greece and persia greeks achieve sparta and athens continued greeks achieve cont....

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Greece and


Greeks Achieve

Sparta and Athens


Greeks achieve


$100 $100 $300 $100

$200 $200 $300 $200

$300 $300 $300

$400 $400

Alex the Great





Sparta versus Athens





$300 $500


Restore order - $100

This is what Darius called the governors he chose to rule the provinces of his empire.

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What is a satrap

Hi Ho Silver! - $200

A unit of soldiers mounted on horses

What is a cavalry?

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Beware the Immortals - $300

Ways that Cyrus the Great was able to rule such a huge empire.

What is that he let the people he conquered keep their customs (so they wouldn’t rebel), and he had a strong army that was well organized and loyal.

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It sa trap - $400

Ways that Darius restored order to the Persian empire.

What is that he:

1. divided the empire into 20 provinces.

2. chose governors called satraps to rule over the provinces.

3. The satraps collected taxes, served as judges, and put down rebellions within their areas.

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Not in my house - $500

This, like England’s Parliament, consisted of a two-house legislature. We know this inspired our gov’t because… well just look at Congress today. (hint.. They made laws in colonial times.)

What are colonial assemblies

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Join me…Or Die! - $100

An agreement to work together.

What is an alliance.

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I owned you! $200

Result of the Peloponnesian War.

Sparta became the most powerful city-state in Greece.

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League of extraordinary city-states $300

Cause of the Peloponnesian War.

What is that the growth of Athenian power worried many cities in the Peloponnesian League. As a result, Sparta declared war.

(You can also talk about how Athens bullied their league and became an empire.)

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A bit too old? $300

Differences between Sparta and Athens in the area of Military.

What is:

Athens: Only spent 2 years in the military.(Men would be called to fight in times of war.)

Spartan: All training and education focused on military. Served until 60 years old. Whole life.

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Learn you good. $300

Differences between Sparta and Athens in the area of education.

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What are:

Athens: valued education and the arts. Believed that educated people made the best citizens.

Sparta: Just enough reading and writing to get by.

Helen is ticked! $100

What is Hellenistic

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Greek like.

You’re such a square… $200


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A group of warriors standing close together in a square.

Branch out $300


A Greecey Guy $400Ways that Alexander helped spread the Greek culture.

What are:

•He built new cities that were modeled after Greek cities.

•He built theaters and temples like those in Greece.•He encouraged Greek settlers to move to the new cities. (This spread language, art, and lit.)

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NeGosheate $500

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Great Compromise

•Congress was split in to two houses.

•To satisfy small states, they have = rep in the Senate(upper house)

•To satisfy big states, more population = more representation in the House of Representatives (lower house)

So Real - $100

Greek Statues

•Artists studied human body

•Carved from marble

•Look as though they could come to life

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What’s your angle? - $200


Studied geometry.

Many of the rules we use today come straight from Euclid’s writings.

(The study of shapes and lines is called Euclidean geometry.)

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Highly illogical - $300

Greek Philosophy

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle believed in the power of the human mind to think, explain, and understand life. (Their teachings are the root of modern philosophy and science.)

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Eureka! - $400


Who is the Greek scientist that invented the water screw. This invention brings water from a lower level to a higher one. Farmers still use them today.

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Put her in neutral - $500

Greek Written History

Thucydides remained neutral in his writings of the Peloponnesian War, despite being Athenian.

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One tough girl - $300Differences between Sparta and Athens in the area of women..

What are:

Athens: few rights (you can expand on this), not educated, only learned household tasks like sewing and weaving. Sparta: had more rights, owned land, ran household, trained physically to bear healthy kiddies. (they thought sewing and weaving were beneath them… slave did


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Friends for now - $300

Similarities between Sparta and Athens.

What are that they both:

1 Fought to defend Greece in Persian Wars.

2 Had a strong military.

3 Both had physical training.

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So expensive $300


What is a tax on an import or export.

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State constitutions only - $400


What is the right to vote

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Don’t want to share - $500

A system of government in which powers are shared between the national, state, and local governments.

What is Federalism.

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To Athena $100

Greek architecture

Buildings like the Parthenon were carefully designed to reflect the greatness of their cities.

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Scratch Art $200

Greek Paintings

Painted detailed scenes on pots or vases from myths or athletic competitions.

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To be.. Or not to be $300

Greek drama

Plays of tragedy and comedy in theaters.

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Give me liberty.. $400

List two Antifederalists who surprised you.

Who were Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams.

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11 years later $500

Constitution Day.

What is September 17, 1787

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Daily Double Specify Your Wager!

Don’t want any trouble ---

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Reasons why the rest of Greece agreed to make Philip their leader.

They witnessed how easily Philip II defeated Athens and Thebes.

They had been in a period of war and unrest and may have welcomed peace and stability under Philip’s rule.

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