grammar review - the present perfect continuous

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Present perfect


The Present Perfect Continuous

Remember when we use the Present Perfect:

1) What happened is important; when it happened isn’t:

When we don’t mention the time both Present Perfect and Past Simple may be used. However, the present

perfect is preferable.

I bought the CD I was looking for. (Since the information we want to convey is that we bought it and when we

bought it is not important, the present perfect is preferable.)

I have bought the CD I was looking for.

2) Unfinished actions:

Sarah has worked here for ten years now. (She started working here 10 years ago and still works here, so we are

referring both to past ten years ago and the present she still works here.)

3) More than one action that repeat from the past to the present:

My family and I have been to Europe several times lately. (Differently from the past simple, the present perfect

can refer to more than an repeated action in the past.)

The present perfect continuous

Case 2 may be replaced by the present perfect continuous when we want to emphasize the time spent while the

action is in progress:

Ronda has waited here for thirty minutes. She’s impatient now. (The sentence below has the same meaning.)

Ronda has been waiting here for thirty minutes. She’s impatient now. (The underlined part is stressed by the

present perfect continuous.)

I. Do as in the model.

Model: How long have you stood here? – I have been standing here for twenty minutes.

a) How long have you waited for Carla? _________________________________________________

b) How long have you studied? _______________________________________________________

c) How long have you listened to music? ________________________________________________

d) How long have you played this game? ________________________________________________

e) How long have you waited for your order? ______________________________________________

II. Do as in the model.

Model: How long has Carla worked here? – She has been working here since she was 20.

a) How long has your uncle worked here? (30) ______________________________________________

b) How long have your brothers worked here? (18) _________________________________________

c) How long have you and your sister worked here? (22) _____________________________________

d) How long has your mother worked here? (32) __________________________________________

e) How long has your niece worked here? (17) ____________________________________________

III. Do as in the model.

Model: What have you done all morning? – I have been playing games for 2 hours.

a) What has Melissa done all morning? _________________________________________________

b) What has your aunt done all morning? ________________________________________________

c) What have your brothers done all morning? _____________________________________________

d) What has your sister done all morning? _______________________________________________

e) What has your uncle done all morning? _______________________________________________

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