grammarway 4

Post on 18-Nov-2015






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Grammarway 4


  • Ex 7a would have happened b had missedc would have continued d would probably not existe would be f would not have been ableg would have developed h would have growni existed j would not have changed k would lookI had not collided m would probably not ben would not have stood

    Unit 11Ex 1a provided b Supposing c but for d otherwisee were to f if you hap pen to be g even ifh as long as i unless j If it hadn't been for

    Ex 2aC bB cC d A eC f B gB hC iA jB

    Ex 3a We will only refund your booking fee if you cancel 48 hours

    in advance.b If only you'd tal d me about the cheap flights to Italy.c If it hadn't been for the skill of the surgeon, the child would

    not have survived,d If you should have second thoughts, let us know.e But for your help, I would have made a complete mess of

    this.f If I might take your coat?g Even if you offer me more money, I still won't sell the house

    to you!h Let me get a word in edgeways, and I'll tell you what I

    discovered.If you we re to change your min d about the job, we'd beinterested in hearing from you.i Unless we are delayed, we'll be there by six.Ex4a unless b will c were d would e provided f eveng otherwise h not i Supposing j would

    Unit 12Ex 1a had b had listened c would d would stope didn't leave f had not bought 9 had spent h knewi pa id j wish

    Ex 2aC bA cA d A eB f B gC hB iC jC

    Ex 3a ... if more and more young people will go in to higher

    education in future.b ... their children studied a useful subject leading to a goodjob.

    C . their parents would let them make their own choices.d they had chosen their courses more carefully.e not to choose a subject simply because they think they are

    good at it.f ... I were you, I'd think about what kin d of wark I want /

    wanted to do in the futur.g if they were only interested in having a good time.h they had worked harder.i if they will never repay their student Ioans .

    ... time that universities paid more attention to students'financial problems.

    Ex4a would b were c time d it e made f were g droveh could i we re j would k as Iwere

    Unit 13Ex 1a mustn't b did not have to read c we'd better notd I didn't need to have e shouldn't have told mef should not g shouldn't h should not have attemptedi mustn't j don't have to be

    Ex 2a have b must c have d better e shouldf are g could h should i had j need

    Ex 3a better take an umbrella.b have to go to school on Saturday morning in your

    country?c to hand in a typed copy of their first lab report.d needn't have changed ...e think you ought ...f shouldn't have left the windows open while it was raining.g didn't have to pay,h don't have to ...i able to stop the car before it crashed into a wall.j didn't have to connect it to a phone line.

    Ex4a should b have c able d had e had f haveg should h have ibeen j will k should I oughtm have n better o have

    Unit 14Ex 1aA bB cC dA eC f C gC hB iC jA

    Ex 2a 3 b8 c 7 dlO e l fS g6 h2 i9 j 4Ex 3a could / might have an accident,b can't be safe.c must have kicked a bali against it.d can be a dangerous place.e must be safe to touch these wires Dm 0.f might / could have told me that piece of metal was hot!g should have arrived by nowoh can't have cleaned this bowl propery.

    Ex4a 4 b S c 10 d 2 e f 96 h9 il j3

    Unit 15Ex 1a couldn't b shall c shouldn't d needs e can'tf could g could h 1']] do it i might j couldn't

    Ex 2 Suggested answers:a can't be b shall we do c might just d might have knowne could y-ou f Could g needs h can't be

  • UNIT 9: Conditionals - Wishes -Hcd Better/Would Rather - Unreal Past

    3 When I phone ...4 If lvisit ...5 When it comes ...

    6 If she invites .7 When it starts .8 If he lends me .

    2 f If you put food in the fridge, it staysfresh for longer.

    3 a If you don't water plants, they die.4 b If you put water in the freezer, it

    becomes ice.5 c If you leave metal out in the rain, it gets

    rusty.6 e If you drop something, it falls to the

    ground.7 h If you throw a pebble into the sea, it

    sinks.8 g If you mix blue and yellow, you get


    2 d If you want to dine out, go to Andre'sRestaurant. It has French food.

    3 b If you want to visit a museum, go to theOceanographic Museum. It is popularwith tourists.

    4 h If you want to see a play, go to the FortAntoine Theatre. It has open-airperformances.

    5 e If you want to watch athletics events,go to the Louis II Stadium. It hasinternational competitions.

    6 a If you want to see beautiul flowers, goto the Princess Grace Rose Garden. Itis open every day.

    7 f If you want to observe wild animals, goto the Zoological Gardens. They have

    . recently been modernised.8 c If you want to go shopping, go to the

    Casino Square. It has designer shops.

    ,.~ (Ss' own answers)

    2 If the students hadn't worked hard, theywouldn't have raised thousands for charity.

    3 If the footballer hadn't rowed with themanager, he wouldn't have quit the team.

    4 If the actress hadn't been in a car accident,thefilming wouldn't have been delayed.

    5 If a brave teenager hadn't saved the chiid,he/she would have drowned.

    6 If it hadn't rained heavily, Creek Valleywouldn't have flooded.

    2 says3 wouldn't have

    got4 will happen5 don't keep fit6 would try

    2 wouldn't havegot

    3 would put on4 would be able to5 would have told6 may/will ruin7 was/were8 had known

    2 But for3 Unless4 even if5 otherwise6 What if

    1 will you buy2 speak, will invite3 have done4 would offer5 will miss6 work, will fail7 see, will ask8 would help, had9 finds out

    5 B6 A7 A

    ,,1~ (Ss' own answers)

    7 didn't start8 would be9 had known10 would have


    9 get10 had put11 loses12 wouldn't go13 would have

    called14 willlove15 will be

    7 Supposinq8 and9 In case of10 as long as11 or

    10 hadn't bought,would never havewon

    11 go, will be12 find, will buy13 eat/have eaten14 go, come back15 will never speak

    8 C9 A10 C

    11 B12 C13 A

    14 A

    2 If you had woken me up, I wouldn't befor my appointment nowo

  • 3 If she we re/was well-qualified, she wouldhave got the job.

    4 If we liked fast food, we would have goneto the restaurant.

    5 If she had brought her umbrella, she .wouldn't be getting wet nowo

    6 If I knew them very well, I would havegone to the party.

    7 He would be at the lecture if he had beentold about it.

    8 If they had taken a map wit h them, theywouldn't be lost nowo

    9 If the driver we re/was careful, he wouldn'thave crashed his car into a wall.

    10 If I had bought tickets, we could go to thetheatre tonight.

    11 If he had reserved a table, he wouldn'thave to wait for an hour.

    12 If Sue hadn't forgotten to go to the bank,she would be able to go shopping nowo

    13 If they hadn't missed their flight, theywould arrive today.

    132 d 'If only drivers wouldn't park illegally,'

    says the traffic warden.3 g 'I wish passengers would put their

    luggage in the lockers,' says the flightattendant.

    4 b 'If only the customers would be morepolite,' says the shopkeeper.

    5 c 'I wish campers wouldn't light fires inthe forest,' says the campsite owner.

    6 a 'If only patients would take theirmedication properly,' says the doctor.

    7 f 'I wish bathers would follow the safetyregulations,' says the lifeguard.

    2 hadn't shouted3 would tidy4 had practised5 would cali6 were/was7 would stop8 had bought9 would try

    10 had gone11 could afford12 would stop13 was/we re

    going/could go14 would help15 had arranged

    2 ... I had booked aroom. If I had booked aroom, I woud have somewhere to stay nowo

    3 ... I hadn't eaten so much chocolate. If Ihadn't eaten so much chocolate, Iwouldn't feel so ill nowo

    4 ... I hadn't touched the iron. If I hadn'ttouched the iron, my hand wouldn't hurtso much nowo

    5 ... I had got up earlier. If I had got upearlier, I wouldn't be late nowo



    2 could3 had4 was/were

    5 would6 had7 did

    8 would

    2 ... the 'Titanic's' distress signals wouldhave been received.

    3 ... the loss of life would not have been sogreat.

    4 many people wouldn't have died.5 some of the passengers would not

    have been rescued.6 ... new rules would not have been made

    to ensure that sea voyages would be saferin future.

    7 ... it wouldn't have sunk so quickly.

    (Ss' own answers)

    2 reading, watching3 had played4 book5 didn't tidy6 to stay7 playing, doinq8 have gone

    2 had been heard3 owned4 had gone5 had known6 employed7 had won8 didn't interrupt9 saw

    2 hadn't confided3 organise/have

    organised4 got5 would you accept6 had asked

    2 or else you will3 I were you4 wish my fiat wasi

    were5 had better not go6 would rather eat7 wishes she

    hadn't spent8 wish I had made9 hadn't missed10 provided the

    weather gets11 had better write a


    9 didn't make10 work11 not mention12 had stayed13 to spend14 have eaten15 not go

    10 had told11 had realised12 met13 learnt14 hadn't

    misbehaved15 had known

    7 met8 had understood9 have studied10 had not moved11 had forgotten12 would have met

    12 wishes she wasiwere tall enough

    13 wish you wouldwipe

    14 or else I will tell15 would rather go

    out16 wish I had gone to17 would have sent18 for your help19 or else you will20 unless you


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