golden age of india

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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The Golden The Golden Age of IndiaAge of India

Khyber Khyber PassPass

India’s history is a story of succeeding invasions of people through the passes.

The Ganges The Ganges RiverRiver

River systems are River systems are important to Indian important to Indian history. history.

Indo-Aryan Indo-Aryan CivilizationCivilization

• The Vedic Age (1500-900 BC) – derived from the word “vedas”, meaning knowledge.

• The Epic Age (900-500 BC) – literature was developed; two great epic poems were produced


• Longest & most complex of India’s epics

• offers an extensive study of the role of duty in human life

RamayanaRamayana•Epic narrative of the triumph of good over evil

• traditionally attributed to the sage Valmiki

• Sita – exhibits the behavior of the model wife

Hanuman, the monkey godFrom Ramayana, he represents the ideal devotee, who serves his master with unquestioning loyalty and obedience.

Caste SystemIndo-Aryans developed a system of rigid social groups.

Hinduism had its beginnings in the Vedic Age. The early Indo-Aryans sacrificed animals to a number of gods. Three gods emerged as the most important:Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu.

Mauryan Buddhist Mauryan Buddhist TempleTemple

Rebellion against caste and against the elitism of Vedic sacrifice led to the beginnings of the Buddhist and Jain religions in India.

Gupta EmpireGupta Empire

People prospered

• Trade & manufacturing flourished

• Learning & science grew

• Gupta literature is famous for its fairytales and fables; ie, Panchatantra

• Mathematicians developed the Hindu-Arabic numerical system

Gupta rule launched a Golden Age.

The Taj Mahal in Agra, India was The Taj Mahal in Agra, India was built by Shah Jahan in 1632 for built by Shah Jahan in 1632 for his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal.his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

Mogul Mogul ContributionContribution

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