great drops of blood

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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8/7/2019 Great Drops of Blood 1/6

Great Drops of Blood

Through the blood of the Lamb

are we made clean,

purified by the great drops of blood

that fell from every pore

and gathered at His holy feet,

knees bent, head bowed,

to bear the heavy burden for us all,

and release our sorrowing souls

from death and degradation,

brought upon ourselves

by self inflicted wounds of the spirit,

by dark desires of the heart,

by vile thoughts of the mind,

by pernicious acts of the flesh.

He though unmarred by sin,

bore it all alonethat we might not bear it

if we would but come unto Him

in as much meekness and humility

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as He showed the Father

when he drank the bitter cup

and finished His preparations

unto the children of me.

Though our holy garments

are stained filthy with sin

they might be cleansed

by His sinless sacrifice.

Though we die

yet shall we live and find rebirth

as evidence of His perfect love

wrapped in each great drop of blood

shed from every pore

that fell like rain

cascading through the eternal pain

of He who is mighty to save,

cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb.

Two Thoughts for the day:

1. When we maliciously and purposely try to

hurt others, we would be wise to realize that

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we can never hurt them more than we hurt

ourselves by our vindictiveness.

2. For the natural man is an enemy to God,

and has been from the fall of Adam, and will

be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the

enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off

the natural man and becometh a saint

through the atonement of Christ the Lord,

and becometh as a child, submissive, meek,

humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit

to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict

upon him, even as a child doth submit to his


Lines of healing


As deep wounds afflict my souldeep wounds I do not know,

A shattered heart, a broken life,

So full of torment, so full of strife.

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Filled with torment, filled shame,

spiritual loss The Devil's gain.

A broken heart, spirit contrite,

The price is paid so choose the light.

The Pool

I am a still, cavernous pool, dark and deep,

secluded from prying eyes.

My cool depths and ancient mysteries you

can barely begin to fathom.

You sit at the edge of my shore stirring your

toe upon my surface,

causing ripples to form in my serene


You gaze into my dark face and think you

comprehend me,

but all you can see is your self assured smilereflected on my surface.

You can never know my ancient secrets

from your perch upon my shore,

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my treasures are hidden deep within away

from your bright green eyes.

You see only the dark mirror of my surface.

You cannot eve quench your thirst upon me

sweet waters.

You may drink, but you will find no

satisfaction, you will not be satiated.

You taste only the surface, afraid to probe


intimidated by that which is beyond your

grasp to comprehend

with empirical observation, that blind,

unfeeling probe.

You see reflected in me what you want to

see, what you think I should be.

Your knowledge and understanding are as

empty as your thoughts.

Your senses deceive you, and your mindplays its tricks upon your heart.

The only way to truly know me, to truly


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is to immerse yourself in my depths, let my

coolness encircle you,

let my wet stillness buoy you up, and in that

moment experience the reality of me.

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