greek and roman mythology. ithaca interactive map at hp/homer/index.php?page=odymap

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Greek and Roman mythology Ithaca interactive map athp/homer/index.php?page=odymap Telemachus and Penelope, Attic red-figure skyphos (440 BCE) jpg Odysseus and Calypso, Attic red figured vase (5th century BCE) Odysseus and Calypso by Grard de Lairesse (17th century)s/masters/big/l/lairesse/odysseus_painting.jpg Calypso by Henri Lehmann (1869) interactive map athp/homer/index.php?page=odymap Odysseus holds up sprig, Athena stands by, Red figure vase from Etruria ( BCE )dyssey/pic25.htm caOdysseus.jpg Odysseus and Nausicaa by Pieter Lastman (1619) Odysseus and Nausicaa by Salvator Rosa (17th century)salvator/odysseus-and-nausicaa.jpg Ulysses and Nausicaa by Giovanni Battista Cipriani ( ) Nausicaa by Lord Leighton (1878) interactive map athp/homer/index.php?page=odymap Mosaic of Odysseus and Polyphemus, Roman villa at Piazza Armerina, ( CE)37/wm/pd jpg Readying the stake, krater from Italy ( BCE) Odysseus blinding Polyphemus, detail from a proto-Attic Amphora,( c. 650 BCE) Odysseus and men blinding Polyphemus, Etruscan hydria, ( BCE)788/PreviewComp/SuperStock_ jpg The Laestrygonians hurling rocks at Odysseus' ship, wall painting (late 1 st c BCE) Odysseus at the Palace of Circe by Wilhelm Schubert van Ehrenberg (1667)jNPdJTlGXNE/TqBeyU3PctI/AAAAAAAAEAE/baP WcQgBFgc/s640/ehrenberg+palace+circe+gett y.jpg Wine of Circe by Edward Burne-Jones (1863)content/uploads/2010/06/circe-burne- jones.jpg Odysseus men turned into pigs, Attic red figure lekythos, (5th century BCE) Odysseus and his men at Circes, Attic black figure kylix (c. 540 BCE) Tiresias Appears to Ulysses During the Sacrificing by Johann Heinrich Fussli ( )ussli%20Johann%20Heinrich_%20Tiresias%20A ppears%20To%20Ulysses%20During%20The%2 0Sacrificing%201780%2085_jpg.jpg Bronze Siren (8th century BCE)6_d9f69de7a7.jpg Funerary statue of Siren, Athens (c. 370 BCE)8_ca8f7ecc80.jpg Odysseus and the Sirens, detail from an Attic red-figured stamnos, (ca BC) Odysseus and the Sirens by John William Waterhouse (1891) interactive map athp/homer/index.php?page=odymap Scylla, Boeotian bell krater ( BCE) Scylla the Sea Monster, Greek terracotta (5 th c. BCE) Encounter with Scylla, Roman (c. 30 BCE-70 CE) De Charybde en Scylla no. 44 from Actualits by Honor Daumier (1869) interactive map athp/homer/index.php?page=odymap The Cattle of Helios by P. Tibaldi (c. 1550) Companions-Of-Odysseus-Steal-The-Cattle-Of- Helios.jpg Ulysses (Odysseus) recognized by his dog by Pierre-Amedee Durand (1810)p?/photos/ /goodman_01/433 Odysseus and Argos by John Flaxman (1805)dyssey/pic125.jpg Odysseus Recognized by Eurykleia by Gustave Clarence Rodolphe Boulanger (1849) ~ulsysse- reconnu-par-sa-nourrice-euryclee.jpg Odysseus and Eurykleia, Attic red figure skyphos (c. 450 BCE)UlyssesSatatticredfigure.jpg d1.fpx&obj=iip,1.0&wid=600&cell=600,420&cv t=jpeg Odysseus escaping under ram, Roman bronze (1st-2nd c. CE)/ART jpg Odysseus and Polyphemus by A. Carracci ( )tions%20of%20Homer%27s%20Ideas/Paintings /Carracci%20-%20Polyphemus.jpg Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus by J. M. W. Turner (1829) The Laestrygonians hurling rocks at Odysseus' ship, wall painting (late 1 st c BCE) Odysseus and his men at Circes, Attic black figure kylix (c. 540 BCE) Odysseus in the underworld, Roman wall painting (1 st c. BCE) Odysseus and the Sirens by John William Waterhouse (1891)

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