great closing - nys historic...

Post on 12-Feb-2020






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»f $*c*t JnUust, , W E D N E S D A Y .

• W W ^ I W « — I I I I - « • i I — ' • i • • i i i l l i ii i ii • * •

NOV. 7. 1888 I ^ « I I « M I I ~ . . 2 S X

•+cv*ii«aua fort orru», tt*Ot riM* * l CkxlV#cn4ttr * * t Offlra M fbtfow • :

. ( fel lMt HUVTH I <tOt»« MOUTH Tfcftmfb t i m WIJP , WirtA « WSv tOUr m. I Ttiniuffh .. 1.10 r. •

T l U l M

Hovm* ioot»- too A. r «

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I * A fl.t

f » f. II.

3S >HMI r » i « fniHw ti <toll9«f«d «l U» * w * In * l t »UUMr« WtD?«**lUY AfTERHOON

•uLortfccr MX r»«4*lftf Mi pm*r if 4*4 rwtfulftrly #111 onaftr A fator by

Mrtlfyltm *•• •*< m o*

of Supsrrl*>fi m i i l Vrat

dull day for Wit *



6tiTy two Aiotithi "A word to the

Snyer t t id wif#» C • lart Tuttdajr,


—IfottrjAy "ftrihcn."

5Do not fail to attend i TumlaW •vtning.

„ - A l l pnk\$ AI th« Grand if* marked i|i plain flgurt*,

% • Kr A. O Oillatt and family Utt for Atlanta, Oa,, laat Tuaaday. /

, m Whim »h« two n*w Wta milla am eonipltited tham will ba aaraii in thla Tloinity,

1 - M r H; C. Wltacnt laft laat Saltir dijf In anjnifa in tha drug buaintiaa iit UtW, N. V f • ***-LiNip Tftar ta

< ahaad of you, girla, wiaa iaattnioiaiit/*

• Mr. Jamaa F lafl for Aikan H wbara ihajr will a|)aiid ihf malar.

— Mr. C< W. Hall haa initrlmaad ttia hvary kuai^awi of Oaorip Fraa-mari, audf will cunUuot tba buattiaaa at Iba old aland, , ,

•^ Prof/. Oao. W . Staaoti, forinarly pnnoipal of lha Oradad Holinol, loav<«a Oait waak for Hinilh Carolina wliara b« aipncU Ui apatnl tlia winter.

* -A N a ^ Y*rk oonoarn ia Ulitlnff of IVaoliiitf a twchrct Or flftaen gang mill in Ihia plii^a fur th« purjKmo of *uwing Oourrrnrur marble and grun lie.

» *-Tha Tillaga a u t h o r i t y aarrad an IlijuuoUofion H. Rurtia U> prohibit tliv araetifio uf a wootlan atructura on DM* atta of lha atora raoantly d«mCrojrod by flra.

—Oar raadara will noiloa that thr Y l U IMMMI »• aat a»Jid" ihia waak By tlnp arrungrniant wa'giva oonaid

i arabln mora raadtng in tha aame uutu bar of oolunuia. t

j —Mr. Robert Allan, wbo baa V a n apandirig a faw cUya in thia rilhgt*

ialaitiiig htk paranta and frianda l«*fi Uaat Mondav for Dukota, wbara ba will

Cigage In buatnaaa. ^ 4 ,

- T h a Whltnay Marbla ( V a mill fa Wing marhla ia now running rarv

iaUafac^irily to lha coitoaru. Tha mill Ooiitaiii« four ganga run by an eighty horaa powar Hngino. I ^Th« MkUsb Company-rt^antl; jatartad in thia plaoa ara working their factory to ita full oupaoitx *nd now aunoun<>a thatnaalvea raady lo furniah lha trada wholaaala or otherwiaa. .

tean yaart «ffo atr # Alabama k l l M a 'pmldlar ioltkhia wife

moment of cottfldeiica, afcd ain<*a barn aplifting wood, build

lag flrea ami rooking tha baby* Now, «0 a ralirf, ba a^ka to N) hung. *

«-A petition la bring ofroulatad call Ingthe attiuitiofi of tha attorney g*n aral of tha alata to tha violation of the olaomargiiriua and adultaration lawat olaiming that artificial butter ia being aold in tuiaatata lit large ^uantitiea aa pure bullar.

- M r . H. 0 , Potiar axpaota to build a two atory hriok atora next apring oh tho aitaof the one raoeutly burned, n will hi}v« a frontage of about twenty , flvti fvat, the largest of any in the tillago. P>U« r A Hborwood will oc-aupy both floora. # ,

* A ^ n l l e m a n name«l Warrnn ol Bprio* /rUl, Maia., haa mirrhaaod tha W»» yfngtini paper mill Tor Ha Will clear away tha debt

tba trada

| ~nfu* p a n who In a mop \hati haa

or tt5,0<M). ia thiij fail

1! mmmm

Y H-

i T

aautt*Att*et.*AriiftGft. rakranta* fxamUiationa next f dead

and Wadnaaday. « Rhatorioala Friday last wara an ifH

{•roveihent ovar Uloae of tha Week ba or*.f Yat Uiara ia room for impro

m*i\L , Prof. Baaaatt la working aach F

day aftarnooo with th'iaa who will H> tnain to prapara for tho coraiog e$ amtnution.

Thirty two piaa carda tn high branohaa ware racaivad from the R i ganta laat waak. In addition to thje diplomaa received laat anrinir, Wi Noary, Will Clark and C. N. Rey^ nolda ln*ve rroaire<l Academic diplo* man. Will Naary, A. Orvia and W, H. Fanner received the Law certiti* cnte. ' / SEVEN,

I I ^ I ^ 111 i .

F * E i - U > « » l a f | .

W e have received a paper publiahejl at Brooklyn, Iowa, which contain* th# following: i

*'A Hmry quiet wedding occurred a | tha reaidenoYof Mr. II G. Cumminga, Turadtty evHbttng in which Miaa E<hth Oummtnga waa married to Mr. Wm. L Paul. Tliere were only preeent the family of tbo bride and the officiat­ing clergyman, Kev. W, A. Ilendrick aon of the Urat Preabyterian Church. Mr. Paul haa been connected with the City Bakery for eaveral yearn and haa lieen noted for hia bueinea* quuliHca lioua and for hia akill at the oven, fife ia undoubtedly the ft neat baker Brook iyn haa over Vnowii. Miaa Gumming* haa boon one of Poweehiok'a sucoaaafu! teacher* and one of Brooklyn** flueat younff ladiea. It ia a happy union and their noeta of frienda will wtah them abundant aucceaa iu th^ir voyage down lifea atream together/'

*'WillM left thii village about Ave flmr* «igo in(ending to omke hia future ] noma In the weat. He located in Iowa whore he engaged in a city bakery.

Sia induatrtoua nabtte and integrity of utractor aoon won for him a promt

neut place in the buaitteaa and ftochil life of line of the growing towna of the weat, lUa many friend* m thia phice

la ^lahi>ig him abundant aucc<N» in hia "now de|>artura.

Beaton Opera Coaipaor.

Tli I a popular company will appear at Union UHII Tueaday atoning Nov. l8ih.. In opera of Martha. Thia co\n pany liaa appfared with wonderful lucoaaa throughout all the leading cttiee of New Kuglatid and the middle itatea aa the following opiuione of the preaaahow.

Tba eeooiid act of Martha waa given in excellent etyle. and waa auug sweetly, yet apinteoly. The coetume* were t^ry Hue.—L$m$ton (Me.) Jout naL ' j

M A R T H A . - T h e acting waa fine, and the uiunic well rendered—the quartette tinging being aa good aa any ever heard hero. Ureal Fall* (N. H.j Journal, ;

In the preeenUHloii of the operm, laat evening, tho ainging waa very goodt the bright muaio making the perform anoe quite ploaaiug to nil proaenU — l\*rt*mouth (N, II.) Tithe*.

A large audience aaaembled in City Hall, laat night, to witneaa the opera of "Martha/7 iu the Star Courae, by thi Bnaton Opera Compnny. The cliuractore were Hnoly aui»taiued aad the appn*ctatioii of the audience coai nlete, -Foster^ tkmocmt, (Dover, N.

i l i a Bnaton Opera Company vraa favored with a full houae Tueadity evening. The frequent apnlauae of the iiudiouce nt tea ted the complete aatiafao tiou the Company and entertainment irave. Seldom ia Lacouta favored with •o brilliant a coinpaiiy.—Laconia (N, II ) r*mocrut. ,;

ftaldom doaa a company furniahao m ^ h pleaaant amusement aa wtaa given by the Boston Opi'ru Company. The ainging waa excellent and the act­ing good.- Rutland (Vt.) Herald,

A gad Lint.

and rebuild in tha apring. The t>eople of Wqddittgtoti are elided at the oer taluty of tho rebuilding of tho paper mill,

• -The mtletcat entertain meat given by tba Thompeon Concert Company at Union Uall laat Baturday drew a large houae. The'troupe waa organiiod at thb plaoa and oonaiata of fifteen mmd oiaua headed by Prof. Frank Thomp 7

aou, who haa a national reputation aa a cornet player.

—Rev. Dr. J. fl. Lea will rarome

Sdlgioua aervioea in Homerviile next unday,November 11th,at 11 A. M. and

aiao hold an a vetting meeting at "7 o'clock, l i e will aluo preach tn Btl warda, Sunday, November 18th at II A. If*, and give a lecture on New Tea tament diameter* at 7 t*. M.

* — An attempt waa made to wreck * trahn on the Koine, Watertown and Og<len»burg n>nd, between Ada ma and Ptarpoiit Manor laat Sunday , A tte waa aawed into and u larvo block taken out. A pleca waaaawtKi out of thla block lurae enough to allow it to lit over the rtul where it waa placed. It wak knocked olT by tho night train, however, and ug damage done. ;

- T b e J t l4iwretw>e Fibre Pulpoortt* pkny. > ol ,New York, haa commenced the erection of a new talc mill at lfalleei>or<>ugh, *40 by 140 feet, and four atoriaa high. Twenty three man ara now employed on the work, a t ^ the mill ia to I* compl i ed by the flratof March, at an cxpenne of $41, OOo, It will have a capacity of forty tona per da v. A, L. MoC'rea, formerly au pari n ten dent of the Agalite Filter

teompauy'ii mill, will have the aupehu J tondence of thia. s ,

«, — Vennor predicla fa? November: Tlrat week 0|iena cloudy aViddull, with raina, aleet or mtow, with mora fair cool dayi toward* cloae of fl*at week, with occaaionat alight rama #Becond week brtuira variable weather, cold to mild, and nhowery, Thir-d week, cool, cloudy and nhowery, with unow flurnea in liorthertt aebtloua.— growing colder Fourtl^ wi vk, cloudy and cold with raina, alaet and auow a go^nl d*al of rain, ganarally. Mouth cloaca with raina, auow fturrieaai d colder weather.

^ M i l o Wocal of Pillar Point, dia Covered a number of get ae in hia father'a back lot the other day. He procured a4itoe wheat-and about a quart ^t alcohol. Ha aoaked the wheat iu tho liquor for a few minute* and tb+u want into lite lot and •ratteird it, thogmmi having depMrUnl, In aboUl a feaif hour eiaveii geeae flew on to the lot and ^immaimed editing t!:o wheat III a abort time they werooead drunk Wood then came from hia biding place and aecurvd the Ahdlo ttcx;k without trouble, took them to the bouaa, and they are now in hi* granary. He ia keening them for Thankagiviug. —- Watm-town Tirade. + ,

—C. HfibirUhd, veterinary aurgeof) of Mailrid, 8t. Lawrence, county, con tributa%the followu\g to the Norwtiod WtM^i —* There ia a contagioua cattle diaeaee affecting cattle jn thla eounty at the prraent time, con tag* 'loua autbrai, known alto aa ehvoon» black lag, black Quarter, black tongue. It ia ao ealled Decauae the paru turn black, owing to the de e^mpoaitiou of tbe blocMi. Itariaaa undoubtedly from contagion, eating bad food, naaturing on awatup land* i«i eumtiier, cjriukiug atagnant water, etc. Whatever the poiaon, certain it ia, it haa wonderful tenacity ot life; every

Crt of tbe autmal will carry it, even aexcreaieut. Fhea wifNaarry it* a

Joke wont by a deoeaeed <ft rctaina it. iveit alcohol ia aatd nvt U> bo able to

kill the poleott. Fortunately it rarely oeeure In ita trulv malignant form. There ara many t i

_.. .. a Vwmctat faper] The collaiiae of tho Ht. Atbaha Tr^iat

(vomjmnv haa canned much anxiety atid u likoly to lead to severe privatiiou to many needv |HKU>1O who had am#ill wuma, every dollar thoy txiaaeaaed, laid away for a rainy day. W e have taken the trouble to look up a few of thia claaa. The nam* a we withhold aa a matter of delicacy. Two aiatem, wr-vaut girla, aaved up $700 and cmiHdod it lo the truet company. Mi»s~ •—, Bukeiafteld, a voting Udy, crippled. m\ntry penny alio had wan in tho Bt. Allaina 8 a v i n n Bank. M r . — , arc-tton aian, grown old in theaervice, lioa HHved% with tiro aid of hia wife, |S,000. Thia went into tho trukt comfKiay. Mr.-*—! 8U Albans, a large famifly, ertry dollar he hail iu tho truat ctfm-pauy; out of employment. Haa gone away to Bud work. Mra.-~*~, 8t. Al baiiH, earned during a periinl of nev^ral yearn #1,000 by waa^iiug. Of course, uvvry penny waa in the truat company. Mra. r*^-. Bt. Albaua, by y e a n of labor, often working all night over the w*»h tub, iiicnMlited bv Uto trunt comimny with about tl.iOO. Mm., , BaWra Hold, widow, ono child, aaved $400 by teaching eohool, ia now teaching her thirty seventh term; money iu the trtmt company. Ncwnboy, Ht. Albona, by earning a few penniea now and then *elling papers, got together quite A auug Titt}e sum. For aafvtv he placed it in lite truat coni|M%tty. Mrs.—-% Bt, Albana, widow, 70 years old. had aev-eral hundred dollars earned by wefcv

1 ing car|K3U, which she laid away ii> the ^irust compattv to be used iu her declin­

ing years. Two boys picked ber)rW



The election returns received tip to the time of going to press give'Can­tor Secretary of Stute about 10.000 majority. The rest of the State ticket

.Close. Tlie foliowiug^are a few of the figures.

Electloa In Goaveraettr. , . mmmmmmmmm • * »

Election peaaed off very quiet in thia town. There* being no at rife on the local ticket and not much interest for

This does not include txmnty Philadel­phia.

Chairman Cooper, of the republican state committee, estimates that his party has carried the state by not leas

! than 20,000 utejority. MAtt lLArfb .

BALTIMORE, NOV. 6th.—Return* from the city indicate"McLaue's (dem.) majority 7,000. 1 ,

n i s s r a a i p p i . MEMPHIS, Nov. 6th.—Meager elec­

tion returns from Mississippi indicate a sweeping democratic victory. The election was quiet.

JACKSON, Mi8s.t Nov. dtfy.—The fus-ionists carry Hinds and Madison counties by large majorities. There is intense excitement at Hazblhurst, the Capiah cobnty seat. The governor has ordered the Capital guard to that point. They left on tbe ten o'clock train. - « ' • • . - . .

NEW J£It*nBT. TftlfcNTON, Nov.* 6th.—The retat»ps

indicate Abbott's election, by about 1,000 majority. The republican state committee is still hopeful. The demo­cratic state committee claims Abbett's e^ction by a large majority. It also

tbe state ticket, a very light vote was Iclkims the legislature

. . . • i

• » • » . • t * t * * t .

.f * * 4 . * * .

• • . . .



884 1A7 24 813 62 178

180 76 807 190 215 888 310 137


sold** ill* in and got togethor a flew dollars. It is said that the last dep<Uit of $1 50 was UMidu a few uiinuuVi to four tlui Saturday pnwjtfiis to the clos tug of tho bank. A, (Vwnan coittfih utinl $60 to tho general fund of tirast fulucMe. A sick wifo iu Germany sends for him, and ho goes to the banpt for his uiouqy, a poorly clad, hswxl Work­ing man. Upop learning the oondi tiou of things he Was b»*side hii^iiolf with grief. Mrs.——, 8U AIIMUS, widow, two small children, Washcp for a living, IIIKI accumulated $10 bt de |Ma»itnui 25 cents at a time iu the Ifust comnony, for the purnoee of burning her Winter's supply of coal. Under the law this woman will be among last paid, provided there is auyt left to pay her with, Mr.-Albans, laboring man, g o t a d r a o,ver $2,000 from an tnsuranoe

tho «tng

8tf for nn-

Uiny on a sixteen years' paid up policy, l i e had bargained for a farm, while negotiations were pen placed tbe result of his sixteen y toil and economy in the trust com| a few days before it closed its d M r — , BL Albans, employed ii railroad shops, one armed and tWo lingers on his remaining h laboring for necessarily small pay a wife and several children to sup hml saved up $900 for some rainy


my t>rs. the

mlv nd, ith »rt,


ara many allocking particular oarta. J u Uta lAague it ia known aa black tongue

ug typee of tba disease »r uorta as black totipue or

bloin, in the throat aa putrid sore throat When it attacks the bowels It ta tailed blsWy aumia.M


He had been yeam doing thia, by [lav* ing aatde $1 and sometimes $3 a mo^tri. Tins man'* money helped to move the wheels of the Norwood Lumber Com­pany. The above are only a few of the hundreds of oases of uecessity wbich we might enumerate. • . .

' ' m*m ' ' ' • J —Good black silk for only IM. at

Potter A Sherwood's. . [ —Secure seals for the opera, of Chaa.

McCnrty, at the e i press office After Nov. 10th. . |

f —Ladies In want of clothing for children are requested to call earIty at the Grand Central before tha rush. [

BroclAL ATTtimotf!—Is called lo J, B4H5h hold's dress gt ods depart menL as his stock is the largest and moat dotu-plate to select from, and prices ao Jew that it is impossible to match them in this or any other market .

h-Mre. Carter, trimmer In 0 . P> Taitta milliuery department went to tbp city laat week to get posted in 4he laleat winter stylos of haU and bonnets, aim) to replenish the stuck with tbe latest novelties iu that line. So that tbe ladiea of Oouvemeur cfcn hav* as handsome hata and bonnets as the ladiea of New York or Boston for

. about one half the price paid there! for I lb* S S J M eiaae ot work and goods.

polled. The usual familiar faces were seen at work endeavoring to stir up en­thusiasm and get out the voters, but no exciting scenes were witnessed. There seemed to be but little Interest manifested and it was with difficulty that 745 voters were induced to exer­cise their rijjht of sutfrago. The fol­lowing i s a l i s t o f majorities given the Republican ticket: J. B. Carr, Secretary of State 813 Ira Davenport, Comptroller 805 L. W. Russell, Attorney General. 270 P. T. Sexton, Treasurer 806 Silas Seymour, Surveyor. •; 805 F. Fish, Justice Supremo "tourt.. 818 V. P. Abbott Surrogate,. . , , , , , 821 A. Z. Squires, Special Surrogate.. 317 John I. Gilbert, S e n a t o r . . . / 811 N.M.Curt i s , Member 204 J. N. Bussett, Jr. Coroner 804 C. K. Raymond, Justice of sessions 29V Against tho Amendment. . . . . . . . 500

Wt. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Partial returns from this county in­

dicate a republican majority of nearly 6,000.

A dispatch from the chairman of the Republican oouatjr committee states that with returns from more than half the towns in the county, Be estimates Carr's majority *t 5.800, and Bus sell's at 6,616. Rueerit's major Hies In most cases I show an m-crease over those of it wo years ago. Judge Sawyer has ruui a good deal ahead of the Democratic ticket in the county. ^ ^

We give below a list of towns hea from and the republican maj given by each. Brasner Gautou ., Dekalb Depeyater , Kd w a r d s . . . . , Gouverneur , Hermon Hopkinton . , . , . . . . . . Liftbou, 8 d i s t r i c t s . . . . . . Lawrence Louinville Madrid Massenja ? . . . . . . . f Morristowu % K..... Oawegaitchte . . / . . . . • ,A .. Stockholm..". W a d d i u g t o n . . . . . . . . . . t . .> , .


gives Carr 1,425 majority apd the rest of tbe SUto ticket 1,400, * Gilbert Republican, is ejected Senator and O'Neill, Republican; Asselublymau.

, LEWIH COUNTY,' LowvitLE, Nov. 6.-rLewis county

given the rei/ublican stale ticket, about one hundred majority; Gilbert, sena­tor. 125 majority; Allen, democrat for assembly, 75 majority, and Kirley, democrat for county treasurer, 65 ma­jority.


county gives Carr fourteen Jiundred majority, running slightly ahead of tho other candidates. O'Brien runs ahead iu the city, but behind in the county. Lansing's majority for sen­ate iu this county will be two thou­sand. Ills re-election is sifre, unless the second district'of Oswego has gone to pieces. Hunt, republican, is re­elected to the assembly by u largo tn

>iity*from the tlrat district, and tJee >er, republican, is pmbably elected to

the assembly from tho second district. Walts, republican, for opuuty judye, Scott for surrogate, Una Emerson for district attorney, arc all ek^cted by a handsome majority. Middletoii, re­publican! is elected mayor, There is great rejoicing over tho general result.

FULTON COUNTY. ALBANY, NOV, 6.—Fulton county

gives the {Republican Btato ticket (except CarH 550 majority. Carr re coiveu about 400 majority. >

OftWfcUO CJOUNTY. OSWTEOO. Nov, 6.—Carr's majority

iu Oswego**jill not exceed 1,800. The vote in the First Assembly dStrict is v^rr close. Littlejohn, Republican, is probably elected by about 10 majority. Sweet, Republican, is elected Assem­blyman in tho Second district. Lan­sing. Republican, is elected Senator in the Twenty first district.

NEW YORK CITY. K*W YORK, NOV, 6.— Tho, demo­

cratic majority in this city, on the state ticket is estimated at 40,000, with the exception of Carr, who runs 10, 000 or more ahead of his ticket. The senate will be republican by 4 to 6 majority, and the assembly by about 20 majority. Mayoralty ejection in Brooklyn very close. Hend'rix claims it. Jacobs for senator possibly de­feated. Official count required to do* cide i(£—ATetc? York Times* \


goes republican by 800, electing a sen­ator and two representative*. The county elects a republican sheriff.

Tho returns at the Courant office show that the republicans have carried tbe legislature by 40 majoritkr ou joint ballot. They probably ha«e 9 of 12 senators. This will mokel the next senate stand 14 * republicans and 10 democrats. Republican aneritfs are elected iu Hartford. Tolland, Middle­sex, Fairfield and New London coun­ties. The vote for on off y^ar shows marked republican gains.

atAN*AS* LINCOLN, Nob., Nov, j6th,—The

election to-day created no apodal iu torest The coutest for judge excited some animation. Ten district judges were to bo elected and eight wore oun ceded the republicans.

MAMA4 Ht)ft*TT9« BOSTON, NOV . tftl>.— The complete

vote of Boston, compiled by the Jour­nal, giVea Butler 32,105: Robiuson 25, tf54; Butler^ majority 6,341 agaiust 13,370 last year. If these figure* ore correct the state has undoubtedly gotio republican.

The revised fbotiog of returns from S00 tow us and cities give Robinsou a majority of about 11,000 so that tbe elaitu of a total republican majority of

45,000 and over will tie sustaruod 'he vote is the largest ever thrown.

The republicans elect ail five seuators and 25 of the 31 representatives. Lit lie, dem., ia elected a member of tbe gov­ernor's couued from Lowell. • >

The Globe, the democratic organ, concedes Robinson^ electioti over Butler by 10,000 majority. The TVau eller claims 2^,000 majority; tbe Herald, 20,000 majority and upwards. Tbe Advertiser extra thinks that Rob insou's majority will exceed 18,000. Tbe returns made up at the associated press office do not iiidtcate so large a majority, Tho Traveller says that Lieutenant GoVeruor Ames is elected by 25,000,

rVNNaYLVAftlAt PHltADBLPRIA, Nov .6th.—At 11:80

o'clock, only 24 counties out of 67 in the state bad been heard from. These s towed a net republican gain uf 4*614.

/ V I R G I N I A . RICHMOND, NOV. 6th.—Thb election

in this state today was the most ex citiug since 1869, when the conserva­tive party was organized. The entire house of delegates aiifjk hal f of the senate were to be electee1 • This legislature reapportions tHo state for congression­al representation. The new senators will olfco vote at the next election for United States senator. Never before in the history of Virginia has the raoqaj issue been so strongly forced upon people as now. Men who for years have not taken an interest iu state contests were thoro'ly alive to the question, whether Virginia "shall be ruled by whites, or pass into the full ooutrol of the blacks/1 This question engendered a most bitter contest aud tho result was looked forward to with the deepest concern. The vote throughout the state is unusually large. There arc no reports of disturb uuccr.

BicuHONp, Nov.* 6th.— The election in this state p.issed off very quietly. The indications are that the democrat* have carried the State. Tho demo­crat majotity in this city is 2.800. Democratic gaius are reported every­where. They carry Winchester tfor the first time in seven years. The democratic majority i n . Frederick county will bo 1*0X0. ,,

I A NT W K B P .


The young ladies of the CalHepean Society of Ives Seminary will give a literary and dramatic entertainment at 821 lis Hall, Friday evening November 16th, consisting of Vocal and in* strunujjfeil music, recitations,etc., and a short draioa entitled 4>Oronge Blossoms." '. t

H . I 'M* I M++i^mmmm • > I i i II <<»*

The statistics of the universal postal union show that in number the post offices of the United States rank first, with 44,512 offices: Great Britain 14.-918; Germany 11.088; France 6,158. Japan, with 5,094 postoffices, is ahead of Russia, British India, Austria, Italy and Spain. r

f -Keie» "> ' — ' •

—An exchange savs- "Prof,. Starr,n

a lecturer, held a meeting at Col ton Wednesday last, aud the Sullivan and Cartwright rough* came into the had and commenced A Vow, when two of ihem wore arrested, ind Friday night one wits hand cuffed. Ho got away from tno officer and cannot be found. It is rumored that he has gone to Michigan. The % officer wants his handcuffs more than he wants' the prisoner. 4Trof. Starr" wants au­thority from the court to bring, the "body" of the disturbers iuto court. Our,,Colton neighbors would do well to abolish the whisky trade, then their "religious meetings would not bo dis­turbed. * i ,

The Springfield Republican says there are peculiar features in tho fail ure of F. Shaw At Brothers, the 'Boa-ton tanuers, who went down some time ago owing $6,000,000 or $7,000.-000. They represented their*assets to be $5,262,000, and a committer of tbe creditors decided that 72 nor cent of the claims against trie nrm could be uaid. Tbe embarrassed tanners of fcred a much less satisfactorv com­promise, however, and their attorney

|>tated at an adjourned mooting of the creditors yesterday that the assets wore

$2,654,000. a shrinkage of half, h is not satisfactorily accounted

for. A settlement of 33 per cent, was offered, but the creditors' committee advised that not lfcss than 50 per cent, be accepted. \\.

a- credil neVonly to iWhicI

0«sn. • i i«S>E— — " • ',

Curtis and tho CivU-Sarvfoe • Reformers.

N E W YORK, lft«rv7 S . - G e n . N. M. Curtis/ tho Republican candidate for assembly \\\ thei first district of St. Lawrence county, in .replying to the letter ol the civil service reform associ­ation, says: *I respectfully decline to j state what action I will take in the event of my electioti to the assembly j on any precise measures in advance of such election, and for the sole reason \ that the oath to hoHaken before enter- : ing upon the duties of a legislator le-qulres a person* taking tho same to swear that ho has not made any prom- I isqs to influence the giving or with­holding of any vote. While I have not at any titiio sought a nomination, and. am not struggling to secure an election, I nevertheless desire, in case I am chosen, to take the required oath and discharge to tho best of my ability the duties which will devolve upon me in such event" V

— , « » » ^ ? •

—A few orpins having been used a short time, but none the worse for wear, for sale at special bargains at W. F. Sudds, music store. Gilt

AHEAD AGAIN A« U S U A L ! — J . Bech-hold the leader of low prices is Belling tho real Lyons guinet silk worth $1.50 for $1.10 per. yard, a good black American silk worth $1.40 for 90cts, tho best colored silk worth $1.50 for 41.15 dress flannels, shirting flaunel*t cotton flannels, prices guaranteed to be twenty per ceut below any competitor.

—Tho latest and most successful method of teaching reaoXijg, is by the new word methods Teachers and trustees may obtain specimen copies of the JNTow National Readers, bused on that method, published Oct 1st , 1883, of any regular school book dealer or of the publishers* agents.

EDGAR A. NKWELL & Co. »tw4 Ogdensburg, N. ¥< —No farmer will buy a poor mow­

ing machine if "he knows it" and why not be just as particular about his organ? The safest and cheapest way is to buy of some one who is responsi­ble both, in a mubcial and financial point of view and not of some strolling organ peddler. There are no canvas­sers from W . F. Sudds1 music store.

CLOAKS Axb DOUIAKS.—Potter dfc Sherwood have these goods made for thorn and as is .well known they can show the largest aud best stock in Northern New York. It will pay ladies wbo need anything in this line iu Hammond, Rossie. Antwerp, Macomb Hermon. Fowler, Russell, Dekalb, or even for forty or fifty miles from Oouvemeur to look over I lou, at lie the new and elqgant styles at Potter dfc | **** Wn b o « i ' Sherwood's.

ffccHmi.*, Nov. 6th, 18S3. Mr. H. A. Drake, of Syracuse, N. Y.

has made arrangement* for the estab­lishment here of a circulating library for the benefit of our citizens, and 77 of our townsmen have subscribed the necessary funds to successfully carry the project iuto execution. Mr. Drake is canvassing the principal towns in Northern N. i .• and has been success­ful so far. Prof. Goth of this place? will canvass Hermort and Canton, and. Mr. Drake will go to Rensselaer Falls, Heuvelton and Ogdensburg. Tho benefits to be derived from a good cir­culating library, by our young people, are incalculable. Success to the en­terprise. 4

Mr. Rutherford, of tho firm of W . L. A W. Rutherford, i famous breeders of Jersey stock, of \ \ i Uliug ton, N. Y., was in town on V-.icaday. They now tiave on hand 33 ii^ad of probably tho best stock in the state. Several cows from theii stock farm, have been sold this season at prices

;ranging from $400 to $600 per head, and Mr. Rutherford stated to your re­porter, that in June he could make a pound of butter from 18 lbs. of milk.

Oak street now boasts of a new side walk, which has long been needed and should be continued from the sdhool building to Main, street for the benefit of the students, who now wade through tbe mud to school. <* ' Amos Price has rented the farm be longing to Horace White, and moved on to the premises last week.

Alfred Sidney Phelps, who has been an invalid for nearly a year past died on Saturday evening November 3d. 1883, at 7 o'clock, of kidney complaint, leaving a wjfe and child to mourn his loss. His aged parents alro, are grief stricken at his untimely death. The funeral was held at the Baptist church on Tuesday, November 6th, 1883.pRov. J. A. Dickson conducted the service. Mr. Phelps was but 28 years of age. Tho entire community deeply.sym pathizo with tho Wfflictcd relatives auc friends.

Webbie Griffith haa been v e n f e i c l with the pueumonia, but is now ogu valesceut

M. A. Porter of Gouvernour, has es tablished a paint shop oyer J. Ken­nedy's blacksmith shop.

Fred W. Thompson, agent for th< Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R., who Has been stationed at Portland, Oregon, has - beeu transferred to San Francisco. Cal., Where his headquar ters will be for tbe present.

J. Er Be*worth, of Dekalb'June Lion, and & B. White of Hermon spent Sunday in town. *.

Chas. G. Thompson of Canton, was in town on Sunday and will Itart on Thursday November 8th, for a four weeks' trip west, visiting Chicago, Kansis City and Omaha, And if he has time will Visit his brother F. W. Thompson, who is stationed at San Francisco. ^ , . At a self constituted meeting, a

worthy gentleman was appointed "night, police" for this corporation The fact is, such an officer is much needed to suppress any insurrection wbich might possibly arise.

A semiannual mooting of Conjf ministers of this section, wilt be held on Monday and Tuesday A. M. of next week at tho Welsh /church, and Tues day P. M. and Wednesday at tho Cong, church. Several prominent divine* are expected to be present, and an in terestiug time will be had. / All are in vited.

Meetings will be held this week at the M E . Church on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. ,

Several of our citizens attended the Frank Thompson concert at Gouyer neur. t r

F. B. Boaman haa purchased a large stock of holiday goods, which will be Oh hand soOu.

John Thomas, our civil engineer as sistod by H. D. Cook, Esq., of Water-town, now runs the Godard mill, and of course does first class grinding:

It ia reported that Mr. J. Simmons was waylaid by highwaymen, on the river road near DekeJb, aud three shots fi**cd at him bv the would be rdbbors, but be escaped, being on horseback.

A portion of the iron bridge has been set up and wo look for its com­pletion ere long. I CRAP.

n^«a» '—»• ' , SPRAGC7BVILLE.

Nellio Gillette the awen-year-old daughter of Deruultaon and Maria Gillet, died lost Saturday morning of dipthoria. 8he was taken sick iu scbooL Friday, the' 26th, and t^e teacher had her earned home. A doctor waa called and be pronounced her disease to be dipthoria in its worst form, her parents sent to Gouvernour for two doctors and they all said there was no help foi her, but they Wlid every thing in thei** power to save bW. The funeral serviM* were held in the Baptist church Sundgy at two* o'clock. The church was crowded. She was a beautiful little girl and w.U be much missed by her teacher and schoolmate** who tender their heartfelt sympathy to hor parents and rokti vea in their t*au bereavement HfiLkVA M. FULLER,

,• . .. - Teacher.' Miaa pavidson of Fallerville speut a

few days last week visiting at Mr. L. G. Draper's. .

Mr. A. E- Cummins ia getting the stone and lumber ready to build a house on Factory street in tho spring.

The S. G. School will give an enter­tainment at tho close of this term. Rhetoricals and singing next Friday afternoon at one o'clock by the Pri-marians.

Draper and Sprague have just re­ceived a large supply of dry goods this fall. Call aud examine.

—Facts are stubborn" but hard to overcome, where is tho man who con compete with J. Bochhold's, the cosh economy store of Gouverneur,

< M S » ;

—J Becbhold's prices in all drinds of clothiug are lower than those who pretend U> sell at Cost and below, he is doing his own buying and selling, and for cash only, and does not have to employ high priced help to do the work.


BlXfeY.-Iii Norfolk, NoTemb^r 1st, of baort dtoftt* Mr. Parry C » * * ) , a native of Under hill, Vt., but fgr Ofty-ihnw jeArt a resident of Norfolk. He and hia wife, who Btirvivt« him. lived together la married life fifty years. He kfarea nine children living. Uln aae was 81 years.

MALTANER.—In Canton. October *tad, sod-denly, Oladts, daughter u d onlr cblJd or Mr. Fertoy C. and Mrs. Anna A. ttaltaner, aged is ttOnUW ' , - *

BBEWSTI&^ia NichpMlk, 0§tobir SOtb, Mr/ Frederiuk OreWiter, an QJd aad highly eataamed cltikt'n, aged i» y<ears.

»ARTHOLQMSW,-Ia WwMlnjii B, OoMfr 14IL, »a«r a too* and dUtrewhi* illneat, mm JuitetW. BartMomew, uced iu yean and ll months, dsu^oier of Mr. CharteaD. Bai tliolotnew

4-Car load of salt in bulk at the dejjiot. H. H. NOBLE. Sltf

•J-JTEW OROAXS TO RENT at W. F. Sudds'music store.

4-New dress goods of all kinds at Poiter & Sherwood's." , .

—Hard.brick for sale, enquire of H. H. Noble, Gouverneur, N. Y. 80tf.

—Look ov*r the children's wrappers and drawers at Potter & Sherwoojl s.

4-The only genuine Indigo blue scotch caps in town is at J. Becn|iold s.

-4Few more small boys' fift^ cent pants, short pants left at tho Grand Ceijtral. , - . . . . -

- [ W i l l you call and look over the Wrappers and drawers at Pbtter & Sheirwood's.

-+Headquarters for buf^alos and wofif robes, blankets, etc. is at J. BechhokTs.

-^•It is estimated that three thousand people visited the Grand Central last Saturday.

~pW. H/ Murray offers for tale three hundred tons of coal* all grades, at the lowest prices.

-j-All kinds of hard and soft coal for sale} at tho lowest prices by H. IL Noble, Gouvernour. ' 80tf.

*+The largest stock of anirtiugs and Canton flannels, in tofrn, at astonish ind low prices at J. BecbhokTs.

. -J-For wall paper, borders, etc., kal-sonjino, paint, oils and varnishes, call on w. -B. VHU Duzee MT K Com pany.

-4-A11 accounts with us not settled by November lirst, will be left for col lection. 8. B. V A N DUZEE At Co.

4-Ptuk Eye and Epizootic cured by Dajris Powders; use them now anu wajrd off the di&euse. Sold every wljore. ftlw4

-j-The G^ind Conttttl aold more clothing last Saturday than wosevei «>Ia by any concern iu Gouverrieu» in a single day.

4-Use Davis Powders now and pre rait Pink Eye, etc., etc. by aud bv. i*k your druggist about them. Sou ev^ry^here. 81 w4

4-Davis Powders are warranted tc> euro as> represented, or mouey re funded, ask your.druggist about them. i o | d everywhere, ( 8 lw4

4-Davis Powders, the never failing remedy for Pink Evo Epizootic, sfhc all diseases arising from impure blood. Sofd everywhere. 81 w4

4-Any boy can get a suit of clothe* or overcoat at the Grand Central a> cheap as his parents. All goods are marked in plain figures.

, 4~Pottqr A Sherwood have the largest and most complete line of ladjies' dolmans, and wraps in Gouver neOr. Call before you buy.

^ -[-Mrs. L&ngtry's twcnty-flv8 sLagt were appraised by the New

rk customs officials at $5,000 and duty free as * 'tools of trade."

• rruATioK W A N T E D . — I n a drj

or grocery store. Seven yeai*^ rience, first class references. Ad

J. W. Stanton, Richv^lle, N. Y. Many are availing thetnselves of chance to buy the, beet organ*

at W. F. Sudds' music store. pay $0 or $6 per month until paio

f-Tliore is no use +*A * any small clothing concern trying to cOmpett with J, Bech hold in the clothing lino. as he carries the largest and most com­plete line to select from, and at prices th^t defy competition. , • .

j—Are your borsen oiling, legf swelled, stiff and sore, drooping, fail­ing appetite, eyes running, cough* Pink Eye symptoms; Davis Powder* wi(l cure him in from two to five days,

d everywhere. .. 81 w4

The annual meeting of tho Gouv­er aeur Agricultural and Mechanical

tety will be held at Union Hull on Saturday, November 17th, at 2 o'clock P. pi.,for the election of officers and the transaction of other business.

A. CoHBfN, Secretary. ULOTHuVO.—Clothing and gents

furnishing goods, J. Bech hold is still doing the largeat business in the cloth­ing l ine and why ! Hi© stock is tht largest his price tho lowest and quality add styles the best. Now trunks, and valises at J. Bech hold's at prices bejlow all.

(CLOAKS, DOLMANS,, NEW MARKETS •—STor cloaks, dolmans and ulsters, fu> lilted circles, it has long been It now n through the country that J. BcchholdV is I the place, as ho keeps the largest assortment in town, he is sol ing at Uie very lowest prices in tho country.

(FOR S A L E . - T h e Fuller House block situated on Main St. iu this village: 4< house and lot an Depot street; and a farm ^of 187 acres of land situateo within ten minutes walk from tin Post Oflico. Tho abovo property will r>e sold cheap and on favorable terms.

t V p p l y t o G * 8. Conger, Gouverneur. X.Y. Sltf

NEW GOODS! War Declared! 1 War oii High Prices'! { M Surrender t

• •' • • : r — a d

at G o tr.rsr B TI 3ST E IT. H>,



Good Shirting Flannels Good Red Flannel . . . . . Cotton Flannel

White Bod Blankets. . Cotton Bed Blanket*.. Horse Blankets, 7 lbs. Horse Blankets, 7 ibs.. Wolf RoboH, largo. . , . Buffalo Robes, largo..

Black Si lks . . . Black Si lks . . . Colored Silks.

* . . * . • i

12iOenU, Worth..' 2B " " . .

• * • . .

P R I E S . t


* 0 C e n U 40 •«. 10 «' '-

fSOO 8 00 8 CO

. 4 00

.10 00 16 00





GREAT BARGAINS IN CROCKERY, CHI^AJ ip r t l GLASS WAltE. *^———*M—mmm—mmmmwmmmm^mmmm in i I M i n i i - ' , — — — m i i i • i *• 4 — * * — ' ' j ' '"" t ' T^' \ • i " i, w — ^ —

$1 50 S no 178 Mi.,




GRAND CENTRAL , , , • • v * „


The Sale of this Entire SStdb Class Clothing at about On brings the crowd. Hurry u delay, and secure what you w ingand Gents' Furnishing God gest Bargains in Clothing yo going fast. ' ;


Tan Buren Block. W.P, x»


bf First-lf "Value

o time for 4fc in Cldth-^ j The big­

ger saw,

Manager. RiHI8TO»r,

> - • • • : • ' . • • • ' . . . • - * . 1 . • ; " I





OmdoaU of P«ui«j1rania DeoUl Cott ft.

ARTiriciAi. t m n ftcBHitTEi) p* oou> SILVER. RUBBER AND CELXULOtt)

Pent QiAterUl UMd to ftUfn/r. T*eth cxtr*ctf<i with UM UM of lilt 4*New Locml Attffiith€«ia ' Art for some of those CELEBRATED OLYCER DTK TABLETS, for deeeat«» of the teeth *tu) Qum«- OTALL WORK WARRANTED.

Dtiital R6«oitt In Antnoay^ ttvlldlac, CloQTtruear, N* Y .



Th« pottcy of thli i«*ncT will i>« to furnish tt neni SAFE ANDRKUABLE INSURANCE.

Cncluding Hand Sewed Frenlch Kid Hand Sewed Curocoa hoe: Dongolia Kid, the besti wearing Kid shoe in America* AUn$!W#

the Lowest Possible Prices, I I carry the beet makes of Rubber Godds; Buy your Rubber Goods of mb and you will notice a reduction in your deasoi s bill


ed Ttirns—very easy \ best styles and at d don't sell seconds.

& . •

A' Woonsocket Rubber Boots, all kinds, Alwkyslh Stock !




M A M U I E D .

HlLLr-BAYNE.-At the Baptist partonsc«, Oouvemeur, November 1st, by kev. M. L. Ru^g, Mr. John H. Hill, of Depe»si«r, And Bfciss JenuW Ba> De, ol Macomb,

Insurers are tnvited to eiuunlue the financial sUndliur of our several Companies, aiao, to the dear, OTstinci arrangeoietit and explicit lanjruage of our policies Business ontruttt<yi to us shaJI have prompt and cartful attention. Uniform rates will be eiren to all adequate to tue^rlsk.

to all points wtm%. Office Railroad tickets sold i ovar First National Ba

I*. "NL BfWCWu

all poii uk, naln St.. Oouvernaur.


ft jfftCA 1WABKKT te

A DOLLAR S A V E D AS GOOD AS A DOLLAR EARNKD. - T l i e above motto is applicable to tbe millinery trade of Mrs. A. N. Eastoti. You can aave twenty five or thirty per c«at by pur­chasing your millinery at her eatab-v| liahmeuL She pays cash ' when she urders goods saving the large per cent charged those who buy ou time. She personally caters to the most fas­tidious millinery taste, saves rent by having her millinery parlors/in her own house, throwing this saving into the bargains given to her customers. Best goods at lowest prices. Call aud

i prove truth of this statement ttw* v

Tho past was* hsvfcsjt developed a very weak feeling in the cheese market in Mew York, the market at Uttea on Monday was featureless and dull. Buyers did not want many, cheese, and only the b«a at that. There was an evident de­sire to sell among factory men, who had little faith In the permanence of prices. Salesmen sold at lOlianc.MfnUowa:

1.858 boxSTat lOMc^W at 10J4, and t,06Q. m 88 Sales £677 boxes: commissions 700,

Ruling price. He. Transac­tions on correspond** day laat vrar6.SN boxes

Year before they at Uftc. were 5,38*, at llftc. AT LITTLE tAUM

The market at Little fells showed a strong de­mand for cheese on Monday. Bales were mostly confined to early October make. Factories are fairly cleared up now. Salesmen sold aa close to the hoop aa possible, f raring a decline. Ssaes w««w: ^ _ . Lota. • • *•• Baarfl fries. 6 , S i t . . . , . , . , . . .11 c.

IS.. * UM-. . . ItMc 19 M £ ngc. i JJ n«c

74 rmrmDstry,


*ovu TlKfran

prices ruled at SSft**? flgurs.

T,0«. ge on farm dairy stock sold was 10fOI

AulkatUMc. of butter reacBsJl 88 packagos on wbl«*h

tha bulk at tho l a i r


ST. NICHOLAS, torrab KMiaa. UAXT a ires DODOI.

The New York Tribune once said; "la ti» avalanche of immoral liwratur^ that threaten* thfl childrta, sopp itrotig, vitally wholesomt,aml really wtraoUvT magailoo U fequlred tor thom* aad m Nu;ByiJB luui raache l % higher plmLfyrra and command* foh this servlco wider r#aource> in art and letterl, ttian any of Its predec^aor* orcoatemporariesV' The reference to flie wldt resources In art'and letters commanded by 8x

* NICHOLAS was neter more fully illustrated than \ > y tho extraordinary list of attractions which

that magaslne aifhounceii for 1884. The /Ulow-fng will be some or the leading contributors: Louis M. AlcoU, I J. T. Trowbridge, ,

Captain Maya* field, UJaJmar HJortb BoTSseoi, Msurice Thorflpaon, Frank B. 8teckton,

Charies Dudley Warner. Joaquin Miller Elizabeth 8tuart fchelps, Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney,

Julian Hawthorne, Delia Thaxter, - \ Bose Hawtbohie Latljrop, E. 8. Brooks, ;

Oeorvs W table, Chas. G L e Land, Hsry Mapea Dodie. Lieut Frederick Schwstaka,

BtMsn Fenlmoti Cooper, John Q. Wtyttlsr, MH. H..." |T. 0. Stoddard, 0. P. Craach,

and ocorss of o i e r distinguished writers. The best artists aadlengravers illustrate the mag asina. It haa b o * truly said that the reading of ST. K i c a < V * l s |

-A ufKBAL EDUCAtlOMM ' for the boys sadftiris who are fortunate enougf to have It In l o other book or periodical Is ta atrnotion ao haplUy blended with recreation and amusement. I

Thepricels$Aoa3r«»r. or!5oentss namher Book-seilera, nelra-deairra, and poetsnasten. re coivs subscriptAs. Or remlttanco may bo made direct to tha plbliabers, by moiioy or expre» ordar, bank cheA, draft, or tn registered lettars


' • • • • ' - • - " • • ' • t • ' . ' - / • • : . " . ; : . ' * - : • ; • ; , ] • ; : |

Call and look over my Bargain Counter. Goods that are a little s|iob #< , . A V\Q fejtrgain Counters, and pffer them at Prices much below Ck>st^Marw iof them at not more tianjiaif what they cost me. Thousands of pairs have been sold thte way. fl^am headquarters for

2 And lean show you a Trunk from One Dollar up to the finest French Tr factory at Rochester. Carry taore stock and sell more Trunks and Tr£v< the t iwn all put together. Uf Prices are^nuch lower than any other [hoi Trunks for the little ones. '

I put them upon

i t ' • • ' • •' ' - r

made at th*» famous g* Bags than is sold in

"Full stock of Toy


1 V i


iSTOTiT. j / f

THE CUSTOM CLOTHING HOUSE . • ' . - ' • : • • , . >••< - V i


v . • - . • • • • - . - • • • . ; . • j : k - M . • • - " « | '• . V ' • • • ••• - . • • ; . . .-. i - L - M •

Has just receired a Large Stoclr fff

Fjall and. Winter siilings! OP A L L T H E F A S H I O N A B l ^ PAT*TERltfSI


''', ^m\

A l K |

B l ^^Bf> \-^Jg

W l t l C H T H E Y ARE PREPARED TO M A Z E U P Aro-'f i l -!:,


ta dnrrOBT 00. Kaw T M C % T.

At prices that Defy any Competltld^ Don*t sencl y of town or make purchases until you,ha|e<

Stock and jgrot oiir Low Frices|

W4 Make a Specialty of JFine Ciist And aire Better Prepare! to five Bamains ii this line than any^

CtNT'S FURNISHINC | full Line of Hats and Gaps. :: Large

. ; : • • • • : - | : . / ' . v . - •••• <

NO! ¥ 5"

orders out icfen our

•i: t*9«te5;

h\ IT'*

& ,~;Afi^

.4. w

top related