grandfather's ethics

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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I am not in the Mathematical World. I am primarily a philosopher - ethicist - esthetician, and a psychologist, although I have a number of significant mathematical results. You can believe me or not – it is not relevant. What is relevant that I know that I am what I am. Maybe, the information that I never leaved Serbia and never attended any conference, even in Serbia, can help you to believe, at least, in that I do not live in the World the Math.

I see that Mathematics is on a downward trend, so, I think, it is necessary to temporarily suspend publishing papers until setting the firm ethical rules. I disagree with Konstantin Dyakonov who wrote me in a message:

“Some "holy wars" against plagiarists are perhaps unavoidable, but only in exceptionally outrageous cases; at least I would do my best to avoid them. It's so much more exciting to go and prove a new theorem instead!“

Plagiary by itself is not so much important, and everyone can accidentally step into it. The point is in unethical behavior and, what is the worst, in intentional immoral acts. After excanging messages with cca 50 mathematicians I was shocked buy the fact that most of them are amoral (=lacking a moral sense).

But because of my life situation, in which most of the people would long ago died or ended up in a mental hospital, writing that text could take months. A man with only four years of primary school, shaped my personality from the moment when I was able to include his love, his eyes, and his words into my substance. Do not hurry, do not say that he is a сељачина (hick), as the most of Belgrade intellectuals says for Serbian villagers. They should know that he IS spiritually richer than any of them. His philosophical, ethical, and aesthetical priciples are partially described on my LinkedIn profile; this description will be continued.

1 Pavle Pavlović (1896–1980)

GT (Serbian to English)

My grandfather asked me: - What is even written? When I explained him, he said: - Every honor him, but I would not like that. I'd cleared up the question of happiness and unhappiness. Everything is paid and therefore happiness. God does not give anyone the eternal happiness. And the unfortunate

“All happy families resemble one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.“ This is the first sentence in a novel of the famous Russian graf. “The best ever written“ as William Faulkner said (Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. Penguin Publishing). My grandfather asked me: – A šta je još pisao? When I explained him, he said: – Svaka njemu čast, ali ja ne bih tako. Ja bih rašćišćavao pitanje sreće i nesreće. Sve se plaća pa samim tim i sreća. Nikome Bog ne daje sreću za večito. A i nesrećnog čoveka treba treba objasniti. Zavisi ko gleda i sa koje strane. Neko bi sa strane rekao da sam ja nesrećan, i bio bi u pravu ali s njegove strane, dočim ja nisam nesrećan. A pričao sam ti kakve su me nesreće dočekivale.

man should be explained. Depends on who's looking at and from which side. Someone side said I was unhappy, and he would be right but from his side, whereas I am not unhappy. And I told you what I was greeted accident.


In meantime, letting my brain to works as Evolution, I changed the direction of my investigation.

My grandfather’s ethical principle “Be on the side of truth and justice at the cost of life” is not his invention. At some time, this was a principle of the whole Serbian nation. I will prove, by the icy historical facts that my grandfather’s ethics stands above the protestant’s, and that Orthodox ethics saved the collapse of Western civilization, which was dangerously endangered by Nazis. It is the historical fact that no one protestant country, including BG and USA, was able to resist Nazis. It is the fact that even Prussia was not able to do this. It is the historical fact that the Ethical code of my grandfather enabled orthodox Russia to destroy Nazism.

Prologue: Archibald Reis

Rudolphe Archibald Reiss (8 July 1875 – 7 August 1929) was a German-Swiss criminology-pioneer, forensic scientist, professor and writer.

After finishing highschool in Germany, he went to Switzerland for his studies. He had received a Ph.D. in chemistry at the age of 22 and was an expert in forensic science. In 1906 he was appointed a professor of forensic science at the University of Lausanne. In 1909, he was the founder of the first academic forensic science programme and of the "Institut de police scientifique" (Institute of forensic science) at the University of Lausanne. He published two major books on forensic science "Photographie judiciaire" (Forensic photography), Mendel, Paris, in 1903 and the first part of his major contribution "Manuel de police scientifique. I Vols et homicides" (Handbook of forensic science I: Thefts and homicides), Payot, Lausanne and Acan, Paris, in 1911. The Institute he created celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2009 and has grown to become a major school, "Ecole des sciences criminelles", that includes forensic science, criminology and criminal law within the Faculty of Law and Criminal Justice of the University of Lausanne.

With the advent of World War I, Reiss was commissioned by the Serbian government to investigate atrocities committed by ... Dr. Reiss would end up extensively documenting his findings in two reports. The first, "Report upon the atrocities committed by the ... during the first invasion of Serbia was completed in 1915 and published in 1916, focusing on the crimes committed by the Austro-Hungarians against the Serbs during their invasion and occupation of Serbia in the first few months of World War One in 1914.

When Serbia was overrun in 1915 he joined the Serbian Army in its retreat across Albania to return with the victorious Serbian Army when it liberated Belgrade in the final days of the war. He was known as a great friend of Serbia and the Serbian people and after the war he stayed to live in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.


After the war, Reiss helped establish the first police academy in Serbia and teach forensic sciences. He was one of the founders of the Red Cross of Serbia. As a legacy to the Serbian people, he left an unpublished manuscript "Ecoutez les Serbes!" (Listen Serbs!). It was finished on 1 June 1928, and in 2004 was printed in Serbia in large number of copies and distributed for free.

After his death, his body was buried in the Topčider cemetery and, at his own request, his heart was buried on the Kajmakčalan hill, later demolished as a revenge by ...

In „Listen Sebs“, the great German predicted the total collapse of the Serbian ethics in the circle of Belgrade born intellectuals, which resulted with a masacre of 90% Jews in Belgrade (1941–1944). These men, especilly Aleksandar Belić, President of the Serbian Academy of Sciences, were absolutely aware what they were duing: They declared as Nacis. On the contrary, academician Miloš Đurić, professor of Ethics and a classical philologist, refused to sign „Appeal to Serbian People“, 1941, (signed by Belić). In 1942, he was deported to the concenration lagger „Banjica“, etc.

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