grails plugin development

Post on 17-May-2015



Presentations & Public Speaking



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An easy to understand presentation to learn How to develop Grails Plugin


Grails Plugin Development

- Mohd Farid


1. What is a plugin

2. Creating and Installing Plugins

3. Understanding a Plugin's Structure

4. Providing Basic Artefacts

5. Accessing the Application’s artefact classes

6. Hooking into Runtime Configuration

7. Adding Dynamic Methods at Runtime

8. Participating in Auto Reload Events

9. Understanding Plugin Load Order

10.Adding our own Artefact Types

11.Releasing our Plugin

What is a plugin

Wikipedia says:

In computing, a plugin is a software component that adds a specific feature to an existing software application.

● Very similar to a Grails application project

● Plus a *GrailsPlugin.groovy plugin descriptor file

● Use grails create plugin to create one

● Often adds artifacts, resources, scripts

● Good for code reuse

● Modular development

What is a Grails plugin

Creating and Installing Plugins

Creating and Installing Plugins

Command grails create-plugin my-first-plugin

Plugin descriptor file

A Groovy file whose name ends with GrailsPlugin

Creating and Installing Plugins contd...

Plugin descriptor specifies the details about the plugin:|

1. title

2. version Example "0.1", "0.2-SNAPSHOT", "1.1.4" etc.

3. grailsVersion - eg. "1.2 > *" (indicating 1.2 or higher)

4. author -

5. authorEmail -

6. description -

7. documentation - URL of the plugin's documentation

Creating and Installing Plugins contd...

Specifying the plugin location:

// Useful to test plugins you are developing.

grails.plugin.location.shiro = "/home/dilbert/dev/plugins/grails-shiro"

// Useful for modular applications where all plugins and

// applications are in the same directory.

grails.plugin.location.'grails-ui' = "../grails-grails-ui"


Creating an inplace plugin and

configuring it in Application

Understanding a plugin’s structure

Understanding a Plugin's Structure

1. Structure is similar to a normal grails application

2. When installed it differs slightly3. Contents of grails-app will go

into the plugins directory within the host application : plugins/example-1.0/grails-app

4. Not copied into the main source tree.

5. No interfering with the primary application.

6. Java / Groovy/ lib: Goes into web-app/WEB-INF/classes

Providing Basic Artefacts

Providing Basic Artefacts

Adding a new Script:

Add a gant script in scripts folder of the Plugin.

Adding a grails artefact:

Add a new domain, services, controller in the plugin’s respective directories.

Providing Basic Artefacts...Grails' view resolution mechanism

Just like controllers, we can provide default views from the plugin.

Scope to override the views provided by a plugin.

First checks for the view in the application.

If that fails will attempt to look for the view within the plugin.

DemoOverriding plugin view through application

Providing Basic Artefacts...

Files that are not packaged with the plugin:

1. BootStrap.groovy

2. BuildConfig.groovy

3. Config.groovy

4. DataSource.groovy (and any other *DataSource.groovy)

5. UrlMappings.groovy

6. resources.groovy

7. Everything within /web-app/WEB-INF

8. Everything within /web-app/plugins/**

9. Everything within /test/**

10.SCM management files within **/.svn/** and **/CVS/**

Accessing the Application’s artefact classes

Accessing the Application’s artefact classes

GrailsApplication application

1. application an implicit variable (instance GrailsApplication interface)

2. Has methods for accessing all artifact classes within our application.

Accessing the Application ..

Accessing all the Artefact Classes in Application

for (grailsClass in application.allClasses) {


}Accessing all the controller classes:

for (controllerClass in application.controllerClasses){ println}

Accessing the Application .. Some useful methods and their conventions

1. *Classes - eg application.controllerClasses)

2. get*Class - eg application.getControllerClass("PersonController")

3. is*Class - eg: application.isControllerClass(PersonController)

Artefact names:

4. domain

5. controller

6. tagLib

7. service

8. codec

9. bootstrap


Accessing the Application .. Some examples:

● application.domainClasses

● application.controllerClasses

● application.getDomainClass(“Person”)

● application.getControllerClass("PersonController")

● application.isTagLibClass(“ApplicationTagLib”)

Accessing the Application .. Each Artefact implements the GrailsClass :

getPropertyValue - Gets the initial value of the given property on the class

hasProperty - Returns true if the class has the specified property

newInstance - Creates a new instance of this class.

getName - Returns the logical name of the class in the application without the trailing convention part if applicable

getShortName - Returns the short name of the class without package prefix

Accessing the Application ..

some more methods in GrailsClass…

getFullName - Returns the full name of the class in the application with the trailing convention part and with the package name

getPropertyName - Returns the name of the class as a property name

getLogicalPropertyName - Returns the logical property name of the class in the application without the trailing convention part if applicable

getNaturalName - Returns the name of the property in natural terms (eg. 'lastName' becomes 'Last Name')

getPackageName - Returns the package name

DemoAccessing the Artefacts

Hooking into Runtime Configuration

Hooking into Runtime Configuration

1. Hooking into the Grails Spring configuration (doWithSpring)

2. Participating in web.xml Generation (doWithWebDescriptor)

3. Doing Post Initialisation Configuration (doWithApplicationContext)

Adding Dynamic Methods at Runtime

Adding Dynamic Methods at Runtime

def doWithDynamicMethods = { applicationContext -> for (controllerClass in application.controllerClasses) { controllerClass.metaClass.myNewMethod = {-> println "hello world" } } }


Adding a method through meta-programming

Participating in Auto Reload Events

Participating in Auto Reload Events

Monitoring Resources for Changes

def watchedResources = [ list of files that we want to watch for change]

def onchange = { event->


For other plugins

def influences = ['controllers']

def observe = ["controllers"]

Participating in Auto Reload Events

Monitoring Resources for Changes

def watchedResources

Eg values: ["file:./grails-app/jobs/**/*Job.groovy",

"file:./plugins/*/grails-app/jobs/**/*Job.groovy" ]

(from quartz plugin)

def onchange = { event->

println “Changed source: ${event.source}”

//we might want to re inject the meta class methods to certain artefacts.


Participating in Auto Reload Events

Monitoring Resources for Changes

event Object

● event.source - The source of the event, either the reloaded Class or a Spring Resource

● event.ctx - The Spring ApplicationContext instance

● event.plugin - The plugin object that manages the resource (usually this)

● event.application - The GrailsApplication instance

● event.manager - The GrailsPluginManager instance

def influences = ['controllers'] // reload the controller plugin when there is any change in my plugin

observes = ["controllers"] // reload my plugin if controller plugin has changes.

Participating in Auto Reload Events

Use Cases:

watchedResources: Quartz Plugin watches for changes Job Artefact.

influences: Service plugin influences controllers.

observes: Mail plugin wants to be notified if services or controller plugin has


Demo Watched Resources & OnChange events

Understanding Plugin Load Order

Understanding Plugin Load Order

Hard dependency def dependsOn = [foo: "* > 1.0"]def dependsOn = [foo: "1.0 > 1.1"]def dependsOn = [foo: "1.0 > *"]

Weaker dependencydef loadAfter = ['controllers']def loadBefore = ['controllers']

Understanding Plugin Load Order

Interacting with other plugins

manager: another implicit object : an instance of GrailsPluginManager

Eg: Hibernate plugin checks for presence of controllers plugin for some decision making.

if (manager?.hasGrailsPlugin("controllers")) {

// DO something


Adding our own Artefact Types

Adding our own Artefact Types

Steps for introducing a custom Artefact:

1. An implementation of ArtefactHandler (Can use ArtefactHandlerAdapter as base)

2. Each Artefact must implement GrailsClass

3. def artefacts = [ org.somewhere.MyArtefactHandler ] in plugin descriptor.

See by Example:

Quartz plugin’s ArtefactHandler

Releasing our plugin

Releasing our plugin

1. Register on

2. Fill out this form

3. Provide good documentation for the users to get started.

4. Once approved, install the release plugin in the plugin application

5. grails publish-plugin --stacktrace

6. Once successful, the plugin will be published in the grails plugin

repository. Users will be able to install it directly from Grails Plugin portal

by adding the dependency in BuildConfig.groovy

References and further reading


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