god bless – pz · 11/11/2012  · work’ true scrapbooking. it was more of a...

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Emmanuel’s Epistle 1 November 2012

From the Pastor

A STORY TO REMEMBER One of the things I found and quickly re-packed while moving into the

parsonage was my 2011 birthday gift from a former staff member: a beautiful stack of all sorts of scrapbooking material. She had given me this expensive gift with the understanding that it was to encourage me to increase my abilities in scrapbooking without having to worry about costs and to try out some new methods. For you see, she knew the story of my scrap-booking adventures and if you keep on reading, you will too.

Until sometime in the summer of 2009 I would have never considered scrapbooking. Frankly, I deemed it a complete waste of my precious time – I’d rather work in my flower beds, do laundry or simply stay at the office. Besides that, I have ten left thumbs and those do not lend themselves well to cutting, gluing and measuring! Plus, specialty scissors, stamps, borders, and all those fancy art items are really expensive – I would rather go to lunch. But, before all you scrapbooking fans get ready to send me hate-mail: I reformed my thinking when our grandchildren came along!

Of course, like most families, we have plenty of pictures of events and activities (ask Michael about the 236 pictures he once took of the Grand Canyon!) Well, being surrounded by scrapbooking enthusiasts who spent entire weekends at ‘Scrap-booking retreats’ and searched for computer programs to aid their addiction, I decided in a weak moment that our granddaughter, Victoria, needed to remember her visit with us in a more direct and satisfying manner than simply having her parents throw a few pictures into a bin in the family room. So, I created my first ‘poor-man’s lobster’ version of a scrapbook for Victoria and followed that with one for grandson, William, to mark his visits to our home that year.

I realize no self-respecting scrap-booker will ever consider my ‘art-work’ true scrapbooking. It was more of a ‘Grandma-cut-up-some-pictures-and-added-a-few-funny-stickers’ album than anything else, truth be told. I remember the above-mentioned former staff member politely insisting to see the books and giving me some gentle suggestions for the

next time. Yikes! But, our grandkids loved it. What a proud moment it was to learn that Victoria insisted on taking her book to Show and Tell at her daycare. What a tearjerker when we learned that William had to ‘read’ his book over and over again! This grandmother had accomplished what she had set out to do: we gave our grandchildren the opportunity to remember the times they spent with two people who love them beyond measure…their paternal grandparents. By looking at, touching, smelling and talking about what they saw, picking raspberries with Oma, riding a pony at an amusement park, running through sprinklers,

EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Grafton, Iowa November 2012


Page From the Pastor ................ 1

Did You Know ................... 2

Congratulations Received .... 3

A Personal Note ................ 3

Welcome New Members ...... 4

Council Minutes ................ 4

Women’s Gathering ........... 5 Next Meeting Bible Study October Minutes

Lutheran World Federation .. 6

Live Nativity Scene ............ 7

Advent Gatherings ............. 7

Thank You ....................... 7

Opportunities to Serve ....... 8

Treasury Report -August ..... 8

Community Notes .............. 8

Stewardship ..................... 9

Bugenhagen Presentation .... 9

Treasury Report –September 9

Grafton News ................... 9

Calendar ...................... 10

Server Schedule .............. 11

Flowers. ....................... 11

Sunday School Program ..... 11

Mission Fest Sunday ......... 12

Lutheran World Relief ...... 12

Disaster Relief ................ 12

Emmanuel’s Epistle 2 November 2012

chasing a ball with Opa’s dog and picking up millions of pine needles in our driveway, became at once and forever

immediate reality and they were THERE/HERE again. Remembrance becomes reality and recalling times with Oma and Opa translates into: this is where I am loved and where I belong.

In a sense, my inadequate scrapbooking attempts connected my grandchildren to a religious experience. What do I mean? Is that not what we do on Sundays during worship? “In the night in which he was betrayed…do this in remembrance of me.” When Jesus spoke these words to his disciples on that fateful night in Jerusalem just hours before his death, ‘to remember’ meant something slightly different than it implies in our Western, 21st century world. In the Hebrew mindset, to ‘remember’ meant to re-live what was remembered and to draw that event/person/moment into one’s immediate reality and therefore what was remembered was ‘here’. Those Israelites who recalled the Passover then, celebrated it with the conviction that they too had been slaves in Egypt, spared from the plague of death to the firstborn, and had made the 40 year journey through the hot dessert with Moses and Aaron --- not just their ancestors who had truly ‘been there and done that’. For us today ‘to remember’ is often not much more than one of these ‘oh, yeah, that did happen, didn’t it!?’.

We can learn from our forbearers in the faith that when we remember that night on which our Lord Jesus was betrayed so he could die and take our sins upon himself, we are making it part of our NOW. We are THERE and Jesus speaks to us. Our Christ is right HERE. His love becomes real and his sacrifice our hope TODAY.

One of the crucial reasons we celebrate Holy Communion is to be sure that we do not forget what Jesus indeed has done for us. We recall his words because the words produce images and pictures in our minds and aid our faith --- yes, the Lord truly gave his life for us and comes to bring us forgiveness and new life now and still. When we come to the altar, we are experiencing a scrapbook of sorts with the smells, the tastes and actions at the table. We are seeing and hearing the story again and we become part of that story. As we receive the gift of Christ’s Body and Blood, we are told, “See, you are loved; you belong here; be assured you are safe; indeed, all is forgiven – go, and sin no more and… remember!”

It is important to me that our grandchildren do not forget us in the sometimes long weeks and even months between visits. We want them to understand that they are precious to us, loved by us and always safe with us. We want them to remember. Not unlike Jesus wants us to remember…

Since 2009 I have made a few more scrapbooks and two ‘scrapbook frames’ for William and Lucas in remembrance of their Lambeau Field experience last Christmas. I have to admit, I am not sure I have it in me to continue this activity into the future. But, what am I going to do with the expensive and beautiful scrapbooking material somewhere in a moving box in our basement?! Any ideas???

God Bless – PZ+

DID YOU KNOW …that Pastor Z will attend a Renewal Conference at the NALC headquarter in Hilliard, OH from November 7-9 ?

…that Pastor goes swimming at the pool in Osage several mornings each week? If you want to come along and get a good work-out: she leaves at 5 am! All are welcome to race her across the pool!

…that Bishop Bradosky attended the 125th anniversary of Lutheranism in Tanzania late this summer? In 1887, the Rev. Johann Jacob Greiner, a German Lutheran missionary offered the first worship service in the coastal region of Tanzania. Today Tanzania has 5.8 million Lutheran Christians. Our Bishop has been invited to return to the country in December to be the keynote speaker for their General Assembly and has extended an invitation to Tanzanian Bishop Malasusa to attend the 2013 NALC Convocation in Philadelphia.

…that the NALC will be hosting five representatives from our sister church in Ethiopia this fall? During their stay they will be traveling across the country, speaking at various conferences and visit many congregations and Mission Districts.

….that 62% of all Americans believe the United States has a divinely ordained place in history?

…that 24% of all Americans believe concealed weapons should be allowed in church?

…that 5% of Americans declare themselves to be atheists?

…that the Amish are one of the fastest-growing religious group in our country?

…that the number of congregations which are hosting worship services at more than one physical location has grown by more than 5,000 over the last decade? Whereas these new and smaller communities are increasing, the so-called Megachurches have grown at a slower pace.

Emmanuel’s Epistle 3 November 2012

A Personal Note: Thank you so very

much to all of you who helped in any way with my Installation on October 14th! I am well aware that many of you spent countless hours in preparation and with clean-up duties and I want you to be sure that I am deeply grateful for it all. The food was delicious, the table decoration gorgeous, the service with members and guests a true joy which warmed my heart. Your kindness toward me and my family as well as Bishop Bradosky and Pastor Kimball, was a true Christian testimony. I especially want to thank you for the prayers and words of comfort regarding our son, Jeremias, and his family. He is very slowly getting stronger. And yes, he promised to ‘make up’ for missing out on being our guest organist – however, I am not so sure that he will have another opportunity to take our Bishop to the airport!?! Again, thank you one and all. It is my pleasure and joy to have joined you on your journey of ministry and I am looking forward to many days to come.

A personal word about my husband’s congregational membership: as I had shared with the Call Committee, Michael has been affiliated with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod for many years. When he left the ELCA in 1998, the NALC was not in existence and he found ‘refuge’ and a home in LCMS congregations and eventually served two of them as a designated Deacon (doing pastoral work) for the last eight years until we moved to Grafton. Therefore, his commitment remains to be a member of an LCMS congregation and he will establish his membership at Immanuel Lutheran in St. Ansgar. Having said that, as many of you have already noticed, he nevertheless will be involved as much and as often as possible in our life here at Emmanuel Lutheran in Grafton. You will continue to see him at church for various events, he will sing in the choir, keep up the parsonage and grounds, run over to the office and fix things and early next year he and I will jointly offer a course on Lutheran Theology. So, while he will not become a member of our church, he indeed will participate in many aspects of our life together. We pray that such will speak well to everyone’s sense of integrity.

In Christ, Pastor Solveig A. H. Zamzow

Congratulations Received Thank you to our sister NALC congregations who sent greetings of encouragement and prayers of support for the installation of Pastor Z.

First Lutheran Church in St. Ansgar sent a beautiful flower arrangement along with a note “May God richly bless you on this special day in the life of your congregation!”

Emmons Lutheran Church in Emmons, Minnesota sent a note “This day is doubly memorable…Already you are discovering anew, together, the future which our Lord has been preparing you for in your respective faith journeys…Emmons Lutheran Church looks forward to getting to know our northern Iowa NALC neighbors in Christ even better…Your installation service today is a sign of encouragement to us as we proceed in the call process.”

Peace Lutheran Church in Northwood sent a note of happiness for us at this time, welcoming Pastor Z. “May God bring you all peace, joy and unity in your common purpose. May He bless your ministry and your congregation as you go forward as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The Rev. John F. Bradosky, Bishop of The North American Lutheran Church

The Rev. Solveig A.H. Zamzow The Rev. Ken Kimball,

Dean of the Iowa Mission District of The NALC

Emmanuel’s Epistle 4 November 2012

Welcome New Members

Sheila Lundon

641-748-2285 102 4th Ave

Grafton, IA 50440

Dean & Mardine Meyer 641-324-1565 2121 440th St

Kensett, IA 50448

Gary & Linda Schotanus Nicole

641-748-2372 PO Box 263

Grafton, IA 50440

Alan & Mavis Stevens 641-324-2348

4845 Spruce Ave Northwood, IA 50459

Gregg & Mary Jo Urbatsch Elizabeth, Sophia, & Gracie

641-748-2769 PO Box 184

Grafton, IA 50440

Madelynn Rosenberg Daughter of

Joshua & Anna Rosenberg 2254 440th St.

St. Ansgar, IA 50472


The meeting was called to order by President Mark Borchardt. Devotions were given by Bill Borchardt. There was no treasurer’s report.

Board Reports: Property – Electrical outlets and garbage disposal repairs done at the

parsonage Christian Education – Met Monday, Sept. 10, 2012. Sunday School

started with an ice cream party. Seventh and eighth grades will include Sunday School as part of confirmation classes.

Evangelism – Will meet on Sunday, no report Stewardship – Mission Sunday – waiting for Pastor Z’s input Lay Ministry – Will meet on the 16th. Ads in local papers should be

updated. Pastor’s report – New member reception set for October 28, 2012,

phone system needs update & reintroduce monthly newsletter. Iowa Mission District Convocation is October 6 in Eagle Grove from 9:30 am – 5:30 pm with a free will offering. NALC 2012 Congregational Renewal Conference on November 7 -9 in Hilliard, Ohio, Pastor Z will pay registration fee and Emmanuel will pay the hotel bill. Add NALC logo to bulletin. Confirmation class has three students and meet Wednesdays from 4:30 – 6:00 pm. Will conduct Bible Workshop on September 23 during Sunday School hour.

A review of the bills – read and approved, also approved Pastor Z’s moving expenses.

New Business: Wedding policy: Review at October meeting Constitution revisions: Completed Nominating Committee: Needs more members Audit Committee: Audit completed – all satisfactory Installation Sunday: Will pay pulpit supply for Pastor Kimbel, will

invite neighboring congregations and will be a communion Sunday, scheduled for October 14, 2012.

Secretary/Treasurer interview: Scheduled for Tuesday, September 18 starting at 6:30pm Church door locking policy: Pastor Z will unlock Other: Ideas for Evangelism projects.

Lisa Bartz will give October devotions

Next meeting October 9, 2012 at 7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. Bill Borchardt, secretary pro-tem


September 24, 2012 at 6:30 pm

The council met with all members present except Linda Kroneman. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept Linda Koschmeder as secretary and Linda Kroneman as treasurer effective October 1, 2012. The meeting was adjourned. Bill Borchardt, secretary pro-tem

Emmanuel’s Epistle 5 November 2012

Women of Emmanuel Next Women's Gathering Wednesday, November 14th

5:30 - Business Meeting 6:30 - Bible Study

7:30 - Lutheran World Relief Presentation The business portion will begin at 5:30 pm in the church basement and all are invited to attend. Bible Study will be led by Pastor Z, beginning at 6:30 pm. We will start a new 4 session study entitled, "Treasured". Also, we will be collecting a ThankOffering. This is a special offering collected during the month of November and has been designated to the local homeless shelters. If you are not able to attend the gathering and would like to give a ThankOffering, you can take it to the church office or give it to Charlotte Cole or Sharon Hulshizer. We look forward to having you join us!

TREASURED Bible Study by Deb Burma

What is more preciouss than diamonds? YOU!

You are the precious daughter of your heavenly Father, who claims you as His own. From a plain old lump of coal to a dazzling diamond, you are transformed in Christ. And you shine brilliantly as you reflect God’s glory.

Just as a treasure hunter searches for hidden jewels and buried riches, we seek out and treasure God’s Word in this four-session women’s Bible study series. In it, you’re invited to open the Bible and take a unique look at His treasures for you. Far greater than the value of any earthly treasure, God’s precious Word points the way to Christ, “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3).

You are a chosen and valuable treasure! You are a diamond-in-the-making,

and that requires Time, Heat, and Pressure…

You are defined by your Cut, Color, Carat, and Clarity…

You reflect His light into a dark world in need of a Savior.

Women’s Gathering October 10, 2012

The business portion of the Emmanuel Women’s gathering was opened by Charlotte with a devotion. The devotion was based on Psalm 46 and focused on, “Be still and know that I am God.” Secretary minutes from the September gathering were read and approved. Treasurer’s report shows $1,547.02 in checking and $8,119.98 in savings. There are still outstanding bills at the J-Mart and some for quilting/sewing supplies.

There will be a share-a-thon broadcast at KCMR October 17 and 18th for anyone interested. A Thank You was read from the lady that won the quilt donated by Emmanuel to the Lutheran Retirement Home auxiliary. There was no old business to discuss. New business included plans for the October 14th potluck and installation for Pastor Z . Details about set up and decorating were discussed.

Options for future Bible studies were presented. We have decided to begin a Bible Study entitled, Treasured, based on the book of Deuteronomy, dealing with our value to God and to one another. We will begin using the study in November, with the 1st lesson being led by Pastor Z.

Discussion was held about a new organization we could consider giving money to. The information came from the NALC convention. More information will be gathered on this. November has traditionally been ThankOffering month. A motion was made and carried that we will collect a ThankOffering in November and use the proceeds for the local homeless shelters. A brief discussion was held about the upcoming Thrivent dinner/ meeting on November 4th, hosted by Emmanuel. It will be a catered meal; the Women of the church will make coffee, lemonade, provide cups and silverware. The Emmanuel Choir will provide special music.

Since we had no formal Bible Study, those in attendance were encouraged to share their favorite Bible verse. There was a nice variety and discussion over these. Offering was collected and the gathering was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next gathering will be on Wednesday, November 14th. Business meeting at 5:30 p.m. Bible Study at 6:30.

Secretary, Sharon Hulshizer

Emmanuel’s Epistle 6 November 2012

LWF - Lutheran World Federation

PLEASE READ the following information regarding the congrega-tional ratification of the question of whether or not the NALC ought to join the Lutheran World Federation. This vote will be part of our next annual meeting. Pastor will continue to share information with you as the weeks go by. Let’s be sure to make use of the fact that our vote right here in Grafton will influence the decisions of our national church body. Truly, please take time to read this information!!! The following information is from the NALC October Newsletter.

Congregations consider whether to ratify proposal for NALC to join LWF

Congregations of the North American Lutheran Church are now deciding whether the NALC should join the Lutheran World Federation.

The NALC’s 2012 Convocation approved a resolution seeking full membership in the LWF. The resolution was approved by a two-thirds majority of the delegates to the Aug. 16-17 Convocation.

The resolution now must be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the 311 congregations that were members of the NALC at the time of the Convocation. If the congregations vote to ratify the resolution, the NALC will forward its application for membership to the LWF for consideration.

The NALC constitution requires all major decisions by a Convocation to be ratified by congregations before going into effect. Congregations have six months to vote on whether to ratify a Convocation action.

Congregations were sent information on the LWF resolution and additional documents to assist them in their deliberation on the proposal. The documents are also available on the NALC website.

The Convocation asked the Joint Commission on Theology and Doctrine to prepare a document to help congregations in their deliberation.

“We support and endorse membership by our church in the LWF. We see no theological or doctrinal impediment in this matter,” the Joint Commission on Theology and Doctrine said in a memorandum addressed to congregations.

“We recognize that the LWF is not an absolutely perfect fit for us in the NALC. Some LWF churches differ with us on doctrinal and ethical issues. On balance, however, we feel that the positives outweigh the negatives,” the commission said.

The Lutheran World Federation describes itself as “a global communion of Christian churches in the Lutheran tradition.” It includes church bodies in 79 countries. Ninety-five percent of the world’s 74 million Lutherans are members of the 143 church bodies that are members of the LWF.

In addition to noting the NALC’s commitment to ecumenical relationships, the resolution notes that encouragement from church leaders in Africa is a significant reason for the NALC to join the LWF.

“Our Lutheran brothers and sisters in Africa, especially in Ethiopia and Tanzania, desire the full membership of the NALC in the Lutheran World Federation to be an orthodox, confessional North American partner within LWF,” the resolution states.

Some NALC members have expressed concerns that because the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada are members of the LWF, the NALC would implicitly be in a formal relationship with those church bodies through the LWF.

However, the resolution sets forth the understandings on church-to-church fellowship with which the NALC would seek membership in the LWF: “Full membership within the Lutheran World Federation does not require, nor imply, altar and pulpit fellowship with all member Lutheran bodies. ... It is a present reality that certain member Lutheran bodies within the Lutheran World Federation understand themselves to be in impaired communion with certain other member Lutheran bodies” because of doctrinal differences.

“I understand the passion and emotions linked to our past that are also a part of our discussion regarding this issue. However, I have no doubt that you will make your decisions on the basis of prayerful deliberation and not your feelings. I trust the process that we have created, providing our congregations with the final decision. Above all, I trust in the power of the Holy Spirit at work in you, guiding and leading us through this deliberation to an appropriate decision,” Bishop Bradosky said in a letter to congregations.

Emmanuel’s Epistle 7 November 2012

T H A N K - Y O U …to Char Cole and Marena Bartz for serving so faithfully as our organists; to Marena also for leading our Sunday School kids in music and to Char for accompanying the choir so skillfully. Please know that we appreciate your gifts! …to the members of the Altar Guild who so lovingly prepare the table of the Lord and see to it that all matters are in good order for our time of communal prayer. …to those who count our offerings, Orland Bartz, Gene Nack, Connie & Marlin Rosenberg, and Clarice Bartz (who has been helping with this over 35 years). …to Chrystal Braun for your many dedicated years of service stuffing the bulletin boxes. …to Steve McCredy for sharing the individual Jello and Cheese-cake cups. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness in contrib-uting to our coffee hour and Sunday School children, for snacks. ...to our Sunday School teachers who are leading and guiding our children: Jody Hackbarth, Nicole Cole, Coleen Trettin, Tammy Borchardt, Caylee Bartz and Mitchell Cole. Thank you for all the preparation and the labor of love! …to Jeff Jessen & J-Mart for again contributing the French vanilla coffee for our fellowship gatherings. Many really like it! …to Laurie Bublitz for watering & tending to our outside plants. …to Sue Walk for polishing the silver candlesticks from the old church that are in the library. …to our Evangelism Board for a wonderful luncheon as we greeted our new members on October 28th. Your efforts did not go unnoticed. …to everyone who brings in snacks and goodies for our Sunday morning coffee hour – those who indulge acknowledge your efforts! Thank you!!! …to Betty Rosenberg & Carol Koschmeder for the fall decorating around the church. …to Tami Borchardt for her eagerness to jump in and help wherever needed. …to Lowell Walk for opening the church door on Fridays so Pastor Z can sleep in!


Scheduled for December 9th in the latter part of the afternoon. Take a look and see if YOU would enjoy telling the story of Jesus’ birth in a unique way. Sign-up at the table in the narthex (please include your phone number). This is a great event for your whole family to participate in. The next planning meeting is Monday, Nov. 12th at 7:00 pm. There will be only one rehearsal – so the time commitment is very restricted! Come and join us!?

Silent actors, you must be at least 10 years old, we still need: Mary, Joseph, 3 Kings (adult males), 2 Angels, 5 Shep-herds (2 must be adults), 3 Soldiers (adults), 2 Inn Keepers (adults), 7 Towns-people (1 adult).

Preparation Helpers needed are: Prop Construction and Custom Designer/ Seamstress.

ADVENT GATHERINGS As announced last month, we are planning two Advent Gatherings in December, namely on Wednesday, Dec. 5th at 2pm & 7pm. The Gathering in the after-noon will be geared toward those of us who are more advanced in age, the evening one more toward families – but you may come to either or both! Please bring along a memory and/or an item that expresses how Advent and Christmas was/is celebrated in your family (a pickle on the Christmas tree; fruit and candy in a boot for St. Nickolas Day?). After sharing, we will create some beautiful Straw Stars together, sing some carols, sip hot cider and simply take a moment to enjoy this special season of preparation as we again await the birth of the Christ child. By all means: bring along your friends and neighbors – all are welcome!!! Please note the sign-up on the kiosk so we may prepare well!

Thank You Thank you to Pastor Z for the prayers, visits and just being here with us. Thank you for the cards, telephone calls and well wishes. A special thank you to Chris, Teresa & William who are always helping us.

Chrystal & Everett Braun

Thank You Recognition

We received a certifi-cate from Opportunity Village awarding us the title of Honorary Board in appreciation of gen-erous and sustaining support of people with disabilities.

Emmanuel’s Epistle 8 November 2012

Community Notes Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner – Little Cedar Lutheran Church, Adams, Wed., Nov. 7, 11:00 am-1:00 pm & 5:00-7:30 pm. Adults $15, 18 & under $8, Preschool free. Bazaar with pastries & coffee at 9:00 am, Bake sale starts 9:30. Share-a-thon – KJCY Christian Radio, Wed. & Thur., Nov. 7 & 8. Testimonies, music, daily events – Helping you Find His Way! 95.5 FM or www.KJCY.com Soup & Sweets Supper – KJCY - Thursday, Nov. 8, 4:30 – 7:00 pm. Free will donation. First Citizen Bank Heritage Room, 4th St. SW & Taft Ave., Mason City. Scandinavian Holiday – Deer Creek Lutheran Church, Carpenter, Sat., Nov. 10, 10:30 am -1:00 pm. Bake sale, Scandinavian Goodies, salad, coffee & tea. Maidrite & Homemade Pie Supper – First Lutheran Church, Northwood, Sun., Nov. 18, 4:30 – 6:30 pm. Adults $6, age 10 & under $3. Head Start Adopt-A-Child and help provide winter outerwear to children in need. Donations can be mailed to: Adopt A Child, 1190 Briarstone Dr., Mason City 50401. If you would like to shop for a child or if you have any other questions call Paulette Webb at 641-494-1891 x 33 at North Iowa Community Action Organization.

Blood Drive - St. Ansgar High School, Thur., Nov. 15, 9:30 am – 3 pm, High School Gym, 206 E. 8th Street. To make an appointment, contact Sue Ney at 641-713-4720 or visit www.lifeservebloodcenter.org FAVA – Family Alliance for Veterans of America has established their National Headquarters in Forest City. Their mission is to provide information, education, advocacy and support to families of veterans and veterans. For more information, see their flyer on the bulletin board, or call 641-585-5995 or www.fava.westcare.com. Christmas Toy Drive – All toys collected will be distributed in Worth County by Worth County Community of Promise. Families seeking assistance must apply by 11/30/2012. We have applications in the office, or go to www.wccop-wjg.com. If you would like to donate, new unwrapped toys can be dropped off here and at other county locations, by December 11th. Speak with Linda Koschmeder in the office for more information.

Opportunities to Serve

Ushers, PA Operators and Offering Counters. If you believe you can give your time to these important tasks, please speak to someone on the Lay Ministry Board or to Pastor Z. Thanks for considering theses opportunities to serve!

Prayer Chain - One of the vital ministries of Emmanuel is our prayer chain. If you would like to be a part of this very important ministry, please contact Pastor Rose Marie Nack for further details at 748-2237.

Secret Prayer Pals – A great opportunity for ministry to one of our four Confirmation kids. Stop in, or call the office. For more information call Linda Kroneman 641-736-4563.

Fill Bulletin Boxes – Crystal Braun has ‘retired’ after 22 dedicated years at this task.



BALANCE ON HAND 08-01-12 $ 45,670.60 Sunday offerings 6,702.00 Pastor’s salary offering 255.00 Total receipts 6,957.00 Total expenditures 4,820.86 BALANCE ON HAND 09-01-12 $47,806.74


BALANCE ON HAND 08-01-12 $ 774.00 Sunday Offerings 209.00 Estate monies to NALC 47.85 Total Receipts 256.85 NALC 47.85 Total Expenditures 47.85 BALANCE ON HAND 10-01-12 $983.00


BALANCE ON HAND 08-01-12 $2,283.30 Sunday Offerings 10.00 Total Receipts 10.00 EZ Masonary – parsonage 160.00 Altar paint, etc. 13.32 Total Expenditures 173.32 BALANCE ON HAND 09-01-12 $2,119.98

Emmanuel’s Epistle 9 November 2012

Grafton News * Discussed at the October meeting of the Grafton City Council was a public hearing regarding the submission of a grant to the IA Economic Development Authority for the rehabilitation of possibly up to six owner-occupied homes in Grafton. NIACOG and Winn-Worth Betco will be working with the city submitting the grant application by the Dec. 2012 due date. The council should know by March, 12, 2013, if the city will be awarded this grant. * Grafton’s Halloween Trick & Treat Night has been set for Wednesday, October 31st, from 5 PM to 7 PM. * The city council is now taking bids for the loading and removal of excess snow from the city streets for the coming winter. Bids should be submitted to the Grafton City Hall in a clearly marked envelope by 7 PM, November 12th. * The city will be purchasing a new salt/sand spreader before winter. * Mayor Bork presented the financial report from Turkey Day, which was very successful. * The city is required to hold a meeting in connection with the Worth County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This meeting should be attended by elected officials, city employees, local business owners, school district representatives, Fire Dept. personnel and local citizens in order to fulfill the city’s local match requirement set by FEMA. By meeting these requirements Grafton will qualify to receive FEMA funds if they are needed. Meeting is Oct, 29 at the Community Center. * 23 households had brought items to the Hazardous Waste Collection Day on Oct. 10.

Up-Coming Town Events * November 12th last day to submit bids for city snow removal. * November 12th, 7 pm, November City Council Meeting. All meetings are open to the public.

STEWARDSHIP A word from your friendly STEWARDSHIP BOARD. Please be aware of the following: as of the end of September, our offering toward Benevolence has been a mere $1,081.00. According to our agreed upon commitment we will give $1,000.00 to the NALC in 2012 and the remainder of the mission monies are to be divided among eight agencies. Due to your great faithfulness in offering up funds for our current expenses and a few other concerns, we fear that all of us might have simply forgotten about these said commitments – and we wanted to remind all of us once again. Please be sure to assign a certain percentage of your giving toward our Benevolence fund as we are walking toward the end of the year. We thank you for your diligence and care and assure you that we will do our very best to administer all financial gifts with diligence.

Bugenhagen Presentation Your wish shall be our command: upon requests, Michael Zamzow will repeat his presentation on Johannes Bugenhagen, Martin Luther’s Pastor and Confessor, on Tuesday, November 27th at 6:30 pm.

TREASURY REPORT – September 2012


BALANCE ON HAND 09-01-12 $ 47,806.74 Sunday offerings 15,197.37 Pastor’s salary offering 280.00 Pledges paid for pastor salary 3,500.00 Total receipts 18,977.37 Total expenditures 11,108.87 BALANCE ON HAND 10-01-12 $55,675.24


BALANCE ON HAND 09-01-12 $ 983.00 Sunday Offerings 98.00 Total Receipts 98.00 Total Expenditures 0.00 BALANCE ON HAND 10-01-12 $1,081.00


BALANCE ON HAND 09-01-12 $ 2,119.98 Sunday Offerings 51.00 Total Receipts 51.00 Garbage disposal - parsonage 103.77 Grounded outlets – parsonage 61.70 Ranny Hoffarth – parsonage 476.28 Adams Plbg–rotorooter–parsonage 193.65 Grafton J-Mart–cleaning supplies–par. 17.14 Total Expenditures 852.54 BALANCE ON HAND 10-01-12 $1,318.44

Emmanuel Lutheran Church – Grafton, Iowa – November 2012Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 All Saints Day 10:00 Bible Study

10 Commandments 6:30 Bible Study



PZ’s day off


4 All Saints Sunday 9:30 am Worship with

Communion 10:30 Sunday School




7 4:30 Confirmation

6:30 SS Christmas Program Practice

7:30 Choir

8 NO Bible Studies



11 24th Sun Pentecost

Mission Fest 9:30 am Worship 10:30 Sunday School

Fellowship/Coffee Mission Presentation Veterans Day

12 6:00 Education Board 7:00 Live Nativity Planning

13 7:00 pm Council

14 4:30 Confirmation 6:30 SS Christmas Program

Practice 7:30 Choir Women of Emmanuel

5:30 Meeting 6:30 Bible Study 7:30 Lutheran World Relief presentation

15 10:00 Bible Study

10 Commandments 6:30 Bible Study



PZ’s day off


18 25th Sun Pentecost 9:30 am Worship 10:30 Sunday School


19 20 21 NO Confirmation Class 2:00 Newsletter Deadline 7:30 Choir

22 Thanksgiving Day 9:30 am Worship


Church offices Closed


25 Christ the King 9:30 am Worship 10:30 Sunday School


26 27 6:30 pm Bugenhagen presentation

28 4:30 Confirmation 6:30 SS Christmas Program

Practice 7:30 Choir

29 10:00 Bible Study

10 Commandments 6:30 Bible Study



PZ’s day off

Pastor Z at NALC Conference in Ohio

Pastor Z on vacation

Emmanuel’s Epistle 11 November 2012

Poinsettias will again be available to order in memory or in honor of loved ones. The cost will be $10.00. More information will be in your bulletins in mid November.


November 2012



PO Box 282 308 4th Avenue

Grafton, Iowa 50440

Pastor Solveig A.H. Zamzow

Office Secretary

Linda Koschmeder

Church 641-748-2736



Parsonage 641-748-2050


emanluthch@wctatel.net PastorZ@wctatel.net


emmanuelgrafton. wordpress.com

Office Hours

Tuesday – Thursday 9 am – 2 pm

November 2012 Schedule Greeters Nov 4 Michael & Teresa Sorenson Nov 11 Earl & Judy Trenhaile Nov 18 Steven & Brenda Trenhaile Nov 25 Dale & Coleen Trettin Altar Guild Emi Kuntz Val Bork PA Albert Ralph & Gary Schotanus Ushers Head Usher Paul Hackbart

Gary Backhaus Duane Dierks Alex Hackbart Marlin Rosenberg Gary & Kyle Schotanus

Acolytes Nov 4 Jacob Hyde & Mitchell Cole Nov 11 Kayleigh Trettin Nov 18 Harmony Clark Nov 22 Bridget Badker Nov 25 Gabe & Lily Walk Organist Nov 4 Marena Bartz Nov 11 Helen Senne Nov 18 Marena Bartz Nov 22 Charlotte Cole Nov 25 Charlotte Cole

NOTE TO ALL READERS Contact us at 641-748-2736

Please let us know: • If you do not wish to

receive this newsletter in the future.

• If you have an address change.

• If you are comfortable sharing your email and/or cell phone information with us. This information would only be used for informational purposes.

• If you are not a member and would like to receive our newsletter.

Thank you very much!

Deadlines – Sunday Bulletin deadline is 2:00 Wednesday afternoon. December Newsletter deadline is Wednesday, Nov 21, at 2:00.

Happy 91st Birthday to Marcella Brown, on Nov. 1. If you would like to send Marcella a card, she is at Timely Mission Nursing Home, 109 Mission Dr., Buffalo Center, IA 50424.

Sunday School Christmas Program

Practice in the sanctuary

Wednesday 6:30 – 7:30 November 7, 14, 28

December 12

Flowers - If you wish to put flowers in the church, please notify the Altar Guild member assigned for that month. They are listed in the newsletter or call the church office.

Emmanuel’s Epistle 12 November 2012

NEWSFLASH!!!: I have just been approached by a representative from Lutheran World Relief who will be in our area on the evening of our November 14th women’s meeting, and would like to talk to us at 7:30 pm. Please be sure to join us!!!! Here we will have a fantastic opportunity to learn more about this organization and how much of what we have offered up through them has been put to good use around the world. We also will learn about the pan-Lutheran effort to wipe out Malaria. I encourage you to come and be part of this evening – a rare opportunity that literally ‘fell into our laps’.

Pastor Z+

Emmanuel Lutheran Church 308 4th Avenue, Grafton, Iowa emmanuelgrafton.wordpress.com emanluthch@wctatel.net PastorZ@wctatel.net

Church 641-748-2736 Parsonage 641-748-2050

PO Box 282 Grafton, Iowa 50440 Address Service Requested

November 11th Mission Fest Sunday

Be sure to join us after worship downstairs on that day. Mr. and Mrs. Sculley from the Worth County Food Bank will be with us along with Ms. Nancy Clark from Iowa State University who will give a Powerpoint presentation regarding food insecurity in the State of Iowa, poverty in general, and compare what we are facing in our State with the Midwest and the country. Ms. Clark is a Nutrition and Health Field Specialist working with the Extension office. Her presentation promises to be very interesting and hopefully will make a connection to what we do here in our area. Remember your Mission envelopes to help support the Food Bank. Thank you!

Disaster Relief Fund for Hurricane Sandy

You can donate online by going to www.thenalc.org or make your check out to Emmanuel Lutheran Church and put ‘Hurricane’ in the memo or mail your money directly to the NALC Finance Office at 2299 Palmer Dr, Ste. 220, New Brighton, MN 55112-2202.

How can WE…

How do WE…

make a Difference

in the World ?

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