grammatical errors and their effects in rich ...grammatical errors and their effects in rich...

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 144214074











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 144214074












Amos 5 : 14

Seek good, and not evil,

that you may live;

and so the Lord, the God of hosts, will be with you,

as you have said.



This page is dedicated for My beloved Grandparents Aliser Illy Yohannis


Holdae Nanyan




First of all, I would like to give my thankfulness to Jesus Christ for His

blessing upon me, and for the healthiness given to me so that I could complete

writing this thesis. I am very thankful for His grace and love that are given to me

through my family and people around me.

Secondly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my thesis advisor,

Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M.Hum., for guiding me to write this thesis from the

beginning until the end of the process. I am also very thankful because of her

support and encouragement to me so that I could have my motivation to finish this

thesis. Thirdly, I also give my thanks to my co-advisor Wedhowerti, S.Pd.,

M.Hum, who gave me advices and suggestions that make my thesis better.

Fourthly, my deepest thanks goes to my family and my girlfriend, Gaby

Valerie Yolanda, who always give me their support through their prayer and love.

Next, I would like to say thank you to my beloved best friends Alex, Ega,

Ranjang, Bella, Nadia, Siska, and Sharon, who always give their cheerfulness and

good influence to my life. I also would to say thanks to my other best friends Kost

Kenthir, Kampret Group, and Lulus Cepat for the experience and memory we

have shared this past years.

Finally, I would like to thank all of my friends in English Letters

Department for the support and prayer.

Aldorio Petra




TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL PAGE ....................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ................................................................................. iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .............................................................. v


ILMIAH ........................................................................................................... vi

MOTTO PAGE .............................................................................................. vii

DEDICATION PAGE ................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. x

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... xiii

ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ..................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation ........................................................................... 4

C. Objectives of the Study ........................................................................ 4

D. Definition of Terms .............................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................. 6

A. Review of Related Studies ................................................................... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ................................................................. 10

1. Stylistics .......................................................................................... 10

2. Grammar & Grammatical Error ...................................................... 11

3. Phonology ....................................................................................... 13

4. Poetic License ……………………………………………………. 17

C. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................ 18

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ............................................................. 20

A. Object of the Study .............................................................................. 20

B. Approach of the Study ......................................................................... 21

C. Method of the Study ............................................................................ 21

1. Data Collection ................................................................................ 21

2. Data Analysis .................................................................................. 22




A. Grammatical Errors Found In Rich Brian’s Songs .............................. 23

1. Omission …………......................................................................... 24

2. Double Negation ………………..................................................... 28

3. Overgeneralization ………………………………………………... 30

4. Error of Preposition ………………………………………………. 32

5. Error of Verb ……………………………………………………... 33

6. Error of Pronoun …………………………………………………. 34

B. Possible Effects of The Grammatical Errors ...................................... 50

1. Rhyme …………………................................................................. 36

2. Meter ……………………………................................................... 38

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ..................................................................... 43

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 47

APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 49

Appendix 1…............................................................................................. 49

Appendix 2…............................................................................................. 50

Appendix 3….………………………………...…………………………. 52

Appendix 4…..…………………………………………………………… 54

Appendix 5…..……………………………………………………………. 56




Table 1. The Summary of Grammatical Errors in Rich Brian’s Songs ......... 23

Table 2. Omission of Main Verb in Rich’s Songs ………........................... 25

Table 3. Omission of Modal Auxiliary ……................................................. 26

Table 4. Omission of Linking Verb ……....................................................... 27

Table 5. Double Negation ……………………….......................................... 29

Table 6. Overgeneralization of Noun …………………................................. 31

Table 7. Error of Preposition ………………………….................................. 32

Table 8. The Error of Verb ……………………………................................. 33

Table 9. The Error of Pronoun ……………………….................................... 34

Table 10. Rhyme Effect of Overgeneralization ……………………………...37

Table 11. Rhyme Effect of The Error of Pronoun …………………………...38




Petra, Aldorio. (2018). Grammatical Errors and Their Effects in Rich Brian’s

Songs. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas

Sanata Dharma.

Language helps people to express their feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Every

language in the world have their own patterns and construction, which are

different from each other. People have their own style of language in delivering

information to others, for instance, in entertainment purposes. In music, song

writers sometimes violate some language rules. They have freedom to alter or

invert standard grammar or depart from common diction or pronunciation to

produce desired effects on their song lyrics, known as poetic license. As a result,

song writers sometimes purposively make grammatical mistakes in the song

lyrics. In a similar case is Rich Brian. Rich Brian is an 18-year old rapper from

Indonesia who brought Indonesia’s name to the world stage. In his song lyrics, he

purposively made some grammatical mistakes in order to get the desired effects in

his song.

This research is focusing on the grammatical error in three of Rich Brian’s

songs, “Dat Stick”, “Who That Be?” and “Glow Like That”. The purpose of this

study is to find (1) the grammatical errors in Rich Brian songs (2) the possible

effects resulted from the errors.

Stylistics is the most applicable approach in this research. Stylistics is a

branch of linguistics which studies about the distinctive features of a language and

their interpretations. This research used two levels of stylistic analysis. The levels

of stylistic analysis used in this study were grammatical level and phonological

level. The data collection method used on this research was a sample study. There

were four steps conducted by the researcher to collect the data. First, the

researcher opened Rich Brian’s song lyric from After that,

researcher observed the errors in words, sentences and phrase occurred in Rich

Brian’s song entitled “Dat $tick”, “Glow Like That”, and “Who That Be”. After

the errors were found, the researcher was analyzing the process occurred on the

errors. Last, the researcher analyzed the possible effects resulted from the errors.

Based on the analysis, there are six grammatical errors processes found by

the researcher in Rich Brian’s songs entitled “Dat $tick”, “Glow Like That”, and

“Who That Be?”, the grammatical error processes found in Rich Brian’s songs are

Omission, Double Negation, Overgeneralization, Error of Preposition, Error of

Verb and Error of Pronoun. The possible effects of the grammatical error

processes are first, made in order to make the previous line rhyme to the next line

and second, made in order to have the right meter in each line of the songs.




Petra, Aldorio (2018). Grammatical Errors and Their Effects in Rich Brian’s

Songs. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas

Sanata Dharma.

Bahasa membantu manusia untuk mengekspresikan perasaan, pikiran, dan

ide-ide. Berbagai bahasa di dunia memiliki pola dan susunannya masing-masing

yang berbeda daari satu dan lainnya. Manusia mempunyai cara yang berbeda

dalam penyampaian pesan kepada yang lainnya, seperti dalam bahasa yang

digunakan dalam dunia hiburan. Dalam musik, penulis lagu biasanya melanggar

aturan tata bahasa. Mereka mempunyai kebebasan untuk mengubah dan

membalikan standar tata bahasa bahkan mengabaikan diksi umum maupun

pengucapan untuk mendapatkan efek yang diinginkan, hal tersebut diketahui

sebagai kebebasan penyair. Sehingga, beberapa penyair sengaja membuat

kesalahan-kesalahan tata bahasa untuk mendapatkan efek yang diinginkannya.

Salah satunya adalah Rich Brian, seorang penyanyi rap berumur 18 tahun yang

telah membawa nama Indonesia ke panggung dunia. Dalam beberapa lirik

lagunya, dia sengaja membuat kesalahan-kesalahan tata bahasa sehingga dia

mendapatkan efek yang diinginkan pada lagunya.

Penilitian ini berfokus pada kesalahan-kesalahan tata bahasa yang terdapat

pada tiga lagu Rich Brian yang berjudul “Dat Stick”, “Who That Be?” dan “Glow

Like That”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan (1) kesalahan-kesalahan

tata bahasa yang terdapat pada lagu-lagu Rich Brian (2) efek-efek yang mungkin

terjadi yang merupakan hasil dari kesalahan-kesalahan tata bahasa tersebut.

Stilistika merupakan pendekatan yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini.

Menurut Verdonk,. Stilistika adalah cabang dari ilmu linguistik yang mengkaji

tentang ciri khas dari suatu bahasa dan maknanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan

dua tingkat analisis stilistika. Kedua tingkatan itu adalah gramatikal dan

fonologis. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode sampling.

Ada empat langkah yang dilakukan oleh penulis untuk mengumpulkan data.

Pertama, penulis mengakses lirik lagu Rich Brian melalui situs

Setelah itu, penulis menganalisa kesalahan-kesalahan tata bahasa yang terdapat

pada kata, kalimat dan frasa pada lirik lagu “Dat $tick”, “Glow Like That”, dan

“Who That Be”. Setelah menemukan kesalahan-kesalahan tata bahasa tersebut,

penulis menganalisa proses-proses yang terjadi pada kesalahan-kesalahan yang

telah dibuat. Terakhir, penulis menganalisa efek-efek yang mungkin terjadi karena

kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut.

Berdasarkan analisis, terdapat 6 proses kesahalan tata bahasa yang

ditemukan dalam lagu-lagu Rich Brian yang berjudul “Dat $tick”, “Glow Like

That”, and “Who That Be?”. Proses-proses tersebut adalah Omission, Double

Negation, Overgeneralization, Error of proposition, Error of Verb, dan Error of

Pronoun. Efek yang kemungkinan terjadi adalah untuk mendapatkan rima dan

pola meter yang sama dalam tiap baris dari lirik lagu.





A. Background of the Study

Language is a principal medium for people to communicate each other.

Language helps people to express their feelings, thoughts, and ideas. By using

language people can exchange information one another. “Language is not only a

medium for communicating information but it is also a medium for establishing

and maintaining relationship with one and each other” (Trudgill, 2000, p. 1).

Meaning to say, in order to build and maintain a relationship, people exchange

information, thoughts and ideas, also express their feelings to each other.

Therefore, they use language as a medium of communication.

Language can be studied further by applying a scientific study of language

which enables people to analyze language called linguistics. According to

Finegan, Linguistics is the systematic inquiry into human language which

includes both language structure and language use (2012, p. 25). Linguistics is

also called the scientific study of language. The scope of linguistics contains the

study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics. In linguistics, the style of

language varies. Style in a language is a distinctive manner of expression, through

physical shape of the medium (Verdonk, 2002, p. 3). In other words style in a

language is an expression which is distinctive from others.

People have their own style of language in delivering information to

others. There are various styles of language which are distinctive from one to



another. For example, language style in play gives direct reference to the world

phenomenon. Otherwise, language style in poetry gives a representation of world

phenomenon through figurative language (Verdonk, 2002, p. 12). The style of

language itself can be analyzed using linguistics.

There is a branch of linguistics which concerns about the style of language

called stylistics. “Stylistics, the study of style, can be defined as the analysis of

distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect”

(Verdonk, 2002, p. 4). Style in language can be also defined as distinctive

linguistic expression. However, to understand it, there are three matters that need

to consider. First is what makes an expression distinctive. Second, why it has been

devised, and third, what effect it has (Verdonk, 2002, p. 3). In order to analyze the

problem in this study, the writer uses stylistics as its approach.

In order to be understandable, language has its own construction, also

known as grammar. Downing and Locke state that grammar is a ‘position’ and a

‘function’ of elements which relate one to another (2006, p. 17). Grammar is

essential to construct sentences, to make the sentences to be understandable. The

more we are aware of how it works, the more we can observe the effectiveness of

the way and others use of languages.

The patterns are also different from each other. When a non-native-speaker

speaks foreign language, mistakes are often being made since they have different

grammatical-knowledge. For example, Black English which also known as a

language spoken by lower class African Americans. As stated by Trudgill, Black

English refers to the non-Standard English as spoken by lower-class African



Americans (2000, 52). However, there are so many song writers, singers, and

rappers, who have language background of Black English and they use their

language style to make songs.

Despite the fact that language is used to communicate, it has other

purposes. One of the language purposes is entertainment. By using language,

people can transfer information, which in this case is amusement or enjoyment.

Song is an example of entertainment. Basically, song is a composition made up of

lyrics and music. Here, language has special role to be the medium to convey the

message or meaning which lies on the lyric of a song.

However, sometimes song writers violate some language rules in order to

get the desired effect in their song. Song writers make grammatical mistakes on

purpose in their song lyrics. They have freedom to alter or invert standard syntax

or depart from common diction or pronunciation to produce desire effect on their

song lyrics, known as poetic license (Koski, 2012). One of the poetic license

example lies on one of hip-hop song entitled “Buy You a Drank” by T-Pain. He

uses drank instead of drunk in order to rhyme with the word “bank”.

The language used in Hip-hop songs is mostly African American. It is

known that Black English does not meet requirement as Standard English.

Therefore, the lyrics are error. Hip-hop entusiasts are spread around the world.

Not only as listener, many people are trying to be involved in hip-hop music

industry. One of them is Brian Imanuel, well-known as Rich Brian. Rich Brian is

a 18-year old rapper from Indonesia who brought Indonesia’s name to the world



stage. As an Indonesian rapper who has interest in hip-hop music, Rich Brian

wrote his songs in Black English since he learned English through Hip-hop songs.

This research aims to analyze the grammatical errors and the possible

effects found in Rich Brian’s songs. The study will apply stylistics as the

approach to describe the phenomena. The researcher is going to observe the style

of the language used in Rich Brian’s songs. The grammatical errors in Rich

Brian’s song lyrics have certain effects which are rhyme and metrical pattern.

Therefore, the interpretation of certain errors will also be analyzed.

B. Problem formulation

In order to analyze the grammatical errors in Rich Brian’s songs, this study

aims to answer some problems. The problems are formulated as follows:

1. What grammatical errors are found in Rich Brian’s song?

2. What possible effects are resulted from the errors?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulation above, there are two objectives that are

going to be achieved in this study. The first objective is to find the grammatical

errors that occur in Rich Brian’s songs. The data will be taken from pieces of

songs lyrics by Rich Brian. The second objective is to find out the possible effects

of the grammatical errors that can be seen in the song. The effects of the

occurrences of the grammatical errors are impacting to the song, for example

making the previous line rhyme to the next line in the song.



D. Definition of Terms

In this section, the writer gives the explanation of terms which are used to

analyze the analysis. The terms are presented as follows:

Grammar is the knowledge speakers have about the units and rules of

their language—rules for combining sounds into words, word formation, words

into phares and phrases to sentences and as well as the rules of assigning meaning

(Fromkin, Rodman, Hyams, 2013). Meaning to say grammar is language’s whole

system and structure which consists of phonology, morphology, syntax and


As stated by Crystal Grammatical is when a sentence conforms the rules

which are defined by specific grammar of a language (Crystal, 2008, p.219).

Therefore, Grammatical error refers to a sentence which incapable to require the

rules of grammar (Crystal, 2008, p. 219).

Oxford Dictionary defines Effect as “A change which is a result or

consequence of an action or other cause” (Oxford dictionary). In this study, the

effect refers to the change which is caused by the error in grammar. The

grammatical error of the sentences in the song resulting in different impacts to the






In this chapter, there are three parts which are review of related studies,

review of related theories, and theoretical framework. Review of related studies

discusses the similar studies, which have been done by the previous researchers.

Review of related theories discusses the theories that are applicable to this study.

The theoretical framework discribes the way researcher answers the problems

using the theory.

A. Review of Related Studies

Fenetta’s (2016) research entitled “Grammatical Errors in Will I Am

Songs” is a result of an observation about the errors found in song lyrics. The

objects of Alexandra Fenetta’s study are the phrases, clauses and sentences taken

from lyrics of songs by Will I Am. She chooses five of Will I Am’s songs which

are “Feeling My Self”, “I Like to Move It”, “The Travelling Song”, “We are the

Ones”, and “Yes We Can”. The purpose of Fenetta’s study is to find out the types

of error that occur in the song and to find the causes of the errors.

The analysis concludes that the errors found in Will I Am’s songs are

influenced by external factors which are society and profession. The condition of

Will I Am’s society forms the characteristics of a language in his song. While his

profession influences the language use of Will I Am in creating his song.



This research is different from Fenetta’s research, this present study

applies stylistic approach only, while Fenetta applies morphology, syntax and

sociolinguistic approaches. The object of this present study is also different from

Fenetta’s research. However, Fenetta’s research helps the analysis by giving the

informations of the related theories applied.

The second review is the research written by Johan (2008) entitled “The

Grammatical Errors of the English Written Commentaries Found in Historical

Sites in Jogjakarta and Central Java”. The research focuses on the grammar errors

found in popular tourist attraction. The object of this study covers three places in

Jogjakarta and Central Java which are Prambanan and Borobudur temples, also

Sonobudoyo museum. The purposes of his research is to find the types

grammatical errors in the commentaries and to identify the most frequent

grammatical error occur in the commentaries.

Based on his research, Johan (2008) found that there are 9 types of

grammatical errors found in each data. The errors of grammar found in article are

verb, noun, pronoun, preposition, infinitive, genetive, word order, sencente

connector, and lexical error. Based on the data collected the most frequent error

occured in articles. The difference of Johan’s research from this present study is

the object of the study. This present study focuses on Rich Brian’s song lyrics.

The study is different from Johan’s, although the purpose of the research is


The third review is the resarch conducted by Krishnasamy (2015) entitled

“Grammatical Error Analysis in Writing of ESL Diploma Students”. This research



focused on the grammatical error in the use of simple past and past continuous

tense of ESL (English as Second Language) Diploma Students. The object of this

study are narrative works written by ESL Students. The purposes of this research

is to identify the grammatical errors and investigate the various forms of errors in

the use of Tenses committed by ESL learners in writing.

Based on his research, Krishnasamy (2015) finds that there are seven types

of error in student’s written narratives, which are Tenses, Verbs, Nouns,

Adjectives, Prepositions, Gerunds and Subject-Verb Agreement (SVA). The cause

of the errors are analyzed and interpreted as overgeneralization and ignorance of

rule restrictions. The research also discovers the grammatical error in the use of

Tenses. Based on the data, it can be assumed that the cause of the tenses error is

because the elements do not exist in their first language.

In comparison to Krishnasamy’s study which focuses on the ESL students’

written narrative, the main focus of this present study is on the song lyrics. Focus

on this study is different from Krishnasamy’s study which only focuses on the

grammatical errors in the use of tenses, this present study will cover all types of

grammatical errors found in the song lyrics. The approach used in both study are

also different. While Krishnasamy uses syntax as the approach of her study, this

present study applies stylistics as an approach.

The last review in this study is from Wulandari’s (2014) research, entitled

“Grammatical Errors Found in Articles’ Abstracts of Indonesian Scholarly

Journals.” The main focus of this research is on the grammatical errors which are

found in the articles’ abstracts. The object of this study is the English translation



of research abstracts in three scientific journals published by State Colleges of

Islamic Studies in East Java Indonesia. This study aims to know the types of

grammatical errors in the articles’ abstracts of scholarly journals.

This study deduces that there are four types of grammatical errors found in

the research abstracts of the scientific journals, which are omission, misformation,

addition and misordering. The total number of errors found in the articles’

abstracts are 172, with the most common type of grammatical error is omission

which are 72 items or 41.9%. The second is error of misformation (57 items or

33.1%). The next is addition error which consists of 27 items or 15.7%. The last is

misordering error with less number of errors with 16 items or 9.3%.

The contrasts that differ from Wulandari’s research and this present

research are the object of the study, the purpose and the methodology. The object

of this study, as mentioned before, is song lyrics, while Wulandari focuses on

articles’ abstracts. This present study aims to find the grammatical error in the

song lyrics and to interpret its effects. This study chooses qualitative methodology

which is different from Wulandari’s study that uses quantitative methodology.

The purposes of this research are to have further analysis of grammatical

error and to conduct the research on different object. The researcher chooses to

apply different method and approach from the previous researches. The appoach

applied in this research is stylistics since this study aims to discover the style of

the language used in the song lyrics and its effects.



B. Review of Related Theories

1. Stylistics

The branch of linguistics discussing the style of a language is Stylistics.

Stylistics is defined by Crystal (2008: p. 460) as one of linguistic studies which

concerns about the style and the interpretation of the language. In other words,

Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies about the distinctive features of a

language and try to apply individual and social group choices’ principles in their

language use. Stylistics has different method in analyzing the text. According to

Leech and Short (2007: 100-107), there are different varieties of level analysis in

stylistics, which are graphological, phonological, lexical, and syntactic or

grammatical. In order to limit the focus of the study, this research uses two level

of stylistic analysis. First is syntax, which relates with grammatical structures and

second is phonological level, which deals with rhyme and metrical pattern

(Verdonk, 2002: 57).

Grammatical level in Stylistics consists of grammar, parts of speech,

clauses and phrases which is used in writing. The purpose of grammatical level is

to help finding out the intended meanings and indicating meanings and events in

the texts. According to Crystal (2008: p. 218), grammar is the combination of

words and their component parts to form sentence.

The phonological level focuses on the analyzing sound patterns, utterance

of different words and forming systemic use of sound in language in order to

know about the ryhme of the lyrics and the meter of the line in the songs.



2. Grammar & Grammatical Error

According to Fromkin et al, syntax is the part of grammar that represents a

speaker’s knowledge of sentences and their structures (2013, p.77). The rule of

syntax is to combine words into phrases and phrases into sentences. The other rule

of syntax is to determine the correct word order in language. Meaning to say that a

sentence or phrase cannot be called grammatical if the word is not on the correct

order. Since this study deals with grammaticality of phrases and sentences

therefore, the theory of syntax will be needed in order to help the researcher

analyze the grammatical errors in the phrases and sentences.

a. Double Negation

Double negatives is the use of more than one negative form in the same

clause which is not sufficient in Standard English. The negation sometimes affects

the logical structure and the semantic analysis of the sentence (Crystal 2008: 324).

For example in the sentence “I’ve not eat nothing.” there are two negatives

expression in the sentence, which are have not and nothing. This form is not

acceptable in Standard English because the expression is syntactically wrong and

semantically illogical.

b. Ellipsis

Ellipsis is defined as the term of grammatical analysis referring to the

omission of a part of the structure, yet can be recovered through the scrutiny of

the context (Crystal, 2008:166). For example in a sequence A: What did you

bought? B: A book, the subject and verb from B’s sentence is omitted since the



full form of B’s sentence is predictable from A’s sentence, which can be formed

as I bought a book.

c. Overgeneralization

Overgeneralization is often defined as the learners’ own way to make rules

of the second language because of their incapability to differentiate between L1

and L2 rules (Matiini, 2016, para. 1). This term is most often used in connection

with language acquisition by children. For example, a young child may say

“foots” instead of “feet”. He overgeneralizing the morphological rule for making

plural nouns.

d. Error of Preposition

The use of preposition is to connect nouns or between nouns and pronouns

(Woods, 2010, p. ). The use of pronoun is vary, in order to get different ideas..

The example of error of preposisition occurs is on the following sentence, my

newest car is different with his car. In this case, the use of preposition with is

wrong, because when we are talking about comparing, the preposition used is


e. Error of Verb

Verb is a word that express action or state of being (Woods, 2008).

Meaning to say that a verb is an element which describe an action which, co-

occurring with a subject, is used as the minimal predicate of the sentence. While

error of verb is the wrong usage of verb. The example of the error of verb is to

seein’ me. The correct verb form of that phrase is see because it appears after

infinitive to.



f. Error of Pronoun

As stated by Woods pronoun is a word that take places of a noun (2010).

Pronoun can be a subject, direct object, indirect object, object of preposition and

more. The example of error of pronoun is, look at he. The correct from of the

pronoun there should be him because it refers to third person singular.

3. Phonology

According to Crystal (2008, p. 365) Phonology is a branch of linguistics

which studies the sound systems of languages. Phonology discusses sound and

structure which will help the researcher finding out the beat pattern or Limericks,

a light form of poetry that is helpful for getting the feel of rhyme and rhythm, and

the metrical pattern or meter, some rhythm that refer to the pattern of stressed ( / )

and unstressed ( ˇ ) syllables in a line (Madden, 2007: p. 69-71) of the object of

the research in order to interpret the effects of the grammatical errors.

a. Rhyme

Rhyme, as stated by Madden (2007, p.70) is correspondence of vowel and

consonant sounds at the end of the words in one line and another. Meaning to say

that rhyme occurs when there are two words (or more) with similar vowel

(nucleus) and consonant (coda) at the end.

The same explanation as Madden, Bradley (2009) states that rhyme

consists of the repetition of the sound of the last vowel and all the sounds which

follows, creating the similar yet different echo of one word to another. In other

words, rhyme means the words begin with the different sound but end with the

same sound (p. 52). The example can be seen on these two words, “demonstrate”



and “concentrate”, both words started with different sounds but end with the same

sound “ate”. Bradley also added that rhyme is not only about two or more words

or sound but also about rhythm and image, storytelling, and meaning (Bradley,

2009, p. 57).

Bradley (2009, p. 50-51) argues that rap music uses rhyme so much. It is

why rhyme is the reason to hear rhythm while reading the line by 50 Cent’s song,

“I Get Money”:

Get a tan? I’m already black

Rich? I’m already that

Gangsta, get a gat

Hit a head in a hat

Call that a riddle rap

From the 50 Cent’s “I Got Money”, the first two lines have successive phrases of

well-built stressed syllables pattern (already black, already that) which he carries

to the next lines (get a gat, hit a head, in a hat, riddle rap). In the song, 50 Cent

also uses the most common rap rhyme, which is the end rhyme. The end rhyme is

the rhyme that signals the end of the poetic rhyme by falling on the last beat of

musical measure.

Bradley (2009, p. 53) divides rhyme into three types according to the

number of its syllables. The simplest one is monosyllabic or consists of only one

sound, for example in the words “cat” and “bat”. Next, there is disyllabic or

rhyme in the words consisting two syllables like the words “jelly” and “belly”.

Then, the last one is multisyllabic or consists of more than one syllable.

Multisyllabic may occur in two words, like “vacation” and “relation”, between



two equal phrases, for example in “stayed with us” and “played with us”, or in

some combination of phrases (called broken rhyme), like in “basketball” and

“took a fall” (Bradley, 2009, p. 53). From the three types of the rhyme above, the

one that often used in rap music is the multisyllabic rhyme. The reason is because

multisyllabic rhymes provide more possible range of complimentary words as

well as allow to achieve the sonic effect of speed and virtuosity. Not only that,

multisyllabic rhymes are associated with more complex and less-commercial

lyricism (Bradley, 2009, p. 60).

Rhyme can be perfect or imperfect. Perfect rhyme, also known as full

rhyme or true rhyme, is rhyme where the words with the same vowel sounds are

followed by identical consonant sounds. The example of perfect rhyme is in the

words “all” and “ball. Meanwhile imperfect rhyme, also called as slant rhyme or

near rhyme is rhyme which have the same consonant sounds but different vowel

sounds, as in the words “all” and “bowl” (Bradley, 2009, p. 57). Rap music

usually uses both rhymes, but it is more familiar with imperfect or slant rhymes

(p. 58).

b. Meter

Meter is a stress and unstressed syllables pattern in a line. Madden (2007)

argues that “some rhythm in poetry is described by the word meter. Meter refers

to pattern of stressed (/) and unstressed (ˇ) syllables in a line” (p. 71). This

element is important in order to observe a poetry, however meter can also be

found in many other work of literature, as stated by Fabb (2008) “Many of great

works of world literature are composed in metrical verse, that is, in lines which



are measured and patterned” (p. i) . Meaning to say that meter is not only found or

observed in poetry, but also can be found and observed in other literary work

including song, which is the main object of this research.

The stressed and unstressed syllables are grouped into 4 types of pairs, in

which the rightmost syllable may not have a pair. This group of syllables is called

feet (Fabb, 2008, p. 5). According to Madden (2007, p. 71) and Fabb (2008, p. 44)

the four types of metrical unit are iambic, trochaic, anapestic, and dactylic, which

are described as follows:

1) Iambic

Iambic foot consists of two syllables, which are unstressed syllable

followed by stressed syllable. Stressed syllable represented as (/) and unstressed

syllable represented as (ˇ). Example:

ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ /

i. Desir | ing this | man’s art | and that | man’s scope

ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ /

ii. With what | I most | enjoy | content | ed least

2) Trochaic

There are two syllables in trochaic foot, the first one is stressed syllable

while the second one is unstressed syllable.

/ ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ

i. Should you | ask me | whence these | stories

/ ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ

ii. With the | dew and | damp of | meadows



3) Anapestic

Unlike Iambic and Trochaic, anapestic has three syllables consisting two

unstressed syllable at the beginning and followed by one stressed syllable.

ˇ ˇ / ˇ ˇ / ˇ ˇ / ˇ ˇ /

i. The Assyr | ian came down | like the wolf | on the fold

ˇ ˇ / ˇ ˇ / ˇ ˇ / ˇ ˇ /

ii. When the blue | waves rolls nigh | tly on deep | Galilee

4) Dactylic

Dactylic is the reverse version of anapestic. It has three foot starting with

two unstressed syllable and ending with one stressed syllable.

/ ˇ ˇ / ˇ ˇ

i. All in the | valley of death

/ ˇ ˇ / ˇ ˇ

ii. Rode the six | hundred

4. Poetic License

License can be defined as a permit and as defiance of authority. License as

a permit means the permission of outside authority, while license as defiance of

authority means failed to obtain rules (Perloff, 1990, p. 1). Therefore, poetic

license is writer’s or artist’s exaggeration, deviating rules in order to create effect

in a piece of work. The term poetic license refers to a work of a poet’s when they

have ignored the grammar rules to create effect. For example in Shakespeare’s

Julius Caesar: "Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears", the use of the

word "and" after "Romans" has been omitted in order to keep the line in iambic

pentameter (Koski, 2016, para.5).



Poetic license also can be applied in song lyrics. The language of song is

different from other type of language since there is a requirements on how text,

music and song structure interact. Turpin and Stebbins state that, the distinctive

characteristics of language of songs are the sound patterns, the textual convention

and the choice of words. The sound patterning, for example rhyme, usually occurs

at the end of unit’s organization. The specific textual convention in song is that

some sentences may have limited vocabulary, a reduced syntax, or a different

phoneme inventory to spoken language. The choice of words may be the same or

different from everyday speeches (2010, p. 3-5).

C. Theoretical Framework

This study applied stylistics as the approach to analyze the data. Stylistic

theory helps the writer provide the information of the data as well as identifying

the errors occurred in the song. The level of stylistic analysis that is chosen in the

study are grammatical and phonological levels. The grammatical theory including

double negatives, ellipsis, as well as overgeneralization provides information that

helps the writer categorize the data and conduct analysis on the related subject.

The phonological level helps writer to find the possible desired effects on the

songs. Meanwhile, the theories of the language of song and poetic license help the

writer to reveal the purpose of the grammatical errors found in the song.

The second theory is grammar. The theory of grammar helps the

researcher to determine whether the words, phrases, and sentences are in correct

order or not. The grammatical error theory consisting double negatives, ellipsis



and overgeneralization aims to help the researcher to see the grammatical errors

occur in the song lyrics. The errors, later will be classified to their own

grammatical process.

After that, the theory of phonology is presented. Phonology discusses

sound systems and how they are formed. Phonology theory consists of the theory

of rhyme and meter, which will help the researcher find out the pattern of the beat

or Limericks, poetry’s light form that help to get the feel of rhyme and rhythm,

and the metrical pattern or meter, for interpreting the grammatical error’s effects.

The fourth theory aims to see the reasons of the process of the grammatical

error. The theory are poetic license and language of song. Poetic license is the

term to describe the process of an artists deviating rule in order to get the desired

effect to their work of art, meanwhile language of song is the distinctive

characteristic of a language in a song. The desired effect seen through the pattern

of the rhyme and meter of the song will be analyzed using the theory of

phonological level of stylistics.





This chapter is divided into three main sections: object of the study,

approach of the study and the method of the study. Object of the study explains

about the data. Approach of the study is about the applied approach in order to

analyze the data which have been collected. The method of the study discusses the

method taken by the researcher to collect and to analyze the data.

A. Object of the Study

The object in the study focused on song lyrics by Rich Brian. Even though

he is still at his young age, Rich Brian produced quite a lot of songs. “Dat $tick”

was his first song, which also made him famous. “Dat $tick”, “Glow Like That”,

“Who That Be” were the songs that were analyzed by the researcher. The lyrics of

the songs were taken from In order to analyze the grammatical

errors in Rich Brian’s songs, there were several linguistic elements analyzed. The

errors in Rich Brian’s song lyrics were found in the sentences, phares, and words.

The example of the error found in the sentence was “I don’t smoke no

gas”. The process of the grammatical error occured in the sentence was double

negation. Double negation is a term of inserting two negative expressions in a

sentence. Two negative expressions found in the sentence were “don’t” and

“not”. According to Crystal the use of more than one negative form in the same

clause is insufficient in Standard English (2008: 324).



B. Approach of the Study

In order to analyze the grammatical errors found in Rich Brian’s songs, the

study applied stylistic approach with grammatical and phonological levels of

analysis chosen. According to Verdonk, stylistics is a study that can be defined as

the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description of its

purpose and effect (2002, p.4). Meaning to say that stylistic analysis deals with

the style, purpose and effect of the text. Therefore, the writer chose this approach

since the the study focused on the language style and its effects. The grammatical

and phonological levels of stylistic would help the writer conclude the pattern and

possible effects of grammatical error in Rich Brian’s song.

C. Method of the Study

1. Data Collection

The data collection method used in this research was a sample study. It

covered three songs of Rich Brian’s to be analyzed by the researcher. The

purposive sample is used by the researcher in this study. Teddlie and Yu state,

“Purposive sampling is a technique which involves selecting certain units or cases

based on specific purpose rather than randomly” (2003, p.80). Meaning to say that

the data were taken purposively, not randomly. The purpose of the researcher to

choose the three songs of Rich Brian, which were “Dat $tick”, “Glow Like That”,

and “Who That Be” because these three songs are the most popular songs of Rich




The researcher conducted four steps to collect the data. First, the

researcher opened Rich Brian’s song lyric from After that,

researcher observed the errors in words, sentences and phrase occured in Rich

Brian’s song entitled “Dat $tick”, “Glow Like That”, and “Who That Be”. After

the errors were found, the researcher was analyzing the process occured on the


2. Data Analysis

The researcher observed the grammatical errors in Rich Brian’s song

lyrics. After the grammatical errors were found, they were classified into some

categories of processes, which were double negation, ellipsis, overgeneralization,

error of preposition, error of verb and error of pronoun.

After the errors were categorized based on the theories of Crystal (2008),

Matiini (2016), Woods (2010), the researcher conducted analysis using two levels

of stylistic analysis which were grammatical analysis and phonological analysis to

find the possible effects. The researcher narrowed down the grammatical analysis

into syntactical analysis using the theory from Crystal (2008), Eastwood (1994),

Fromkin et al (2010). This analysis helped the researcher identify which part in a

sentence was incorrect. Since syntax has a rule to determine the correct word

order in a language (Fromkin et al, 2013). In phonological analysis, the researcher

used two theories, which were rhyme and meter. These two theories helped the

researcher to interpret the effects of the error occurs in the lyrics.





There are two main parts which will be discussed in this chapter. In order

to answer the first problem formulation, the first part discusses the grammatical

errors found in Rich Brian’s songs. Meanwhile, the second part discusses the

researcher’s interpretation of the effects of the grammatical errors which will

answer the second problem formulation.

A. Grammatical Errors Found in Rich Brian’s Songs

In this part, the errors from the three songs that are analyzed by the

researcher are distributed into six grammatical errors processes, which are

omission, double negation, overgeneralization, error of preposition, error of verb

and error of pronoun. Each type of error will be discussed in 6 different categories

of grammatical errors.

The table below provides the information of the grammatical error

categories found in Rich Brian’s songs.

Table 1. The Summary of Grammatical of Errors in Rich Brian’s Songs

Grammatical Error


Frequency Percentage (%)

Omission 14 48 %

Double Negation 6 21 %

Overgeneralization 2 7 %

Error of Preposition 3 10 %

Error of Pronoun 2 7 %

Error of Verb 2 7%

Total 29 100 %



From three of Rich Brian’s songs, 29 grammatical errors are found. There

are 6 grammatical processes found in the song lyrics which are omission, double

negation, overgeneralization, error of pronoun, error of preposition and error of

verb. Omission process is dominating with 14 processes from total 29

grammatical processes, which is 48%. Double negation lies in the second place

with total 6 processes with percentage of 14%. Then, the third place is

overgeneralization processes with the percentage of 7% for 2 processes.

Following overgeneralization, error of preposition is in the fourth place with the

total 2 processes with percentage of 7%. Next is the grammatical process of error

of pronoun which is 7% with the amount of 2 processes. The last is the error of

verb with percentage 7% with amount of 2 processes. The further discussion of

grammatical errors in Rich Brian songs, which are omission, double negation,

overgeneralization, error of pronoun, error of preposition and error of verb, will be

presented below.

1. Omission

The grammatical errors found in Rich Brian’s songs are mostly omission.

There are 14 grammatical errors of omission from total 29 grammatical errors

found in the three songs. The omissions mostly occur in the verb of the sentences,

with the auxiliary verb as the most of the omitted verb. For example in the phrase

“berry gon' smell blood trail“, the word berry should be followed by auxiliary

verb “is” since the phrase form is progressive tense. Therefore, the phrase should

be “berry is going to smell blood trail”.



From three songs of Rich Brian, there are two types of Omission found:

Omission of auxiliary verb and omission of linking verb. Below are the analysis

of the grammatical error of omission base on its types.

a. Omission of Auxiliary Verb

The first grammatical error of omission found in Rich Brian’s song is

Omission of Auxiliary verb. Auxiliary verb is the set of subordinate verb for the

main lexical verb, helping to distinct the mood, aspect, voice, etc. The main

auxiliaries in English are do, be and have. While can, could, may, might, shall,

should, will, would, must, ought to and used to are the modal auxiliaries (Crystal,

2008, p. 46).

i. Omission of Main Auxiliary

Omission of main auxiliary refers to the deletion of main auxiliary verb

such as do, be, and have in a phrase or sentence (Crystal, 2008, p. 46).

Table 2. Omission of Main Verb in Rich Brian’s Songs

The process of auxiliary verbs’ omission is found in the song “Dat Stick”

and “Glow Like That”. There are 7 omission of verb found in both songs. From

the song “Dat Stick”, the omission of verb happened in the line:

Song Grammatical Error Grammatical

“Dat Stick” Berry gon’ smell blood


Berry is going to smell blood trail

We gon’ pull up on the

kids with a flat brim cap

We are going to pull up on the

kids with a flat brim cap

You been a bitch You have been a bitch

“Glow Like


Now they closed Now they are closed

I done see you I have done see you

Never seen a day on


Never have seen a day on campus



Berry gon’ smell blood trail


We gon’ pull up on the kids with a flat brim cap

Eastwood (1994) explains that auxiliary verb (is, am, are, was and were)

is used with present continuous tense (p. 106). The lines above have a pattern of

present continuous tense. Since both lines have the verb “going” without an

auxiliary verb between the subject and the verb, therefore, the phrases is

considered as an error. However, the lines can be turned into grammatical phrase

by adding an auxiliary verb between the subject and the verb “going”. Thus, the

correct form of the phrases are:

Berry is going to smell blood trail

We are going to pull up on the kids with a flap brim cap

ii. Omission of Modal Auxiliary

Modal auxiliary includes can, could, may, might, shall, should, will,

would, must, ought to and used to (Crystal, 2008, p. 46).

Table 3. Omission of Modal Auxiliary

There are 3 omissions in modal found in Rich Brian’s Dat Stick song lyrics. The

omissions of modal happened in the phrases:

people be starving

people be killing


you be shakin

Song Grammatical Error Grammatical

“Dat Stick” People be starving People will be starving

People be killing People will be killing

You be shakin’ You will be shaking

“Glow Like


I be on my Mac Demarco shit I will be on my Mac Demarco




On the lines above, Rich Brian is talking about something that will happen

in the future. Therefore, on those phrases Rich Brian is using present future tense.

However, as stated by Eastwood (1994), there are three different ways to express

the future in sentences. The most common ways are by using will or shall and be

going to (p.95). The phrases above become error because the future form will or

be going to is missing. In order to make the phrases fit the rules of grammar,

therefore, the future form will or be going to should be added to the phrases. Thus,

the correct form of the phrases above are:

People will be starving or people are going to be starving

People will be killing or people are going to be killing

People will be shaking or people are going to be shaking

b. Omission of Linking Verb

The linking verb that is omitted by Rich Brian in his two songs “Who That

Be” and “Glow Like That” are are and is.

Table 4. Omission of Perfect Tense Verb

Song Grammatical Error Grammatical

“Who That Be” you in my team you are in my team

Now they red Now they are red

The shit too crazy The shit is too crazy

“Glow Like


But now you out here But now you are out here

The omissions of linking verb in Rich Brian’s songs are found in two of the three

songs. From “Who That Be” song, the omission of verb occurs in the line:

You in my team

S – PP

Fromkin et al (2010, p. 85) explain that a verb phrase always contain a verb and

may followed by a noun phrase or prepositional phrase, or also known as



preposition followed by an NP, for example as in the park, on the roof and with

balloon. The line above is error because the pattern of the phrase missed the verb,

therefore, the phrase do not have a verb phrase. Since the line of the song does not

have verb, the line need additions of verb to make them grammatical. Therefore

the correct forms of the line is:

You are in my team

S – V – PP

To follow the pattern of English syntax rule, there is an addition of linking

verb are in order to make the line. By adding the linking verb are to the line, the

line is now following the rule of syntax and becoming grammatical.

2. Double Negation

Double negation is the second highest grammatical error found in Rich

Brian’s songs. There are 6 double negations of the total 29 errors. The double

negations only occurs in the songs “Who Dat Be?” and “Dat Stick”. While in the

songs Glow Like That, there is no double negation found. The example of the

double negation are in the sentence “I don’t smoke no gas.”. There are two

negative expressions in one sentence, “don’t” and “no”. In Standard English

double negatives expressions in one sentence is not allowed. Therefore, one of the

negative expressions have to be omitted in order to form the correct sentence.

The correct form of the sentence are either “I don’t smoke gas” or “I smoke no


Double negation is found only in two songs of Rich Brian, which are

“Who That Be” and “Dat Stick”. The list of the use of two negative expressions

found will be listed on the table below:



Table 5. Double Negation

Song Grammatical Error Grammatical

“Who That be” I don’t smoke no gas I don’t smoke gas

I smoke no gas

I don’t pop no xans I don’t pop xans

I pop no xans

I don’t see no such thing I don’t see such thing

I see no such thing

Don’t wear no jacket Don’t wear jacket

Wear no jacket

You can never do


You can never do


You can do nothing

“Dat Stick” Ain’t nobody Is not somebody

Is nobody

As stated by Crystal, (2008, p. 324) double negation is a characteristic of

English dialect which is not acceptable by Standard English. The variation of

sentence structure of two negatives form in the same clause affects the logical

structure as well as semantic analysis. Therefore, the use of two negatives form in

the same clause or double negation is considered as an error.

The grammatical process of double negation occurs in the songs “Who

That Be” and “Dat Stick”. For example, from “Who That Be” song, the double

negation occurs the line:

Don’t wear no jacket

The line consist of two negative forms, which are “not” and “no”, making it error.

Therefore, in order to make the line grammatical, one of the negative forms

should be omitted. The grammatical form of the line above are either

Don’t wear jacket


wear no jacket



The grammatical process of double negation also occurs in the other line

from “Who That Be” song. It also consists of two negatives form which make the

line error:

You can never do nothing

The phrase also contains two negative forms which are “never” and “nothing”. In

order to make it grammatical, one of the negative forms should be omitted.

Therefore, the correct form of the phrase are either:

You can never do anything


you can ever do nothing

3. Overgeneralization

Overgeneralization is the third grammatical process found in Rich Brian’s

songs. From all of 29 grammatical processes found in Rich Brian’s songs, there

are 4 overgeneralization processes are found. The overgeneralization occurs in the

noun of the phrases or the sentences. The example of overgeneralization process

of noun is found in the phrase “all these mans”. In the sentence, there is an

overgeneralization of the noun “man”, where the plural form of the irregular noun

“man” is “men”. Therefore, the correct form of the phrase is “all these men”.

a. Overgeneralization of Noun

Overgeneralization is found only in “Who That Be” song. The word that is

overgeneralized by Rich Brian only one word, which is men. The detail can be

seen on the table below:

Table 6. Overgeneralization of Noun

Song Grammatical Error Grammatical

Who That Be All these mans All these men

‘Bout no mans About no men



From three Rich Brian’s songs, the researcher only found grammatical error

process which is overgeneralization of noun in “Who That Be”. This process

occurs in the line

All these mans

‘Bout no mans

The overgeneralization process of the plural noun man occurs in both of

the lines above. Crystal (2008) explains that English language has many different

forms of morpheme which depend on the context in which the morphemes appear.

For examples are the plural morpheme of English which appear in several

variants, such as “cap–caps”, “log–logs”, “force–forces”, “mouse–mice”, “sheep–

sheep”, etc. (p. 20). The word “mouse-mice” is the example of irregular plural or

exceptional form since the plural form of mouse is unlike the regular plural

pattern or added by affix {-s}. Another word which belongs to the irregular plural

form is the noun “man” since it has different pattern from regular plural form. The

plural form of “man” is “men”.

However, in the above lines taken from “Who That Be” song, Rich Brian

overgeneralized the plural form of the word “man” into “mans”. Since the correct

plural form of “man” is “men”, therefore, in order to make the two lines

grammatical, the word “mans” should be replaced with the word “men”:

All these men

About no men



4. Error of Preposition

From the total 29 grammatical processes found in Rich Brian’s songs, 3 of

them are error of preposition. The error of preposition occurs in the songs “Who

That Be” and “Glow Like That”.

Table 7. Error of Preposition

Song Grammatical Error Grammatical

Who That be Yo’ bitch on me Yo’ bitch into me

I’d call the cops on


I’d call the cops by


Glow Like That Book a flight up to


Book a flight to


From Glow Like That song, the phrase which undergoes the error of

preposition is:

Book a flight up to Manhattan.

In the line above, Rich Brian uses the preposition “up to” to express a movement

to a destination (Manhattan). However, as explained by Eastwood (1994), the

preposition “up to” is indicating a movement to person. The preposition “to”

expresses a movement to a destination, while towards for direction. Therefore,

Rich Brian uses the wrong preposition in the phrase above, since the preposition is

used to point out a destination. In order to follow the correct pattern of the

preposition, therefore, the preposition “up to” should be replaced with “to”. Thus,

the correct form of the phrase above is:

Book a flight to Manhattan



5. Error of Verb

There are two errors of verb found from the total 29 grammatical error in

Rich Brian’s songs. The errors are found in the songs “Dat Stick” and “Glow Like

That”. The table below presents the errors of verb found in both songs.

Table 8. The Error of Verb

Song Grammatical Error Grammatical

Dat Stick Rogue wave on you


Rogue waves on you


Glow Like That to seein’ me to see me

Eastwood (1994) describes that verbs “take a few endings such as “ed” for

the past, but they do not take endings for person, except in the third person

singular of the present tense” (p. 75). The examples are in the clause it starts, she

walks, he runs, etc. In “Dat Stick” song, the phrase where the error of verb occurs


Rogue wave on you nigga

S – V – PP

The line above is error since Rich Brian uses wave as the verb, following

the noun rogue in the present tense. Since the noun Rogue is a third person

singular, therefore the use of verb wave is incorrect. The verb form for third

person singular in present tense is S-verb form. Therefore, the correct form of the

phrase is

Rogue waves on you nigga

Meanwhile, in the song “Glow Like That”, the error of verb is found in the


To seein’ me



The phrase above is another error phrase from Rich Brian’s songs. As

stated by Eastwood (1994, p. 145), the forms of to-infinitive are simple form: to-

infinitive followed by V1, perfect form: after to-infinitive, there is auxiliary

modal, have, followed by verb one, continuous form: auxiliary be followed by

verb one after to-infinitive, perfect continuous form: started by to-infinitive,

followed by have been and ing-form verb. Since the line from “Glow Like That”

song uses to-infinitive added by ing form verb in the simple form, the phrase

becomes error. Simple form of to-infinitive form should be to-infinitive followed

by verb one. The line will be grammatical if the Verb ing form “seeing” is

changed into verb one form “see”. Thus, the correct form of the line should be:

To see me

6. Error of Pronoun

The error of pronoun is the least grammatical process found in the songs.

From all Rich Brian’s songs, the error of pronoun only found in the song Who

That Be.

Table 9. Error of Pronoun

Song Grammatical Error Grammatical

Who That Be Look at he Look at him

You don’t wanna fuck

with we

You don’t wanna fuck

with us

The error of pronoun only found in Rich Brian’s song which is “Who That

be”. This process occurrs on the phrases:

Look at he

You don’t wanna fuck with we



In both of the phrases, Rich Brian uses the personal pronouns “he” and

“we”. However, the use of the personal pronouns “he” and “we” are incorrect. As

explained by Eastwood (1994), the subject form of pronoun is used when the

pronoun is the subject. The pronouns that belong to the subject form are “I”,

“you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “we” and “they”. Meanwhile, when the pronoun is the

object, the object form of pronoun is used. The object form of pronoun consists of

pronouns “me”, “you”, “him”, “her”, “it”, “us” and “them”. The object form is

also used when the pronoun is standing on its own (Eastwood, 1994, p. 234).

Therefore, since Rich Brian uses the subject form of pronouns “he” and “we” on

the object position, the phrases are error. In order to follow the correct pattern of

pronoun, the subject form pronouns “he” and “we” in the object position should

be changed into the object form “him” and “us”. Therefore, the correct forms of

the phrases are:

Look at him

You don’t want to fuck with us

B. Possible Effects of Grammatical Errors

In this part, the researcher explains the possible effects of the grammatical

errors in Rich Brian’s Songs. There are two possible effects based on the

researcher interpretation. The first effect is rhyme. The second effect is to have the

same metrical pattern. Those possible effects are following the rule of the poetic

license. The term poetic license refers to a work of a poet’s when they have

ignored the grammar rules to create effect (Koski, 2016, para.5).



The overgeneralization and error of the pronoun are made in order to make

the previous line rhymed to the next line. On the other hand, double negation,

omission/ellipsis, the error of verb, and the error of the preposition are made in

order to have the right meter within the line of the song. The further discussion

will be explain below.

1. Rhyme

The first possible effect discusses by the researcher is rhyme. According to

Madden (2007), rhyme is correspondence of vowel and consonant sounds at the

end of the words in one line and another. Meaning to say that rhyme occurs when

there are two words (or more) with similar vowel (nucleus) and consonant (coda)

at the end. Rich Brian violates some grammatical rules in order to attract the

listener by making his lyrics rhymed. The first discussion is the effect of the

overgeneralization which lies on “Who That Be” song and it will be discussed


a. Overgeneralization

Overgeneralization has the effect on the lyrics. Rich Brian overgeneralizes

a word in order to make his song more aesthetic by making a line rhymed with

each other lines. The example will be discussed below:

God damn, bitch, I don’t smoke no gas

I don’t pop no Xans,

Hella cake, I just need that ass,

Don’t worry ‘bout no mans

From the quoted lyrics above, the researcher can identify that Rich Brian

breaks some grammatical rules, however, the focus on this part is only the

overgeneralization of word man. As discussed from the previous part that



irregular plural noun of man is men, yet, Rich Brian overgeneralizes the word man

into mans in order to rhymed with the previous line which is “I don’t smoke no

xans” The proof of these two line are rhyming each other is can be seen on

nucleus and coda of the words mans and xans. The phonetic transcription of the

word xans is /sanz/. In line with xans, the word mans also has the same, mans →

/manz/. From the example, it can be said that the nucleus and the coda of these

two words are accordance. Meaning to say that these words are rhyming each


Table. 10 Rhyme Effect of Overgeneralization

Lyric Rhyme Rhyme Pattern

God damn, bitch, I don’t smoke no gas /æs/ A

I don’t pop no xans /ænz/ B

Hella cake, I just need that ass /æs/ A

Don’t worry ‘bout no mans /ænz/ B

From the table above, it can be seen that the pattern of rhyme is ABAB. The

pattern A refers to the end of rhyme /æz/. Meanwhile, the pattern B refers to the

end of rhyme /ænz/.

b. Error of Pronoun

Another grammatical errors process purposively made in order to have the

effect of rhyme is error of pronoun. Error of pronoun or the wrong usage of noun

in English grammar rules is made by Rich Brian in order to get the effect that he

desired. The process can be found in “Who That be” song.



Look at me,

Look at he,

You don’t wanna fuck with we.

It is obviously there are errors occurred on the quoted lyrics above. The

errors lie on the object pronoun he and we. Rich Brian uses subject pronoun,

which are he and we, instead of object pronoun, him and us, in his song lyrics.

Since these two types have their own form, the wrong usage of these types is

considered as an error (Eastwood, 1994: p. 235). As stated before, Rich Brian

does this in order to get the desired effect, which is rhyme. He misuses the object

pronoun into subject pronoun in order to make the line, which the wrong usage

occurred, rhymed to the previous line. The word me, he, and we, is pronounced as

/mi:/, /hi:/, and /wi:/. Therefore, those three words have the same final nucleus /i:/

which makes the sound of the words similar or being rhymed.

Table 11. Rhyme Effect of Error of Pronoun

Lyrics Rhyme Rhyme Pattern

Look at me /i:/ A

Look at he /i:/ A

You don’t wanna fuck with we /i:/ A

From the table above, it can be seen that the error have an impact to the lyrics.

Thus, the lyrics make an AAA rhyme pattern. The rhyme pattern refers to the end

of rhyme /i:/.

2. Meter

The second possible effect that will be discussed is meter. Meter is some

rhythm which refers to pattern of stressed (/) and unstressed (ˇ) syllables in a line



(Madden, 2007, p. 71). In order to make the right meter in each line of the song,

Rich Brian violates some grammatical rules. The grammatical errors processes

which intentionally made in order to have the right meter are double negation,

omission, and error of preposition. These processes occurred in every songs that

the researcher chose, which Were “Dat $tick”, “Glow Like That”, and “Who That


a. Double Negation

The first process that will be discussed is double negation. Rich Brian

breaks the rules of English grammar in order to have the right metrical pattern in

his songs. In order to prove this interpretation, the researcher will give the

examples. The first example is in “Who That Be”. The explanation is below:

ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ /

God damn | bitch, I | don’t smoke | no gas

/ ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ

I don’t | pop no | xans, he | lla cake

The lines are taken from “Who That Be” song. Those two lines have

different pattern of stress and unstressed syllable. The first line is iambic. It begins

with unstressed (ˇ) in God and continues with stressed (/) in Damn. On the other

hand, the second line is trochaic which begins with stressed (/) in I and continues

with unstressed (ˇ) in don’t. However, they are sharing same metrical feet which

is tetrameter (four feet).

The second example is also taken from “Who That Be” song. The

explanation is below:

/ ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ

I don’t | see no | such thing | as a mother | fuckin | bro, mane



/ ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ

You ain’t | fuckin’ slick | if you | think you | in my | team, mane

After listening to the song, the researcher identify which part in the line of the

song that is stressed or unstressed. The result came up like the quoted lines above.

The first line where the grammatical errors process occurred has trochaic pattern

of stressed and unstressed and for the metrical feet, it possesses heptameter (seven

feet). As the result, the first line is a trochaic heptameter.

The same result appeared in the second line, which is the next line of the

first line. The second line has trochaic pattern of stressed and unstressed and the

metrical feet, it has hexameter (six feet). The second line appeared to have the

same meter with the first line. Meaning to say that they both share the same meter,

which is trochaic hexameter.

b. Omission

The second process is omission. Omission has the same effect with the

previous discussion which is meter. The example of this process to create a meter

effect is taken from “Who That Be” song. The further discussion about why this

process considered has the effect to create meter is down below:

ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ /

This shit | too cra | zy need | the fuck | in am | bulance

ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ /

Don’t wear | no jack | et I | just wear | that me | tal vest

The first line above is where the omission of linking verb “have” process

occurred. In order to make the first line has the same metrical pattern to the next

line, Rich Brian omits the linking verb “have” there. As the result, the first line

has iambic pattern of stressed and unstressed. It can be seen on the beginning of



the line which is started with the unstressed syllable of “this” and then continued

with the stressed syllable of “shit”. The metrical feet of this line is hexameter (six

feet). It can be seen on the pattern of stress and unstressed of the line is repeated

for six times. As the outcome, this line is considered as iambic hexameter.

A little bit different from the first line, the grammatical errors process

occurred in the second line is not omission, but double negation. However, as the

result, these two lines are sharing the same meter which is iambic hexameter. It

can be seen in the beginning of the second line. It begins from the unstressed word

of “don’t” and continues with stressed word “wear”. Therefore, the pattern of

stressed and unstressed in this line is iambic. For the metrical feet it also possesses

hexameter (six feet). It can be seen, on the repetition of stressed and unstressed

pattern which appear six times. This explanation makes this line have the same

result as the first line which is iambic hexameter.

c. Error of Preposition

The third process is error of preposition. This example will be taken from

“Glow Like That” song. The further explanation will be explained below:

ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ /

One of these days I’ll fuck around

ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ

And book | a flight | up to | Manhattan

The first line above is iambic tetrameter. The proof is this line begins with

unstressed then stressed pattern. The unstressed is on the word “one” and the

stressed one is on “of”. This makes this line has iambic stressed and unstressed



pattern. The metrical feet that this line has is tetrameter (four feet) since this line

has four times repetitions of unstressed and stressed pattern.

The second line is where the error occurs. Rich Brian misuses the

preposition “to” into “up to” in order to make this line has the same meter with the

previous line. As the result, this line has the same meter with previous line which

is iambic tetrameter. The pattern of stressed and unstressed is iambic because this

line begins with the unstressed first then continues with the stressed. “One” is the

unstressed and “of” is the stressed one. Both two lines have the same metrical

feet, which is tetrameter (four feet). However, the metrical feet of this line is little

bit odd, since it ends with the unstressed of last syllable in Manhattan, yet, this

addition of unstressed syllable does not impact much of the line. This is concluded

because there are four repetitions of unstressed and stressed pattern in this line. As

the result, these two lines share the same meter which is iambic tetrameter.

d. Error of Verb

The last process is error of verb. Error of verb or the wrong usage of verb

is purposively made by Rich Brian in order to get meter effect. This example will

be taken from “Dat $tick” song. As the proof the researcher will state the

explanation below:

/ ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ /

Don't wanna see you go but I do the same as you

/ ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ /

Don't see why you would go back to seein' me when you

The first line above is where the wrong usage of verb is occurred. The first

line has trochaic as the stressed and unstressed pattern. For the metrical feet, it



possesses hexameter since the pattern of unstressed and stressed is repeated six


The second is completely the same as the first line. They both have

trochaic as their stressed and unstressed pattern. They have hexameter (six feet) as

their metrical feet. Finally, they both have an addition stressed in the final of the

line which is you.





This part aims to answer the two problems of the study listed on the

previous chapter. The first problem is to find out the grammatical errors occurred

in Rich Brian’s song entitled “Dat Stick”, “Glow Like That”, and “Who That Be”.

The errors are taken from three songs mentioned before. The second problem is to

find out what are the possible effects resulted from the grammatical errors


In the first problem, there is only one linguistic feature that is analyzed.

The linguistic feature is syntactical feature. The total numbers of grammatical

errors that are found are 29 errors. The research shows there are 14 errors from the

grammatical errors process of omission, 6 errors from double negation, 3 errors

from the error of preposition, 2 errors from the error of verb, 2 errors from error of

pronoun, and last 2 errors from overgeneralization.

From the analysis, there are 6 grammatical errors processes occurred in

Rich Brian’s song. The first process is Omission. There are three types of

omission. The first type is omission of main auxiliary verb. The examples of main

auxiliary are “do”, “be”, and “have” in a phrase or a sentence, just like in “Berry

gon’ smell blood trail”. This is taken from “Dat Stick” song lyrics. There is an

omission of main auxiliary verb “is” there. Therefore, this line of the lyrics

considered as an error. The second type is omission of modal auxiliary. The

examples of modal auxiliary are “can”, “could”, “may”, “might”, “shall”,



“should”, “will”, “would”, “must”, and “ought”. The second process is double

negation. Double negation only occurred in two songs which are “Who That Be”

and “Dat Stick”. The third process is the error of preposition. The occurrence of

this process is in the wrong usage of preposition “on” and “up to”. The fourth

process is the error of verb. The examples of this process is the wrong usage of

verb “wave” and “to seeing”. The fifth process is the error of pronoun. The

examples of this process is the wrong usage of subject pronoun “he” and “we”.

The last process is overgeneralization. The example of this process occurred in

Rich Brian’s song is the overgeneralization of word “men”.

In the second problem, the researcher finds/interprets the possible effects

through phonological features as the result of the grammatical errors processes

occurred. Based on the discussion, there are two possible effects found by the

researcher. These effects are purposively made by Rich Brian in order to get the

desired effect. The first effect is rhyme. The processes that are purposively made

in order to get this effect are overgeneralization and the error of pronoun. The

second effect is meter. The processes are purposively made in order to get this

effect are double negation, omission, the error of preposition, and the error of


However, not all grammatical errors processes result in phonological

effect. There are some errors that are not impacting the phonological effect, as in

Rogue wave on you niggas, no fail when I hit ‘em. The error occurs in the line is

the error of the verb. The error has no effect since it is still the same whether the

error occurs or not occur.



As the final point, this research finds Rich Brian violates the rule of

English grammar to get desired effects in order to attract the listener and make his

song more aesthetic by making them rhymed each other and have the same meter.

This research also proves that stylistics can be used to analyze songs as its

approach with some level analysis, such as grammatical, phonological,

graphological, and lexical. Moreover, this research shows that the analysis of

syntactical and phonological features through stylistics can finds out the style of

song, within this context is the errors and the effects.

To improve the analysis using stylistic approach, the researcher suggests

the other researchers to conduct different analysis with the same object. Moreover,

the researcher also suggests other researchers to conduct a research by using

different analysis, such as graphological, lexical, or grammatical analysis of

stylistic. Since everyone has different interpretation, it could be interesting to see

other interpretations from other researchers.




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Appendix 1: The Lyrics of “Dat $tick”

[Verse 1]

12 in the morning, pop shells for a living

And berry gon' smell blood trail every minute

Rogue wave on you niggas, no fail when I hit 'em

Every time I see a pig, I don't hesitate to kill 'em

Ain't nobody give a fuck about a rule

Either get diplomas or a tool, I'ma cool with my youngins

No bool when I'm sprayin', this K at you fuckas

Fuck a gang affiliated with nothing but my name


Man, I don't give a fuck about a mothafuckin' po

I'ma pull up with that stick and hit yo' motherfuckin' do'

Man, I don't give a fuck about a mothafuckin' po

I'ma pull up with that stick and hit yo' motherfuckin' do', yeah

[Verse 2]

People be starving

And people be killing for food with that crack and that spoon

But these rich mothafuckas they stay eatin' good

Droppin' wage livin good

Holdin' steel Glocks, but you been a bitch, suck a thick cock

Fuck a Crip walk, hit the strip like in Bangkok

Never ever see me ever trip 'bout a lil broad

See me on the TV screamin', "Bitch, you a damn fraud"

And you don't wanna fuck with a chigga like me

When I pull up in that Maserati

Better duck 'fore ya brain splatter on the concrete

I'ma hit you with that .45, bullet hit yo neck round the bow tie

Lookin' like a thriller, film a bitch

I'ma go right back with the clip and I know you be shakin'

Don't test me or I might just click at yo noggin


Man, I don't give a fuck about a mothafuckin' po

I'ma pull up with that stick and hit yo' motherfuckin' do'

Man, I don't give a fuck about a mothafuckin' po

I'ma pull up with that stick and hit yo' motherfuckin' do', yeah



Appendix 2: The Lyrics of “Who That Be”

[Verse 1]

Yo' bitch on me but you can never do nothing

'Cause yo' momma raised a pussy

Everytime I walk to the drop top, can't help but

Close my eyes 'cause my whip so glossy

God damn, bitch, I don't smoke no gas

I don't pop no Xans, hella cake

I just need that ass, don't worry 'bout no mans

Look at me, look at he, you don't wanna fuck with we

Hit the streets, roll on me, you gon' end up in the sea

[Bridge 1]

7:30, wake up, skrt up in the lobby then proceed to flee

All my people ridin' in the backseat on a killin' spree

Wait, who that be, ready on the count of 3

Squeeze the G, leave the scene

Bouncin' like the trampoline


Gettin' bread, earn income (man)

Spent it on this Balmain

Working all night I might run into the Batman

I don't see no such thing as a mothe'fuckin' bro, mane

You ain't fuckin' slick if you think you in my team, mane

[Verse 2]

We gon' pull up on the kids with a flat brim cap and the tats get the brick

And I don't give a fuck hit em with the damn dicks

Man, hold up, pause, now they red like Santa Claus

I'm a G bet there's something wrong with me

All these mans on the ground, lookin like the dead ass sea

Yeah, pull up on me, sip a high-t, till I OD

I don't really give a fuck no more b

Skrrt skrrt onamonapee, bitch Grand Prix

Pull up on a fuckin enemy, 3rd degree

Now imma go right back to the crib (to the crib bitch)

And leave the fuckin country with the brick (loudpack)

[Bridge 2]

I'd call the cops on myself if I can, (if I can)

This shit too crazy need the fuckin ambulance (ambulance)

Don't wear no jackets, I just wear that metal vest (skrrt skrrt)

Got all this money but these bitches unimpressed (yea, yea, yea)




Getting bread earn income (man)

Spend it on this Balmain

Working all night I might run into the Bat(man)

I don't see no such thing as a motherfucking bro mane

You ain't fucking slick if you think you in my team mane

[Bridge 1]

7:30 wake up skrt up in the lobby then proceed to flee

All my people riding in the back seat on a killing spree

Wait, who that be? ready on the count of 3

Squeeze the G, leave the scene

Bouncin like the trampoline




Appendix 3: The Lyrics of “Glow Like That”


I done seen you glow like that, I must say that I'm proud

Thinkin' 'bout the times when you would go into my house (ayy)

Had to let you go like that, I'd say it fucked me up (ayy)

You live in my head without a doubt (ayy)

Always anxious, got your picture on my necklace (yuh)

Say I'm smart but never seen a day of campus (skrrr, skrrr)

Gave me 'nani, don't be sorry, we're just reckless (skrrr, skrrr)

Think about you every time I see your drawers (yuh)


I be on my Mac Demarco shit

Break my heart then smoke a cig

Even put some cloves in it (cloves)

Don't test me because my skin ain't thick

Hit your walls, I need my fix

Pull up on you, I need…

[Verse 1]

Way more with you

Had too much of these hoes

Never told you 'bout the summer that I spent with my bros

Doin' things like your legs

Just gon' stay open now they closed

Thought I'd fix the road

But now you out here flyin' on your own



I was just thinkin' 'bout you

And it made me think of colors of the space

70 miles up in my coupe

And not a thought 'bout steppin' on my brakes


I done seen you glow like that, I must say that I'm proud

Thinkin' 'bout the times when you would go into my house (ayy)

Had to let you go like that, I'd say it fucked me up (ayy)

You live in my head without a doubt (ayy)

Always anxious, got your picture on my necklace (yuh)

Say I'm smart but never seen a day of campus (skrrr, skrrr)

Gave me 'nani, don't be sorry, we're just reckless (skrrr, skrrr)

Think about you every time I see your drawers



[Verse 2]

All these parties I attend

But never know the celebration

I let you do what you want

No need for explanation

You go through my mind all day

All night, it feels like immigration

One of these days I'll fuck around

And book a flight up to Manhattan

Don't wanna see you go but I'd do the same as you

Don't see why you would go back to seein' me when you

Didn't wanna hurt my feelings but I couldn't get a clue

Didn't wanna seem perceivin' 'bout the things that you pursue


I was just thinkin' 'bout you

And it made me think of colors of the space

70 miles up in my coupe

And not a thought 'bout steppin' on my brakes


I done seen you glow like that, I must say that I'm proud

Thinkin' 'bout the times when you would go into my house (ayy)

Had to let you go like that, I'd say it fucked me up (ayy)

You live in my head without a doubt (ayy)

Always anxious, got your picture on my necklace (yuh)

Say I'm smart but never seen a day of campus (skrrr, skrrr)

Gave me 'nani, don't be sorry, we're just reckless (skrrr, skrrr)

Think about you every time I see your drawers


Yeah, I be on my Mac Demarco shit

Break my heart then smoke a cig

Even put some cloves in it (cloves)

Don't test me because my skin ain't thick

Hit your walls, I need my fix

Pull up on you, I need…



Appendix 4: Grammatical Error

No Lyrics Type of



1 Berry gon’ smell blood trail Omission of main


2 We gon’ pull up on the kids with a flat brim cap Omission of main


3 You been a bitch Omission of main


4 Now they closed Omission of main


5 I done see you Omission of main


6 Never seen a day on campus Omission of main


7 People be starving Omission of main


8 People be killing Omission of modal


9 You be shakin’ Omission of modal


10 I be on my Mac Demarco shit Omission of modal


11 You in my team Omission of

linking verb

12 Now they red Omission of

linking verb

13 The shit too crazy Omission of

linking verb

14 But now you out here Omission of

linking verb

15 I don’t smoke no gas Double Negation

16 I don’t pop no xans Double Negation

17 I don’t see no such thing Double Negation

18 Don’t wear no jacket Double Negation

19 You can never do nothing Double Negation

20 Ain’t nobody Double Negation

21 All these mans Overgeneralization

22 ‘Bout no mans Overgeneralizaion

23 Yo’ bitch on me Error of


24 I’d call the cops on myself Error of




25 Book a flight up to Manhattan Error of


26 Rogue wave on you niggas Error of Verb

27 To seein’ me Error of Verb

28 Look at he Error of Pronoun

29 You don’t wanna fuck with we Error of Pronoun



Appendix 5: Phonological Effect

No Lyrics Grammatical




1 Don’t worry ‘bout no mans Overgeneralization Rhyme

2 Look at he Error of Pronoun Rhyme

3 You don’t wanna fuck with we Error of Pronoun Rhyme

4 I don’t smoke no gas Double Negation Meter

5 I don’t pop no xans Double Negation Meter

6 I don’t see no such thing Double Negation Meter

7 The shit too crazy Omission Meter

8 Book a flight up to Manhattan Error of



9 To seein’ me Error of Verb Meter


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