go green to make green - res-ev.co.uk · but while ecopreneurs may well run businesses relating to...

Post on 04-Jun-2020






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GREENBoost Your Business with Ecopreneurship

Daniel Ranger


Go Green To Make GreenBecoming An EcopreneurThe Green Business PlanGreen FleetsChoosing The Best EV Charging StationFunding Your New Charging StationFinal ThoughtsAbout The Author




The world of business is notoriously contradictory. Slow to change, yet constantly innovating. Perpetually coming up with new products and services, yet stubbornly refusing to leave behind outdated methods and policies that no longer reflect the highly changeable moods of a constantly evolving society.

Modern life is increasingly fast-paced and technologically driven, yet society is also rapidly realising the toll all that technology, development and progress has taken on the planet, as well as the health and wellness of the people inhabiting it.

Industrial development has led to pollution, global warming, and a worldwide recycling crisis.By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish, and the tide of public perception has finally turned.

Even in the world of business, environmental activism is no longer a fringe concern.



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Green Is The New Black...

Nowhere is this shift more apparent than in the auto industry. From Chevrolet’s Bolt to BMW’s i3, Kia’s Soul, and Nissan’s Leaf, dealerships are tripping over themselves to bring electric vehicles to the masses, and every major manufacturer is ready to roll out their own EV model.

Gone are the days when Elon Musk was alone in his vision of an electric vehicle for everyday consumers, and the rest of the world thought he was slightly mad.

A mere 3,500 cars registered in 2013 were plugin models, compared to over 63,000 in 2017, and that number is only continuing to rise, with the UK pledged to ensure all new vehicles sold from 2050 are ‘zero-emissions’.

The time is rapidly approaching when charge points will be a common sight in every car park. Savvy business owners have realised that, at some point, they will need to install charging facilities in their business infrastructure.

And the forward thinkers, trailblazers, and innovators are quickly realising there’s a huge financial gain to be had in getting ahead of the curve and opting for installations now, before there is no choice, and while the governments are still offering.

The green revolution is coming, there’s no avoiding it.

Which means the only question remaining is whether you want to reap the rewards that come with leading the EV charge, or wait to be swept away by the inevitable necessity of


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installing charge points?

With so many business owners struggling under the weight of a rising tide of resentment for corporate culture, going green is not only an easy and effective way of positively changing public perception of your business, it’s a great way to save (and earn!) more revenue.

In short,we need to go green to make green.

This book provides a complete blueprint to easily boost your business with EVs and take up the charge for the green revolution...

Show Big Business Cares...

One of the biggest challenges for a modern business is positioning your brand as a positive force in the world. A company that earns money, not at the expense of others, but for the benefit of others.

Your brand image can be greatly elevated simply by positioning yourself as a business that cares, and is actively working to further environmental concerns by investing in a green fleet.

An eco-friendly fleet of company cars that run on electricity, rather than fossil fuels, currently makes a bold statement while showing your dedication to reducing the impact your company has on the environment.

By waiting until you have no choice but to outfit your business with charge points, you’re not portraying an


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innovative, forward-thinking, and caring business. You’re simply another company forced to comply with new government regulations.

Take the initiative and reduce your carbon footprint now, with an active environmental stance.

There are many benefits, including:• Great PR• Ensuring you’re less reliant on natural resources than

competitors• Are actively combatting the rising costs relating to

climate change• Future-proofing not only your finances but also your

brand’s reputation

Save Yourself A Ton...

The cost-saving benefits to your business of having a fleet of EVs are substantial. Between the government grants and tax breaks available, it’s entirely possible to save yourself as much as £100 per 1,000 miles travelled in an EV.

For cost-effectiveness alone, this makes outfitting your business with a charging solution and encouraging your staff to go green an absolute no-brainer from a business perspective.

EV is better for your company image, better for your bank balance, and better for the planet.


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Become The Thought-Leader In Your Niche...

Despite the huge business benefits of cashing in on the EV revolution, green drivers are still in the minority, and businesses that actively encourage employees to go green even more so.

This has created the perfect opportunity for any business to not only cash in on the savings and government grants available, but to set themselves apart in their sector as the first to make the switch.

So much marketing is geared towards creating a platform that makes you stand out from the slush pile of other businesses, all clamouring for the attention of consumers. EV implementation is a marketing and PR investment capable of boosting your profile, position, and revenue, simply by showing that you’re the most forward-thinking company in your industry.

Beyond the benefits of getting ahead of your competition, consumers are increasingly choosing businesses that offer eco-friendly options. In much the same way travellers now instinctively prioritise hotels and eateries that offer free Wi-Fi, they will very soon select businesses based on their environmental awareness such as having EV charging points available on-site.

Cash In With The ‘Go Ultra Low’ Companies’ Scheme...

If the prospect of future revenue isn’t tangible enough to convince you to invest, here’s a more substantial benefit to


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focus on...

Now is the perfect time to make the switch to EV, as you can take full advantage of the Go Ultra Low campaign, which is joint-funded by the Government and the automotive industry as a way of promoting the benefits of electric vehicles.

Go Ultra Low is an accreditation scheme for companies large or small, public or private, looking to switch their fleets to electric. Any organisation can apply simply by having at least one plug-in vehicle in their fleet now, and committing to ensuring their vehicle fleets consist of 5% electric vehicles by 2020.

The benefits?

Public recognition for your new green-friendly fleet, and the chance to be championed as a leader in low emission business motoring.

You’ll be in good company, with national names like EDF Energy, Santander, and Microsoft, as well as smaller businesses like the London Fire Brigade, Manchester Metropolitan University, and Oxford Council already on board.

Boost Your Green Credentials With The Energy Saving Trust...

Another great way to boost the green credentials of your business – and make significant cost savings – is to work with The Energy Saving Trust, who offer free Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Reviews to identify where ULEVs would


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be operationally feasible in your fleet. They will also evaluate costs using a Whole Life Cost approach (an approach that assesses the costs associated with an asset over the course of its whole life, taking into account initial capital costs, ongoing operational maintenance, repair, and upgrade costs, as well as the final costs of disposal), and assess charging infrastructure requirements.

With no shortage of financial, reputational and moral considerations driving the future of EVs, the pace is already increasing for their rollout in the UK. It’s only a matter of time before the infrastructure to support a widely distributed electric future will be put in place, so why not get ahead of the curve and reap all the rewards that currently come with the shift?

Beyond EV And Into The Green Revolution...

At present, ecopreneurship is an important element in succeeding in business, whether you’re working for profit or for the benefit of the planet and its inhabitants. Not only can an eco-friendly approach really benefit you and your business, but it can also encourage employees and clients to monitor their own responsibility in caring for the environment.

And yet, there’s a lot more to creating a green business than simply looking at the use of EV. The more I’ve worked in this field, the more I’ve come to believe that shifting to a business plan that fully embraces the shift to environmentality is a recipe for success.

This book offers a blueprint for business owners looking to transform the way they work into something that not only


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gives the planet the support it deserves (and desperately needs), but also consistently enhances your brand profile and boosts your bottom line. Part of that is the switch to EV, but there’s rather a lot more to it...


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The term ecopreneur is off-putting to a lot of business owners, conjuring images of hipster businesses producing products and services designed to fight climate change. But while ecopreneurs may well run businesses relating to environmental issues, they may just as easily work in any industry and simply be motivated by green values.

You may have seen a green gap in the market and decided to use your passion for the environment to make the world a better place, while also earning a living. You may simply be ensuring that whatever product or service you’re creating is socially responsible, sustainable, and ethical. It doesn’t matter. To the ecopreneur what’s important is starting and continuing to build a business venture that will actively work towards its corporate or social goals while simultaneously supporting the planet for the future of the next generations.

Anyone can become an ecopreneur and there are lots of ways to do it. There are many ideas to help you incorporate the eco-warrior lifestyle into your business and do the right thing




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for both the environment and your bottom line, all at the same time. I’ll be exploring these throughout this book.

Going green really is the best way to make green.

The prospect of launching a green business startup, or shifting the focus of your existing business to make it more eco-friendly, can be a daunting prospect. Yet with modern culture growing continually more preoccupied with the need to protect the environment and stem the effects of global warming, it’s becoming unavoidable. Consumers are increasingly basing their decisions on the company that demonstrates the greenest policy and provides the most eco-friendly products and services. At the same time the government is incentivising their own eco-initiatives to encourage business owners to take steps that further the green agenda.

Fortunately there are plenty of steps you can take as a business owner to decrease your carbon footprint, increase the green credentials of your company, and save (or make!) some extra moolah while you’re at it.

The key to going green in your business is to take baby steps. Make small changes that begin to take you in the right direction, and allow it to have a cumulative effect that results in a thriving eco-culture.

There are a lot of great business practices that are fully sustainable and friendly for both the environment and your business budget. It can be difficult to understand how some of these small steps can possibly have an impact on the planet, but it’s a gradual process with a cumulative effect: if all


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businesses adopted all of these practices it would make a huge difference.

The sooner you start doing your part, the better for the planet.

If you’re all for going green to make green and becoming an ecopreneur, there are so many options that you can get involved in as a business to help you to become more eco-friendly.

We’ve already seen a fumigated world of pollution, polar bears becoming a vulnerable species, and an ocean full of the rubbish from last night’s dinner waste. There are more than 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean and counting, which take up to 1000 years to decompose. This is catastrophic.

It’s time to create change now, before it’s too late.

Mixing up your business ethos and making your business more eco-friendly can help save the planet, while helping improve your brand and company values. From opting to go paperless, to recycling, to being more environmentally responsible, there are numerous options to suit your business.

What Does Being Eco-Friendly Mean?

Being eco-friendly describes your active role in becoming responsible for the environment. You choose to care and nurture for your surroundings and promote the idea of being green.

Becoming an eco-friendly person means you think about your choices including your waste, energy conservation, the


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amount of pollution you make and how much you recycle.

Think about what you can do to change our current environmental crisis by following some of these methods…

Go Paperless...

A shocking 35% of our waste stream consists of paper.In the digital age that is not only insane, it’s utterly unnecessary! Despite being one of the easiest materials to recycle, an alarming amount of our paper still ends up in landfills. This in itself is bad for the environment, but also robs the planet of far more of its valuable trees than necessary.

The good news is, one of the easiest ways to go green in your business is to reduce your paper waste by implementing a paperless policy. Here are a few really quick ways you can do this:

• Find digital solutions to paper-based systems (i.e. email instead of fax, a project management App such as Asana instead of paper To Do lists etc.)

• Stop printing off your emails! Instead, organise your inbox so it’s as easy as possible to find and reference information.

• Backup important files rather than using filing cabinets and storage boxes.

• Switch to a sustainable paper supplier for the times using paper is completely unavoidable.


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Get On The Cloud...

One of the easiest ways to reduce your paper waste is to shift your business systems to the cloud. With services like GoogleDrive available to give you secure online file sharing, as well as electronic contract signing, and the ability to electronically automate invoicing and other admin requirements, there’s really very little reason to use paper anymore.

Not only does the cloud reduce paper waste it also eliminates the need for an onsite server that gobbles up a lot of electricity, space, and essentially acts as a giant dust collector.

Pull The Plug...

How often do you leave your computers and other electrical equipment on (or at least on standby) overnight? Switching off as much as you can during non-working hours goes a long way, particularly if you’re in a gadget-rich environment where all your staff are working with multiple devices.

Having all devices in a person’s workspace plugged into a single outlet that can be switched off at the end of the day ensures nothing is accidentally left on, leeching energy. You can also programme computers and other devices to shutdown automatically at certain times, eliminating the need for you to remember to switch them off at all. Monitors can similarly be programmed to shut down after a certain length of inactivity, while fluorescent light bulbs can easily be switched for energy-saving alternatives.


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Recycle, Recycle, Recycle...

When you make recycling easier than throwing something away it ceases to be a chore and becomes the natural thing to do. Position your recycling bins in regular and convenient locations, and limit the number of general waste bins you have so they are few, far between, and additional effort to find.

Likely places for your recycling bins are next to copy machines, in the kitchen, and next to food and drink dispensers such as water coolers or vending machines.

Make sure your bins are clearly labeled, and there is a recycling bin everywhere you have general rubbish bin.

Another good idea if you have a kitchen, break room, or cafeteria is to get a compost bin - you can get give your compost to employees or neighbours, or use it to grow some beautiful plants for your workspace.

Even Your Electronics...

Go above and beyond with your recycling and don’t just limit it to the obvious paper and plastics. Remember to recycle all your electrical waste, including batteries, monitors, and other computer components - it can be a hassle to get things to where they need to be, but it’s worth it. If you have a large business you can arrange a regular collection. If not, create a designated electrical waste collection area, and make an occasional trip to the tip to dispose of everything en-masse.


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Partner With Like-Minded Companies...

The odds are you’re not the only business looking to boost your green creds. Network with other businesses in relating (but non-competing!) industries and see how you can pool your resources, collaborate, and share the costs and time requirements of some of these methods. For example, if you want to arrange for regular recycling pickups you can club together with other local business and split the cost of a single pickup between you.

Another element of truly taking your business green is ensuring your supply chain is sustainable and eco-friendly. Look for green vendors to supply all your business needs, from web hosting to cleaning your office and printing your business cards.


In need of some new office furniture but you’re on a strict budget? Never forget that one business’ junk is another’s aesthetic treasure. Hop on Freecycle and get bartering for things you need, swapping out items you no longer have any use for.

If you’re really feeling creative, you can also upcycle your old furniture to give it a new lease of life as something else!

Stem The Tide Of Junk Mail...

One of the banes of modern existence is the veritable slush pile of junk mail that rains through your letterbox on a daily basis. It’s a huge waste and a big irritant, but one that’s easily


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avoided by using services that allow you to remove yourself from mailing lists and avoid a big chunk of that junk!

Build Your Office Green from the Floor Up...

If you’re opening a brand new office this one is easier, but even if you have an established building it’s still doable as and when needed. Look at ways of incorporating eco-friendly elements in your building, such as solar panels on the roof, sustainable fabrics like hemp, and window covers or curtain poles made from bamboo. Wherever possible opt for green building materials, fixtures and fittings.

Reduce Your Usage…

One of the very first ways to get eco-friendly and jump on the ecopreneurial bandwagon is to think about your usage. Actively considering if you can alter your energy usage or change to a more renewable energy source can be useful.

Have you ever considered switching to solar power?

Maybe you’ve thought about reducing your energy usage by installing LED lighting?

As a business, there are so many ways you can reduce your wastage. If you have a big enough budget, you can install solar panels which are great for the environment but will still give you the energy you need to continue to run your business.This is the same for wind turbines, if you have space and finances, you should really consider having them installed.

You may even find that there are funding schemes available


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for you to take advantage of. This includes Barclays Bank who will give back up to £50,000 to small businesses who are investing in green initiatives. Or if that doesn’t float your boat, you may be interested in the Feed-in Tariff where the government will pay you for every unit of electricity that your solar system generates. So it’s well worth having an in-depth research into what schemes may be more suitable for your business.

If you don’t have the budget to pay for a big investment like solar panels or wind turbines, you can still make a difference. Websites like energybulbs.co.uk and The LED Specialist can provide you with great energy saving bulbs that are affordable for you. Putting these in your bathrooms, and offices can help reduce the amount of energy you use.

Regularly switch off your lights when you leave a room, take part in energy saving events such as Earth Day and think about installing light sensors to really reduce your light wastage.

Why Not Reuse Your Recycled Materials?

So now you know that you should be recycling to help save the planet, why don’t you reuse your recycled materials?

Reusing recycled materials can be a great way to become an eco-friendly business as it shows you are taking an interest in how your business affects the environment and what you can do to change that.

Why not opt for recycled paper to use when you’re printing?


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Or use eco-friendly pens and folders?

Getting your employees to think about the role they can play in being more eco-friendly is important. Can they reduce the amount of plastic they’re using? Setting monthly targets for your teams and running a competition can really motivate your teams to think more responsibly.

As I mentioned earlier, don’t forget about your recycled electronics too. Is there anything you can do with the older technology that has become obsolete in your company? What about taking it to a local recycling point who will take your unwanted electrical items or can you go to a local repair shop that can maybe revamp it for you?

Outsource From The Right Source…

If you’re going to need any products ordered into your business, why not think about having biodegradable products delivered.

Having biodegradable products is an easy way to go green and be eco-friendly. From thinking about what you can recycle, to discussing the materials that become wasted in meetings and overall within the office.

They are better for the environment simply because they can be composed rather than sent to a landfill. They breakdown naturally and don’t require any equipment that can be damaging to the environment. You don’t even need to change your routine, just simply switch to a biodegradable product and it has the exactly same use.


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If you’re selling products too, you will be seen as a more eco-friendly company giving consideration to the future of our planet. You are showing a willingness to switch for a better lifestyle in the future and your caringness towards doing too. All you need to do is simply change to biodegradable packaging.

Encourage Others…

Encouraging others to do the right thing is the most important part of becoming an eco-friendly business. Every day, the majority of your employees will be driving into work using their petrol and diesel cars.

What if they were encouraged to change to an electric car or get involved with a more environmentally friendly scheme?

Encouraging your teams to invest in their future by using schemes like the Cycle Scheme or by investing in an EV can make your business’ values look a lot more positive, while helping the planet.

EVs are often better for employees, as it still provides reliable transport, no matter what the weather is. They don’t have the pressure of having to cycle or walk to work when the temperatures are well below 0 degrees or when it’s pouring it down with rain.

EVs are perfect for car sharing too, reducing the number of toxic fumes in the air. Something to note as well, is that if you can provide EV chargepoints, your company will appear even more environmentally friendly and willing to keep up with changing technologies. Your workplace will seem more


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desirable to potential employees as you will now provide the facility and be one step of your competitors too!

As a business, you can get funding for EV chargepoints too which is even better for you! You can claim up to £500 off the cost of installation under the OLEV’s Workplace Charging Scheme, up to 20 sockets. That’s as long as your company has off-street parking, can demonstrate a need for the chargepoint and that it is installed by an OLEV-approved company like us.

The potential is massive, your staff could save up to £1,000 a year off their fuel bill. while still gaining you a discount and tax relief.

Upcycle Your Furniture…

There are bigger ventures you can experiment in as an ecopreneur. This includes upcycling your furniture. This allows your true creative side to show and it can work perfectly for your business, (especially if you’re in need of some new furniture).

Many businesses within the UK, send their furniture to tips and cause a lot of wastage. Next time you want to get rid of your furniture, consider whether there is scope to revamp it and reuse it for another purpose, or sell.

Our top tips to upcycle your furniture are:• There will always be a purpose for any piece of furniture

and you can always reuse it for something. • Sometimes to revamp your furniture, it may just need a

new lick of paint.


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• Make sure that you have all the materials you need to build the furniture you want.

• Be imaginative and create something extraordinary. You can even use this project as a good way of marketing your eco-friendly business.

• Involve your team - make it a bit of a challenge to see who can upcycle most creatively.

Set Up A Positive Future For Your Business…

If none of the above takes your fancy, you can also set up schemes for your business. If you can join other businesses in taking action and provide an example to other businesses also, then you’re well on your way to helping the planet.

If you get involved with certain schemes you may also be able to pay less tax by applying for these types of schemes. An example of this is the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, which covers large, non-energy-intensive organisations or you can get involved with the Cycle Scheme.

The Cycle Scheme is perfect for businesses as it pushes people to ditch their fossil fuel cars and get on a bike. It is a simple set up and so easy to manage for your business, and it can really benefit your business massively. Your employees will save between 25-39% of the cost of a new bike and accessories while your business will receive the full cost of the bike. It can work well as an employee benefit too, while you’re working towards reducing the pollution.


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In recent decades the green revolution has become a global phenomenon that generates trillions in revenue annually, and is increasingly critical to the success of any business. Ensuring your business plan includes an eco-friendly element is critical to ensuring you thrive - particularly on an international scale

- as the success of your business is increasingly determined by its ability to align the value of your products and services with eco social values.

As we have seen, running a sustainable business begins (and to some extent ends) with learning to do more while using less.

The reduction of waste is obviously in the best interests of the planet, but there are also many ways that going green will help you make green in your business.

Creating an eco-friendly business plan has a lot of great benefits.




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It’s excellent publicity, allows you to reduce cost, and doesn’t have to cost a lot (if anything) to create. It can also be done with very little effort, so really what do you have to lose?

A green business plan can be easily started with small changes, which will not only cost nothing, but will quickly start saving you money. Simply switching off your equipment and lights when you close the doors for the day can significantly lower your energy usage and (consequently) energy bills. Further ways of eliminating waste can easily be incorporated, and pretty soon you’ll find your business is running in a far more eco-friendly way.

Take it one step further and invest a little money in improving the green profile of your business, and you will find you’re saving even more. However, the bottom line for any business is always going to be the bottom line. Before you start implementing new measures throughout your company, it’s natural to want some reassurance that they are genuinely going to be of benefit.

Creating A Green Business Plan...

Having a business plan is much like ensuring you have the SatNav connected and up-to-date before you set off on a trip. You need a roadmap providing a clear path to achieving your goals, which paints a compelling but realistic picture of your business vision.

It should answer any core questions concerning your strategy, outline your competitive advantages, your potential for growth, and aspects relating to human resource requirements as well as financial projections. Beyond this it should


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encapsulate your brand’s ethos, and having an eco-friendly slant has a lot of huge benefits.

You’re aiming for a winning balance of realistic documentation and sales pitch that provides investors, customers, and colleagues with a compelling message.

Sustainability is a mega trend at the moment when it comes to writing business plans. Just taking oil as the most recent example of unsustainability where commodity prices are concerned, there’s a huge disruption in stock prices as a result, which can have a massive impact on the success of any business.

The disruption of supply chains has become a norm in the corporate world due to dwindling resources and weather anomalies caused by global warming. It’s simply best practice for a modern business to include a sustainability policy in their business plan.

When crafting your business plan, bear in mind a few key realities of the modern business sphere, including:

• The rise of social media as the millennial platform of choice for making purchase decisions and assessing a brand’s worth, values, and level of social responsibility.

• Authenticity - your green plan needs to be genuine, and accurately reflect your ethos and the measures you will take within the business. Make sure you can follow through on plans for tackling social issues including product safety, climate change, and labor practices.


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What Going Green Means To Your Business Plan...

At the end of the day, investors invest because they believe they will make money from your business. They see the value of what you’re offering (or proposing) and believe there is a customer base ready to buy into it.

Trying to win business or investors on the back of nothing but a desire to further the greater good is a tough sell. And yet, a business is fully capable of being viable as a money-making-machine, and still doing its part of the planet. Having a business that’s both attractive to investors from a profit and planet perspective delivers a double whammy that’s tough to resist.

Investors are well aware that customers will buy into a business that’s capable of both delivering value, and upholding values.

The corporate world’s supply chain is increasingly green, and investors are searching for business plans that reflect this rapidly changing reality. If you’re capable of competing in your industry while including sustainability and a high level of corporate social responsibility in your business, you’re going to be an attractive prospect.

This is largely due to investors being highly averse to risks such as supply chain disruption, commodity price volatility, and increased government regulations. Ensuring you’re working to a plan that’s sustainably mitigating these risks will give you a serious competitive advantage when it comes to attracting investors.


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Incorporate Sustainability Into Every Step...

So, demonstrating sustainability in all your business decisions is the name of the game when it comes to going green. There’s nothing less inspiring than a supposedly ‘eco-friendly’ company who are failing to improve the green principles and sustainability of their brand. People will happily fall in love with a business that is truly dedicated to an environmentally friendly approach. If you’re failing to incorporate effective sustainability measures, you’re not the paragon of eco-virtue they’re looking for and they will go elsewhere.

Plans For Raw Materials...

Decreasing the level of raw materials used by your business through improving operational efficiency is a great place to start creating sustainability. You can also buy durable equipment and materials that will last longer, and non-toxic materials such as water-based paints (as opposed to solvents) that will cause less pollution.

Another easy way to create a green raw materials plan is to use as much recycled substances as possible, such as post-consumer waste paper, or reclaimed lumber. Recycling any waste you create, and reducing the amount of packaging on your consumables are also good strategies. Team up with other businesses in your area to share the cost of recycling.

Plans For Water Sustainability...

Another easy way to ensure sustainability is to review your water usage. Eliminate as much waste as possible by repairing or replacing an leaks, turning off water whenever it’s not in


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use, and reducing your water pressure where possible.

Eco-Energy Plans...

Purchasing equipment that’s energy-efficient can save you a substantial amount on your energy costs - up to 75% in fact. At the same time, you can use technological trickery such as occupancy sensors to ensure lights and other energy-guzzlers are only on if someone is actually there to use or need them.

Small touches like adding reflectors to your light fixtures and switching to energy-efficient bulbs, and modulating light and temperature using windows and blinds can make a big difference. But the biggest change you can make is switching to alternative sources of energy, such as solar panels or wind turbines.

Fuel Reduction Plans...

Finally, be sure that your business plan includes a green fleet of electric vehicles and the use of an electric charging station for employees and visitors to your company. Including EV in your business plan is a great way to not only improve your sustainability and green credentials, it’s also an excellent addition of a passive income stream, and great PR.


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The core of your green business plan is a commitment to sustainability, and EV should be at the heart of that - particularly if you have a business fleet, or offer company cars. Whatever the size of your organisation, ensuring your employees are using electric cars and you are providing them with an easy means of charging is essential.

The world has finally woken up to the huge negative effects that fossil fuels and industrial technologies have on the environment. In recent years a massive amount of time, effort and resources have been poured into the development of fresh, innovative new technologies that are environmentally friendly. What began with the advent of (then) fringe energy sources, like solar and wind power, has blossomed in recent years into a full-blown obsession with clean tech and green energy.

The growing global obsession with fixing all the ways we’ve been damaging the planet has produced a lot of new advances. Electric vehicles are one of the biggest new developments.



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Although not a new idea (the notion of the electric car was first posited in 1832), it’s only in recent years that technological advances have caught up with the dreams of Georgian inventors.

After years of ridiculing Tesla for imagining a mainstream EV, car manufacturers are now embroiled in a somewhat epic battle to claim the mantle of the world’s top electric car developer. Meanwhile, the government will be banning the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by as early as 2032, leaving consumers with little choice but to jump on the bandwagon and join the rEVolution.

This has left a lot of people understandably asking the question, what are the benefits of an electric car, beyond the simple fact we soon won’t have any choice but to drive them?

Well, the good news is that there are a lot of great business benefits to an electric car:

#1 Lower Fuel Costs…

Running a car has never been a cheap endeavour. Between insurance, road tax, repairs, maintenance, and of course the dreaded MOT, it will set you back a bundle. And that’s before you’ve factored in the cost of buying the car itself, and perpetually filling it up with fuel.

With the demand for fossil fuels constantly increasing, and the availability of the planet’s natural resources continually dwindling, the price of petrol and diesel is set to rise exponentially.


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As if life isn’t expensive enough.

Making the switch to an electric car can drastically reduce your fuel costs. No more paying through the nose for petrol, no more shelling out for diesel. While you will still need to pay to charge your EV, comparatively speaking it will cost you considerably less to charge your car than a tank with petrol or diesel fuel.

#2 Lower Fuel Consumption…

We’re not kidding when we say the planet is running out of fossil fuels.

Humans have been steadily consuming the world’s natural resources at an ever-increasing rate since the industrial revolution. At some point, we’re going to run out completely.

No more coal, no more oil, no more natural gas.

When that happens, the areas of life that inevitably rely on fossil fuels will grind to a halt.

The only way to retain our technology is to drastically reduce the rate at which we’re burning through those fossil fuels and, ultimately, develop the technology that will completely replace them and leave us with no need for fossil fuels at all.

One of the biggest benefits of EVs is that they will not only achieve the first step in this process (particularly when the ban comes into force) but that their existence demands the industry continue to invest in the development of new technology, which in turn will lead to advances in other areas.


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#3 Less Pollution…

Since we’re not burning any fossil fuels to power our EVs there is considerably less pollution vented into the atmosphere as a result of our driving. While there is an argument to be made that EVs increase particle emissions, overall they are still infinitely better for the environment than their fossil-fueled counterparts.

Levels of exhaust emissions created from EVs are nothing.

Meanwhile, cars running on petrol account for 89% of the carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, as well as 54% of nitrates, and 28% of carbon dioxide.

#4 Reducing Noise Pollution…

In addition to the pollution from exhaust emissions there is a huge amount of noise pollution created by petrol and diesel cars. They emit a constant rush and hum as a result of their combustion engines, a sound we’ve all become so accustomed to we barely notice it anymore.

Drive out to the country one day and stop to listen to the silence. Compare it to the noise of a city, and you’ll begin to understand just how much noise all our cars make.

Electric engines are far quieter. While they’re not completely silent the overall noise level of cars running on electric is far less than those running on fossil fuels.


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#5 Reducing Stress Levels…

Believe it or not, all that noise pollution is seriously affecting your stress levels. Not only are your ears constantly assaulted by the din when you’re out for a long drive down the motorway, but you also absorb a huge amount of traffic-related noise throughout your day.

Even while you’re at work, the noise from the roads outside can penetrate your office building. The same is true at home – unless you live in the wilderness, you’re constantly exposed to the roar of engines starting, stopping, and humming by.

All that noise has a cumulative effect that raises your stress levels without you even being aware of it.

Consequently, reducing all the noise will reduce everyone’s stress levels.

Which EV To Choose For Your Green Fleet...

There are so many benefits to switching to electric vehicles, it’s actually surprising that they aren’t already in wider usage. From traveling in silence and paying no road tax or congestion charges, to the ability to get from A to B, and any other letter you like, while producing zero emissions, EVs are better for the planet, better for your wallet, and better for your business.

And the world is finally catching up to this revelation.

The range an electric vehicle can travel between charges is continually expanding as EV technology improves, there are


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rapid improvements to the infrastructure of public charging stations, and due to the imminent enforcement of the petrol and diesel ban this is hardly surprising.

Getting ahead of the curve and switching to a green fleet for your business is a great way to kill a lot of birds with one stone. You can boost your profile as an eco-friendly company, provide employees with a great perk in the form of planet-loving cars they can top up while they work, and even earn some passive income for your business using your new charging station.

But with the EV market still in its infancy there’s a relatively limited amount of choice where electric models are concerned. This can make it tricky to effectively weigh the pros and cons of different models for your business and employees.

Tesla Model S...

Really, we had to put Tesla at the top of the list. While it may not be the most practical when it comes to building a green fleet, it’s certainly the most impactful where branding is concerned, and it’s a hell of a car.

Arguably, Tesla’s Model S was the car that started it all. It’s certainly the car that won over the world when it came to the efficacy of replacing their combustion-engine vehicles for cars powered by electricity.

It’s the car that made EV affordable, mainstream, and a little bit sexy.


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The Model S has a super-saloon’s acceleration power, coupled with a futuristic cabin, all rounded out by an infotainment system with a touchscreen delivering all the mod cons you could possibly need.

Add to this the benefits of using Tesla’s supercharger network, and the Model S is a very attractive car to invest in for your business fleet, particularly if your employees need to make long trips that take them far from the charging station at the office.

BMW i3 / i3 S...

Where innovation is concerned we’re rather in love with BMW’s i3. Only Jaguar and Tesla can outpace it when it comes to premium desirability, and it has a lot going for it that they don’t. While practicality may be an issue, as the i3 is strictly a four seater and has very limited boot space by comparison to other hatchback EVs, it’s an economical choice with so much style it’s difficult not to love it.

The recently-retired range-extender model has given way to a compact, funky, purely electric EV boasting a 42.2kWh battery. The new battery has addressed a lot of shortcomings the model previously struggled with.

Meanwhile, the i3 S offers a model with a lot more spirit thanks to a lower riding height, bigger wheels, and a driving experience that’s even more engaging. Given that the standard i3 already offers the best driving experience for an EV in this class, that’s pretty impressive.


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Hyundai Ionic Electric...

If you’re on the fence about whether to go pure electric or opt for a hybrid, or want a single model that gives you the option to choose. The Ionic is available in three forms:

1. Petrol-Electric Hybrid 2. Plug-In Hybrid 3. Pure-Electric

The EV is the simplest variation of the Ionic, however there is a great deal of flexibility in all these options. Without the independent multi-link suspension found in both the hybrid versions, the pure EV model runs on a 28kWh battery, and boasts a real-world range of around 120 miles.

Steering it is engaging, and it offers a practical EV option at great value, particularly if you’re looking for something a little roomier in the back and boot.

Jaguar I-Pace...

The first luxury electric car from a mainstream manufacturer to directly challenge Tesla at the high end, the I-Pace delivers on its brief with exceptional interior quality and a striking design that’s slightly more SUV than saloon. The lack of 100kW chargers dent its potential as a long-range tourer (although that will improve over time as infrastructure grows) and infotainment could be better, but it sets the standard for EV handling, and delivers ample performance from its twin 197bhp motors.


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Hyundai Kona Electric...

Another model of EV to make a big impact on the market by providing an electric car with a range of up to 300 miles for under £30,000, there’s a lot to be said for choosing the Hyundai Kona for your green fleet.

Putting other affordable EVs to shame with its accelerative performance, and is able to keep pace with some of the hot rod hatchbacks, the Kona runs on a 64kWh battery.

The downside of this model is that its crossover bodystyle lacks the practicality of the family hatchback style EVs out there, and doesn’t offer the same driving experience as some of its counterparts due to its weight. The range of the Kona does a lot to mitigate these factors, and it’s still a great choice.

Nissan Leaf...

Nissan’s Leaf was the first to show us what affordability in the form of an electric car really was. Since then its evolved into its second generation incarnation, with 25% more in terms of battery capacity, and a range certified by WLTP at 168-miles. With increased torque and power to boot, the Leaf is now a much more engaging drive, with enough practicality to make it perfect for commuting as well as taxiing the kids about.

If you’re looking for the best value, the government’s plug-in car grant has brought the price of the Leaf down far enough to make it the obvious choice for a highly practical, family-friendly green fleet.


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Renault Zoe

If you’re looking to equip your business with a green fleet that’s super economical and easy on the bank balance, the Renault Zoe is definitely the car for you. Proving that great things come in small packages, it’s a practical supermini, with a 41kWh battery capacity. The downside to the Zoe is the short driving range that won’t exceed 150 miles in the real world. However, the option to lease the battery makes it very affordable.

Volkswagen e-Golf...

Offering all the practicality of a regular Golf (with the exception of a boot that’s slightly smaller to accommodate its lithium ion batteries), the e-Golf is both engaging and performative. The handling is surprising given the weight of the car, and its 134bhp motor makes it perfect for about-town and city driving. A range of up to 186 miles (which in reality is more like 120 miles) makes it a little less practical than some of its counterparts, and it lacks the style of more sophisticated models, yet it’s still a solid choice.

Tesla Model 3...

While it’s not currently available in the UK yet, Elon Musk has pledged Tesla’s Model 3 will be in Britain by mid-2019. As the most affordable model from the man the world called mad for dreaming of affordable, mainstream electric travel, the Model 3 isn’t perfect but still has a lot going for it.

Despite the weight of its electric powertrain, it handles very well. It’s also got a lot of style, with a touchscreen


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infotainment system simulating physical buttons. It may not be quite as refined as some of the other models out there, but it certainly rivals the BMW 3 Series and is worth considering.


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With the huge surge in popularity of EVs and the consistent increase in charging infrastructure, technology is rapidly developing alongside the amount of EV charging stations in the UK.

Statistics show more than 50,000 EV sales in 2018 alone, and it’s only going to continue to increase both nationally and globally. Fewer and fewer people are choosing to stick with petrol and diesel cars for three crucial reasons: they’re continually burning a car-sized hole in their pockets (due to the ever-increasing cost of fossil fuels), the atmosphere (due to their harmful carbon emissions), and they will soon be unavailable to buy (due to the imminent petrol and diesel ban).

Very, very soon, people with EVs will no longer be in the minority and we will be in the midst of a true rEVolution of electric cars.

With so much going on in the world of EV, there is one really



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important question all business owners should be asking: is your business keeping up-to-date with new technology and providing the best incentives for your employees?

Beyond that there’s an even more important question (at least from the perspective of your bottom line) do you know how installing EV chargepoints can boost your revenue in one of the easiest and PR-friendly ways possible?

What Is A Charging Station?

Before we get into the intricacies of charging stations, it’s important to be clear on exactly what we mean by the term. Any homeowner with an electric car may get a chargepoint installed in their house. A charging station is a little different, as it’s a collection of more than two individual chargepoints within one area. They are most famously seen at service stations, supermarkets, shopping centres and even restaurants - anywhere multiple people have need of charging their EVs at the same time.

Given that everyone will eventually be driving EVs, every business owner needs to be thinking about where their employees will charge their cars, particularly if they have a fleet of company vehicles.

There are various areas across the country that offer the facility for customers to use charging stations (you can find your nearest one here). Companies that have this facility reap a lot of great rewards, and it provides an incentive for people to choose their business over others.


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How EV Charging Stations Can Benefit Your Business…

There are so many benefits to installing charging stations for your business. One of the main ones being that it allows you to raise your profile, and show that you are supporting the planet by being more environmentally friendly. You can instantly enhance your reputation in your industry (whatever that niche may be) and stand out ahead of your competitors.

Another benefit is that it provides a more local facility for your employees and clients. The EV industry is growing rapidly and to have the opportunity to install charging stations before other companies do is worth the investment. You may also find that people who use the chargers aren’t current customers, but may well become customers in the future due to the positive experience and convenience of your charging stations.

Going green is a massive benefit of EV, not only in supporting the earth but in positioning you as a company with strong, positive brand values. It creates brand loyalty and awareness, as people will notice that your company is more active in caring for the world.

Meanwhile, a failure to provide charging facilities also means that you aren’t accommodating those with EVs and providing them with an essential facility they need. When electricity replaces the petrol and diesel that gets people to work, shops, social events, and pretty much every aspect of life, knowing where they can charge their cars is going to become a bit of an obsession.


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A big benefit to having charging stations is that people with EVs are conscious of timing while their car is charging. This will influence them to come to you over competitors, and stay longer with you, knowing that they have a reliable and local chargepoint to boost their car, ready for the drive home.

Overall, it is convenient for employees and clients to have a charging station for your business, allowing you to be more cost-effective, as your employees will no longer have to go on that hour trek to find a suitable car charger, or miss work because their cars run out of juice.

What Types Of Charging Station Are Available?

Choosing the best EV charging station that is perfectly suited to your business can be difficult. From pay EV charging stations to a public relations EV charging stations, there are various options to choose from. Here are the highlights of each to help you choose which is best for your business:

Pay EV Charging Stations…

A pay EV charging station is a great way to boost revenue while providing an extra facility for your employees.

One of the main benefits of having an EV is their cost-effectiveness. EVs are cheaper to run compared to fossil fuelled vehicles and the huge businesses bonus is that you can now create an existing revenue stream for your business, by charging people to use your charging stations.

On average, public charging operators have a fee of 30p per kilowatt-hour for the electricity needed to charge a car.


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Occasionally, there is an admin fee which can cost up to £3.50, and sometimes an additional registration fee is required, costing up to £20 extra. This is very beneficial for businesses, as it allows you to integrate the latest in innovation and facilities for your team while collecting revenue from everyone benefitting from the addition of a new local charging station.

Staff will use it as it’s straight outside their workplace. Customers will take advantage of the charging opportunity while they are with you. And local residents or travellers will come to you to top up their charger, and may well stay for more of what you have on offer.

If you’re worried about competition, take advantage of the currently limited number of charging stations, and establish yourself as the goto chargepoint before others appear in your area. To maximise your potential revenue, you can also charge by the minute or hour of use, which usually makes it harder for EV users to determine the competitiveness within the market.

The largest benefit of providing charging stations for others to use is that in the long term it has the potential to pay itself off, with revenue covering the costs of installation allowing you to really profit from your project. Even if you only generate enough revenue to break even it’s still covered the cost of a positive venture that greatly benefits your business and boosts your profile, while paying for itself.

So, Why Pay EV Charging Stations?

With a new charging station not only will you have the


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benefit of more revenue and the potential to make a profit, but you also have the benefit of gaining brand loyalty.

New customers and even employees will have trust in you, knowing that you can facilitate further options for more than just diesel and petrol cars. There is a possibility for people to choose your business over others due to your dedication to innovation and an eco-friendly outlook, as well as convenience, bringing in new clientele and giving you a great company culture to attract the best employees.

The better you position your business as a forward-thinking force for positive change, the bigger chance of owning more responsibility within the market.

Your employees and current clients will be more faithful, remaining with you as they know that they have the option to grow with your business and showing that you can continue to expand and keep up to date with new technology is important.

Public Relations EV Charging Station…

Another type of charging station for EVs is a public relations. These benefit your company by showing you care for the environment and tells your employees and clients you feel passionate about going green for the planet.

It reinforces the importance of looking after the planet and it will boost your position as an eco-friendly business. As a company, your reputation will be favoured and you will be viewed externally and internally as a respectable company.


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You can also apply for an environmental assessment by BREEAM. They provide assessments for projects, infrastructure and buildings and test to see sustainability and how eco-friendly they are. To have this certificate is a major advantage as it shows your business is environmentally cautious.

But Why Choose Public Relations Charging Stations?

Installing a charging station for your business encourages people to think more wisely about their own choices and allows you to take more ownership of your Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR).

Taking action and installing a charging station can be an easy way to be more eco-friendly and still provide for your employees.

Do You Know About The Available Funding?

Just like with homeowners, there is funding available for business owners too. You can have a maximum of 20 sockets and up to £500 grant per socket. It is granted under the Workplace Charging Scheme which helps to reduce the cost of having chargepoints installed.

How To Choose The Best One For Your Business…

Undeniably, EV chargepoints are a positive aspect to add to your business, but choosing the right one is always the hardest part. You will need to consider an important aspect of


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chargepoints too, whether you want a fast or rapid charge.

Fast Charging…

A fast charge is perfect for employees working eight-hour shifts as it allows them to have their EV fully charged. This obviously depends on the model but it is definitely more accommodating and would work well for your employees who need that option of a charger.

Rapid Charging…

A rapid charge is (as the name suggests) faster than a fast charging station. These work more efficiently for vehicles that need a quick charge, for example, taxis and vehicles on the motorway.

Things To Consider…

The final thing to consider is the reliability, installer, cost and access. You need to think about the benefits for you and also the benefits for the people who will be using the chargers.

Costing is key too as you need to work out the price of the charging stations and the equipment needed such as your cabling. This works alongside your access to as you need to target your audience and make sure that they have easy access to the chargers and make sure that they can be used at the times needed.


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In the face of a growing global obsession with electric vehicles there are few forms of technological innovation more important to a business than installing an EV charging station. With a lot of great benefits to going green with your business fleet, and the right charging station providing an effective means of creating a new revenue stream for you business, it’s not only employees that can benefit from a convenient way to charge up EVs while they’re parked at your company.

Giving employees access to charging stations is increasingly important, and there is a growing demand for charging facilities among visitors too. Overall the installation of a new charging station in your place of work is great for your profile and reputation, great for worker satisfaction and retention, great for your customer experience, and great for your bottom line.

But how exactly are you supposed to foot the bill for a fancy new EV charging station?




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How To Fund A Charging Station For Your Business

Well, much as there is funding available to help homeowners get plugin in the rEVolution, in the run up to the implementation of the new petrol and diesel ban the government has also set aside funds to help the businesses willing to go green install new charging points.

If you’re a business, charity, organisation, or local authority, government funding is available in the form of the Workplace Charging Scheme. Here’s everything you need to know you get business funding for a new EV chargepoint…

What Is The Workplace Charging Scheme?

In much the same way the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme allows individuals to access funding so they can install chargepoints at home, the Workplace Charging Scheme enables businesses to make the switch to EV without incurring the full brunt of the financial burden. It offers up to £500 for every socket installed on a working premises, covering around 75% of installation costs for as many as 20 sockets, provided they’re installed in an off-street parking area that’s dedicated to use by staff, visitors, or a company fleet.

On The Road To Zero…

With the introduction of the Workplace Charging Scheme comes another initiative from OLEV (the Office for Low Emissions) called the Road to Zero Strategy, which has seen the government dedicate themselves to ensuring that at least


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50% of new car sales include Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs) by 2030. They’ve further pledged to increase this number, to ensure that all new cars and the majority of vans are zero-emission by 2050.

With this strategy poised to provision all newly built homes with appropriate EV Charging Points, and all newly installed lamp posts with Electric Vehicle Charging facilities, the amount of on-street charging available for EVs is set to dramatically increase.

The Benefits Of The Charging Infrastructure Investment Fund…

Overall the government has set aside a total of £400 million in funds to accelerate the creation of an extensive network of chargepoints across Britain, to meet the inevitable demand once the petrol and diesel ban kicks in.

The benefit of this is that it has increased the amount of funding available for businesses looking to install new charging stations and reap the rewards of the growing national obsession with EV. While the Workplace Charging Scheme previously provisioned only £300 per charging socket, it now covers a full 75% of the costs.

If you received a £300 voucher prior to the increase in funding allowance and haven’t yet claimed it, you can simply withdraw it, then reapply to the scheme in order to claim the higher price of up to £500 per socket.

This is an incredibly exciting time for EV as a whole, and all the businesses looking to get in on the electric rEVolution


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ahead of the curve in order to capitalise on all that green karma and cashy money. That being said, the application process can be a little daunting and figuring out the best charging station for your business can be tricky.

This is where RES-EV can help. Get in touch via our website at https://www.res-ev.co.uk/...


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Shifting your business to a greener way of working is a big commitment. If you’re just getting started on building your business it is (in some ways) considerably easier. You can work green business practices into the heart of your organisation from its inception. But if you’re already an established business, a lot of the elements necessitated by a truly green business plan is going to require change.

And change is never easy.

It’s uncomfortable, unnerving, and may well result in a short-term disruption and dip in productivity while you and your team are adjusting to the new way of doing things.


It’s well worth the time, effort, and resources you will need to expend in order to get your business to the point it can proclaim itself green and planet-friendly.

Make the most of your newfound status as an eco warrior. Work it into your branding, your brand story, your social media posts, your blog content, and drum up as much PR attention as possible to spread the word.

The beauty of going green is that it will make you more money, but only if you fully embrace it and shout about it whenever and wherever possible.

And you should be shouting about it - it’s something to be proud of...


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Twelve years of experience in the electronics industry have left Dan with a passion and devotion to all things electrical. The introduction of electric vehicles is the next logical step in the technological revolution, and Dan’s dedicated to bringing EV into the mainstream, matching the perfect charger with every client’s individual needs. Dan’s unique brand of electrical wizardry is making EV accessible to everyone, and he’s proud to be leading the charge and providing the infrastructure needed to make the electrical rEVolution possible…

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