golden snub-nosed monkeys

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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Golden Snub-Nosed Monkeys



Golden Snub-Nosed monkeys is a species of monkey that is also known as Rhinopithecus roxellana. A few facts about them are:

• The monkeys body length (including head) is 57 – 76cm

• They live in groups with normally 1 male and many females and there are up to 200 monkey in one group when they mix together

• The monkeys are a mixture of orange, white/silver and dark brown hair

• they are very adaptable to climate change and are great foragers for food


Golden Snub-Nosed monkeys live in the centre of china.

They live in the mountains around there and sometimes in the winter they come down to lower parts of the mountain.

These monkeys live in bamboo and trees but when they find dead trees they prefer to live in them because it is where a lot of there food lives.

They also normally live in the middle and upper bits of the forests.


Golden Snub-Nosed monkeys live off many things, such as:

•Seeds and nuts that they find

• fruit that they find from trees

• Bugs that they find in bark and stuff

• Berries, Bark, Leaves, buds, pine needles and stuff like bamboo shots

Why they are endangered

Golden Snub-Nosed monkeys are endangered because a while ago many people would shoot these monkey (which is still happening now) or they would just kill the monkeys for being a pest.

Some animal charities have created conservation camps which is where the monkeys can be left in peace and can have fun.

There are only 10,000 – 15,0000 golden snub-nosed monkeys left in China


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