go pro and get in the game - upswing...

Post on 30-Apr-2018






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UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!!



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UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


The$Daily$Mantra! Recreate your daily mantra using the questions below. (Review chapter 2 of ‘Think and Grow Rich’ for details) What is the exact amount of money you desire and why?

What do you intend to do to create this money? When you do intend to receive this money?

Now you have clarified your desires, create your daily mantra using the format below and repeat 10 x per day with super high-vibrational energy. Example: I desire $5k per month from 31st October 2016 by coaching my target audience on thyroid health. I take the action of running a workshop this month and sending regular emails to my list about my program. I desire _______________________from ________________________ by _____________________________________________________________

Before starting work each day, read your desire statement out loud 10 times,

and from that space create your daily action plan. ! !




UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Income'Tracking'Sheet! This worksheet will help you keep track each month of your financial income and progress towards reaching your monthly income goal. Staying intimate with your money, keeping track of when it arrives and focusing on the inflow of cash greatly assists in generating wealth.

Month: ________________ Month Goal: __________________

































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Week 1

• Time To Serve Your Clients



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Ask for the

Dance !


UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!!

Tip$Sheet$–!Finding&Clients"!!When starting a Health Coaching business most of your clients will first come in person and from your inner circles. !Action Steps

! Attend networking events – engage in conversations, tell people what you do

! Give talks at community events, gyms, offices, yoga or Pilates studios ! Chat to your Mastermind Sisters and see whether you’d complement

each other in a ‘joint venture’ ! Offer free educational calls or webinars on topics that are relevant to your

target audience ! Join relevant Facebook groups and build relationships, promoting where

it is natural to do so ! Contact gyms, chiropractors and complementary services for referrals ! Talk to friends and family about what you do, they may know someone

they can refer you too You

! Believe in yourself and your ability as a coach ! Trust that if you keep taking positive action steps, your business will grow ! Be yourself, always. Don’t try to be what you think a Health Coach

‘should’ be – there is simply no competition when you choose to be you! ! Enjoy what you do ! Believe in what you do ! Be the example – walk your talk ! Focus on your strengths – e.g. if you have great writing skills or are a

good public speaker, make the most of it ! Act today as you would when you make $5k per month from your

business. What decision or action would that ‘future you’ take? Download my 10 Step Client KickStart from the private portal.


UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!7

Discovery*Calls! I recommend the following types of discovery calls: !

30-60 min Discovery Call!

Offer: Packages & Programs!

15 minute ‘Get Acquainted’ call!

90 minute Blueprint!

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


15#Minute!‘Get%Acquainted’%Sales%Script" 1. Start with rapport building

(‘how are you? etc….)

2. What’s their presenting problem or main challenge?

3. What ultimate outcome do they want?

(Get 100% clear on tangible numbers. For example, lose 15 pounds in 2


4. Explain how you can help, focusing and reiterating their desired outcome.

5. Here’s how health coaching works

6. Explain 90 minute session

(this will give the client the blueprint to get the goal they want, with no

obligation, but an option to continue to work together if they choose)

7. Take the order right there and schedule the 90 minute session

Remember: People buy the tangible, they are looking for a weight loss

program, detox etc to start with. Sell them what they think they want and give them what they actually need.

Partner up within the UPswing community this week and practice your 15 minute 'Get Acquainted call' to build confidence?

NB: This should be 'easy' for you - design it that way!! No need to be complex! Note: The full sales script is in the private portal but should only be used if you are ready to sell packages upfront.

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UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Your%90%Minute%Blueprint" Part 1 (First 30 mins) CONNECT Create connection with your client and a sense of joint purpose for the session. “It’s so lovely to connect with you today ____________. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to participate in the 90 minute Blueprint session.” DISCOVER Take time to discover what they really desire for their health and why they are reaching out to you for this blueprint session. Get clear on why they are seeking your support and where they are at. Questions to consider: • What inspired you to book this session? • What seems to be your biggest health challenge at the moment? • What are you doing right now to address these health challenges? • What are your bigger dreams in life? Does your current health impact on

them coming true? • What is the reason behind your big vision and goals for the future? You could do some work on the Circle of Life and introduce this concept.


UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Part 2 (up to 45 mins) This is where you give the solution you sold in your Blueprint offer. This might be related to: • Diet • Exercise • Meditation • Mantras • Breathing • Stretches • Personal Areas to action/explore (from circle of life) • Books • Websites/Links Design this according to your Blueprint offer but could include: • 1-3 action steps for the client to focus on in their personal life • A meal plan with recipes • An exercise plan • Meditation techniques and how to implement

During this session, only use light-touch coaching. Give them a 'taster' of coaching only but DO NOT leave them full.

NB: 'Showing off' your full greatness as a coach can actually be detrimental to a client’s long-term success. Leaving the session full and not feeling the need to take action on a further package could see a client back where they started a week later and looking elsewhere for a new solution Do not try and 'prove yourself' as a coach to impress - instead step into your $5k woman and serve what is most needed for the clients ultimate success.


UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Part 3 (15 mins +)

Use the last part of the Blueprint to briefly summarise what they are going to implement after the session and any obstacles they might have.

Then use the final part of the session to upsell to a coaching program.

Transition from the Blueprint to suggest coaching based on what you learnt in section 1 of the Blueprint.

You have closed one door by delivering one solution to one pain point (during the Blueprint), now use this opportunity to open another door (pain point) that they now need your package solution for.

Share your program details and benefits

• Refer to your package price as an investment (instead of a cost or price) • Share the investment once they ask • Provide them with payment options if they ask • Keep them connected to their desires and the pain points you can support

them through • Ask them for their ‘thoughts’ and ‘feelings’

Follow up within 24 hours to confirm their coaching is booked in and is ready to go to keep them feeling nurtured by you from day one.


UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!



When searching for clients, start with your online network. Here’s a Facebook post example to share on your newsfeed.

Hey, I am working on building my health coaching practice and I've found the best thing to help me grow is doing my free discovery session with everyone I know. It allows me to practice sharing what I do and for people (like you) to understand what health coaching is all about. Plus you'll get a free hour with me to get crystal clear on what you want to create for your health, your life and what's been holding you back. PM me if you’re interested !


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UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Week 2

• Discovery Calls • !


UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


The$Purpose$of$Discovery*Calls" A Discovery Call is an opportunity to discover whether you and the potential client are the right fit for each other. It’s not just about selling your program. I recommend a Discovery Call last no more than 30 minutes, which is enough time to discuss goals, concerns and challenges of the potential client to then facilitate their decision to move forward with your coaching program. Schedule Discovery Calls at least 30 minutes apart so that you have enough time to run over should they have further questions or hesitations you need to address. This also allows you to take notes for their first session and instantly send out Welcome packs and payment details if required. Check out my Sales Script ebook in the private portal.

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Preparing)for)a)High#Vibe%Discovery%Session" Plan out your own pre-discovery session routine, which puts you in your highest-vibration and helps you to let go of any preconceptions of how the call will unfold.




UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!



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Your%Program%at%a%Glance! What are the key benefits of your program?

1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "

"Program Name Program Structure No. Sessions: No. Months: Other:

Program Investment In Full Price: Payment Plan Option:

" "

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Overcoming+Objections" “The truth is, 90% of people do have money, they just haven’t been convinced

of why they should spend it”

When you’re in a Discovery Call, it’s all about reading between the lines and identifying the true meaning what the potential client is saying. As discussed previously, we all have our own set of limiting beliefs and these may hold your client back from taking action. This is why she needs you’re help. When we focus too much on ‘making the sale’ we forget to listen to the potential client’s story. Hone in on their story and be the guide they need to make the right decision.

Take a look at the below extract from ‘Compassionate Conversion’ by David Neagle, Sales Expert. Where he references his Compassionate Conversion chart you can use your Simple Sales Script instead. OVERCOMING THE TOP 3 OBJECTIONS The key to overcoming an objection is to know if it’s true. #1 I JUST CAN’T AFFORD IT Most of the time this is not the truth. You must ask the following question to get to the truth. ASK: “Is it that you don’t have any money at all, or you don’t have the money for this?”

• If they say they don’t have any money at all, you can then begin to help them see where they can find the money. REMEMBER: Everyone has the money, they may just not be willing to do what’s required of them to get it.

• If they say they don’t have the money for this, then take them back to Question 3 on the Compassionate Conversion Chart, and re-establish their sense of urgency. They must see for themselves that the value of what you are offering is something they want.

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


#2 I NEED TO SPEAK TO MY SPOUSE BEFORE I CAN MAKE A DECISION This is sometimes a very valid objection, however, you must confirm that they are telling the truth. ASK: “I understand, let’s set up a time to get you and your spouse on the phone with me. I’m sure your spouse is going to have a lot of questions and you may not be able to answer all of them. Can we schedule a call this evening at 6:00 pm?”

• If they are serious about working with you, they’ll be thrilled, if they aren’t serious, they’ll make excuses about why their spouse can’t get on the phone with you.

• If they decline the offer, take them back to why you discovered NOW is the time for them to take action and re-establish their sense of urgency.

#3 I NEED TO THINK ABOUT IT This is usually an attempt to get off the phone with you or to buy them time to make the decision. If you’ve taken them through the Compassionate Conversion Chart, there shouldn’t be anything for them to have to think about. SAY/ASK: “Generally when someone tells me that they need to think about it, it means that they still have questions that I have left unanswered. Do you have additional questions?”

• They are usually surprised by this question, and will either ask additional questions or say they just need to think about it. If they say they need to think about it again...

ASK: ”What specifically do you need to think about?” Generally they’ll say they need to think about the money, in which case, see Objection #1 above.

• If they say they are worried about what their spouse will think, see Objection #2 above.

• If they say that they’re not convince that your service is right for them, ask them what their concern is and take them back to Question #3 on the Compassionate Conversion Flow Chart. Most of the time their concern will either be the money or their spouse.

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!



Potential clients often do have money but haven’t considered where

it may come from, such as:

• Credit cards (perhaps even increasing the limit)

• Stocks

• Superannuation

• Sell something tangible

• Private/bank loan

• Collecting money owed to you

• Family or spouse

• Friends

• Tax refund

• Savings


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UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!



“The fortune is in the follow-up”

You can use this script below to send out to a prospective lead if they did not convert directly on the phone: Hi NAME, It was so lovely to connect with you late last week - thank you for showing up so present and in your truth on our call, it really showed. From our conversation I can feel your absolute commitment to …... I know that this is exactly when it can also feel a little scary to take the next step forward. This was exactly me just over a year ago when I ……. - scary initially, but truly so worth it! When we talked, I just loved seeing how… This is exactly why I created this program…. Reiterate their pain points and the benefits of your program…. Getting the business and marketing structures in place is going to be the game changer for you in terms of building the consistent income you are desiring from coaching. You have been on my mind the last few days and I wanted to follow up to see how you are feeling having had a few days to sit with our conversation. {Could insert program details and pricing again if relevant} If you are ready to work with me to take your business forward, all the details you need can be found here: Insert link here >> Of course, let me know if you have any questions or I can support you in any way to make the right decision for you and your business. Amanda x

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Week 3

• Ask For The Dance

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UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Ask$for$the$Dance"!ARE YOU AFRAID OF SOUNDING SALESY? Is this fear holding you back from getting clients as a Health Coach? One of the biggest reasons Health Coaches don’t get clients is they are fearful of sounding salesy when talking about their program. They are embarrassed or fearful to ask for the sale. It’s true that selling your program as a Health Coach is scary to start with – the truth is you’re essentially selling YOURSELF! Luckily, I’ve learnt to view promotion or selling as a healing conversation and I want to show you how to do the same. You’ll be confidently asking for the dance in no time – fear of rejection be gone! Here are some of the key mindsets and beliefs to selling with soul not sleaze:

• Remember that no-one can be helped by your services if you don’t tell them about it

• Believe that others WANT your help • Know that what you have to offer is of the highest value to someone who

is in pain in an area of their health • Know that by holding back the mention of your program, someone may

remain in pain unnecessarily • Know that because one person says ‘no’, doesn’t mean that everyone will

say ‘no’ – you have got to find the people who value your offering. • The beauty of a soulful sales conversation is the possibility that opens

when a client has healing possibilities presented for something they are in pain with

• A discovery session is purely that – a chance to discover together whether your program would be of genuine benefit to a potential client“

I always think of it this way, if I was struggling with an area of my health and a friend had a solution, I would certainly want to hear about it!

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


ACTION STEP Share the benefits of your program and then confidently ask people if they would like to meet for a complimentary Health History or Discovery Session to explore whether your program is the right fit for them. EXTRA TIP There truly is a fine art of sales as Health Coach – Health Coaching is simply quite a unique product to sell and therefore it needs to be tackled in an equally unique way. “It’s near impossible to get clients online if you don’t first master the

art of getting clients offline or from your inner circles”

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Direct'Strategies'for'Finding'Clients"!Strategy 1 - ASK FOR REFERRALS Below you will a letter that you can use to send to family, friends and


Referral Letter # - A business introduction letter to all friends, family and



Subject: An update


I want to reach out and give you an update about some exciting things

happening in my business right now.

As many of you remember I left my career as a [job] to be true to myself, follow

my passion and help people achieve good health.

Well, [two] years on, I want to catch up with you and let you know how things

have been going. I’ve got to tell you, it’s been an incredible ride.

Note If the highlighted areas are not relevant for you, please delete or

edit the highlighted sentence below

Note Add any relevant information about what you’ve been up to in your

life and/or business.

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


As you know, my specialty is helping people who struggle with weight issues,

so they can finally achieve their ideal weight without starving themselves or

feeling deprived.

Nothing gives me a greater sense of achievement than working with a client

and seeing them embrace a healthy new lifestyle and free themselves of the

kilos and issues that have held them back.

Now, I’m writing to you for a couple of reasons. Firstly, because it’s been a

while and I wanted to catch up and say hi. Secondly, my client base is growing

steadily – mostly through referrals – and I wanted to reach out and ask you if

you know of anyone who might like some help overcoming their own weight


I’m offering an exploratory session to anyone you might direct my way – this

completely free and extremely helpful. In fact, people often comment how

beneficial they find it.

Think of anyone you might know who is battling with his or her weight. I work

especially well with those who feel they have tried everything and are ready to

Note Adapt for your own purposes, with details about your ideal client and

what you can offer them.

Note Adjust as required so it applies more directly to what you offer as a


UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


give up. As far as I’m concerned, the greater the challenge, the more

rewarding the outcome!

It would be great if you could ask them to contact me directly at [email].

Thanks in advance for your support and let me know if there is anything I can

help you out with.




NOTE: Be sure to follow up with these people.

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UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!



Step#1 – Post something compelling about the results you help people


• Whether you’re using Facebook, Instagram – whatever, just be sure to

keep your post short and simple.

• You want to add a call to action, too. This should say something like:

o “If you want to experience the feeling of reaching your goal weight,

message me here on Facebook.”

o “Want to look and feel in the best shape of your life? Message me

here on Facebook.”

o Have you been putting off changes that will lead to your long-term

health? Stop saying tomorrow and let’s talk today! Drop me a PM.

• You should also add a compelling photo. Make it somehow related to

the ultimate result you help people get, be it weight loss, muscle gain,

radiant skin, enhanced fertility … whatever it may be.

Image examples:

• A lifestyle photo of you enjoying the results of what you help others do –

think crossing a marathon finish line, wearing a bikini looking/feeling slim

and free, fitting into that dress at a wedding, or shining with health at a

family catch-up.

• A screen shot of a client’s post raving about you and/or giving a


• A stock photo of something representing the result you help people with

(see point one).

• Sample posts with a general call to action. Examples might include:

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


o Sick of feeling tired, bloated and sluggish? I can prove to you that

this does not have to be your normal. Message me here on


o Big event coming up? Goal outfit in mind? More than a few kilos to

lose? I can help you turn those question marks into answers.

Message me here for more info.

o Are you ready to become the ‘you’ you’ve always dreamed of

being? If you agree that it’s time, PM me.

Step#2 - Message with the Prospects

• People will respond to your social media post by sending you a private

message. They are expressing interest because you asked them to!

• Reply with questions about them and their challenges just as you would

with Step 3 of the Super-short Email.

• After a couple back-and-forth messages, send them a message saying

you should take it offline and have a conversation because you have

some resources for them. (As with Step 5 of the Super-short Email.)

Step#3 - Schedule the call

• It’s a simple matter of scheduling a time for a phone call together.

• Sometimes I’ll bring in my assistant to help do the scheduling other times

I do it myself. If I feel it’s a particularly good lead, I’ll do it myself.

• There’s no need for an application.

• Conduct the discovery call here as you normally would, following the

Simple Sales Script for Health Coaches.


UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!!


The Strategic Networking Conversation

Beat #1 – How to answer the question: “What do you do?

Eliminate “I am” from your vocabulary – no one cares about the “label” you

stick on yourself. (“I am a coach,” “I am a business consultant”... this will not

get leads.)

Replace “I am” with what you do – for example, “I help,” “I train,” “I mentor.”

With this in mind, the best way to respond to the question “What do you do?”

is something like this:

“I help new mothers who are struggling with excess weight after pregnancy

return to their goal weight safely and sustainably.”

Some variations and examples might include:

• “I help people with dietary allergies eliminate inflammatory foods while

still enjoying a nutritious and varied diet.”

• “I train busy professional women, showing them how to reduce stress by

including yoga and mindfulness in daily life.”

• “I help parents eliminate their children’s eczema through holistic


Note Amend this sentence to reflect what you do, of course…

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!!


• “I help parents eliminate their children’s eczema through holistic


• “I help professional men, who are too busy to work out, create permeate

weight loss solutions so they can live longer and feel younger.”

Important Tip:

You’re not trying to repeat an elevator pitch. It’s more about adjusting your

initial message and tailoring it to the person you’re talking to.

Adjust your message to speak to the highest or most pressing need of the

person or group you’re talking to at that moment. Are they more concerned

about eating organic food than losing weight?

For example, if I am networking with a group of busy corporate mums, I might


“I help working mums who struggle to juggle work and their family to create

quick, simple lunches for their kids, so they can be confident they are eating

healthy foods, instead of choosing from the school canteen”

(Because you know this fits your immediate market. Your audience is in front of

you, probably thinking, “Hey, that’s me!”)

On the other hand, if I’m at an event filled with people who are ambivalent

about exercise; I might respond with,

“I help people reach their fitness goals by finding an activity that suits them

and making it fun.”

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!!


Every time you are asked this question, ask yourself, “What is the highest want

of this specific market/group/person?” Then adapt your response accordingly.

Beat #2 - They ask you for more info

If they don’t respond, don’t worry. They are not your ideal client.

If they are the right market, they will respond with something like, “Wow! How

do you do that?”

Important Note:

Don’t dive into your process just here! Don’t talk about yourself! Turn things

around to find out more about them, just like you would in the Super-short


Beat #3 - Get present to their world

Instead of responding with details of how you do what you do, ask them more

information about themselves. Think about a response like one of the


“Well, let me find out more about you first. What’s going on in your business /

health / exercise routine that makes you ask?”


“I’m happy to tell you, but let me find out a little more about you first. Tell me

more about why you ask? Are you looking for a new exercise program?”

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!!



“Well, there really are so many ways in which we can help people get fit. But

give me a little background first. Where are you at with things right now?”

They will usually open up in response to this kind of prompting. Avoid diving

into the full sales conversation here. Just connect with them – empathise with

them. Talk enough so that they start to see you might be able to help them in

some way. Then move the conversation to Beat 4…

Beat #4 - Schedule the Conversation

Once you establish a little rapport and connection with them and once you find

out a bit of their situation, simply say…

“Wow!” (Pause)

Then suggest the following…

“You know, we should really set up a time to talk outside of here, because I’ve

got some ideas and resources that might really help you. Because we’re here

to network and I imagine you want to connect with more people, too. So if

you’re open to it, why don’t we set up a time to talk later on the phone?”

Pull out your calendar and lock in the call right then and there. This is your

ideal situation.

However, if one of you doesn’t have a calendar on hand, get their card. Follow

up in less than 24 hours to book the call.

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!!


This is the heart of all your networking moving forward – it’s a way to connect

and move a person to the sales conversation.

When you approach a new networking event, go in with the intention of simply

booking X number of sales conversations.

Know what you’re networking for There are two groups of people on which to focus your networking efforts:

1. Ideal clients

2. Centres of influence – these are people who can promote you, give you

referrals and/or introduce you to other clients or centres of influence.

At any given event you’ll probably have both groups present.

When it comes to centres of influence, aim for that ideal situation where you

become long-term friends with them. The more deep bonds and friendships

you have with other powerful people, the more leveraged and powerful you


Part of this, of course, is being a good referral source yourself! It’s great to be

known in networking communities as a person who is generous and makes

connections. It’s such an easy way to become a go-to person that people

should know.


UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!

Week 4

• 30 Day Challenge • Taking Action

• Implementation Week

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Introducing+the+30+Day+Challenge!" To help you understand the importance of consistently asking for the dance, this week introduces our fun 30 Day Challenge! Each day, we will post a new Daily Challenge for you on the Facebook group to keep you inspired, or feel free to set your own challenge each day. The key is to get in the game EVERY SINGLE DAY. To keep track of your progress, we will be using a shared spreadsheet. The Support team will invite you to this at the start of the challenge.


Most Discovery Sessions Booked 30 min private session with Amanda

Most Blueprints Sold

30 min private session with Amanda

Most Coaching Packages Sold 30 min private session with Amanda

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Commit&to&Asking&for&the&Dance"!What actions to you need to take this week to ensure you are reaching out to potential clients every single day? What support do you need and who can you ask for help? You know WHAT to do – but are you doing it? Do you need to re-commit? Have you got an accountability buddy? This is the week to get your questions asked in the FB group and come along to the live laser coaching calls to get Amanda’s support on any area you might be getting stuck. It’s time to take action – and if you think there might be something holding you back….

Now is the time to get yourself out there!

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Guest&Mentor:&Being&Your&Own&Boss&and&Action'&'Implementation! There will be a Guest Mentor Video uploaded to the private portal this week. Being an entrepreneur largely requires you to master the art of being your own boss. My Guest Mentor call with Debbie Spellman was a wonderful reminder of this.

There is nothing more important right now than taking daily action and implementing the techniques we’ve learnt for offering discovery sessions/blueprints. Here is a blog post I wrote on the Pomodero Technique for Getting Shit Done >>http://www.amandajdaley.com/blog/2015/3/18/my-2-step-formula-to-super-productivity-for-getting-sht-done ) !

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


I also use the 30:30 app.

UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Buddy up with an accountability partner and commit to 3 actions per day! Try the ‘Commit to 3’ App to keep it fun!

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UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Putting'Yourself'in'Your'Own'Game" There is no ‘right pace’ for this course or as an entrepreneur, we are all on our own path. If you do find yourself feeling ‘overwhelmed’ or ‘behind’ right now there really is no need to panic. Take this implementation week to watch past videos with enjoyment – movie marathon style perhaps?? Or choose to drop the past modules for now and just join in wherever you are at. All materials will be kept live on the site for your access for a minimum of 6 months after the course – most likely longer – so you can always come back and refine. In general, you will find it less stressful if you can choose to get back on track with the program even if that means some of the past modules aren’t ‘perfect’.!!

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UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!



" Chosen a working Target Market (for now) " Designed a 90 minute Blueprint to offer them " Designed a coaching package to offer them " ONE first client, paid or unpaid

My Target Market is:

My Blueprint is:

My Coaching Package is:

My first clients name is: __________________________________________ ++ Please do let the Support team know if you are struggling to get these key pieces in place – they are here for you and can help guide you to ensure you are on track. And of course, come along to the Laser Coaching Sessions with Amanda each week to get feedback on any of these pieces. A reminder that you can bring ANY topic to the weekly Laser Coaching sessions – it does not need to be relevant to the current week’s lesson.




UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!



What was your goal/desire statement last month?

Did you meet it?

Why do you think you did/didn't meet it?

What mindsets/beliefs held you back last month?

What actions did you not follow through on?

What will you do differently this month to ensure you meet your goals?

This month’s goal/desire statement:

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UPswing Mastermind™ ©Copyright 2016 Amanda Jane Daley!


Module'2!Checklist*"!Implementation time! Reflect on your money beliefs Set your income goal Track your daily income Review the $5k per month business plan Take daily action steps to find new clients Practice your 15 min ‘Get Acquainted’ script Practice your blueprint outline Reach out to your inner circle Read the Sales Script ebook Prepare a high vibe discovery call Complete the ‘Ideal Client’ checklist Identify their key benefits Get comfortable with objections Gain clarity around your sales fears Share the benefits of your program online Share the benefits of your program in person Invite people to a complimentary discovery call Ask for referrals Share a ‘call to action’ on social media List potential strategic partners Contact at least 3 potential strategic partners Commit to the 30 Day Challenge Watch the Guest Mentor Video with Debbie Spellman Check out my recommended apps for taking action Check you have the ‘Things You Would Ideally Have By This Stage’

Complete the Monthly Review Worksheet

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