good shabbos and welcome!€¦ · october 10, 2015 • 27 tishrei 5776 torah reading: page 2...

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Please note: Main Shul Shacharis begins at 9am this week.

Shabbos Youth Programs• SKIPfor children ages 18 months - grade 5, ECD Wing, 9:45 - 11:45am. • Mommy&Mefor Moms with children 2 years old and younger, ECD Wing, Ruach Rainbows Classroom, 9:45 - 11:45am. • B’neiBJfor Boys in Grades 2 – 5, led by Lawrence Stroll, Board Room, 10:30am.• Ninefif-TEENMinyanfor boys and girls in grades 5 - 12, led by Rabbi Shalom Yosef Horowitz, Conference Room, 9:15am. • NCSYShaloshSeudosfor High Schoolers, led by Rabbi Chaim Neiditch, between Mincha & Maariv, Carson Room. • ShaloshSeudosforGrades5-8,between Mincha & Maariv, Youth Lounge. • FatherSonLearning, 5:30 - 6:30pm, Kollel Beis Medrash, followed by popcorn and drinks. Sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 613.

Shabbos Classes(Brought to you by Beth Jacob and Atlanta Scholars Kollel)

• DafYomi,Rabbi Reuven Stein, one hour before mincha, Kollel, for men. • ShabbosMorningChumashShiur, Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, 8:30am, Main Shul, for men & women. • ShabbosShiurforMen,Rabbi Doniel Pransky,10:45am, Kollel. • 12MinuteHalacha,Rabbi Binyomin Sloviter, following the 9:00am Minyan Kiddush, for men & women.

Erev ShabbosFRIDAY,OCTOBER9Mincha, MS...........................6:50pm Candlelighting......................6:53pm

ShabbosOCTOBER10ShacharisEarly Minyan, K ...................8:00amMain Minyan, MS ................9:00am9:00 Minyan, DM .................9:00amNine fif-TEEN Minyan, CR....9:15amAdult Beginners, CS...........10:00amMinchaEarly Mincha, DM ................5:00pmMincha, MS .........................6:30pmMaarivShabbos ends/Maariv, MS...7:45pmLate Maariv, K.......................7:55pm

Weekday WEEKOFOCTOBER11-16Shacharis Sunday.........................7:00/8:00/9:00am Monday, DM/K/DM.....6:50/7:30/8:00am *Tues & Wed, DM/K/DM..6:40/7:30/8:00am (*Rosh Chodesh) Thurs, DM/K/DM.........6:50/7:30/8:00am Fri, DM/K/DM..............7:00/7:30/8:00amMinchaSun, K/DM ..................2:15/6:45pm Mon - Thurs, K.....................2:30pmMon - Thurs, DM.................6:45pmMaarivSun - Thurs, DM.........following MinchaSun - Thurs, DM ..................9:00pmSun - Thurs, K ......................9:45pm

Next ShabbosFRIDAY,OCTOBER16Mincha, MS..............................6:40pm Candlelighting.........................6:44pm

(CS) Carson Room, (CR) Conference Room, (BR) Board Room, (DM) Daily Minyan, (K) Kollel, (MS) Main Shul

Ilan D. Feldman, Rabbi • Yechezkel Freundlich, Associate Rabbi Dr. Emanuel Feldman, Rabbi Emeritus

Harvey Steele, Executive Director • Larry Beck, PresidentMindy Tanenbaum, Preschool Director

Jodi Wittenberg & Tzippy Teller, Co-Presidents, Sisterhood1855 LaVista Road Atlanta, GA 30329 • (404) 633-0551 • Fax (404) 320-7912

www.bethjacobatlanta.orgThis Shabbos flyer is brought to you in loving memory of Marlene Mendel, z”l.

Her light does not go out at night. - Prov. 31

Good Shabbos and Welcome!PARSHASBEREISHIS

OCTOBER10,2015•27TISHREI5776TorahReading: page 2 Haftarah: page 1130

RoshChodeshCheshvanThis Shabbos we will bless the new month of Cheshvan. The molad

(birth of the new month) will be Tuesday, October 13, 5:51am and 10 chalakim (one-eighteenth of a minute). Rosh Chodesh will be Tuesday

and Wednesday, October 13 and 14.

Mazal Tov to

• RabbiMenashe&RandeeGoldbergeron the engagement of their son Yaakov to Bracha Rissel Leff, daughter of Rabbi Zalman & Gittie Leff of Boston. The Goldbergers invite the community to a vort this Motzai Shabbos, 9:30 – 11:30 pm at their home, 1725 North Holly Lane.• Rick&RobinHalpern on the engagement of their son Dovi to Rivka Haimowitz, daughter of Yossi & Sheryl Haimowitz of Baltimore. The Halperns invite the community to a vort at their home this Motzei Shabbos, 9:00pm, 1291 Kittredge Court.

Thank You to Our Donors!

KIDDUSHSPONSORAndrew&SydneyLewis are sponsoring Kiddush this week to mark the 18th anniversary of the brief visit to this world of their daughter Ruchama’s soul, 2 Cheshvan 5758. NORMANRAABKIDDUSHFUND• Abe&FayeEsralin memory of Abe’s sister, Mary Alhadeff, z”l. • CaroleFeinberg in memory of her mother Sabina Glick, z”l. • RegineRosenfelder in memory of her beloved husband John Rosenfelder, Arie ben Eliazar, z”l. • DavidKam in memory of his father Harold Kam, z”l. • Michael&BetsyCenker in honor of Zalman&LeahShifrin. • RabbiMordechai&NaomiCohen in honor of his being Chosson Torah, in honor of ScottItaliaander and David&KerryGreene. • RabbiYechezkel&RifkiFreundlich in honor of his being Chosson Bereishis, in appreciation of all who made this possible. • Ephraim(Effie)Eidex to thank the Beth Jacob community for helping to send him to Camp HASC. KOLLELKIDDUSH• Shmuel&LaurieRashkinin honor of the upcoming marriage of their son Ari to RuthieElon. HOLIDAYDONATIONS• ZahavaKurlanddonated beautiful flower bouquets to grace our lobby throughout Sukkos. • BJPreschoolMorahsandStudents created beautiful decorations to enhance our Sukkah.

Upcoming Classes & Events

• ThisShabbos!RoshChodeshShiurforWomenwithMrs.RifkiFreundlich.5pm, home of Kerry Greene, 1477 Biltmore Drive. • ASK&DavidWeinsteinPresentKenSpiro&the7WondersofJewishHistory, Sunday, October 11, 4 - 6:30pm, AJA. • RabbiYitzchokTendler’sJewishPotpourriClass, Wednesdays, 12 - 1pm, beginning October 14, Carson Room, for men and women. This class with explore the Torah portion of the week, journey into the history of our People, and cover topics related to upcoming holidays.• GreatBigChallahBake&ShabbosProject: Reach out to friends, relatives and neighbors to participate in this year’s Shabbos Project. To join the effort, contact Rabbi Yitzchok Tendler. For info on the Challah Bake, contact Sarah Faygie Berkowitz. • BENA/BJPresents“BuildingBlocksofEmunah:TheInsideandOutsideLifeoftheBelievingJew”withMrs.MiriamFeldman, Tuesday October 20, 27 & Nov. 3, 10 & 17, for women. This interactive workshop is based on the formal “Foundations” curriculum and the Five Neshama Principles. Each class is an actual building block which will stand on the previous class; consistent attendance will maximize your experience. Register with ASK (nominal supply fee). • LaunchofMondayNight“HeadlinesinHalachah” series, Monday night October 26, 8 - 9:15pm, Heritage Hall, for men and women. Led by Rabbi Ilan Feldman and Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich and joined by Rabbis from ASK and YOY, AJA and others to discuss current events through the prism of Halacha.

News & Updates• RabbiDonielPransky’sRedemptionClass will resume this Sunday, October 11, 7 - 8pm, Kollel Franco Room, for men and women. • RabbiDonielPransky’sAdvancedNaviClass resumes Wednesday, October 14, 8 - 9pm, Kollel Franco Room, for women. • RabbiYechezkelFreundlich’sChumashClass has resumed, Wednesday evenings, 9pm, Carson Room, for women. • DiscussionPanelonCityhood&Safety, Thursday October 15th, 7pm, Heritage Hall. Hear from panelists including Dunwoody Chief of Police Billy Grogan, Brookhaven Chief of Police Gary Yandura, Dr. Robert Friedman, professor of criminal justice at GSU, a senior Dunwoody Police Detective and a senior City of Atlanta officer.• ShabbosProjectBJShabbosBooklet: In connection with the Worldwide Shabbos Project, Beth Jacob is collecting essays from you, our members, reflecting on your unique Shabbos experiences and how Shabbos has impacted your lives. Send submissions to Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich by October 18.

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