grammar review smackdown: comma and endmark edition!

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Grammar Review Smackdown:Comma and Endmark


Be sure to review: End marks and abbreviations (13.1)

Commas in a Series (q3.2)

Compound Sentences and Phrases (13.3)

Sentence Interrupters and Nonessential Elements (13.4)

End Marks!What punctuation is missing from the following


Do you know who wrote Romeo and Juliet


End Marks!What punctuation is missing from the following


I would like to read some of Shakespeare’s other plays: Othello and The Merchant of Venice


End Marks!Stop that thief He is trying to steal the Mona Lisa

Stop that thief! He is trying to steal the Mona Lisa!

End Marks!

Julie asked me, “Do you know who wrote Romeo and Juliet”

Julie asked me, “Do you know who wrote Romeo and Juliet?”

Abbreviation or Acronym?Mr.


Abbreviation or Acronym?A.M.


Abbreviation or Acronym?A.M.


Abbreviation or Acronym?FBI


Abbreviation or Acronym?Co.


Commas in a Series Where do the commas go in the sentence?

At break today, I ate an apple Pres bread and some cookies.

At break today, I ate an apple, Pres bread, and some cookies.

Commas in a Series Where do the commas go in the sentence?

Our class is a fun lively place to be.

Our class is a fun, lively place to be.

Commas in a Series Where do the commas go in the sentence?

We enjoy swimming in the pool running on the track and cycling around town.

We enjoy swimming in the pool, running on the track, and cycling around town.

Compound Sentences and PhrasesWhere do the commas go in the sentence?

Overjoyed the girls ran to tell their mom that they just saw Ryan Gosling.

Overjoyed, the girls ran to tell their mom that they just saw Ryan Gosling.

Compound Sentences and PhrasesWhere do the commas go in the sentence?

In Romeo and Juliet the characters are very relatable because they are teenagers.

In Romeo and Juliet, the characters are very relatable because they are teenagers.

Compound Sentences and PhrasesWhere do the commas go in the sentence?

Steve went to the mall but Sarah went to work.

Steve went to the mall, but Sarah went to work.

Compound Sentences and PhrasesWhere do the commas go in the sentence?

Intrigued by the noises outside Joanna went to see what was happening.

Intrigued by the noises outside, Joanna went to see what was happening.

Sentence Interrupters Where does the comma go in the sentence?

Emily when do you need to be at school tomorrow?

Emily, when do you need to be at school tomorrow?

Sentence Interrupters Where does the comma go in the sentence?

Verona a city in Italy is where our play is set.

Verona, a city in Italy, is where our play is set.

Sentence Interrupters Where does the comma go in the sentence?

Shakespeare by coincidence was born and died on the same day.

Shakespeare, by coincidence, was born and died on the same day.

Nonessential ElementsWhere does the comma go in the sentence?

London which was full of disease at the time is where all of Shakespeare’s plays were first performed.

London, which was full of disease at the time, is where all of Shakespeare’s plays were first performed.

Nonessential ElementsWhere does the comma go in the sentence?

Mantua a city outside of Verona is where Romeo is banished.

Mantua, a city outside of Verona, is where Romeo is banished.

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