grc software implementation strategy

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Strategy to Implement a GRC Software Solution(Governance, Risk, and Compliance)

Keys to Success in Implementinga GRC Software Solution

Identify VP Level Sponsor & local Department Champions Implement in Phases – guarantee some ‘WINs’ Develop and Publish a RACI Matrix – explain who does what…? Identify Minimum Workflows and Decision-points Data-Migration – identify key-data to import and ‘cleanse’ before usage Normalize (Key) Roles based on importance, build-in SoD Security Leverage the 80/20 Rule – ok to have exceptions Develop a ‘Virtual Org-Chart’ for system Use/ Leverage the ‘SandBox’ Environment – to ‘Test-Drive’ the system

and ‘get your feet wet…’ Create ‘simple’ End-user Documentation / Training Guides Implementation Plan – validate the right-people are free for ‘Go-Live’ Document decisions and Configuration values as you go… Communicate Goals and ‘sell’ Benefits / ROI to company

“we didn’t Plan to Fail…. we Failed to Plan…”

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Identify Sponsor / ChampionsReason for Most-Common Failure – Lack of Support & ‘Buy-in’…

• Enterprise-Level Projects (like GRC rollouts) will fail without CxO Sponsorship,

• GRC Projects will require a ‘champion’ from every key Dept / Line-function to serve as liaison and assist in implementation, training

• Regular Communication is essential with all the Stakeholders, throughout the Project’s life

• Weekly Communication should include –Status, % Complete, Issues/Risks, and Key Dates

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Implement the GRC system in ‘Phases’Guaranteeing some ‘Wins’ will guarantee overall ‘Success’

• Grab the ‘low-hanging fruit’ (simple functions like SURVEYs) to show progress, quick ‘wins’ and results, begin to engage the users,

• Phased approach is the ‘safest’ and progress is easily measured,

• Engage the end-user to review (and sign-off) on all Major changes / updates to GRC System,

• Engage Line-Management to review / assist in developing Training Material and format (e.g. CBT vs Live/In-person), & take ownership

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Create a RACI Matrix during DesignGive all Users some guidance on ‘who does what’…

• R – responsible • A – Accountable• C – Consulted• I - Informed

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®






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CxO / Executive R C I I C

Business Owner R R C R R/A

Program Mgr (Angel) I R / A R R/A C

Developer / Tech SME C I C R R/A

Process Owner C R R R C

Department SME I C R/A -- --

Line Manager I C R/A -- --

Data-Migration and ‘Cleansing’If you don’t need it… don’t pack it up and take it with you.

• Identify Core-Data and plan to migrate only ‘Key Data’ to the new system

• Take this as an opportunity to ‘cleanse’ your data / formats – don’t move your old Dirt…

• Focus on the ‘minimum necessary data’ to integrate into your GRC System (you can add more later)

• Plan to have your data ‘cleansed’ and ready to migrate 1 month before ‘Go-Live’

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Workflows and Required Use-Cases (minimum)Implement ‘most-needed’ / Common Functions 1st – biggest ‘bang’

• Self-Service User – Password Reset / Change• Login (access) as Manager• View (staff) Reports, by Manager• View Assigned Roles and Available Roles,• Request basic (minimum) account –Email, Active Dir, etc.• Provision / Request access to Role – Add (new) user• Update / Change user access to (role)• De-Provision – Remove (delete/terminate) user• Route Approval-Request• Approve Request(s)• Reject Request(s)• Request additional info on Request

Integrate Separation-of-Duties (SoD) into design of (New) Roles

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Use standard WorkflowsSuccess in GRC depends on – People / Process / Technology

You are in charge of your People… and You acquired the Technology…

but is your Process documented … before you Automate it?…

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Leverage the “80/20” RuleIt’s ok to have ‘exceptions’ as long as they don’t become the Rule

• Should be able to Normalize 80% of the Roles using only 20% of the overall ‘effort’

• Remaining 20% of the Roles will require the balance (80%) of the ‘effort’ to standardize…

• Pick your Battles – what Roles are important to have as ‘exceptions’ – Mgmt / Oversight…?– Require Line-Mgmt to ‘defend’ need for exceptions

• GRC will always have ‘exceptions’ – which ones are important to you / company….?

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Develop a Virtual Org-ChartWho is Important in the Company (to use the GRC System) ?

• CxO’s and Legal Dept

• Line-Management

• Audit / Compliance

• SME’s (subject-matter experts)

• I/T Support – but …not everybody needs to be included..

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Create / use the ‘SandBox’ EnvironmentLet the Users / Mgmt get a feel for the system in a ‘safe’ place…

• Allows for Real-Time Feedback on system,

• Provide Logins for all SME’s and Key Stakeholders to explore the system,

• Safe-Environment permits faster adoption of system

• Allow end-users way to identify problems and updates required before Go-Live,

• Create Action-List for system-updates / fixes,

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Documentation / Training GuideMake it easy to Read / Understand / Follow – using R-SAM

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Documentation / Training Guide

Use screen-shots of system’s actual screens to help users navigate and use the software

Make it easy to Read / Understand / Follow – using R-SAM

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Documentation / Training GuideMake it easy to Read / Understand / Follow- MetricStream

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Documentation / Training GuideMake it easy to Read / Understand / Follow- MetricStream

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Documentation / Training GuideMake it easy to Read / Understand / Follow- MetricStream

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Documentation / Training GuideMake it easy to Read / Understand / Follow – AVATIER / AIMS

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Documentation / Training GuideCreate a CBT (computer) version for the Remote office / Country staff

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Integrate Risk-Analysis ProcessAutomate the Manual Process of Analyzing Risk

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Document Config-Values and DecisionsEnsure you meet Regulatory / Compliance Requirements as you go…

• Document all Configuration / setup Values ‘as you go’ when setting up GRC System,– At minimum, use screen-prints in a Word file to

track entries and values, will need it later on

• Document all (Key) Decisions by both Tech Staff and CxO / Management (including Emails),

• Save, backup, and store in duplicate, and

• Will be required for Maintenance / Support / Regulatory and Compliance-discussions.

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Implementation Plan for ‘Go-Live’A Migration-Plan will keep the ship heading in the right direction

• Verify your Key people will be available during the ‘Go-Live’ period (e.g. vacation / holidays)

• Sync up the GRC Migration with the current Maintenance Windows calendar

• Confirm Dependency-Milestone-dates will be completed prior to Migration (critical-path)

• Conduct Desk-walkthrough of the Migration Plan to avoid obvious mistakes / oversights,

• Validate that the Target-Environment is set up the same as the Test / Sandbox Environment

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Sell Benefits / ROI and CommunicateFacilitate acceptance by selling benefits / communicating Goals to company / Staff

• Leverage Status Reports to ‘spread the word’…

• Document efficiency gained via Usage by SME’s,

• Communicate to all Stakeholders about new Functionality and Milestones completed,

• Create Login ID’s for all major Stakeholders so they can ‘see and touch’ the system,

• Use Vendor WhitePapers to impress the overall Benefits of using the new GRC System,

• Hold company-wide ‘Kick-Off’ Announcement

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Role-Management Governance (and Review) Process


Security-Mgmt / Network-Mgmt

Bi-Annual / QTR Review Exceptions

Consider Creation of a

New Role

Document Mgmt-Approval

and SignoffEND

Send Request for New Role to IdM



• C I S O / Director of Security• Information Security• Provisioning Staff / Supv• I/T Service-Desk• Human Resources• Dept Head (s)

Evaluate Individual Cases and Compare Exceptions to Existing Roles

How Frequently

are New Roles

Requested ?

How Close is New Role to Existing

Roles ?

How Important

is New Role to Org ?

Add New Role to Roles List and


REPORTExceptions & Problems

Develop a Process to (regularly) Review / Maintain Key Roles

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA®

Patrick Angel

Roles: Asst CISO / GRC-Implementation Prog Mgr

Director PMO / Enterprise I/T Security-Architect

Areas: R-SAM / MetricStream / AVATIER (AIMS), COBIT Framework / ISO-27002 Controls Testing


Bachelors in Information Systems (MIS)

Masters Business Administration (MBA)

Years of Experience

20+ years in Information Systems

15+ years of SDLC and Governance, Risk and Compliance

Hands-on Software Developer, Application-Testing, I-T Auditing

Certifications and Associations include -


Get Started Now…‘…Chance favors the prepared Mind’

For customers of Random Access Technologies, Inc. only - Patrick Angel, CISM® CRISC® CISA® (214) 826-3812

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