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US History EOC Review

GOAL 1: The New Nation (1789-1820) The learner will identify, investigate, and assess the effectiveness of the institutions of the emerging republic

1. List the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. Beside, list how it was fixed by Constitution

Articles Constitution _______________________________-__________________________________ _______________________________-__________________________________ _______________________________-__________________________________ _______________________________-__________________________________ _______________________________-__________________________________

2. Federalists supported a ___________________________ government.

3. Antifederalists supported __________________________ governments.

4. What was the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

5. What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 do?

6. Name the departments and Secretaries of the new Cabinet?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

7. Name the first two political parties and the leaders

8. What did Hamilton’s debt program entail?

What country did it anger and why?

9. Protective Tariff –

10. Whiskey Rebellion =

11. What did President George Washington warn against in his Farewell Address? _________________________ _________________________

12. What position did the US take in the war between Britain and France?

US History EOC Review13. Which incident in 1797 was an immediate cause of tension between France and the US?

14. Explain the significance of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

15. Sectionalism –

16. What was the problem caused in the 1796 presidential election?

17. What did the Federalist Party have passed in order to keep foreign immigrants from aligning themselves with the Republican Party?

18. What did Jefferson and Madison issue in response to the Alien and Sedition Act?

What is significant about this?

19. Pickney’s Treaty –

20. Why did Americans criticize Jay’s Treaty?

21. How did Jefferson simplify the government?

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

22. Explain the Judiciary Act of 1801 and the midnight judges?

23. Marbury v. Madison = __________________ -

24. Why did Jefferson pass the Embargo Act?

25. Impressments =

26. Hartford Convention –

27. What were the reasons for the War of 1812? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

28. What role did the British play in the fight against the Natives?

29. Who defeated the Natives at the Battle of Tippecanoe?

30. Tecumseh -

31. What was significant about the Battle at Fort McHenry?

US History EOC Review

32. Andrew Jackson is brought to prominence by winning the Battle of _________________.

33. Why was the period War of 1812 called the Era of Good Feelings?

34. List some reasons why this time period, 1781 to 1815 is called “A Nation at Risk.” _______________________ _______________________

35. Alexander Hamilton had a ___________ interpretation of the Consitution.36. Thomas Jefferson had a ___________ interpretation of the Constitution.

37. Because of this, he was not sure he had the authority to do which of the following? Embargo Act Louisiana Purchase Repeal Whiskey Ttax Pay off pirates

38. Who were Lewis and Clark?

39. Which of the following Justices empowered the government with his court decisions? James Madison John Q. Adams James Monroe John Marshall

GOAL 2: Expansion and Reform (1801-1850) The learner will assess the competing forces of expansionism, nationalism, and sectionalism.

40. What was the Second Great Awakening?

41. What are the features of Romanticism?

42. Temperance Movement –

43. What is stressed in the Transcendentalist movement?

Name two of its leaders. __________________ __________________

44. Who lead the biggest fight for public school reform?

45. ________________ revolutionized the South’s staple crop.

46. What was the result of Nat Turner’s Rebellion?

47. Abolition –

US History EOC Review

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

48. Adams-Onis Treaty =

49. ANDREW JACKSON: 1824 election = What is the corrupt bargain?

Jackson opposed __________________. How did he destroy it?

Spoils System =

How did Jackson deal with the Nullification Crisis?

50. What state challenged the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832? ________________________.

51. How did expansion impact the lives of Native Americans?

52. What religious group moved to Utah to escape religious persecution?

53. The concept of equal rights for women was addressed at the 1848 ______________________________.

54. Which transcendentalist refused to pay taxes to support the Mexican War and was practicing “civil disobedience” by doing so? _____________________________

55. Name a few of the women’s rights advocates.___________________ ______________________________________ ___________________

56. Causes of Mexican-American War:1 -_________________2 -_________________

Gains: lands_________________________________________________

57. Who were the 49ers?

58. Who was the “land” President, that gained the most during his Presidency?

59. What is the significance of “54-40 or Fight”?What territory did this affect?

US History EOC Review

60. Matching :

1. Monroe Doctrine A. a high protective tariff passed by Congress and opposed by the South

2. McCulloch v. Maryland B. Practice of rewarding party supporters with appointments to government offices

3. Gibbons v. Ogden C. Supreme Court declared the Bank of the US was constitutional

4. American System D. Revolutionized the treatment of the mentally ill and called for prison reform

5. Nationalism E. popular belief that the role of the US was to extend its boundaries to the Pacific Ocean

6. Manifest destiny F. stated that if any country was to interfere in the affairs of Latin America it would be the US; telling Europe to stay out

7. John Marshall G. Court decision which said that Georgia law did not extend to Cherokee nation

8. Spoils System H. Plan developed by Henry Clay in early 1800s for sectional cooperation on legislation

9. Worcester v. Georgia I. a practical approach to problems and affairs10. Marbury v. Madison J. settlers in a territory could decide for

themselves if that territory would be free or slave

11. Henry David Thoreau K. Transcendentalist author who wrote Walden

12. Dorothea Dix L. Supreme Court case that established the power of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional – Judicial Review

13. Pragmatism M. patriots feelings towards one’s country14. Popular Sovereignty N. Supreme Court ruled only Congress can

regulate use of interstate waterways and commerce

15. Tariff of Abominations O. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for 32 years in which decisions for a strong central government were made

US History EOC ReviewGOAL 3: Crisis, Civil War, and Reconstruction (1848-1877) The learner will analyze the issues that led to the Civil War, the effects of the war, and the impact of Reconstruction on the nation.

61. Missouri Compromise addressed the issue of _____________________.

62. Stephen Douglas = __________________________ =

63. What was the main issue of the American Party?

64. What were the conditions for the Compromise of 1850? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

65. What was the significant impact of the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

66. What did the Supreme Court rule in the Dred Scott decision?

67. What were the provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

68. How did Popular Sovereignty prove to be a bad idea? (in Kansas)

69. What was the basic difference of opinion between Lincoln and Douglas on the issue of slavery?

70. John Brown –

71. List 4 causes of the Civil War _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

72. Which was the first state to secede from the Union?

73. Who was the president of the Confederacy?

74. Anaconda Plan: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

75. What is the turning point of the Civil War? Why?

76. What was the significance of the battle of Vicksburg?

77. What was Lincoln’s primary reason for fighting the war?

US History EOC Review78. What advantages did the North have over the South?

79. What advantages did the South have over the North?

80. What was significant about the Emancipation Proclamation being made part of the Union commitment?

81. What problems occurred with the use of the draft?

82. What impact did the Civil War have on the Northern economy?

83. What was revolutionary about the Monitor and the Merrimack?

84. What was significant about the Hunley?

85. What is “total war” or war of attrition? What is the army’s primary target in total war?

Why was it adopted by the North?

86. What is Reconstruction?

87. Describe Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction?

88. What did the Wade-Davis Bill call for?

89. What was Radical about the Radical Republicans? Who was the leader?

90. What did Congressional Reconstruction call for in the South?

91. List the Amendments and their law.

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

92. List 4 ways that white Southerners limited African Americans right to vote in the South: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

93. Where did General Lee surrender his forces to General Grant?94. What officially ended Reconstruction?

95. Who were the Scalawags?

96. Who were the Carpetbaggers?

US History EOC Review97. How did tenant farming and sharecropping resemble slavery?

98. What was the main goal of the Ku Klux Klan?

99. What major scandals occurred under the Grant administration?

100.What is the ruling of the Plessy v. Ferguson case, and how is it significant?

Graph Questions:

101.What percentage of southerners owned between 1 and 9 slaves?

102.How many Southerners owned 50 or more slaves?

103.What can you infer about the Southerners and the number of slaves owned?

104.Based on the information in the chart, why do you think Southerners fought in the Civil War if not because of slavery?

US History EOC ReviewGOAL 4: The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor (1860s-1896) The learner will evaluate the great westward movement and assess the impact of the agricultural revolution on the nation.GOAL 5: Becoming an Industrial Society (1877-1900) The learner will describe innovations in technology and business practices and assess their impact on economic, political, and social life in US.

105.Chart FactorsPush Pull

106.Who were the Exodusters?

107.List ways in which the federal government helped westward expansion?

108.What is the myth about cowboys on the open range? What is true?

109.In the late 1800s, what did the economy in the West feel the greatest economic impact from?

110.What was the primary reason for tension and violence between Natives and white settlers?

111.What was the significance of the Battle of Wounded Knee?

112.What was the significance of the Native American victory at Little Bighorn?

113.What is the Dawes Severalty Act?

114.Theodore Roosevelt called the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 “a mighty pulverizing engine to break up the tribal mass.” All of the following are results of the act except which one?

Many Indians received the rights of full American citizenship for the first time The act reinforced tribal life and at the same time helped Indians assimilate into white

society Each Indian family received a land grant for 160 acres and could make independent

decisions on its use Land remaining after Indian allotments reverted to the government and could be sold to


115.Why did farmers support free silver?

116.What is one world used to describe the people/settlers of the west?

117.Who were the Grangers? What was the purpose of this group?

118.Why did farmers in the late 1800s object to railroad companies’ policies?

US History EOC Review119.What impact did barbed wire have on the West?

120.List a few inventions that helped improve farming.

121.What was the primary reason for the decline of the self-sufficient farm in the United States during the nineteenth century?

122.What is Populism? Who were its main members?

123.What was the most important goal of the Populist Party?

124.List the Populist demands. __________________ _____________________ __________________ _____________________ __________________ _____________________

125.Why can the Populist Party be considered successful?

126.List 4 benefits of railroads on the US _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

127.Another term for right to vote.

128.Vertical Integration –

129.Horizontal Integration –

130.Trust –

131.What did critics call the Captains of Industry?

132.Match the tycoon/entrepeneur with the correct business. Edison______________ - Railroads/steamboats Rockefeller_____________ - electricity Vanderbilt______________ - oil Carnegie______________ - banking Morgan______________ - steel

133.How did Henry Ford revolutionize the auto industry?

134.Where did immigrants arriving after 1890 come from?

135.How did immigrants adapt to living in cities?

136.Urbanization –

US History EOC Review

137.Nativism –

Why were immigrants disliked?

138.The Exclusionary Act was passed to limit the number of ________________ from immigrating to the United States.

139.What did the Gentlemen’s Agreement have to say about certain immigrants?

140.Bessemer Process –

141.What did Thomas Edison do to revolutionize technology?

142.What reforms did the Knights of Labor advocate?

143.Who is Samuel Gompers?

144.What leader is associated with the American Railway Union and the Industrial Workers of the World?

145.Who is Horatio Alger?

146.What event turned the public against the Unions? Why?


T/F = 1. The urban population in 1900 was larger than the entire population in 1860.

2. Although the percentage or rural Americans in the total population decreased by almost 20% between 1860 and 1900, the actual number of rural people increased.

3. More than three fourths of the American people lived in rural areas in 1860.

4. In 1900 more than half the people lived in urban areas.

US History EOC Review148. Matching:

List the invention beside the inventor. Christopher Sholes Alexander Bell Cyrus McCormick

149.How would you describe religion during this time period?

150.How did political machines use immigrants?

151.What did the federal government pass in order to avoid corruption in government that often came with patronage/spoils system?

What is one drawback to thist act?

1. Social Darwinism A. racial segregation by custom2. Gilded Age B. allowed for the direct election of senators3. John Rockefeller C. site in Montana where George Custer was

defeated by the Sioux Indians4. Sherman Antitrust Act D. theory that the most competitive survive

in the business world5. The Jungle E. founder of Standard Oil, had a monopoly

on refineries6. de facto segregation F. invented by Joseph Glidden, resulted in

closing the open range on the plains7. de jure segregation G. book written by Upton Sinclair dealing

with the meat packing industry8. Interstate Commerce Commission H. founded Hull House – settlement house

to provide help to poor families9. Laissez-faire I. racial segregation by law10. American Federation of Labor J. Law aimed to eliminate monopolies11. 17th Amendment K. leader of political machine in New York

known as Tammany Hall controlled politics by controlling the poor and immigrant voters

12. Jane Adams L. labor union organized by Samuel Gompers

13. Boss Tweed M. economic policy where government has a “hands off” policy

14. Barbed wire N. group set up to regulate railroad affairs15. Little Big Horn O. period between 1865 and 1900 that was

marked not only by growth in industry and the availability of consumer goods but also by business corruption, greed and materialism

US History EOC ReviewGOAL 6: The emergence of the United States in World Affairs (1890-1914) The learner will analyze causes and effects of the United States emergence as a world power.

152.What is imperialism?

153.What is the most important motive for United States imperialism in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries?

To test the strength of the United States Navy To limit the power the Great Britain and France To find new sources of cheap labor To open new markets for American-made goods

154.What is the Open Door Policy?

155.What did Spain and the US sign in 1898 to end the Spanish-American War? ________________________

156.What was the goal of the US foreign policy of imperialism in the late nineteenth century?

157.The SAC war demonstrated the need for what?

158.Who is Alfred T. Mahan? Explain his beliefs.

159.What is Big Stick Diplomacy? Established by whom?

160.What is Dollar Diplomacy? Established by whom?

161. Territorial ExpansionThrough War Purchase or Treaty

162.What is the Teller Amendment?

163.What is the Platt Amendment?

164.What did T. Roosevelt send around the world as a sign of dominance?

GOAL 7: The Progressive Movement in the United States (1890-1914) The learner will analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive Period.

US History EOC Review

165.The goal of the Progressive Movement was to do what? ___________________________________

166.What are the four goals of the Progressive Movement? ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

167.What were journalists who kept the public informed of wrongdoings in business and government called?

168.Who were the three Progressive Presidents? In order

169.What is the Clayton Act?

170.What was Wilson’s Progressive Plan?

171.Why did the Progressive Party become known as the Bull Moose Party?

172.Which suffragist leader was arrested for voting in the 1872 Presidential election? _____________________

173.Who is Carrie Chapman Catt?

174.What is significant about Upton Sinclair?

175.Amendments: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

176.What is significant about the Plessy v. Ferguson case?

177.Black LeadersWEB Dubois Booker T. Washington Marcus Garvey

GOAL 8: The Great War and Its Aftermath (1914-1930) The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War I and the war’s influence on international affairs during the 1920s.

US History EOC ReviewGOAL 9: Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939) The learner will appraise the economic, social, and political changes of “The Twenties” and “The Thirties.”

178.What are the four long-term causes of WWI?

179.What are the causes of the US entry into WWI?

180.What was Wilson’s campaign platform for the 1916 election?

181.During WWI, the US joined the ______________ Powers.

182.What, in general, were Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

183.What was the 14th point?

184.Who was the US Senator who lobbied against it?

185.What were the main points of the Treaty of Versailles? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

186.The Red Scare of the 1920s and 30s was because of the fear of ____________________.

187.Matching:1. Eleanor Roosevelt A. Payment for war damages2. Reparations B. Raids on radical groups ordered by

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer during the Red Scare

3. Red Scare C. Countries who fought on the side of Germany during WWI

4. Palmer Raids D. Leaders at the Versailles Peace Conference5. Big Four E. British passenger ship sunk by German U-

Boats6. Lusitania F. A leader in women’s rights and raised

equality. She served as first lady.7. Fourteen Points G. side on which the US fought during WWI8. Treaty of Versailles H. Wilson’s plan for peace after WWI9. Allies I. ended WWI, terms were very harsh for

Germany10. Central Powers J. fear of Bolsheviks and Communists in the


188. Place the following countries in the correct columns.France Austria Hungary Italy

US History EOC ReviewGermany Great Britain BulgariaUnited States Russia

Allies Central Powers______________________-______________________________________________-______________________________________________-______________________________________________-______________________________________________-________________________

189.BIG FOUR: list the countries they representClemenceau =Lloyd George =Orlando =Wilson =

190.What is the correct order of the following events?I. the Zimmerman NoteII. the sinking of the LusitaniaIII. the assissination of Franz FerdinandIV. the Russian Revolution


191.Women serving in World War I produced which of the following results? _________________

192.Who was the President after WWI?

193.What was his campaign slogan?

194.What was the purpose of the Kellogg-Briand Pact?

195.Espionage and Sedition Act –

196.List other ways in which the government encouraged people to join the war effort?

197.Explain the case of Scneck v. United States?

198.What is the Great Migration?

199.Speakeasies, Babe Ruth, Flappers, and the Charleston are associated with what decade?

200. What was the Lost Generation?

201.Matching: Write the letter beside the number. Write the term beside the definition.

US History EOC Review

202.Name some authors during the Harlem Renaissance period?

A. Herbert Hoover F. Republican K. Black Tuesday P. 18th AmendmentB. Franklin Roosevelt G. Democratic L. Assembly line Q. Palmer RaidsC. Niccolo Sacco H. Imperialism M. FDIC R. Five-Power Naval TreatyD. John Steinbeck I. Isolationism N. WPA S. Sick industriesE. Huey Long J. Harlem Renaissance O. 19th Amendment

1. US foreign policy following WWI

2. This gave women the right to vote

3. Agreement in which the US, Britain, Japan, France, and Italy agreed on a 10 year holiday from constructing battleships

4. These were named after President Wilson’s Attorney General who was concerned about foreign radicals in the US. He ordered raids, conducted searches without warrants, and charged people without evidence

5. One of the two Italian anarchists who were executed for murder on circumstantial evidence. Their trial showed how strongly people feared foreigners in the 1920s.

6. This prohibited the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages.

7. Time period during the 1920s when leading blacks talked of pride and self-confidence. Black writers, artists, and musicians began to turn out many creative works

8. This was Henry Ford’s approach to mass production which allowed manufacturers to increase production and which resulted in lower prices.

9. Name given to industries such as farming, textiles, and coal mining which did not do well despite the overall prosperity of the 1920s.

10. October 29, 1929 – the day the Stock Market crashed

11. President at the beginning of the depression who believed that private charities should help the needy

12. This gave people the confidence to deposit their money in banks again in the 1930s

13. Writer whose 1939 bestseller was The Grapes of Wrath.

14. Many black Americans switched over to this political party during the 1930s.

15. His slogan of “Share Out Wealth” appealed to many of the nation’s poor.

US History EOC Review __________________ __________________

203.In the 1920s, what event caused a dramatic rise in crime?

204.What is a flapper? describe

205.Who was responsible for advocating birth control methods to 1920s women?

206.What is Nativism?

What is the main reason for this anger?

207.What are a few examples of how this was present during the 1920s? ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

208.Which of the following played a role in developing the changing manners and morals of the early 1920s?

I. New status of womenII. Collapse of the stock marketIII. The Movie IndustryIV. The automobile

I and II only II and III only I, III, and IV only II, III, and IV only

209.Describe the difference between Hoover and FDR with regards to handling the Depression?

210.In the 1930s, the enactment of the New Deal programs demonstrated what belief? ____________________________________________________________

211.Wagner Act –

212.What could be a reason for the label of the “Roaring Twenties”?

213.What did the farmers do to protest and show their frustration about low crop prices?

214.What event caused Hoover’s popularity to plummet?

215.What is the purpose of: AAA = SEC =

US History EOC Review FDIC = TVA = CCC =

216.Which of the following best explains how this cartoon felt about the New Deal? The federal government was growing into a forest of departments The federal government was being overshadowed by business interests The federal government had too much control over business interests The federal government got its economic nourishment from business

217.Readily accessible electrical power was important to New Deal reformers for which of the following reasons?

It would enable factories to work longer hours It would improve both work and living conditions and stimulate the economy It would enable all Americans to hear government news on the radio It would decrease cheating by privately owned utility companies

218.What ended the Great Depression?

GOAL 10: World War II and the Beginning of the Cold War (1930s-1963) The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War II and the war’s influence on international affairs in following decades.

US History EOC Review219.Who were the Axis Powers?

220.Who made up the Allied Powers?

221.What event began WWII?

222.How did the Great Depression lead up to WWII?

223.What event caused the US to declare war?

224.What did the Neutrality Acts, passed by the US, allow?

225.What did the Lend-Lease Act allow?

226.In what way did the Soviet Union help start WWII?

227.What is significant about the Atlantic Charter?

228.What was the result of the Potsdam Conference?

229.What was the purpose of the Marshall plan?

230.What was allowed in the Munich Pact?

231.What was Winston Churchill’s response to the Munich Pact?

232.What strategy did the Germans use to conquer most of Europe?

233.What agreements were made at the Yalta Conference?

234.What ultimately happened to Germany after WWII?

235.What led to the Berlin Airlift?

236.What is the significance of the Truman Doctrine?

237.What is the significance of the Eisenhower Doctrine?

238.What is Containment?

239.What is the Iron Curtain?

240.What was the main argument the US and the Soviet Union had about rebuilding Germany?

241.What is NATO?

US History EOC Review

242.What was the Soviet response to NATO?

243.List the 5 member of the UN Security Council?

244.What was John Foster Dulles’ plan for international peace?

245.Who were the Rosenburgs?

246.What gave rise to McCarthyism?

247.What is HUAC?

248.What was the relationship between HUAC and the Hollywood Ten?

249.What significance did the launching of Sputnik play?

250.What is the Cold War?

251.In what situations did the Cold War become heated? _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

252.How did the Korean War end? What is the parallel?

253.WWII Crossword Puzzle:Across

2. Pacific theater: turning point b/c it halted the Japanese advance towards Hawaii

US History EOC Review3. Code name for invasion of Normandy5. Germany, Italy, and Japan were the countries that made up the ___ Powers.6. Allied commander in the Pacific theater7. Japanese-Americans were seen as a threat and forced to live in ____ camps.9. The islands where MacArthur left and said, “I shall return”11. Prime Minister of England during WWII13. Dictator of Germany in WWII15. Allied strategy for fighting in the Pacific18. Country where D-Day invasion took place

Down1. Japanese suicide pilots2. Code name for the development of the atomic bomb4. US President at the beginning of WWII8. Dictator of Italy during WWII10. The battle was Germany’s last effort to defeat the Allies in Europe11. This battle in the Pacific halted the Japanese advance toward Australia12. Japanese city where the first atomic bomb was dropped14. German strategy of “lightening war”16. Britain and France declared war on Germany after Germany invaded this country17. Hitler’s extermination of the Jews

US History EOC ReviewGOAL 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this period.GOAL 12: The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period.

254.What change did the war have on women’s attitudes towards working?

255.What prevented postwar depression from occurring?

256.What two economic problems faced postwar America? ____________________ ____________________

257.What are Levittowns?

258.Where were most Americans living during the 1950s?

259.Who is the author of The Feminine Mystique?

What problem was described in this book?

260.What is White Flight?

261.According to Michael Harrington’s The Other America, why is poverty a vicious cycle of suffering?

262.What major change concerning Native Americans became policy after the Great Depression?

263.Who is Dr. Jonas Salk?

264.Which president contributed to America’s construction of highways?

What is ironic about the specifications for the highways and overpasses?

265.What was the beat movement or beatniks against?

266.Who is Jackie Robinson?

267.When Congress failed to do anything about the Civil Rights issues of the day, what did Harry Truman take it upon himself to do?

268.What civil rights event took place during the 1950s?

269.What two factors helped Kennedy to win the election of 1960?

270.What was Kennedy’s nuclear strategy?

US History EOC Review

271.What went wrong with the Bay of Pigs invasion?

272.How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved?

273.Why was the Berlin Wall built?

274.What is the New Frontier?

275.What are the two most successful foreign aid programs instituted by Kennedy? ____________________ ____________________

276.What was the eventual impact/victory of the space race?

277.What group investigated the Kennedy Assassination?

What was the conclusion of their findings?

278.What legislation resulted from Johnson’s War on Poverty?

279.What is the Great Society? List 10 changes that were brought about by the program?

280.What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

281.What are four major decisions of the Warren Court?

282.What are the Miranda rights?

283.What is the basis of New Federalism?

284.What did Nixon promise with Law and Order Politics?

285.Explain Stagflation.

286.What foreign policy did Nixon establish?

US History EOC Review

287.What is SALT?

288.What is OPEC?

289.How did the Watergate Scandal end?

What was the key issue surrounding the scandal?

290.What did Ford mean by “I’m a Ford, not a Lincoln”?

291.What is WIN?

292.What was Jimmy Carter’s Domestic Agenda based on?

National Energy Act – Earth Day – EPA –

293.What is significant about the Camp David Accords?

294.What controversial decision did Carter make regarding the Panama Canal?

295.What two major environmental crisis/events caused a panic surrounding nuclear energy?

296.With the election of Reagan, government saw a rise in Conservatism. What are the 4 basic tenets of the Republican party?

297.Explain Reaganomics.

What is supply-side economics?

298.What lead to the end of the Cold War?

299.What is the INF Treaty?

300.Why did the US enter the Persian Gulf War?

301.What was the main reason Clinton was elected over George H. Bush?

302.What is NAFTA?

303.What is the significance of the 1994 Congressional Elections?

304.What kind of jobs became available during the Clinton years?

US History EOC Review

305.Which statement best describes United States foreign relations between 1781 and 1815? A B C D

306.Which statement best describes United States foreign relations between 1895 and 1925? A B C D

307.Which statement best describes United States foreign relations between 1945 and 1995? A B C D

United States Foreign Relations

A. In this period, the United States proclaimed the Monroe Doctrine, annexed Florida from Spain, annexed the independent republic of Texas, and won a war with Mexico.

B. In this period, the United States forced the Soviet Union to remove its missiles from Cuba; invaded Panama, Kuwait, and Cambodia to protect US interests; and fought two wars to limit the spread of communism in Asia.

C. In this period, the United States avoided a war with France, fought a war with Britain to a draw, faced down Arab pirates in the Mediterranean Sea, and bought the Louisiana Territory from France.

D. In this period, the United States annexed Hawaii, won a war with Spain, won a war in Europe with its Allies, sent soldiers into Mexico, acquired the Panama Canal, and sent its battleships around the world.

US History EOC Review

308. Word Puzzle: 50s and 60s

309.LBJ Cartoon

US History EOC Review

310.Word Puzzle: 70s and 80s

311.Civil Rights Bubble Chart

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