go paleo

Post on 05-Apr-2016






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Have you ever wondered what the Paleo diet is? This diet has being around a fair while especially on the internet. It involves using man made foods going back to traditional no processed foods everything you would have being eating before the processed and convenience foods were introduced.


“7 Reasons To Go Paleo”

Brought To You By: MyWeightLossDream.co.uk

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IntroductionA big welcome to my “7 reasons to go Paleo”. When I think of where weight loss has gone wrong I have always blamed the modern world.

• Too many chemicals in our food• Not enough exercise• Too much food and general over eating

My grandparents were never fat and even growing up and attending school in the 90’s I only ever remember there being one fat kid in each year of school. Nowadays there are more fat than thin and it is a huge problem.

However if you stripped it all back and followed the old lifestyle you soon realise that you can have your cake and eat it and that mother nature is the best way to eat.

Enjoy butter and remember how to cook all those fantastic home cooked meals that your grandma used to make.

Then you wonder is it really a diet at all?

From My Weight Loss DreamThis is Samantha at MyWeightLossDream.co.uk and I wanted to introduce you to our mission and why these PDFs are of great use to you.

They are short PDFs that provide you with information about a particular form of

exercise or diet. And offer a great introduction to a subject.

Like many people before us we have found ourselves to be obese and are doing everything we can to avoid dieting but to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

So far our progress has been good.

I have gone from a BMI of nearly 35 down to a normal one and Dominic (my hubby and partner in my weight loss mission) has dropped from a BMI of just over 40 to a more respectable 32. Of course, we are no where near the end of our journey but we are a healthy lifestyle in progress.

You can read all about our current weight loss by clicking here.

When we look back at our fat photos we don’t think about how big we were (even though we were massive!) we think about how unhealthy we were and how much horrible food that was stuffed with chemicals was entering our body.

Don’t get me wrong – we STILL adore McDonalds, Pizza Hut & KFC but we just enjoy them in moderation and eat more healthy foods and do regular exercise (most of the time!)

Below on the next page is an infographic where we share our top tips for those of you that are considering trying out the Paleo diet.

Print it off, share it, add it to your Pinterest account or share it with your friends. The sky is the limit in what you do with it!

Then on the page after we have shared the infographic in written format so that you can print it or keep the ideas for future use.

7 Reasons To Go Paleo1. Paleo food is healthy and delicious

The Paleo diet is based on raw and minimally processed foods such as nuts and seeds, fruit, vegetables, fish, and gluten, sugar & soy free products. These foods are not only healthy, but delicious too.

2. Paleo eliminates added sugar

This eating plan emphasises a sugar free life, which lowers your risk of developing diabetes, insulin resistance, and heart disease.

3. Paleo promotes weight loss

Once you switch to the Paleo diet and stop eating processed foods, you'll lose extra weight in no time.

4. Enjoy better digestion

The Paleo lifestyle restricts the consumption of highly allergenic foods, grains, processed meals, and dairy products. These foods cause inflammation and digestive problem s in most people.

5. Improve your overall health

Going paleo will improve your health and prevent diseases. This eating plan helps clear up acne, eczema, chronic skin disorders, hormonal imbalances, and food allergies.

6. Eat healthy without feeling deprived

Compared to other eating plans, the Paleo diet is flexible and easy to follow. As long as you stick to the foods allowed, you can mix and match them to cook delicious meals.

7. Paleo boosts your mood

Research indicates that the Paleo diet improves mental wellbeing and wards off depression, anxiety, and mood swings.

Paleo Tips and Tricks

• Stop eating gluten, beans, and soy products • Cook your own food until you get used to this diet• Use avocado and olive oil as salad dressings• Get the junk out of your fridge• Add herbs and spices to your meals• Keep smoked salmon, eggs, and non-starchy vegetables on

hand• Keep your meals simple• Spend time with other people following a Paleo diet• Make sure you eat enough

Paleo Diet Facts

• In 2013, the Paleo diet was the world's most popular eating plan

• The Paleo lifestyle has proven to be healthier than diabetic and Mediterranean diets

• Most people who go Paleo end up eating fewer calories per day without intentionally restricting portions

• The Paleo diet stabilises blood pressure and prevents heat disease

• It also improves insulin resistance and regulates blood sugar levels

• This eating plan boosts immunity and balances your mood

This Is An Extract From….This Infographic is an extract from our blog post:

Paleo Diet Being Touted As Cure To Obesity By Experts

Click here to read it…..

And it makes fantastic further reading if you want to get involved in the Paleo way of doing things. I love the idea behind Paleo because it is all about going back to nature and stripping away all the chemicals that we have all become so hooked on!

And of course, don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter for even more tips and tricks of our weight loss success.

We also share many more of our infographics on our Pinterest account and if you are a member of Pinterest we recommend you follow us.

Thanks again for reading and best of luck with your own weight loss and fitness journey.

Samantha & Dominic MilnerMyWeightLossDream.co.uk

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