gordano school support and intervention at gordano school · gordano school support and...

Post on 11-Jun-2020






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Sophie FrancisAssistant Headteacher – Teaching & Learning

Gordano SchoolSupport and Intervention at Gordano School


PastoralTeaching and LearningStructure


Change Practice


Intervention/ Support





Head of 6th

Deputies: Curriculum and Progress – Pastoral and Progress – Business Manager

Teaching and Learning

Student ProgressCurriculum


Gary Lewis - Headteacher

Heads of Faculty/ SENCO Heads of Houses

Heads of Department

2nd i/c HouseT&L Leads

Student Centre – Progress Mentors,

Learning Mentors, Parent Support AdvisorLearning Support – Key Workers

Support before Intervention

Intervention as a last resort…

Equipped Staff –data/ information

Advice and Guidance

Quality Teaching First

Effort Agenda

Break free from the shackles…

Beyond National Curriculum Levels

Growth Mindset Progress

Language-based Feedback

Assessment without Levels

Context to the DataAssessment without Levels

• Faculty specific methods of assessment appropriate to the subject and linking to key concepts and skills from revised NC or working back from GCSE)

• Methods of assessment to support students understand how their work is assessed and how they can improve further – clear pathway of progression

• No centrally set attainment or progress targets; target-setting part of formative assessment and related to specific areas for improvement (all ‘targets’ will be formative ‘next steps’)

• Students grouped into four attainment categories, based on the GCSE performance data of recent Year 11 students

Current Attainment Old GCSE grades New GCSE grades

Group 1 Above the expected standard A* - A 9 - 7

Group 2 Securely meeting the expected


B – high C 6 – 5 (secure)

Group 3 Partly meeting the expected


C/D borderline low 5 - high 4

Group 4 Below the expected standard not on track to reach

grade C

not on track to reach

grade 5

Sort of Attainment Targets…

Sort of Levels…






From beginner to GCSE

Assessing progress

Assessing progress

Assessing effort

Progress and Effort

Benchmark Grade: An internally-generated grade that gives a benchmark expectation that students should meet at the end of the course based on prior data (FFT)

Target Grade: the agreed target between the teacher and the student – dynamic/ step targets

Year 12 Oxford Analytics; Year 13 adjusted in light of AS

Context to the DataTarget setting

Context to the DataReporting to Parents

Support before Intervention

Intervention as a last resort…

Equipped Staff –data/ information

Advice and Guidance

Quality Teaching First

Effort Agenda

Key Stage 2 to 3

• Transition Interviews/ Visits

• 2 Year Key Stage 3

• Multi Academy Trust opportunities

Advice and GuidanceKey Stage 2 to 3

Advice and GuidanceKey Stage 3 to 4

Pathway A [EBacc] (approx 30%)• Triple Science as an option.• MFL compulsory• History or Geography strongly recommendedPathway B [MFL + Progress 8] (approx 20%)• MFL compulsory• History or Geography recommended• Academic options likely (no vocational)Pathway C [Progress 8] (approx 30%)• MFL not compulsory• History or Geography required IF not choosing MFL• Some vocational options may well be suitablePathway D (Progress 8-1] (approx 10%)• MFL not compulsory• History or Geography not required• Steer towards vocational optionsPathway E (approx 10% - largely ex-Boost)• Will not study MFL• History or Geography not required• Suggest ‘Core Support’ as one of options

Fewer than 5 A*-C grades

BTEC Level 2 Diploma

5 or more A*-C grades or equivalents

3 ‘Full’ A Level (or equivalent) Courses + ‘Study Plus’ (supervised study)

Approx 7 or more A*-B grades

3 ‘Full’ A Level (or equivalent) courses + 1 ‘Short’ (AS or equivalent) course

Approx 4 or more A* grades

As above or 4 Full A Levels


l 3Le

vel 2

+ possibility of Extended

Project in Year 13

Advice and GuidanceKey Stage 4 to 5

Support before Intervention

Intervention as a last resort…

Equipped Staff –data/ information

Advice and Guidance

Quality Teaching First

Effort Agenda

• Seating plan, with photographs

• Key ‘subgroup’ information regarding students (on seating plan and/or in a separate tabular format):– SEN code and reason

– Pupil Premium/ Able Student Register/ EAL

– Access Arrangements (e.g 25% Extra Time , Reader, Scribe)

– A set of data that shows starting points and progress made through the course (assessment / test data), so that the ‘story’ of progress can be established.

– Any relevant supplementary information for particular ‘high needs’ learners

Linking T&L to the data Data pack ‘expectations’

Teachers using the data Planning to support

LEARNING OBJECTIVES (Differentiated using Blooms; success criteria) May include thinking skill/ effort objective

Specific area of focus from last lesson observation (Appraisal, Insight or developmental observation)


Learning Activities (including literacy/numeracy activities/support)

Differentiation (for named individuals)

Strategies to support/ intervention for those not

yet making expected progress

Assessment for Learning

Progress Expected/ Outcomes

Extended Learning/ Homework

Subgroups (eg. SEN; G & T; EAL, PP) and student progress to be presented in Data Pack (Icaris seating plan with

photos/student targets)

AIDE MEMOIRES to help with planning (not required to be provided for the observer)




Suggested stages for your lesson:

LINK (Context, starter) ESTABLISH (Learning Objectives, Success

criteria) ACHIEVE (Variety of experiences)

REVIEW (Plenary, assessment, review of objectives)

NEXT (Feed forward)

Evidencing Progress over time (from the year)

Extracts from mark book in data pack (CA data

tracker/ marking grids)

Progress charts/ assessment logs (books/ files)

Step targets with feedback showing where targets have been met


Learning Objectives with assessment criteria – reviewed during lesson

Dialogue with student through marking (student response to marking; range of AFL techniques;

self and peer assessment))


Learning Outcomes

(Blooms) Developing effort






To evaluate Appropriate noise

level Whole class



No hands up

To make connections/design

Challenge Demonstration Oral feedback Thinking Time

To plan/conclude Engagement Group work Lesson


Pose Pause

Pounce Bounce

To distinguish/prioritise Internal deadlines/ students organise


Paired work Observation Open questions

To predict/construct Learning from Mistakes/ setbacks

Individual Finished work

Higher order

(evaluate, justify, link)

To explain/solve Resources for

reference Investigation


To sequence/outline Students respond to

feedback Didactic



To recall/define Students plan own

learning Questioning



Other: Students identify problems to resolve

and ask questions

Discussion Other:


Differentiated Objectives Task Resource Grouping

Ascend through Blooms Graduate tasks from easy to hard


Help/ prompt sheets

for less able

Provide rationale for

pairs/ groups

All, Most, Some Set open tasks (explicitly expect

more able to take on more challenge)

Texts of different

depth, breadth, difficulty

Buddy least/ more

able for support/ peer mentoring or tutoring

Identify which level/ grade

each objective refers to

Different tasks for

different abilities

Font size and type

appropriate to students’ needs

Similar ability groupings

for challenge/ peer assessment

Questioning – vary depth, breadth, complexity

Quantity of text appropriate for students’ needs

Provide resources/ tasks appropriate to each group

Differentiation by grouping/ resource/ task/ questioning/


Match success criteria to students’

abilities/individual needs

Differentiate support and feedback


Support/ Scaffolded


Contact home Extra support/


Personalised targets and







Over the last year in English…

What have you liked most

about the feedback you’ve

had in your exercise book?

(For example: it’s had praise;

it’s given clear next steps;

using purple pens to respond

to it etc)

What would you like more of

or what would you like done

differently? (For example:

does a teacher elsewhere do

something you’d like your

English teacher to try or is

there something you’ve found

particularly useful?)

Intervention at Teacher LevelSelf Assessment to inform strategies

Teacher overview sheet – book monitoring student voice May 2016

Class ____

What have the students liked about your marking in general?

What do they want done differently?


Identify Needs

Using SEND Code of Practice

PP criteria

KS2 results & transition data

CATS Scores & RA/SA

Progress checks

Staff/Parent referral

Communicate Needs


FIRST(SEND & Inclusion LEVEL 1)

SEND DATA and PP DATA to drive support for the teacher and Learning support or progress



PP coordinator lead Mentors

Provide teachers with appropriate information,

differentiation guide/group passports

‘Additional’ or ‘Different to’



‘Significant’ or ‘persistent’

1. Staff/Parent Referral

2. PP Co-ordinator/SENCO manage additional support

One to One M & E

Academic Mentoring (mentors)

Pastoral Mentoring (HLM’s, Key workers)

Advanced in class support (specialist needs)

Alternative curriculum (SLT)

Reduced timetable (SLT)

Complex Needs



School resources not sufficient for student to make further progress

External agency referral

Specialist Service Support

Education, Health Care Plan


al R



Graduated Response Model for Learners with specific needs Inclusion: SEND & PP Intervention Tracking:

Plan – Do – Assess - Review


Green – Needs will be

met through quality


Red – Complex Needs: requires

personalised response + external


Amber – significant/persistent need:

requires referral with evidence of quality

differentiation - personalised response

‘additional to’ quality differentiation

Intervention at Teacher LevelInclusion Register

Pupil Premium Priority

Children growing up in poverty typically experience a ratio of 2 reprimands to every instance of praise.

In higher income families, the typical ratio is 1 reprimand to 6 instances of praise.

The classroom is a golden opportunity to improve this ratio.

The priority approach

Build positive relationships

Find out what interests students and use this in lesson planning

Make sure your teaching connects to the world of your students

Give your students a reason to engage with their learning that is meaningful to them

PP students often possess poor emotional skills and have more difficultly displaying appropriate responses

Try not to challenge negative behaviour as soon as the student arrives in class; wait until students are working on a task and then have a quiet word with the individual concerned

It is more powerful to model and teach desired behaviour than to criticise poor behaviour - show them as well as tell them

Provide some choice – if students have some control over their learning, they are less likely to choose bad behaviour as a response

Paying attention is a learned skill that some PP students lack - here are four simple strategies to help them pay attention:

Direct information directly to the pupil and keep instructions short

Recognise when you have got their attention with simple acknowledgement

Create a climate where students feel safe and know the boundaries you want in your classroom

Use WILF (What I’m Looking For) and TIB (This is Because) - PP students often feel like they are on a long road with no end or purpose in sight



es fo

r d









Pick up on lack of progress as quickly as possible so other interventions can be put in place such as in class support, one to one sessions, pastoral care. Support high achieving students to ensure they meet and go beyond challenge grades.

PP pupils typically have 40% fewer words in their vocabulary than their peers, so focus on building up literacy skills and new key words

Return work promptly – PP students will respond better if they know you care about the work they do and give them feedback at the earliest opportunity

Use brain gym in the middle of lessons to create energy (often PP students do not have enough sleep as there is no one at home making sure they get to bed at an early hour)

















Pupil Premium Profile

Student Passport

Statistics associated with PP


Only 48 per cent of 5 year olds entitled to

free school meals have a good level of

development at the end of their reception

year, compared to 67 per cent of all other pupils.

Less than half of pupils entitled to free school

meals (just 36 per cent) achieve 5 GCSEs at

C or above, including English and Maths,

this compares to 63 per cent of pupils who are not eligible.

Families living in poverty can have as little

as £12 per day per person to buy everything

they need such as food, heating, toys, clothes,

electricity and transport. Starting secondary

school can cost families up to £1200 in

uniform, year 7 activities week, resources

and equipment, before any clubs are


In the UK 63% of children living in poverty

are in a family where someone works

Description Contact: Pupil Premium Coordinator &

progress Mentors Date of Update:

PP means to be either/or/all FSM EVER 6 LAC AFC Parents in the services

I would like you to know that: I might come from a home that struggles

financially. Remember there is subsistence for trips, ask MJD for financial support for

equipment/revision guides. Some students immediately ‘opt out’ thinking they can’t access trips, remind them that this is for them and they

should participate because they are ‘valued’ and their presence will add something to the event

I might have high level of vulnerability and a low level of social maturity. Talk to the student

quietly first establish what the issues are get to know what they vulnerabilities are, praise all moments of positive behaviour

I might come from a home that has issues with drugs and alcohol Think about the content of some of your lessons and how it might affect

students- don’t let this stop good discussions but maybe talk to the student first about the subject you are going to introduce

I might not have a computer at home- mention student centre as a place to access computers, h/w club on Thursdays. Print out essential

research resources

I might not have access to basic school resources (calculator, food tech, printer credits) Get a spare set in the class, ask Mandi or Jenny

to provide some

I can’t keep up with my peers in clothing, holidays and gadgets and I don’t like it

Celebrate small achievements, praise effort –it doesn’t cost anything

I find it difficult to cope with 2

or more of the following: Concentrate for long periods of


Keep up with the rest of a mainstream class.

Understanding what is appropriate behaviour

Get started or complete work.

Complete work in allotted time.

Get organised.

Complete homework at home

Go on school trips

Have the right resources for different topics

Keeping a positive mind set

Believing in my abilities

Believing I can control my behaviour/emotions

This means that:

I probably haven’t had the same experiences as non PP such as foreign holidays, my

own bedroom, tv or computer therefore my scope of experience might be smaller,

however I may be quite street wise

I would probably benefit from

extra support.

I require a level of differentiated/ individualised


PP students attract government funding if they meet any of the criteria above. The funding doesn’t follow the student but is for the school to allocate where necessary in order to narrow the gap in achievement between PP and Non PP. Achievement is measured as; 5 A * to C inc. English and Maths 3 Levels of progress in English and Maths

SEND Boost Intervention


Additional Learning Needs Information –


I also have the following:

Keyworker- Jacqui Garland

Behaviour Support Plan ( underway)

Biscay House What are Student A’s needs? Date: September 2015

Review: January 2015

Tutor Group- 7 B2

Student A has social and emotional difficulties.

Student A needs appropriate social behaviour to be modelled and re-


Remind Student A about the behaviour for learning policy.

.Give Student A time and space to calm down if an incident occurs

Student A finds it difficult to move on once an incident has occurred.

Follow the strategies on the Behaviour Support Plan.

Significant Learning Needs for me


I find it hard to self-

regulate when in the red zone (BSP).

I have low self esteem

I can isolate myself.

I often feel like the world is

against me.

I mistrust adults and fear

an ulterior

I feel I get stuck in difficult situation and have no idea

how to get out.

My Date of Birth: My Transition Learning Manger: Adam

Dickenson SEND Link: Catrina Lyle

CATS Information:

Mean: 100

Verbal: 117

Spatial: 102

Quant: 78



Reading Age & Spelling Age: 13.1

Reading Age: 13.1 Spelling Age: 13.2

It would help if you could:

Use the tactics in my BSP

Give me space and time if I get in to the yellow zone.

Model socially desirable behaviour

Praise me and issue merits if you catch me being good.

Give me no more than 2 firm options to help me get unstuck.

Further Information: Student A enjoys comic books.

He lives with his parents and older brother Kyle.

What I will do to help myself: I can ask for time out of I get cross.

Speak to Mrs Broad or Mrs Garland if I need to debrief after an incident.

Student name

Changing our formula for in-class support, which has been to provide blanket support in bottom sets for core subjects• ‘Case loads’ for particular areas of SEND • Focused mentoring and support with a focus upon key

outcomes for learning and behaviour• Focused group intervention to help students make key

progress in particular areas of the SEND code of practice according to the needs of the school/faculties and students

• Key support for focused whole school SEND intervention, such as : Exam Access Support during exams and Transition Support between key stages

SEND Intervention Changing methods to more closely target needs

• Linear – make it memorable; Personalised Learning

Checklists; Walking Talking Mocks

• Scaffolding the transition to independence –Flipped Learning; Study Space; Study Plus

Intervention through classroom practiceChanging times, changing T&L

Lunchtime After school


Health & Social Care - 1.00 -1.30pm – SL3 – Term 3 (CA ‘drop-in’ sessions), Terms 4&5 (Revision Sessions)

Sociology – 1.00 – 1.30pm – SL2 – Term 3-5 (Drop-In)

English– 3.30 – 4.30 - E7 – Term 3 (CA Catch Up), Terms 4 & 5 (Revision Classes)

PE – 3.30 – 4.30 – CC1 – Terms 3 to 5

Tuesday Dance – 1.00 – 1.30pm – DR2 - Terms 3 to 5 Maths – 3.15 – 4.15 – Ma8 – Terms 3 to 5


Computing – 1.00 – 1.30pm - IT5 – Terms 3 & 4

Psychology – 1-1.30pm – SL5 – Terms 3 to 5.

Languages: Controlled Assessment support / vocab revision and practice (Terms 3 to 5)

Science - 3.15 – 4.15 – Main Science Block – Term 3 (Coursework catchup). Terms 4-5 (Revision - see notices for topics)

Geography – 3.20 – 4.30 – H10 – Terms 4-5 (check notice board outside H10 for details of sessions each week)


Business Studies – 1 – 1.30pm - BS4 - Term 3 (Controlled Assessment), Terms 4-5 (Revision – specific topics on rota)

Dance – 1.00 – 1.30pm – DR2 Terms 3 to 5

Languages: Controlled Assessment support / vocab revision and practice (Terms 3 to 5)

Music - 3.30pm – 4pm - MU1


D&T support sessions are ongoing every week up until the hand in date for Controlled Assessment on FRIDAY 13th Feb. Please see your D&T teacher to discuss when they are available for after school and lunchtime sessions. REMEMBER you can often work in another workshop after school with another member of staff if your D&T teacher isn’t available.

Art / Photography support sessions are ongoing at lunchtime and after school every day (except after school on Fridays) in Art 1-4/ LB2

Drama – Individual exam performance groups will have identified 1:1 direction sessions with their teacher.

Intervention & Support at KS4 and 5Targeted Revision

Guide to Question 1a (4 marks)

6minsThis question will ask you to analyse a source.

• Try to make at least 1 inferences/judgements about what you can learn from the source.

• Back up each inference with evidence from the source – you must quote from the source.

• This question requires NO own knowledge.

This is the structure with signpost sentences below:

One thing I can learn from this source about ……is ……

I can learn this because the passage says “ quote from the source”

A/A* - as you probably have the time try and do 2 developed inferences


Guide to Question 2: (8 marks) 12

mins• This question will ask you to explain an event/ development in Germany. • This is just link question 1c in structure. Use the language/phrases in the

question so you are clearly focused on it. • You need to make sure you have a least 2 developed explanations e.g.

make sure you support your statement with your own knowledge and facts then explain how it links to the question.

• A/A* can you see the big picture – did things change dramatically? Did it change the shape of Germany? etc

One significant way the … changed/effected/overcame (use the language/phrase of the question) was…

This led to… because …

A second significant way the … changed/effected/overcame (use the language/phrase of the question) was…

This led to… because …

A developed statement just like a 6 mark answer

Then you need to explain the change/development








PastoralTeaching and LearningStructure


Change Practice


Intervention/ Support





Usually, normal class teaching, with Quality First differentiation and support, will enable students to reach their potential

Intervention is when teachers do something additional to or different from this normal class teaching

Intervention & Support Sisra Analytics

• Class Teachers – Middle Leaders – SLT• Training and Support• Link Meetings• Faculty Meetings

Raise Profile• Targets• Increase awareness: Curriculum Bulletin; Meetings; Theme of Week

• Sanctions/ Rewards: Flowchart; Student Voice; Staff/ Subject Intervention

• T&L Focus: CPD; Share Best Practice; Faculty T&L sessions; Handbooks’ SOL

• Quality Assurance: HOF/ SLT Link Learning Walks in identified key classes

Tackle Subject Underachievement• Post Progress Check/ Mocks – identify underachievement

• Cause for Concern evening/ meeting with parents/ students• Feedback from students/ parents - Follow up notes to teachers

• SLT Link/ HW check• Student Voice at purposeful time• Increase awareness of underachievement

Tackle Student Underachievement• Pastoral linked to curriculum• Meet underachieving students• Faculty Catch up• Learning Mentor – student pursuit; SISRA tracking groups; Study Skills support –

PGCE students; student voice on impact of intervention


PastoralTeaching and LearningStructure


Change Practice


Intervention/ Support





Linking T&L to the data Quality Assurance to support achievement

Main areas of strength Key areas for development Key actions (including timescale)

Lessons Year 7 habits and routines clear across the faculty Year 11 really clear on mock coverage, exam technique focus (including use of TRIO). Really engaged. Books Year 13 - Purple pens being used to self-assess prior to submission of work Year 9 books – organisation and quality of presentation a strength. Regular use of tracking sheets. Homework Student Voice from Y12 and GLG Yr 10 shows consistent setting

Students comments about lack of challenge compared to Year 6 Some not aware of location/access of online revision materials No purple pens per evidence in class 13X/Xx1 Marking mostly of classwork / tests – limited feedback on homework. Yr9 GLG check shows inconsistencies

Faculty meeting item to explore – feedback from primary colleagues about Year 6 Curriculum. Follow up SV scheduled for February. All Year 11 teachers emailed with Powerpoint to show location of revision materials on GLG Following with staff XXX/YYY on use of TRIO and best practice from others shared Postholders to have discussion item in subject part of Dec faculty meeting – collate good ideas for time-saving / effective feedback approaches for homework Tue briefing reminder & follow-up check mid-November (improvement, except staff XXX – spoken to individually, and further check in Jan)

Homework /

EL check

Work Scan / Book

Check Learning Walk Student Voice

Year 7 Nov – HoF routines and expectations

Year 8 Sep – KS3 Postholder Nov – more able group – stretch & challenge

Year 9 Oct – GLG check Oct – 4 books per

teacher – reviewed / discussed at Leadership meeting

Whole Faculty ‘2* and wish’ feedback = collated & shared at Faculty meeting

Year 10 Nov – GLG check Oct - HoF – Gordano


Year 11 Nov – KS4 Postholder + Work Scan

Year 12 HoF + SLT Link Sep – settling in

Oct - Yr 12 Focus Group (with JMF)

Year 13 Nov – Fac. Meeting

sharing Dec – KS5 Postholder

Linking T&L to the data Quality Assurance to support achievement

• Whole School Insight– Key Stage specific– Sub Group specific– Aspect of Teaching and Learning

• Staff/ student voice; classroom visits; work scrutiny; involvement of post holders and governors

• Gender – Identification of specific classes– Student focus groups during lesson– Overview of research

OVERVIEW The evidence for this Insight Report was derived from literature and research into supporting boys’ achievement; an online student voice survey of almost 300 students; learning walks in every faculty to gather examples of best practice and 40 classroom visits which included work sampling and discussions with students and staff about successful strategies being used to support boys’ achievement. The key questions being considered were:

Habits and Routines: What strategies motivate boys to show pride in their learning?

Pupil Progress: How are boys engaging with assessment logs/ progress charts and what has the most impact on their reflection on and engagement with their progress?

Quality, appropriate feedback: Are boys regularly engaging in dialogue over subject and literacy feedback? What strategies are proving successful with boys in particular?

Differentiation for all: Do boys feel appropriately challenged and supported?

Skills for Life: What strategies are effective in developing boys as self directed learners? Homework/ Extended Learning: Are boys completing EL/HW to the best of their ability?

INSIGHT FINDINGS The following sections combine student voice; best practice seen through Learning Walks and Classroom Visits; research findings and staff feedback. More detailed subject specific feedback has been disseminated via Heads of Faculty. Habits and Routines

Teacher support in managing and organising tasks and work is really valued by boys – maintaining high expectations

Student voice showed teachers as a main motivating factor for boys, alongside the motivation of achieving desired grades.

Pupil Progress

The progress of boys appears to be the highest where teachers really know their students, allowing them to tailor lessons around their interests as well as ensuring praise and sanctions are used to build routines whilst maintaining positive relationships

Insight Report on Gender: Boys’ Achievement


– 4th

March 2016

Conclusion As with all great teaching, positive relationships built on mutual respect in a school where students and staff feel valued and where students are expected to achieve was found to be a key aspect of all successful teaching and learning for both genders at all ages. The following aspects were found to be particularly relevant and effective for supporting and promoting boys’ achievement:

Enthusiasm and passion is highly valued by boys from Year 7-13 – with humour, respect and fairness consistently quoted as being the key motivating qualities of successful teachers

For engagement with learning, variety, pace and topic choice are important for boys, alongside ‘fun’ in the lesson.

Positive reinforcement to develop confidence/ self esteem – boys may seem more confident, but actually confidence can be quite low and they are in need of praise. Teachers should act as motivators.

Although competition was often seen by staff as a ‘successful’ strategy with boys, students appear to be more motivated by relevance and enjoyment of learning.

The student voice from boys showed a clear appreciation for teachers who give clear explanations and instructions, especially for students who find it difficult to start tasks.


Subject specific revision strategies at all levels – consider strategies such as suspending homework timetable for revision programme where students are given feedback on effectiveness of revision strategies

For 2016-17, look at how independent revision and effort can be built into Levels system

What did boys feel teachers are doing that’s

having a positive effect?

Is there anything you could do more from this list?

I ask for help, they come and explain very clearly

how to do it

Past papers. They are enthusiastic. They give individual help when


Breaking down subjects into manageable tasks

to help understand topics

Set extension work for when I finish the normal task

They help me during lunch with my coursework and tell

me what I have to do to improve it. Also after school

by looking around the classroom and looking

to see who needs help

my best teacher likes to challenge us and give us a couple of hints on the way

They push me to try harder and achieve better targets. They have a passion for the subject so that sometimes really helps

merits , but some teachers give me no merits even though I have

worked hard

They’re enthusiastic and make work fun and enjoyable.

Positive and to believe in you, but also to allow at

little fun in the class

Give helpful, clear, and, concise feedback which they are happy to talk to you about

• Humour – praise – enthusiasm – confidence building• Summaries of key learning points• Pace• Seating plans designed to promote progress• Reading materials matched to individuals• Choice of tasks• Short and long term relevance being highlighted• Problem solving activities• Clear to understand homework tasks• Regular modelling of good answers• Folder checks/ dividers• Visual progress charts in books/ rooms

Regular observations about what seemed to

promote the most successful learning


PastoralTeaching and LearningStructure


Change Practice


Intervention/ Support





Middle leaders using the data The achievement cycle

• Ensure action is taken regarding underachievement before it becomes too great / to reduce the intervention needed later on (avoid the Year 11 ‘panic’)

• Ensure actions taken by Pastoral and Curriculum teams are ‘joined up’ and not ‘overlapping’

WHAT?• Pastoral leaders identify and act on ‘general’

underachievers through Effort / Behaviour and overall achievement data

• Curriculum leaders (HoFs and postholders) analyse subject performance:– Overall performance (‘how is our cohort doing ‘in

general’?)– Subgroup performance (‘are there any obvious

patterns of underachievement by gender, banding, disadvantage’?)

– Class performance (‘is there any difference in how the different classes are doing? / any moderation issues’?)

– Individual performance (are there any individuals of particular concern who aren’t being picked up by the pastoral leaders?)

HOW?• Suggested process using SISRA Analytics /

Proforma(includes pastoral intervention data), but use own format if better.

• QA through SLT Link meetings








Post-Progress Check Actions…

HoF / TLR: Brief analysis:• Overall performance• Subgroup

performance• Class performance

Identify target students for intervention

Complete PC Analysis for House from SISRA / G4G

Overall praise / target students

highlighted in SISRA as Focus Groups (within 5 days of

data release)


Individuals considered for:• Subject-specific praise• Subject-specific

intervention - record through neutral slip / cc in HOH

Complete PC

Intervention & Support at KS4 and 5Raising Attainment Plans – Subject and KS

What? When? Support needed/ actions? By whom?



What is the most

effective way of

ensuring that students

get the best C.A. grades

they can?

What strategies should

we deploy to improve

the grades of existing

Year 11s, who have


What about Year 10s

who are still in the

process of completing

their C.A.s?

Most Year 11 students have now had

a chance to retake the Descriptive

Writing CA, as this was found to be

the one with most


There is still some significant

underachievement with the Other

Cultures CA – in term 3, LXW, MJP

and RXS will offer targeted support to

allow key students to retake this CA.

Moving forward, we are offering

training within Faculty meetings to

try to raise the standard and

consistency of CA teaching to reduce

the amount of underachievement in

the first place.

We are trying to develop a culture

where Faculty members feel able to

intervene themselves with individual

students in Year 10 who have

underachieved with particular CAs, to

reduce the need for Year 11


Year 10 course programme will be

rearranged to allow for a Term 6

review and intervention slot, where

CAs can be retaken, with a carousel

in place to address a range of

particular needs.

End of Term 1

Term 3



Term 2 – planning

Term 6 – to be


Resources, whole Faculty action

Timetabling to arrange, resources

Workshops, resources, 1-2-1

support, moderation

Data analysis, 1-2-1 meetings

with staff

Course overview for Year 10 to be




LXW, Faculty



• Intervention as UPS Targets – linked to Appraisal

Intervention and SupportFaculty Intervention

UPS Appraisal target

• Book monitoring

• Learning walks

• Mentoring of key cohort of year 11s

UPS mentoring of key students

• Meet students at least once a term• Keep an eye on their Progress checks etc• Encourage them to speak about their feelings and share

their concerns• Look at their books with them, and set very specific targets,

which might be non-academic (ie handwriting, getting work done, homework)

• Leave them messages in their books, holding them accountable for progress

• Liaise class teacher/Head of Key Stage• LXW to maintain records and hold occasional meetings to

monitor the scheme


KS2: 4cPC3: DB/Mark: C

CA grades:Spoken Language: EOther Cultures: DShakespeare/poetry: D Snapshot 1: E

Narrative: CDescriptive: CMock lang: Unit 1 = U, Unit 2 = EMock lit: D

Barriers to Progress (Specific SPaG/behaviour): Tense

Planned Teacher intervention:To resit OMAM CA and Spok Lang summer 2015 – letter sent

Failed to attend lunchtime sessions initially offered for retake of Yr 10 CAs.

He now understands importance of retaking OMAM and SpokLang and is willing! I’ve offered lunchtimes, but any assistance gratefully received! NMR adds- he has been invited to S.Lang catch up on 13th Nov…

Re-sit new grade:Spoken Language: Other Cultures: CShakespeare/poetry:

Narrative: C (resat after first attempt)Descriptive: C

Intervention CLC

XXX intervention notes

• 3/12: Met SEF, discussed Ed’s needs. Agreed to support his re-write of his OMAM assessment (lunchtimes). Agreed to visit lesson on 11/12.

• 11/12: Met with Ed. Positive. He showed me his OMAM assessment, which is nearly complete. Awaiting mark (but looked of good quality and he feels it is better than his previous one). Have contacted SEF to ask for copies of his exam papers, and to ask for guidance on how I can usefully support. Have agreed to meet with Ed again next term with some specific targets in the run up to exams.

Ed’s OMAM has moved to a C.Will send CLC mock papers by 18.1.16 Received.

• 29/1: Met with Ed today to agree some small areas of focus for a number of lunchtime session in the run up towards the exams. Shared some mock feedback from SEF and agreed to meet on Tues, 2nd Feb to work on some Unit 2 aspects. Also had a broader conversation about feelings this term, stress areas and plans for next year.

• 02/2: Ed didn’t turn up for meeting,. Contacted SEF, she has sent message home. Rearranged for Thurs 11th Feb.

• 11/2:Met at lunchtime with Ed. Worked on Unit 2 planning, paragraphing and sentence starters.• 3/3: Met at lunchtime with Ed. Worked on Unit 2 – reviewed mock pieces and re-drafted based on

strategies discussed last time (see above).• 17/3: Ed didn’t turn up for lunchtime meeting. Left a pack of exemplars and Unit 2 guidance pack with SEF

to pass on to Ed in class.


KS2: 4cPC3: DB/Mark: C

CA grades:Spoken Language: COther Cultures: DShakespeare/poetry: CSnapshot 1: D

Narrative: CDescriptive: C

Mock lang: CMock lit: U

Barriers to Progress (Specific SPaG/behaviour):

Some absence during OC CA.Works hard and will be able to get a C grade when she is ready.Occasional issues with homework deadlines.C/D in line with progress in other subjects.

Attendance and effort has been an issue due to golf commitments. Bombed her mock last year and didn’t prepare well for OMAM either. Needs to resit this. Any help with preparing for this would be great-happy to do this if she can be out of lessons.Making a revision timetable for the mocks on ‘get revision. Co.uk’ would be amazing.

Planned Teacher intervention:

Resit OC CA next year- to work alongside LSA planning and writing the piece. HMB to organise. Letter sent for summer 2015 retake OMAM

Re-sit new grade:Spoken Language: N/AOther Cultures:Shakespeare/poetry:

Narrative:Descriptive: C

Intervention - JHC

Intervention and SupportYear 11 – Level System

How does it work?

What Level? What it means… 13th May

Level 1 – working to the best of my ability

Opportunities for Praise and Rewards!

Celebration Day‘Passport to Prom’

Level 2 – working reasonably well, but some areas that need to be improved in order to fulfil potential

Specific targets agreed to work on – shared with parents, monitored by tutor / Head of House

Celebration DayWill need to meet further targets before getting Prom ticket.

Level 3 – at risk of underachieving and/or affecting achievement of others

Report Card – report to Senior member of staff linked to your House every day

Need to be off Level 3 to attend Celebration Day

Overall timeline

Mock examsFollow up all non-6th form applicants


Confirmation of starting levelsLaunch assemblies Targets agreedWindow 1







Year 11 SS2 dueFutures InterviewsWindow 1 closes; 2 startsDeadline for CA at end of T3.

Year 11 PC2 duesWindow 2 ends ; 3 startsMarch mocks (Core / DT)

Yr 11 SS3 dueWindow 3 ends ; 4 starts

Window 3 ends Decisions confirmed to students ‘Prom ticket / passport’ issued to any Level 1s.Celebration Day 13th MayTargets agreed for Window 5 for Level 2sWindow 5 ends 27th May (or ? Deferred)

Final decisions ratified by SLTYear 11 Prom

NovOutline to staff, Yr 11 students, Yr 11 Parents.Provisional Levels issued.

Effort Behaviour Homework/


Attendance Punctuality Specific




PC1 From PC1


Hwk slips

to date

T1 T1

Window 1 (11th


From PC1

and mock

result /


From PC1



Window 2 (9th






ICARIS Jan Jan Jan For L2


Window 3 (8th


PC2 PC2 ICARIS T3 T3 T3 For L2


Window 4 (22nd






ICARIS T4 T4 T4 For L2


Window 5 (16th




ICARIS T5 T5 T5 For L2


Criteria for Level Decisions

Level 1 1.0 – 1.99

Level 2 2.0 - 2.49

Level 3 2.5 or below

Average Effort and B4L – PC1

Level 1 90% or above

Level 2 80% - 89.9%

Level 3 Below 80%

Attendance : Terms 1 and 2

Punctuality : Terms 1 and 2

Level 1 Less than 8 lates

Level 2 8-14 lates

Level 3 15 lates or more

B4L points Terms 1 and 2

Level 1 9 points or less

Level 2 10 - 14 points

Level 3 15 points or more

In order to be more transparent, the following guidelines will be used to assign initial levels.

NB This will be a ‘best fit’ model.

Level 2

• My Future Target booklets used for mock reflection / basis for agreeing Level 2 targets

• Specific targets agreed with HoH/ tutor – stick in journals

• Targets recorded in ICARIS neutral slip

Level 3

• Level 3 Target cards on ICARIS

• 10 pts needed for progression to L2

• A ‘good’ day (all satisfactory or better) = 1pt

• A ‘variable’ day (all variable or better) = 0 pts

• 1 ‘bad day’ (1 or more C4C) = -1 pts

• Points 8, 9, 10 must be on consecutive days

• Visible record of progress for students to see where they are

• Daily reporting to SLT

Communication with staff

• Outline of Level System shared Nov

• Details outside Staffroom from Nov – June

• Teachers to record comments / concerns via neutral slips on ICARIS

• Progress against relevant subject-specific targets to be identified by teachers through neutral slips.

Communication with parents

• Nov – intro email to parents (already mentioned in assembly for students) – common to all

• Jan – Email / letter to parents – 3 versions for different levels (with reasons)

• Email / letter to parents of L1/2/3 students at end of each window

• If still on L2 at end of Window 4, email / meeting re specific targets to meet for Window 5.

Communication with students

• Assembly 16th Nov – ‘positive’ intro to level system – ‘default’ position as Level 1s.

• Assembly early/mid Jan – 3 separate launch assemblies for students on the 3 levels.

• Later assemblies also ‘differentiated’ to personalise the message

Year 11 SLT Links 2015-16Tutor Group Tutor



SLT Link


11B2 CXP BC2

11C1 KLC H11RB

11C2 JXB IT5



11L2 SCW S9


11P2 ACH L6


11S2 DGP H6


PastoralTeaching and LearningStructure


Change Practice


Intervention/ Support





GEL Group – Focus Areas

• Mapping intervention provision across the school– Behavioural, Academic, Pastoral

» Sanctions as Intervention

» Underachieving 6th Form boys

» Year 11 intervention in MFL˃ Groups of students: PP, <3LOP˃ Boys

Real Intervention

• What does it take to get the ‘buy in’?

• Convert from Fixed to Growth Mindset?

• Class teachers rather than HoDs/HoFs

• 1:1 support – before rather than after CA

• Intervention Passport

Intervention is when teachers do something additional to or differentfrom normal class teaching

Intervention and SupportSpecific Needs – Specific Measures

Intervention and SupportSpecific Needs – Specific Measures

‘Progress Card’ Generator

• We can change the Context fields (RegGroup, PP, SEN, Attendance, Level on Level System) and the thresholds for R, A and G.

• For SLT links and House Heads as a quick reference on progress

• Data can very quickly update at each PC / snapshot / mocks.

Class Profile: 11R/Fr1 Teacher: SQC

Ability Profile/Attainment:

A mixed set of 26 students, 16 girls and 10 boys (typically set 1 and set 2 ability)

Current Attainment E D C B A A*

Target Grades: 0 0 8 11 6 0

Yr 10 PC3 0 6 10 9 1 0

Yr11 Snapshot 1 0 2 13 8 3 0

Yr 11 PC1

Yr 11 Mock Exams

Yr 11 PC2

Yr 11 Snapshot 2

Yr 11 Snapshot 2

Average CAT scores (number of students):

Below 90 90 - 94 95 - 99 100 - 109 110 - 119 120 +

Progress with Controlled Assessment:

All students have completed two pieces of writing and one speaking. They will be doing one writing and one speaking at the beginning of term 2.

Barriers to Meeting Targets and Intervention (by Class Teacher):

Main issue for the C/D borderline students is memorising their controlled assessment paragraphs to good enough level of accuracy.

Support Needed:

Control Assessment Catch up session (last week of term 1) compulsory for: Emily, Tom, Joel, Nathan, Thea, Will.

Overall picture for this group:

This is a hardworking group who want to do well, some low-level chatting at times but they only need a warning to get back on track.

Gifted & Talented/ Challenge and High Ability Students:

XXX and XXX both have a very good grasp on grammar and are fairly creative when they write their paragraphs for controlled assessment. Their pronunciation is also very good, as is their general understanding of different texts. Potential A Level students. Encourage further reading.

Special Educational Needs:


Pupil Premium:


Middle Ability Students:

XXX is very hardworking and has no issues for his CA. He needs help with the reading and listening papers.

XXX is going through a difficult time now (confidential info from Head of House). Her awareness of language is not good, which means she makes some major mistakes at times. However, she should not be given more stress through CA due to her current circumstances.

Will is hardworking and will almost definitely achieve a C grade.

Low Ability Students:

XXX uses her resources well hence writes good paragraphs for controlled assessments, and she tends to memorise well. Putting her in the foundation paper should guarantee her C grade.

XXX is in this banding but since his understanding of French is very good, he should get a B grade by the end of the year, maybe an A if his controlled assessment improves.


According to SISRA, there is not a big difference in achievement for gender. Girls have higher Snapshot 1 grades than the boys but their residual is not as good as the boys – but this is because the girls have higher FFTD targets.

XXX received a D grade in 10PC3/Snapshot 1, which puts him at 1LOP. He is under the radar (compulsory attendance to catch up/revision sessions).


XXX had a bad start in year 10 and was not very motivated to do well. She is currently on a C grade (2 LOP). However, this year there has been a difference. She now seems fairly determined to do well and works well in lessons. Her paragraphs for her recent controlled assessment are on target for at least a B grade. Keep encouraging her.

XXX is on a D, which puts her at 1LOP. She is under the radar (compulsory attendance to catch up/revision sessions).

Behaviour Management:

This is a hardworking group who want to do well, some low-level chatting at times but they only need a warning to get back on track.

Learning Support Assistant:



PastoralTeaching and LearningStructure


Change Practice


Intervention/ Support





The 5 Whys

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