goldenrod giant swallowtail butterfly...calico aster (symphyotrichum lateriflorum) flowers from...

Post on 26-Oct-2020






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Goldenrod (Solidago rugosa)


Flowers from August through October

Grows well in meadows and wetlands

Attracts butterflies and honeybees

Giant Swallowtail Butterfly

Attracted to goldenrod

Are the largest butterfly in much of the US

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Calico Aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum)


Flowers from September through October

Fruit is a dry seed with a tuft of dull white to pinkish

hairs to carry them off in the wind

Attracts the goldfinch



Likes to eat the seeds from asters

Unlike other birds, goldfinches are strict vegetarians

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Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)


Flowers from June through July

Grows in sandy soils and other soil in sunny areas

Popular with butterflies

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch caterpillars feed almost exclusively on milk


Millions of monarch butterflies make the trip down to

Mexico to roost for the winter

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Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa)


Flowers from June through September

Also known as bee balm

Attracts bees to the garden

Honey Bee

Attracted to wild bergamot

Bees are the only insect in the world that make food

that humans can eat

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Purple Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum)

Flowers from July through August

The flowers have a light vanilla fragrance

Attracts the viceroy butterfly

Viceroy Butterfly

Attracted to purple joe-pye weed

The viceroy butterfly resembles the monarch

butterfly, which helps defend it from predators.

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Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis)

Flowers from July through October

The flower structure has an invisible nectar

guide pattern that is visible to its pollinators under UV


Actias Luna Moth

The luna moth is attracted to evening primrose be

cause it blooms at night

Luna moths are huge moths, with a wingspan of four

and a half


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Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia sp.)


Flowers from June to October

Part of the sunflower family

White Tailed Deer

Deer love to eat black-eyed susans

White-tail deer are good swimmers and will use large

streams and lakes to escape predators

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Trumpet Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)


Flowers from May to July

These flowers are not fragrant, unlike the invasive

Japanese honeysuckle



Hummingbirds are attracted to the honeysuckle’s tube

shaped flowers, which are perfect for their long,

pointed beaks

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