grade 7 revision pack semester 1 - brian ordered jake to procure a carton of eggs from...

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Grade 7

Revision Pack

Semester 1


Unseen Passages:

The Wallet

Jenny stared at the store window longingly. There was nothing in this world that she wanted

more than a Happy Hannah doll and all that currently separated her from the hottest doll of the

holiday season was a thin piece of glass and $29.95 plus tax. Unfortunately, Jenny didn't even

have the 95 cents, so she let out a deep sigh and continued walking home.

As she stomped across the slushy sidewalk, she considered her options. She thought about

taking over her brother's chores. If she shovelled the driveway, washed the dishes all month,

dusted, and vacuumed… she fidgeted with her fingers as she added it up… she would have

eleven dollars. Just as she was concluding that this would not be enough, something caught her

eye. It was a small, pink triangle poking out from the snow on the roadside.

Jenny walked over to the triangle and removed it from the snow, whereupon she realized that it

was not a triangle at all but a rectangle. More importantly she realized that the rectangle was a

fashionable leather wallet. She unzipped the bulging wallet to find a thick wad of folded green

bills. Jenny gasped and nearly dropped it. She gathered herself and went to close the snap on

the wallet when she saw some plastic cards. One was a credit card and the other an ID.

Jenny stared at the old woman in her driver’s license photo. The woman had a beautiful smile

that reminded Jenny of her grandma. Jenny sighed and then she shoved the wallet into her

purse. She turned around and walked in the direction from which she came.

Jenny’s heart beat quickly as she entered the store. She had long dreamed about this moment,

but something didn't feel right about it. As she approached a stack of Happy Hannah dolls, she

pushed away her feelings. She grabbed one of the dolls off of the stack. She felt electricity

surging through her body as she began walking toward the checkout.

As Jenny approached the register, the Happy Hannah Show theme song began playing. Jenny

looked around startled, and then realized that it was her mobile phone. She checked the caller

ID and saw that it was her grandma. In one hand she held the Happy Hannah doll and in the

other she held the phone on which her grandma was calling. Jenny heart filled with love and

appreciation as she thought of her sweet old grandma. She put the doll down and picked up the

phone call.

"Hi, Grandma? I'm going to be a little bit late tonight. I've got to drop something off… Yeah, it

was good… O.K… Alright… I love you too." Jenny left the store and walked through the slush all

the way to the other side of town. She thought of her grandma as she rang the bell at 301 West

Street. The women who answered the door had been crying recently and looked distressed.

Jenny recognized her from the ID. "Here, I found this in the snow," Jenny said as she handed her

the wallet. The woman face glowed with joy and relief.

"Oh, good God! This is the money for the orphanage! Now we can bring the children the

puppies for Christmas! It's a miracle!" The woman took the wallet smilingly. She was so


appreciative that she gave Jenny a cookie and a ride home. Jenny had sort of hoped that she

would reward her good deed with a Happy Hannah doll, but Jenny did get a chocolate chip

cookie, and chocolate chip cookies were her favorite.

After doing her brother's chores for three months, Jenny finally got a Happy Hannah doll. She

hated doing all of that extra work, but she knew that she had made the right choice when she

was done because she could play with her Happy Hannah doll and look her grandma in the eyes.

The Wallet - Reading Skill Sheet

1. Author’s Purpose: entertain inform persuade

Why did the author write this?

2. Genre: ____________________________ Subgenre: ______________________________

Ex: Nonfiction, fiction, or folklore Ex: Autobiography, science fiction, fable, informational writing, etc.

3. Narrator’s Point of View: ______________________________________________________

1st-person, 2nd-person, 3rd-person objective, 3rd-person limited, or 3rd-person omniscient

4 & 5. Summarize the text:

Five key events from beginning, middle, & end.


6. Exposition

A. Setting:_______________________________________________________________________

When and where does the story take place? B. Conflict: ___________________________________________________________________ Describe the conflict in the story.

7. Rising Action: List some events that occur before the climax.

1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________


The turning point

Falling Action: List some events that occur after the climax.

1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________


When the conflict is solved

An Unexpected Chat

"Stick this in his hair," said Brian as he handed Jake a clump of Fun Dough. Jake held the colorful

lump in his hand and considered his situation: he didn't want to make things harder for the new

kid, but he was happy that Brian wasn't picking on him and it felt good to be a part of

something. So Jake stuck the Fun Dough in the new kid's hair, whereupon the new kid saddened

and asked Jake why he did it. Jake could not respond to this and Brian laughed as Jake was sent

to the office.

Jake sat stiffly in front of Principal Griffin's desk while the large man chastised him. Mr. Griffin

blustered, hawed, and threatened Jake with expulsion, but when everything was said and done

all Jake received was an after school detention. Throughout the day Jake felt vaguely bad about


what had happened with the new kid, but his mood improved when he saw Brian in detention.

Detention passed quickly for Jake as he and Brian exchanged inappropriate notes. Many of

these notes contained mean messages about the teacher who was monitoring them. They

compared him to a slew of farm animals and insulted his habits. Then Jake tried to talk with

Brian about Death Soldiers IV, a new game that Jake had been playing. Brian discouraged Jake’s

interest by calling him a nerd. Then Brian ordered Jake to procure a carton of eggs from his

home so that they could "egg that chicken new kid tomorrow." Jake knew that Brian would have

him do the egging, but he nodded in assent anyway.

After the period of silent captivity ended, Brian raced home. He erased the various messages

left by school personnel about the day's events from his mother’s answering machine, and then

he grabbed a carton of eggs from out of the fridge and wrapped it in a towel before sliding it

into his backpack. He sat down on the couch to play the new Death Soldiers IV game before his

mom came home.

While playing Death Soldiers IV online, Jake and his friend Morph joined a group of local players.

The game hadn't started yet and the players were talking to each other in the lobby when Jake

heard a familiar voice. "...And I had to get a haircut to get this gunk out of my hair and now I

look really stupid." Jake recognized the voice as that of the new kid at his school. The new kid

went on, "It's just really hard because I thought the kid who did it was a pretty cool kid. He had a

DS IV shirt on and everything. I mean, it would just be nice to have one cool friend at this lame


Jake was moved by the new kid’s words. He turned off the game and took a deep breath. He

remembered all of the times that Brian had picked on him and made him feel bad. He thought

about how Brian had gotten him in trouble today and would do the same thing tomorrow. Then

he thought about how Brian didn’t even like video games, and he realized that he didn't want to

be like Brian. Jake took the carton of eggs out of his backpack and put them back into the fridge.

Then he grabbed his limited edition Death Soldiers IV hat and put it in his bag.

Jake got to school early that day and waited by the bike rack. A bus parked and a line of students

exited. Brian was in the back of the line. He walked over and leaned on the bike rack next to

Jake. Smirking, he asked him, "Did you bring it?" Jake nodded. Brian snickered and walked over

by Emily and began whispering. Brian’s face was full of restlessness and mischief.

Finally the new kid showed up on his bike. He had a new haircut and he sneered at Jake. Jake

looked at him with sincerity. "I'm sorry about yesterday." The new kid huffed. "Yeah, ok." Brian

watched the interaction with great interest. Jake continued, "No, really, it must be hard being

new. I don’t know what came over me yesterday. I want you to have this as a peace offering…"

Jake pulled the Death Soldiers IV hat from his bag and handed it to the new kid. The kid's face

brightened immediately. Jake looked over and saw Brian’s crinkled face. Emily giggled. The new

kid looked at Jake and replied excitedly, "This is the limited edition version! Can I have it for


keepsies?" Jake nodded. As the new kid rattled on to Jake about hidden weapons and secret

locations in Death Soldiers IV, Jake knew that he had made the right choice.

An Unexpected Chat - Reading Skill Sheet

1. Author’s Purpose: entertain inform persuade Why did the author write this? 2. Genre: ____________________________ Subgenre: ______________________________ Ex: Nonfiction, fiction, or folklore Ex: Autobiography, science fiction, fable, informational writing, etc.

3. Narrator’s Point of View: ______________________________________________________ 1st-person, 2nd-person, 3rd-person objective, 3rd-person limited, or 3rd-person omniscient

4 & 5. Summarize the text:

Five key events from beginning, middle, & end.

6. Exposition

A. Setting:_______________________________________________________________________

When and where does the story take place? B. Conflict: ___________________________________________________________________ Describe the conflict in the story.

7. Rising Action: List some events that occur before the climax.

1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________



The turning point

Falling Action: List some events that occur after the climax.

1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________


When the conflict is solved

Vocabulary Skills:

Context Clues:

Directions: Use context clues to choose the best answer

1. The husband was eminent in the field of medicine while the wife was famous in the field of math.

The word eminent in this sentence means

a. unknown b. famous c. nobody d. foolish

2. Grandmother was punctilious; that is, she was very strict about her grandchildren following good


The word punctilious in this sentence means

a. weak b. careless c. strict in observing good manners d. bad-mannered


3. Janice thought the man was friendly, but Casey though he was malicious.

The word malicious in this sentence means

a. friendly b. sweet c. kind d. spiteful

EC. What is the type of context clue? ___________________________________________

4. Many people from the Orient are very careful not to cause ignominy, or dishonor, to their


Using the explanation clue, the word ignominy in this sentence means

a. problems b. culture c. harm d. dishonest

5. The young monk led a very ascetic existence. He rose at five in the morning, spent an hour in

prayer and then sat down to a simple breakfast of grains and fruit. The rest of the day was spent in

prayer and work until he ate a light supper and retired at eight.

The word ascetic in this sentence means

a. simple b. horrifying c. luxurious d. busy

EC. What is the type of context clue? _______________________________________

6. Since none of us brought an umbrella, we stood under the marquee outside the hotel until the

rain stopped.

The word marquee in this sentence means

a. tree b. roof c. awning or covering d. lights


7. Larceny, such as stealing a car, can cause you to spend a lot of time in jail.

The word larceny in this sentence means

a. bravery b. theft c. murder d. conflict

EC. What is the type of context clue? ________________________________________

8. Throngs of people shopped at the mall the week before Christmas. The word throngs in this sentence means

a. few b. no one

c. little number d. crowds 9. Brad made a cursory effort to finish his homework. This was unlike him; usually he worked hard to finish before dinner. The word cursory in this sentence means a. valid b. genuine c. hurried d. actual 10. In the beginning, the crowd had been orderly, but after the union leader announced that there would be no wage increase, pandemonium broke out and spread through the hall as people began shouting and throwing things at the speaker.

a. confusion and disorder b. fights c. the sound of horns d. calm

Connotation and Denotation:

I. Directions For each pair of words and a phrase, list the one that is positive in the “Positive

Connotation” category, the one that is negative in the “Negative Connotation” category, and

the phrase that is a more neutral definition for both words in the "Denotation" column.

Your Choices:

1. gaze, look steadily, stare 2. fragrance, odor, a smell sensed by the olfactory nerve 3. brainwash, persuade, influence one way or another 4. delayed, not on time, tardy


5. somewhat interested, nosy, curious 6. lazily, without haste, leisurely 7. ask of someone, demand, request 8. gathering, a large group, mob 9. slim, skinny, less than average build 10. discuss with others, debate, argue 11. observe, watch, spy 12. a young age, youthful, immature 13. not having a care, irresponsible, carefree, 14. unique, not commonly found, strange 15. find, detect, snoop 16. inexpensive, fairly priced, or cheap 17. isolation, privacy, having an opportunity to be alone 18. assertive, firmly confident, pushy 19. extravagance, generosity, giving much,

Positive Connotation Denotation Negative Connotation




















Define denotation:



Define connotation:



Prefixes and Suffixes:

Part One: Breaking It Down 1. Circle the base word (root word). 2. Underline the prefix. 3. Double underline the suffix. (Not all words have a prefix AND a suffix).

1. Semicircle

2. Preview

3. Misbehave

4. Deforestation

5. Television

6. Unhappily

7. Reviewing

8. Biology

9. Subway

10. Biweekly

11. Reusable

12. Unluckily

13. Capitalism

14. Communist

15. Transport

16. Bicycle

17. Bicycling

18. Internet

19. Centipede

20. Starvation

21. Homonym

22. Thoughtful

23. Autograph

24. Goodness

25. Hydrophobic

26. Teacher

27. Imperfect

28. Hazardous

29. Homophone

30. antidisestablishmentarianism


Part Two: Looking at Meaning What do the following affixes and base words (root words) mean? Use your Affixes List to help. 1. Photo: ________________________________

2. Graph: _________________________________

3. Dia: __________________________________

4. Logy: _________________________________

5. Auto: _________________________________

6. Multi: _________________________________

7. Homo: ________________________________

8. Nym: _________________________________

9. Phone: ________________________________

10. Bio: _________________________________

11. Syn: _________________________________

12. Anti: _________________________________

13. Hydro: _______________________________

14. Sphere: _______________________________

15. Tele: _________________________________

16. Inter: _________________________________

17. Centi: ________________________________

18. Co: __________________________________

19. How can knowing the meaning of affixes and basewords (root words) help? Use examples in your answer. ___________________________________________________________________________



Part One: circle the capitalization errors and add end marks to the sentences.

1. i wonder if there is a Reading test

2. Some people call it english class

6. My Friend Chris likes Pizza

7. can we go to kfc on wednesday


3. when is history class

4. do You have a Nickname

5. Aunt sally said, “get up for school”

8. have You ever seen “the simpsons ”

9. let’s Order mexican food

10. someone took mikia’s pencil

Part Two: Circle the word if it is a proper noun and needs to be capitalized.

11. furniture store

12. science

13. spanish

14. allstate arena

15. football team

16. chicago bears

17. air force ones

18. lake michigan

19. x-box 360

20. library

Part Three: Rewrite the following sentences, correct capitalization errors and add end


21. Bekka read someone to love me for her Book Report ___________________________________________________________________________

22. Keisha invited her friends to a Pool Party for her Birthday ___________________________________________________________________________

23. did She name the kitten sunshine because of its golden fur


24. I wonder if he read The Book in Social Studies Class


25. on monday, ms. smith gave us a science project ___________________________________________________________________________

26. the amazon River is the longest River in south America


27. get me a big mac, would you



28. janet said wearily, “could you help me up”


Capitalization and Punctuation

Directions: Look for mistakes in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and usage. Choose

the answer with the same letter as the line containing the mistake. When there is no mistake,

choose the last answer.

1. A. After visiting Cranston Amusement Park, B. Brad was certain that it’s roller coaster C. was the tallest in the world. D. (No mistakes) 2. A. The restaurant serves delicious homemade soup B. and is one of many businesses at the new mall; C. it is quickly becoming popular with local residents. D. (No mistakes) 3. A. Prior to becoming an author, Gary B. Paulsen lived and worked in a remote C. part of the harsh, Alaska wilderness. D. (No mistakes) 4. A. Many people appreciate classical B. music; they recommend it for its C. marvelous ability to calm the mind. D. (No mistakes) 5. A. When Jen thoroughly searched her room, B. she found an old class schedule C. in the desk that was out of date. D. (No mistakes)

Directions: This section tests editing skills by asking you to revise two short passages. Read each

passage and answer the questions that follow.

(1) Cajun culture is an entire culture that is named for the French-speaking immigrants who came

from Acadia in Canada and settled in southern Louisiana during the second half of the 18th century.

(2) The very loyal and proud group of people who were called Cajuns, held on to many of their old

traditions, especially with regard to cooking and music. (3) As part of their unique cuisine, Cajuns

love to cook with seafood, such as crawfish, which is often mixed into spicy stews. (4) During the

latter part of the 20th century, a renewed interest in Cajun culture and traditions helped make Cajun

cooking popular throughout the world. (5) Today many restaurants and food stores in the United

States sell Cajun dishes. (6) Cajun music also has a long-standing history, which also began in

Canada, where songs were sung without musical accompaniment. (7) Cajun music developed as a


way for Acadians to share their history, and it eventually included some rhythms and styles from the

African and Native American traditions as well.

1. Choose the best opening sentence to add to the first paragraph of this report.

A. You can’t even begin to imagine what a Cajun or Creole stew tastes like. B. Cities and towns in southern Louisiana have huge populations of the descendants of Cajun immigrants. C. New Orleans might be the “birthplace of jazz,” but the music of the Cajun people is every bit as lively and entertaining. D. People living in southern Louisiana who love home-cooked meals and great music do not need to look beyond their own region to find them.

2. What is the best way to write the underlined part of sentence 2?

A. The Cajun group of people was loyal and proud,

B. The Cajuns, a very loyal and proud group of people,

C. The Cajuns, a very loyal and proud people, were a group who

D. (No change)

3. Which is the best way to write sentence 6?

A. Cajun music also has a long-standing history beginning in Canada (where songs were sung without

musical accompaniment).

B. Also beginning in Canada, Cajun music also has a long-standing history where songs were sung

without musical accompaniment.

C. Cajun music—which also began in Canada—has a long-standing history where songs were sung

without musical accompaniment.

D. (No change)

4. Choose the best concluding sentence for this report.

A. The last time I went to an authentic Cajun festival, I can tell you for sure it was one of the best

things I have ever experienced.

B. Some of the best-known and most enjoyed dishes of the Cajun people are boudin, gumbo, and

the ever-popular jambalaya.

C. No one can predict what will become part of the music in the next generation, but it is a sure

thing that Cajun music is here to stay.

D. Both of these branches of Cajun culture, cooking and music, continue to be popular and will no

doubt remain so for many years to come.


The Most Important Thing My Mother Taught Me

(1) Mom said, “The earlier you start, the more money you’ll have later.” (2) From the time I was very

young, she had me set aside part of my weekly allowance. (3) Once I was old enough to babysit and

mow lawns, I also saved a part of my pay each time. (4) I liked babysitting more than mowing lawns,

but that’s a matter of personal preference. (5) If I received any gifts of money for my birthday, she

even made me save part of that. (6) Of course, I wanted to spend that money on the newest video

games for myself. (7) I was glad I didn’t, though, as I watched my savings grow. (8) After I had

accumulated enough money, I opened a savings account at my mother’s bank. (9) Since my money

was no longer in my bedroom, I was not as tempted to spend it. (10) Plus, the savings account paid

interest, which meant my money was also earning money. (11) Right now, my plan is to save enough

to help pay for my college education. (12) After college, once I start working as an adult, I plan to

continue saving money out of my income. (13) I recently read that I may be wealthy by the time I

reach middle age if I continue to save at least ten percent of everything I earn. (14) When I read that,

I was very grateful that my mother wouldn’t let me spend all of my allowance on video games.

10. Choose the best first sentence to add to the essay.

A. Probably the most important thing I’ve learned from my mother is to work hard.

B. My mother has a saying to fit almost any situation.

C. When I was very young, my mother helped me start a habit of saving money.

D. My mother has taught me many important things.

11. Which sentence should be left out of the essay?

A. sentence 4

B. sentence 9

C. sentence 11

D. sentence 12

12. Choose the best way to combine sentence 6 and sentence 7.

A. Of course, I wanted to spend that money on the newest video games for myself, though I was glad

I didn’t spend that money on those games because I watched my savings grow.

B. Of course, spending that money on the newest video games for myself was something I was glad I

didn’t do, glad because I watched my savings grow.

C. Of course, I wanted to spend that money on the newest video games, but, for myself, I was glad I

didn’t, since I watched my savings grow.

D. Of course, I wanted to spend that money on the newest video games for myself, but I was glad I

didn’t as I watched my savings grow.


13. Which sentence contains a misspelled word?

A. sentence 5

B. sentence 8

C. sentence 13

D. sentence 14


Part One | Noun Types

Directions: Read each of the following sentences and determine the

noun type of the italicized word. Choose the best answer.

1. What type of noun is the word bath as it is used in the following sentence? Superdad needed to use all of his super powers to get Dogboy into the bath.

a) Singular, concrete, common noun b) Singular, abstract, common noun

c) Possessive, concrete, common noun d) Possessive, concrete, proper noun 2. What type of noun is the word power as it is used in the following sentence?

Dr. Fist used his doomsday device to hold the world hostage because he wanted one thing: power.

a) Plural, concrete, common noun b) Singular, concrete, common noun

c) Singular, abstract, proper noun d) Singular, abstract, common noun 3. What type of noun is Main Street as it is used in the following sentence?

Hawk Guy was soaring over Main Street when his stomach started bubbling. a) Plural, abstract, common noun b) Singular, abstract, common noun

c) Singular, concrete, proper noun d) Singular, concrete, common noun 4. What type of noun is Mr. Twister's as it is used in the following sentence?

There are fins under the arms of Mr. Twister's armor that he uses to glide on the air. a) Plural common noun b) Plural proper noun

c) Possessive common noun d) Possessive proper noun 5. What type of noun is the word children as it is used in the following sentence?

Incredi-Girl raced to the orphanage to save the children. a) Singular common noun b) Plural common noun

c) Plural proper noun d) Singular proper noun


6. What type of noun is the word heroes as it is used in the following sentence?

The other heroes teased Fleaman because he looked mangy. a) Plural common noun b) Possessive common noun

c) Singular common noun d) Possessive proper noun 7. What type of noun is the word ability as it is used in the following sentence?

Superdad has the ability to nap during any time of the day. a) Singular concrete noun b) Plural abstract noun

c) Singular abstract noun d) Possessive concrete noun 8. What type of noun is the word cousins as it is used in the following sentence?

Would you believe that Dogboy and Incredi-Girl are cousins? a) Possessive common noun b) Plural common noun

c) Plural proper noun d) Possessive proper noun 9. What type of noun is World Science Institute as it is used in the following sentence?

Dr. Fist was kicked out of the World Science Institute for doing forbidden experiments. a) Possessive proper noun b) Singular common noun

c) Possessive common noun d) Singular proper noun 10. What type of noun is the word Dogboy's as it is used in the following sentence?

Fleaman wanted to wear Dogboy's cape, but Dogboy was reluctant to lend it to his mangy pal.

a) Possessive common noun b) Plural common noun

c) Plural proper noun d) Possessive proper noun

Part Two | Fill in the Blank

Directions: Choose the answer that best completes the sentences. Circle your response.

11. Fleaman snuck into ________ lab and overheard him discussing his evil plan. a) Dr. Fist b) Dr. Fists

c) Dr. Fist's d) Dr. Fists's 12. Incredi-Girl could look beyond the ________ of the school with her x-ray vision. a) walls b) walls's


c) wall's d) walls' 13. When Judo Mom is not fighting crime, she works for ________ biggest law firm. a) chicago's b) Chicagos

c) Chicago's d) Chicagoes 14. There were so many ________ in Sweet Tooth's store that Incredi-Girl had a hard time

choosing. a) candys b) candies

c) candy's d) candys' 15. Dr. Fist is a master of all sciences, but he is most interested in ________. a) Earth Science b) earth science

c) earth Science d) Earth science 16. Incredi-Girl had never thought to invite Dog Boy to her many ________ at the Freedom

Fort. a) partys b) parties

c) party's d) parties' 17. Fleaman and Dogboy went to ________, their favorite place to eat. a) Sweet Tooths Candy Emporium b) Sweet tooth's candy emporium

c) sweet toothes candy emporium d) Sweet Tooth's Candy Emporium 18. Dog Boy did not like ________ because it reminded him of bones that he had buried and

lost. a) American history b) American History

c) american history d) american History 19. Dr. Fist's evil laboratory is deep under the ________ crust. a) Earths b) earths

c) Earth's d) earth's 20. Not only can Mr. Twister speak ________, he can also shoot tornadoes out of his fingers. a) spanish b) Spanish


c) Spanish's d) spanishes 21. Incredi-Girl learned that Dr. Fist was plotting to steal her ________. a) Science book b) science Book

c) Science Book d) science book 22. Hawk Guy doesn't like eating at ________ because it creeps him out. a) Restaurants that Serve Chicken b) restaurants that serve Chicken

c) Restaurants that serve chicken d) restaurants that serve chicken 23. Dog Boy didn't like to go to ________ for obvious reasons. a) Fleamans house b) Fleaman's House

c) Fleaman's house d) Fleamans House 24. Every time the teacher mixed up ________ names, the class laughed loudly. a) Fleaman's and Leafman's b) Fleaman and Leafman's

c) Fleamans and Leafmans d) Fleaman's and Leafmans 25. Many people don't know that Incredi-Girl is the daughter of ________. a) Judo Mom and Superdad b) Judo Mom and Superdad's

c) Judo Moms and Superdads d) Judo Mom's and Superdad's 26. Dr. Fist used his robotic bugs to keep track of ________ whereabouts. a) Dog Boy and Fleamans b) Dog Boy and Fleaman's

c) Dog Boys and Fleamans d) Dog Boy's and Fleaman's 27. Hawk Man flew over the ________ as it poured into the Mississippi. a) mouth of the Ohio River b) Mouth Of The Ohio River

c) Mouth of the Ohio River d) mouth of the Ohio river 28. Incredi-Girl has read many short stories, but her favorite is ________. a) "The gift of the magi" by o. henry b) "The gift of the magi" by O. Henry

c) "The gift of the Magi" by O. Henry d) "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry


29. Sweet Tooth is always playing the song ________ in his candy store. a) "The Candy Man" by Sammy Davis Jr. b) "The candy man" by Sammy Davis Jr.

c) "The Candy Man" by Sammy Davis jr. d) "the candy man" by Sammy Davis Jr. 30. Despite having food stains on his shirt, Superdad is one of this ________ greatest heroes. a) citys b) cities

c) city's d) Cities 31. Beneath his cardboard armor, Sweet Tooth has a body made out of ________. a) Chocolate ice-cream b) Chocolate Ice-Cream

c) chocolate Ice-Cream d) chocolate ice-cream 32. Leafman is well-known in his neighborhood for his power to control ________ by raking

them into a pile. a) leafs b) leaves

c) leaf's d) leave's 33. All of my ________ are mad at Mr. Twister for tearing up our block during his last battle

with King Cobra. a) Neighbors b) neighbors

c) neighbor's d) neighbors' 34. Hawk Guy received an invite to the best super-group in the nation, the ________. a) Friendship Squad b) Friendship squad

c) friendship squad' d) friendship Squad 35. Incredi-Girl likes all vegetables, but she loves ________. a) Carrots b) carrot's

c) carrots d) Carrot's

Types of Sentences

Directions: Read and analyze each sentence. Circle the predicates and underline the

subjects. Draw a line separating the clauses in the sentence. Write the sentence type on

the line.

Simple Sentence: a sentence that has only one clause.


Compound Sentence: a sentence with two or more clauses joined by a coordinating


Complex Sentence: two or more clauses joined with a subordinating conjunction.

Compound-Complex: three or more clauses joined by coordinating and subordinating


Example: Mom did the dishes. It is cold in the classroom | but it is hot in

the hall

S P (simple sentence) S P S P (Compound


Coordinating Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

Subordinating Conjunctions: as, because, although, since, before, when, once, if, even if,

whatever, whenever, during, until, unless, wherever, whether, while, as if, even if, that

1. When I get home from school, I'm going to take a nap.

2. I got in trouble so I can't go to the party, but it would have been fun.

3. Being alone can be scary unless you keep yourself busy.

4. Mr. Morton, the best reading teacher in the world, taught me sentence


5. Keith, Carrie, and Kyle bought donuts and ate them down by the river.

6. I left early so that I could get some work done, but I'll be back soon.

7. Crossing the street is dangerous if you don't look both ways before you cross.

8. If you don't want to study, you should stay home, but you may regret it.

9. Every time I go to mall, I spend all of my money on things that I don't need.

10. Mom said that I can go to the museum with you but I have to be home early.

11. Modern Warfare is a fun game but no game is better than Ms. Pac-Man.

12. Todd and Nick are eating chips and salsa on a park bench before dinner.


Holes" Literature

Directions Answer the following questions thoroughly and completely.


1. From whose point of view is Holes told? How might the story be different if Stanley himself were

narrating it? What if it were told from Zero’s point of view? The Warden’s?








2. How is irony used in Holes? The first ironic information we are given is that Camp Green Lake is

not a camp, is not green, and does not have a lake. What effect is achieved by calling the place Camp

Green Lake? What other irony is introduced in the novel?








3. Try to analyze the character of Stanley Yelnats. What is he like at the beginning of the story? How

does his character change as the story progresses? What details about Stanley does Sachar give the









4. What are the main conflicts in the novel and how are they resolved?









5. The end of the novel is filled with suspense. How does Sachar build suspense?








6. Is the outcome of the book surprising? Is it easy or hard to figure out ahead of time how the book

will end?









7. Why did Sachar call the book Holes? Is the novel really about holes? What kind of holes might

Sachar be thinking of besides the physical holes the boys are forced to dig?








8. Stanley is described as a victim from the beginning of the book. How does his victimization color

the reader’s view of him?









9. Compare and contrast Mr. Pendanski and Mr. Sir. Are they more often alike or different?








10. Think about Sachar’s writing style. How does the simplicity of his writing contribute to the

reader’s enjoyment and understanding of the novel?








11. What is the most important theme in the novel? Some possibilities are aloneness, courage,

growth, maturity, friendship, desperation, and loyalty.








12. How would Stanley’s life have been different had he not gone out after Zero?








Critical/Personal Response

13. Do you think that the action in Holes could actually take place today?









14. If you were Stanley, would you have decided to help Zero?








15. Which character in the novel did you find most believable? Tell why.








16. With which character in Holes do you most identify? Tell why.








17. Which character in Holes is the kindest? the strongest? the weakest? the most admirable? the

most likeable? Explain your choice.









18. What would you do if you were placed in Stanley’s position? Explain in detail.








19. Which character in the book would you choose as a friend? Tell why.








20. Is Holes a good novel, in your opinion? Explain why or why not.








Quotations and Interesting Parts of the Novel

Directions Discuss the significance of the following quotes.

21. Stanley Yelnats was given a choice. The judge said, “You may go to jail, or you may go to Camp

Green Lake.” Stanley was from a poor family. He had never been to camp before.








22. But perhaps that was part of the curse as well. If Stanley and his father weren’t always so

hopeful, then it wouldn’t hurt so much every time their hopes were crushed.









23. “You thirsty?” asked Mr. Sir. “Yes, Mr. Sir,” Stanley said gratefully. “Well, you better get used to

it. You’re going to be thirsty for the next eighteen months.”








24. “I see you’re looking at my gun. Don’t worry. I’m not going to shoot you.” He tapped his holster.

“This is for yellow-spotted lizards. I wouldn’t waste a bullet on you.”








25. “You’re not looking for anything. You’re digging to build character. It’s just if you find anything,

the Warden would like to know about it.”








26. “Vacancies don’t last long at Camp Green Lake.”









27. “You’re all special in your own way,” he said. “You’ve all got something to offer...Even you Zero.

You’re not completely worthless.”








28. Kate Barlow died laughing.








29.He heard the sound of approaching cars. Mr. Sir and the Warden heard it as well. “You think it’s

them?” asked the Warden. “It ain’t Girl Scouts selling cookies,” said Mr. Sir.








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