#essabray @bbray27universal design for learning and personalized learning...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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Presented by Barbara Bray @bbray27

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Meeting ESSA Guidelines withUniversal Design for LearningAnd Personalized Learning


Review ESSA

Define CBE

Competencies & Skills

UDL & Personalized


Build a Toolkit



ESSA Guidelines:UDL and

Personalized Learning



Where are you with...ESSA, UDL, and Personalized Learning

I use UDL and Personalized Learning principles and understand how they meet the ESSA Guidelines.

I am learning about UDL and Personalized Learning principles but do not know how they meet the ESSA Guidelines.

I do not know about UDL nor how Personalized Learning principles meet the ESSA Guidelines.


New Opportunities to Advance Personalized Learningin the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)


States have an opportunity to replace or enhance current assessments with better assessment systems that measure:

• complex demonstrations of mastery • integrate multiple points of learning evidence, and• provide an accurate picture of each student’s learning trajectory

Teachers and support staff then can respond with customized supports and interventions.


• Less federal waiver and regulatory authority, more flexibility for states

• Maintains annual assessments in grades 3-8, once in High School in Math and Reading/ELA

• Moves away from high stakes accountability

ESSA: Key Differences from NCLB


• Greater flexibility for States on Assessments and Accountability.

• Ending “Highly Qualified Teacher” and “Adequate Yearly Progress”

• Flexible funding for Personalized Learning and Education Technology

ESSA: Key Differences from NCLB


Redefining Student Success


Student at the Center


What is Competency Education?

• Students advance upon demonstrated mastery.

• Competencies include explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives that empower students.

• Assessment is meaningful and a positive learning experience for students.

• Students receive timely, differentiated support based on their individual learning needs.

• Learning outcomes emphasize competencies that include application and creation of knowledge, along with the development of important skills and dispositions.


Competency-based pathways are a re-engineering of our education system.

From The Shift from Cohorts to Competency:


Profile of a Graduate




1. Complex problem solving2. Critical thinking3. Creativity4. People management5. Coordinating with others

Readiness for college, career and civic life should be a central purpose of education at all levels. According to the World Economic Forum, the top ten skills required by employers in the year 2020 will include:

6. Emotional intelligence7. Judgment and decision making8. Service orientation9. Negotiation10. Cognitive flexibility

Top 10 Skills by 2020


Dimensions of Global Competency



“We have essentially been trying to fix the

students so that they fit our conventional

architecture of grade-level determined

curricula. But the system can no longer be

fixed. We should ask ourselves if the time

has finally come for us to transform or

fundamentally rebuild the system that

supports student learning.”

Colby, Rose L. Competency-Based Education: A New Architecture for K-12 Schooling.Cambridge: Harvard Education Press, 2017. (Copyright permission required.)

Does education currently teach and assess these skills?


The Myth of Average

Ted Talk and “The End of Average”by Dr. Todd Rose


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in ESSA

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), federal K-12 education law and now defines and endorses Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a scientifically-based approach for personalized learning and building learner agency.


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Based on Neuroscience and How we Learn

Universal Design for Learning developed by CAST (


UDL as the Framework for Learning


Example Learner Profile

Strengths Challenges

Engagement ❑ I am happy when pursuing my interests.

❑ I look forward to learning new things.

❑ I am not sure of my purpose.❑ I get anxious when I don’t

understand something.

Representation ❑ I can connect prior knowledge.

❑ I can research online.

❑ I have trouble processing oral directions.

❑ I read text several times to get it.

Action and Expression

❑ I enjoy doing hands-on projects.

❑ I use a to-do list to stay on task.

❑ I tend to procrastinate with some tasks.

❑ I have too many things on my to-do list.

Interest, Talents, Aspirations Descriptive Words

Writing, Dancing, Reading, Gardening, Social Media -To become a better writer and speaker

Creative, Curious, Innovative, Risk-Taker, Silly, Out-of-the-Box Thinker, Social, Independent


Personal Learner Backpack

Each learner:

• Selects appropriate tools and resources based on how they learn best.

• Acquires the skills to use the right tools and resources for the task.

• Develops learning strategies to support his or her learning.

• Reflects on the evidence of learning.

Learning Strategies



Skills Learning Strategies Tools, Apps, Resources


Self-confidence and mindset

Watch webinars around interests. Join video conferences with experts to discuss finding challenges to solve around passion. Use the power of “Yet” more.

Ted Talk, School visits, Google Hangouts, Zoom, or Skype


Ability to discern what supports learning

Find and add videos that can help build skills to YouTube channel. Learn how text-to-speech can improve writing.

You Tube videos, Dragon Dictation, Text Help

Action and ExpressionHow?

Creativity, collaboration, divergent thinking

Set up a collaborative work space online to build presentations with others. Use social media to build PLN. Keep a journal to reflect on learning.

Trello Board, Google Slides, Book Creator

Personal Learner Backpack



Strengths/Interests Challenges

S1 ▪ Excellent team player▪ Great at photography▪ Strives for quality

▪ long term memory problems▪ trouble organizing▪ cannot sit still

S2 ▪ Good sense of humor▪ Very artistic▪ Excellent social skills

▪ reads two grades below grade level▪ difficulty planning tasks▪ difficulty in responding in writing

S3 ▪ Strong reader▪ Very creative▪ Works well with others

▪ anxious speaking in front of others▪ forgets message of story▪ uncomfortable voicing concerns

S4 ▪ Questions for better understanding

▪ Persistent in completing tasks and projects

▪ difficulty in understanding text▪ not able to write descriptively▪ frustrated writing ideas on paper

Class Learning Snapshot


Class Learning Toolkit


Instructional Methods Learning Strategies Skills/Competencies

S1 Teacher models a file management system usingDropbox for whole class.

A partner helps S1 organize files and capture images digitally.

People managementOrganization

S2 Teacher demonstrates Read/Write as a Text-to-Speechtool for reading comprehension with small group.

S2 uses his headphone and goes to a quiet area to read using the Text-to-speech program.

Cognitive flexibilityListening

S3 Teacher reviews note-taking skills and brings in Evernote as a tool to support writing.

A partner helps S3 take notes using Evernote and uses the audio feature to play back for understanding.

Critical thinkingCoordinating with others

S4 Teacher uses storyboarding and Popplet (graphic organizer) to demonstrate sequencing in a story.

S4 brainstorms order of story using Popplet or draws with group on whiteboard.

Judgment and decisionsNegotiation

Class Learning Toolkit


Proving Performance vs. IMproving Learning

Performance Orientation Learning Orientation

Students learning same material at same time.

Learning driven by learner’s goals.

Students focus on tests and grades. Performance linked to effort and progress.

Students placed in grade level based on age and earn letter grades “to pass.”

Learners progress through levels based on performance and demonstrating mastery.

The pace of learning is directed by the teacher, technology, or curriculum.

Learners accelerate the pace of learning through goal setting, voice, and choice.

Traditional Classrooms Learner-Centered Environments

Chris Watkins 2010 ( )


A Learner with Agency

• Knows how he or she learns best. • Is proactive in his or her learning. • Identifies the passion and purpose for learning.• Sets goals and action steps for college, career, and life.• Develops learning strategies and skills to support

meeting the action steps.• Selects appropriate tools and resources for each task.• Self-directs and monitors progress in learning.• Reflects on evidence of learning.• Fosters an authentic and meaningful life.



Learner Agency Library

Online/Blended Teacher PD


Barbara Bray @bbray27

Meeting ESSA Guidelineswith UDL & Personalized Learning

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