grammar book![1]

Post on 13-May-2015






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Maxmiliano Glazier

Table Of Contents

Conditional Conditional Irregulars Present Perfect Present Perfect

Irregulars Past Perfect Subjunctive Perfect Se Impersonal Saber Vs. Conocer Formal Commands Formal Irregulars

•Informal commands•Informal Irregulars•Nosotros Commands•Mono Verbs•DOP+IOP Placement•Subjunctive•Subjunctive Irregulars•Trigger Phrases•Demonstrative Adjectives + Pronouns•Tan/ Tanto


Would, could, should, probability If would is used for a repeated action in the

past, the imperfect would be used At these endings to the end of the infinitive Ía Ías Ía Íamos Íais ían

Conditional Irregulars

Caber-Cabr Poder-Podr Salir-Saldr Decir-Dir Poner-Poder Tener-Tendr Haber-Habr Querer-Querr Valer- Valdr Hacer-har Saber- Sabr Venir- Vendr

Present Perfect

Indicates a recently completed action It is a compound tense, used with

Haber and another verb Used to tell what has/hasn’t been

done An action that was true in the past

and is still true in the present He, has, ha, hemos, hebeís, han

Present Perfect Irregulars Abrir- Abierto Cubir- Cubierto Decir- Dicho Escribir- Escrito Hacer- Hecho Ir-Ido Ver- Visto Volver- Vuelto Romper- Roto Poner- Puesto

Past Perfect

Compound form Haber and the past participle The auxiliary verb and the past

participle are never separated He, has, ha, hemos, hebeís, han Ar- ado Ir-Ido Er-Ido

Subjunctive Perfect

Used when a verb or subject that requires the subjunctive is used in the main clause in the present, future or present perfect

Haber Haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayais,

hayanAdd the past Participle- Ar-Ado/ Er-Ido/ Ir-


Se Impersonal

Can be used in all verb tenses “se” is always used in the 3rd person Can replace an indirect object

pronoun- “se lo”

Saber vs. Conocer

Saber is to know facts or information Conocer is to know people, places,

things, or literary works

Formal Commands

Ar- Conjugate to the yo form and drop the “o” and add an “e”

Er- Conjugate to the yo form and drop the “o” and add an “a”

Ir- Conjugate to the yo form and drop the “o” and add an “a”

Irregular Formal Commands

Tener- Tenga Venir- Venga Dar- De Ir- Vaya Ser- Sea Hacer- Haga Estar- Esté Saber- Sepa

Informal Commands

Affirmative- Conjugate to the “tu” form and drop the “s”

Negative- Change to the “yo” form, change to opposite ending, and add an “s”

Informal Irregulars

Di Haz Ve Pon Sal Sé Ten Ven





Nosotros Commands

Used when dealing with nosotros or “lets” in english

Change the verb to the “yo” form Add the opposite vowel and add,


Mono Verbs

The first “s” of the affirmative reflexive is dropped, that is “mosnos” goes to “monos”

Irregulars- Vamonos, Vayamos If object pronouns are used they

must be placed at the end of the affirmative commands

DOP & IOP Placement

DOPs- lo, la, los and las IOPs- Me, te, se, nos, os Infinitive Phrases- attach to the end of

an infinitive. Place in front of a conjugated verb

•Commands- •Affirmative- attach to the end of the command•Negative- It is after the “no”, but before the command.

Present Subjunctive

Infinitive, change to the “yo” form and change to the opposite vowel

Ar verbs- a, as, a, amos, ais, an Er verbs- e, es, e, emos, eis, en

Subjunctive Irregulars

Tener- Tenga Venir- Venga Decir- Diga Ir- Vaya Ser- Sea Hacer- Haga Estar- Esté Saber- Sepa

Car- queGar- gueZar- cé

Stem changing-Er and –Ar have the same stem changes-Nosotros and vosotros change with pedir (e-i), sentir (e-i) Dormir- (o-u)

Trigger Phrases

Impersonal Expressions- Es… que Malo, importante, bueno, mejor, etc.

• Expressions of Emotions- Main clause + subordinate Clause • (sentir)- to be sorry• (es triste)- It is sad• (Temer)- To fear• (Esperar)- To hope

•Conjunctions of Time- Precedes the subjunctive after the subordinate clause• Asi que• Hasta que• Cuando• Despues de que

Demonstrative Adjectives & Pronouns

Este/ Esta- this Ese/ Esa- that Estos/ Estas- these Esos/ Esas- those Aquel/ Aquella- that over there Aquellos/ Aquellas- those over there

Tan and Tanto

Tan•Como- (as… as)•Used always with adjectives and adverbs

Tanto•Como- As much… as, as many…as•Used always with nouns and verbs

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