grand opening in prek leap branch - canadia bank issue32/32...6a, sangkat prek leap, khan russey...

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24 July 2013 No. 32

With over 20 years of banking opera on experiences in Cambodia, Canadia Bank Plc has been recognized as leading Bank in this industry. To exert the Bank’s poten al and achieve vision to be the best bank in Cambodia, Canadia Bank has extended its networks to its customers. Presently, the bank has 48 branches na onwide.

With supports from our loyal customers and eff orts from all excep onal employees, Canadia Bank has been selected by IDG ASEAN as Cambodia’s 2012 Most Outstanding Financial Performance Bank. Prek Leap Branch’s is located at Na onal Road 6A, Sangkat Prek Leap, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh and also the fi rst branch at East side of Tonle Sab River was opened to serve customer on 11st July 2013. Employees at this branch are knowledgeable, with sophis cate banking skills and good behavior towards customers. Moreover, all staff s have strong commitments to provide best service to customer. At fi rst day of opening, Mr. Jee Tzin Kit, Head, Channels and Distribu on, and Mr. Khun Bunnarith, Head, branch control and opera on, visited the branch in order to observe the opera on environment and shared successful experience on branch opera ons. Finally, we, Canadia Bank Prek Leap Branch, would like to express sincere thank to Kbal Thnal, Takmao, Sovanna, Sorya, Tuol Kork and Chales De Gaulles Branch for sending beau ful fl ower baskets on opening day. We wish you all good health and success in your career.

Wri en by Mr. Bun Chanvanna, DBM of Prek Leap Branch Translated by Mr. Mean Sokly, CSO at Prek Leap Branch Edited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division and Mrs. Tann Sivkong

Grand Opening in Prek Leap Branch

For any other relati ng our Prek Leap Branch’s informati on, please contact us via phone: 023-432 295 / 432 296; or Fax: 023-432 297 or E-mail:

25July 2013 No. 32

Canadia Bank PLC was established since 1991 under the management of Mr. Pung Keav Se, Chairman of Canadia Bank for 23 years. Canadia Bank has extended its branch ac vely to 48 branches in Cambodia and addi onal two in 11 July 2013. In the past two years Olympic Branch was under managements of Mr. Chumnoeur Khoeurt, Branch Manager, Mr. Ung Vorin, Deputy Branch Manager, and Ms. Lay Sotheavin, Deputy Brand Manager with 61 staff s. They strived to provide high quality services with good performance and achieve strategic goals set by top management. On 24th July 2013, 5:00pm there was a takeover ceremony of Olympic new branch manager Mr. Long Phirith which presided by Mr. Jee Tzin Kit, Head Channel and Distribu on, with well par cipa on of Mr. Khun Bunnarith, Head Branch Opera on and Control and all Olympic branch’s staff s. Beginning of ceremony Mr. Jee Tznit Kit talked about the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) of the branch and all staff s’ KPIs, explaining how they could score higher in their KPI, obtaining promo ons and achieving requirements to promote a er the speech, takeover ceremony proceeded smoothly. In this event Mr. Chumnoeur Khoeurt encouraged all staff to con nue to support and corporate with the new manager to lead Olympic branch to be the best branch. Then Mr. Long Phirith said that Olympic branch is one of the big

branches, so he hoped that all staff s con nue to assist each other and try all the best with heart and mind to lead Olympic branch to a higher level. At the same me, Mr. Ung Vorin con nued to say that on behalf of Olympic staff he would like to welcome to our new manager and promise to corporate with him to lead Olympic branch to be the best branch. In this takeover ceremony, Mr. Ung Vorin appreciated that Mr. Jee Tzin Kit devoted his valuable me to be part in this occasion and we will con nue to perform be er to maintain good posi on among branches. At the end, to represent of all Olympic staff Mr. Ung Vorin would like to wish Mr. Chumnoeur Khoeurt to be success in his new posi on and good health. The takeover ceremony of branch manager was ended with a happy environment and frui ul result.

Wri en by Mr. Tech Panaro, OB Staff Translated by Mr. Nget Rachha, Training and Development Offi cer Edited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division

Olympic Branch Manager Takeover Ceremony

26 July 2013 No. 32

On 29th June, 2013 Sihanouk Ville Branch celebrated a takeover ceremony led by Mr. Jee Tzin Kit, Head of channel and distribu on and Mr. Buth Ang, Head of branch sales and service. During the occasion, Mr. Honn Sorachna, the branch manager, will resign and Ms. Pich Chunna is appointed to take over the posi on of branch manager of Sihanouk Ville branch as the replacement. At the incep on of the event, Mr. Jee praised Mr. Honn Sorachna for his great eff ort in eff ec vely achieving the Bank’s common goal. Mr. Jee said it was a pity for Mr. Honn Sorachna’s resigna on which was due to his personal reason for reuni ng with his families at United States. Mr. Honn Sorachna started working with Canadia Bank PLC as a Loan offi cer. Due to his intelligence, hard working, and honesty had gained him the fi rm background and experiences to be promoted as in team supervisor then a branch manager. Even though he has served as a branch manager of Sihanouk Ville for only a year, all of his achievements have been recognized by all the colleagues. He being a good leader and good model to follow would be remembered for his mo va on, guidance and eff ec ve performance at work. Especially where he always shared his

ideas and advices to subordinates, and showed his colleague show to set goal and plan accordingly to achieve or challenge higher posi ons in Canadia Bank PLC, had breaded their visions and added more values to his people. In addi on, it is also remarkable to highlight important characteris cs of honesty, carefulness, pa ence and excellent team work. These are highly valuable characteris cs in him that we should learn from. On that evening all the staff celebrated a party at Chhne Meas Restaurant, and Mr. Jee and Mr. Buth Ang also a ended the party. The purpose of this party was a farewell party for Mr. Honn Sorachna. That evening we prepared a surprised birthday party for him, 29th June 2012 was the day that he was appointed as the branch manager of Sihanouk Ville, and he resigned exactly on his anniversary being a branch manager. Our colleagues and branch manager created a slogan for Canadia Bank PLC of Sihanouk Ville branch as “We provide our best service to our customers.” Finally, on behalf of all colleagues of Sihanouk Ville branch and Canadia’s family, I wished Mr. Honn Sorachna and his family all the best of luck, health, prosperity and success.

Wri en by Mr. Chang Sunpheng, Loan offi cer of Sihanouk Ville Branch Translated by Mr. Chang Sunpheng, Loan offi cer of Sihanouk Ville Branch Edited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division

Sihanouk Ville Branch Manager Takeover Ceremony

27July 2013 No. 32

Overseas Cambodian Investment Corpora on (OCIC)‘s representa ve team led by Mr. Touch Samnang, Deputy Director of OCIC, and three other members, Mr. Chin Hok, Mr. Neth Sambath and Mr. Ky Pisith visited Japan for four days from 26th to 30th of June, 2013. The purpose of the visit was to get experience on construc ng and renova ng techniques fromToyoko-Inn Hotel, Japan. The construc on of Toyoko-Inn Hotel was divided into two stages. The fi rst stage called Work A which focuses on the structure and facade of the building (Work A = Structure + Facade). The second stage called Work B which focuses on the electrical installa on, water system, air condi oning system, fi re detec on system and other related works which including interior designs (Work B =Interior + M&E). The second stage shall start once the fi rst stage is completely done. The group of representa ve joined team work with Toyoko-Inn to monitor and evaluate on the fi rst stage of construc on, this was the stage before commencement of second stage. As a result, our group representa ve was introduced clearly about monitoring and evalua ng process of Toyoko-Inn and we really praised their careful and responsible manner in their work performance. We then proceed to inspectall parts of the building. A er that, group representa ve went to visit Toyoko-Inn hotel in Fukushima undergoing renova on process. This hotel is s ll opera ng whilst the renova on is in process and expects to fi nish at the end this year. While we were in the hotel, we observed the interiors of the building which was built more than 20 years ago, with focus on facili es in the building that gain us more understanding on various construc on concepts they applied. Consequently, the study visit in Japan demonstrated more understanding of monitoring and evalua ng on building construc on to the group: working accomplished in the fi rst stage, and M&E for hotel. For M&E of Toyoko-Inn, the installa on process is really simple, cost saving, thorough and high quality such as cable system, under fl oor wiring system, water system, drain system etc. The team wills apply understanding and knowledge from this study visit to ini ate the development of OCIC. We now clearly apprehend the construc ng of Toyoko-Inn in Phnom Penh and we will set up a best plan for this construc on. Lastly, we, group representa ve of OCIC would like to show our respect and gratefulness to Mr. Pung Kheav Se who gave us opportuni es to have a study visit and get experiences from Toyoko-Inn, Japan, with a successful outcome.

Wri en by Mr. Ky Pisith, Electrical Engineer at Koh PichTranslated by Mr. Ly Tolarith, Risk Management Offi cerEdited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division

The Study Visit of OCIC


in Japan

28 July 2013 No. 32

Chak Angre Krom Market is one of the project under Overseas Cambodian Investment Corpora on (OCIC), the construc on project started on July 01, 2011, then it was ground broken with the par cipa on from Phnom Penh Municipality on September 21, 2011. The market has 2 concrete fl oors with the piling of about 10m deep, the North is about 30m width and the South is 20m width with the length of about 110m. The ground fl oor and the 1st fl oor have the total areas of 4,000 square meters, excluding the entrances and surrounding walking paths, the roofs are made of Zinc with the skylight in the middle above each three stairs, window panes on the 1st fl oor, the North and South gables are made of glass, the gu ers are made of concrete Alum

Carbon and glass. The ground fl oor comprises of total 340 stalls and currently 164 stalls are in business and 129 stalls are in decora on process and 47 stalls are inac ve. The fi rst fl oor consists of 182 stalls. The pavement is 8m long surrounding the market, 4 main entrances which are easy for shopping. Moreover, the East side has 3 entrances; the North and West have 2 entrances. The gateway all around Chak Angre market are connected to fl ats and Boreys. There are 95 fl ats surrounding the market, with 4mx14m in size, consist of ground fl oor, 1st fl oor, mezzanine, and the terrace fl oor, with 3m front yard and 1.7m back yard. The construc on of Chak Angre Krom Market fi nished and offi cially inaugurated on 11 July 2013.

Wri en by Mr. Ly Sokhun, Project Manager of Chark AngreTranslated by Mr. Pen Virak, Finacial Offi cerEdited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division

Wri en by Mr. Ly Sokhun, Project Manager of CharTranslated by Mr. Pen Virak, Finacial Offi cer

29July 2013 No. 32

On 10 July 2013, Canadia Bank Plc. held its fourth monthly prize draw for the Deposit & Win Campaign, which was launched in March. The fourth monthly drawing resulted in three lucky winners, and each winning a Samsung Galaxy Note II. The winners of this monthly prize draw were awarded to the following account numbers: • XXX-0002046763 • XXX-0000064067 • XXX-0000051417 The Lucky draw was held for all new and exis ng Canadia Bank Savings, Current and Elite accountholders. Star ng every month un l year

end, three winners will be selected from monthly lucky draw and a Grand Draw which will be held at the end of the campaign, allowing customers to win a rac ve prizes by deposits monies and/or opening an account with Canadia Bank. This promo on is extended un l year end and is available through Canadia Bank Branches, across Cambodia. On the same day, there was also another lucky draw organised by the Card Centre Department for Visa Card Sign Up Now to Win which launched in June. This second-month prize draw resulted in 5 lucky winners, each winning a 2-night Hotel coupon at Independence Hotel, Sihanouk Ville. The winners of this draw were awarded to the following customers: • Ms. Chhun Samedy • Mr. Sok Sambath • Mr. Enrique m a Figaredo • Saviniewicz Udo • Ms. Khov Sang For more informa on regarding the Canadia Bank’s products and services, please visit any of the Bank branches located near to you.

Wri en by Mr. Sok Sovann, Marke ng Offi cer Translated by Mr. Ly Panha, Deposits Department Edited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division

Canadia Bank Announces Winners of Deposit & Win Campaign and Visa Card Sign Up to Win Campaign

30 July 2013 No. 32

In fact, a honest ac onwas praised by Ms. Zhang Mei Fang, Chinese customer of Pochentong branch.On Saturday 29 July 2013, she came to the bank to withdraw the money from ATM and le her brand new Samsung Galaxy Note which worth USD 500 on the ATM booth. A moment later, our security guard Mr. Thearn Sokmean found it on the booth and he returned it in to the branch manager and wait for the owner, without inten on on keeping the phone as his own. In all, all security guards in Pochentong branch are very diligent and honest about customers safety and care about the safety of the branch. They are constantly supervising in and out to ensure the safe opera ng environment. An hour later, Ms. Zhang Mei Fang came to contact the bank for her phone with an expecta on that she will not fi nd it; she thought that a er she le the booth someone who walked in must have taken it. However, she was surprised when she found her precious and nice phone was kept nicely and safely by our security guard in the bank wai ng for her return. This made her felt very excited and happy, she thanked to our security guard and all staff in Pochentong Branch and even requested to meet the branch manager to express her gra tude toward the bank for the honesty of the staff . She added that, “Your branch is not only big but importantly you havemany honesty staff s”. This good behavior had really increased her confi dent withour bank. At the end, she also requested to take a photo with our staff assouvenir. The event men oned above refl ect the bank’s core value, if all staff in Canadia Family can con nue to keep this good core value Candia Bank will achieve its own mission, gains supports from the customers and to be the best bank in Cambodia.

Being the Branch Manager of Pochentong Branch I am really proud of my staff s that corporate well with each other and take responsibility in his work, therefore our branch had a good rate from internal audit and especially it honors the core value of the bank (Trust, Ownership, Performance Driven, TOP), this core value are being enhanced to all staff s during mee ngs by managers, and to promote honesty and sense of belonging in our bank.

Wri en by Mr. Thai Kimcheng, Deputy Branch ManagerTranslated by Mr. Nget Rachha, Training and Development Offi cerEdited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division

Report of Honest Staff and


31July 2013 No. 32

Canadia Thmorkol Branch offi cially launched on December 31st, 2010. It is the 32nd branch of Canadia Bank. Consumers in town place high confi dence in the Bank’s products and services manly their loan borrowings and Money Gram. The performance of Thmorkol Branch has showed that there were remarkable results in loan department which took up the main source of income of the branch. From 31st December 2012 to 31st March 2013, Canadia Bank launched a new promo on called Bangkok Bonanza available to all Canadia employees across the country, to encourage them fi nding new loan customers. At the mean me, under good leadership of branch managers and well coopera on from all staff s, Canadia Thmorkol Branch was able to achieve the best result being the fi rst place in iden fying new customers to take out loans from the bank. The winning requirement stated that each loan offi cer shall be able to have 12 new individuals to borrow from the bank, and Thmorkol Branch ended with favorable result of 200% above the requirement.

This was the result of corpora on of staff s at Thmorkol Branch that they have work together to achieve the goal. The winners were awarded with three days trip to Bangkok, Thailand with 1,000 US dollars cash awards. This wonderful news has been brought by the branch manager a er monthly mee ng at the head offi ce. On the same day, Branch manager has set up a celebra ng party for en re branch staff s; every one of us was happy and felt proud for our branch. This gathering marked an important event as evident of our eff ec ve team work; it has also enhanced employees’ rela onship through communica ons during gathering. We all staff of Canadia Thmorkol Branch would like to express grateful thanks to the top management who always try hard to ini ate idea and iden fy new strategies contribu ng to the Bank’s growth. We will con nue to work hard to perform our du es to reach the budget plan and serve the best service to customer to make the Canadia Bank to become the fi rst leading bank in Cambodia.

Wri en by Ms. Chhorm Chheang, BSO in Thmorkol Branch Translated by Mr. Koy Sereipagnaroth, Training and Development Offi cer Edited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division and Tann Sivkong

Achievement of Canadia Thmorkol Branch from Loan Promotion (Bangkok Bonanza)

32 July 2013 No. 32

On 15th to 19th July, Training and Development Department under the supervision of Top Management conducted a workshop on “Leadership Development Program (LDP)” to 30 selected department heads and branch managers. This training course had been divided into two sessions which the fi rst session started on 24th to 29th June 2013 at training room 15th fl oor with well par cipa on of 19 department heads and branch managers. The second session which started from 15th to 19th July 2013 was the combina on with fi rst session; it took place on 6th fl oor of Canadia Tower. This training course presented by Mr. Wee Lig a trainer from People Element Ins tu on in Singapore. In the beginning of the workshop, Mr. Wee Lig

said a warmly welcome speech to all par cipants and encouraged them to pay more a en on to this course due to the fact that it is very important to them in order to introduce this knowledge to other 1500 staff eff ec vely. This meaningful and vital workshop aims to grow Canadia bank leaders and build the competencies that will help them be successful in their role. To be Cambodia best bank we must build leadership strengths. In addi on, this workshop established mainly to focus on developing the 8 Canadia bank competencies such as Customer Focus, Strategic Orienta on, Building trust, Communica on, Teamwork, Accountability, Managing Performance, and Empowerment. During each step of the course many role plays and ice-breaking games were incorporated to enhance knowledge and personal communica ons. At the end of the course, Mr. Lim Lee Rady, Head of HR Services Division came up to share his thanks to all par cipants for their valuable me and hard work commi ed to this one-week

workshop. At the same me he also thanked to Mr. Wee Lig who came along the way to share his experiences, skills and knowledge to run this course successfully. A er that Mr. Wee Lig were asked to take photos with par cipants for souvenir. This workshop ended with a happy environment and frui ul results.

Wri en by Mr. NgetRachha, Training and Development Offi cer Edited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division

Workshop on “Leadership Development Program (LDP)”

33July 2013 No. 32

Understanding how to provide excep onal customers’ experience is one of the vital keys growing and sustaining our Bank’s business. The belief of “No Customer No Business, and No Business No Job” is fi rmly and strongly held close to our hearts. We valued customers’ contacts and inquiries, as they are indicators of our close rela onships and opportuni es for us to assist our customers in their businesses. We recognize how important our front-liners are, as they are the delivery channels, and provide “the moment of truth” experience when our customers walked into our premises, Branch Sales and Ser-vices under Channels and Distribu on Di-vision has corporate with Training and De-velopment Department to organize the intensive work shop on “From GSTP to Managing Service Touch point” for 90 par cipants inclu-sive of Customer Service Supervisors and Deputy Branch Managers in order to eff ec vely manage their front-liners with the be-low main objec ves: • To drive change and performance in delivering

consistency of Canadia Bank Service; • To engage and involve staff through dialogues

and ad-hoc sessions to contribute to achieve the organiza onal and departmental goals;

• To capitalize and encourage ownership from staff s to apply the 4 Pillars “GSTP” of Customer Experience Touch points at work;

• To role model leadership quali es in managing team members for service advantage;

• To have resilience and reliability as leaders in overcoming setbacks;

• To move from transac onal to transforma onal service that defi nes Canadia Bank service branding;

Prior to the workshop commencement, Mr. Jee Tzin Kit, Head, Channels & Distribu-

on Division has shared and advised all par cipants

that only Excep onal Customer Experi-

ence which set our Bank apart from our compe tors in today com-pe ve banking environment. He urged all

staff to pay par- cular a en on

to provide excel-lent service to our

valued customers. He stressed that our front-

liners determine whether they make our customers happy or chase

our customer away. The customers would not re-member our building but they surely remember our staff ’s face who serve them great service. We all part of Canadia Bank big family! A er the session, many of the par cipants have shared and learnt a lot of hand-on experiences from each other and they also promised to u lize the learnt knowledge, skills, and experiences to manage their branch service level to reach the next superior step.

Wri en by Mr. Lun Borey, Training & Service Quality Manager Edited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division

Workshop on “From GSTP to ManagingService Touch point”

34 July 2013 No. 32

Most companies valued human resource as their priceless asset because they are the key drivers of the companies’ produc vity. However, maintaining and upgrading human resources can lead to large amount of expenses. Companies rely on their employees’ performance and poten als to generate profi t. As the economic environment evolves, companies increasing focus on more perspec ves to determine their business performance instead of fi nancial measures alone. For instance, external measures such as customer sa sfac on, brand preference and product quality. Also, ensure high sa sfac ons from employees and make them have sense of belonging to the companies they are affi liated with. A successful business is driven by a well-coordinated team. Performance Management experts agreed that mul -departments coopera on would create a “shared responsibility”, thereby employees would unite together in contribu ng to the success of business. Therefore, it is important for companies to determine their employees’ performance. Companies can develop their own key performance indicators as a basis for analyzing various aspects of the company’s human resource performances. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is using

scorecard system as a management tool. Implemen ng the key performance indicators of a balanced scorecard usually includes four processes:

Key performance indicators (KPI) will not only enhance the work performance for the employees, but also enhance produc vity and profi tability, thereby advancing the company to bigger success and higher profi tability and sustainability.

Wri en by Mr. Prom Phearun, Sorya Marke ng Manager Edited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division & Mr. Rei Belaguin, BBG1 Project Coordinator

The company sets business to


Analyse individual performanceon an

established periodic basis

Develop internal processes to meet and / or exceed the customer

Evaluate KPIs and maketo improve the

company's future performance.

Staff KeyPerformance


35July 2013 No. 32

Staff management is a very important skill for enterprises, and the personnel of the strict or success, will directly aff ect the enterprise’s overall view. Therefore, to make the staff focus and responsible with the task that assigned by the superior, I would like to share my knowledge and some strategies as well as experienced to manage the staff as following: 1. Listen to the Staff : Using ques onnaires for staff survey or ask directly to each staff about their needs and diffi culty that they faced in work place. A er collec ng all the informa on, we analyze and try to solve each case. 2. Staff Incen ve by Cash or Prizes: (Sales Staff ) Cash or prizes will be rewarded to the staff that has outstanding sales performance or to those sales staff whose achieved the sales target that given by the company. 3. Monthly Outstanding Staff Award: Staff

Evalua on by the Management Create staff evalua on form to select the Monthly Best Performance Staff and give him/her award. Meanwhile, the company can show the picture of the outstanding staff in the company as an affi rma on and encouragement to other staff s. This will indirectly encourage other employees to become an excellent staff too. 4. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Strategy: Ensure staff s understand about the Bank’s Vision and Mission statement to achieve goal congruence, and convert into a measurable performance appraisal. for example, a Balanced score card system. Supervisor could use this as an indicator of performance to improve the quality of staff through addi onal training or courses when they see a drop in KPI. 5. Feedback Form: Staff Evalua on by Customers Create a staff sugges on feedback form for customers to submit and point out areas of improvements for certain staff . In case of misuse of the form, management would monitor the ac vi es of the problema c staff s and determine ac on to be taken. Feedback form could be used to praise or cri cize the employee; ul mately, this is an alert for the staff that management is actually paying close a en ons on their work performance.

6. Mystery Shopper: A Strategy to Evaluate the Staff without Their Knowledge

The company can send the mystery shopper to evaluate the service level of the staff a er received a complaint. Examples: Other managers dressed up as a customer to test the staff ’s service a tude. 7. Self Mo va on and Ideology: Hold a weekly or monthly staff briefi ng to ins ll them the company Vision and Mission. Create the sense of belonging to the company by mo vate the staff with quote, slogan, song and etc. 8. Salary Deduc on: Awareness of the Staff

Responsibility and Job Scope Reward and punishment system, we do reward the staff if they perform well but meanwhile, if we found any mistake that made from the staff , the staff will be fi ned by deduc ng the salary according to the actual aggrava ng circumstances. 9. Staff Transfers to Other Project: Transfer staff from one project to another project. If the staff s ll cannot perform well in their du es. The transfer can become long-term or short-term and the last is termina on. In conclusion, the above strategies are just a corner of the idea a for problem-solving to increase the customer service sa sfac on and to mo vate the staff in the work place. If all the staff s of the company paying much a en on on their work, it will improve the produc vity of the company and lead the company to higher achievement.

Wri en by Mr. Prom Phearun, Sorya Marke ng Manager Edited by Ms. Lim Po Tean, CFO Division

Staff Management Programme

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