greenlee m. solar oven

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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Designing a Solar Oven By: Greenlee Melrose

Monday, May 20, 13

Imagine Idea #1Our materials are rocks, cotton, cloth to trap and insulate heat. We need 1 unit of each material.

Some advantages are: less toxic and more safe,uses less material, less impact on the environment,good insulators.

Disadvantages: we can only use one unit of each material, and has more points because cloth and cotton are processed, slow to cook.

Monday, May 20, 13

Imagine Idea #2

Our materials are rocks for insulation. We need 2 units and newspaper to trap and insulate heat close holes We need 1 unit.

Advantages: healthy, less materials, less impact on the environment, insulates well.

Disadvantages: toxic,ink and slow to cook

Monday, May 20, 13

Monday, May 20, 13

Monday, May 20, 13

Materials How many unitsWe will use

materials by




1 cup (unit)Use it to trap &

insulate heat

1 sheet (unit) Use to trap and

insulate heat

1 cup (unit)Use to insulate


Monday, May 20, 13



Natural or


Reuse Recycle ScoreTotal






+1No (+ 1) No +1 4 X


+1Yes (-1) No +1 2 X


-1Yes(-1) Yes -1 -2 X


Monday, May 20, 13

SunTime Temperature

0 min. 25°c

5 min 47.5°c

10 min. 49.3°c

15 min. 53.1°c

20 min. 54.9°c

Monday, May 20, 13

Shade1 min. 49.8°c

2 min. 49.8°c

3 min. 38.5°c

4 min. 38.5°c

5 min. 34.3°c

6 min. 34.3°c

Monday, May 20, 13

Create for design #1Our heat score is our solar oven maximum temperature subtracted from the control oven:55-55=0.

Our time score is the number of minutes it took the solar oven to cool down which was: 5 minutes.

Our impact score total was: 4.

Our total score for the solar oven is: 1.

Monday, May 20, 13

Improve For Design #1The total score for our first solar oven was 3 points.

The parts of our solar oven design that worked well were cotton And rocks because they are good insulators.

The parts of the solar oven that did not work well was cloth because it keep falling apart and light colors.

We are going to try to improve our heat score.

We will improve are heat score by removing cloth and adding sand because it traps heat well.

Monday, May 20, 13

Top view design #2

Monday, May 20, 13

Side view for design #2

Monday, May 20, 13

Plan For Design #2

Materials UnitsWe will use the

materials by

Rocks 1 cupTo trap &

insulate heat.

Sand 1 cupTo trap and

insulate heat.

Cotton 1 cupTo trap and

insulate heat.

Monday, May 20, 13

Impact Score for design #2

Materials Reduce Natural or processed Reuse Recycle




1 unit Natural -1

Yes -1 Yes -1

1 unit Natural -1

Yes -1 Yes -1

1 unitProcess

+1No +1 No +1

Total points

0 points

Monday, May 20, 13

Sun #2Time Temperature

0 min. 24.4°c

5 min. 42.9°c

10 min. 65.5°c

15 min. 86.5°c

20 min. 45.9°c

25 min. 49.5°c

30 min. 42.2° c

Monday, May 20, 13

Shade #2Time Temperature1 min. 34.5°c2 min. 36.7°c3 min. 36.4°c4 min. 36.2°c5 min. 35.5°c6 min. 34.6°c7 min. 34.4 °c8 min. 33.9°c9 min. 32.7°C10 min. 30.9°c

Monday, May 20, 13

Create for Design Number #2

Our heat score is our solar oven's maximum temp. Subtracted from our solar oven's control oven: 87 - 53 = 34.

Our time score is the number of minutes it took our solar oven to cool down witch was: 10 minutes.

Our impact score was 0 points.

The new total score for the solar oven is: 44

Monday, May 20, 13

ReflectionsOur improved design worked well because everything were very good insulators and in a great place! The material(s) we changed was cloth, we switched it to sand. Sand was a good insulator because it is spread out and traps air well.

If we could improve again we would reposition the cotton more but all of our materials would be the same because our heat score, time score and impact on the environment score are great!

Monday, May 20, 13

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