grammatica unit 8 klas 1

Post on 07-Jun-2015



Self Improvement



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HD. 8.1 t/m 8.8

8.1 Present Simple

Vorm: Hele werkwoord Hele werkwoord + S bij he/she/it

Wanneer gebruik je het? Signaalwoorden Altijd Always, every … Nooit Never Regelmatig Usually

I always go to school at 9 o’clock (go)

He always goes to school at 9 o‘clock (go)

Let op bij he/she/it soms -es: Go goes Do does

Cry cries y ie Try tries

Catch catches Miss misses

Vraagzinnen: do / does + hele werkwoord

Does he go to school every day?

Do you know what it feels like to be hurt?

Ontkennende zinnen: Don’t / doesn’t + hele werkwoord

He doesn’t go to school every day.

We don’t like to eat early.


1. ... you ... (drink) coffee, or would you rather have tea?

2. Dad's best friend John ... (work) in the United States.

3. And Dad really ... (miss) him a lot.4. But John ... (not miss) Holland at all!5. ... Robin ... (think) it's a stupid idea?


1. Do you drink (drink) coffee, or would you rather have tea?

2. Dad's best friend John works (work) in the United States.

3. And Dad really misses (miss) him a lot.4. But John doesn’t miss (not miss)

Holland at all!5. Does Robin think (think) it's a stupid


8.2 Present ContiNUous

Vorm: vorm van “to be” (am / is / are) + hele

werkwoord + -ING Wanneer gebruik je het?

Tegenwoordige tijd; iets is aan de gang of bezig. Waaraan herken je het? (signaalwoorden)

(right) now, at the moment, at present

I am jumping right now

Als een werkwoord op een -e eindigt, dan vervalt de -e als ING wordt toegevoegd.

Have --> having NOT haveing!!

Make --> making Drive --> driving

Let op:

8.3 Present Simple <-> Present Continuous


Vorm: hele werkwoord hele werkwoord + S

(he/she/it) Wanneer gebruik je het?

feit/gewoonte (altijd, nooit, regelmatig)

Signaalwoordenalways, usually, often, never,

every day/week etc.


Vorm: – “to be” + hele

werkwoord + ING

Wanneer gebruik je het?– nu bezig, aan de gang

Signaalwoorden - (right) now, at the

moment, at present, look, listen


Present Simple

I eat an apple every day

I always wear a golden ring

I usually read at home


Present Continuous

I am eating an apple right now

I am wearing a golden ring today

I am reading now



1. What’s wrong with you? I … (have) a bad day.

2. She … (have) got a lot to do every day.3. My brother hates football, so he never

… (play) football with his friends..4. Listen! Miranda … (talking) about her

rich father again.5. You can't go to the toilet right now; I …

(explain) how to do the exercises at the moment.


1. What’s wrong with you? – I am having (have) a bad day.

2. She has (have) got a lot to do every day.3. My brother hates football, so he never

plays (play) football with his friends..4. Listen! Miranda is talking (talking)

about her rich father again.5. You can't go to the toilet right now – I

am explaining (explain) how to do the exercises at the moment.

8.4 to be going to

Vorm: Vorm van “to be” + going to + hele

werkwoord Wanneer gebruik je het?

Als je iets GAAT doen of van plan bent te gaan doen.

Let op: going to heeft al ING, dus het werkwoord erachter krijgt GEEN –ing


1. They ... (gaan bezoeken) their daughter in New York.

2. Grandma ... (gaat bakken) a cake tonight.

3. I ... (ga vertellen) him about that new film.

4. Lisa and I ... (gaan niet leren/studeren)for their English test together.


1. They are going to visit their daughter in New York.

2. Grandma is going to bake a cake tonight.

3. I am going to tell him about that new film.

4. Lisa and I aren’t going to study for their English test together.

8.5 Me - my

Voor…: (telephone / present for…)

Me You Him Her Us You Them

Bezit (erachter staat het zelfst. naamw.

• My

• Your

• His

• Her

• Our

• Your

• Their


1. Lucy, I've got some news for ... (you/your). 2. I'm looking for Pete and Eric. Where are ...

(they/them/their)? ... (They / Them / Their) motheris waiting outside.

3. Give that book back! It is ... (I/me/my) pen!

4. She is lucky. ... (She/Her) timetable is very good.



1. Lucy, I've got some news for you. 2. I'm looking for Pete and Eric. Where

are they? Their mother is waiting outside.

3. Give that book back! It is my pen!4. She is lucky. Her timetable is very


8.6 Rangtelwoorden

Normaal: (getal) + th (fourth,fifth, sixth)

Behalve: First – Second - Third

Let op: eighth – ninth – twelfth – twentieth -twenty-first - thirtieth

Vanaf 21 schrijven we met een streepje ertussen (behalve 30,40,50 etc.)

8.7 dagen, maanden, data

Dagen van de week: altijd met HOOFDLETTER!!!


Maanden van het jaar: altijd met HOOFDLETTER!!!


1. Maandag 07/022. Dinsdag 01/013. Woensdag 02/034. Donderdag 05/045. Vrijdag 04/056. Zaterdag 23/12


1. Maandag 07/02 = Monday February the seventh (the seventh of February)

2. Dinsdag 01/01 = Tuesday January the first (the first of January)

3. Woensdag 02/03 = Wednesday March the second (the second of March)

4. Donderdag 05/04 = Thursday April the fifth (the fifth of April)

5. Vrijdag 04/05 = Friday May the fourth (the fourth of May)

6. Zaterdag 23/12 = Saturday December the twenty-third (the twenty-third of December)

8.8 Alphabet

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