algae, fungi and mould with a wide action spectrum. These are all qualities in favour of Lerici being used in the greutherm thermal insulation system.Lerici is available in various granulometries and structures, in more than 450 Greusystemcolors exterior colours, in addition to a notable whiteness. The accurate selection of acrylic polymer and colorants ensures optimal durability, brightness and fullness of the colours.

Fields of useThe product can be applied to a large part of concrete supports, concrete, plastered surfaces, prefabricated concrete panels, ther-mal insulation systems greutherm.Do not apply the product on old organic paintwork, inconsistent, degraded or crumbling supports. Do not apply the product on fresh or particularly alkaline supports; comply with a minimum carbona-tion period of at least four weeks.Critical supports should be submitted to a dedicated suitability as-sessment beforehand.

ApplicationThe application support must be well dry and seasoned, clean, con-sistent, free from dust and oily substances, with no humidity and salts. Before working , mix the product with a clean, rust-free electric drill. Surface must be primed with primer Isolante LG, tinted to match the finish coating. Allow primer to dry. Then apply Lerici with a clean stainless steel trowel to a rough thickness slightly more than the largest aggregate size. Use the trowel to scrape the mate-rial down to a uniform thickness no greater than the largest aggre-gate size. Achieve final texture by floating with a plastic/stainless steel trowel in a figure eight motion.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

084 greutherm | Lerici

Product’s physical state/Colour Use Application

Paste/white and our colour chart

Greusystemcolors Exterior



e x t e r i o r

Rivestimenti e pitture per esterni per usoprofessionale


External Internal Stainless Stell Trowel - Plastic Trowel - Spray equipment

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | Lerici 085

SafetyFor information regarding the proper disposal, storage and handling of the product, please consult thematerial Safety Data Sheet.

Advices• Product for professional use.• Do not apply on frozen or defrosting supports.• Protect against direct exposure to the sun and rain for the first 48-72 hours. The effective temperature and humidity rate of the air may accelerate or decelerate the drying process.• Protect eyes and skin during application.• After use, wash tools in water.

• Always check the material before application to ensure that the colour is correct. Any complaints concerning colour shall not be accepted after application. • It is not possible to ensure drying without any colour differences (stains) given:

- the difference in weather and physical conditions of a building- the correspondence of a scaffold- the conditions of the underlay (such as structure, absorption power, etc.)- the use of natural raw materials

• To prevent any colour differences, large surface should be realised only with products from the same batch.rtita. • All subsequent orders should be highlighted as “continuation”, specifying the date of the first order.

NoteThis technical data sheet replaces and annuls any and all previous versions.The above indication and instructions are based on our current technical-scientific knowledge, which in any case are to be intended as purely indicative, as we are unable to control the conditions of use. Therefore, buyers must in any case check that products are suitable for their specific cases, taking any and all responsibilities arising from use. Our technical-sales network ensures rapid advice and is at your disposal for any clarifications and questions on the use and processing of the licata+greutol products.Sheet ref. 157/10

PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSThickness of the grain/Yield

DilutionDrying time to touch

Application temperatureStorage and conservation



Specific weightDry content in %

PhBrookfield viscosity

Dirt pick-up UNI 10792Equivalent air layer thickness (UNI EN 7783/2)Permeability of water vapour (UNI EN 7783/2)

Coefficient of water absorption (UNI EN 1062/3)Freeze-thaw resistance (ETAG 004)

VOC expressedin grams/Litre for primers

class A/g, 30 g/L (2010

g.fine 1,2 mm ap. 2,0 Kg/m² stippled 1,2 mm ap. 2,0 Kg/m² 1,5 mm ap. 2,6 Kg/m² stippled 1,5 mm ap. 2,6 Kg/m²g.grossa 2,0 mm ap. 3,2 Kg/m² stippled 2,0 mm ap. 3,2 Kg/m²stippled 1 mm ap. 1,7 Kg/m² scratched 2,0 mm ap. 2,5 Kg/m²* Coverage may vary depending on surface conditions and application technique.ready to use (a small amount of clean water may be added to aid workability) 2-3 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidityBetween +5° C and +30° CThe product conserved in it’s original and whole packaging (at a temperature ranging from +5°C to + 30°C), protect from extreme heat, freezing and direct sunlight, shall remain stable for about 12 months.25 Kg pail

acrylic resins 1,900 Kg/Ltapprox. 84≈9,055.000 cps at 20° Cdelta L = 2,30Sd = 0,3 - 0,8 m depending on the thickness of the grainμ = 300 - 400 approx. depending on the thickness of the grainW = 0,10 – 0,15 Kg/(m² * h0,5) depending on the thickness of the grainno cracks, no blistering, no damage/degradation< 30 g/l (in accordance with European directive 2004/42/CE for 2010)

Product’s physical state/Colour Use Application

Paste/white and our colour chart

Greusystemcolors Exterior

External Internal Stainless Stell Trowel - Plastic Trowel - Spray equipment

GreuSil is a mineral paste potassium silicate-based decorative fi-nish coat, ready for use. The result of the reaction between the po-tassium silicate and carbon dioxide in the air, the silication process leads to the formation of silica, which consolidates the support into which the potassium silicate has penetrated. The product complies with standard DIN 18363 and boasts excellent adhesion and con-solidation to the support (silication), hydrophobia, steam permeabi-lity and ease of application. GreuSil is available in various granulo-metries, structures and Greusystemcolors exterior colours, in addition to a good whiteness.

Fields of useThe product can be applied to a large part of concrete supports, concrete, plastered surfaces, prefabricated concrete panels, ther-mal insulation systems greutherm.Do not apply the product on old organic paintwork, inconsistent, degraded or crumbling supports. Do not apply the product on fresh or particularly alkaline supports; comply with a minimum carbona-tion period of at least four weeks.Critical supports should be submitted to a dedicated suitability as-sessment beforehand.

ApplicationThe application support must be well dry and seasoned, clean, con-sistent, free from dust and oily substances, with no humidity and salts. Before working , mix the product with a clean, rust-free electric drill. Surface must be primed with primer PrimerOcram or Isolan-te LG, tinted to match the finish coating. Allow primer to dry. Then apply GreuSil with a clean stainless steel trowel to a rough thick-ness slightly more than the largest aggregate size. Use the trowel to scrape the material down to a uniform thickness no greater than the largest aggregate size. Achieve final texture by floating with a plastic/stainless steel trowel in a figure eight motion.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

086 greutherm | GreuSil



e x t e r i o r

Rivestimenti e pitture per esterni per usoprofessionale


licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | GreuSil 087

SafetyFor information regarding the proper disposal, storage and handling of the product, please consult thematerial Safety Data Sheet.

Advices• Product for professional use.• Do not apply on frozen or defrosting supports.• Protect against direct exposure to the sun and rain for the first 48-72 hours. The effective temperature and humidity rate of the air may accelerate or decelerate the drying process.• Protect eyes and skin during application.• After use, wash tools in water.

• Always check the material before application to ensure that the colour is correct. Any complaints concerning colour shall not be accepted after application. • It is not possible to ensure drying without any colour differences (stains) given:

- the difference in weather and physical conditions of a building- the correspondence of a scaffold- the conditions of the underlay (such as structure, absorption power, etc.)- the use of natural raw materials

• To prevent any colour differences, large surface should be realised only with products from the same batch.rtita. • All subsequent orders should be highlighted as “continuation”, specifying the date of the first order.

NoteThis technical data sheet replaces and annuls any and all previous versions.The above indication and instructions are based on our current technical-scientific knowledge, which in any case are to be intended as purely indicative, as we are unable to control the conditions of use. Therefore, buyers must in any case check that products are suitable for their specific cases, taking any and all responsibilities arising from use. Our technical-sales network ensures rapid advice and is at your disposal for any clarifications and questions on the use and processing of the licata+greutol products.

Sheet ref. 157/10

PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSThickness of the grain/Yield

DilutionDrying time to touch

Application temperatureStorage and conservation



Specific weightDry content in %

PhBrookfield viscosity

Dirt pick-up UNI 10792Equivalent air layer thickness (UNI EN 7783/2)Permeability of water vapour (UNI EN 7783/2)

Coefficient of water absorption (UNI EN 1062/3)Freeze-thaw resistance (ETAG 004)

VOC expressedin grams/Litre for finish coat

class A/c, 40 g/L (2010)

g.fine 1,2 mm ap. 2,0 Kg/m² stippled 1,2 mm ap. 2,0 Kg/m² 1,5 mm ap. 2,6 Kg/m² stippled 1,5 mm ap. 2,6 Kg/m²g.grossa 2,0 mm ap. 3,2 Kg/m² stippled 2,0 mm ap. 3,2 Kg/m²stippled 1 mm ap. 1,7 Kg/m² scratched 2,0 mm ap. 2,5 Kg/m²* Coverage may vary depending on surface conditions and application technique.ready to use (a small amount of clean water may be added to aid workability) 2-3 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidityBetween +5° C and +30° CThe product conserved in it’s original and whole packaging (at a temperature ranging from +5°C to + 30°C), protect from extreme heat, freezing and direct sunlight, shall remain stable for about 6 months25 Kg pail

silicon resins and potassium silicate1,850 Kg/Ltapprox. 85≈ 11-1256.000 cps at 20° Cdelta L = 0,95Sd = 0,09 - 0,11 m depending on the thickness of the grainμ = 80 - 150 approx. depending on the thickness of the grainW = 0,06 – 0,11 Kg/(m² * h0,5) depending on the thickness of the grainno cracks, no blistering, no damage/degradation< 30 g/l (in accordance with European directive 2004/42/CE for 2010)

Product’s physical state/Colour Use Application

Paste/white and our colour chart

Greusystemcolors Exterior

External Internal Stainless Stell Trowel - Plastic Trowel - Spray equipment


Greusilsan is a silanised silicates polymer-based paste decorative finish coat, ready for use. The product boasts excellent adhesion, optimal water vapour permeability, low water absorption and ease of application. It is available in various granulometries, struc-tures and Greusystemcolors exterior colours, in addition to a good whiteness.

Fields of useThe product can be applied to a large part of concrete supports, concrete, plastered surfaces, prefabricated concrete panels, ther-mal insulation systems greutherm.Do not apply the product on old organic paintwork, inconsistent, degraded or crumbling supports. Do not apply the product on fresh or particularly alkaline supports; comply with a minimum carbona-tion period of at least four weeks.Critical supports should be submitted to a dedicated suitability assessment beforehand.

ApplicationThe application support must be well dry and seasoned, clean, con-sistent, free from dust and oily substances, with no humidity and salts. Before working , mix the product with a clean, rust-free electric drill. Surface must be primed with primer PrimerOcram or Iso-lante LG, tinted to match the finish coating. Allow primer to dry. Then apply GreuSilsan with a clean stainless steel trowel to a rou-gh thickness slightly more than the largest aggregate size. Use the trowel to scrape the material down to a uniform thickness no grea-ter than the largest aggregate size. Achieve final texture by floating with a plastic/stainless steel trowel in a figure eight motion.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

088 greutherm | GreuSilsan

e x t e r i o r

Rivestimenti e pitture per esterni per usoprofessionale

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | GreuSilan 089

SafetyFor information regarding the proper disposal, storage and handling of the product, please consult thematerial Safety Data Sheet.

Advices• Product for professional use.• Do not apply on frozen or defrosting supports.• Protect against direct exposure to the sun and rain for the first 48-72 hours. The effective temperature and humidity rate of the air may accelerate or decelerate the drying process.• Protect eyes and skin during application.• After use, wash tools in water.

• Always check the material before application to ensure that the colour is correct. Any complaints concerning colour shall not be accepted after application. • It is not possible to ensure drying without any colour differences (stains) given:

- the difference in weather and physical conditions of a building- the correspondence of a scaffold- the conditions of the underlay (such as structure, absorption power, etc.)- the use of natural raw materials

• To prevent any colour differences, large surface should be realised only with products from the same batch.rtita. • All subsequent orders should be highlighted as “continuation”, specifying the date of the first order.

NoteThis technical data sheet replaces and annuls any and all previous versions.The above indication and instructions are based on our current technical-scientific knowledge, which in any case are to be intended as purely indicative, as we are unable to control the conditions of use. Therefore, buyers must in any case check that products are suitable for their specific cases, taking any and all responsibilities arising from use. Our technical-sales network ensures rapid advice and is at your disposal for any clarifications and questions on the use and processing of the licata+greutol products.

Sheet ref. 157/10

PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSThickness of the grain/Yield

DilutionDrying time to touch

Application temperatureStorage and conservation



Specific weightDry content in %

PhBrookfield viscosity

Dirt pick-up UNI 10792Equivalent air layer thickness (UNI EN 7783/2)Permeability of water vapour (UNI EN 7783/2)

Coefficient of water absorption (UNI EN 1062/3)Freeze-thaw resistance (ETAG 004)

VOC expressedin grams/Litre for finish coat

class A/c, 40 g/L (2010))

g.fine 1,2 mm ap. 2,0 Kg/m² stippled 1,2 mm ap. 2,0 Kg/m² 1,5 mm ap. 2,6 Kg/m² stippled 1,5 mm ap. 2,6 Kg/m²g.grossa 2,0 mm ap. 3,2 Kg/m² stippled 2,0 mm ap. 3,2 Kg/m²stippled 1 mm ap. 1,7 Kg/m² scratched 2,0 mm ap. 2,5 Kg/m²* Coverage may vary depending on surface conditions and application technique.ready to use (a small amount of clean water may be added to aid workability) 2-3 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidityBetween +5° C and +30° CThe product conserved in it’s original and whole packaging (at a temperature ranging from +5°C to + 30°C), protect from extreme heat, freezing and direct sunlight, shall remain stable for about 6 months25 Kg pail

silicon resins and potassium silicate1,850 Kg/Ltapprox. 85≈ 1153.000 cps at 20° Cdelta L = 1,10Sd = 0,10 - 0,12 m depending on the thickness of the grainμ = 100 - 150 approx. depending on the thickness of the grainW = 0,07 – 0,11 Kg/(m² * h0,5) depending on the thickness of the grainno cracks, no blistering, no damage/degradation< 30 g/l (in accordance with European directive 2004/42/CE for 2010)

Product’s physical state/Colour Use Application

Paste/white and our colour chart

Greusystemcolors Exterior

External Internal Stainless Stell Trowel - Plastic Trowel - Spray equipment

GreuSiloxan Color is an acrylic-siloxane polymer-based paste finishing coat in aqueous dispersion, ready for use. The product boasts optimal mechanical resistance, optimal steam permeability, waterproofness with self-cleaning capabilities, elasticity and op-timal workability. In addition, it has optimal resistance to attacks from algae, fungi and moulds with a wide action spectrum. The accurate selection of siloxane polymer and colorants ensures opti-mal durability, brightness and fullness of the colours. GreuSilo-xan Color is available in various granulometries and structures, in over 450 Greusystemcolors exterior colours, and an optimal whiteness with a pearlescent effect.

Fields of useThe product can be applied to a large part of concrete supports, concrete, plastered surfaces, prefabricated concrete panels, ther-mal insulation systems greutherm.Do not apply the product on old organic paintwork, inconsistent, degraded or crumbling supports. Do not apply the product on fresh or particularly alkaline supports; comply with a minimum carbona-tion period of at least four weeks.Critical supports should be submitted to a dedicated suitability as-sessment beforehand.

ApplicationThe application support must be well dry and seasoned, clean, con-sistent, free from dust and oily substances, with no humidity and salts. Before working , mix the product with a clean, rust-free electric drill. Surface must be primed with primer Isolante LG, tinted to match the finish coating. Allow primer to dry. Then apply GreuSi-loxan Color with a clean stainless steel trowel to a rough thick-ness slightly more than the largest aggregate size. Use the trowel to scrape the material down to a uniform thickness no greater than the largest aggregate size. Achieve final texture by floating with a plastic/stainless steel trowel in a figure eight motion.

licata+greutol ®MADE IN ITALY

090 greutherm | GreuSiloxan Color




e x t e r i o r

Rivestimenti e pitture per esterni per usoprofessionale

licata+greutol ® MADE IN ITALY

greutherm | GreuSiloxan Color 091

SafetyFor information regarding the proper disposal, storage and handling of the product, please consult thematerial Safety Data Sheet.

Advices• Product for professional use.• Do not apply on frozen or defrosting supports.• Protect against direct exposure to the sun and rain for the first 48-72 hours. The effective temperature and humidity rate of the air may accelerate or decelerate the drying process.• Protect eyes and skin during application.• After use, wash tools in water.

• Always check the material before application to ensure that the colour is correct. Any complaints concerning colour shall not be accepted after application. • It is not possible to ensure drying without any colour differences (stains) given:

- the difference in weather and physical conditions of a building- the correspondence of a scaffold- the conditions of the underlay (such as structure, absorption power, etc.)- the use of natural raw materials

• To prevent any colour differences, large surface should be realised only with products from the same batch.rtita. • All subsequent orders should be highlighted as “continuation”, specifying the date of the first order.

NoteThis technical data sheet replaces and annuls any and all previous versions.The above indication and instructions are based on our current technical-scientific knowledge, which in any case are to be intended as purely indicative, as we are unable to control the conditions of use. Therefore, buyers must in any case check that products are suitable for their specific cases, taking any and all responsibilities arising from use. Our technical-sales network ensures rapid advice and is at your disposal for any clarifications and questions on the use and processing of the licata+greutol products.Sheet ref. 157/10

PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSThickness of the grain/Yield

DilutionDrying time to touch

Application temperatureStorage and conservation



Specific weightDry content in %

PhBrookfield viscosity

Dirt pick-up UNI 10792Equivalent air layer thickness (UNI EN 7783/2)Permeability of water vapour (UNI EN 7783/2)

Coefficient of water absorption (UNI EN 1062/3)Freeze-thaw resistance (ETAG 004)

VOC expressedin grams/Litre for finish coat

class A/c, 40 g/L (2010))

g.fine 1,2 mm ap. 2,0 Kg/m² stippled 1,2 mm ap. 2,0 Kg/m² 1,5 mm ap. 2,6 Kg/m² stippled 1,5 mm ap. 2,6 Kg/m²g.grossa 2,0 mm ap. 3,2 Kg/m² stippled 2,0 mm ap. 3,2 Kg/m²stippled 1 mm ap. 1,7 Kg/m² scratched 2,0 mm ap. 2,5 Kg/m²* Coverage may vary depending on surface conditions and application technique.ready to use (a small amount of clean water may be added to aid workability) 2-3 hours at 20°C and 70% relative humidityBetween +5° C and +30° CThe product conserved in it’s original and whole packaging (at a temperature ranging from +5°C to + 30°C), protect from extreme heat, freezing and direct sunlight, shall remain stable for about 12 months25 Kg pail

acrylic-siloxane resins1,900 Kg/Ltapprox. 85≈ 9,053.000 cps at 20° Cdelta L = 0,94Sd = 0,09 - 0,11 m depending on the thickness of the grainμ = 120 - 200 approx. depending on the thickness of the grainW = 0,07 – 0,12 Kg/(m² * h0,5) depending on the thickness of the grainno cracks, no blistering, no damage/degradation< 30 g/l (in accordance with European directive 2004/42/CE for 2010)

Live the ColourGreuSiloxan ColorRivestimenti colorati per uso professionale di alta qualità

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