grace homeschool co-op

Post on 20-Oct-2021






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Grace Homeschool Co-op

Course Catalog


4/19/2021 (3/16/2020)

Table of Contents ‘21-‘22 Notable Changes & Good Information ............................................................................................................. 1

Babysitting 9 month to 3-years old ............................................................................................................................. 2

Babysitting, 9months to 3yrs old, Various (4 options, 12, 1, 2, 3) ....................................................................................... 3

Kindergarten Classes for 4 & 5-year olds ..................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction to Science, K4-5, (12-12:55) ............................................................................................................................ 5

Literature, K4-5, (2-2:55) ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Music & Movement, K4-5, (2-2:55 or 3-3:55) ...................................................................................................................... 7

Physical Education/Gym, K4-5, (1-1:55) .............................................................................................................................. 8

Social Studies, K4-5, (3-3:55) ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Storybook Art, K4-5, (12-12:55 or 1-1:55) ......................................................................................................................... 10

1st-2nd Grade Classes ................................................................................................................................................ 11

An Intro to World History, 1st-2nd, (12-12:55) .................................................................................................................... 12

Art, 1st-2nd, (1-1:55pm or 2-2:55) ....................................................................................................................................... 13

Ballet & Dance, 1st-2nd, (12-12:55) ..................................................................................................................................... 14

Ballet & Dance, 1st-3rd, (3-3:55) ......................................................................................................................................... 15

Earth Science-Astronomy, 1st-2nd, (1-1:55) ........................................................................................................................ 16

Hands-on STEM, 1st-2nd, (2-2:55 or 3-3:55) ........................................................................................................................ 17

Literature, 1st-2nd, (3-3:55) ................................................................................................................................................. 18

Music & Movement, 1st-2nd, (2-2:55) ................................................................................................................................. 19

Spanish, 1st-2nd, (12-12:55 or 1-1:55) ................................................................................................................................. 20

3rd – 6th Grade Classes - (more 5th/6th grade classes in next section) ........................................................................... 21

#Art, 3rd-4th, (1-1:55) .......................................................................................................................................................... 22

Ballet & Dance, 3rd-5th, (2-2:55) ......................................................................................................................................... 23

#Beginning Spanish l, 3rd-5th, (12-12:55) ............................................................................................................................ 24

#Beginning Spanish ll, 4th-6th, (3-3:55) ............................................................................................................................... 25

Happy Handicrafts, 4th-6th, (12-12:55) ............................................................................................................................... 26

#Hands-on Science-Botany, 3rd-4th, (1-1:55 or 2-2:55) ...................................................................................................... 27

#History-Ancient Civilizations, 3rd-4th, (3-3:55) .................................................................................................................. 28

#History-Ancient Civilizations, 4th-6th, (12-12:55) .............................................................................................................. 29

History Club, 3rd-6th, (10:30-11:25) .................................................................................................................................... 30

IEW for Elementary School, 4th-5th, (12-12:55) .................................................................................................................. 31

Integrative Kitchen, 3rd-5th, (10:30-11:25) ......................................................................................................................... 32

Learning Through Games, 3rd-4th, (2-2:55) ........................................................................................................................ 33

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Math Games, 3rd-5th, (12-12:55) ........................................................................................................................................ 34

#Music/Intro to Recorders, 3rd-5th, (3-3:55) ...................................................................................................................... 35

#Stemming It Up!, 3rd-5th, (1-1:55) .................................................................................................................................... 36

#Stemming It Up!, 3rd-5th, (3-3:55) .................................................................................................................................... 37

5th – 8th Grade Classes - (more 7th/8th grade classes in next section) ........................................................................... 38

#Apologia Anatomy & Physiology, 5th-7th, (3-3:55) ........................................................................................................... 39

#Apologia Land Animals, 5th-7th, (10:30-11:25 or 2-2:55) .................................................................................................. 40

#Art, 5th-6th, (2-2:55) .......................................................................................................................................................... 41

#Art, 5th-8th, (12-12:55) ...................................................................................................................................................... 42

#Dance in the Heart of Worship, 6th-8th, (2-2:55) .............................................................................................................. 43

#Geography, 6th-8th, (3-3:55) ............................................................................................................................................. 44

#History-Ancient Civilizations, 5th-7th, (2-2:55) .................................................................................................................. 45

IEW for Middle School, 5th-7th, (1-1:55) ............................................................................................................................. 46

#Latin - Beginner, 5th-7th, (1-1:55)...................................................................................................................................... 47

#Literature, Grammar, & Composition, 5th-6th, (3-3:55) .................................................................................................... 48

Martial Arts, 5th-6th, (1-1:55 plus an optional 1pm Wed class) .......................................................................................... 49

#Projects in Technology with History, 6th-8th, (2-2:55) ...................................................................................................... 50

#Study Skills/Intro to Public Speaking, 6th-8th, (1-1:55) ..................................................................................................... 51

7th-12th Grade Classes .............................................................................................................................................. 52

#American History, 9th-12th, (2-2:55) ................................................................................................................................. 53

ASL I/II, 7th-11th, (3-3:55) .................................................................................................................................................... 54

ASL II/III, 8th-12th, (2-2:55) .................................................................................................................................................. 55

#Biology with Labs, 9th-12th, (12-1:55 Mon & 1-1:55 Wed) ............................................................................................... 56

Career Exploration & Preparation, 9th-12th, (2-2:55) ......................................................................................................... 57

#Chemistry, 10th-12th, (12-1:55 Mon & 1-1:55 Wed) ......................................................................................................... 58

Coding for Fun, 7th-8th, (3-3:55) ........................................................................................................................................ 59

#Coding Intermediate, 7th-10th, (2-2:55 Wed ONLY) ......................................................................................................... 60

#Computer Basics & Beyond, 9th-12th, (3-3:55) ................................................................................................................. 61

#Dance in the Heart of Worship, 9th-12th, (10:30-11:25) ................................................................................................... 62

#General Science, 7th-8th, (12-1:55) ................................................................................................................................... 63

#Geometry, 8th-12th, (3-3:55) ............................................................................................................................................. 64

Beginner Guitar Concepts, 7th-12th, (10:30-11:25) ............................................................................................................ 65

#Integrative Kitchen, 8th-12th, (1-1:55) .............................................................................................................................. 66

Martial Arts, 7th-12th, (10:30-11:25 or 12-12:55 plus an optional 12pm Wed class) ......................................................... 67

#Personal Finance & Economics, 9th-12th, (3-3:55) ............................................................................................................ 68

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#Physics, 10th-12th, (12-1:55 Monday + a Zoom Class TBD) ............................................................................................... 69

#Physical Science, 8th-9th, (12-1:55) ................................................................................................................................... 70

#Pre-Algebra, 7th-9th, (10:30-11:25 Mon & 12-12:55 Wed) ............................................................................................... 71

#Public Speaking/Mock Trial, 9th-12th, (2-2:55) ................................................................................................................. 72

#Spanish 1, 7th-11th, (3-3:55 Mon. & Wed.) ....................................................................................................................... 73

#Spanish 2, 8th-12th, (10:30-11:25 Mon. & 12-12:55 Wed.) .............................................................................................. 74

#Spanish 3, 9th-12th, (2-5:55 Mon. & Wed.) ..................................................................................................................... 75

#World Literature & Composition, 9th-12th, (3-3:55) ......................................................................................................... 76

#Writing & Literature, 7th-9th, (2-2:55) .............................................................................................................................. 77

Adult Classes ........................................................................................................................................................... 78

ASL Adult, (1-1:55) ............................................................................................................................................................. 79

Knitting Class, Learn to Knit or Expand Your Skills, (2-2:55) .............................................................................................. 80

*Women’s Bible Study, (12-12:55) ................................................................................................................................... 81

GHC Course Catalog 2019-2020 (GHC Course Catalog - public '21-'22 4.17) Page 1

‘21-‘22 Notable Changes & Good Information

Please make sure to review the handbook as there are many updates that affect registration, a few are listed below:

• Classes will be restricted to the posted grades and students will have to have a grade registered on the family profile. If you want to place a student in a class that does not correspond to their grade, you must get tutor and board approval before registration. Grades are first offered to those meeting the posted grade ranges, often those requesting an elective class outside of that range will have to wait until registration is closed and then if space is available, they will be added to the class if the tutor and the Board approve.

• Families that have a Wednesday class will have service duty on Wednesday in addition to Monday duty. Please see the Family Handbook for details.

• Updates in the Family Handbook are in blue and are worth looking at.

• The last day to drop a class and still receive your class fee and website fee refunded is June 15th.

• Please note in the Family Handbook the new inclement weather policy.

• There will not have a formal Fall Showcase. Tutors who chose to can have parents come into the classroom on the last day of the fall semester and what a presentation.

• Families of student participating in the Spring Showcase (performing or displaying) are required to sign up to help in some way (ex. set-up, vacuuming after, resetting the space, bring food)

• Classes that have a “#” in front of their name have the potential to go virtual if we cannot meet in person because of weather or other extenuating circumstances. Some classes also list the platform that will be used if they have a virtual day.

• Service Duty will have a registration at a later time, it will not be held during registration.

• Tutors and CAs must both fill out their appropriate forms on the website before April 18th, so the CA’s student can be placed in the tutor’s class, if that is a part of the agreement. July 15th is the last day to add a CA and have them no have to work Service Duty. Any CA added after that date will be removed from only spring service duty.

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Babysitting 9 month to 3-years old

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Babysitting, 9months to 3yrs old, Various (4 options, 12, 1, 2, 3) Time: 12:12:55pm





Fun, Free play Grades N/A


N/A Tuition: $120


N/A Materials Fee: $5

Total Fees: $125

Class Size: Min. 3 Max. 12

Course Description: Welcome to Grace Co-op Babysitting. This class is being offered to help tutors as well as moms that would like a fun, safe place to leave their little ones for 1-2 hours each Monday during regular co-op hours.

This year Grace Co-op is excited to be able to offer babysitting for tutors as well as families with littles that have older siblings signed up in classes. This class will only be able to be added to the schedule with your help in signing up your little ones age 9 months by August 1st, 2021 up to 4 years old after October 1, 2021. If we have enough children signed up for the year, we will be able to add spots for drop-offs as well. The cost is $4 an hour per child for the year commitment and $6 an hour per child for drop-off. There is a 2-hour maximum for each child.

Drop-off Option-There will be a drop off option for families who do not want to reserve a spot for the whole year. The fee for this option is $6/hr. if space is available. Students who use this option will have to have paperwork prefilled out and on file. A system to sign up for drop off will be set up at the start of the year.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Every child will need to come with water, a snack (remember no nut products or peanut products allowed) and anything else that they might need for that hour such as a change of clothes, diapers and wipes.

Homework: N/A - Materials Fee: Backup Supplies - End of Semester Program: N/A

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Kindergarten Classes for 4 & 5-year olds Must be 4 by August 31st and completely potty trained.

Please make sure their grade level is marked as Kindergarten

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Introduction to Science, K4-5, (12-12:55) Grades: K4-5


Tutor Developed Time: 12-12:55pm


No Tuition: $145


None Materials Fee: $30

Total Fees: $175

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Introduction to Science is a class for young students to understand and develop a love for science in the world around them. We will dive into hands‐on experiments in each class with a lab adjusted to the lesson we are learning that week. Every 3-4 weeks, students will cover a new concept in science. Topics this year will cover the seasons, five senses, “my body,” measurements and recording data, and life cycles. The scientific process, investigation, and evidence of our Creator will be integrated in each unit. The tutor’s goal is that each student will end the year with a knowledge of the science in the world God created for them and the desire to learn even more.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: $30 will provide each student the materials necessary to perform their weekly experiments in class, along with providing them with all the handouts and worksheets from the tutor.

Homework: Emails will update parents on lesson topics and any experiments we are able to do. There will be no homework outside of class.

Materials Fee: All supplies will be provided for the class with the exception of occasional requests for empty water

bottles, toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, etc.

Spring Showcase: No

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Literature, K4-5, (2-2:55) Grades: K4-5


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm


Optional Tuition: $120


N/A Materials Fee: $20

Total Fees: $140

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: The goal of this course is to introduce students to a variety of literature that will help develop a passion for books and aid in developing literacy skills. Selections from authors who are masters of prose and beloved by children will be used to spark joy, wonder, and Christian character development in young children. After listening to a story/poem, the class will engage in grade-level activities to help them learn to retain information and begin picking up on literary concepts such as sequence of events, conflict/resolution, character traits, cause and effect, etc. Literacy skills including phonics and handwriting will be incorporated weekly in a fun and engaging way. Phonics activities will include songs, chants, and games. Writing and pre-writing skill development will involve developing fine motor skills using various mediums such as paper and pencil, crayons, pipe cleaners, and playdoh. Literature selections will include various genres including fiction, folktales, biographies, poems, and selections from children’s novels. Some of the literature covered will include: Frog and Toad, Pecos Bill, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Little House in the Big Woods, and seasonal/biblical stories.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: The tutor will bring all necessary supplies each week.

Homework: This course does not require any homework, and should complement any phonics/handwriting/language arts skills taught at home. If parents are not yet teaching their PreK4-K student language arts, this class will provide a wonderful introduction. The tutor will be using Abeka materials for phonics and handwriting and children will frequently be sent home with materials and suggested additional reads/activities that parents may choose to incorporate at home.

Materials Fee: Classroom/project supplies, activity/writing materials, teaching aids, and copier fees

Showcase: No, but parents will be invited to an in-class presentation of poetry recitation at the end of the year.

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Music & Movement, K4-5, (2-2:55 or 3-3:55) Grades: K4-5


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm or 3-3:55pm


N/A Tuition: $130


N/A Materials Fee: $20

Total Fees: $150

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: The goal for this class is to help students to develop singing skills, rhythmic skills, and sensitivity to the expressive qualities in music. Our theme for the year will be music around the world, so we will focus on different cultures and the instruments and styles of music they use. Activities will include pitch exploration, movement exploration, finger plays, circle games, and singing folk songs and Bible songs. We will play rhythm instruments and learn about how different instruments make their sounds and learn to distinguish aspects of music such as high/low, fast/slow, beat/non-beat, etc. We will also prepare a short presentation for the showcase at the end of the year.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: None

Homework: This course does not require any homework.

Materials Fee: A material fee of $20 will be applied towards incentives, showcase fees, and materials.

Spring Showcase: Yes

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Physical Education/Gym, K4-5, (1-1:55) Grades: K4-5


Tutor Developed Time: 1-1:55pm


Optional Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $20

Total Fees: $150

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 6 Max. 12

Course Description: In this class kids will mostly work on their gross motor skills along with some fine motor skills, team work, coordination, and balance through play. General knowledge of bones and muscles and nutrition will be integrated also. Most classes will be outside when weather permits. During outside play we will utilize the playground, be running and jumping and learn some common sport basics. When we have to be inside, we will work on more balance, coordination, and fine motor skills. In class there will be both team and individual activities. This will be a fun and interactive class.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Kids will need to dress appropriately and need to have sneakers for every class and may need jackets on some days. Girls will need to wear pants/shorts or have shorts under their dresses.

A water bottle or drink may be needed on warmer days when we are outside running around. I can also have them go to the water fountain if it is open for use.

Homework: Will be optional – I may challenge the kids to practice some skills we learned that day during the week. I may also send the kids home with a worksheet here or there about their bones/muscles but nothing major. All will be optional and fun.

Materials Fee: Equipment supplies, copies

Spring Showcase: No

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Social Studies, K4-5, (3-3:55) Grades: K4-5


Tutor Developed Time: 3-3:55pm


N/A Tuition: $120


N/A Materials Fee: $25

Total Fees: $145

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This year we will be learning all about God’s big world! We will lay the groundwork for the five parts of social studies by breaking the year into four parts: your family/community, our state, our country, and ending with God’s big world!

We will primarily use songs, crafts and games to learn about where we live and the people around us. We will make trees from nature supplies to make a family tree, use recycling supplies to make ‘nesting cups’ to show how our world fits together, practice our communication skills through show and tell and much more! We will also celebrate holidays throughout the year and learn about them. The goal of this class is to create a strong foundation for the future in a fun and play-filled environment!

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students should bring a pencil, crayons, scissors, a glue stick and a smock will occasionally be needed.

Homework: This course does not require any homework.

Materials Fee: Material fee covers project materials, reference materials and copying fees.

Spring Showcase: No

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Storybook Art, K4-5, (12-12:55 or 1-1:55) Grades: K4-5


Tutor Developed Time: 12-12:55pm or 1-1:55pm


N/A Tuition: $125


N/A Materials Fee: $40

Total Fees: $165

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: In Storybook Art, we will read age-appropriate stories that inspire a variety of art projects, while encouraging personalization and imagination. We will use an array of media and simple techniques in class such as: paint, crayons, markers, fabrics, pompoms, pipe cleaners, craft sticks, googly eyes, stickers, clay, drawing, stamping, collage and more! As we create, we will explore colors, shapes and textures. These crafts will promote fine motor skills and problem solving. Having fun making art will be our focus!

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Crayons, glue stick, child safe scissors, art smock or oversized shirt.

Homework: There will be no required homework. Students are encouraged to share with their families what we read in class and talk about the projects we complete. The tutor will at times provide additional information or links to ideas for further exploration.

Materials Fee: The material fee will cover the cost of: a scrapbook type case (to keep crafts as they dry at the church)

which will be given to each student at the end of the year, project specific papers, paints, tacky glue, pompoms, pipe

cleaners, craft sticks, beads, yarn, fabric, air dry clay, glitter glue, Do-A-Dots etc., as well as incentives.

Spring Showcase: No

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1st-2nd Grade Classes

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An Intro to World History, 1st-2nd, (12-12:55) Grades: 1st-2nd


Tutor Developed Time: 12-12:55pm


Optional Tuition: $130


N/A Materials Fee: $20

Total Fees: $150

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This year, we will be paralleling the history courses of the 3-6th grade students as we study ancient history. Each student will participate in creating a timeline to see how different important historical events correlate and even overlap! Each student will create their own timeline that will be developed over the course of the year. Weekly activities will include reading from time period-based books, both fiction and non-fiction, map skill practice, review of important historical facts, and other hands-on activities, such as construct a pyramid and/or Sphinx in a salt dough desert, make a pharaoh headdress, sample some of the foods commonly eaten during this period, write their name in Chinese calligraphy and other projects to facilitate student exploration and excitement in learning about ancient history.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Pencil box, pencil, crayons or colored pencils, glue stick, scissors and a wide-rule spiral notebook.

Homework: Homework is optional. Enrichment activities will be provided occasionally.

Materials Fee: Material fees cover printing fees and material/mediums costs for in-class activities.

Spring Showcase: No

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Art, 1st-2nd, (1-1:55pm or 2-2:55) Grades: 1st-2nd


Tutor Developed Time: 1-1:55pm or 2-2:55pm


Optional Tuition: $120


None Materials Fee: $40

Total Fees: $160

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: My idea for this class is to bring out the artist in each child. We will study artists like Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, Leonardo da Vinci, Jackson Pollock, Salvador Dali, Georgia O’Keeffe, Wassily Kandinsky, Frank Lloyd Wright, Andy Warhol, Eric Carle and many more. We will use a myriad of mediums. Students will learn that using different colors/textures/types of paper, paint, oil pastel, clay, pencil and brush will allow their self-expression to come alive in their design. We will learn about the artist, look at the art they were most famous for, and then we’ll get creative and your student will make their own unique masterpieces.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students are encouraged to bring an oversized shirt or art smock to protect clothing.

Homework: Homework is optional. Students are encouraged to talk about the artist, technique and/or project from class. If they choose to get creative at home, they can bring their art to class for show and tell. Students will receive a treat for their participation.

Materials Fee: A material fee of $40 will be applied towards lots of paper and glue. I will purchase all the supplies your budding artist will need to express their creativity.

Spring Showcase: Yes, your student has the opportunity to display their artwork at the Spring Showcase.

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Ballet & Dance, 1st-2nd, (12-12:55) Grades: 1st-2nd


Classical Ballet, Jazz, and More! Time: 12-12:55pm Homework:

Optional Tuition: $140


None Materials Fee: $60

Total Fees: $200

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Both inexperienced and experienced students are welcome and will be challenged in this introductory class that is designed to inspire a love for dance. The goal of the class is to expose students to the discipline of ballet, but also enjoy making it their own by adding Modern, Jazz or Hip Hop steps into the choreography. Class typically begins with Ballet footwork and stretching at the barre. Once Barre is complete, class moves to the center floor to increase knowledge and ability in traveling movements. Once introduced and mastered, the class works together to put these steps together to a song for showcase. Some Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop and other tricks will often be thrown into the choreography. Typically, our showcase demonstrates a combination of the classes’ personality and interests in addition to the Ballet we work on regularly.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Female students must purchase Ballet Pink (Ballet Pink is a specific color) Ballet shoes that should be worn to each class. This helps their feet slide on the floor to accomplish many of the steps we will be working on. Male students should purchase black ballet shoes.

Female students will also be required to purchase Ballet Pink ballet tights to wear with our showcase costume (see below for more on that). Male students do not need tights.

Homework: I occasionally ask students to practice something at home. It is purely for the students benefit that they practice at home. If they do not practice anything, they will still get a lot out of the class. So, don’t stress about practicing at home.

Materials Fee: The material fee covers each student's showcase fee, the purchase of music we will use for the showcase and most importantly, it covers the purchase of your student’s costume! The costume is yours to keep at the end of the year.

Spring Showcase: Yes

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Ballet & Dance, 1st-3rd, (3-3:55) Grades: 1st-3rd


Classical Ballet, Jazz, and More! Time: 3-3:55pm Homework:

Optional Tuition: $140


None Materials Fee: $60

Total Fees: $200

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Both inexperienced and experienced students are welcome and will be challenged in this introductory class that is designed to inspire a love for dance. The goal of the class is to expose students to the discipline of ballet, but also enjoy making it their own by adding Modern, Jazz or Hip Hop steps into the choreography. Class typically begins with Ballet footwork and stretching at the barre. Once Barre is complete, class moves to the center floor to increase knowledge and ability in traveling movements. Once introduced and mastered, the class works together to put these steps together to a song for showcase. Some Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop and other tricks will often be thrown into the choreography. Typically, our showcase demonstrates a combination of the classes’ personality and interests in addition to the Ballet we work on regularly.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Female students must purchase Ballet Pink (Ballet Pink is a specific color) Ballet shoes that should be worn to each class. This helps their feet slide on the floor to accomplish many of the steps we will be working on. Male students should purchase black ballet shoes.

Female students will also be required to purchase Ballet Pink ballet tights to wear with our showcase costume (see below for more on that). Male students do not need tights.

Homework: I occasionally ask students to practice something at home. It is purely for the students benefit that they practice at home. If they do not practice anything, they will still get a lot out of the class. So, don’t stress about practicing at home.

Materials Fee: The material fee covers each student's showcase fee, the purchase of music we will use for the showcase and most importantly, it covers the purchase of your student’s costume! The costume is yours to keep at the end of the year.

Spring Showcase: Yes

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Earth Science-Astronomy, 1st-2nd, (1-1:55) Grades: 1st-2nd


Tutor Developed Time: 1-1:55pm Homework:

Optional Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $20

Total Fees: $150

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Calling all junior astronomers and astronauts! Get ready to blast off! We will be taking off on an amazing and fun journey into all things outer space. This is a HANDS-ON astronomy science class where the students will delve into all of God’s amazing creations in the sky! We will learn about the wonders of the stars, constellations, planets and beyond through experimentation, projects, art, observation, discussion and critical thinking. Some of our class projects will include making: Astronaut Ice Cream, Bottle Rockets, Fizzing Jupiter, Phases of the Moon Oreos, Galaxy Pinwheels, Constellation Flashlights, and Nebulas in a Jar!

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Pencils, erasers, colored pencils/crayons, scissors and glue sticks. A folder will be provided at the beginning of the year for each student.

Homework: Homework is optional. However, it will be encouraged to further students’ understanding of the material covered. There will be opportunities to earn incentives for assignments and projects completed at home.

Materials Fee: The material fee covers the supplies needed for all activities, experiments, projects, games, class incentives and copier costs needed for our course.

Spring Showcase: Yes, we will have a small display of some of our fun projects.

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Hands-on STEM, 1st-2nd, (2-2:55 or 3-3:55) Grades: 1st-2nd


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm or 3-3:55pm


Optional Tuition: $135


N/A Materials Fee: $30

Total Fees: $165

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: STEM is a hands-on learning environment that incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. During each class, a lesson will be presented followed by the opportunity to explore the topic, homing in on critical thinking skills and creativity. The students will plan, build and test their designs and apply problem solving skills as they explore each topic. Some of the activities students will explore include:

• Magnetism – magnet maze

• Anatomy – robotic hand

• Wind Energy – windmill, wind meter

• Gravity – parachutes, pool noodle run

• Force and Motion – popsicle stick catapult, balloon rocket

• Aerodynamics – paper and straw airplane

• Buoyancy – build a boat, how much weight can it hold

• Engineering – build a tower (Ancient Greek Architecture), can paper hold up books

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Pencil, colored pencils, scissors, three prong binder with pockets

Homework: Optional - worksheets will be sent home each week to allow students to further explore each topic.

Materials Fee: Material fee covers the cost of supplies for each project such as, paper plates, straws, tape, rubber bands, etc.

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 18

Literature, 1st-2nd, (3-3:55) Grades: 1st-2nd


Tutor Developed Time: 3-3:55pm


Optional Tuition: $120


N/A Materials Fee: $20

Total Fees: $140

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: The goal of this course is to introduce students to a variety of literature that will help develop a passion for books and aid in developing literacy skills. Selections from authors who are masters of prose and beloved by children will be used to spark joy, wonder, and Christian character development in children. After listening to a story/poem, the class will engage in grade-level activities to help them learn to retain information and begin picking up on literary concepts such as sequence of events, conflict/resolution, character traits, cause and effect, etc. Literacy and spelling/grammar skills will be incorporated weekly through fun and engaging activities. Literature selections will include various genres including fiction, folktales, biographies, poems, and selections from children’s novels. Some of the literature covered will include: Amelia Bedelia, Pecos Bill, Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Little House in the Big Woods, seasonal and biblical stories.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students should have basic school supplies in their backpack each week including pencils, crayons, colored pencils, and scissors. They should also bring either a pocket folder or 1” binder with pockets to keep their papers in. The tutor will bring any additional supplies needed.

Homework: Homework is encouraged but not required. Most weeks the students will be given a paper/activity to complete at home to reinforce what was taught in class. Each week we will have class time for students to share what they did and earn a sticker for completing the homework. Some weeks, a poem will be sent home for the students to practice memorizing/reciting. The tutor will also offer suggestions for additional/optional reading at home. This course should complement any language arts curriculum taught at home.

Materials Fee: Classroom/project supplies, activity/writing materials, teaching aids, and copier fees

Spring Showcase: No, but parents will be invited to an in-class presentation of poetry recitation at the end of the year.

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Music & Movement, 1st-2nd, (2-2:55) Grades: 1st-2nd


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm


N/A Tuition: $130


N/A Materials Fee: $25

Total Fees: $155

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: The goal for our class is to introduce students to many different forms of music, to identify what they hear with musical terminology, and to sing and play musical instruments with rhythmic accuracy all while having fun and glorifying God! Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of music through numerous classical music stories (i.e. Peter and the Wolf, Carnival of the Animals, the Nutcracker, etc). Each class period students will listen and move to a portion of a piece of classical music and study different aspects of the music that pertain to each piece (i.e. steady beat, rhythm, dynamics, tempo).We will also sing, play games, dance, play simple musical instruments, and prepare a piece for the in class performance for the fall semester and for performance in the showcase in the spring.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students should have a two-pocket folder to keep any class handouts in and a pencil, eraser, and colored pencils for each class

Homework: There will occasionally be handouts or worksheets that will be sent home to reinforce what we are learning in class. All of these will just be for extra practice and if they are returned completed students will get to choose from my treasure box. No extra work at home will be required, however there will occasionally be supplemental listening activities and resources sent home via email for extra enrichment.

Materials Fee: The materials fee covers props and instruments used in class and fees for the semester showcases. Each

student will have their own bag of instruments for personal use each week in class which will be sent home with them at

the conclusion of our academic year.

Spring Showcase: Yes

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 20

Spanish, 1st-2nd, (12-12:55 or 1-1:55) Grades: 1st-2nd


Tutor Developed Time: 12-12:55pm or 1-1:55pm


Optional Tuition: $130


N/A Materials Fee: $10

Total Fees: $140

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This class is designed to generate interest and enthusiasm for the Spanish language. Students will learn and use Spanish vocabulary and simple grammar structures while developing communicative skills and acquiring knowledge of Hispanic cultures and traditions. Typical weekly lessons will include vocabulary routines (greetings, weather, etc.), songs and poetry, activities that include role playing, games, and read alouds. Classroom instruction will be mostly in Spanish. Students have numerous opportunities during each class to participate in Spanish, demonstrate understanding and develop communicative skills in a low stress and enjoyable environment.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students should bring their provided folders each week. I will provide crayons, scissors and pencils as needed. Students can bring their own crayons and pencils if they would like.

Homework: Homework is optional. Students can review vocabulary, handouts and skills learned in class. A daily review of approximately 5- 10 minutes is recommended to gain maximum benefits from this class.

Materials Fee: The material fee will cover the cost of paper and printer ink for worksheets, student incentives, crayons,

pencils, and any additional supplies that might be needed throughout the school year.

Spring Showcase: No

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3rd – 6th Grade Classes - (more 5th/6th grade classes in next section)

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#Art, 3rd-4th, (1-1:55) Grades: 3rd-4th


Tutor Developed Time: 1-1:55pm


Yes Tuition: $128


None Materials Fee: $24

Total Fees: $152

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This class uses a hands-on approach to the elements of art while building a foundation in observing/drawing. Media used (clay, watercolor, charcoal, acrylics, etc.) varies year to year. Though we may repeat a project (upon student request) I never repeat a lesson! Students can take this class in 3rd or 4th grade or both! If we do repeat a project, I will give it a different twist. Everyone works at his or her level and students will build on what they know. Together we will explore how man-made art is used in our world and also to explore beauty in nature. God created us to create! Students are encouraged to look for art in its many forms and applications outside of class and to recognize the differences between 2-D and 3-D, a real-life model and something from imagination. Goals for this class are for students to grow in their appreciation of art, improve their skills of observation, apply those observation skills to their own artistic expression, gain confidence in their ability to express themselves creatively, and enjoy the creative process using color, shadow, balance, symmetry, etc.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: A spiral-bound sketchbook, no smaller than 11” x 13” • #2 pencil • A good, white eraser • a 12 inch ruler. Optional: additional drawing pencils.

Homework: To help students gain the confidence to develop their own creativity, to reduce stress and make art FUN! students are asked to set aside 60 minutes per week to sketch in their sketchbook. This can be done in two 30-minute sittings, four 15-minute sittings or a one-hour stretch depending on their creative mood.

Materials Fee: Materials fee covers classroom supplies used in class.

Spring Showcase: Students have the opportunity to display their work at the end-of-the-year showcase.

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Ballet & Dance, 3rd-5th, (2-2:55) Grades: 3rd-5th


Classical Ballet, Jazz, and More! Time: 2-2:55pm Homework:

Optional Tuition: $140


None Materials Fee: $60

Total Fees: $200

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Both inexperienced and experienced students are welcome and will be challenged in this introductory class that is designed to inspire a love for dance. The goal of the class is to expose students to the discipline of ballet, but also enjoy making it their own by adding Modern, Jazz or Hip Hop steps into the choreography. Class typically begins with Ballet footwork and stretching at the barre. Once Barre is complete, class moves to the center floor to increase knowledge and ability in traveling movements. Once introduced and mastered, the class works together to put these steps together to a song for showcase. Some Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop and other tricks will often be thrown into the choreography. Typically, our showcase demonstrates a combination of the classes’ personality and interests in addition to the Ballet we work on regularly.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Female students must purchase Ballet Pink (Ballet Pink is a specific color) Ballet shoes that should be worn to each class. This helps their feet slide on the floor to accomplish many of the steps we will be working on. Male students should purchase black ballet shoes.

Female students will also be required to purchase Ballet Pink ballet tights to wear with our showcase costume (see below for more on that). Male students do not need tights.

Homework: I occasionally ask students to practice something at home. It is purely for the students benefit that they practice at home. If they do not practice anything, they will still get a lot out of the class. So, don’t stress about practicing at home.

Materials Fee: The material fee covers each student's showcase fee, the purchase of music we will use for the showcase and most importantly, it covers the purchase of your student’s costume! The costume is yours to keep at the end of the year.

Spring Showcase: Yes

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#Beginning Spanish l, 3rd-5th, (12-12:55) Grades: 3rd-5th


“Risas y Sonrias-Spanish Program for Kids,” Leticia Smith Time: 12-12:55pm


Yes Tuition: $150


None Materials Fee: $10

Total Fees: $160

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This is the 1st year of a 2 year-long Beginning Spanish course. Students will learn the value of speaking this super relevant foreign language and develop an appreciation for the use of Spanish in our world today. We will learn vocabulary and simple sentence structure through the use of songs, hands-on-activities, Q & A, writing, skits, and playing fun, interactive games. We will review weekly our current skills, while going over a new theme every few weeks. Vocabulary themes will include: cognants, animals, numbers, vowels, colors, the alphabet, consonant sounds, food, the masculine and feminine concept, greetings, name and address, shapes, emotions, body parts, and directions. My goal is to empower each student in their use of Spanish and to ignite their passion in speaking this highly useful, beautiful language.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: No supplies need to be purchased by the student, but I will provide each student with a homework folder and a spiral bound notebook which they should bring to class each week. Please do not discard vocabulary worksheets, as we will refer to these week after week. Students should also bring pencils to class, but I will provide extras as well.

Homework: Students should be reviewing their vocabulary for at least 5 minutes each day. I will also give them a fun hand-out to help reinforce what we have learned in class. Please bring homework to class in the folder provided, so I can check it each week.

Materials Fee: Material fee covers sturdy folder, composition notebook, as well as teaching materials such as flashcards, lamination costs, other tutor resources, pencils, colored pencils, copy costs, glue, scissors and candy rewards used during class.

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 25

#Beginning Spanish ll, 4th-6th, (3-3:55) Grades: 4th-6th


“Risas y Sonrias-Spanish Program for Kids,” Leticia Smith Time: 3-3:55pm


Yes Tuition: $150


None Materials Fee: $10

Total Fees: $160

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This is the 2nd year of a 2 year-long Beginning Spanish course. Students will learn the value of speaking this super relevant foreign language and develop an appreciation for the use of Spanish in our world today. We will learn vocabulary and simple sentence structure through the use of songs, hands-on-activities, Q & A, writing, skits, and playing fun, interactive games. We will review weekly our current skills, while going over a new theme every few weeks. Vocabulary themes will include: review of all themes from year 1 of Beginning Spanish (cognants, animals, numbers, vowels, colors, the alphabet, consonant sounds, food, the masculine and feminine concept, greetings, name and address, shapes, emotions, body parts, and directions), as well as the "Magic Words," how to ask questions, family names, nature cognants, opposites, wild animals, school terms, and days of the week. My goal is to empower each student in their use of Spanish and to ignite their passion in speaking this highly useful, beautiful language.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: No supplies need to be purchased by the student, but I will provide each student with a homework folder and a spiral bound notebook which they should bring to class each week. Please do not discard vocabulary worksheets, as we will refer to these week after week. Students should also bring pencils to class, but I will provide extras as well.

Homework: Students should be reviewing their vocabulary for at least 5 minutes each day. I will also give them a fun hand-out to help reinforce what we have learned in class. Please bring homework to class in the folder provided, so I can check it each week.

Materials Fee: Material fee covers sturdy folder, composition notebook, as well as teaching materials such as flashcards, lamination costs, other tutor resources, pencils, colored pencils, copy costs, glue, scissors and candy rewards used during class.

Spring Showcase: No

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Happy Handicrafts, 4th-6th, (12-12:55) Grades: 4th-6th


Tutor Developed Time: 12-12:55pm Homework:

Rarely Tuition: $120


None Materials Fee: $90

Total Fees: $210

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Students will complete a variety of handicrafts, including weaving, stenciling, quilling, beading, string art, embroidery, macrame, alcohol ink work, acrylic pouring, and other practical arts that are eminently suitable for gift-giving and display. Through these projects, the students will gain an appreciation for a variety of handicrafts and media...all without making a mess at home! Once learned, they can then continue for their own enjoyment. Many of the projects will be themed for the holidays throughout the year.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: None – all supplies will be provided.

Homework: Rarely - only if projects are not completed during class time or if students want to practice the crafts they have learned.

Materials Fee: Fees will cover all the materials needed to create these projects: paints, cross-stitch cloth, yarn, glass pieces, tools, dyes, paints, brushes, and beads. Most projects will take one class period, and thus students will bring home something many weeks. Students will also bring home tools used in making the projects (ex. brushes, needles, and quilling tools). Averaging out the cost of these projects comes to $3 a week.

Spring Showcase: Yes

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#Hands-on Science-Botany, 3rd-4th, (1-1:55 or 2-2:55) Grades: 3rd-4th


Apologia Exploring w/Botany, 2nd Ed, 2020 Time: 1-1:55pm or 2-2:55pm Homework:

Yes Tuition: $140


None Materials Fee: $35

Total Fees: $175

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This is a hands-on, God-honoring study of botany. We will use a Charlotte-Mason inspired, immersion approach to studying botany. We will begin this course with an overview of botany and then grow in our knowledge of seeds, flowers, pollination, fruits, leaves, roots, and stems of plants. Students' awareness and appreciation of the world around them will blossom as they are encouraged to question “facts” and correctly use the scientific method. Students will plant a garden that they design and discover how food is produced. By digging deeper into the many different types of plants in creation, they will acquire wisdom that will flourish for their lifetimes. The goal is to encourage the natural curiosity within the students by using hands-on, real world experiments and activities that highlight God’s creation and their ability to use a creative process in science. Optional field trips, creating field guides, nature journaling, preserving flowers, growing edible mushrooms, planting a butterfly garden and seed/leaf/flower dissections are just a few of the hands-on activities they will be participating in during this course.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Apologia Exploring Creation with Botany, 2nd edition, year 2020, regular Notebooking Journal for Exploring Creation with Botany, 2nd Edition (not the junior notebook), and a 1-inch binder. There may be additional supplies needed from home occasionally, but I will let the students and parents know ahead of time.

Homework: Homework is assigned each week. In order to get the most out of this course, homework should be completed. If a class is missed, please catch up on assignments. End-of-semester and year-long projects will also be assigned.

Materials Fee: All of the supplies for our hands-on activities including seeds, cups, bags, dirt, moss, borax, tea lights, jars, clay, and lots more. All of the supplies for our hands-on activities including seeds, cups, bags, dirt, moss, borax, tea lights, jars, clay, and lots more. Additionally, the tutor will provide each student with a pencil box full of pencils, erasers, colored pencils, scissors, glue, a white board and a dry erase marker – all of which will be stored at the church and only used during Botany class.

Spring Showcase: Yes, display

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#History-Ancient Civilizations, 3rd-4th, (3-3:55) Grades: 3rd-4th


Veritas Press History: Old Testament & Ancient Egypt; Veritas Press History: New Testament, Greece, & Rome; Tutor Developed

Time: 3-3:55pm


Yes Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $50

Total Fees: $180

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Do you want to know how democracy started or what it was like to live in ancient times? Come take a journey with History Class and find out! It’s like any other history class- just not as boring!

Using the Veritas Press History flashcards, students will cover a person or event in the series beginning with Ancient Egypt and ending with the Fall of Rome. After a brief discussion on the weekly topic, students will then watch history come alive through various hands-on activities and projects. Activities will include making models of the pyramids, building a catapult, and participating in the Olympic Games.

We have been blessed to continue offering History Club. Please see the write-up for this class as it’s an extension to our history class!

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Veritas Press: Old Testament and Ancient Egypt Flashcards ( as well as other sites)

• Veritas Press: New Testament, Greece, and Rome Flashcards

• 3-ring binder- 3 inch (to hold their worksheets and handouts)

• Pencils, Colored Pencils or Markers, Glue Sticks, and Scissors

Homework: Homework should take an average of 60 minutes each week. It will consist of flashcard/topic review from the current week as well as reading on the next week’s topic (in order to provide maximum time for hands on activities). Mandatory assignments will only incorporate 1-2 flashcard(s) and the accompanying comprehension worksheet. In addition, students will be given 2-4 optional “Dig Deeper” assignments (depending on complexity). These will be reinforcement worksheets pertaining to the current week’s lesson. Students who complete their homework will receive “Mac Money” that can be cashed in for incentive prizes. While there are no required books to read, a list of resources and titles can be provided to families who wish to pursue this route in order to select a topic and reading level that is geared towards their individual child. There will also be two project/presentations, one per semester. A write-up with ideas will be provided at the beginning of the semester to help guide families to finding a topic that interests their child from the time period being discussed. In addition, there will be a 1-page accompanied write up for each project. Written guidance and expectations will be provided to the student at the beginning of the year.

Materials Fee: Fees will be used for Veritas Press teacher’s manuals, licensing fees to use curriculum and worksheets in a classroom setting, copier fees, supplies for projects, and incentive prize

Spring Showcase: Yes, a small sampling of projects will be displayed at the end-of-the-year Showcase.

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#History-Ancient Civilizations, 4th-6th, (12-12:55)

Grades: 4th-6th


Veritas Press History: Old Testament & Ancient Egypt; Veritas Press History: New Testament, Greece, & Rome; Tutor Developed

Time: 12-12:55pm


Yes Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $50

Total Fees: $180

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Do you want to know how democracy started or what it was like to live in ancient times? Come take a journey with History Class and find out! It’s like any other history class- just not as boring!

Using the Veritas Press History flashcards, students will cover a person or event in the series beginning with Ancient Egypt and ending with the Fall of Rome. After a brief discussion on the weekly topic, students will then watch history come alive through various hands-on activities and projects. Activities will include making models of the pyramids, building a catapult, and participating in the Olympic Games.

We have been blessed to continue offering History Club. Please see the write-up for this class as it’s an extension to our history class!

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Veritas Press: Old Testament and Ancient Egypt Flashcards ( as well as other sites)

• Veritas Press: New Testament, Greece, and Rome Flashcards

• 3-ring binder- 3 inch (to hold their worksheets and handouts)

• Pencils, Colored Pencils or Markers, Glue Sticks, and Scissors

Homework: Homework should take an average of 60 minutes each week. It will consist of flashcard/topic review from the current week as well as reading on the next week’s topic (in order to provide maximum time for hands on activities). Mandatory assignments will only incorporate 1-2 flashcard(s) and the accompanying comprehension worksheet. In addition, students will be given 2-4 optional “Dig Deeper” assignments (depending on complexity). These will be reinforcement worksheets pertaining to the current week’s lesson. Students who complete their homework will receive “Mac Money” that can be cashed in for incentive prizes. While there are no required books to read, a list of resources and titles can be provided to families who wish to pursue this route in order to select a topic and reading level that is geared towards their individual child. There will also be two project/presentations, one per semester. A write-up with ideas will be provided at the beginning of the semester to help guide families to finding a topic that interests their child from the time period being discussed. In addition, there will be a 1-page accompanied write up for each project. Written guidance and expectations will be provided to the student at the beginning of the year.

Materials Fee: Fees will be used for Veritas Press teacher’s manuals, licensing fees to use curriculum and worksheets in a classroom setting, copier fees, supplies for projects, and incentive prize

Spring Showcase: Yes, a small sampling of projects will be displayed at the end-of-the-year Showcase.

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 30

History Club, 3rd-6th, (10:30-11:25) Grades: 3rd-6th


Tutor Developed Time: 10:30-11:25am Homework:

None Tuition: $80


None Materials Fee: $60

Total Fees: $140

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 16

Course Description: Have you ever wondered where the words volcano, echo, and arachnid come from? What does a leprechaun have to do with St. Patrick’s Day and how did our planets get their names? History Club has the answers you’re looking for! Designed to act as a supplement to the History Class (please refer to the write-up on History: Ancient Civilizations), History Club will take a Christian stance as we learn mythological stories from Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. These stories will help students make connections to references, terminology, phrases, and concepts that still exist in their world today. Examples of projects and activities include building a labyrinth, yarn weaving, Celtic knot work, and turning the classroom into a planetarium to view the stars.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: 3-ring binder, Colored Pencils or Markers, Glue Sticks, and Scissors.

Homework: As this is a supplemental class, there will be no homework handed out.

Materials Fee: Fees will be used to cover copier fees and supplies for projects.

Spring Showcase: Yes, a small sampling of projects will be displayed at the end-of-the-year Showcase.

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IEW for Elementary School, 4th-5th, (12-12:55) Grades: 5th-4th


Institute for Excellence in Writing, Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales

Time: 12-12:55pm


Yes Tuition: $125


None Materials Fee: $30

Total Fees: $155

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 10

Course Description: In this course, we will begin learning, practicing, and developing writing skills using IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing). This course is best suited for 4th and 5th grade students. Students can be in their 1st or 2nd year of IEW. The premise of IEW is that the student is provided a source document form which he/she creates a keyword outline to use when writing the paper. By using this approach, the stress of trying to think of what to write about is removed and the student can focus on learning the structure of writing and developing their style. The approach is simple and gentle. An excerpt from IEW website: “IEW’s unique approach provides the structure that students need to develop confidence in the writing process, while gradually guiding them toward greater independence and creativity. They will learn eight structural models (note-taking, writing paragraphs, stories, simple reports, writing from pictures, research reports, creative writing, and essays) to help them organize any type of composition. In addition, stylistic techniques (strong verbs, quality adjectives, sentence openers, and more) are taught incrementally to gently move students from the basics into more sophisticated writing.”

I will also provide opportunities for students to write various forms of writing such as poetry, friendly letters, etc. from tutor created material.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales Writing Lessons (Student Book; 3rd Edition), By: Maria Gerber, $29.00

• Student Resource Notebook (3rd Edition), By: Lori Verstegen, $19.00

• Paper, 3-ring binder, page protectors, pencils, highlighter

Homework: Students will have a new writing assignment most weeks. Some assignments require more than one week.

Materials Fee: Tutor materials, copies, games, and incentives.

Spring Showcase: No

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Integrative Kitchen, 3rd-5th, (10:30-11:25) Grades: 3rd-5th


Tutor Developed Time: 10:30-11:25am


Yes Tuition: $150


N/A Materials Fee: $50

Total Fees: $200

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This hands-on course will introduce a lot of different aspects of our food. From farm-to-table and beyond, we will investigate how our food is grown, learn the benefits of different types of food, and learn how to plan and budget for a meal. The class will learn kitchen etiquette and safety for both home and restaurant. Students will explore and learn how eating healthy helps the body. We will plan and practice how to properly and safely prepare simple meals. And we won't forget the responsibility of cleaning up afterwards! This Integrative Kitchen approach will focus on growing, purchasing, preparing, consuming, and responsibility as we have a lot of fun with healthy food and kitchen experiences.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Something to protect your clothes - an apron, smock or old t-shirt.

Homework: Optional homework to practice and apply the skills learned in class.

Materials Fee: Covers print outs, grocery materials, projects and activities.

Spring Showcase: No

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Learning Through Games, 3rd-4th, (2-2:55) Grades: 3rd-4th


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm


Optional Tuition: $120


None Materials Fee: $10

Total Fees: $130

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 6 Max. 12

Course Description: Learning through Games is an alternative course to the traditional textbook, pencil, and paper class. Students will be introduced to critical thinking, strategy, logic and deduction skills by playing games. Students will play designated games in class each week on a rotating thematic basis such as: visual perception, strategy, logic, deduction and reasoning, math and more. Each student’s individual ability will be taken into consideration, with a cross section of games of varying degrees of difficulty. Possible games include: Blokus, Qwirkle, Battleship, Rummikub, Checkers, Chinese Checkers, Guess Who, Yahtzee, Clue, Sequence, etc. (All games are subject to change. In addition, some games might contain dice and cards).

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: A pencil

Homework: Optional logic and critical thinking worksheets will be sent home for those who enjoy an extra challenge. Homework does not need to come back to class.

Materials Fee: Covers the cost of games and printing materials.

Spring Showcase: No

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Math Games, 3rd-5th, (12-12:55) Grades: 3rd-5th


Tutor Developed Time: 12-12:55pm


Yes Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $30

Total Fees: $160

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Students will explore the world of mathematics by learning about how we use fractions and decimals in the real world for cooking, building, and sports. They will also learn about probability of an event through the exploration of games and how to collect data to create meaningful graphs and interpret what the data means. Students will experience the connection of science and math through a variety of activities. Problem solving is a lifelong skill that students will spend time developing in this class. Let’s make math meaningful and magical!

This is a supplemental class to any math course being taken at home. It is not to be considered the math course for the year

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students can bring a composition book for collecting data and doing calculations. This will allow them to keep a journal of the problem-solving activities and experiments we do during the year. Students need to come with their excitement to learn and explore mathematics!

Homework: There will be 1 hour of homework each week to support and practice skills being developed in the class. Students are expected to share the fun math experiences with their family and friends.

Materials Fee: The material fee will cover the items used in math experiments like the use of manipulatives or

consumable items such as candy, paper, straws, tape for building and creating. The fee will be used for games and


Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 35

#Music/Intro to Recorders, 3rd-5th, (3-3:55) Grades: 3rd-5th


Tutor developed curriculum based off of Theory Time Grade 3 by Heather Rathnau & Recorder Karate by Barb Philipak

Time: 3-3:55pm


Yes Tuition: $140


N/A Materials Fee: $35

Total Fees: $175

Virtual: Yes – via Zoom Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Students will learn the basics of music theory that will enable them to play the recorder successfully. While there will be instruction in music theory each week, we will intersperse various music activities to enforce what we are learning to keep students active and engaged. This will be a class for students of various musical backgrounds and no prior music instruction is necessary. Throughout the entire academic year students will listen and respond to various pieces of classical music and utilize Theory Time grade 3 music curriculum and supplemental material as needed to help them learn how to read sheet music. The first semester will focus on listening, singing, playing classroom instruments, and creating music and will culminate in a fall semester boomwhacker performance in class. The second semester will focus on learning the proper technique to play the recorder all while students are working to achieve their black belt in the Recorder Karate curriculum in order to perform a piece as a class at the end-of-the-year Spring showcase.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: A 1-inch binder with a front pocket and a tab divider. We will store our theory workbook and recorder curriculum in this binder. Students will need a pencil, eraser, and colored pencils for each class as well.

Homework: Most weeks we will have homework in our music theory workbooks to practice and reinforce what was introduced in class. This is essential to help us learn how to read music so we will be able to play our recorder well. During the second semester we will add highly recommended practice of our recorder for 5 minutes – 4+ times a week. Students will need to bring back their recorder to class each week in order to practice and test for their next belt. We will not have extra classroom recorders.

Materials Fee: The materials fee covers showcase fees, our theory workbook, curriculum, recorder and supplies, a music dry erase lap board and marker, and other classroom supplies. Most materials, including the recorder, will go home with the student at the end of the academic year.

Spring Showcase: Yes

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#Stemming It Up!, 3rd-5th, (1-1:55) Grades: 3rd-5th


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm


Optional Tuition: $135


None Materials Fee: $45

Total Fees: $180

Virtual: Yes, Zoom Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: STEM is a hands-on learning environment encouraging problem-solving skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math concepts. We will use these tools of problem solving to create projects that follow specific parameters but may also ask students to ‘go farther’ and tweak projects. Students will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge of the Engineering Design Process (Identify the Problem, Brainstorm, Design, Build/Redesign/Test & Evaluate) while learning to appreciate the perspectives of others during team building projects as well as individual ones. Some of the topics and activities that will be explored include, but not limited to:

• *Solar Power- Solar Oven

• *Biodomes- students explore environments, ecosystems, energy flow and organism interactions

• *Recycling- Various uses for water bottles, etc.

• *Ancient Aztec Calendar/Mesoamerican Calendar Coding

• *Ancient Aztec- Floating Gardens

• *Ancient India Irrigation and Monsoon Challenges

• *Wind Energy- Windmills, Wind-Powered Sail Cars

• *Chemical Reactions- Solutions, Suspension, etc. Crystallized names/creations, Minty Reindeer Toothpaste

• *Simple Machines- Rube Goldberg, chain reactions

• *Water Bottle Rockets-center of drag, center of mass, and momentum and impulse.

• *Gravity and Forces- Obstacle courses

• *Forces- tension, compression, Bridge Building

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: I will provide a list of house-hold items that would be greatly appreciated, such as: 2-liter clear bottles, pop-cycle sticks, corks, paper towel rolls (cardboard), straws, disposable cake

pans. I’ll add to the list as we grow. 😊.

Homework: Students are not expected to do weekly homework. There may be a few projects that may require some thinking time at home and a few ideas written down (I will provide any paper-work) and incentives will be used for those who choose to complete these assignments.

Materials Fee: The materials fee covers journals, copies, supplies for classroom STEM activities, incentives

Spring Showcase: Yes

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 37

#Stemming It Up!, 3rd-5th, (3-3:55) Grades: 3rd-5th


Tutor Developed Time: 3-3:55pm


Optional Tuition: $135


None Materials Fee: $45

Total Fees: $180

Virtual: Yes, Zoom Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: STEM is a hands-on learning environment encouraging problem-solving skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math concepts. We will use these tools of problem solving to create projects that follow specific parameters but may also ask students to ‘go farther’ and tweak projects. Students will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge of the Engineering Design Process (Identify the Problem, Brainstorm, Design, Build/Redesign/Test & Evaluate) while learning to appreciate the perspectives of others during team building projects as well as individual ones. Some of the topics and activities that will be explored include, but not limited to:

• *Solar Power- Solar Oven

• *Biodomes- students explore environments, ecosystems, energy flow and organism interactions

• *Recycling- Various uses for water bottles, etc.

• *Ancient Aztec Calendar/Mesoamerican Calendar Coding

• *Ancient Aztec- Floating Gardens

• *Ancient India Irrigation and Monsoon Challenges

• *Wind Energy- Windmills, Wind-Powered Sail Cars

• *Chemical Reactions- Solutions, Suspension, etc. Crystallized names/creations, Minty Reindeer Toothpaste

• *Simple Machines- Rube Goldberg, chain reactions

• *Water Bottle Rockets-center of drag, center of mass, and momentum and impulse.

• *Gravity and Forces- Obstacle courses

• *Forces- tension, compression, Bridge Building

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: I will provide a list of house-hold items that would be greatly appreciated, such as: 2-liter clear bottles, pop-cycle sticks, corks, paper towel rolls (cardboard), straws, disposable cake

pans. I’ll add to the list as we grow. 😊.

Homework: Students are not expected to do weekly homework. There may be a few projects that may require some thinking time at home and a few ideas written down (I will provide any paper-work) and incentives will be used for those who choose to complete these assignments.

Materials Fee: The materials fee covers journals, copies, supplies for classroom STEM activities, incentives

Spring Showcase: Yes

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5th – 8th Grade Classes - (more 7th/8th grade classes in next section)

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#Apologia Anatomy & Physiology, 5th-7th, (3-3:55) Grades: 5th-7th


Apologia Human Anatomy and Physiology Time: 3-3:55pm


Yes Tuition: $135


5th grade reading & writing level Materials Fee: $30

Total Fees: $165

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: If your older child took General Science in the past, the current edition no longer teaches A&P, so they will no longer be exposed to this subject matter two years in a row.

From the publisher: “Anatomy & Physiology Textbook Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology is an elementary level Anatomy and Physiology book that gives glory to God as children discover all that goes on in their bodies from their heads to the nails on their toes! Beginning with a brief history of medicine and a peek into cells and DNA, your students will voyage through fourteen lessons covering many subjects.” During the one-hour class we will spend time performing lots of hands-on experiments like learning about your blood type, creating an edible cell and DNA, and how your diaphragm works, plus learning how to take notes with additional instruction, conducting group reviews using quizzes and games, and shopping for prizes at the incentive store. I am always available by text for the parents to reach me for questions during the week.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Apologia Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology by Fulbright textbook, and Anatomy Notebooking Journal (NOT JUNIOR). Make sure you get the 2-piece kit. There is an MP3 Audio CD for the audio learner available as an extra purchase. 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper and for storing handouts

Homework: 30-45 minutes daily of reading, lab reports, comp. questions, crossword puzzles, and optional copywork. A daily reading/ assignment schedule will be supplied on the first day of class. Tuesday through Friday, students can expect to spend about 30-45 minutes a day on reading, answering questions, working on the vocabulary crossword puzzle, copywork (optional) and occasionally making mini books, all found in their journal notebook. Students are expected to come to class prepared for discussion and notes, with notebooking journal, completed questions, and vocabulary terms answered in writing. These will be checked at the beginning of every class. Students will earn incentive points for having these done in a complete and timely manner

Materials Fee: The $30 will cover supplies for experiments, copies, and an incentive store. Ms. Griffin will send home a

list of the few household supplies they will need to bring into class or used at home to supplement the experiments.

Spring Showcase: No

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#Apologia Land Animals, 5th-7th, (10:30-11:25 or 2-2:55) Grades: 5th-7th


Apologia Exploring Creation Zoology 3 Land Animals of the Sixth Day

Time: 10:30-11:25 or 2-2:55pm


Yes Tuition: $140


None Materials Fee: $45

Total Fees: $185

Virtual: Yes - Zoom Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Students will learn about animals of the safari through jungles, deserts, forests, farms, and even their own community. The student will discover amazing facts about animals from primates to parasites, kangaroos to caimans, and turtles to the terrifying T-Rex. Students will create Nature Journals, recording land animals they discover in their environment. We will also dissect some interesting land creatures to discover their internal anatomy in comparison to other land animals and humans.

Students are expected to read the chapter material and be prepared to discuss in class together. Students will be expected to take some tutor given notes in their Sixth Day Notebooking Journal, in addition to notes at home, complete projects discovering land creatures, complete Notebooking Journal assignments to vocabulary crossword puzzles, and hands-on experiments from each lesson to reinforce learning. Tutor will provide vocabulary sheets that the Primary Homeschooling Tutor can 1) have the student complete in writing, 2) complete verbally, or 3) complete however the tutor and student thinks works best for the student. Only written vocabulary sheets submitted to the tutor at the conclusion of each chapter will receive Extra Credit points. At the end of the 2nd semester, students will present a report on a Land Animal to the class.

At the end of each chapter, students will have a 5-question T/F (in class) quiz and a 5-matching to be completed At Home Quiz to be completed independently (no parental assistance). The Tutor uses the quizzes to monitor students' understanding and provide feedback on how to adjust teaching style.

Tutor does provide weekly photos of Class Notes so parents can assist with note-taking/discussion of class work

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Apologia Exploring Creation Zoology 3 Land Animals of the Sixth Day or or used.

• Apologia: Land Creatures Notebooking Journal – DO NOT buy the Junior Journal

• 2" binder with dividers for subject materials

• Colored pencils


Homework: Students receive syllabus for each semester that includes reading of text, vocabulary, notebooking journal assignments, Quiz preparation, lab work, Nature Journal, and End of Year Animal Report. Students will do 20-minutes daily of reading, completing notebooking journal assignments, lab work, Nature Journal, and end-of-the-year Land Animal Report.

Materials Fee: Material Fee covers land animal dissection specimens, all experiment supplies, additional handout materials Tutor provides, all copies of vocabulary, quizzes, syllabus, etc., and End of Year otebooking Journal Contract Completion Prizes. Showcase: No

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#Art, 5th-6th, (2-2:55) Grades: 5th-6th


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm


Yes Tuition: $128


None Materials Fee: $24

Total Fees: $152

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This class uses a hands-on approach to the elements of art while building a foundation in observing/drawing. Media used (clay, watercolor, charcoal, acrylics, etc.) varies year to year. Though we may repeat a project (upon student request) I never repeat a lesson! Students can take this class in 5th or 6th grade or both! If we do repeat a project, I will give it a different twist. Everyone works at his or her level and students will build on what they know. Together we will explore how man-made art is used in our world and also to explore beauty in nature. God created us to create! Students are encouraged to look for art in its many forms and applications outside of class and to recognize the differences between 2-D and 3-D, a real-life model and something from imagination. Goals for this class are for students to grow in their appreciation of art, improve their skills of observation, apply those observation skills to their own artistic expression, gain confidence in their ability to express themselves creatively, and enjoy the creative process using color, shadow, balance, symmetry, and more.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: A spiral-bound sketchbook, no smaller than 11” x 13” • #2 pencil • A good, white eraser • a 12 inch ruler. Optional: additional drawing pencils.

Homework: To help students gain the confidence to develop their own creativity, to reduce stress and make art FUN! students are asked to set aside 60 minutes per week to sketch in their sketchbook. This can be done in two 30-minute sittings, four 15-minute sittings or a one-hour stretch depending on their creative mood.

Materials Fee: Materials fee covers classroom supplies used in class.

Spring Showcase: Students have the opportunity to display their work at the end-of-the-year showcase.

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#Art, 5th-8th, (12-12:55) Grades: 5th-8th


Tutor Developed Time: 12-12:55pm


Yes Tuition: $128


None Materials Fee: $24

Total Fees: $152

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This class uses a hands-on approach to the elements of art while building a foundation in observing/drawing. Media used (clay, watercolor, charcoal, acrylics, etc.) varies year to year. Though we may repeat a project (upon student request) I never repeat a lesson! Students can take this class in 5th through 8th grade. If we do repeat a project, I will give it a different twist. Everyone works at his or her level and students will build on what they know. Together we will explore how man-made art is used in our world and also to explore beauty in nature. God created us to create! Students are encouraged to look for art in its many forms and applications outside of class and to recognize the differences between 2-D and 3-D, a real-life model and something from imagination. Goals for this class are for students to grow in their appreciation of art, improve their skills of observation, apply those observation skills to their own artistic expression, gain confidence in their ability to express themselves creatively, and enjoy the creative process using color, shadow, balance, symmetry, and more.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: A spiral-bound sketchbook, no smaller than 11” x 13” • #2 pencil • A good, white eraser • a 12 inch ruler. Optional: additional drawing pencils.

Homework: To help students gain the confidence to develop their own creativity, to reduce stress and make art FUN! students are asked to set aside 60 minutes per week to sketch in their sketchbook. This can be done in two 30-minute sittings, four 15-minute sittings or a one-hour stretch depending on their creative mood.

Materials Fee: Materials fee covers classroom supplies used in class.

Spring Showcase: Students have the opportunity to display their work at the end-of-the-year showcase.

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#Dance in the Heart of Worship, 6th-8th, (2-2:55) Grades: 6th-8th


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm Homework:

Yes Tuition: $134


None Materials Fee: $6

Total Fees: $140

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 3 Max. 14

Course Description: In this class, students will be exposed to various forms of dance techniques with a focus on Choreography. Using this exercise, allows them to grow more confidently in their personal dance (worship) with God the Father.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Please wear modest and loose clothing allowing for full movement. No shoes are required but if you prefer, you may bring in ballet or jazz shoes.

Homework: Review Choreography

Materials Fee: The material fee covers an intimate December “class time” performance, as well as a “bigger” end-of-the-

year Showcase performance on stage.

Spring Showcase: Yes

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#Geography, 6th-8th, (3-3:55) Grades: 6th-8th


Apologia, Around the World in 180 Days and World


Time: 3-3:55pm


Yes Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $15

Total Fees: $145

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This course is designed to teach geography and world culture in an engaging and exciting manner. The continents serve as the foundation of the seven units with geography and some history as the primary areas covered. We will also look at each continent's religion, science, speech, art, literature, and government. The students will learn to research information, they will reason based on the information, they will learn how to relate to each culture, and they will use a 3-ring binder to record all of their work. At the end of each continent study, we will have a culinary party, tasting some regional favorites. Also, at the end of the year we will have a continent “showcase” where each student will have an opportunity to put together a project on their favorite continent and share in class.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students will need to purchase two books: the student edition of Around the World in 180 Days by Apologia and World Geography in Christian Perspective by Abeka.

Students will also need a 3-ring binder with 7-tab inserts for each continent. They will also need to have access to research materials i.e., Internet, library, etc.

Homework: Students will have approximately 30 – 45 minutes of work each day.

Materials Fee: Covers materials for activities to enhance lessons, copies, incentives, etc.

Spring Showcase: No

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#History-Ancient Civilizations, 5th-7th, (2-2:55) Grades: 5th-7th


Veritas Press History: Old Testament & Ancient Egypt; Veritas Press History: New Testament, Greece, & Rome; Tutor Developed

Time: 2-2:55pm


Yes Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $50

Total Fees: $180

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Do you want to know how democracy started or what it was like to live in ancient times? Come take a journey with History Class and find out! It’s like any other history class- just not as boring!

Using the Veritas Press History flashcards, students will cover a person or event in the series beginning with Ancient Egypt and ending with the Fall of Rome. After a brief discussion on the weekly topic, students will then watch history come alive through various hands-on activities and projects. Activities will include making models of the pyramids, building a catapult, and participating in the Olympic Games.

We have been blessed to continue offering History Club. Please see the write-up for this class as it’s an extension to our history class!

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Veritas Press: Old Testament and Ancient Egypt Flashcards ( as well as other sites)

• Veritas Press: New Testament, Greece, and Rome Flashcards

• 3-ring binder- 3 inch (to hold their worksheets and handouts)

• Pencils, Colored Pencils or Markers, Glue Sticks, and Scissors

Homework: Homework should take an average of 60 minutes each week. It will consist of flashcard/topic review from the current week as well as reading on the next week’s topic (in order to provide maximum time for hands on activities). Mandatory assignments will only incorporate 1-2 flashcard(s) and the accompanying comprehension worksheet. In addition, students will be given 2-4 optional “Dig Deeper” assignments (depending on complexity). These will be reinforcement worksheets pertaining to the current week’s lesson. Students who complete their homework will receive “Mac Money” that can be cashed in for incentive prizes. While there are no required books to read, a list of resources and titles can be provided to families who wish to pursue this route in order to select a topic and reading level that is geared towards their individual child. There will also be two project/presentations, one per semester. A write-up with ideas will be provided at the beginning of the semester to help guide families to finding a topic that interests their child from the time period being discussed. In addition, there will be a 1-page accompanied write up for each project. Written guidance and expectations will be provided to the student at the beginning of the year.

Materials Fee: Fees will be used for Veritas Press teacher’s manuals, licensing fees to use curriculum and worksheets in a classroom setting, copier fees, supplies for projects, and incentive prize

Spring Showcase: Yes, a small sampling of projects will be displayed at the end-of-the-year Showcase.

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IEW for Middle School, 5th-7th, (1-1:55) Grades: 5th-7th


Institute for Excellence in Writing, Modern World History-Based Writing

Time: 1-1:55pm


Yes Tuition: $125


See below Materials Fee: $30

Total Fees: $155

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 6 Max. 12

Course Description: In this course, we will continue learning, practicing, and developing writing skills using IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing). This course is best suited for 5th through 7th grade students with a background or experience in the IEW writing program or process, preferably having taken an IEW class before this, prior experience is required for 5th grade students. The premise of IEW is that the student is provided a source document form which he/she creates a keyword outline to use when writing the paper. By using this approach, the stress of trying to think of what to write about is removed and the student can focus on learning the structure of writing and developing their style. The approach is simple and gentle. An excerpt from IEW website: “IEW’s unique approach provides the structure that students need to develop confidence in the writing process, while gradually guiding them toward greater independence and creativity. They will learn eight structural models (note taking, writing paragraphs, stories, simple reports, writing from pictures, research reports, creative writing, and essays) to help them organize any type of composition. In addition, stylistic techniques (strong verbs, quality adjectives, sentence openers, and more) are taught incrementally to gently move students from the basics into more sophisticated writing.”

I will also provide opportunities for students to write various forms of writing such as poetry, friendly letters, etc. from tutor created materials.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Modern World History-Based Writing Lessons Student Book Only (2nd Edition), Lori Verstegen, $29.00,

• Student Resource Notebook (3rd Edition), Lori Verstegen, $19.00

• Paper, 3-ring binder, page protectors, pencils, highlighter

Homework: Students will have a new writing assignment most weeks. Some assignments require more than one


Materials Fee: Tutor materials, copies, games, and incentives.

Spring Showcase: No

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#Latin - Beginner, 5th-7th, (1-1:55) Grades: 5th-7th


First Form Latin, Memoria Press Time: 1-1:55pm Homework:

Yes Tuition: $135


None Materials Fee: $10

Total Fees: $145

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Students in this class will learn the basics of Latin grammar and vocabulary. These basics will help them to increase their academic vocabulary, since so many English words come from Latin roots. Learning Latin grammar will also help to cement English grammar concepts in their minds, as the key to any Latin word ending is its place in the sentence structure. Learning those endings and what it means, helps to understand English grammar. Using First Form Latin by Memoria Press, students will work through conjugation of verbs, declension of nouns, and declension of adjectives. The use of proper word endings to formulate sentences helps develop not only proper use of this language but also critical thinking skills. Students will have homework each week, as well as new vocabulary to learn. Students will also have quizzes and tests to test knowledge.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: First Form Latin Student Workbook, 2nd Ed (ISBN-13: 978-1547701674) and First Form Latin Student Textbook (ISBN: 978-1615380022). Each book can be purchased for $12-$15. Cheapest prices appear to be on, but can also be purchased from Memoria Press directly, or from

Notebook/Binder for additional notetaking and collection of handouts

Homework: Students will have assignments each week to complete at home, as well as periodic quizzes. As with any language, review of the words and conjugations/declensions learned will be important.

Materials Fee: Copies of various materials needed in class.

Spring Showcase: No

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#Literature, Grammar, & Composition, 5th-6th, (3-3:55) Grades: 5th-6th


Tutor Developed, books listed below Time: 3-3:55pm Homework:

Yes Tuition: $125


The student should be able to read independently and be able to write complete sentences.

Materials Fee: $30

Total Fees: $155

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: In this fifth and sixth grade literature, grammar, and composition class, students will learn to appreciate and (hopefully) enjoy literature and the writing process at a deeper level. We will strive for this goal by reading some award-winning classics, as well as modern stories about man’s lovable, trustworthy, faithful, furry friend--THE DOG! That’s right! This year dogs will teach us about friendship, loyalty, work, fun, identity, and God’s purpose for each of us! We will study the parts of a story and learn about literary devices which will help us to analyze the meanings of stories. After discussion and class activities, we will learn how to write about all that we have read through the study of grammar to include parts of speech, sentence writing, paragraphing, and finally the process of an essay. Also, included in this class will be a short poetry unit.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: 3 ring 1 ½ inch binder, loose leaf paper, mechanical pencils, and highlighters

Please obtain the following books:

• Follow My Leader by James B. Garfield

• Ellie’s Story by W. Bruce Cameron

• Because of Winn Dixie by Kate D. Camillo

• Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

• The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford and Carl Burger

Homework: There will be about 30 minutes of homework each day to include reading about 10 pages or one chapter, a reading comprehension activity and /or a grammar lesson.

Materials Fee: The material fee will cover copies, folders, dry erase board/markers, and incentive rewards

Spring Showcase: No

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Martial Arts, 5th-6th, (1-1:55 plus an optional 1pm Wed class) Grades: 5th-6th


Tutor Developed Time: 1:00pm Mon Optional 1pm Wed* Homework:

Yes Tuition: $130/Mon $150/Mon&Wed*


None Materials Fee: $30

Total Fees: $160/Mon $180/Mon&Wed

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 16

Course Description: This class will focus on the physical aspects of self-defense as well as an introduction to Martial Arts 101 and the Art of Judo.

Martial Arts 101 will include the proper form of kicks, hand applications, balance, leverage, and hip control. The Art of Judo will be incorporated in this class, which will be demonstrated on mats. Students will learn throws, hold-downs and more.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Wear comfortable, loose fitting street clothes

Homework: Practice, Practice, Practice - Repetition is the best teacher!

Materials Fee: Materials fee will cover certificates and class equipment.

Spring Showcase: Yes

*Students who are signed up for this 1pm Monday class have the option of signing up for an additional class on

Wednesday at 1 pm. You must select the Wednesday option at the time of registration.

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#Projects in Technology with History, 6th-8th, (2-2:55) Grades: 6th-8th


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm


Yes Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $120

Total Fees: $250

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: The course is a collection of fun build-it projects with a tie-in to the history of technology. Topics and projects include: Boyle's law and the Cartesian Diver toy, Steam power and Archimedes turbine, Thermodynamics and the Stirling engine, Hydraulics and a robot arm, history of gliders and paper planes, tumble glider, and kites, the Wright brothers and the propeller powered airplane, Wernher von Braun and rockets. Emphasis of this course is teaching science, technology and history, along with fun building projects.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Paper and pencil and loose-leaf notebook to keep handouts. All project supplies and tools needed will be provided and are covered by materials fees.

Homework: Every class will have homework assignments on either the history of technology or on math related to projects. All projects are intended to be constructed in class, unless class is required to be virtual, in which case material will be provided, but construction will be at home.

Materials Fee: Material fee covers all supplies for building the following projects: Cartesian diver, Archimedes turbine, Stirling engine, hydraulic (robot) arm, propeller airplane, and water rocket.

Spring Showcase: No

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#Study Skills/Intro to Public Speaking, 6th-8th, (1-1:55) Grades: 6th-8th


IEW, Victus study Kills Student Workbook, Tutor generated worksheets

Time: 1-1:55pm


Yes Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $15

Total Fees: $145

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 10

Course Description: This course is designed to cover skills to help the students develop better study skills as well as becoming a better communicator through an introduction to public speaking. The class will begin with teaching various study skills in a hands-on and practical manner. The curriculum will help the students identify their strengths in studying and set goals to achieve. Various study techniques will be covered, such as being an active listener, how to take notes, and test taking skills. Introduction into public speaking will teach various communication styles and allow the students to get more comfortable speaking in front of the class. The basics of presenting, organizing a speech, and presenting a speech will be taught.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students will need to purchase the student workbook, Victus Study Skills, available from IEW.

Students will also need a 3-ring binder with notebook paper and writing utensils.

Homework: Students will have approximately 30 – 45 minutes of work each day.

Materials Fee: Covers materials for activities to enhance lessons, copies, incentives, etc.

Spring Showcase: Students could have the opportunity to help with the Spring Showcase if they desire.

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7th-12th Grade Classes

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#American History, 9th-12th, (2-2:55) Grades: 9th-15th


Notgrass: Exploring America Time: 2-2:55pm


Yes Tuition: $135


None Materials Fee: $30

Total Fees: $165

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: The tutor will provide an in-depth look into America’s history by living through the events that changed and shaped our Country’s dynamics. We will hear the voices of those who lived in each time period, perhaps for the first time! There will be time throughout the semesters to fully enact each time period as a class that will provide the empathetic viewpoint needed to feel as those who walked these roads before us. By the end of the 2022 academic year, my hope is the kids feel as though they lived through the history that built America.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: All 3 Books from the Exploring America Updated Edition Curriculum Package (2020) This package includes:

• Exploring America Volume 1: Columbus through Reconstruction. 422 pages, hardcover non-consumable.

• Exploring America Volume 2: Late 1800s to the Present. Pages 423-909, indexed, hardcover non-consumable.

• American Voices: Original Documents, Speeches, Poems, Stories and Hymns from American History. 420 pages, hardcover non-consumable ISBN: 1609999975, ISBN-13: 9781609999971

Homework: Each week, the students will be required to read the assigned Chapters for the week. There will also be an assignment following each unit (writing a speech, drawing a picture, preparing a food, creating a model, ect….). I hope to engage the students to participate in many ways in relation to the time period. Students should expect to spend approximately 30--45 minutes per day Tuesday-Friday.

Materials Fee: Class Materials for each time period we will discuss and enact

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 54

ASL I/II, 7th-11th, (3-3:55) Grades: 7th-11th


Tutor Developed Time: 3-3:55pm


Yes, see details below Tuition: $150


None Materials Fee: 0.00

Total Fees: $150

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 4 Max. 12

Course Description: This course focuses on American Sign Language (ASL) levels 1-3 for beginning students. In American Sign Language I, you will learn the basics of ASL grammar and develop expressive and receptive skills. Students will study appropriate language, grammar, cultural behaviors, and social relations. Students will also learn about the history of Deaf Culture. Two years of high school level ASL (AND developed competency in ASL) can satisfy world language requirements for Virginia colleges and universities (work with Pastor Byrd if this is your desire).

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Paper, Pencil, there is no text to purchase; however, students will utilize the free website,

If students have a tablet or IPad that they could bring to class, this is encouraged and beneficial.

Homework: Will consist of readings (either handouts or eReadings) and expression assignments

Materials Fee: None

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 55

ASL II/III, 8th-12th, (2-2:55) Grades: 8th-12th


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm


Yes, see details below Tuition: $150


Prior ASL experience, Instructor approval Materials Fee: 0.00

Total Fees: $150

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 4 Max. 12

Course Description: This course builds and expands on skills learned in American Sign Language (ASL) levels 1-3. Entrance into this class requires mastery of the skills of ASL1 as determined by the instructor. American Sign Language II is the continuation of ASL I with great emphasis on ASL grammar and a concentrated effort to develop the students' expressive and receptive skills. Students will study appropriate language, grammar, cultural behaviors, and social relations. Students will also learn about the history of Deaf Culture. Two years of high school level ASL (AND developed competency in ASL) can satisfy world language requirements for Virginia colleges and universities (work with Pastor Byrd if this is your desire).

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Paper, Pencil, there is no text to purchase; however, students will utilize the free website,

If students have a tablet or IPad that they could bring to class, this is encouraged and beneficial.

Homework: Will consist of readings (either handouts or eReadings) and expression assignments

Materials Fee: None

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 56

#Biology with Labs, 9th-12th, (12-1:55 Mon & 1-1:55 Wed) Grades: 9th -12th Curriculum:

Apologia Exploring Creation w/Biology 2nd ed + Tutor Handouts

Time: 12-12:55pm Mon & 1-1:55pm Wed.


Yes Tuition: $360


Completion of General and/or Physical Science Materials Fee: $60

Total Fees: $420

Virtual: Yes, Zoom Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 16

Course Description: Students are expected to read the Module material, and be prepared to discuss as we write class notes on the Module. Vocabulary Sheets for each Module will be provided, which students can use to 1) complete by writing, 2) complete verbally, or 3) complete in any format the home teacher and student feels best helps the student learn the vocabulary and concepts. Only written format vocabulary sheets submitted on time with the Module will be given extra credit points. Each week students will receive 2-hrs of lecture and 1-hr of lab work. Monday will be a 1-hr lecture and 1-hr lab work day. Wednesday’s will be a 1-hr lecture and wrap-up of lab concepts not understood. Students are expected to have their PRIMARY HOMESCHOOL PARENT mark and grade ALL Module Tests and Study Guides. Tutor will grade OYO's, pop quizzes, ALL lab reports, and semester projects. To complete lab reports, students will be expected to write the lab reports using the Scientific Method, and must have their OWN Microscope and the SLIDE SET for Apologia Biology (Students can share a microscope and slide set with one partner).

The Instructor will provide all the dissection specimens, the dissection kits, the dissection trays, and all materials for other experiments. The students will be asked to work with a partner throughout the year to complete the experiments and dissections together in pairs.

Students are expected to present to their classmates at the end of Fall Semester their Leaf Collection and at the end of Spring Semester, their Research Paper. Instructors will provide detailed information about specific presentation expectations during each semester.

Biology is the introduction to classification, biochemistry, cellular biology, molecular and Mendelian genetics, evolution, ecosystems, and much more. This is an ACADEMIC CLASS and the foundation for many other HS and College level science courses.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology 2nd edition

• Solution and Tests for Exploring Creation with Biology 2nd edition

• Microscope – electric with light and objectives to provide magnification of 40x, 100x, and 400x (STUDENT MUST PURCHASE BUT can be shared w/ Lab Partner friend in the class)

• Apologia Bio. prepared slides lab kit (STUDENT MUST PURCHASE, but can be shared with a Lab Partner in class)

• Colored pencils, 2" binder with 16-dividers for each Module, 2" binder for Lab Report write ups

Homework: Students will receive a syllabus for each semester that includes reading of text, vocabulary, pop quizzes, OYO questions, Lab Reports for experiments and dissections, answer Study Guide and tests for each Module. Daily assignments should take between 35-45-minutes. Fall Semester, students will complete a 20-specimen Leaf Collection. Spring Semester students will complete a 3-5-page research paper on a science subject using MLA writing standards.

Materials Fee: Material Fee covers the 6-dissection specimens each Team Pair dissects, Dogfish Shark specimens for dissection, all the other materials for in class experiments, additional handout materials Tutor provides, and all copies of vocabulary, quizzes, syllabus, etc. Material Fee does NOT cover the Microscope and the Biology Prepared Slides Lab Kit. Students must purchase separately but expense can be shared with a Lab Partner in the class. (Each pair needs a set)

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 57

Career Exploration & Preparation, 9th-12th, (2-2:55) Grades: 9th-12th


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm Homework:

Yes Tuition: $125


None Materials Fee: $25

Total Fees: $150

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: Career Exploration will bring each student up close to the process of getting a job, discovering personal strengths and pursuing a career. Over the course of the year, students will study these 5 key aspects of the career journey:

1) Completing an application 2) Interviewing for success 3) Diving into various career options 4) Uncovering your strengths/passions 5) Discovering how your personality could help lead you to select a fulfilling career.

We will have guest speakers, engaging activities and a minimal amount of homework to help make the course a robust experience. The class is recommended for those in 10th -12th grade. Participation, mid-term report and Final Project grades will be given.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Each student needs a dedicated note-taking book and writing utensils for this course.

Homework: Internet access will be needed for some homework activities. Homework will not be given each class and when assigned, will mostly be reading and activity based.

Materials Fee: Material fee covers books that will be given out in class to read, all handouts, and tokens of appreciation for our guest speakers.

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 58

#Chemistry, 10th-12th, (12-1:55 Mon & 1-1:55 Wed) Grades: 10th-12th


BJU Chemistry, Batdorf & Santopietro, 3rd ed. (preferred) or 4th ed

Time: 12-1:55pm Mon. & 1-1:55pm Wed.


Yes Tuition: $375


Algebra 1 Materials Fee: $65

Total Fees: $440

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 16

Course Description: General Chemistry takes a broad-view survey of the fundamental concepts of inorganic chemistry. These concepts include: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions; Stoichiometry; Atomic Structure and Bonding; Gases, Liquids, and Solids; Properties of Solutions; Thermodynamics; Acids-Base Chemistry.

This 3-hour class will be divided between review of the assigned reading through power point presentations, working example problems, and laboratory experiments. Students will need to have read the assigned pages before class. Quizzes will be administered on a regular basis at the beginning of class while the tests will be take-home. The mid-term and final exams will be taken in class. Pre & post-lab questions and calculations will be expected to be completed at home and brought to class. Students may not participate in the lab unless they come to class prepared with the pre-lab write-up. Two full written lab reports will be required for each semester. All assignments turned in in a timely manner, within the defined parameters, will be graded by the tutor.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• BJU Chemistry 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781591665403

• One 2”-3” 3 ring binder with dividers, notebook paper, 3” X 5” notecards, ruler with centimeter markings, pens, and pencils

• Scientific Calculator

Homework: Students are required to read the chapter and take notes. Worksheets will be assigned regularly to help with understanding and efficiency at solving problems. Lab notebook assignments and reports will be assigned on a regular basis.

Materials Fee: $65 covers lab equipment, chemicals and various safety equipment as well as copies.

Spring Showcase: No

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Coding for Fun, 7th-8th, (3-3:55) Grades: 7th-8th


Python Crash Course, 2nd ed: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming

Time: 3-3:55pm


Yes Tuition: $150


None Materials Fee: $25

Total Fees: $175

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This course will provide students with a fun, engaging, and interactive introduction to computer programming using the Python programming language. The Python programming language is much like our natural language and therefore decreases the learning curve that would be required for more esoteric computer languages. During our study we will cover the history of computers and an overview of how they work, simple data structures, logic operators, control flow, looping, functions, software design, and more. These concepts will be taught using real life analogies and examples to the physical world that help students grasp the fundamental concepts by relating with things they already know.

The tutor has found that learning a new programming language is best accomplished by having a problem to solve. Students will get to apply these concepts to various projects throughout the year such as building a fun alien invasion game while also being challenged to exercise their critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they learn to apply computer software to real world problems. The concepts and principles learned in this course will set a solid foundation for those students interested in learning other programming languages or continuing their study into more advanced concepts.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students will need to bring a charged, network enabled portable computer with Windows, Linux, or Mac OS each week. We will be installing free Python and development tools to be used during the course on the first day.

Students will need to purchase the book Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming which can be found on Amazon for about $20 here

Homework: 30 – 60 mins a day. Students will be expected to review lessons and complete homework, coding challenges. There will also be optional coding puzzles that will apply more advanced concepts if the students are wanting more of a challenge.

Materials Fee: Instructor's materials and class project supplies

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 60

#Coding Intermediate, 7th-10th, (2-2:55 Wed ONLY) Grades: 7th-10th


Tutor developed Time: 2-2:55pm WEDNESDAY ONLY – Must also attend any Monday class. Homework:

Yes Tuition: $140


Coding Beginner Class Materials Fee: $10

Total Fees: $150

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: If learning a programming language is like learning to read and write English, then learning to build software is like learning to write a book. Once you know the basics of programming, you start growing into using tools as part of your programming experience. And, since programming is a team sport, you quickly find the need to use tools and adopt common practices that make collaboration possible. This course will use the Python programming language and a handful of projects to guide the student from knowing how to write working code to being able to use tools and best practices so they can contribute to working software.


• Learn fundamental principles and best practices of software engineering.

• Learn to understand software requirements and translate them into working software.

• Learn to use common software development tools, such as code editors, debuggers, and linters.

• Learn to use git and GitHub to store, share, and collaborate on code.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students will need to have a laptop that they can install software on, save files to, and bring to class.

Students will need to sign up for a free account on GitHub is a code sharing platform that is used by software engineers across the industry to store and share code with the world. All class assignments will be given and managed through a GitHub classroom.

Homework: ~30 minutes per day. Homework will be given with the intention of encouraging students to get into the habit of practicing and growing their skill

Materials Fee: The material fee will be used for instructor books, photocopies, and classroom supplies.

Spring Showcase: No

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#Computer Basics & Beyond, 9th-12th, (3-3:55) Grades: 9th-12th


Tutor Developed Time: 3-3:55pm


Yes Tuition: $125


Possess a laptop Materials Fee: $10

Total Fees: $135

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 16

Course Description: This course is designed for secondary students to develop basic and intermediate computer skills, including basic understanding of how their computers interface with networks and the internet. The curriculum encompasses: 1. The fundamentals of computing infrastructure components: hardware, application software, operating systems, and data communications systems; 2. Delineate and discuss societal issues related to computing, including the guiding principles of professional and ethical behavior; 3. Demonstrate the ability to create and use documents, spreadsheets, presentations and databases in order to communicate and store information as well as to support problem solving; and 4. Describe the need and ways to maintain security in a computing environment.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Students should have a laptop, notebook or other type of portable computer.

Homework: Homework should be very light. There will be assignments handed out to demonstrate understanding of standard computer programs (Microsoft Office, primarily).

Materials Fee: Tutor provided materials to aid with understanding the materials covered, primarily printouts of briefs,

presentations, and program aids

Spring Showcase: No

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#Dance in the Heart of Worship, 9th-12th, (10:30-11:25) Grades: 9th-12th


Tutor Developed Time: 10:30-11:25pm Homework:

Yes Tuition: $134


None Materials Fee: $6

Total Fees: $140

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 3 Max. 14

Course Description: In this class, students will be exposed to various forms of dance techniques with a focus on Choreography. Using this exercise, allows them to grow more confidently in their personal dance (worship) with God the Father.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Please wear modest and loose clothing allowing for full movement. No shoes are required but if you prefer, you may bring in ballet or jazz shoes.

Homework: Review Choreography

Materials Fee: The material fee covers an intimate December “class time” performance, as well as a “bigger” end-of-the-

year Showcase performance on stage.

Spring Showcase: Yes

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 63

#General Science, 7th-8th, (12-1:55) Grades: 7th-8th


Apologia General Science: THIRD ED> Time: 12-1:55pm


Yes Tuition: $255


None Materials Fee: $40

Total Fees: $295

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 16

Course Description: From the publisher: “Transition your student from the elementary grades to high school with this course specifically designed to teach your student the art of studying independently while mastering in-depth knowledge of contemporary scientific concept. It introduces and explores the scientific method through the study of Earth science, including astronomy, geology, paleontology, meteorology, oceanography, and environmental science. It also covers general biology, chemistry and physics.” During this two-hour class we will spend time performing experiments, reinforcing daily studies with additional instruction, conducting group reviews using quizzes and games, and shopping for prizes at the incentive store. This is a transitional class to get your student to learn independently. I am always available by text for the students to reach me for questions.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science THIRD EDITION by Seligson textbook, Student Notebook and the Solutions & Test Book. Make sure you get the 3-piece kit. There is an MP3 Audio CD for the audio learner available as an extra purchase. Minimal Lab Supplies on a list provided through class, 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper for taking notes.

Homework: A daily reading/ assignment schedule will be supplied on the first day of class. Tuesday through Friday, students can expect to spend about 30-45 minutes a day on reading, writing vocabulary terms, answering comprehension questions, lab reports, study guide questions and tests. Parents will administer all tests, grade assignments and grades. Students are expected to come to class prepared with lab materials, notebook, completed “OYO” questions, vocabulary terms, and study guide questions answered in writing. These will be checked at the beginning of every class. Students will earn incentive points for having these done in a complete and timely manner and having all required lab supplies on hand.

Materials Fee: The $40 will cover supplies for experiments, copies, and an incentive store. Ms. Griffin will send home a

list of the household supplies they will need to bring into class that cannot be stored in our cabinet.

Spring Showcase: No

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#Geometry, 8th-12th, (3-3:55) Grades: 8th-12th


All Things Geometry, Merrill Geometry, ISBN 9780028240008

Time: 3-3:55pm Mon & Wed


Yes Tuition: $325


Successful completion of Algebra 1. Geometry Readiness assessment for any new student.

Materials Fee: $50

Total Fees: $375

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: In Geometry, students will learn how to reason through proofs, explore two- and three-dimensional figures, learn coordinate and transformational geometry, and use geometric models to solve problems. Algebra 1 skills will be integrated throughout the course to solve problems; therefore, a solid Algebra 1 foundation is expected. Students will be expected to have the student maturity to follow a syllabus and use several online platforms such as Canvas and Formative to access grades, course materials, and take tests and quizzes. Students will be expected to upload work in the form of a pdf for some assignments. Due to the condensed year at GHC, students may have to watch video lessons. Access to a laptop or tablet will be needed. Also, due to the 30-week schedule, the pacing of the class will be accelerated and those who take longer to process information or have a weak foundation in Algebra may have difficulty or may require more than the recommended homework “Expectation” time.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: This textbook will be used to supplement the All Things Geometry Curriculum:

Merrill Geometry: Applications and Connections ISBN 9780028240008, copyright 1993. Textbook can be purchased for under $10 at one of the following places:

• 0028240006 - Geometry: Applications and Connections by Merrill - AbeBooks

• Geometry: Applications & Connections book (

• Geometry: Applications & Connections by Merrill - Hardcover - from Discover Books (SKU: 3271012172),

Students will also need a 3-ring binder, pencil, colored pencils, white board marker, and protractor. A compass will be provided. A computer, laptop or tablet will need to be accessible at home to check email, access assignments, and download/upload work. Use of a scanner (there are many free ones that work on a phone to convert pictures to pdfs) will need to be utilized to upload pdfs of some assignments. If you need direction on this, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Students will also need their own email address. All correspondence between tutor and student will have a parent cc’d.

Homework: In-class instruction will cover approximately 3-4 lessons per week. Students should expect to spend approximately 4 hours a week on homework assignments outside of class time. Homework may include watching videos, completing problem sets from the text and/or tutor-made worksheets, projects, or completing quizzes or tests. Completion of homework is necessary and expected to reinforce student learning and to develop mastery of lessons taught. Students will have access to homework answers and are expected to check homework prior to the beginning of class. Student course grade will be determined by completion of homework, graded quizzes, tests, cumulative reviews and projects.

Materials Fee: Fee covers the purchase of the curriculum & compass for each student. Additionally, since All Things Geometry is a non-textbook program, all note pages, homework sheets & assessments will be printed for the student. The material fee will also cover the cost of paper, printing supplies, and Formative Assessment fees.

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 65

Beginner Guitar Concepts, 7th-12th, (10:30-11:25) Grades: 7th-12th


Tutor Developed Time: 10:30-11:25 am


Yes Tuition: $165


None Materials Fee: $25

Total Fees: $190

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 6 Max. 14

Course Description: Students will learn the basics of acoustic or electric guitar technique including basic music theory, tablature, and beginner songs. The course covers aspects of rhythm guitar and lead guitar. Time keeping, tuning a guitar and other maintenance will be covered. Keeping a practice schedule will be taught and encouraged. Students will begin to be able to play music by ear. If time permits, students will learn how to alter a guitar’s tone with various equipment. We will perform a song or two as a class at the end-of-the-year Showcase.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Guitar

• Notebook, pencil, 3-ring binder with sheet protectors.

A guitar, a capo, and picks are required for the course. If the student is bringing an electric guitar, they also need to bring a cord and a small practice amp

Homework: Students are expected to practice playing their guitars at home daily. Periodically there will be worksheets.

Materials Fee: Paper copies, Guitar picks, Capo etc.

Spring Showcase: Yes

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 66

#Integrative Kitchen, 8th-12th, (1-1:55) Grades: 8th-12th


Tutor Developed Time: 1-1:55pm


Yes Tuition: $150


N/A Materials Fee: $50

Total Fees: $200

Virtual: Yes – via Zoom Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This hands-on course will introduce a lot of different aspects of our food. From farm-to-table and beyond, we will investigate how our food is grown, learn the benefits of different types of food, and learn how to plan and budget for a meal. The class will learn kitchen etiquette and safety for both home and restaurant. Students will explore and learn how eating healthy helps the body. We will plan and practice how to properly and safely prepare simple meals. And we won't forget the responsibility of cleaning up afterwards! This Integrative Kitchen approach will focus on growing, purchasing, preparing, consuming, and responsibility as we have a lot of fun with healthy food and kitchen experiences.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Something to protect your clothes - an apron, smock or old t-shirt.

Homework: Optional homework to practice and apply the skills learned in class.

Materials Fee: Covers print outs, grocery materials, projects and activities.

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 67

Martial Arts, 7th-12th, (10:30-11:25 or 12-12:55 plus an optional 12pm Wed class)

Grades: 7th-12th


Tutor Developed Time: 10:30-11:25am or 12-12:55pm Optional 12pm Wed*


Yes Tuition: $130/Mon $150/Mon&Wed*


None Materials Fee: $30

Total Fees: $160/Mon $180/Mon&Wed

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 16

Course Description: This class will be focusing on the physical aspects of self-defense, dealing with personal confrontation be it physical or verbal. Proper kicking forms, punches, and strikes will be taught, as well as when to be on the offense vs. defense and when it’s necessary to act. In a combination of Martial Arts, the following will be covered:

Boxing: stances, effective footwork, and distance control Judo (Gentle Way): leverage, hip control and body positions Ju-Jitsu (Gentle Art): wrist grabs, escapes from holds, striking and joint locks

Techniques will be demonstrated and practiced on the mats. All techniques learned will be applied in role-playing exercises and will be practiced regularly. Each student has an opportunity to earn a certificate of completion and students will work at their own level through skills.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Wear comfortable, loose fitting street clothes

Homework: Practice, Practice, Practice - Repetition is the best teacher!

Materials Fee: Materials fee will cover certificates and class equipment.

Spring Showcase: Yes

*Students who are signed up for either the 10:30 am or 12pm Monday class have the option of signing up for an

additional class on Wednesday at 12 pm. You must select the Wednesday option at the time of registration.

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 68

#Personal Finance & Economics, 9th-12th, (3-3:55) Grades: 9th-12th


Tutor Developed Time: 3-3:55pm Homework:

Yes Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $35

Total Fees: $165

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 12

Course Description: This course is an introduction to both macro- and micro-economics and personal finance, with the purpose of helping students become informed voters in the area of economic issues, able to manage their own personal finances, and follow God's plan for the placement of money in their lives. Students will work to understand why the field of economics matters. They will also learn about their part in our national/global economy, as well as how to manage their personal finances in a way that honors God. Through lecture, written work, current events, and projects, students will explore both macro- and micro-economic issues such as supply and demand, fiscal policy, inflation, the business cycle, the stock market, buying on credit, budgeting, and financial responsibility using Biblical principles. A variety of texts, articles, and videos (Dave Ramsey, for example) will be used. Grades will include article/journal responses, online quizzes, case studies, a stock market simulation, and a budget preparation project.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Large binder for articles/handouts that are distributed and a notebook for taking notes. As there is no textbook for this course, there are many handouts provided.

Homework: Students will read articles/handouts outside of class time in order to prepare for discussions. Some responses will be written; some will be oral. Students will also participate in a variety of projects, including case studies, short online quizzes, a stock market simulation, and a budget preparation project. An optional Bible study/journal will be available for students to work through during the course.

Materials Fee: Copies of various articles and handouts, as well as simulation materials.

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 69

#Physics, 10th-12th, (12-1:55 Monday + a Zoom Class TBD) Grades: 10th-12th


Apologia, Exploring Creation with Physics Time: 12-1:55pm Mon, + a Zoom Class TBD


Yes Tuition: $350


Algebra 1 & Geometry Materials Fee: $75

Total Fees: $425

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 4 Max. 10

Course Description: This course will follow the textbook. Some examples of the subjects to be covered:

• 1 & 2-dimensional motion, Newton’s laws, circular motion and gravity, work and energy, momentum, periodic

motion, waves, Coulomb’s law and the electric field, electric potential, electric circuits, and magnetism, (optics

will not be covered).

• More details may be found at the publisher’s website:

Students should be comfortable manipulating algebraic functions, combining formulae, and solving multi-step word

problems. Class time will be used to go over main points, conduct lab experiments, work on example problems.

Wednesday zoom will cover additional example problems and homework help. Students must come prepared for class,

having completed the assigned homework beforehand so our class time can be used effectively.

The tutor will correct and return homework and lab reports. The answer keys allow parents to grade tests

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Exploring Creation with Physics, 2nd edition, Dr. Jay Wile; Solutions and Test Manual, scientific calculator capable of doing exponential notation, and a Cell phone with Apple iOS or Android operating system.

Homework: Students will have an hour every day on physics mathematical problems and/ or experiments performed at home.

Materials Fee: Lab equipment and supplies so that pairs of students can perform experiments.

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 70

#Physical Science, 8th-9th, (12-1:55) Grades: 8th-9th


Exploring Creation with Physical Science by Jay Wile, 2nd Ed.

Time: 12-1:55pm


Yes Tuition: $250


Pre-algebra Materials Fee: $35

Total Fees: $285

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 16

Course Description: From the publisher: “This course is designed to be the last science course the student takes before high school biology... discusses such topics as the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, weather, the structure of the earth, environmentalism, the physics of motion, Newton’s Laws, gravity, and astrophysics...It is an excellent course for preparing the student to take a college-prep high school science curriculum.“ Students will complete daily reading and note-taking assignments at home using a schedule provided by the tutor. Class time will be used to perform experiments and reinforce daily studies with additional instruction and group review. Lab notebooks will be maintained as required to meet the goal of a laboratory science class. Visit the publisher’s website for more details:

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Textbook: Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 2nd ed. by Jay Wile, ISBN 978-1-932012-77-4; Solutions and Test Manual, ISBN 978-1-932012-78-1; 3-ring binder (1.5”-2”), notebook paper, sixteen sectional dividers, calculator, plain and colored pencils, pen, ruler, and assorted household items for labs when required.

Homework: A daily reading/assignment schedule will be supplied by the first class. Co-op will meet on Mondays. Tuesday through Friday, students can expect to spend about 45-60 minutes per day on reading, writing vocabulary terms and answering comprehension questions. Students will be expected to have all vocabulary terms, comprehension questions and study guide questions answered in writing. These will be checked periodically at the beginning of class. Parents are requested to initial the assignments to aid in logging homework completion. This provides greater accountability for the student in the classroom as well as at home. Additional assignments, such as lab reports, may add to that time. Additional things parents and students should know: Parents will administer all tests and students will turn them in for tutor evaluation. (You must have the test and solution manual for these tests). The instructor will help with any questions you may have. An optional midterm and final and their respective solution keys will be provided at the end of the first and second semesters. The instructor will periodically grade selected labs to gauge progress.

Materials Fee: Copies, dry erase markers, lab consumables and lab equipment replacement.

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 71

#Pre-Algebra, 7th-9th, (10:30-11:25 Mon & 12-12:55 Wed) Grades: 7th-9th


Tutor Developed Time: 10:30-11:25am Mon & 12-12:55pm Wed


Yes Tuition: $270


Solid foundation of number sense, and computation with fractions/decimals,

Materials Fee: $50

Total Fees: $320

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 10


Course Description: This course will be a prerequisite to Algebra I. In this course, students will learn about and explore topics including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions, the number system, integers, order of operations, distributive property, algebraic expressions, one and two-step equations, proportions, precents, probability, geometry, and linear equations. It will also include prime and composite numbers, factoring, least common denominator, greatest common multiple, basic square roots and translating a word problem into an equation and the equation into a word problem. Students will strengthen their reasoning and thinking skills and will be able to communicate how they solve problems. Students will develop a positive disposition for mathematics through a classroom environment that promotes sharing of mathematical ideas by listening and learning from others. Students will see the value of mathematics in our world.

Algebra/Other Things to Know: There will be a pre-assessment during the first class to provide the tutor with knowledge of the student’s understanding of basic foundational concepts and skills with problem solving of whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Productive class participation is expected from each student, to include taking notes, discussion,

and attempting classwork examples. Students will take quick checks (approximately 3 problems) each week to help the tutor gauge students' understanding of the material. There are eight tests/exams – some in class, some at home. The tutor will mark all assessments and provide a cumulative grade for each semester.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: The class will utilize home packets from All Things Pre-Algebra, provided by the tutor. Students should bring their packet to each class. Students will receive an individual manipulative kit including Cuisenaire rods, fraction circles, two color counters, counting chips, and Algebra tiles covered by the materials fee. The manipulative kit is to be brought each week to class. 3-ring binder with tabs, loose leaf paper, graph paper, and pencils.

Homework: This class will be covering three lessons a week, with homework assigned for Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Students should expect to spend a minimum of four hours a week outside of class time, perhaps more if arithmetic skills are not strong. Homework will consist of practice worksheets, puzzles, and mixed review assignments with some online activities through Canvas or Google classroom. Parents will have access to homework solutions. Students are expected to show the appropriate work in all cases. Homework must be shared with the parent and corrected on a separate piece of paper with both pages turned into the tutor. This will allow the tutor to be able to provide feedback and improve instruction to meet students’ needs. If extra help is needed, please ask the tutor about tutoring or extra videos to support learning.

Materials Fee: The material fee will cover an individual manipulative kit including Cuisenaire rods, fraction circles, two color counters, counting chips, and Algebra tiles. Students will keep their manipulatives kit at the end of the academic year. Copies for homework packets will also be covered.

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#Public Speaking/Mock Trial, 9th-12th, (2-2:55) Grades: 9th-12th


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm


Yes Tuition: $130


None Materials Fee: $15

Total Fees: $145

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 6 Max. 10

Course Description: This course is designed to introduce and solidify public speaking skills. The course can serve as an introduction to public speaking, but will also build upon a foundation if students have already taken public speaking. Emphasis will be placed on researching, organizing, and presenting a variety of speeches. Various communications skills will be taught throughout the course including posture, annunciation, appearance, engaging the audience, etc. At the end of the course the class will conduct a mock trial. During the mock trial, the class will act out a civil or criminal court case by either arguing for the prosecution or defense side against another team, who will serve as the opposing side. There will be a judge, prosecuting and defense attorneys, jurors, bailiff, etc. The court case and the roles will be determined by the number of students enrolled. Mock trials teach public speaking, critical thinking, and the art of forming a persuasive, cohesive argument.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: There are no textbooks for the student to purchase.

Students will need a binder for class handouts and notebook paper. They will also need to have access to research materials i.e. Internet, library, etc.

Homework: Homework will be approximately 30 – 45 minutes per day.

Materials Fee: Covers the cost of printing materials.

Spring Showcase: Students could have the opportunity to help with the Spring Showcase if they desire.

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#Spanish 1, 7th-11th, (3-3:55 Mon. & Wed.) Grades: 7th-11th


Textbook: Realidades Level 1, 2011 edition written by Boyle, Met, and Sayers, (Prentice Hall) ISBN #: 0133691721 ISBN 13: 9780133691726

Time: 3-3:55pm Mon. & Wed.


Yes Tuition: $250


None Materials Fee: $25

Total Fees: $275

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 3 Max. 16

Course Description: Spanish I is a broad-based course designed to introduce the student to all aspects of foreign language study. Grammar, reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills are included. Cultural information is provided and taught throughout the duration of the course. Students will do research on various cultural topics. This is achieved by groups, partners and individual practice dependent on the subject. Emphasis is placed on conversation, vocabulary and correct usage of the language. Correct pronunciation and oral proficiency are primary goals. This requires a daily emphasis on listening and speaking. The classroom experience will provide an appreciation and development of cultural awareness through various readings, media resources and authentic materials. The students will learn to approach different cultures with the grace of Christ and allow the truth of Scripture to be the basis for their opinions.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Textbook: Realidades Level 1, 2011 edition written by Boyle, Met, and Sayers, (Prentice Hall) ISBN #: 0133691721 ISBN 13: 9780133691726

• Workbook: Workbook in Everyday Spanish: Comprehensive Grammar Review (4th edition) ISBN #: 0131825143

• 2-inch (three-ring) binder, Loose leaf paper, Pens/Pencils

• Students must have internet access and printing capabilities to participate in this course. Javascript and Adobe Reader will be required in order for students to make the most out of the online activities to help them study.

Homework: Students can anticipate 3 hours of homework per week. Much of the work done at home will focus on writing and memorizing new material. Occasionally, students will have conversation exercises with a partner, which can be done by telephone.

• QUIZZES: Students can expect weekly quizzes on material covered in homework and previous classes. All quizzes are to be administered at home. It is expected that students, once they have begun their quiz, will not refer to their notes or textbook for answers.

• TESTS/ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Evaluations of student’s progress will be given in the form of oral presentations or chapter tests. Tests will be administered in class.

• LATE WORK: It is in the best interest of the student to do the work assigned and turn it in on time. Seeing the student’s homework and quizzes allows me to evaluate progress well before chapter tests are administered. For students to receive credit for their efforts, all assignments must be handed in on time.

Materials Fee: Supplies for the class, materials for games and purchase of worksheets to aid the students in learning.

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 74

#Spanish 2, 8th-12th, (10:30-11:25 Mon. & 12-12:55 Wed.) Grades: 8th-12th


Textbook: Exprèsate: Spanish 2, 2008 ed. (Holt/McDougal) by Humbach, Velasco, Smith, & McMinn ISBN: 9780030453229

Time: 10:30-11:25pm Mon. & 12-12:55pm Wed.


Yes Tuition: $250


Spanish 1 Materials Fee: $25

Total Fees: $275

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 3 Max. 16

Course Description: This second-level Spanish course continues to reinforce communicative skills introduced in the first level. Students are encouraged to use the language in meaningful contexts both in and beyond the classroom. While students acquire language at different rates, each student will show increasing proficiency in the following areas:

• Grammar: There will be consistent understanding of basic Spanish grammar that can be seen in writing and pre-orchestrated conversations. While spontaneous conversation may not exhibit the same level of consistency, there is evidence of correct grammar usage and continual progress.

• Communication: Students will exhibit increasing comfort is basic conversation. As they pull from 1st level content and are introduced to new material, they will begin to discuss in more detail, give opinions, talk about the future and refine their ability to discuss the past. Learning to express actions in the past tense is the hallmark of Spanish 2.

• Pronunciation: Correct pronunciation will be heard in oral reading and conversation. This is vital to understanding and being understood. Letters will consistently be given their correct phonetic sound.

• Culture: Students will learn how people from Spanish speaking cultures think and act differently from ours. They will learn to approach different cultures with the grace of Christ and allow the truth of Scripture to be the basis for their opinions.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Workbook: Workbook in Everyday Spanish: Comprehensive Grammar Review (4th edition) ISBN #: 0131825143 ISBN13: 9780131825147

• 2-inch (three-ring) binder, Loose leaf paper, Pens/Pencils

• Students must have internet access and printing capability to participate in this course. Javascript and Adobe Reader will be required in order for students to make the most out of the online activities to help them study.

Homework: Students can anticipate 3 hrs of homework/week. Much of the work done at home will focus on writing and memorizing new material. Occasionally, students will have conversation ex. with a partner, which can be done by phone.

• QUIZZES: Students can expect weekly quizzes on material covered in homework and previous classes. All quizzes are to be administered at home. It is expected that quizzes are closed book and no notes.

• TESTS/ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Evaluations of student’s progress will be given in the form of oral presentations or chapter tests. Tests will be administered in class.

• LATE WORK: It is in the best interest of the student to do the work assigned and turn it in on time. Seeing the student’s homework and quizzes allows me to evaluate progress well before chapter tests are administered. For students to receive credit for their efforts, all assignments must be handed in on time.

Materials Fee: Supplies for the class, materials for games and purchase of worksheets to aid the students in learning.

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#Spanish 3, 9th-12th, (2-5:55 Mon. & Wed.) Grades: 8th-12th


Textbook: Exprèsate: Spanish 3, 2008 Edition (Holt/McDougal) written by written by Humbach, Madrigal, and Velasco

Time: 2-2:55pm Mon. & Wed.


Yes Tuition: $250


Spanish 2 Materials Fee: $25

Total Fees: $275

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 3 Max. 16

Course Description: This Spanish course continues to reinforce communicative skills introduced in Spanish 1 and 2. Students are encouraged to use the language in meaningful contexts both in and beyond the classroom.

• Students will expand their interpersonal communication skills in Spanish through daily classroom interactions in the language. This includes casual conversations with the tutor and classmates as well as formal discussions.

• Students will increase and refine their written and oral presentation skills in formal and informal contexts.

• Students will broaden their comprehension skills through authentic written materials and multi- media sources.

• Students will broaden their understanding of the cultures that comprise the Spanish-speaking world through the study of history, literature, art, music and current events. They will approach different cultures with the grace of Christ and allow the truth of Scripture to be the basis for their opinions.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week:

• Textbook: Exprèsate: Spanish 3, 2008 Edition (Holt/McDougal) written by written by Humbach, Madrigal, and Velasco

• Workbook: Workbook in Everyday Spanish: Comprehensive Grammar Review (4th edition) ISBN #: 0131825143 ISBN13: 9780131825147

• 2 inch (three-ring) binder, Loose leaf paper, Pens/Pencils

• Students must have internet access and printing capability to participate in this course.

• Javascript and Adobe Reader will be required in order for students to make the most out of the online activities to help them study.

Homework: Students can anticipate 3 hrs of homework/week. Much of the work done at home will focus on writing and memorizing new material. Occasionally, students will have conversation ex. with a partner, which can be done by phone.

• QUIZZES: Students can expect weekly quizzes on material covered in homework and previous classes. All quizzes are to be administered at home. It is expected that quizzes are closed book and no notes.

• TESTS/ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Evaluations of student’s progress will be given in the form of oral presentations or chapter tests. Tests will be administered in class.

• LATE WORK: It is in the best interest of the student to do the work assigned and turn it in on time. Seeing the student’s homework and quizzes allows me to evaluate progress well before chapter tests are administered. For students to receive credit for their efforts, all assignments must be handed in on time.

Materials Fee: Supplies for the class, materials for games and purchase of worksheets to aid the students in learning

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 76

#World Literature & Composition, 9th-12th, (3-3:55) Grades: 9th-12th


World Lierature by James P. Stobaugh (Student Copy) ISBN: 978-0-89051-675-1 – See additional books below

Time: 3-3:55pm


Yes Tuition: $155


None Materials Fee: $40

Total Fees: $195

Virtual: Yes Zoom Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 16

Course Description: This course will be reading/writing heavy with weekly assignments that allow students to comprehend, analyze, and reflect. Students will read a variety of world literature provided in the textbook as well as additional suggested books throughout the year. Topics covered include Sumerian, Egyptian, and Hebrew literature, as well as Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and the early church history. Additional literature from Japanese literature, Chinese literature, and Persian and Arabic literature. The time periods range from stories on the Epic of Gilgamesh to the more modern time period with Cry the Beloved Country. Four completed essays are expected for the year, two of which are literary analysis papers. Accommodations by a parent should be submitted to the tutor prior to the beginning of the quarter. Weekly assignments will be collected and given credit. Essays and presentations will receive a grade based on provided rubrics. This class requires participation and involvement in given assignments to benefit all of the students in class.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Textbook, novel, 3 ring binder with dividers and paper, hi-lighters, pens, and assignments due in class

Books to read throughout year:

• The Odyssey-Homer

• The Illiad, Part I - Homer

• The Good Earth- Pearl S. Buck

• Cry, The Beloved Country- Paton

• The Aeneid Virgil’s Greatest Hits- David Crump 9781610279932

• I am Malaya- Yousafzai (there are 2 versions, you may choose what you feel is appropriate-kid’s version is less graphic for what she went through).

Homework: 4 days of work a week, approximately 1-1.5 hours per day depending on ability to read, write, and focus. Students are expected to complete most of the assignments provided. (I understand life happens and there may be a week when it just does not all come together, but this should not be the norm). Students will be given a weekly syllabus with approximately 70 pages of reading a week with responses. Google classroom will be required to further discuss weekly assignments. Google Classroom is also available for submission of assignments. Grades and feedback will be provided for assignments submitted on time. Classes will continue via Zoom if we are unable to meet in person. Please be sure that students are following MLA guidelines with formal papers and assignments. Grades will be provided in Google Classroom and updated every two weeks.

Materials Fee: The materials fee covers copies, supplies and incentives.

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 77

#Writing & Literature, 7th-9th, (2-2:55) Grades: 7th-9th


I.E.W. ISBN: 978-1-62341-346-0 Edition/Printing: Sixth Edition, December 2020 Copyright Date: 2020– See additional books below

Time: 2-2:55pm


Yes Tuition: $140


None Materials Fee: $35

Total Fees: $175

Virtual: Yes - Zoom Class Size: Min. 5 Max. 16

Course Description: Experience the adventures of the ancient world! This theme-based writing curriculum exposes students to the ancient world through cultural literature and the study of famous places and events while they learn to write with the Structure and Style writing method. Additionally, students will develop their use of vocabulary and their ability to analyze and discuss in depth a variety of literature. Students will engage in conversation analyzing literature with a Christian worldview. Conversations may continue throughout the week using Google Classroom. Students will write one original essay per semester that goes beyond the I.E.W. curriculum. This writing will be based on one of the novels from that semester.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Novel being read for class and I.E.W. book. 3-ring binder, dividers, paper, pen/pencil.

Variety of novels to read throughout the year. Most can be obtained at the local library, used for class discussions.

Some examples are below: • Epic of Gilgamesh- from Story of the World (I will provide this). • Children’s Homer-

• Mara, Daughter of the Nile, by Eloise Jarvis

• The Odyssey, by Jillian Cross

• God King: Story of King Hezekiah, by Joanne Williamson

• Pharaoh's Daughter, by Julius Lester

• Adam and His King, by Ruth Beechick

• The Charlotte of Delphi, by Caroline Lawrence

Homework: Students should expect 1 hour per day for 4 days per week so expect approximately 4 hours per week. This may vary depending on student’s ability to read, write, and focus. Work will not be graded but tutor will collect writing pieces that are submitted on time and provide feedback based on the requirements of the assignment. Reading Journals will be provided to enhance discussions on literature. Tutor will provide feedback on literature discussions, timely submissions of work, and classroom participation 2x per semester.

Materials Fee: The materials fee covers journals, copies, supplies for classroom discussions and activities, incentives.

Spring Showcase: No

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Adult Classes

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ASL Adult, (1-1:55) Grades: Adult


Tutor Developed Time: 1-1:55pm


Yes, see details below Tuition: $100


None Materials Fee: 0.00

Total Fees: $100

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 4 Max. 12

Course Description: The is a tailor-designed course that introduces the basics of American Sign Language (ASL) and is designed for students who have a little or no previous knowledge of ASL. The class will include sign vocabulary for specific work-related content areas. Readiness for learning will be approached via visual-gestural communication techniques, visual discrimination, and visual memory exercises. ASL questions, commands, and simple sentences will be covered through class activities leading to basic conversational skills in ASL. Information about the Deaf Community and its culture will also be featured.

Note: This class will meet for 12 weeks per semester, not following the GHC calendar exactly.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Paper & Pencil

Homework: Will consist of readings (either handouts or eReadings) and expression assignments

Materials Fee: None

Spring Showcase: No

GHC Course Catalog 2020-2021 Page 80

Knitting Class, Learn to Knit or Expand Your Skills, (2-2:55) Grades: Adult


Tutor Developed Time: 2-2:55pm


Yes, see details below Tuition: $60


None Materials Fee: $25

Total Fees: $85

Virtual: No Class Size: Min. 2 Max. 8

Course Description: This class is for new knitters and those wishing to expand their knitting skills. We will tackle knitting from learning the basics of casting on and the knit stitch to mittens, cables, and sweaters! I can’t wait to come alongside you and help you learn the fun, creative, and stress-relieving craft of knitting.

Techniques that will be covered*:

• Knit Stitch

• Purl Stitch

• Cast On

• Bind Off

• Seaming

• Knitting in the Round

• Increases and Decreases

• Cables and Lace


• Dish Cloth

• Hat

• Fingerless Mittens

• Scarf or Cowl

• Sweater (If time allows)

*These are the techniques that I plan on teaching but I will tailor the class to your pace.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Bring your current knitting project each week.

Homework: Knitting at home is highly recommended but not mandatory.

Materials Fee: 16in and 40in interchangeable circular needles in sizes US 9 and US 6, yarn for dish cloth and hat, stitch markers, cable needle, and tapestry needle.

Spring Showcase: We may have the option to display knitted items.

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*Women’s Bible Study, (12-12:55) Grades: Adult


Tutor Developed Time: 12-12:55pm


Yes, see details below Tuition: $40


A love for the LORD Materials Fee: $0

Total Fees: $40

Virtual: Yes Class Size: Min. 2 Max. 10

Course Description: In this women’s Bible study, we will be fanning the flames our faith by diving into the Living Word, learning how it applies to our daily walk with HIM, and how it affects our relationships with others.

Supplies to purchase and bring to class each week: Bring your current knitting project each week.

Homework: There will be about 20 minutes of homework/devotional time with the LORD.

Materials Fee: N/A

Spring Showcase: No

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