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Efficient melting incoreless induction furnaces








E 50


This Guide is No. 50 (revised) in the Good Practice Guide Series and provides advice on practicalways of improving the energy efficiency of coreless induction furnaces in ferrous foundries. Itreviews the various factors that affect energy efficiency, from selection of the furnace andsuitability of raw materials, through to charging, operation and control. The importance of energymanagement is highlighted, and information on environmental and safety considerations isprovided.

Prepared for the Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme by:

ETSUHarwellDidcotOxfordshireOX11 0RA

© Crown copyrightRevised and reprinted February 2000









Copies of these Guides may be obtained from:

Energy Efficiency Enquiries BureauETSUHarwellDidcotOxfordshireOX11 0RAFax No: 01235 433066Helpline Tel No: 0800 585794Helpline E-mail:

Overseas customers please remit £3 per copy (minimum of £6) with order to cover cost ofpackaging and posting. Please make cheques, drafts or money orders payable to ETSU.


This Guide is part of a series produced by the Government under the Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme. The aimof the programme is to advance and spread good practice in energy efficiency by providing independent, authoritative adviceand information on good energy efficiency practices. Best Practice is a collaborative programme targeted towards energyusers and decision makers in industry, the commercial and public sectors, and building sectors including housing. Itcomprises four inter-related elements identified by colour-coded strips for easy reference:

— Energy Consumption Guides:(blue) energy consumption data to enable users to establish their relative energyefficiency performance;

— Good Practice Guides: (red) andCase Studies: (mustard) independent information on proven energy-savingmeasures and techniques and what they are achieving;

— New Practice projects:(light green) independent monitoring of new energy efficiency measures which do not yetenjoy a wide market;

— Future Practice R&D support:(purple) help to develop tomorrow’s energy efficiency good practice measures.

If you would like any further information on this document, or on the Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme, pleasecontact the Environment and Energy Helpline on 0800 585794. Alternatively, you may contact your local service deliverer– see contact details below.

ENGLANDLondonGovt Office for London6th FloorRiverwalk House157-161 MillbankLondonSW1P 4RRTel 020 7217 3435

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WALESBusiness and Environment BranchNational Assembly for WalesCathays ParkCardiffCF10 3NQTel 029 2082 5172


A recent Energy Consumption Guide1 published by the Energy Efficiency Best PracticeProgramme indicated that, in 1998, the UK ferrous foundry industry consumed 4.55 million TWhof delivered energy, valued at £102 million, in producing 1.4 million tonnes of iron castings and100,000 tonnes of steel castings. As much as 65% of this energy was utilised in the melting andholding of molten metal.

In recent years there has been a continuing move away from cupola to electrical inductionmelting, primarily to enable foundries to produce a wider range of alloys more readily and tohelp them to meet increasing environmental legislation.

Currently, over 50% of iron castings are made from metal melted by electrical induction, and allsteel castings are produced from metal melted either by electrical induction or in arc furnaces.

The objective of this Good Practice Guide is to review the operating procedures for corelessinduction furnaces which have a bearing on the energy consumption per tonne of metal melted.Undoubtedly, attention to good operating practices can reduce the energy costs for melting ironin the majority of foundries. Some of the key messages from this Guide include:

• The first requirement when endeavouring to improve energy consumption is to quantify theamount of energy used and metal charged. Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for corelessfurnaces to be operated without energy consumption being measured, either because metersare not fitted or because usage is not monitored.

• The condition of the feedstock can make a substantial difference to the energy needed to meltit. If unsuitable materials are used, an investigation will verify whether any hidden costsoutweigh the apparent savings achieved by purchasing cheaper raw material.

• Furnaces are more efficient in their use of energy when they are operated at maximum powerinput levels; optimum results are obtained when the available power can be fully utilised forthe largest proportion of the melting cycle.

• Excessive superheating or long holding times at high temperature is wasteful and can lead tometallurgical problems.

• The use of furnace lids assists in conserving energy, although badly fitting lids and theirunnecessary or prolonged opening can have an adverse effect on costs.

This Guide represents the current state of knowledge of melting iron in coreless inductionfurnaces. When the previous version of this Guide was produced in 1992, many foundriesoperated mains frequency (50 Hz) furnaces. However, since its publication, coreless furnacesoperating at medium frequency rather than mains frequency now predominate, particularly formelting purposes, and it is anticipated that this situation will continue for the foreseeable future.

1 ECG 48, Energy consumption in ferrous foundries (second edition),1999


Section Page No.

1. INTRODUCTION 11.1 Overview 1

2. BACKGROUND 22.1 The Coreless Induction Furnace 2

2.1.1 Description 22.1.2 Mains and Medium Frequency 22.1.3 Principles of Operation 3

2.2 Energy Consumption in Iron Foundries Melting by Induction 6


4. SELECTION OF NEW CORELESS MELTING PLANT 114.1 General 114.2 Important Furnace Design Characteristics 12

4.2.1 Mains vs. Medium Frequency 124.2.2 Influence of Furnace Capacity and Power Density 134.2.3 Automatic Power Control and Monitoring 144.2.4 Optimising Furnace Design 14


5.1 Overview 165.2 Condition of Charge Metallics 16

5.2.1 Cleanliness 165.2.2 Size 175.2.3 Additional Materials 175.2.4 Storage 17

5.3 Furnace Charging Techniques 19

6. FURNACE OPERATION AND CONTROL 226.1 Overview 226.2 Efficient Melt Scheduling 226.3 Metering Energy Usage 226.4 Computer Control of Furnace Operation 226.5 Control of Chemical Composition 246.6 Temperature Control 246.7 Slag Removal 256.8 Holding Molten Iron 25

7. FURNACE LINING PRACTICE 277.1 Overview 277.2 Coil Protection 277.3 Crucible Material 277.4 Lining Performance 277.5 Lining Removal 28

8. ENERGY MANAGEMENT 308.1 Overview 308.2 Factors Influencing Output and Energy Consumption 308.3 Electricity Charges 328.4 Power Factor 338.5 Casting Yield 33

Section Page No.


10. WASTE HEAT UTILISATION 3510.1 General 3510.2 Drying Raw Materials 35



A1.1 Furnace Design 37A1.2 Power Supplies 37A1.3 Penetration Depth of Induced Current 38

APPENDIX 2 SAFETY 39A.2.1 General Hazards and Precautions 39A.2.2 Hazards Associated with Induction Melting 39

Page No.


Fig 1 Typical arrangement for a coreless induction melting furnace 2

Fig 2 Relationship between melting rate and furnace capacity(manufacturers’ quoted data) 3

Fig 3 Stirring action generated by magnetic field 4

Fig 4 Power sharing arrangement 5

Fig 5 Basic electric circuit for a medium frequency coreless furnace 6

Fig 6 Energy cost of melting vs. throughput 7

Fig 7 Typical energy usage in a large iron foundry 7

Fig 8 Typical energy usage in a small iron foundry 8

Figs 9a and 9b Relationship between power density and furnace size 12

Fig 10 Effect of power density on energy consumption 13

Fig 11 Energy consumption for holding iron in coreless furnaces ofvarious capacities 13

Fig 12 Energy losses in a mains frequency coreless furnace(Sankey diagram) 14

Fig 13 Vibratory charging machine 20

Fig 14 Furnace status screen 23

Fig 15 Power supply screen 23

Fig 16 Cooling water temperature screen 24

Fig 17 Back-tilting facility for de-slagging 25

Fig 18 Lining push-out arrangement 28

Fig 19 Pre-formed crucible 29

Fig 20 Actual melting rates in medium frequency furnaces 30

Fig 21 Influence of tapping frequency on melting performance 32

Fig 22 Circuit diagram of a parallel inverter 37

Fig 23 Circuit diagram of a series inverter 38


Table 1 Key messages - action list 9

Table 2 Effect of rusty scrap charge on energy consumption 16

Table 3 The effect of inadequate raw material control on iron castings quality 18

Table 4 Effectiveness of furnace lids on radiated heat losses 19

Table 5 Effect of lining performance 28

Table 6 Energy consumption in coreless induction furnaces under optimum and practical operating conditions 31



Typically, the melting department accounts for more than half the total energy costs for theoperation of an iron foundry.

A modern, coreless furnace can melt a tonne of iron and raise the temperature of the liquid metalto 1,450°C using less than 600 kWh of electricity. However, in practice, only a few foundriesachieve this level of energy consumption on a week-by-week basis, while others use as much as1,000 kWh for every tonne of iron produced. Although prevailing circumstances in manyfoundries can restrict the scope for good energy management, almost all coreless meltingoperations could be improved to give a worthwhile saving in energy costs.

Energy Consumption Guide 48, Energy consumption in ferrous foundries, was updated in 1999.The wide range of specific energy consumption (SEC) values reported in the meltingdepartments of the foundries surveyed indicates considerable potential for reducing energyusage. If the energy costs of electric melting and holding were reduced by 10%, the averageoperating cost of manufacture would decrease by approximately £7.70 per tonne. This wouldhave an immediate and positive influence on profitability. For many foundries these levels ofsavings should be possible.

This Guide reviews factors that influence energy efficiency, namely the correct selection ofmelting unit, suitability of raw materials, effective charging, and optimum furnace operation andcontrol. Advice is given on furnace lining practice and monitoring refractory performance. Theimportance of energy management and its relationship to furnace design, coil geometry, liningconstruction, power supply, power factor correction, and so on, is highlighted. Finally,information on environmental and safety considerations is provided.

1.1 Overview

This Guide outlines the thought process associated with buying and specifying a corelessinduction melt unit for a foundry, then actually installing and operating one. Each step can havean impact on the foundry’s energy consumption and costs. Covering the following key points,this Guide provides advice on performing tasks in the most energy efficient manner:

1. Should electrical induction melting be considered? Is it right for the likely output and productmix from the foundry, taking into consideration factors such as: the need for flexibility;emission control; energy and other running costs; maintenance; and local conditions?

2. Correct specification - what is the optimum unit size and type, taking into account throughput,range of metals, likely future demands, etc.? This is covered in Sections 3 and 4.Specification is very important: as with many electrically-powered items, the cost ofelectricity consumed over a typical lifetime can be many times more than the original outlay.Specifying and using an inappropriate induction melting unit can prove a false economy.

3. Correct use - once the foundry has specified and installed an induction melting unit, how bestto operate it? Control of melting, through best operating practices, the importance of metaland optimising scheduling to fit in with rest of foundry are all crucial to efficient operation.These topics, and more, are covered in Sections 5, 6 and 8.

4. What are the key considerations concerning maintenance, repair and replacement - includinglining, lids, cooling water, etc.? Guidance is given in Section 7.

5. Can the foundry do something with the waste heat from the units? Some ideas are given inSection 10.


2.1 The Coreless Induction Furnace

2.1.1 DescriptionMost coreless induction furnaces consist of a robust steel shell that is mounted on trunnions andfitted with a mechanism for tilting, usually by hydraulic power (Fig 1); however, some furnacebodies are of open frame or concrete block construction. The furnace normally comprises acylindrical refractory, the top of which is open for charging and de-slagging operations. A spiral,water-cooled electrical coil is mounted within the body shell. On all but the smallest furnaces,a refractory-lined swing lid is provided to reduce heat losses from the surface of the liquid metal;many units employ this facility to extract the fume and particulate generated.

Molten metal is transferred from an induction furnace into ladles, launders, etc., by tilting thefurnace on its trunnions. The trunnions are normally fitted at the front of the furnace body inline with the pouring lip. The tilting mechanism is usually hydraulically powered.

A more detailed description of such furnaces is given in Appendix 1.

2.1.2 Mains and Medium FrequencyThere are two main groups of coreless furnace, classified by the frequency of the alternatingcurrent applied:

• mains (or line) frequency furnaces which are normally operated at 50 Hz;• medium frequency furnaces which may be operated from 150 Hz (triple line frequencies) up

to 1,500 Hz.

Presently, furnaces operating in the 250 - 1,000 Hz range are the most popular.


Fig 1 Typical arrangement for a coreless induction melting furnace




Furnace lid

Coil supportframe

Tilt cradle



Pivot point

Water-cooledcopper coil


Metal flow

The frequency of the current in the coil markedly affects the operating characteristics of thefurnace.

• Mains frequency furnaces,when started from cold, require starter blocks (which normallyhave to be specially cast) and generally operate with a liquid heel equivalent to one-thirdcapacity. This type of unit naturally produces a stirring action that results in betterassimilation of additions to the molten metal, particularly carburising agents. However, theaction imposes limitations on both furnace size and the power applied to the coil (to avoidliquid metal ejection and excessive lining erosion).

Power density is generally limited to 200 - 300 kW per tonne of furnace capacity and, ifmaximum power is to be drawn, a molten heel equivalent to two-thirds capacity must bemaintained. Heat loss to the cooling water lies in the range of 20 - 30% of that generated.

• Medium frequency furnacescan be readily started from cold using a scrap charge, with theadvantage that this allows rapid changeover of composition. The stirring action obtained issignificantly less than in mains frequency furnaces, but greater in high power density, lowfrequency units.

High power densities of up to 1,000 kW per tonne of furnace capacity are employed andhourly melting rates equivalent to the furnace capacity at 100% utilisation are achievable, i.e.a full furnace of molten iron can be produced within one hour (Fig 2). The higher output,compared with mains frequency units for a given size of furnace (typically a 3:1 ratio), mayreduce the space required for a particular melting plant.

2.1.3 Principles of OperationAn induction furnace operates on a similar principle to a transformer, i.e. the induction coil actsas a primary coil, having many turns, and the charge acts as a secondary coil, with only a singleturn. When an alternating current is applied to the induction coil of a furnace, a significantlylarger current is induced in the metallic charge materials.


Fig 2 Relationship between melting rate and furnace capacity (manufacturers’ quoted data)

Medium frequency

Mains frequency








00 5 10 15 20 25






Furnace capacity (t)

The resistance to the passage of the induced current within the furnace charge causes the chargeto heat up until it eventually melts. Once the metal is molten the magnetic field generated createsa stirring action (Fig 3) in the bath, producing both homogenisation of the chemical compositionand assimilation of any bath additions.

The flow of current through the induction coil generates heat in the coil itself. Heat is alsoconducted through the furnace refractory from the molten metal contained in the crucible.Efficient water-cooling is crucial to prevent the coil overheating and potential failure. Water-cooling systems are, therefore, designed to provide reliability, with several separate water-cooling circuits installed at the coil, each fitted with thermostats and a means to verify the flowof coolant. Because the safe operation of the furnace is of the utmost importance, manufacturershave devised various sensing systems that provide warning if liquid metal is penetrating thecrucible refractory to a critical level.

The simplest arrangement for a unit is a single-furnace, power pack combination. This is theleast expensive option and minimises running costs. As electric furnaces are batch melters, asingle-furnace plant is only suitable for jobbing applications where iron is tapped-off as andwhen required. Where metal is required continuously to feed one or more moulding tracks, amulti-furnace installation is necessary. For example, with two furnaces, one will be in themelting mode while the second will be holding and dispensing metal for pouring. The powerrating selected will ensure that the hourly metal output from the furnace plant matches thepractical hourly metal demand from the foundry.

A two-furnace installation will have a single power pack and either a changeover switch (withconventional equipment) or, in more modern plants, ‘power sharing’ facilities (Fig 4). In theconventional unit, the changeover facility allows power to be applied to either furnace, asrequired. With power sharing, however, the total power available can be allocated to each furnacein any proportion from 100 - 0%. For example, one furnace could be run at full power, with nopower being applied to the second furnace, or both furnaces could be run at holding power levels.The holding furnace power setting always dominates the control system, so the remaining poweris then available for the melting furnace. Because holding power can be applied continuously to


Fig 3 Stirring action generated by magnetic field



Movementof metal

Primarycurrentin coil

Secondarycurrentin metal

the pouring furnace, precise control of metal temperature is maintained. With the power sharingapproach, production output can be increased by as much as 20% and, unlike single output powerunits, there is no need for mechanical switching or a second power pack.

A further benefit of power sharing is its ability to sinter or cold-start two furnaces at the sametime, or to sinter one furnace while melting in the other. This reduces production downtime andincreases system output. The technology also allows full-rated power to be directed to onefurnace by completely isolating the other during maintenance or lining changes.

A single, dual output power unit not only provides the batch production capability of twoseparate power supplies, but also:

• offers a significant saving in installation and maintenance costs;• requires less space;• offers a level of equipment utilisation approaching 100%, because it is designed to use its full

power capability throughout the batch-melting cycle.

In general, it provides the minimum investment per tonne of metal poured. Many units of thistype are operating worldwide, with power packs rated from 500 kW to 12.5 MW, the largerfurnaces providing metal throughput in excess of 20 tonnes per hour.

Fig 5 shows the circuit for a medium frequency coreless induction-melting furnace.

An induction furnace is a highly inductive, single-phase load and hence, without correction, avery low power factor would apply. In ac circuits where there is a coil, the voltage and currentcan be ‘out of phase’, the difference being known as the power factor. A low power factor causesmore current to be drawn from the supply than is necessary for the power required.

Real power (kW) = volts x amps x power factor

Power factor = Real power (kW)Apparent power (kVA)


Fig 4 Power sharing arrangement









The development of solid-state frequency multiplying devices enables variable frequency outputin the medium frequency range. A frequency converter consists of:

• a rectifier to convert ac current from the mains to dc;• an inverter to reconvert the dc current to a single-phase medium frequency ac current;• a bank of tuning capacitors.

Output frequency and voltage are controlled automatically to match the resonant frequency ofthe furnace circuit, so the need to change capacitors is eliminated.

Further information on the principles of electrical induction melting is given in Appendix 1.

2.2 Energy Consumption in Iron Foundries Melting by Induction

Energy Consumption Guide 48, Energy consumption in ferrous foundries (second edition),shows that UK foundries using only electric furnaces for melting produced some 44% (621,000tonnes) of the iron castings made in 1998, consuming 1.7 TWh of delivered energy at a total costof £48 million, i.e. £77 per tonne.

Many foundries use both electrical induction and coke cupolas for melting. The total quantityof iron castings produced from induction melt units is estimated as between 750 - 800,000 tonnesper year.

In recent years there has been a considerable move from cupolas to electrical induction furnaces.Reasons for this include the desire of many small or medium-sized foundries to be able toproduce a wider range of cast metals, and the greater ease of meeting environmental limits.While energy costs tend to be higher than for cupola melting, other costs, e.g. labour and rawmaterials, are frequently much lower.

Fig 6 indicates that, in general, the greater the throughput of iron, the lower the energy cost pertonne of metal melted.

The wide spread of figures can be attributed to the different circumstances of each foundry; theydiffer not only in size, but also in products, raw materials, processes, shift patterns and so on.Nevertheless, every foundry should check its energy usage, plot it on Fig 6, and question its ownprocedures if the value appears high.


Fig 5 Basic electric circuit for a medium frequency coreless furnace





Power converter


Variable frequencycurrent



Currently, very few foundries have installed adequate sub-metering to allow the energy usage byindividual sections or items of plant to be measured, recorded and controlled. It is, therefore,impossible to arrive at ‘industry norms’. Figs 7 and 8 indicate the distribution of energy coststhat might be expected in iron foundries, relating to both a large, mechanised plant and also asmaller foundry using chemically-bonded sand respectively.

Fig 6 Energy cost of melting vs. throughput






00 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000

Good castings per annum (tonnes)






ne (£


Fig 7 Typical energy usage in a large iron foundry




Melting, holding andpouring metal



Heat and light3%



Moulding andcoremaking



Fig 8 Typical energy usage in a small iron foundry




Melting, holding andpouring metal



Heat and light3%



Moulding andcoremaking




Achieving efficient operation of coreless induction furnaces depends largely on implementationof good operating practices. It is important that the original specification of furnacerequirements is sufficiently detailed to enable the correct selection to be made, and energyefficient operating practices to be developed.

Table 1 lists action points that should be considered when specifying a furnace, and deriving andimplementing sound operating practices. All provide useful energy efficiency advice - the moreimportant considerations are marked with a double tick (✔✔). Detailed advice is given in thesubsequent sections of this Guide.

Table 1 Key messages - action list

Area Energy efficient advice Value

Selection When planning the purchase of new coreless melting plant, ✔✔specify to minimise running costs, particularly with regard toenergy. Capacity, power density and frequency all have asignificant impact on specific energy consumption (SEC).

Optimum Retain the optimum size of molten heel in a mains frequency ✔utilisation coreless furnace. Compared with a 33% heel retention, a 67%

heel could typically give a 5% saving in energy usage.

Arrange melting programmes to reduce the number of cold starts.✔✔The refractory lining has a high thermal mass. Melting with a coldfurnace can require 10% more energy than melting with a hot start.

At the end of the day, place metals into the hot furnace and close✔the lid. This allows them to absorb sensible heat during thenight, thereby reducing the energy required for the first melt onthe following morning.

Use clean charge materials, which inherently require less energy✔✔to melt. If dirty feedstock is to be used, check that savings inmetal purchase costs outweigh the hidden, extra melting costs.

When charging furnaces during the melting cycle, carry out the✔operations as quickly as possible. Avoid protracted delays whilethe furnace lid is held open or the power turned down. Goodcharging facilities and good procedures are essential.

Melting and Always melt down with the maximum permissible power input✔de-slagging level applied throughout the cycle. The longer it takes to

accomplish the melt down, the higher the SEC.

Carry out de-slagging as quickly as possible. ✔

Ensure that the furnace lid fits well and is kept closed, except ✔✔when access to the bath is essential. Furnace lids are importantif long holding periods are used.

Develop an appropriate, individual policy regarding slag. Slag✔build-up and lining erosion due to slag attack will affect SEC.

Do not raise the temperature of the liquid metal in the furnace✔✔more than is absolutely necessary. Unnecessary superheating ofmetal wastes energy and may introduce metallurgical problems.


Table 1 Key messages - action list (continued)

Area Energy efficient advice Value

Holding Strictly monitor any delays arising when metal is verified for ✔✔composition and adjustments made. Efficient organisation offacilities and procedures for analysis and compositionadjustment is recommended.

Always minimise the time spent holding metal at temperature.✔

Co-ordinate timing with all other foundry activities, particularly ✔✔in jobbing foundries, so that furnaces containing liquid metal arenot kept waiting while ladles or moulds are prepared for pouring. In addition to increasing energy consumption, holding molteniron can adversely affect nucleation if the carbon level of theiron drops.

Metering Always meter electricity consumption and relate it to furnace ✔✔and control throughput. Use of automatic control, available on modern

furnaces, enables the operator to pre-select the amount of energyrequired for melting or holding, thereby decreasing thepossibility of excessive energy input.

Provide either on-load stepless power control or a hold power ✔contactor as an alternative to the traditional off-load tap charger,to improve SEC when operating a tap and charge procedure.

Power factor Test the capacitors if the furnace is an old installation. A poor✔✔power factor can both increase electricity costs and reducemelting rates. Capacitor banks can deteriorate with age.

Extraction Use efficiently designed extraction facilities and switch them off✔units as soon as melting operations have ceased. Ventilation of fume

and dust from coreless melting operations involves power usagein addition to that consumed for melting.

Heat Consider any practical applications for the waste heat in the ✔recovery furnace cooling water.


4.1 General

The specification of furnace requirements is very important and should be considered carefully.As with many electrically powered items, the cost of electricity consumed over a typical 10 - 20year lifetime can be many times more than the original outlay. Thus, specifying and using aninappropriate induction melt unit can prove to be a false economy.

When a foundry is contemplating the purchase of new or second-hand coreless melting furnacesand preparing an equipment specification, it provides a useful opportunity for giving seriousconsideration to ways of achieving good energy efficiency and, hence, achieving lowestoperating costs. Although energy efficiency is only one of many aspects that have to be takeninto account, it deserves to be a priority issue. In the long term, the operating costs are likely tobe more important than the initial capital costs.

For example, a new 5-tonne capacity medium frequency melt unit would cost between £500,000and £800,000 (depending on the complexity, building works and additional power requirements).However, over a 15-year, ‘typical’ life it would consume in excess of £4 million of electricity (tomelt 8,000 tonnes of iron per year at 700 kWh/t and 5 p/kWh). Therefore, specifying, installingand correctly using a suitable, efficient unit will have a significant impact on the total cost ofinstalling and operating an electrical induction unit over its lifetime.

Correct specification involves the following key actions.

1. The first, and often most difficult step, is to establish a realistic estimate of the futurerequirements for the melting unit, based on various types of metal. An underestimation of themelting capacity required will lead to a restricted castings output. However, excessivemelting capacity will require unnecessary capital investment and more floor space, and willoffer a less efficient energy utilisation.

2. The next key issue is to decide the quantity of molten metal that will be required and thefrequency of delivery, as this has an obvious bearing on the selection of melting rates,capacity and operating requirements of the furnaces. The types of metal to be melted, pouringtemperatures, raw materials, and the control, verification and adjustment of composition, allneed to be considered in detail. A role for duplexing or requirements for holding should beexamined, and the electricity tariff arrangements explored.

3. At this stage, satisfactory charging arrangements, stockyard facilities, safety considerations,de-slagging operations, renewal of furnace linings, and dust and fume control should beconsidered. Efficient charging methods not only minimise labour requirements but alsoreduce specific energy usage because the time for which the furnace lid is open is reduced tothe minimum.

4. Comprehensive discussions should then take place with furnace manufacturers and electricitysupply company representatives to prepare plant specifications that will fulfil the anticipatedrequirements at optimum capital costs and offer good energy utilisation. If practical, thepossibility of using automatic pouring plant, which can be very energy efficient, should alsobe considered.

Modern medium frequency furnaces powered by solid-state thyristor controlled inverters arenow selected for virtually all applications. These units operate at frequencies typically from 250to 1,000 Hz and are readily capable of melting from a cold start.


4.2 Important Furnace Design Characteristics

4.2.1 Mains vs. Medium FrequencyAs furnace capacity increases, the power that can be applied also increases. Figs 9a and 9b showa manufacturer’s quoted data for mains and medium frequency furnaces respectively. Mediumfrequency furnaces rated at 600 - 1000 kW/tonne are typical, but it is unusual to have mainsfrequency units rated higher than 300 kW/tonne because of the excessive stirring actionproduced. The wide scatter of results indicates the diverse operational practices employed byfoundries and highlights scope for improvement.

Based on a power factor of 0.9, the industry averages for the power densities developed by mainsfrequency and medium frequency furnaces are 204 kWh/tonne and 584 kWh/tonne respectively.Because power density generally decreases as furnace capacity increases, and assumingoptimum melt conditions, a medium frequency furnace will melt 100% of its crucible capacityin one hour, compared with approximately 40% for a mains frequency unit. Furthermore, theenergy consumption of an inverter-powered medium frequency furnace is typically 10 - 20% lessthan that of a mains frequency unit.

The benefits of a medium frequency power supply for both enhanced melting performance andenergy efficiency have been highlighted, but it should be noted that an increase in frequencyresults in a decrease in the stirring action produced in the molten metal bath. This makes it moredifficult to assimilate additions, such as carburisers, into the melt unless sufficient power isapplied. The application of intermediate frequencies (150 - 250 Hz) may be of benefit in suchcases, as the stirring characteristics will be improved without the need for very high powerdensities and the consequent risk of lining problems.





















00 25 10 15 20 25 30 4 6

Furnace capacity (t)Furnace capacity (t)


Fig 9a Relationship between power density andfurnace size for mains frequency furnaces (50 Hz)

Fig 9b Relationship betweenpower density and furnace sizefor medium frequency furnaces

4.2.2 Influence of Furnace Capacity and Power DensityFurnace capacity, frequency and power density have a significant influence on melting and holdingperformance and also on the energy consumption per tonne of metal melted (Figs 10 and 11).

Power density and the capacity of a particular furnace will influence SEC, whether the furnaceis used for melting or holding. However, in both cases, the larger the furnace capacity the lowerthe SEC.


Fig 10 Effect of power density on energy consumption












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50

Furnace capacity (t)

50 kW/t

100 kW/t

150 kW/t

200 kW/t

250 kW/t

300 kW/t

Fig 11 Energy consumption for holding iron in coreless furnaces of various capacities





00 2 4 6 8 10

Furnace capacity (t)



g p





4.2.3 Automatic Power Control and MonitoringMany modern furnaces are fitted with control equipment that enables the operator to pre-selectthe amount of energy required for melting or holding - only this amount is supplied, irrespectiveof the furnace conditions. The use of such equipment, which either switches off power to thefurnaces completely or reduces it to a lower level, clearly decreases the risk of excessive energyconsumption and, consequently, reduces the risk of lining erosion due to any oversight by thefurnace operator.

Modern furnace plant can be purchased with melt control computers that, in addition to thefunction described above, can provide other useful information and facilities (see Section 6.4).

4.2.4 Optimising Furnace DesignThe Sankey diagram (Fig 12) shows that 20 - 30% of electrical energy supplied to a corelessfurnace is absorbed by the cooling water system. There has been considerable effort to improvethe efficiency of coil design and refractory lining construction to reduce these losses.

Fig 12 Energy losses in a mains frequency coreless furnace (Sankey diagram)



Total energysupplied 100%

Transmissionlosses 3-5%

Radiation losseswithout lid 6-8%

Coil losses17-23%

Lining-conductedheat losses 3-10%

Useful energy62-75%

Mostlyabsorbedby cooling


As the coil and crucible diameters increase, the area of exposed metal surface also increases, alongwith heat losses through the lid. In addition, the larger the furnace diameter the more difficult itbecomes to de-slag, increasing operator discomfort from greater heat exposure. However, thelarger the furnace diameter the more readily it can be charged, decreasing the risk of chargebridging or damage to the top of the crucible refractory lining. When considering the ‘optimum’crucible there will always be a trade-off between energy efficiency and ease of operation.

A major heat loss to the cooling water system of coreless induction furnaces is via conductionthrough the refractory lining. This loss is governed largely by the surface area of the bath incontact with the crucible and the dimensions and thermal characteristics of the liningconstruction. The lining thickness can be used to control heat loss, but, as this dimension alsoaffects the coupling between the charge and the coil, power factor values and electricalefficiency, only limited scope for energy conservation is possible. As a furnace lining campaignproceeds, the refractory wears and there is a closer coupling between the induction coil and themetallic charge. This enables the furnace to draw more power, with a consequent improvementin both melting capability and energy consumption values.

The refractory lining of a coreless furnace has a considerable thermal mass that requires asignificant electrical input to bring it to operating temperature each time the furnace is startedfrom cold. Therefore, single-batch melts are less energy efficient than multiple-batch operations.Some foundries back-charge furnaces with cold scrap at the end of a day’s melting campaign, sothat some heat is transferred to the charge. Other operators adopt a policy of ensuring that thelids are well-fitting and sealed at the finish of melting, thereby retaining the maximum amountof heat before recharging.



• The first question that should be asked is, ‘does the foundry want, or need, inductionmelting?’

• If the answer is ‘yes’, then it is important to select a unit that is optimum for the foundry.For this, the foundry operator will need to:– establish metal demand and frequency of demand;– consider the range of alloys to be produced;– assess storage requirements;– examine operational issues, e.g. charging, de-slagging;– evaluate environmental issues;– discuss tariff options with a number of electricity supply companies.


5.1 Overview

The furnace charging practice adopted by a particular melting plant has a considerable influenceon the electrical energy used per tonne of iron melted.

Coreless induction furnaces are usually regarded as ‘dead melting’ units where, effectively, onlyminimal changes in composition occur during the process. For adequate control of chemicalcomposition (in particular, trace element levels) it is, therefore, essential that charge materials becarefully controlled. The physical properties and chemical composition/condition of the materials,e.g. size, bulk density, cleanliness, freedom from rust, scale, oil and other metallic/non-metalliccoatings or attachments, and degree of contamination with residual or trace elements can affect:

• quality of the metal produced;• production rate;• volume of slag produced;• energy consumption;• refractory lining life;• safety of both plant and personnel.

5.2 Condition of Charge Metallics

5.2.1 CleanlinessGenerally, more energy is required to melt rusty or dirty steel scrap, bales with a light bulkdensity and cast iron borings, than clean, dry, chunky steel scrap. This is because the formerlimit the amount of power that can be applied, thereby extending the time required to melt thecharge, as shown in Table 2.

During the melting operation the furnace is constantly losing heat, both to the cooling water andby radiation from the shell and the exposed metal surface. Electrical energy has to be expendedto replace this heat loss; hence, the longer the melting time the greater the inefficiency.

Dirty or contaminated scrap tends to deposit a slag layer on the furnace refractory. This occursat, or just below, the liquid metal level in the crucible and restricts the amount of power that isdrawn by the furnace. The effective reduction in the internal diameter of the furnace may alsomake charging more difficult and protracted, again affecting energy efficiency.

Some furnace operators shot-blast all scrap returns before charging, in an attempt to minimiseslag accumulations on the furnace wall. However, shot blasting is an expensive process andincreases operating costs. To minimise the problems associated with the build-up of slag, manyfoundries operate at a higher metal temperature than is strictly necessary, or undertake anoccasional high temperature melt to reduce the build-up, again increasing energy consumption.


Table 2 Effect of rusty scrap charge on energy consumption

Charge materials Charge weight Melt time to Energy Consumption(kg) 1,500°C (min) (kWh) (kWh/tonne)

Clean steel scrap 250 75 210 840Rusty steel scrap 200 185 270 1,350Rusty steel scrap 275 192 335 1,218


Wet or oily metal must not be charged, unless drying or pre-heating facilities are available, dueto the risk of explosions and the potential for injury and/or damage to the furnace and itsancillary equipment.

For further information on the importance of good material selection, see Good Practice CaseStudy 213, Demonstrating good practice in medium frequency coreless induction furnaces,andFuture Practice Profile 47, Quantifying important factors in iron melting in medium frequencycoreless induction furnaces.

5.2.2 Size Scrap size is particularly important with coreless induction furnaces operating at lowerfrequency. If the packing density is poor, the melting period is extended and the SEC raised.Low bulk density scrap takes longer to charge, further extending the melting period.

With small, manually charged furnaces, charge metal is normally limited to 300 mm in length,although larger dimensions may be acceptable if care is taken to orientate the pieces on charging.When the furnace is dump-charged from a skip or bucket, it is advisable to restrict the length ofany individual piece to one-third of the crucible diameter.

Relatively thin section stock in the form of ‘punchings’ or off-cuts presents very few problems,but material of low density packing may lead to increased oxidation losses and extended melttimes. The use of baled scrap should be avoided in small furnaces and strictly controlled inlarger units. Baled scrap often contains moisture and other undesirable contaminants.

Due to fusion of the material, particulate scrap, e.g. borings, can create ‘bridging’ of the chargeabove the melt, with consequent power reductions and/or stoppages while the obstruction is dealtwith. The use of briquetted borings in electric melting is not recommended due to the severeoxidation that occurs as they enter the melt.

5.2.3 Addition MaterialsCarburisersA wide variety of materials are used in induction furnaces to provide carbon pick-up in moltencast iron. Graphite and petroleum coke are the most popular, the latter being used on commercialgrounds whenever technically acceptable.

Where metal turbulence is high, the rate of carbon solution or recovery is not significantly influencedby the size grading of the carburiser. Where metal stirring is low, assimilation is improved by theuse of a finer carburiser, although material containing significant quantities of very fine particlesshould be avoided due to excessive loss.

Metallurgical silicon carbide (containing 63% silicon and 31% carbon) provides a number ofbenefits. Normally charged early in the melt with the steel scrap, which promotes faster absorption,it acts as a de-oxidiser and is claimed to improve lining life by eliminating or reducing the aggressiveoxides in the charged metals. Compared with most other carburisers, the lower sulphur, hydrogenand nitrogen contents can be beneficial.

Alloying AdditionsA wide range of metal and ferro-alloy additions are used in cast iron production, either as acharge constituent or for trimming purposes.

5.2.4 Storage Effective raw material storage is important for optimum performance from the furnaceequipment. With small, relatively low output plant the situation is comparativelystraightforward, but, nevertheless, requires careful consideration.

• The storage area should be planned to avoid double handling and allow direct discharge fromtrucks and easy unloading of skips, or other containers, by fork lift or overhead crane.

• Raw materials for melting should be stored under cover in clearly defined areas, or in storagebins, to avoid charge make-up problems.


• Where necessary, day storage facilities should be located adjacent to the furnace plant and,where small furnace and manual charging systems are involved, on the platform itself.

• The number of storage bins and their capacity should allow for uninterrupted charging duringthe melting shift and compensate for any period when overhead cranes are unavailable.

The effect of inadequate raw material control on casting quality is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 The effect of inadequate raw material control on iron castings quality

Raw material Examples of lack of control Immediate effect Effect on casting qualityPig iron Required composition not Variable or incorrect Metal not to specification

specified on purchase order metal composition Metal too hard with chillAdvice note information on in free edgeschemical composition not used Metal too softBatches not segregated and Shrinkage-porosity defectidentified in the stockyardNo occasional checking ofcomposition by the laboratoryBatches not used in accordancewith composition

Cast iron scrap Return scrap and bought scrap Charge compositions Metal not to specificationnot segregated by grade not correctSome pieces of scrap too large Bridging and uneven Variable metal temperature

melting and compositionNon-ferrous parts containing lead, Contamination of the aluminium etc., not removed from metal with:bought scrap - aluminium Pinhole defectsDelivery of heavily painted scrap - lead Serious loss of strengthaccepted into stockyard CrackingExcess of vitreous enamelled - boron Chill and increased hardnessscrap in each charge - antimony Increased hardnessGas-works scrap accepted High-sulphur iron Chilled edges and sectionsinto stock Top-surface blowholes

Steel scrap Grade and unwanted contaminants Contamination of the not specified on purchase order metal with:Pieces of sulphur-bearing or - aluminium Pinhole defectsleaded free-cutting steel - sulphur Chill and top-surface Pieces of non-ferrous metal in blowholesbaled/fragmented scrap - lead Serious loss of strengthHeavily painted scrap CrackingPieces of stainless steel - chromium Chill and increased hardnessPieces larger than one-third Bridging and Variable metal temperature cupola diameter uneven melting and composition

Non-ferrous Free-cutting copper scrap Contamination of the alloy scrap containing tellurium metal with:

Nickel/copper alloy scrap - tellurium Chilled sectionscontaining lead and aluminium, - lead Serious loss of strength and leaded-bronze inserts or cracking

- aluminium Pinhole defects

Ferro-alloys Composition and grading Ferro-alloy pieces too Hard-spots on machiningrequirements not adequately large, not dissolvedspecified on purchase orderFailure to check container labels Incorrect materials Metal not to specificationagainst advice note information usedMaterials not clearly labelled orsegregated in the storesMaterials not kept dry Moisture pick-up Pinhole defectsNo laboratory checking of Aluminiummaterials against specification, contaminatione.g. aluminium in ferrosiliconVariations in sulphur/nitrogen Variable content of Chill, or poor graphite content of carburisers sulphur and variation structures

in response toinoculation treatmentVariable content of Fissure defectsnitrogen Variation in tensile

strength and hardness


5.3 Furnace Charging Techniques

Whatever the charging practice employed, the primary aim is to restrict the time the furnace lidis open, thus reducing heat loss and improving SEC. Typical heat losses from a coreless furnaceare shown in the Sankey diagram (Fig 12, page 14).

A well-fitting furnace lid in the closed position will limit the furnace radiation heat loss to about1% of the input power. Table 4 illustrates radiated heat losses (kW) from typical corelessfurnaces of 6-tonne and 10-tonne capacity.

Clearly, it is important that furnace lids are fitted, kept closed whenever possible during melting,and maintained in good condition. In the example in Table 4, the annual cost of waste heat wouldbe £700 in the case of the 6-tonne furnace and £1,300 for the 10-tonne unit.

Charge make-up and charging and melting procedures should ensure that the metal is at thecorrect chemical composition following melt-out and superheating to the required tappingtemperature. This eliminates the need for adjusting the bath analysis by the use of ‘trimmingadditions’, a practice which results in decreased melting performance in terms of melt rates andenergy consumption.

A wide variety of systems may be employed to convey the charge materials from the day bins tothe furnace; these generally include a means of making up and weighing the charges. Thecharging procedures should be designed to prevent damage to the relatively fragile crucible walland to provide maximum safety for personnel and equipment. The free fall of materials, whichmay strike the furnace wall, must be avoided.

Movement of the molten metal in a bath accentuates the hazards associated with the charging ofrusty, damp or oily materials onto a molten heel of metal, especially when power is applied to thefurnace. Controlled charging can be of some benefit, particularly if a layer of dry solid materialis charged first to provide a surface on which the less suitable scrap can lie and be pre-heated.

Bridging of the charges in the furnace must be avoided. The addition of excessive amounts ofcharge to a molten bath can result in the upper part of the charge bridging across the furnace andlosing thermal contact with the pool of molten metal below. This results in excessivesuperheating and potential damage to the lining.

Various charging methods are employed on coreless furnaces.

• Hand charging is the simplest system. It is relatively slow and the furnace lid is open for asignificant time, resulting in considerable heat loss.

• Direct magnet chargingcan also be a relatively slow operation; again, the furnace lid isswung open and heat losses sustained during furnace loading.

Table 4 Effectiveness of furnace lids on radiated heat losses

* Assuming 230 working days/year and 5p/kWh.

Furnace capacity Energy loss (kW) Energy costs (£)(tonnes)

Lid open Lid closed Difference Cost/day* Cost/year*

6 70 9 61 3.05 702

10 130 13 117 5.98 1,346


• Vibratory chute charging machines are installed on many furnaces, offering a more efficientmethod (Fig 13).

• Drop bottom charging buckets provide a very rapid method of charging and, therefore,minimise heat losses. However, a multiple bucket system may be necessary, which is bothcostly and disadvantageous if space is limited.

It is now normal practice for coreless furnaces in excess of 4-tonne capacity to be mounted onload cells, providing the operator with a digital indicator showing how much metal is in thefurnace. When interfaced with a central computer this provides an accurate record of metalmelted. The equipment is also beneficial when having to subsequently ‘treat’ specific amountsof molten iron from the furnace, e.g. inoculation, ‘nodularisation’, alloying, etc.

It has been estimated (Good Practice Case Study 213) that satisfactory charging methods and theuse of clean, dry and dense charge materials can result in a saving of 10 kWh/tonne of metalmelted. Development work carried out on a one-tonne capacity medium frequency (1,000 Hz)coreless induction furnace identified the following:

• Energy consumption is significantly increased by incorrect charging practices. The worstpractice is to charge a small amount and wait for melting to occur before adding furthermaterial. The best practice is to add charge to the level of the top of the power coil and tofrequently top up as the charge sinks down. The energy consumption difference betweenthese practices was about 100 kWh/tonne.

• Bulk density charges greater than 1,000 kg/m3 give a lower energy consumption than chargematerials with low bulk densities of around 500 kg/m3. The energy for melting ‘difficult’charges (e.g. borings) can be reduced by the addition of other selected charge materials, e.g.heavy scrap.

For full details of the findings, see Future Practice Profile 47, Quantifying important factors iniron melting in medium frequency coreless induction furnaces.

Fig 13 Vibratory charging machine



• Ensure only clean, dry scrap of the correct size is charged.• Limit the use of baled steel scrap and loose borings.• Store all materials in a dry, well-ordered environment.• Charge materials carefully to avoid damage to furnace lining.• Do not charge briquetted borings.• Avoid bridging of the materials charged.• Close the furnace lid once charging is completed.



6.1 Overview

The operation and control of a coreless furnace is extremely important in relation to the SEC ofthe melting plant concerned. The ideal situation is rapid melting of the charge, quicksuperheating to the tapping temperature and then efficient distribution of the liquid metal intopouring ladles or a holding furnace. Unfortunately, the melting department does not operate inisolation but is necessarily integrated with other production areas. Delays and problems in anyof these areas affect the melting department. Extended holding and unnecessary superheatinginevitably lead to an increased energy usage.

The melting of metal in a cold furnace requires more energy than when a hot furnace is inoperation. Hence, a saving in overall consumption will be achieved if the number of cold-startmelts can be reduced by modification to the production programme.

The design of modern coreless induction furnaces allows melting control through an on-offbutton arrangement and power input control. However, it is important that furnace operatorsremain vigilant. An inadequately supervised furnace may result in excessive metal temperature,with adverse effects on energy consumption and furnace lining life.

6.2 Efficient Melt Scheduling

For effective furnace operation and maximum energy efficiency it is vital to balance the demandfor, and the supply of, molten iron. While mains frequency furnaces generally operate with amolten heel, medium frequency units may be completely drained before re-charging, resulting inthermal cycling of the refractory lining. To maximise lining life and minimise energyconsumption, medium frequency furnaces should be re-charged and power applied immediatelyfollowing tapping. The furnace should be maintained full during melting and the tapping timebe minimised to maximise energy efficiency.

6.3 Metering Energy Usage

When specifying furnaces it is important to provide for electricity monitoring. In the past, manyelectric melting plants were installed without meters, so the foundry concerned had no propermeans of monitoring energy consumption. Control equipment of the type fitted to modernfurnaces allows the operator to select the energy to be delivered at various stages of the meltingoperation.

6.4 Computer Control of Furnace Operation

Most furnace suppliers now offer computer-based data analysis and display systems to controland monitor the performance of coreless furnaces and assist in efficient furnace operation. These

In the case of coreless furnaces not fitted with any monitoring capability, the introductionof basic monitoring has the potential to reduce energy consumption by at least 10%. Thisform of metering does not have to be expensive to install and operate. New Practice CaseStudy 105, Efficiency meter provides savings for an induction melting foundry, describes acoil efficiency meter developed by EA Technology. For furnaces up to 1 MW, theequipment provides instantaneous measurements of input power and coil current, andcalculates and displays cost efficiency, total kWh used during the melt and SEC(kWh/tonne of metal melted). The total cost was £2,500 (1996 price). When employed inan aluminium foundry, annual energy savings of 136,000 kWh were achieved, worthalmost £7,000, giving a payback of just over four months.


computer-based monitoring systems generally provide data displays on a PC screen in graphicaland tabular form. Programmable logic controllers transmit data to the computer software andthis is then presented to the user in various modules. The data can be stored, tabulated, orgraphically displayed, as required (Figs 14, 15 and 16). The detailed information and statussituations that can be displayed includes:

• weight and temperature of the metal;• power input to the furnace;• water temperatures in the cooling circuits;• condition of the furnace lining;• sintering progress and cold-start operations;• alarms;• charging status;• production data;• kWh consumed for individual furnaces;• maintenance parameters - critical temperatures, lining condition.

Fig 14 Furnace status screen

Melting Furnace # 2



11:22:50 28 FEB 90














7075 KW1321°C
















Heat 1161


Fig 15 Power supply screen

Power Supply – Melting Furnace # 2



11:15:39 28 FEB 90



0 2000 4000 6000 8000

Inverter Power 7074 KW

0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Furnace Voltage 1787 VOLTS

0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Capacitor Voltage 2209 VOLTS

0 100 200 300 400

Inverter Frequency 246 Hz

0 10000 20000 30000 40000

Furnace Current 34460 AMPS


6.5 Control of Chemical Composition

An induction furnace provides an ideal vehicle for adjustment of composition to obtain thespecification required, before metal is poured into moulds. It is necessary to take a sample fromthe crucible and either to carry out a test on the platform, such as carbon equivalent evaluation,chill tests etc., or to provide a spectrographic analysis of a chill-cast coin sample. If necessary,the composition of the metal in the furnace can be modified by making appropriate additions.Carbon and, to a lesser extent, silicon are the elements which most commonly require adjustment.

It is essential that analysis and any subsequent adjustment of composition is carried out with theminimum delay; holding metal at temperature for any significant time will greatly increasespecific energy usage. To conserve heat and maximise thermal efficiency, the furnace lid shouldbe in place at all times, except when charging, trimming, sampling, de-slagging or pouring.

Where trimming additions are necessary, especially where carburisers are involved, they shouldbe assimilated into the melt, preferably without prolonging the melt cycle. Effectively, thismeans that they should be taken into solution during the period between sampling (followingmelt-out) and the achievement of the required superheating/tapping temperature - a time intervalin the order of five minutes. For maximum recovery, trimming additions must only be made toa clean, metal bath surface.

6.6 Temperature Control

Clearly, the melting department does not operate in isolation and it is important that the metalreaches the required tapping temperature at the right time. If the moulding department is not ina position to receive it, the metal will have to be held at temperature with a consequent increasein the overall energy used per tonne of castings produced. Co-operation between productioncontrol and the melting and moulding departments is essential to minimise electricity usage.

Frequently, furnace operators allow the metal to overshoot the required temperature. Thisunnecessary superheating uses extra energy for no useful purpose and may result in poor qualitymetal. At times, the molten iron is deliberately superheated to accommodate inadequacies andheat losses in the downstream distribution and handling activities. The subsequent distributionof metal should be examined to see if improvements to procedures and facilities could be madeto enable a safe reduction in tapping temperatures.

Fig 16 Cooling water temperature screen










Maintenance – Melting Furnace # 2



11:13:53 28 FEB 90




For further information see Good Practice Guide 63, Metal distribution and handling in ironfoundries.

6.7 Slag Removal

Removing slag from the furnace at the end of melt-out is an arduous, hot, unpleasant task that isusually carried out manually by the use of slag rakes and spoons. Larger furnaces (typically over5-tonne capacity) may have mechanical slag grabs to facilitate removal, and/or back-tilting maybe employed (Fig 17).

SEC and furnace output per hour can be significantly affected by the efficiency of the slagremoval operations. Prompt removal of slag reduces the time that the furnace lid has to be keptopen and the associated radiant heat losses. If slag is allowed to build up on the furnace lining,it can also affect the electrical efficiency of the furnace.

Slag build-up is usually related to the condition of the charge materials (clean scrap producesleast slag). Some foundries shot-blast return scrap to reduce the production of slag, while otherssometimes employ a superheated melt: both options use extra electrical energy.

6.8 Holding Molten Iron

Regardless of how efficiently the metallic charge is melted, the SEC of a melting plant will beconsiderably increased if the molten iron has to be held for an extended period prior todistribution. The following actions will improve energy efficiency:

• reduce the need for trimming additions;• tap the furnace as soon as is practicable, once the molten iron has reached the required

temperature;• eliminate unnecessary superheating of the metal and the need for subsequent cooling;• ensure effective metal distribution;• minimise plant breakdowns by implementing a planned maintenance schedule.

Fig 17 Back-tilting facility for de-slagging



• Balance metal supply and demand.• Meter furnace energy consumption to determine SEC.• Avoid slag build-up on the furnace walls.• Remove slag on the metal surface quickly to minimise temperature losses.• Optimise metal sampling and testing procedures to maintain furnace efficiency.• Avoid unnecessary superheating of the molten iron.• Keep the furnace lid closed, other than when charging, de-slagging, sampling and pouring.



7.1 Overview

The purpose of the lining is to contain the metal during melting, and electrically and thermallyinsulate it from the remainder of the furnace, in particular the water-cooled induction coil.

In most furnaces, e.g. cupolas or arc furnaces, a thick refractory lining may be installed to reduceheat losses and provide adequate protection against metal breakout. In the coreless furnace, arelatively thin lining is required for both good electrical coupling with the charge material andhigh efficiency. To achieve this, the lining integrity must not be compromised by decisions onmaterial selection, lining installation and operating procedures.

A proportion of the heat lost by molten metal in a coreless furnace is by conduction through thefurnace lining. Heat is removed either by the cooling water circulating through the induction coilor as radiation from the outer shell of the furnace. The energy lost in this way can amount tobetween 20 and 35% of the total input to the furnace. Losses are governed by the surface areaof the bath of molten metal that is in contact with the lining, as well as lining dimensions andthermal characteristics.

While a thicker lining reduces heat transmission, it adversely affects the coupling between themetallic charge and the coil, reducing electrical efficiency. Consequently, opportunities forimprovement in this direction are somewhat limited.

7.2 Coil Protection

The majority of coreless induction furnace coils are electrically insulated to reduce the risk ofshort circuits between the coil turns.

A 3 - 8 mm refractory coil screed (mica, ceramic fibre or paper/felt) is usually incorporated inthe lining construction between the coil and the main refractory. This protects the coil frommolten metal damage in the event of a lining failure and forms a slip plane to facilitate movementof the lining during thermal cycling.

7.3 Crucible Material

The choice of the correct lining material for iron melting furnaces is often difficult; factors thatneed consideration include the alloys melted, melting practice and continuous/batch operation.

Of the three major refractory oxides employed for crucible linings (silica, alumina and magnesia)silica-based refractory material - quartz or quartzite with a boric acid (or oxide) bonding agent -is most commonly used in the iron foundry industry.

The refractory crucible may be installed conventionally by hand ramming, direct/indirectvibration or by employing either consumable, or re-usable, formers. Once a new lining has beeninstalled it must be heated to activate the bond and frit the refractory mass together to form ametal-tight crucible. The fritting procedure should always be carried out in accordance with thesupplier’s recommendations. Typically, the furnace should be filled with dense, clean scrap priorto applying power. Once melting commences, additional scrap must be added to keep thefurnace full. Power levels should be adjusted, if necessary, to ensure that excessive turbulenceis avoided. Usually, fritting is carried out by holding metal for one hour at 20 - 50°C above thenormal operating temperature.

7.4 Lining Performance

The refractory lining erodes away during its operational life and, as it becomes thinner, there isa closer coupling between the metallic charge and the induction coil, enabling the furnace to


draw higher power with a consequent improvement in both the melting rate and the SEC. Thefollowing data (Table 5) for a 3-tonne coreless furnace rated at 700 kW illustrates the point.

7.5 Lining Removal

Currently, most furnace linings, with the exception of those for smaller capacity units, areinstalled using vibration equipment and removed using conventional pneumatic or electrically-powered chisels. Such techniques, although generally satisfactory, are environmentallyundesirable due to dust generation and the necessity for the operator to remain in the immediatevicinity during removal. They remain relatively time-consuming and labour-intensiveoperations, in spite of improvements in vibration techniques and equipment.

To improve this situation, several solutions have been proposed, and adopted to some extent.These include: the provision of custom-built dust collection systems at the crucible mouth; thedevelopment of specialised lining wrecking machinery; the use of pre-formed crucibles; andlining push-out devices (Fig 18).

In the last decade, pre-formed crucibles have been offered by a number of suppliers as analternative (Fig 19). The crucible is supplied ready to use, the thickness of its side-wallaccounting for about 80% of the total lining thickness. The remaining 20% is taken up by theback-fill material, which is vibrated into position once the pre-formed crucible has beenpositioned and centralised on a conventionally prepared base. The volume of loose granularrefractory required is much reduced, so there is less of a dust problem. Furthermore, since theback-fill is usually an alumina-based material, the silicosis hazard is further reduced.

Table 5 Effect of lining performance

Campaign Power input Energy consumption(kW) (kWh/t)

New lining 615 656Operation (1 week) 650 622Operation (3 weeks) 750 598

Fig 18 Lining push-out arrangement

Pusher block at full extension

Induction coil

Coil grout

Rammed refractory lining

Pusher block

Removable hydraulicpusher mechanism


Fig 19 Pre-formed crucible











Coil insulation/protection




• Adopt good lining installation practice.• Ensure a satisfactory slip plane to allow for lining movement during heating/cooling

cycles.• Select the correct lining material.• Consider the use of pre-formed linings.• Monitor lining performance.• Be aware of the environmental problems associated with the installation and removal of

silica linings.



8.1 Overview

The melting department is an area of the foundry where energy efficiency is most important andwhere opportunities exist for making good savings. It is the major consumer of energy in most ferrousfoundries - usually accounting for more than 50% of the foundry’s total energy usage. Based onfindings from Energy Consumption Guide 48, the average SEC per tonne of metal melted fromcoreless induction furnaces is estimated at 718 kWh, compared with a theoretical requirement ofapproximately 500 kWh.

Increasing energy costs, heightened pressure for energy conservation and existing (and possiblefuture) environmental legislation ensure that energy efficiency will continue to receiveattention, and that the melting area will be a focal point. If furnace efficiencies are to beimproved, it is a pre-requisite that accurate recording of both electricity use and charge materialconsumption is undertaken.

8.2 Factors Influencing Output and Energy Consumption

Furnace design can have a major impact on the output and energy consumption of corelessinduction furnaces (see Section 4.2.) However, energy consumption is also strongly influencedby the manner in which the equipment is used. The diverse operating practices employed in ironfoundries result in significant variations in energy consumption.

Fig 20 Actual melting rates in medium frequency furnaces

Medium frequency(72% of crucible capacity/h)














0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Furnace capacity (t)


Manufacturers usually quote energy consumption data and melting rate performance for corelessfurnaces operated under optimum conditions, i.e. at 100% utilisation, with a hot furnace liningand good quality charge materials. Although these are the only conditions under which thefurnace performance can be assessed, they are rarely the conditions under which the furnace isoperated. When melting schemes are considered, the practical utilisation factor needs to be takeninto account. The actual melting rate achieved is, on average, 72% of the rated output formedium frequency furnaces (Fig 20).

The additional capacity and power rating specified to cater for the lower utilisation expected inpractice will result in increased capital expenditure and running costs; therefore, excessiveallowances should be avoided.

Energy consumption will increase when furnaces are operated below their optimum or designperformance level. Table 6 shows actual furnace performance.

The heat losses from coreless furnaces are proportional to the time metal is held at temperature;therefore, energy consumption is directly influenced by furnace utilisation. As heat losses aredependent on furnace size, it is particularly important that furnaces of small and mediumcapacity should be operated with a high utilisation factor.

If coreless furnaces are operated on a tap and charge basis, whereby the power to the furnace isswitched off, or reduced, then the effective melting capability of the furnace installation will belowered and the SEC raised. Fig 21 illustrates the influence of both tapping and dead-time onthe efficiency of coreless furnaces.

Any factor that causes the furnace to be operated at less than full capacity, by restricting powerinput levels or causing furnace power to be switched off, will adversely affect energyconsumption values. Due consideration should be given to:

• furnace tapping time and frequency;• molten heel practice (if employed);• efficiency of the de-slagging operation;• condition of the charge materials;• charge handling;• use of furnace lids;• compositional adjustments (trimming);• unnecessary superheating;• balancing metal supply and demand.

Table 6 Energy consumption in coreless induction furnaces under optimum and practical operating conditions

Furnace capacity Power Energy consumption (kWh/tonne)(tonnes) (kW)

100% use Production average

2 700 580 7003 700 618 7605 800 590 7185 1500 620 7006 1500 625 65010 1800 571 762


8.3 Electricity Charges

While the straightforward measurement of energy consumption (kWh used per tonne of metalmelted) is important, the cost of electricity varies with the time of day and the season, so the costper unit is also vital. There may be maximum demand penalties at particular peak hours, so,whenever possible, it is preferable to arrange working procedures and operating schedules so thatthe furnaces are not drawing full power during peak periods.

The tariff arrangements for electricity charges are quite complicated and companies operatingcoreless furnace installations are advised to consult their electricity supply company to discussthe details of the tariff structures. The power suppliers are interested in managing the peakdemands on their networks; they offer inducements and set penalties to encourage industrialconsumers to moderate consumption during periods of high general demand.

Power generation and distribution facilities can also be overloaded when the weather turnsparticularly severe and unusually low temperatures are experienced. To help in the managementof the power network, industrial users may be invited to negotiate favourable (‘normal’) energyprices, on condition that, having received appropriate notice, power usage may be curtailedduring these abnormal periods. Clearly, before agreeing to a tariff arrangement of this type, thefoundry concerned must carefully evaluate the financial benefits and other consequences ofhaving to honour such commitments.

Induction furnace installations represent the largest individual electrical load in most foundries.These units must be effectively controlled to minimise the maximum demand charges. Theinstallation of maximum demand controllers is recommended for all foundries with electricmelting facilities.

Fig 21 Influence of tapping frequency on melting performance





600 2 4 6 8 10 12

Number of taps per hour




as %

of m









2 minutes dead timeper tap

5 minutes dead timeper tap


8.4 Power Factor

The power factor is also important when operating induction furnaces. Foundries operating oldequipment, where power factor correction may have deteriorated, will experience an increasedmelting cost and, possibly, reduced output. If the power factor for the plant as a whole is lowerthan 0.9, seeking expert advice to determine the most cost-effective remedial action isrecommended.

8.5 Casting Yield

Another important factor when considering energy management is the yield performance of thefoundry. Yield is the percentage ratio of good castings to metal charged. A good yieldperformance means that less metal has to be melted to produce a given quantity of good castings,i.e. less electricity is consumed on the melting plant.

Good Practice Guide 17, Achieving high yields in iron foundries,contains further information.


For every 100 tonnes of good castings produced at 60% yield, about 167 tonnes of metalmust be melted. If a foundry were to improve its yield to 65%, only 154 tonnes of moltenmetal would be needed, saving 13 tonnes of metal melted. With an SEC of 650 kWh/tonne,this would result in savings of 84.5 kWh/tonne of good castings, reducing melting costs by£4.23/tonne (at 5 p/kWh).


• Assess the benefits of medium frequency coreless induction furnaces.• Ensure the most favourable electricity charges apply.• Consider off-peak melting.• Monitor and control energy consumption.• Seek expert advice if power factor falls below 0.9.• Regularly assess refractory wear.• Minimise the power-off periods.• Maintain the furnace full in order to draw maximum power.• Maximise the application of furnace lids.• Maximise casting yield.



To achieve the objective set down in the Environmental Protection Act 1990, the EnvironmentAgency has issued Guidance Note PG2/3(96) July 1996 which relates to emissions from electricfurnaces.

In addition to controlling emissions to the general environment, under the COSHH (Control ofSubstances Hazardous to Health) regulations the foundry has a duty to ensure that emissionsfrom the furnace do not give rise to excessive levels of pollutants in the internal atmosphere. Theprincipal pollutants from melting of cast iron are lead, dust, quartz and possibly zinc. If any ofthe exposure levels are exceeded, the foundry will have to fit localised extraction, in which casethe concentration of the particulate emission must not exceed 20 mg/m3, as specified in theGuidance Note.

The size and energy requirement of ventilation fans depends substantially on the design of thehoods, enclosure, baffles, etc., that are provided. A well-designed extraction system will becapable of providing effective environmental control using the minimum power. The powerrequirement for the containment of emissions at below 100 mg/m3 is about 10 kW for a 7-tonnefurnace, whereas power for containment down to 20 mg/m3 is approximately 60 kW.

Emissions from induction furnaces consist of two categories: those emanating from the chargematerials and those generated by chemical reactions on the surface of the molten metal. Mostoriginate from the former and comprise:

• rust on the metallic charge;• dirt adhering to the charge materials;• various substances (e.g. paint, grease, soot and chemical deposits) coating the scrap, acquired

during the former service of the scrap component;• moulding materials adhering to return scrap;• cutting oils on steel borings and scrap;• zinc plating or small die cast items still attached to the scrap;• carbon and other powder additions made to the metal in the crucible;• steel and iron scrap that contains non-ferrous alloys.



10.1 General

A significant proportion of the electrical energy that is supplied to an induction melting furnaceis converted into waste heat. The quantities of heat will vary according to the type of furnace,the temperatures involved and the operating practice. Heat arises in the transformers and thebus-bars but far greater quantities are involved at the furnace, with most heat lost via the water-cooling facility. About 20 - 30% of the total energy input to the plant is dissipated through thecooling water. The furnace cooling circuit not only deals with the electrical losses in theinduction coil, but also protects the coil from heat that is conducted through the furnace liningfrom the hot metal in the crucible. When the furnace lid is closed, the direct radiation losses fromthe furnace body are about 1% of total input and it would be impractical to try to capture and re-use this heat. However, in some installations the heat in the furnace cooling water has been usedfor space-heating, heating shower water and drying raw materials.

A foundry that is contemplating making use of heat from the cooling circuit should fully evaluatethe benefits and compare them with the cost of any additional equipment and the safety of thefurnace and operators. If a system is implemented, the installation must incorporate fail-safedevices to protect the furnace.

10.2 Drying Raw Materials

In some circumstances waste heat in the furnace cooling water can be utilised to dry rawmaterials in the furnace stockyard. Where metallic charge materials are being added to a moltenheel in an induction furnace, the presence of water in the scrap is potentially dangerous.Although scrap may be stored under cover at the foundry, it may be wet when delivered by thescrap dealer. The heat in the furnace cooling water can be extracted in an air-water heatexchanger and a fan used to convey the warmed air to the bases of stockyard bunkers.



Any process or operation associated with molten metal is potentially hazardous; adequateconsideration should be given to minimising the risks.

Some hazards and the appropriate safeguards are common to all melting departments, irrespectiveof the melting plant involved, while others are peculiar to particular types of furnace equipment.More information on safety considerations is given in Appendix 2.




A1.1 Furnace Design

Most coreless induction furnaces consist of a robust steel shell that is mounted on trunnions andfitted with a mechanism for tilting, usually by hydraulic power; however, some furnace bodiesare of open frame or concrete block construction. The trunnions are normally fitted at the frontof the furnace body in line with the pouring lip.

A spiral, water-cooled electrical coil is mounted within the body shell. Furnace manufacturershave carefully designed and developed particular coils to provide the maximum operatingefficiency and integrity for the applications specific to each furnace. The coil is subject toconsiderable electromechanical forces when the furnace is in operation. The methods of packingand mounting the coils have been systematically developed by the furnace manufacturers toovercome the problems associated with vibration and spurious magnetic fields. Layers ofinsulation may be applied to the coil and a crucible shape is formed, from refractory materials,within the centre. The metallic charge materials are placed inside the crucible and an alternatingcurrent is passed through the induction coil to provide the melting energy.

A coreless induction melting furnace normally comprises a cylindrical refractory, the top ofwhich is open for charging and de-slagging operations. On all but the smallest furnaces, arefractory-lined swing lid is provided to reduce heat losses from the surface of the liquid metal;many units employ this facility to extract the fume and particulate generated.

Molten metal is transferred from an induction furnace into ladles, launders, etc., by tilting thefurnace on its trunnions. The tilting mechanism is usually hydraulically powered, but on verysmall units tilting may be effected through geared hand wheels, hoist blocks, etc. In specialisedsituations, such as investment foundries, induction furnaces may be inverted completely totransfer metal. In other small-scale or specialised situations, the charge may be melted in a loosecrucible which is removed from the induction coil and carried to the moulds for pouring.

A1.2 Power Supplies

Parallel and Series Inverters

Power supplies for medium frequency coreless furnaces consist of two basic designs:

• parallel inverters - the capacitor bank is in parallel with the furnace coil, the inverter beingcurrent fed (Fig 22);

Fig 22 Circuit diagram of a parallel inverter




• series inverters - the capacitor bank is in series with the furnace coil, the inverter beingvoltage fed (Fig 23).

The size of thyristors in solid-state inverters now permits more powerful melting systems to bebuilt without the need for multiple thyristor arrangements. Single thyristor bridges with powerratings of 500 - 700 kW are available and several megawatts of power can be obtained byparalleling such devices. The reduced number of components resulting from these developmentshas led to improved reliability.

Transistorised Power Supplies

A recent development is the replacement of SCR thyristor devices with transistorised powersupplies. This new generation of power supply can provide higher powered, higher frequencysystems at the start of the melt, while retaining the stirring action of a lower powered, lowerfrequency system.

Other advantages include:

• the ability to survive repeated short circuits (coil or bus-bar arcing) without damage;• increased frequency of operation resulting in less stress on capacitors and, therefore,

increased reliability;• increased efficiency (>98%).

A1.3 Penetration Depth of Induced Current

When an alternating current is passed through the induction coil of a melting furnace, a current ofthe same frequency is induced in the charge materials. The intensity of the induced current ishighest at the exterior of the charge - about 86% of the total induced energy appears in the surfacelayer of the charge mass. The penetration depth of the induced current depends on the frequencyof the alternating current; it is typically 8 cm at mains frequency (50 Hz) and 3 cm at 500 Hz.

Fig 23 Circuit diagram of a series inverter








This appendix firstly outlines general safety hazards and precautions and then examines, in moredetail, those associated with electrical induction furnaces. The information provided is generalonly - each foundry must consider safety based on site conditions and operations.

A.2.1 General Hazards and Precautions

Protection against Molten Metal

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other legislation require safety equipment to beprovided for all employees exposed to the potential hazard of molten metal. This includes eyeprotection, foundry boots and gaiters, protective clothing and helmets. Wherever possible, fixedscreens and refuges should also be used.

Stockyard and Material Reclamation

Safety in the stockyard is achieved principally by rigorous enforcement of good housekeeping.This involves safe and separate storage of materials, maintaining freedom of access, andemploying sound handling and transportation techniques.

A2.2 Hazards Associated with Induction Melting

1. Charging wet materials and sealed scrap -particularly where a molten heel practice isadopted - may create a serious hazard, possibly leading to violent explosions and the ejectionof both solid and liquid material from the furnace. All raw materials should be stored undercover and only dry metallics charged.

2. Bridging occurs when a ‘crust’ forms over the pool of molten metal in the furnace. Underthese circumstances rapid superheating of the molten pool can occur, resulting in increasedlining erosion and possible perforation of the furnace coil, creating an explosion hazard.Operators must remain vigilant at all times and power should never be increased in anattempt to remove bridged material.

3. Condensationmay be present on apparently dry materials and tools (spoons, rakes, etc.) andtheir introduction into the melt, particularly at a later stage, may lead to metal spitting orsplashing. Where pig iron is employed, it should be introduced at an early stage, if possible,and all tools should be pre-heated before use.

4. Metal breakout through the furnace lining will put both plant and staff at risk. Liningintegrity is, therefore, of vital importance. Most furnace plants include a metal dump pit tocater for breakout. It should be of adequate capacity and free of extraneous material -particularly water. Use of the dump pit should be a last resort because it may lead to seriousheat damage to the installation.

5. Physical and thermal shockmay result from poor furnace operating practices. Mostrefractory materials, even when well-installed and commissioned, have relatively low tensileproperties and are brittle. If bulky material is dropped into an empty furnace the lining maycrack, while similar problems may result from the use of excessive heating and cooling rates.Cracks increase the likelihood of metal breakout.

6. Excessive metal temperatureswill cause all refractory materials to soften and melt, andwill increase the rate of lining attack significantly. Modern, high power medium frequencycoreless furnaces may have very high superheating capabilities, possibly in excess of 50°Cper minute; therefore, adequate control or supervision is necessary to avoid overheating.


7. Water-cooled circuits are present in all induction furnace coils. The proximity of thiscooling water to the metal in the furnace creates two dangers:

– Any water leakage from the coil may penetrate the lining, with the consequent risk of anexplosion.

– Cooling system failure will result in an increased lining temperature and the possibilityof more rapid refractory attack.

Power should only be applied to the furnace if the cooling system is in operation - interlocksare usually fitted to ensure this. An appropriate emergency water supply should be available:this system should be activated automatically in the event of a cooling water failure.

8. Trapping and falling hazards should be reduced by fitting appropriate guarding around thefurnace pit and platform. Hydraulic system controls should be of the ‘stop and release’ typeand positioned for maximum observation of the potential danger zones. They should also befail-safe and, in the event of a malfunction, uncontrolled descent of the furnace should notoccur.

9. Emissionssuch as dust are produced from handling of charge materials; but a more seriouspotential hazard is the installation and removal of furnace linings, particularly silica-basedcoreless refractories. Operators involved in conventional furnace lining installation orremoval must wear approved respiratory equipment. Where possible, mechanised lininginstallation and removal equipment, e.g. former vibrators and push-out or lift-out devices,should be used.

10. Electrical hazards: With time, the normal wear of coreless furnace linings (or where metalpenetration and cracking of the refractory have taken place) may lead to the melt becoming‘live’. In most instances, coreless furnaces are fitted with an earth leakage protection devicethat will trip-out the power supply if current leaks to earth. If such a system is inoperative,the current leak may be through the operator and any metal tools being used. It is alsopossible for the furnace structure to become ‘live’ due to a short circuit between the coil andstructure. This is usually due to bridging by loose metallic material and normally results incoil damage or power failure.

Where possible, the earth protection circuit should be checked before each melt. Equipmentshould never be operated following trip-out of power due to earth leakage problems unlessthe cause is established as an electrical fault that has been rectified. Where such an electricalfault has not been found, or if any doubt exists, the furnace lining should be knocked out.

The Government’s Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme provides impartial,authoritative information on energy efficiency techniques and technologies in industry, transportand buildings. This information is disseminated through publications, videos and software,together with seminars, workshops and other events. Publications within the Best PracticeProgramme are shown opposite.

Further information

For buildings-related topics please contact: For industrial and transport topics please contact:Enquiries Bureau Energy Efficiency Enquiries BureauBRECSU ETSUBuilding Research Establishment Harwell, Didcot, Oxfordshire, Garston, Watford, WD2 7JR OX11 0RATel 01923 664258 Fax 01235 433066Fax 01923 664787 Helpline Tel 0800 585794E-mail Helpline E-mail

Energy Consumption Guides: compare energy use in specific processes, operations, plant and building types.

Good Practice: promotes proven energy efficient techniquesthrough Guides and Case Studies.

New Practice: monitors first commercial applications of newenergy efficiency measures.

Future Practice: reports on joint R & D ventures into newenergy efficiency measures.

General Information: describes concepts and approachesyet to be fully established as good practice.

Fuel Efficiency Booklets: give detailed information on specific technologies and techniques.

Energy Efficiency in Buildings: helps new energy managersunderstand the use and costs of heating, lighting etc.



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