goodbye samsara, hello nibbana

Post on 14-May-2015






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A Power Point Presentation of the Theme Song for the 14th Dhamma Youth Camp of a Buddhist Association. The lyrics of the song have some good Life Lessons for contemplation. Suitable for students and youths ( and the young at heart! )


Goodbye Samsara, Hello NibbanaGoodbye Samsara, Hello Nibbana

PBHP 14PBHP 14thth Dhamma Youth Camp 2006 Dhamma Youth Camp 2006

“Goodbye Samsara, Hello Nibbana”

Reflections on the ThemeLet us walk the Spiritual Path to rid the mind of the

defilements of Greed, Hatred and Delusion. These forces of evil cause us the pain and suffering in life. When the

defilements of the mind are destroyed, then perfect happiness, peace and bliss are attained. The mind is liberated and

Nibbana is realized.To be born as a human being is a rare and precious Gift. This is likened to a blind turtle in the vast ocean coming up to the surface once in a very long, long time, and trying to poke its

head through a yoke floating randomly in the ocean.We must value our precious human existence and lead a

worthy life … one of Virtue, Love, Compassion and Wisdom.

May We All Be Well And Happy!May We All Be Well And Happy!

May we see the Light of DhammaMay we see the Light of Dhamma

Note: ‘Dhamma’ refers to Truth or The Way Things Really Are

Once upon Once upon a time,a time,

Lived a Lived a turtle who turtle who was blind.was blind.

She searched the ocean blue,She searched the ocean blue,

For a drifting yoke to findFor a drifting yoke to find

She bobbed through the ripples She bobbed through the ripples and waves,and waves,

Once in a long long whileOnce in a long long while

Although she had eyes she had no sightAlthough she had eyes she had no sight

To pop her head through the yokeTo pop her head through the yoke she triedshe tried

Oh …! My dear friends,Oh …! My dear friends,

How fortunate are weHow fortunate are we

To be born in this human realm,To be born in this human realm,You and meYou and me

Through trials and tribulations,Through trials and tribulations,

The turtle worked her way.The turtle worked her way.

Human birth is so rare;Human birth is so rare;It’s really beyond compare.It’s really beyond compare.

Let’s dwell Let’s dwell upon the upon the Dhamma,Dhamma,

And share its And share its precious gifts.precious gifts.

We can learn to bear this thorny world,We can learn to bear this thorny world,

To handle thorns without being pricked.To handle thorns without being pricked.

Notes: With Dhamma, we can cope better with the problems and pain in life .

Goodbye Goodbye Samsara,Samsara,

Hello Hello NibbanaNibbana

Notes: Let us walk The Path to liberate the mind from suffering and realize the Unconditioned

State of Perfect Peace and Happiness.

Seek the Seek the path to path to


From the From the fetters of fetters of

ignorance.ignorance.Notes: Walk the Spiritual Path that leads to freedom from the chains of suffering born out of


With love With love and and


Our Teacher Our Teacher paved the paved the


To help To help us seek us seek

and find,and find,

The The wonders wonders

of our of our hearts hearts

and and minds.minds.

Notes: Our ‘Real Home’ of Peace and Happiness lie within us in our hearts and minds.

The journey of self-discov’ry,The journey of self-discov’ry,Is about the here and now.Is about the here and now.

Notes: True and Real Inner Peace lies in being with the moment…let us train the mind to be in the present, the NOW.

Human life is likened to a raft,Human life is likened to a raft,We must use it well to save ourselves.We must use it well to save ourselves.

Notes: Let us use this human life well…to ‘cross to the other shore’ where true happiness and peace prevail.

Goodbye Goodbye Samsara, Samsara,


Seek the Seek the path to path to


From the From the fetters of fetters of


Seek the path to freedomSeek the path to freedomFrom the fetters of ignorance.From the fetters of ignorance.

Goodbye Samsara, Hello NibbanaGoodbye Samsara, Hello Nibbana



Lyrics and Tune By Bro. Kee Joo SunLyrics and Tune By Bro. Kee Joo Sun

Score & Kara By Bro. Quah Say Cheow ,Score & Kara By Bro. Quah Say Cheow ,

Bro. Gan Jia Cheng & Bro. Heng Joe ShenBro. Gan Jia Cheng & Bro. Heng Joe Shen

Power Point By Bro. Oh Teik BinPower Point By Bro. Oh Teik Bin

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