go for broke bulletin - 442nd · 2010-10-06 · the go for broke bulletin is the official bulletin...

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Go For Broke Bulletin442nd Veterans Club • A Quarterly PublicationVol. 62, Number 3 • April-June 2010

Photos Courtesy: Wayne Iha

HQ3....................................................................Item......................................................................King......................................................................No NewsLove.....................................................................Mike......................................................................522 Able...............................................................No News522 Baker.............................................................522 Charlie...........................................................No News232 Eng/Band......................................................Kauai News..........................................................No NewsMaui Matters........................................................Sons & Daughters................................................Uta No Kai............................................................No NewsOther Stories........................................................Announcements...................................................

Vol. 62, Number 3 • April-June 2010Published QuarterlyEditor


.....................................................Oscar Tsukayama.................SDG/Shige Yoshitake/Claire Mitani

................................................Edward Enterprises


TOP: WWII AJA veterans ride a trolleyin the Welcome Home Parade,May 22, 2010

BOTTOM: Piper Alan Miyamura andveterans in front of ‘Brothers In Valor’Monument, Waikiki

The Go For Broke Bulletin is the official bulletin of the 442nd Veterans Club. It is published quarterly.Contributors may submit reports to the Editor, Go For Broke Bulletin, 933 Wiliwili St., Honolulu, HI 96826 or via email to:442veterans@hawaiiantel.net. Preferably, reports should be submitted on computer disk or e-mail. Please save files onMS Word in Windows format. Deadlines for chapter reports for 2010 are: April 9, July 9, Oct 8 and Jan 7, 2011.

Go For Broke442 OfficersPresident1st Vice-President2nd Vice-President3rd Vice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerExecutive Secretary

........................................William Y. (Bill) Thompson................................................Mitsuo Honda.......................................Noboru Kawamoto................................................Wade Wasano

...........................................................Satoru Shikasho

.............................................................Masao Fujioka............................................Shirley Igarashi

President’s Report.............................................Taps...................................................................Donations...........................................................Editor’s Desk......................................................Feature Story.....................................................Regimental HQ..................................................AT........................................................................No NewsCannon...............................................................Medics................................................................Service............................................................... No NewsHQ2....................................................................Easy....................................................................Fox.....................................................................George...............................................................Howe...................................................................




Table Of Contents........................................Contributors2323






Jane ShikashoEddie YamasakiEichi OkiAllen NakamuraShiro AokiK. Harry TokushigeTed & Fuku Tsukiyama

M. HondaMargaret OshitaHarold NishidaGail NishimuraKay Hirayama

PageTable Of Contents..........................................Contributors

Henry KuniyukiCommittee of ThreeJohn MikasaOscar TsukayamaAlex OkaOkemura, et.al.Shigeyuki YoshitakeRon ObaFred IdaYutaka Yoshida

In May, the veterans were invited toparticipate in a military parade through Waikiki.Veterans of the 100th Inf Battalion and 442ndRCT were seated in a trolley which led theprocession from Ft. DeRussy to Kapiolani Park.

The 6th graders of Mililani Middle Schoolinvited veterans of the 100th Inf Battalion and the442nd to be interviewed. It was a lively exchangebetween the students and the old WWII veterans.

It is heartening to find our youngsterstoday interested in the experiences of formersoldiers as our Nation is presently engaged inbattles in Iraq and Afghanistan. We encouragedsupport of today’s soldiers by telling how lettersfrom home cheers those who are overseas.xxxxx

In June, the Friends of Iolani Palacesponsored an event honoring the Kanyaku Imin.The arrival of laborers from Japan in the late1800’s contributed to the Island heritage we enjoytoday. A highlight of the event was a tribute tothe WWII Nisei generation who brought honor tothe Nikkei community by their outstandingperformance in Europe and Asia.

Eric Saul, noted historian, was in townmeeting with the veterans collecting material forthe Ellis Island exhibit which will include theWWII Nisei wartime souvenirs and photos. Thisexhibit will be opened sometime this year,

An interesting dialogue between the Nikkeicommunity and the Texas School Board ofEducation took place recently. There was anattempt by the Texas SBOE to state in their historybooks that the forced mass evacuation of those ofJapanese ancestry during WWII was not motivatedby racism. This, of course, downplays the sufferinginflicted upon those on the West Coast who wereherded under armed guns to transport them toprison camps which were labeled “relocation

centers.” The order to evacuate was based on racismwith the Japanese community being the scapegoatfor the debacle at Pearl Harbor.

A delegation, including Sandra Tanamachi,appeared in person before the TSBOE to lendcredence to the numerous letters sent to the TSBOE.They were successful in having the TSBOE rescindtheir attempt to re-write history.

Our dispute with the Citizens StampAdvisory Committee (CSAC) still remains unsettled.Recently, the JACL took under advisement therecommendation of the CSAC to have acommemorative stamp featuring the crane monumentof the NJAMF for the WWII Nisei. We joined withothers in protesting this. The monument whichfeatures a crane entangled in barbed-wire portraysthe imprisonment and suffering caused by forcedmass evacuation of those of Japanese ancestry onthe West Coast and is unacceptable to reflect theoutstanding performance of the WWII Nisei.Happily, the national body of the JACL voted downthe CSAC proposal.

At present, we are all eagerly awaiting thedecision by Congress regarding the issuance of theCongressional Gold Medal to the WWII Niseiwarriors. The National Veterans Network (NVN)is at the forefront of this project. It would be thefinal accolade to our wartime service. A head countof living veterans of the 100th and 442nd is underwayin conjunction with this CGM effort.

Edward Kanaya of our 232nd/Band Chapterwas honored recently by the Washington MiddleSchool for his long service in enriching the lives ofthe students through the beauty of music. The Bandroom is now named after him. We extend ourcongratulations to “Mr. Music Man” – Ed Kanaya.

We recently attended the celebration for the68th anniversary of the 100th Inf Battalion. The100th Inf Battalion veterans and families are nowengaged in developing their education center.

And speaking of anniversary, Mits Hondais the Chairman for our 68th anniversary which willbe held on March 27, next year.

by Bill Thompson, President





2nd HQ – $100232nd Engineers/Band – $100Fox Chapter – $100George Chapter – $100Service Chapter – $100William Thompson – $1,000Noboru Togioka – $100

Toshi Kadowaki – $15George Kanatani – $35Fred Matsumura – $75Grace Nakamura – $100 In memory of Katsuji NakamuraMichael Sorakubo – $100 In memory of Shigeo Sorakubo

Deepest sympathies to the families &friends of the following:★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We thank you sincerely for your generosityand support.

We thank you sincerely for your generosityand support.

Akutagawa, Thomas K. (232nd Engr.).........Altesman, Albert (G Co. Capt)......................Aoki, Tom B. (I Co.).......................................Eyerly, Roger (522C Capt)..............................Fujishin, Kay K. (I Co.)................................Ganeko, James S. (H Co.)...............................Hamada, George (G Co.)..............................Hiraoka, Norman I. (K Co.)..........................Ishida, Yukio (Cannon).................................Iwano, Henry I. (K Co.)................................Kanayama, Richard T. (I Co.).........................Katahira, Ken K. (M Co.)..............................Kato, Lester T. (522B)....................................Kawate, Kenneth K. (522 HQ)......................Kokubun, Edwin H. (Anti-Tank)...................Kurimura, Terry M. (522A)..........................Kusatsu, Matsuichi “Mutt” (Cannon/F Co.)Matsumura, Stanley S. (F Co.)......................Matsuoka, Toru (I Co.)....................................Mitsuda, Satoshi (3HQ)...................................Mizukami, Robert (H Co.)............................Momoda, Takashi (Medics)..........................Morikado, Hayato (522 HQ).........................Motobu, Kazuo (G Co.)................................Muramoto, Melvin M. (E Co.)......................Nakama, Jiei (E Co.).......................................Omura, Hiromi (M Co.)..................................Oshiro, Hideo.................................................Sakumoto, Tsugito Norman (Medics).............Shigemoto, Tamotsu “Tony” (522C).............Shimamoto, Kunio (E Co.)...........................Shinto, Richard U. (I Co.).............................Sorakubo, Shigeo (M Co.)............................Sueda, Minoru (232nd Eng.)........................Sugino, Yoshimasa (I Co.)..............................Tamayei, Masao (F Co.)..................................Ushiro, Russell K. (522A)..............................Yagi, Humio (F Co.)......................................Yamashiroya, Aichi (RHQ)............................Yokoyama, Steve M. (522FA).......................

Thank you to the following for their generousdonation to the 442nd Veterans Club:


Edgar Hamasu – $100Cullen Ikehara – $21Edward Kanno – $26Edward Kanno – $10Grace Nakamura – $250 In memory of Katsuji Nakamura

May 22, 2010Sep. 17, 2009May 9, 2010Oct. 7, 2009

May 31, 2010Mar. 1, 2010

Apr. 26, 2010Mar. 10, 2010June 19, 2010Mar. 20, 2010

June 8, 2010Apr. 16, 2010May 9, 2010

June 27, 2010Feb. 23, 2010Mar. 17, 2010May 19, 2010Apr. 24, 2010June 5, 2010Feb. 8, 2010

Apr. 24, 2010June 22, 2010May 17, 2010June 16, 2010Mar. 30, 2010

Feb. 9, 2010Apr. 9, 2010

Apr. 30, 2010May 5, 2010

Apr. 22, 2010May 29, 2010Apr. 21, 2010Apr. 18, 2010Nov. 18, 2009

May 2, 2010June 7, 2010May 9, 2010

Apr. 25, 2010Feb. 21, 2010Mar. 28, 2010

Washington Middle School HonorsEdward T. Kanaya

On Saturday April 24, 2010, the WashingtonMiddle School held a dedicatory band concert to nameits band room the “Edward T. Kanaya Band Room.”Ed Kanaya who was a member of the 206th ArmyBand, 442nd RCT, is an alumnusof Washington Middle Schoolwho nurtured the school’s bandprogram for 25 years from 1954to 1979.

In addition to thededicatory speeches, theceremony consisted of a numberof band pieces by variousconductors, most of whom wereWashington alumni and werestudents of Ed Kanaya and arenow serving as band directorsfor various schools on Oahu. The highlight of the event wasw h e n E d wa r d K a n a y a ,Washington Intermediate SchoolBand Director, Emeritus, led theband in a number titled, “TheFlight of the Flutes” as guestconductor. (The school was named WashingtonIntermediate during Ed’s tenure).

A large sign which says “Welcome to theEdward T, Kanaya Band Room” is placed over theentrance to the band room and at eye-level is a plaquewhich reads “The Washington Middle School Is ProudTo Dedicate This Band Room To Edward T. KanayaIn Honor Of His Unwavering Support, Guidance AndLeadership In Perpetuating Music And Band Programs

In The State Of Hawaii.” It continues on to list hisachievements and his contributions in music toWashington Middle School and the State of Hawaii.

Ed’s love of music started as a novice bandmember at Washington Intermediate School andcontinued throughout his years at Mckinley High

School and the University ofHawaii. His studies at theUniversity were interrupted byWorld War II when he volunteeredfor the 442nd RCT and servedwith the 206th Army Band. Afterthe war, he moved to Wisconsinwith his wife where he attendedthe Music Conservatory atLawrence College and laterattended Northwestern Universitywhere he received his MastersDegree.

Returning to Hawaii, heplayed with the Royal HawaiianBand and in 1954 started his longtenure with the WashingtonIntermediate School bandprogram. He started the school’ssummer band program which

continues to today and throughout his teaching career,tutored many students who have gone on to becomeaccomplished flute teachers and instructors. Manyof his students also have become prominent directorsof intermediate, high school and college level bandprograms with one becoming the State MusicSpecialist. In 1968, he was recognized as one of 10outstanding school band directors in the UnitedStates. He was a member of the Honolulu Symphony


by Oscar Tsukayama

Ed Kanaya’s Dedication Plaque


flute section and has been a clinician and adjudicatorfor the Hawaii Music Educators Association.

His citation ends with “He has established ahigh standard for school band programs at all levels.His love of music, his dedication to his students andhis unwavering commitment to excellence in whateverhe does, provides a shining example for all to follow.Perhaps most indicative of his legacy is his love ofmusic that thrives today in the hearts of so many ofhis students long after they have left his band room.

Ed and his wife Betty are active members ofthe 232nd/Band Chapter and he has provided fluterenditions and his expertise on music for many of442nd Veterans Club events. We salute Ed for hismuch deserved honor; congratulate him on his manyachievements and commend him for his contributionsto his Alma Mater, his community and to the State ofHawaii. Kudos, too, to Washington Middle Schoolofficials who have decided to recognize his dedicationand contributions after many years and honoring himby naming its band room the Edward T. Kanaya BandRoom.

Giving Back to VetsPresident Obama, Secretary of Veterans

Affairs, Eric Shinseki and Congress have expandedveterans’ benefits and eased eligibility standards inrecent years but it appears that many veterans are notaware of these changes and are not receiving thebenefits that they are entitled to. Listed below aresome of the recent changes.

Disability Compensation: There are somemisconceptions about this program. First of all, aservice-connected disability need not be combat-related. Any injury incurred while in uniform can beconsidered. Second, compensation payments are notrelated to income and they are also available tosurviving spouses at a reduced level. Monthlypayments are based on the degree of disability whichcan range from 10% to 100% as determined by adoctor and subject to appeal. Currently, a 30%disability merits $376 per month if single-$421 ifmarried. A 100% disability receives $2,673 per month

if single-$2,823 if married. Representative John Hall(D-New York) who chairs the House Committee onVeteran Affairs says the VA has a new attitude regardingdisabilities. In the past, VA evaluators were encouragedto reject all but the most serious cases.

Today, led by Eric Shinseki, the VA is reachingout to vets with disabilities. This means, saysRepresentative John Hall, veterans who have beenturned down before should reapply, especially, becausethe department is now much more aware of andsympathetic to service connected illnesses such asPTSD and ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease.xxxxxxxx

Pensions for War Veterans: Although pensionsare designed to help low income veterans, what is notknown is how much veterans are allowed to deductfrom income to determine if they meet the qualificationcriteria. Veterans may subtract all care-related costs,including costs of assistance with activities of dailyliving, nursing home care and Medicare premiums.If the net income at this point is below $11,830 ifsingle-$l5,493 if married, the VA will provide apension. A common misconception is that pensionsgo only to people who served in wars overseas. Infact, pensions are available to anyone, other than thosewho are dishonorably discharged, who served even aday during wartime even if the service was stateside.Widowed spouses may also be entitled to pensionseven if they later remarry.

Health Care: Eligibility to receive care at anyof the VA’s 1,400 hospitals, clinics and care centersis based on an income test except for veterans whohave service-connected disabilities and it is not limitedto veterans who served during wartime. The currentincome cap is $32,342 for a single veteran and $38,812for a married veteran. These figures, however, canbe adjusted for higher cost regions. In this case also,medical and health care expenses including Medicarepremiums are deducted in calculating income. Veteranswith disability ratings of 50% or higher receive freecare from the VA.

In-Home Care: Limited homemaking servicesand assistance with basic health needs provided bycompanies contracted by the VA are available to all


veterans who need home care and who meet theincome test subject to availability in the area whereyou live. Single veterans with an income above$29,402 ($35,285 if married) may be assessed a $15co-pay. Also available is Respite Care to provide abreak for a spouse or family member providing healthcare to an eligible veteran. Depending on income,co-pay in this instance may range from $0 to $90per day.

Assisted Living: Veterans and their spouseswho reside in an assisted living facility may qualifyfor an aid and attendance pension/allowance to helppay for the cost of additional care. This benefit isbased on the level of disability. The income thresholdsfor eligibility are $19,736 for a single vet or $23,396for a couple after all allowable deductions.

Prescription Drugs: All drugs are providedfree or for $8 co-pay depending on income. Thismeans that veterans may not need the Part D planunder Medicare. Additionally, pension recipientsare exempt from co-pay for VA health servicesincluding drugs.

Nursing Home Care: The VA owns and runs132 nursing home facilities and contracts with another2,500 private homes in locations where it doesn’town one. VA is mandated by Congress to providea place for veterans with disability ratings of 70%or higher. Veterans with lower disability ratings maybe placed on a waiting list.

The above are some of the changesimplemented in recent years. As stated above, VA’sattitude toward providing care for veterans ischanging. You are encouraged to contact the VAoffice in your region, even if you were rejectedpreviously, if you feel that you may be eligible underthe new guidelines.

New Option For Marking Veterans Graves inPrivate Cemeteries

Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinsekirecently announced that the VA is now offeringbronze medallions to attach to existing, privatelypurchased headstones or markers signifying a

deceased status as a veteran. Under federal law,eligible veterans buried in a private cemetery areentitled to either a government-furnished grave markeror the new medallion but not both. Veterans buriedin a national or state veterans cemetery receive agovernment headstone or marker of standard design.The new item can be furnished instead of a traditionalgovernment headstone or marker for veterans whosedeath occurred after November 1, 1990 and whosegrave is marked with a privately purchased headstoneor marker.

The medallion is available in three sizes:5 inches, 3 inches and 1-1/2 inches in width. Eachmedallion features the image of a folded burial flagadorned with laurels and is inscribed with the word“Veteran” on top and the branch of service at thebottom. Next of kin will receive the medallion alongwith a kit that will allow the family or the cemeterystaff to affix it to the headstone, grave marker,mausoleum or columbarium cover.

Japanese American Soldiers Exhibit To Open InEllis Island

The exhibit, “Go For Broke: JapaneseAmerican Soldiers Fighting on Two Fronts,” createdby the Japanese American Wartime History Project,will be opened to the public on Monday July 5, 2010,at the Ellis Island National Historic Site Museum.Eric Saul, former director of the Presidio ArmyMuseum will serve as curator. The exhibit will openin conjunction with the 125th anniversary celebrationof Japanese in America.

The exhibit chronicles the history of theJapanese American soldier in World War II. It includesthe story of the Nisei soldiers of the 100th Infantry


Battalion, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the522nd Field Artillery and the Military IntelligenceService. It is comprised of 150 rare photos from anumber of important archives and private collections,including the National Japanese American HistoricalSociety, the Hawaii State Archives, the NationalArchives, the Library of Congress, the Club 100Archives and 442nd Archives. Many private photostaken by the veterans themselves during the war arealso featured. The exhibit will also feature the historyof early Japanese immigration to America inphotographs and documents. Commemorativeceremonies and educational programs with prominentJapanese Americans and veterans are planned forAugust 2010.

The exhibit will be shown to a wide generalaudience and it is particularly important that it willbe held at the museum where immigration to Americais documented. It will be open 7 days per weekthroughout the summer and it is expected that about7,000 visitors will view the exhibit daily. The exhibitis scheduled to travel to numerous locations after itsshowing at Ellis Island closes at the end of summer.

Did You Know?In 1943, while the 100th Battalion was

training in Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, the U.S. Armydecided to censor the personal mail of the JapaneseAmerican soldiers to determine their loyalty to theUnited States. What they found, was sincerepatriotism, an urgent need to prove their loyalty tothe United States and an ardent desire to be of creditto Hawaii.xxxx

One soldier wrote, “Us soldiers are differentfrom the others. We have our goal to look for, andeach of us must sacrifice to show the rest of theAmericans that we are as loyal as any of them.”

Another tells his sister, “You will put yourchin up and do your best for old Uncle Sam. For mypart, I’m the same as usual, putting my heart andsoul for him and you folks at home. Let it be knownthat we’ll make Hawaii proud of its own.”xxxxx

Another soldier proclaims, “The chief aim

of the 100th Infantry is defined. Wherever we go-whatever we do, always uppermost in our minds is-we must prove ourselves of credit to our friends andthe folks back home.”

Another wrote, “When you come down to coldfacts, I think the eagerness to serve our country intime of need is the only way of showing the rest of theAmericans that we too can be trusted and be dependedupon to defend America from all enemies.” In a letter to his mother, one soldier wrote,“As you have said to me long before this war everstarted, {this is your country so when it needs yourservice, serve it well}. Now, being this far away fromhome these words are always my only guiding words.”

Another soldier summed it up this way:“I certainly will give all I’ve got for my country andit is not for no emperor or a sun goddess but for Godand my country.”

On October 2, 1943, the US Army InspectorGeneral issued a report classified CONFIDENTIALof its censorship project. It summarized the results ofthe review stating that the soldiers are aware of thedistrust of their group because of their ancestry buttheir reaction is not one of resentment, rather it promptsexpressions of loyalty and pledges to prove themselvestrue Americans. Most of them are anxious for overseasactions and consider it the best way to prove theirworth. Their letters express sincere loyalty andpatriotism.

Bill Thompson and Robert Arakaki present wreathat Memorial Day service at Punchbowl

Photo Courtesy: Wayne Iha


The following article appeared in the HonoluluStar-Bulletin, April 25, 2010.

In Praise of Cheerful Men by George Willxxxxx WASHINGTON – Hearing about ashortage of farm laborers in California, the couplewho would become Susumu Ito’s parents movedfrom Hiroshima to become sharecroppers nearStockton. Thus began a saga that recently broughtIto, 91, to the Holocaust Memorial Museum here,where he and 119 former comrades in arms werehonored, during the annual Days of Remembrance,as liberators of Nazi concentration camps. Whilehis Japanese-American Army unit was succoringsurvivors of Dachau, near Munich, his parentsand two sisters were interned in a camp inArkansas.

Ito attended one-room schools, graduatedfrom high school at 16 and was accepted atBerkeley. His parents, however, believed Japanese-Americans could not rise in the professions – eventhe civil service – for which the university wouldprepare him. So he attended community college,studying auto mechanics, although he could notjoin the mechanics union.

In 1940, Congress passed conscription andIto was content to be drafted, thinking the militarywould be an adventure. He got that right.

Although nearsighted and “my feet wereflat as boards,” he and five other Japanese-Americans from around Stockton were inductedin February 1941. Because “Japanese revered theirsons being in the military,” the Japanese-Americancommunity threw a farewell banquet for them,and gave each $35. After Pearl Harbor, the Army

“took our rifles away.”Soon, while he was in training at Fort Sill

in Oklahoma, his parents and sisters were internedas security threats, first at a California race trackwhere they slept in horse stalls on straw mattresses,later in Arkansas. Bored by life as a militarymechanic and “gung ho about going to war,” hevolunteered to be a forward spotter seeking targetsfor the artillery, a job with a high casualty rate anda short life expectancy. Soon he was in Mississippi,from where he, wearing his country’s uniform,could occasionally visit his family behind barbedwire in Arkansas.

In Mississippi, the442nd Reg imen ta lCombat Team, composedof Japanese-Americans,trained before beingshipped to Europe. Itincluded Daniel Inouye,now 85, who lost an armwhile winning a Medalof Honor. He is now inhis eighth term as a U.S.senator.

After experiencingcombat in Italy, the unit moved up through Franceand to the famous rescue of the “lost battalion” ofthe 36th Texas Division, which was cut off byGermans. The 442nd, which suffered 1,000casualties rescuing 175 surviving Texans, becamethe most decorated unit for its size in Americanhistory.

By March 1945, the 442nd was in southernGermany. Soon it was at Dachau. Eddie Ichiyamaof Santa Clara, Calif., who also was here recently,says that “even right now” he can smell the stench.The ovens were still warm. On a nearby railroadflatbed car, what looked to be a supply of cordwood was actually stacked corpses.

Nelson Akagi of Salt Lake City remembersan officer “adopting” Larry Lubetzky, a liberated

Susumu Ito



Lithuanian Jew, as aninterpreter. After the war,prisoner number 82123went from Germany toJerusalem to Canada toMexico City, from whereAkagi received a call in1992. Akagi will searchthe Holocaust MemorialMuseum archives for freshi n f o r m a t i o n a b o u tLubetzky.

After the war, Itorejoined his loved ones, who had lost everything.He became a professor of cell biology and anatomyat Harvard Medical School. He retired in 1990 butstill goes to the lab several days a week.

Such cheerful men, who helped to lop 988

years off the Thousand Year Reich, are serenereproaches to a nation now simmering withgrievance groups that nurse their cherishedresentments. The culture of complaint gets nonourishment from men like these who served theircountry so well while it was treating their familiesso ignobly. Yet it is a high tribute to this countrythat it is so loved by men such as these.

The Holocaust museum draws almost 2million visitors a year, four times more than wereanticipated when it opened 17 years ago. Amuseum official says dryly, “Human nature hasbeen an enormous help.” She means that atrociousbehavior, a constant component of the humanstory, continually reminds people of the museum’srelevance. It is, therefore, grand that the museumalso honors those, like Ito, Akagi and Ichiyama,who exemplify the rest, and best, of that story.

Nelson Akagi

COL Bert Nishimura (US Army, Ret) once again leads the 442nd on the grounds of Iolani Palace,recreating the famous image taken in 1943.

Photo Courtesy: Wade Wasano


by Henry Kuniyuki

Kameo “Chop” Sugioka’s 90th Birthdayxxx“To laugh often and to live much… to find

the best in others; to give of oneself; to leave theworld a bit better; to know that even one life hasbreathed easier because you have lived – this isto have succeeded.” This quote by Ralph WaldoEmerson personifies the fine character of ourRegimental Headquarters Chapter's good buddy,Kameo “Chop” Sugioka.

Chop Sugioka was honored with a 90thbirthday cele-bration party atMakino Chayaon Saturday, May29th. This totallysurprise gather-ing of ninety-three guests wassponsored andplanned by hist w o g r a n d -nieces, CherylYoshimura andAlice Sugioka.RHQ ChapterPresident NoboruK a w a m o t orepo r t ed t hefollowing Chapter members participating: SusanTakara; Takamori Miyagi; Yoshikatsu, Katie andPatsy Maruo; Jitsuo, Ruby and Alvin Kawada;Noboru and grandson Andrew. Henry and EmiKuniyuki were unable to be present due to healthreason. The honoree was presented with a

beautiful silk lei made by Susan Takara. ChapterPresident Noboru gave a very brief congratulatoryspeech. Susan Takara, Takamori Miyagi and JitsuoKawada were the recipients of lucky-number cashprizes. Party favors included giant senbei and agallon-size pail of delicious senbei.

Kameo “Chop” Sugioka’s civilian andmilitary life experiences have been covered byseveral previous Go-for-Broke Chapter articles.All the guests thoroughly enjoyed the traditional

lion dance which startedthe memorable surprise90th festivity.

RHQ ChapterxxxxxPotpourri

C h a p t e r Vi c ePresident Yoshikatsu andKatie Maruo presented ao n e - h u n d r e d - d o l l a rdonation to the Chapterto cover some of thea n n u a l “ L a d i e sAppreciation” luncheonex p e n s e s . C h a p t e rP r e s i d e n t N o b o r uKawamoto dispatched aletter of appreciation to

both. The Ladies Appreciation Luncheon isscheduled for Sunday, October 10, 2010, startingat 10:00 AM. It will be at Tree Tops Restaurant.

Five RHQ Chapter members: NoboruKawamoto, Yoshikatsu Maruo, Takamori Miyagi,Susan Takara and Henry Kuniyuki reported for

Alice and ‘Chop’ Sugioka


docent duty at the National Cemetery of the Pacificon Saturday, June 26th. Chapter Treasury providedthe delicious snacks and lunches. Chapter PresidentNoboru invites other Chapter members to volunteerfor this civic duty at Punchbowl.

Before reporting for docent duty atPunchbowl, Noboru Kawamoto and TakamoriMiyagi participated at the Hawaii State MemorialService at Kaneohe. Chapter President,representing the 442nd Veterans Club, presentedthe beautiful leis at the ceremony. Likewise,Chapter Secretary Miyagi did the honors,representing Club 100. The 2010 Governor’sMemorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 31,2010 was held at the Memorial Plaza, Hawaii StateVeterans Cemetery. Governor Linda Lingle gavethe Memorial Day address.

Takamori Miyagi was also present at theChange of Command Ceremony of the 29thInfantry Brigade Combat Team on May 22, 2010- 1100 hours. He had the privilege of having his

picture taken with the City & County of HonoluluBandmaster Michael Nakasone after partakingluncheon thereat.

At a recent monthly RHQ Chapterluncheon meeting at Gyotaku Restaurant, ChapterPresident proudly showed his great-granddaughterAlice’s snapshot. Alice’s dad is of Polish, Irishand German origin, and her mom is of Japanese,Norwegian, English and Scottish ancestry. Thusthis beautiful youngster is truly a child of theLeague of Nations. Alice resides in Seattle withher parents. They all visited Noboru and Elainefrom May 6 to the 10th of this year in Kaneohe,Hawaii. Adrian Prokop is Alice’s dad name.

Chapter President Noboru Kawamotourges all RHQ Chapter members to attend themonthly luncheon meeting at Gyotaku Restaurantto “talk story.” “We do look forward to acontinuing long and happy relationship with ourfellow members.”


The Hawaii Cannon Chapter had a leisuretime as a group. Individually, trips to Europe, toschool graduation exercises and sight-seeing tourswere enjoyed. The main activity was the Reunionheld in Las Vegas during June 24-28. Reports ofthat reunion written primarily by Roger Yoshinari,son of Sam, and Judi Murakami, daughter ofTsuka Murakami, follows:

2010 Cannon Company ReunionJune 24-28, 2010

This year’s Cannon Company Reunion wasa great success. There were seven Cannon CompanyVeterans in attendance this year; Arthur Doi, Jerry‘Gus’ Gustafson, John Kashiki, Manny Kitagawa,Tsuka Murakami, Tsutomu Okabayashi and FrankSugihara. They were accompanied by about 85

by John Mikasa


additional family members and friends who turnedout to support the Veterans. It was held at theFremont Hotel in Las Vegas.

The planning committee, composed ofRoger Yoshinari (Sam Yoshinari’s son), Alan Ugai(Norman Ugai’s son), Shirley Cassell (TsutomuOkabayashi’s daughter) and Judi Murakami(Tsukasa Murakami’s daughter) were determinedto carry on thisannual event. toh o n o r o u rVeteran Parents,their spouses andtheir families.

The firstday, Thursday,June 24th, wasspent reconnect-ing with oldf r i e n d s a n dfamily in theHospitality Suite.As always, therewas an abund-ance of deliciousfood specialtiesand fresh fruit.Alan Ugai and Judi Murakami spent most of theday welcoming our guest Veterans and their familiesand receiving the edible delights that they broughtto share. Shirley Cassell and Roger Yoshinariarrived in the early afternoon to help decorate the‘suite’ with photos from the past. It was wonderfulto have Jerry ‘Gus’ Gustafson spend time with us,reminiscing about the old war days and goingthrough his treasured photo albums from past. Themajority of our guests arrived throughout the dayand night.

Throughout the reunion, a slide show createdby Shirley Cassell and Donica Ida (TsukaMurakami’s granddaughter) was played. Thanksto everyone who contributed their photos, the teamwas able to assemble the slideshow and added the

background music of Manoa DNA, who are fromOahu and are the son and grandsons of KeijiKawakami, also a Cannoneer.

Photo-taking sessions were scheduled forFriday, June 25th. Photos were taken of the Veteransand their families. Copies were made and presentedto each Veteran at the reunion the following day(Saturday) as they were individually recognized

and each received ahand-crafted lei intheir honor. The leiswere made by AimeeI d a a n d J u d iMurakami. FredFuj ioka (Wil l ieF u j i o k a ’s s o n )delivered a personaltribute to the 442nd.A DVD video along

with a history CD ofthe 442nd wasprovided to eachVeteran by SusanUyemura of theJapanese AmericanL iv i n g L eg a cyFoundat ion. A

moment of silence was observed to remember theCannon Company members who were killed inaction and to all those who have passed away since.

Throughout the Reunion, the HospitalitySuite remained busy from early morning until lateat night. The Sons and Daughters ‘manned’ theSuite according to their Hosting Schedule and madesure that our guests felt welcomed and refreshed.Everyone came to spend time to ‘talk-story’, graba snack or beverage or just to mingle with otherCannoneers. During the later evening hours, several442 related movies were enjoyed by a full roomof guests.

We had such a good time, it was decidedthat there will be a Cannon Company Reunion nextyear ~ 2011. A date has not been set, but the

Standing (l-r): Tsutomu Okabayashi, Jerry Gustafson,Frank Sugihara, Art Doi

Seated (l-r): John Kashiki, Manuel Kitagawa, Tsuka Murakami


Fremont Hotel has available dates earlier in theyear, perhaps sometime in late April or early May.As more ‘Sons and Daughters and Grandchildren’join our efforts and get more involved, the AnnualCannon Company Reunion will continue.

Linda Toyota (daughter of the late CannonCompany member, Yoshio Toyota) and four fellowTexas residents - Donna Cole, Glen Gondo, Dr.Abbie Grubb, and Sandra Tanamachi - appearedbefore the Texas State Board of Education on May19, 2010.

The purpose of their testimony was topetition for inclusion of educational content coveringExecutive Order 9066 (which resulted in theRelocation) and the accomplishments of the 442ndRegimental Combat Team. It is ironic that the “LostBattalion”, which was rescued by the 442nd waspart of the Texas National Guard’s 141st Regiment.In 1963, Governor John Connally (Texas) declaredall 442nd members “Honorary Texans”.xxxxx Linda Toyota specifically testified about herfather’s participation in the 442nd and the rescueof the Lost Battalion. She also quoted from theJapanese American Creed, which all Americans

can adopt to express their patriotism.xxxxxxxAs a result of their presentations, the Board

unanimously voted to add the history of theRelocation and the 442nd to the Texas EssentialKnowledge and Skills (TEKS) curriculumstandards.

Our thanks go to Linda and her colleagues.

We have received sad news that a pair ofCannoneers have passed away recently

Matsuichi “Mutt” Kusatsu was born inLihue, Kauai on June 6, 1923 to parents KiichiKusatsu and Asano Matsumura Kusatsu. He passedaway May 19, 2010 at age 86 in Honolulu. Aservice for him was held on June 14th at thePunchbowl, National Memorial Cemetery of thePacific where he was interred.

Yukio Ishida, age 90, passed away on June19, 2010. To celebrate his life a private familyservice was held on Friday, June 25 at West CovinaChristian Church.

We extend our deep condolence to thefamilies and friends of our fellow Cannoneers.xx

(l-r): Donna Cole, Sandra Tanamachi, Glen Gondo, Dr. Abbie Grubb and Linda Toyota


by Oscar Tsukayama

Hello AllI have the sad duty of reporting the passing

of Takashi (Tak) Momoda of Mercer Island, WAas the top story for my report. Tak, as we fondlycalled him, was an original member of the MedicalDetachment, 442nd RCT, a Senpai (a senior orelder), a leader and a compassionate and loyalfriend. He made several trips to Hawaii for reunionswith the boys and was an ardent supporter of theMedics Chapter with frequent donations to ourchapter. He, along with Jimmie Kanaya and ToshYasutake, continued to send news about the Medics,the 442nd and the Nikkeis in general; these guyswere my “go to guys” for news from the Mainlandfor my Medics report and the Go For Broke Bulletin.

He was diagnosed with 4th stage lungcancer only a few months ago and when told thatthe available treatment regimens would result inserious side effects, opted to let nature take itscourse. He would have been 90 years old on June30 and had expressed hopes that he would live tobe 90 but his wish was not to be realized as hepassed away on 22 June 2010.

He owned and operated Crown Furniturefrom 1946 to 1982 with his brother Shigeru and inhis retired life enjoyed travelling around the world,playing tennis, tending to his yard and watchingsix grandchildren grow up with his wife Kimi. Hewas a devoted family man with simple needs andwas an active member of the Seattle Nisei VeteransCommittee (NVC). He is survived by his wife of58 years, Kimiko and their three children; LindaIshimitsu, Diane Madison (Stephen) and MartinMomoda; grandchildren, Mitchell and Mark

Ishimitsu; Kayla, Ross, Nina and Lucas Madison;brothers Shigeru (June), Mason (Yori) and GeorgeMomoda. He was preceded in death by brotherRichard Momoda (Yone).

The family will hold a Remembrance OpenHouse on Saturday July 10, 2010 at Tak and Kimi’sMercer Island home of 50 years. Remembrance tohis life may be made to the Nisei VeteransCommittee.

The last meeting of the Medics Chapter washeld on May 12, 2010 with Howard Kozuma, JohnMasunaga, Tak Nakamura, Toshiaki Tanaka, KazuTomasa, Jack and Marian Yamashiro and OscarTsukayama in attendance. Jerry Ogawa was off toLas Vegas and Noboru Ogami is still in a nursinghome recovering from his fall. The gang enjoyedcoffee and malasadas (i.e. those who weren’t on adiet) while notes from the board of directors meetingwas announced and discussed and news of Medicsmembers who have fallen ill or are otherwisephysically incapacitated or have died were discussed.

Under new business, Kazu Tomasa agreedto serve as Medics’ representative to the 68thAnniversary Committee which will be comprisedof special company members, AT, Cannon,232/Band. Medics, Service, RHQ and 171st.

It was good to see Howard Kozuma whohas been missing from several of our recent events.His excuse – busy picking up and deliveringgrandkids to and from school and their extra-curricular activities. Particularly, in the case ofgrandson Cory who golfs with the varsity team atIolani School, Howard has been quite busy with all


the practices, tournaments and matches Cory needsto attend. On top of that, Cory now drives so hetakes Howard’s car at times, leaving Howard withoutwheels. But it’s nice to have talented grandkids.John Masunaga recently suffered a light strokewhich affected his vision. Not knowing that he hada stroke, he went to his doctor to check on hiseyesight and was told that it was the result of astroke. He says he feels okay otherwise, but the lossin his vision is serious enough to prevent him fromdriving. Tak Nakamura is his usual genki andcheerful self; I think he is the most popular guy inKahala Nui. Back problems continue to plague him;you won’t hear him complaining, but you can seethat he does feel painand stiffness nowand then.

Toshiaki’sBoulevard Saimin isscheduled to moveto the Weyhauserbuilding in Iwilei butrenovation of thebuilding is takingl o n g e r t h a nexpected. The movew a s i n i t i a l l ys c h e d u l e d f o rMarch, then May,then July and now its o u n d s l i k eWHENEVAH…..The Honolulu railsystem is expected to pass over his current location.We look forward to his new location as a venue forMedics luncheon meetings when completed. KazuTomasa had just returned from Vegas and cheerfullytalked about how everyone around him was hittingroyal flushes and four of a kind but did not elaborateon how he fared. Judging from his bright disposition,we assume that he did well or at least had a lot offun. Jack Yamashiro walks slowly and is alwaysmaking sure that he knows where the restrooms are

(just like the rest of us) but he is full of energy andnever misses any of our meetings or events. Oscargolfs twice a week (if you can call it that) and willbe going on an Alaska cruise in July. He will bemeeting with Kimi Momoda, Jimmie and LynnKanaya and Tosh and Fumi Yasutake while inSeattle.

On our sick call list, we haven’t seen WilfredTaira for some time but wife Tsutoe reports thathe is doing okay with a mix of good days and baddays—mostly good. She says he has his stubbornstreaks which we consider a sign of good health.Noboru Ogami appears to be recuperating veryslowly from his fall; he is now in a nursing home

still not able to domost of the rehabexercises which hemust be able to doto be discharged.Jimmie Kanaya isworking very hardat getting well andseems to doinggreat. He says hehas regained 15 ofthe 25 pounds hehad lost, thanks toL y n n w h oexperimented withvarious recipeswhich she thoughthis taste budswould accept .

gambare, Guys!On our Rest In Peace list are Takashi (Tak)

Momoda-see article above) and Tsugito Norman(Handsome) Sakumoto of Honolulu Hawaii.Tsugito passed away on May 5, 2010 at age 88and is survived by his wife Grace; sons, Stan andMiles; brother, Bert; sisters, Dorothy Taga, EthelNitta, Doris Nakamura, Sadae Nakasone andWinifred Fujimoto and four grandchildren.


The Kanayas and Yasutakes visit with Tak and Kimi.This was their last visit with Tak.


by Okemura, et.al.

2HQ members prepare to lay flowers at the gravesitesof their comrades at Punchbowl on Memorial Day.

Tamio Otsu: Tamio has come home! Atour June 11 meeting, we were glad to see TamioOtsu join us for lunch at Gyotaku Restaurant. Hesigned up as a life member of the Club. He waswelcomed by Toshi/Grace Hayama, Richard/MargieNakamura, Robert/Hisako Uyeda, Jimmy/MitsueSakamoto, Sue Isonaga, Yasunobu Shoho, BillThompson, Moriso Teraoka and Takashi Okemura. Like many of us, Tamio enrolled at the Universityof Hawaii, Manoa under the G.I. Bill of Rights.He majored in Marine biology and led an interestingcareer. He lives across the Pali. Tamio was withour I&R section and spent a lot of time with BertNishimura when Bert was the Battalion I&R officer.

Kiyoharu “Skully” Shimizu: His sonbrought a box full of WWII souvenirs collectedby Skully. He died in April 2004. He was anactive member of our chapter and joined us ontrips to the neighbor islands. Rather than discardSkully’s collection, his son brought them to theClubhouse. Yes, our archives welcome the WWIIsouvenirs and photos of the veterans. We hope thefamily members of other deceased veterans willnot discard the WWII souvenirs, but allow us toadd to our inventory of WWII memorabilia.Skully’s collection included several early 442ndbooks/brochures and wart ime medals .

Nob Togioka: We’re happy to say that Nob,our retired farmer who lives in Clovis, CA, is doingwell. Of course, he needs a cane to help him walk.He is active in the VFW chapter there.xxxxxx

Takumi Sawamoto: Regretfully, welearned that Takumi died on June 16, 2010. Hewas with the Headquarters Company, 2nd Bn, andpart of the communication platoon. His son broughta poster-size board pasted with Takumi’s photos,military records, and other WWII mementos for

us to view. It was a very impressive collection.We, of course, are glad to see Takumi’s WWIIrecords and souvenirs still being maintained by thefamily.

Col. Bert Nishimura: If the mountain willnot come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will goto the mountain. This happened in May. With ourColonel Bert hampered by illness, he ordered aChinese luncheon for us Hq2ndBn Chapter folksat Kahala Nui. Now, he could share one of ourmonthly Chapter luncheons which he has missedlately. Andy Ono and Beryl Chun did the ordering.Besides Andy and Beryl, there were 11 of usenjoying lunch and talking stories.

Head Count: What a chilling feelingmaking a head count of the surviving veterans ofHeadquarter Company, 2nd Battalion; so many ofthe boys are gone. Several of the veterans nevertook part in the Club events nor participated in theChapter activities. We particularly have a difficulttime with the neighbor islands contingent. We lostcontact many years ago with some of the veteransbut hope that the news of the Congressional GoldMedal award will have them calling us.xxxxxxx


Beiju ~ a once sought celebration hasbecome an attainable event. Eighty-eight yearsof being alive on this earth.

Many of the Easy Chapter active membershave reached this point, which was a rare eventin the time of our parents, who had come to Hawaiias immigrants to work on the sugar plantation.

Those Chapter members that have cometogether monthly if at all possible are: DonMasuda, Neka Matoi, Glenn Nakasone, YoshioYamaki, Tadao Yoshimoto, and those who wereborn in 1922 and have reached this age up to thispoint or will be are: Masami Doi, Thomas Ooka,Shige Yoshitake.

So who are the young ones still waiting

to reach this age? Our two most active members wecannot forget – Maui Okamura, who keeps the groupalive, and our U.S. Senator Dan Inouye, who willrun for re-election in November.

Good things are still to come. The reasonfor this article: The writer and his family in Maycelebrated this occasion by going to an unrecognized,small Chinese restaurant selected by one of thegrandsons, and occupied one table enjoying everydayHawaiian-style Chinese food.

Beiju ends but…other things continued asthe writer suffered some setbacks causing a delayin this article. The writer entered two medicalfacilities then ended up in a ‘Foster Home Care” inWaipahu. More in the months to come.xxxxxxxx

If you don't wake upHurting in every jointYou’re probably dead!

Are you a LUCY or just a Neanderthalman? Genome professors sequenced DNAs(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid – Mcilwain’s input) inall of us that traces back from 400,000 to as late

as 30,000 years ago. In other words, the DNA ofthe Neanderthals live on in some of us!! “Mosthumans are a little bit of cavemen among us Asiansand Europeans!” Wow, this brings up the questionof immortality since DNA progeny carries oninfinitely. Most of us don’t know that someday wewill die, said the Rev. Richard Tennes at theMemorial Service at the Honpa Hongwanji. He

by Ron Oba

by Shigeyuki Yoshitake


talked so long that we lost track of when we shoulddie!! So much for that. Thank God it’s Mother'sDay today so give Mother the limelight.xxxxxxx

Mother’s Day LuncheonNathalie Oda-Lee again outdid herself in

hosting the members to a hearty steak luncheonat the Mid-Pacific Country Club. Of course, Georgeand I had to have our appetizer first – Bud andCoors Lite. It is a wonderful venue if you like towatch the golfers like Kristina Merkle hack theirway to the 18th hole with a birdie at the Mid-Pacific Open. The chef cooks the most succulentsteak accompanied by a heaping dish of lettuceand fresh spinach tossed in wine and virgin oliveoil; our guinea pigs would love this. The hotsourdough bread was the best!! We never tire ofthis delectable fare even tho some get lost drivingto the Golf Course. Since I lived in Kailua for 20years, here's the tip. Those who had the GPS cameon time. Just go straight down Kailua Road to theend of the road but don’t go into President Obama’ssequestered beach home; then turn right on KalaheoAvenue till you pass the defunct lighthouse andfinally turn right on the first road at the hiddensign, “Mid-Pacific Country Club.” If you find it,you’ll get the handicap parking and enjoy the restof the luncheon. Fred Okada again donated a box of frozenshrimps as a way of participating since he cannotattend our activities. Michi divided the shrimpsinto four zip bags and those who picked them upfor door prizes were happy. Dorothy again calledout the lucky numbers. Thanks, Fred and the OkadaFish Wholesalers. Incidentally, Yoshino, his wife,suffered a stroke and is now confined at the LeahiLong Term Care Facility. We hope Yoshino willrecover soon.

Sin City or Throve Of TreasuresEvery April we anticipate meeting with

our good friends from Ohio, Chicago, L.A. andaround the USA. Unfortunately the Shintani twelve

did not come with their Purple T-shirts. SusanHardwick and Janet Brown inquired about Munro.

The reunion started off with an auspicioushospitality room with supplies brought in by JohnWakamatsu who brought the rest of the gang ofOcean, Monica, and Margie. Emi Takusagawa anddaughters flew in. Besides, Emi brought over theDoyles, Yamanishis and Karin; Toshi Kadowakiwith Kathy Tashima and Janet Brothers.

Enoch Kanaya whose brother Jimmie wasmore famous as a POW; James Mita the 18th reunionauthority; Ocean Miyake, 98 years and still goingfor broke; Frank Mizufuka – thanks for manningthe bar at the hospitality room and enticing.xxxxx

Franz Steidl to come and impart hisknowledge of the Lost Battalion book; RichardMurashige, the all-purpose guy; Richard and ShirleyNakagawa; George (chair) and Myrtle Nakasato;Ron and Michiko Oba, who likes to gamble ratherthan be at the hospitality room; Yoshio with hisinseparable cane; and Clara Shibuya, Steve andDorothy Shimizu, this time without his two sons,Russell Shoho and CRASHER, Susan Uyemuraand Shinako Takata whose flying fingers usuallywins the Slot Tournament.

Howard Hodges, nephew of HowardClifford Hana who was killed in Italy, HelenHorikawa, David Katagiri and Adalita -- David stillcorresponds with his Italian friends (he should writea book about the Gothic Line and his Pietrasantafriends), Wataru Kohashi of the low sugar(hypoglycemic) episode with an in and out ofhospitalization at Hilo Hospital, Mas Masuda,brother of Kazuo, Roy Matsuda with his DungenessCrabs and his friend Ken Omoto, Ben Hiraga withSue and Louis Rodrigues (Ben's son-in-law), DonaldWakida – Go Navy!; Judge Bryan Yagi whom wemet in Houston’s “Lost Battalion GALA”; Richardand Shirley Nakagawa, Professor James McIlwaina neuroscientist who embraced the 442nd soldierssince Camp Shelby days (he lived a “stone’s throw”from Hattiesburg, MS); Keynote speaker FranzSteidl and Father-in-law Sam Sakamoto, and Roger


Eaton researcher, Frank and Nami Fukuzawa didnot show up although they signed up. We weretold that Shirley was a caregiver for Richard's wifeand when she passed away, Shirley married Richardand is now his caregiver. What a wonderful story!!

Aloha Reception: Everyone headed straightfor their friends in the NAME BINGO game whichwas supposed to introduce new friends and signthe bingo cards to acquaint people to people -- thisis called bonding, not insular. Ron gave theinvocation – which Sue asked for a copy –emulating the bonding of veterans and wives.Everyone was asked to identify some old photosof Fox Veterans as a contest. Jim said, “This isbefore my time.” Jr. Uranaka, a rabid photographer,was able to identify 9 people out of 15 and wonthe first prize; Shinako took second and David andJim co-tied for third place. Who’s Frank Sotelo?Was he in F Company? He was wearing WWIleggings. Everyone knew 1st Sgt. Jack Wakamatsuand Lefty Ichihara, our radio man.

Slot Tournament: Frenetic-fingered SueRodrigues as a first timer won 1st place, followedby Myrtle and 3rd went to Sam Sakamoto. Theyall must have hit the jack-pot several times duringthe 20 minutes of the turning of the wheels. Andlast but not least was Teri Takusagawa. Slow-pokies tries to be last to assure themselves of a lastplace prize – but Teri tried very hard to be first.My cooking buddy, Mas Yoshida, last year’s champwas not there to give Teri a run for the title.XXXX

Sayonara Banquet: Once again we startedwith the invocation by George and the Role ofHonor for those who died since last year with a 21Gun Salute of Red, White and Blue balloons. Thevolley went as expected; impatient fingers blewtheir Blue balloons “BOOM” (guns) first -- beforethe Red, and White balloons. Auwe, they blew itbefore the order to “Fire!!” Same, same like everyyear!! Next year we should ring some Dumbbells.

Followed by the TAPS: Jim Mita read the HonorRoll: Mas Chomori, Minoru Hatada, lsamu Hirata,Masatoshi Hokama, Mutsuo Miyabara, KuniMiyake, Sam Musashi, Masaru Nakamoto, KatsujiNakamura, Kenneth Nunogawa, Frank Ogata,Munro Shintani, Harold Tabata, and Frank MasYoshida. May they rest in peace!

Life Achievers: The Nonagenarians – OceanMiyake, 98; Tadashi Tamagawa, 91 and RichardNakagawa, 91 were honored and they’re stillstanding tall. Fred Okada, 91 yrs, was unable toattend.

Talk Story Time: Franz Steidl wrote a book,“The Lost Battalion” and proceeded to emulate hiswritings with a Powerpoint display of the SignalCorps movie. I read the book but it was difficultto jump from the German side of the story to theAmerican side simultaneously for most of the sameepisodes. Although I took up German at UH Manoa,it is difficult to read German with its umlaut. All Iremember is. “Achtüng, land mines!”

Accolades go to Richard and George andJohn with Frank helping out at the hospitality room.Wives Myrtle, Dorothy and Michi also deserve ourpraise during the planning aspects of the reunion.

Sayonara and Good-bye: The departureschedule by Vacations Hawaii was more humanethis time with bags at the door by 7 A.M. insteadof sleepwalking with the luggage at 5 A.M. Overallit was another excellent reunion. Every six months,Ocean? How’s about next year about April 17 orlater. However, George and Karen of the cateringservice are having a difficult time arranging anequitable date which is hard to reserve because allthe crazy ubiquitous Hawaiians all go to CaliforniaHotel for reunions. Don’t they know that Fremonthas better breakfast? Next time, we’ll reserve twoyears in advance, then we can celebrate Ocean’s100th birthday. George and Myrtle went to theirgrandchildren’s graduation and will stop by at the


California to finalize next year’s reunion dates.

Thanks, You All: There were so manydonations that went for Bingo and door prizes thatwe would like to thank all of you, especially, theGeorge Ogatas, Sam Musashi, Enoch Kanaya,Tommy Tamagawa and Ron Oba (their winnings),John Wakamatsu, Emi Takusagawa, the Los AngelesChapter and foremost the Honolulu Fox Chapter ofGeorge (chair), Richard, Ron and their wives withthe Chapter donating prizes of the 442nd lapel logopins and all the drinks and arranging the reunionfor your enjoyment. Thanks to those who broughtpupus. This made our reunion a moneyable eventthat went for door prizes. Margie didn’t know whatthe black and orange chip was. When told it was$100, she was flabbergasted.

The Camaraderie is still very strong. GraceNakamura says that Kats instructed her to donate$200 to Fox Chapter in his memory. Thanks to allof you.

Channel 3 Highlights Mineo InuzukaxxxxxxxMineo was televised on Channel 3 with his

“Go For Broke” Cutter which was about to bidgood-bye at Kewalo Basin and sail to Morro Bay,a stone’s throw from Hearst Castle, California withIan Washburn sailing it to Morro Bay on May 31for the new owner. Mineo and his Cutter “Go ForBroke,” publicized the 442nd veterans to the wholestate of Hawaii.

Memorial Day at PunchbowlThe National Cemetery of the Pacific rests

on the hallowed grounds of Puowaina or “Hill ofSacrifice.” The Mayor’s observance on MemorialDay, May 30 on Monday at 9 AM assembled allveterans organizations from every war.

The 100th/442nd wreath was placed by thePresidents of both units. Ron was assigned to theHonpa Hongwanji to represent the 442nd VeteransClub. Eileen Sakai represented the Sons &Daughters.

In MemoriamStanley Shigeru Matsumura, 85, died April

24, 2010 after suffering a stroke. Retired St. LouisChevron Owner, F Company veteran. Survived bywife, Judy, son Randal, daughters Jodi Matsumura-Lam and Patti. Memorial service at Hosoi GardenMortuary on May 14, Friday at 6 pm. The MilitaryGuards presented the ceremonial American flag toJudy as a token of his military service. GeorgeNakasato presented the F Co. guidon as Ron Obadid the Offering of Incense for the F Co. veteranswho were all there to offer their condolences.Stanley tenderly nourished Bonsai as a hobby.

Mas Tamayeidied June 6, 2010 from afall. Mas was in F Co.,442 in the first skirmishagainst the Germaninfantry. He was shotthrough his mouth andjaw that disfigured hisface, however, he was anexcellent karaoke singerwho entertained us atevery reunion by singingpopular Japanese songs. He is survived by wifeThelma and son Brian.

Mutt Matsuichi Kusatsu died on May 19,2010. Preceded in death by his wife, Emiko. Heis survived by his son Clyde, daughter-in-law GayleShuffler, grandson, and sister Grace Tsuru ofEvanston, Ill. He was born in Lihue, Kauai andwas a Life Member of the 442nd Veterans Club.He received the Bronze Star, Purple Heart and GoodConduct Medal. He had a quiet and intimate serviceat Punchbowl National Cemetery of the Pacific

Il fin.

Mas Tamayei


by Fred Ida

Here is good news early!!! Instead of themany phone calls I received last year asking if wewere going to have a reunion, this year all thephone calls I have been receiving are expressionsof happiness that our reunion dates have been setby Ann Kabasawa as March 8-9, 2011. This nowgives you plenty of time to plan. God willing, wewill have as many as we had in attendance earlierthis year.

Lynnette Uyesato announced at our lastreunion that she is putting together a G Co.cookbook. She needs your help in submittingrecipes. Please call her or Ann for forms.xxxxxxxx

G Co. recently lost two of our members.Kazuo Motobu passed away on June 16 after a badfall in the kitchen. Kiyomi and Emily Yamamoto,Dolores and Fred Ida attended the funeral service

at Honpa Hongwanji. According to Chiyoko, wifeof George Hamada, George passed away on April26, 2010. Services were strictly private, with noannouncement in the obituary column. Our heartsgo out to both families along with our sympathiesand condolences.

Raymond Handa recently broke hisAchilles tendon which hampers his ability to getaround including driving and his ability to travelto Las Vegas.

Your G Co. donated $100 to the 442ndscholarship fund.

I have not forgotten about writing thatarticle on my experience with cancer. As soon asI recover from the loss of my taste buds, we willall get together for lunch.

'Til then, take good care of yourselves.

100th Infantry Battalion 68th Anniversary • June 27, 2010Photo Courtesy Roger Honda


Hello Everyone,I decided that I would write this month’s

report because my dad, my brother and I justwanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all of youfor making the super-secret 98th birthday partysuch a success. My only hesitation in writing thisis that I can’t thank every person who contributedto the party in some way because so many of youadded extra touches and I know I’d miss some ofyou.

I can say mahalo to the organizers (theyare so sneaky) Dorothy Nakagawa and AlbertaYamada – two of the best friends a person couldever have. I also know that Tak Okuhara got the guestlist lined up. So many others of you provided wine,cake, food, some of the most beautiful centerpiecesI’ve ever seen, and leis (some of which now adornmy mom’s picture in our home). Best of all, youwere there for my dad’s celebration, which meantso much to us. He really loves you all. Thanks forgiving our family such a wonderful day! We’llnever forget it.

Love & mahalo nui loa to all,Ann Yoshida

by Ann Yoshida

by Eddie Yamasaki


Norwest by Louise Kashino TakisakixxxxxxxOh where, oh where did the Spring of 2010

go? Somehow, we lost it in between the rain andchilly weather as it is already past the start ofSummer! However, reading about the hurricanes,flash floods, tornadoes, the BP oil spill, and otherunusual devastations around the country, we can’tbe complaining here in the Pacific Northwest.

During the last weekend of June, Debbieand I went on the Minidoka Pilgrimage whichproved to be an interesting experience for both ofus. I left “Camp” in June of 1943 and hadn’t beenback since. Each year the momentum has beenbuilding for the increasing number of visitors who

have been attending these pilgrimages as the thirdand fourth generations are becoming moreinterested.

During the weekend, besides visiting theoriginal barracks we lived in and tours of theMinidoka National Historic Site, we attended aCivil Liberties Symposium exploring the periodsof conflict over civil liberties which utilized severalperspectives, including the long and continuingstruggle for our rights. We rode a Greyhound busto re-experience the kuro we went through ridinga train for two days to reach Minidoka from ourtemporary assembly center at Puyallup, WA.Because the trains of that period were fueled by

by Jane Shikasho

Irene Nakamura continued a family traditionrecently of attending the graduation exercise ofevery grandchild by attending the graduation of agrandchild from elementary school in Palo Alto,California.

A speedy recovery message was sent toJanet Matsuda who fell at her front door as shewas hurriedly leaving and fractured her hip whichrequired hip replacement surgery. Just when she

needed help, there was no car passing by, her cellphone was in her purse in the car, and her life-linealert was left in the house as per instruction. Luckilyshe was able to crawl back into her house to callthe ambulance. Thanks to her many neighbors,friends and relatives who have been helping herand with therapy, she is now able to move aroundwith a walker. We are hoping she will be able tojoin us soon at the monthly meetings.xxxxxx


coal, we arrived at our destination with soot-streaked faces and sore muscles from sitting uprightfor that length of time.

The twelve-hour, round-trip bus ride willbe an excruciating experience to those who haveenjoyed airline travel as a mode of transportationin recent years. Going to the Minidoka historicalsite was truly an emotional experience for us, butwe already are looking forward to going next year.

Understand that Lawson Sakai’s FFNVgathering in Las Vegas will be the last one, so JaneOkada is encouraging me to attend. In the past,we have enjoyed the four-day visits to Las Vegasand the camaraderie enjoyed by the veterans wasa good opportunity for the boys to meet and greettheir fellow comrades. Although so many of ourNisei generation are passing on, it is my hope thatwe can meet with as many as possible.

California by Marian YamashitaAgain, a little bit of news from Southern

California and Frank Shimada from the Bay Area.During the Memorial Day weekend, many

of us attended the service on the grounds of theJapanese American Cultural and Community Centerwhere the KIA memorials for the WWII, KoreanWar, Vietnam War and the current Iraq war areerected. Because many don’t drive any distanceanymore, younger friends always offer car service.As we all grow older, our group is dwindling downto just a handful.

After the impressive service put on by theJapanese-American Korean War veterans, ICompany and friends spent couple of hoursenjoying lunch and visiting at the Ebisu Restaurantnearby. The gathering was sort of a Mother’s andFather’s Day event.

Tomiko Yamaguchi, widow of Eddie, isnow living with son Glenn in Gardena, bringingher closer to her boys. She took a tumble at homea couple of weeks ago, broke her wrist, and expectsit to be in a cast for six-plus weeks. As she says,“It sure is tough to get old.”

Frank Shimada: After all the years ofgolfing, he suffered a hit on the head by a ball,resulting in a big tankobu. Better duck faster nexttime, Frank

Frank plays the ponies and periodically“trucks” down to Santa Anita race track in his 30-year-old Mazda pickup. On the June 27th weekend,he took the six-hour round-trip drive to San Jose.At ninety-one, he’s still going strong. By the way,he didn’t brag about winning, so I think he wenthome empty.

Jim continues to make progress after hisloss of balance eighteen months ago. Althoughprogress is very slow, every day is a plus andhopefully, he will be back to normal someday soon.

Maui by Harold H. Nishida, Jr.Aloha everyone!

It has been over two years since I begancontributing inputs for Maui Item Company to thispublication. How quickly time has flown by andso many things have changed. The Maui 442Veterans Club held an election for Club Councilofficers on June 19th, and I was fortunate to beelected as Council Secretary. Out-going PresidentStan Izumigawa has generously passed the batonof his “Maui Matters” section of this publicationto me with the blessing of in-coming President,Kazuichi Hamasaki. I know that it’s a very bigshoe to fill because Stan has been doing such anexcellent job for so long. My humble thanks toStan for this opportunity. I shall do my best tocontinue in his footsteps.

In view of this change, beginning with thefall Bulletin issue, I will be focusing on the biggerpicture of all Maui 442 vets, including Itemites,under “Maui Matters.” So here is my final reportfor “Item Items.”

The Maui Item Ohana send their bestregards to all. Those who are still “Going forBroke” are Jotoku Asato, Jane Nakama, Mary[Mike] Nakamura, Kiyoki Koki, Ellen [Tsuneo]Shiigi, Winifred [Akira] Shishido, Motoshi and


Edna Tokunaga, Hiroshi and Sadie Uyeno, Shigeoand Janet Wakayama. Although we have beenfortunate not to have lost any members this year,we have seen a decline in attendance of someregular Item members at our social activities dueto age-related health issues. Amongst these areFlorence Hashimura (Sadao), Ben and EstherNakamura, and Stanford and Akie Sakumoto. Ourprayers go out to them.

Other Item Ohana members have not beenso fortunate and we want to convey our deepestcondolences to those families who have sufferedthe loss of a loved one this year.

On a personal note, I would like toacknowledge the passing of a dear friend and hero,Melvin Muramoto, original member of “E”Company, who died on March 31st of this yearafter a long illness. He and his wife Janet becameour (my wife and I) close and personal friendssince meeting them during our “Operation LastChance” drive at the FFNV Las Vegas Reunion in2006. For us, he lived the meaning of the words,“Go For Broke.” In April he was finally laid torest with full military honors at the VeteransCemetery in Dixon, CA. We will sorely miss himand forever be grateful for his service to our nationand for his loving friendship and the cherishedmemories he left with us.

In closing, my humble thanks to Itemmembers Motoshi Tokunaga, Eddie and BeaYamasaki for their much appreciated and continuingsupport.

[Ed. Note: Mutt, Bea, Eddie and all Itemitesextend mahalo nui loa to Harold for his havingserved as Item’s Maui reporter in such a steadfastmanner and for accepting the position of reporteron happenings on the Valley Isle under “MauiMatters.”]

Honolulu by Eddie YamasakiItem Chapter Hawaii

Mother Club has asked each chapter tosubmit the Hawaii count of surviving veterans in

support of efforts to get approval of theCongressional Gold Medal for 100th/442nd. Thefollowing represents Item’s count by island, basedon Jim’s 2010 Directory: Molokai, 1; Kauai, 3;Maui, 7; Hawaii, 10; Oahu, 27 – TOTAL 48.

We look forward to learning the answer tothat frequently asked question: “How many 442ndCombat Team members are there in our statetoday?”

Higher Education TimeAlisha, granddaughter of Masa and Helen

Nakamura, graduated from Mitty High School,Sunnyville, CA and next attends University of SanFrancisco, where her mother Charlene got herdegree.

Incidentally, Alisha, an accomplished huladancer, visited Kona this summer with her halauand managed to spend couple nights with Masaand Helen. Mom Charlene is a well-establishedCPA.

Masa and Helen, who attended Alisha’sgraduation ceremony, are understandably happythat their children and grandchildren are doing sowell. We are sure others in the Item Ohana arecelebrating their children’s and/or grandchildren’sacademic progress. Congratulations to all!

[Ed. Note: Please share with all Itemreporters news of happenings along these or otherlines.]

Eddie’s Trip ReportI left for Japan soon after the 67th

Anniversary celebration, arriving on April 1 (nofooling!) and returned June 29, under the wire tokeep my three-month JAL discount ticket intact;i.e., no penalties!

And what a journey it was: Reunions inKyoto and Tokyo with my former DoshishaUniversity students; lunches with former Tokyobusiness associates; April/May “happy birthdays”for granddaughter Aina, grandson Hoku and myself;visit to son Ted’s Tokyo office; and takusan oishii


kakau that made me come home “fat and sassy.”Yes, I do count my blessings.

Those on the internet can check outwww.wktokyo.jp/blog/?p=2621 for a blog – a write-up and photos on my visit to Ted’s office.xxxxx

Important: You all are invited to Item'ssummer special - our Ohaha Luncheon scheduledfor regular chapter meeting date, second Thursdayof September, the 9th. While Terry is mailing outinvitations in August, if you can join us, pleasephone Eddie, 523-8454 or Terry, 373-4895 to signup. See ya!

Sad NewsMary Masumi YamashitaDied on April 18, 2010

Mary, 83, left us to join Danny who diedin July of 2007. She was a retired MaunawiliElementary School teacher.

Just a year ago, we reported that Mary was“high-spirited as usual” after having overcome “twolight bouts with pneumonia” and dropping“chemotherapy treatment for lung cancer ninemonths ago.”

She was with us in spirit at the 67thAnniversary reunion, having shared in the banquetthrough her generous donation to our chapter.Mary was just like Danny in her love for and loyaltyto Item, expressed in so many ways. Both touchedmany of us deeply. She is survived by sons Bryanand Scott, daughter Amy, and four grandchildren.

Richard Utaka ShintoApril 28, 1924 - April 21-2010

Marian Yamashita wrote: “With very heavyheart, I must report the passing of a good friendand fellow veteran Richard Shinto, in the middleof April just a few days before his 86th birthday.Dick was born in Gallup, NM and was the oldestof four boys. He was a real example of a goodChristian, teaching Sunday school and volunteeringat the Keiro Nursing Home whenever he had a few

hours to spare. Also he was very handy withwoodwork, and surely many have a piece or twoof his work in their home. Ironically his youngestbrother passed away just a few weeks after Dick.”

He is survived by wife Louise; children,Dr. Rick (Patee) Shinto, Sharon (Ron) Imada, andDr. Paul (Vicki) Shinto; seven grandchildren; twobrothers; nieces and nephews.

Yoshimasa SuginoDied on May 2, 2010

Yoshimasa, 88, of Waipahu and previouslyof Papaikou, passed away at Pearl City NursingHome. Born in Honohina, he was a retired plastererfor the Masons and Plasters Union.

He is survived by sons, Eric Sugino ofHonolulu, Howard (Cindy) Sugino, of San Jose;daughter, Janice (Del) Gandia of Waipahu; brother,Shunichi Sugino of Pepeekeo; sisters, Mieko Sokenof Pepeekeo, Yaeko Otake of Los Angeles; fourgrandchildren, one great-grandchild; nieces andnephews.

Tom Bunkichi AokiSeptember 27, 1917 - May 9, 2010

Tom, born in Waimanalo, was drafted intothe army in 1941 and volunteered to join 442nd inMarch 1943. From Camp Shelby, he volunteeredfor the 100th, joining A Company in Italy. AndThen There Were Eight has his story; it includeshis battle antics that earned him a Silver Star plusPurple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster.

He is survived by nieces and nephews.

Kay Kiyomi Fujishin of Sunnyvale, CAMarch 3, 1923 - May 31, 2010

Kay was born in Bearcreek, MT. Internedat Tule Lake, he was drafted in May 1944 andserved in southern France and in the last campaignin northern Italy during which he was wounded.

Surviving are his wife, Betty; daughtersMarcy (John) Mayer and Shelley (Doug) Uyeda;six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.


Toru MatsuokaJune 11, 1925 - June 5, 2010

From Lou Takisaki, with supplements fromJim Yamashita in brackets: “I spoke too soon inthe last quarterly report. Toru Matsuoka who hadstomach cancer surgery last year and was reportedto be doing well, had a sudden turn for the worseand passed away on June 5. [He spent his finaldays surrounded by family, friends and family pet“Komai.”] He leaves his wife Shizue; daughtersJoyce, Patty and Donna (and their spouses); andbrothers Jobu and George (and their spouses);grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

He volunteered into the Army from theMinidoka Camp in Idaho, after lying about hisage at 17. He trained at Camp Shelby and joinedI Co. in France and Italy as a replacement,receiving several medals. Toru grew up in Seattleand attended business college after high school,and worked as an accountant all his life untilretirement. He was an avid outdoorsman, enjoyingfishing, clamming, mushroom hunting, gardeningand most of all, golfing in the past many decades.

Toru will surely be missed by his familyand many friends.” [We will miss his quiet, butcommanding presence in our lives; his generosity,love of nature’s wonders and an ultimatecommitment to people and issues he believed in.]

Richard Takeshi KanayamaNovember 2, 1924 - June 8, 2010

Richard, born in Pepeekeo, lived in Hiloas a retired maintenance supervisor for the HawaiiCounty Department of Parks and Recreation. Hewas a member of the Hilo Meisho-in Mission andDisabled American Veterans. He passed away atYukio Okutsu State Veterans Home.

He is survived by wife Setsuko; daughtersJune (Lance) Niimi and Marcia (Michael) Matsui;brothers Robert (Florence) Kanayama and Earl(Henrietta) Kanayama); sisters Kazue Unebasami,Michiko Okahara, Karie Wakida and Ruth Tanaka;and four grandchildren.xx

Dorothy Tsuneko SuzumotoDied on July 3, 2010

Dorothy, 82, widow of Mino, passed awaypeacefully; leaving behind Arnold and Laura, sistersGrace Yasutake and Jean Sawamura. She was bornin Lahaina. For some time, her back bothered herand she had to give up attending the 67thAnniversary celebration with dear friend, BarbaraKameda.xxxxx

Active in chapter affairs during our heyday,she will be missed by many. She was the behind-the-scenes “strength” of Mino, who contributed inmajor ways to Mother Club and our chapter untilhis death in May of 1994.

We extend Aloha Pumehana to the familiesand friends of the above members of the ItemOhana.

* * *

Takamori Miyagi and Noboru Kawamoto of RHQat Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery Memorial

Day event.


Kanyaku Imin Celebration – Iolani Palace.xx

Please read articles by President BillThompson and/or Editor Oscar Tsukayama. Icouldn’t be there to record the event for healthreasons.

I thank Paul Matsumoto for his enduranceon the computer, emailing me information, articlesand beautiful pictures worldwide. I can’t do thatas I tire out easily these days.

NORCAL L Co.I believe Joey Ishihara is the secretary-

treasurer for the Northern Cal group who is incommunication with Paul Matsumoto. Joey’sinformation: The group had their semi-annualApril “L” Company meeting in Sacramento. Theattendance is very small since many are havingproblems and most are unable to even drive shortdistances.

Howe Hanamura is having his physicalproblems along with Mary who drives but wasinjured. Ken Nihei does not drive anymore. (Afterreading the email Allen Nakamura called Maryon the injury. She fell down on the walk wayoutside and hurt her hip. The injury wasn’t thatserious. Having arthritis on her foot, she’s muchmore careful now. Howe is fine after receiving apacemaker. Ken Nihei’s eyesight is very bad thathe barely can see. Fortunately, his son lives nextdoor.) Jiro Sugidono, who lives in farawayWatsonville can’t drive. Feb Yokoi is now unableto recognize people. Shig Yokote has driving andsame health problems of men of old age. Rest ofus are associate members with similar illnesses.

I don’t know of any other “L” Company guys whoare still alive. Dag Nakatogawa sends meetingreminders to others, but many don’t respond.

The meeting attendees: Ray Orite, DagNakatogawa, Joe Mori, Babara Takai, JoeTominaga (Albany) and Joey Ishihara. I keeptrying to get an end to the meetings and figure outthe distribution of the bank account. However,no one seems to be unable to face the fact thatone day it’s coming (it’s already here). I believethe real “L” Company members should decide.Even though there’s so few left, it’s yourorganization. What do you think? ”

Joey, as I remembered correctly it’s truethat the “L” Company guys were the core of theorganization in Sacramento that was opened toall Nisei veterans in the Norcal area. We enjoyedyour hospitality and friendship when we wentover to your place. I might add that I think youguys went overboard on your hospitality especiallyat the San Francisco hotel long time ago. I knowhow much was funded for the occasion in myconversation with Howe at the hotel.xxxxxxxx

We opened our arms and greeted you guysat the reunion whenever you guys came. Weaccepted all of you as our comrades. In great partfor many years I think you guys held up theorganization. Hang on Joey—treasure yourcomradeship! The problem is all the sameelsewhere as we age.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Our once large chapter has dwindled to 7or 8 regular guys that meet once every 2ndWednesday. June 9, 2010 meeting attendees:President Joe Oshiro, Treasurer Isa Takiyama,

by Allen Nakamura


Paul Matsumoto, *Wally Kawamura, *GenroKashiwa, *Hide Nakayama, Kila Haraguchi, *AllenNakamura. Guys with asterisk, Paul pick them upas they don’t drive anymore. Kazuma Ogata makesoccasional appearance when golfing permits.Currently he’s nursing back pain.

SO CaliforniaInfo from Sumi Seki, one of her favorite

vegetable is asparagus. “L” Company had ameeting April 15, 2010 at Bob’s Okazuya restaurantin Gardena. Tom Mori, Hiro/Betty Nishikubo,Mrs. Shinobu Yonaki, Tak Wada, Don & Sumi.That’s all. Nothing new! Too many funerals overhere! We are all of that age! Take care and regardsto all, from all.

The ShojisCongratulations to David, Kawika & Eric

Shoji on their volleyball achievements. Davidnamed to the AVCA Hall of Fame. Kawika as theNation’s top player & Eric named to the AllAmerican Team. Much has been written on theShoji’s achievements in my articles. But theachievements were so great, they were all nationalachievements, how can it not be recognized in theGFB Bulletin. How proud and thrilled the lateKobe & Chiz must be. It seems so cruel and sadthat they passed away before learning of theachievements after following their volleyballprogress throughout the years

David credit his son’s Kawika and Eric’sprogress to Kobe’s athleticism. Kobe was a starathlete at UCLA. When we moved to Aina Haina,circa 1953, Kobe asked me to help coach the KACLittle League team. I quickly saw in David’sathleticism as the team took the championship.It’s interesting to note that David’s teammateincluded Vincent Goo as the centerfielder andCalvin Lee catcher while David was the shortstop& pitcher. Besides David as the acclaimed coachof the Wahine Rainbow VB team, Vincent is theformer coach of the Rainbow Wahine Basketball

team. Calvin was the “winningest” High SchoolFootball coach at St. Louis High later to join theWarriors Football team as Associate Coach.Volleyball at the time was not a high profile sport.

David FinkOur former associate member the late

Arthur “Kazuo” Fink would have been happy tolearn of grandson’s David winning the covetedManoa Cup. David is the son of John Fink GeneralManager of K5-KFVE. For many years Kazuo &John were the benefactor of our Shinnen Enkaiwith their donations of auction items.Congratulations to the Fink family.

U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Honolulu MayorMufi Hanneman and U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka

Memorial Day, PunchbowlPhoto Courtesy Wayne Iha

* * *

by Shiro Aoki


June Morimatsu (daughter of Alice & RalphTomei) received an interesting E-mail from herfriend on the mainland and has magnanimouslyagreed to share it with us Mikers. It was a letterwritten by Janet and Susan Hardwick, daughtersof William Hardwick of the Texas 36th Division.

The Texas Lost Battalion

To The Honorable Barbara Boxer,In the winter of 1944, our father, Sgt.

William Hardwick, was fighting in WWII in EasternFrance. After fighting and slogging through theFrench countryside, he found himself in the vastfoothills of the Vosges Mountains. His unit wouldbe ordered to follow the fleeing Germans into theVosges and “chase them all the way back toGermany” – the officers commanding his unitwould argue unsuccessfully that without waitingfor the rest of the Battalion would mean that theywould most certainly be cut off, their concernsbrushed aside, the men entered the Vosges, andthey were, as predicted, cut off.

Being low on ammo, rations and supplies,“The Lost Battalion” successfully repelled eachassault made by German soldiers who were taskedto carry out Hitler’s personal orders: “Take noprisoners.” They would observe over the next fewdays as unit after unit of American soldiers wouldtry to rescue them, none successfully. Our fatherwould later talk about how suddenly, from out ofnowhere he could see AND HEAR FIERCEFIGHTING. He could catch glimpses of menbattling to reach him – after hours and days and

days of indescribably vicious combat, some of ithand-to-hand, these amazing rescuers steppedacross the threshold of his parameter and finallythe overpowering realization that his certain deathhad been averted by these incredibly courageousmen – the men of the 442nd “Go For Broke” RCT.

The “little Iron Men” had done what noone else could do – they had successfully rescued“The Lost Battalion” – our father and 210 othermen. Their personal sacrifices were amazing intheir depth and totality.

Three years ago, my sister and I began ajourney to find and thank these amazing men forthe gift of our father’s safe return, the enormityof which is still difficult to put into words. Alongthe way, we have learned that the rescue of the“Lost Battalion” is but one accomplishment ofthese incredible men, as evidenced by the medalsthey wear: out of a group of roughly 10,000 men,they wear 4,000 Bronze Stars (1200 with OakLeaf Clusters); 15 Soldiers Medals; 22 Legionsof Merit; 560 Silver Stars (28 with Oak LeafClusters); 29 Distinguished Service Crosses; and21 Medals of Honor. They served in combat units,MIS, Engineers – whatever was asked of them,they successfully undertook without complaintand with dedication and loyalty. To a man, theywill tell you without hesitation that they wear theirmedals in honor of those who gave the ultimatesacrifice – their friends, their brothers, their fellowsoldiers.

They did not ask for money – they did notask for glory – they did not ask for handouts – allthey asked for was the right to prove their loyalty


– to be regarded as faithful and trustworthyAmerican citizens – all this while many of theirfamily members were interned in camps acrossthis country – their country. Upon their returnhome, they went about the business of trying torecover their families from these camps, rebuildingbusinesses and homes, and serving theircommunities with the same loyal service that hadhallmarked their duty in the military. They becamedoctors, lawyers, engineers, civil servants, farmers,gardeners, college professors and politicians. Tothis day, they speak of those defining days withouta hint of bitterness or bodacious bragging – theysimply say: “we were given a job to do and wedid it.” Humble – Kind – Loyal.

The Senate is considering a bill – S-1055– that would give the men of the 100th and 442ndRCT the Congressional Gold Medal. It is withgreat urgency that I ask you to please support thiseffort for I can think of no other men who deserveit more than these Gentle Giants. I would neverhave known my father, but for them – my childrenwould never have known their grandfather, butfor them – their own children would not havebeen able to walk our streets with dignity and

resolve, but for them. They set about to prove theirloyalty to this country and in so doing, saved thelives of hundreds of men, liberated countless villagesthroughout France and Italy leaving their inhabitantswith renewed love and respect for the Americansoldier and brought honor to this country, themselvesand their families. Their lessons in loyalty,humbleness, courage and resolve still resonate inour society today. It is a vote that you will be proudto make for them – for us all. It is, after all, the rightthing to do.

Janet Hardwick BrownSusan HardwickProud daughters of Sgt. William Hardwick,

36th Division, 141st Regiment, “The Lost Battalion”

Tis the End of an EraOr whatever you may want to call it. I have

been your Mike Chapter reporter for seventeen yearsnow and the time has come for me to call it quits.It was an enjoyable journey, thanks to all of yougood people. Due to circumstances, I find it difficultto continue so I must say adieu.xxxxxxx


BAE Systems in Welcome Home ParadePhoto Courtesy Bill Thompson


522 Baker Chapter members had no newsto share, so this 522B chapter column for this issuewill necessarily be limited to obituaries and golfscores.

Kenneth Kazuyuki “Cannonball” Kawate,died June 27, 2010 in Honolulu at age 87.“Cannonball” as he was popularly known as wasa native of Hanapepe, Kauai. After graduatingfrom Waimea High School in 1941, he enrolled atthe University of Hawaii to study agriculture andwas one of the ROTC cadets called out on themorning of the Pearl Harbor attack on December7, 1941. He subsequently served in the HawaiiTerritorial Guard, the Varsity Victory Volunteers,and volunteered for the 442nd Regimental CombatTeam where he was assigned to and served for theduration of the war with Headquarters Battery,522nd Field Artillery Battalion. During his VVVdays he distinguished himself as a lightweightboxing champ of Schofield Barracks and as thestar fullback on the VVV 130-pound barefootfootball team. After the war, he completed hiseducation and served in the Department ofEducation as a teacher at Waimea High School andLeilehua High School for 37 years. Memorialservices for Kenneth Kawate were held on July 8,2010 at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. He was survivedby two children, son Michael and daughter SusanYadao and three grandchildren.

Fred Hirayama received news from themainland of the death of Hayato Morikado on May17, 2010 in Chicago, Illinois at the age of 91.Morikado was one of the mainland cadres assignedto the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in February

1943 and was assigned to Headquarters Battery,522nd Field Artillery Battalion where he firstserved as a cook and then promoted to MessSergeant of Headquarters Battery. Morikado issurvived by his widow Toki Morikado and threedaughters.

Also from the mainland came news of thepassing of Joseph “Joe” Ichiuji who died July 3,2010 at Rockville, Maryland at age 91. Joe Ichiujiwas a native of Salinas, California and wasinducted into the army in 1941 but was soondischarged after the Pearl Harbor attack becauseof his Japanese ancestry. He was interned withhis family at the Poston Arizona Relocation Camp,from where he volunteered for the 442ndRegimental Combat Team. He was assigned toBattery “A” 522nd Field Artillery Battalion inwhich he served for the duration of the war. Afterthe war, he entered Federal Civil Service wherehe served for 37 years, mostly with the U.S.Agency for International Development. He retiredin Washington D.C. where he became an activemember of many organizations such as theJapanese American Veterans Association (JAVA),National Japanese American Memorial Foundationand the Go For Broke National VeteransAssociation. In recent years, Ichiuji was mostactive as coordinator of the JAVA NationalArchives Research Project which scanned militaryrecords of the 100th, 442nd RCT and MIS for theJAVA and Hawaii 442nd Archive websites.Memorial services for Joe Ichiuji were held onJuly 10, 2010 in Potomac, Maryland where it wasnoted that any memorial contributions may be

by Fuku & Ted Tsukiyama


made to the “JAVA Joe Ichiuji Scholarship Fund,”care of Treasurer Earl Takiguchi, 7201 WhiteHouse Drive, Springfield, VA, 22153.xxxxxx

The 522 golf news will cover the pastthree unreported monthly tournaments with thenet scores reported in the spreadsheet format(with the top six winners noted in parentheses)as follows:

Only the gross score was reported for MitsHonda because this was his first participation andhe had not yet established a handicap with this golfclub. Other 442nd members who play golf arewelcomed to join the 522B Golf group anytime bycalling Rocky Tanna at telephone: 737-5837.xxxxx

Hello, everyone!! Everyone means allthose Engineers and two Bandsmen and theirFamilies who try to make sense of my crazyramblings. Yeah, I guess about six or seven peopleread this stuff that I work so hard to makeinteresting. I hope you six or seven people don’tlose your eyesight or go into deep sleep anytimesoon. Thanks for staying with me. My lady tells

me that I shouldn’t have taken the job and letCharley do it, he’s younger and has more energy.

Speaking of Charley, some of us werelucky to be invited to Punana Loop for a privateget together to partake of his new recipe forCioppino. The Cioppino was so good that evenDoc, who eats very sparingly went for seconds.

by M. Honda

PLAYERSDATESMasami DoiRoy FujiiRichard FurutaBoyan HigaMits HondaMits KunihiroGeorge MuramaruRocky TannaTed TsukiyamaHarold UeokaFlint Yonashiro


71 (6)8175

66 (1)69(3)

7569 (3)68 (3)66 (1)


64 (1)67 (3)71 (4)


65 (2)--

72 (6)71 (4)

6/21/1069 (4)

7170 (5)


67 (1)81

70 (5)--

68 (2)68 (2)

*114 (gross score)


Needless to say, we all went for it. Of course,there were other grassy stuff which were verygood also. In fact we were all told to eat the saladfirst or no mo food.

As I said before, this Chas is a multi-talented guy. As a cook, he could probably be inthe same lineup as Chai, Alan and that guyKodama. There’s another thing that he isoutstanding in and that’s as a horticulturist. Hisyard doesn’t have any grass because it’s coveredwith plants. This trip, his orchids were in fullbloom and there were so many varieties that Inever saw before. His Honohono on one side ofhis backyard were in full bloom. There must havebeen about ten of them hanging proudly downfrom their perches about six feet up on a crossbarof 1/2 inch pipe. His plants and flowers could bea Tourist attraction for those busloads of Japanesevisitors who would marvel at his skill. His greeneggplants are the best in Hawaii. A few of us havekeiki from his eggplant and mine especially comeout all bent and bruised. Even Fuj took home acouple of plants that he was going to plant in tubsto grow on his balcony.

Before going any further, I have to correctsomething that I missed doing at the end of lastyear, 2009, an act of omission, I must admit. I gotan email from Roger Eaton saying that in checkinghis old GFB Bulletin copies he found no mentionof the passing of our old friend Min Sueda onNov 18th, 2009.

Ms. Yae Sueda, I apologize for notmentioning the passing of your beloved husbandat all any where in this bulletin or at the Boardmeeting here in Honolulu. We all loved andrespected Min as the Motor pool Sergeant incharge of all those trucks and Jeeps in his care.I don’t know how many men he commanded inthe Motor Pool, but they all came out better menafter being in contact with him for 33 months.

Min was a stalwart of the 232nd BandChapter in Los Angeles and even here in Hawaii.Min and Yae attended every reunion that we had

in LA or in Honolulu no matter when it was held.

We here in Hawaii extend our deepestcondolence to Yayoi Sueda and her son, daughter,grandchildren and other relatives. We will missyou very much, Minoru Sueda. May God be withYou. Aloha!

Apparently, there were not very many Engrsaround and the two Band people must have beenaway, too because the June meeting was canceledfor lack of warm bodies to hold a meeting. It wasnot a “HAJI!!” as someone once famously calleda cancellation by a president who will not be calledto duty again in the near future, but a lack of bodiesto hold a meeting. We should come to the 11thJuly meeting with a renewed energy after the restin June.

My Lady and I missed the June meetingbecause of a graduation from College in the family.My grandson Daniel made it out of Santa ClaraUniversity in June and it was an ordeal. No, itwasn’t his time spent in school but the ceremonyin the hot midmorning sun. My Lady and I werewasted completely after four and a half hours ofwaiting for his name to be called. When his namewas finally called, no one heard because we hadstopped listening for his name and were just tryingto survive. Dan is happily attending a six-monthseminar for Grads to get them ready for their forayinto the real world. Good luck to him.xxxxxx

Arrivederci and Aloha! Io Finito.xxxxx

* * *

REMINDER:Chapter Reports for the next issue are

due on October 8, 2010




The following was contributed byCharlie Takahashi.

The Maui 442 Veterans Club held an electionfor Club Council officers on June 19th. The newofficers for the remainder of year 2010 are:President-Kazuichi Hamasaki (G), Vice President-Charles Takahashi (I), Secretary-Harold Nishida(I), and Treasurer-Kaoru Muraoka (Service).

The Maui I Company veterans, wives,widows and associates took charge of the June 19th442 and 100th Battalion social. I Company’s JotokuAsato, Kiyoki Koki, Motoshi and Edna Tokunaga,Shigeo and Janet Wakayama, Hiroshi and SadaeUyeno, Winifred (Andy) Shishido and associates

Charlie Takahashi, Irvin Yamada, Fred Ruge,Raphael (Guffy) Morreira, Mark Honda, RichardMinatoya, Tiffany Iida, Dr. Richard and RoseSword, and Harold Nishida all helped to puttogether another very enjoyable social for themembers, their families and fourteen guests.

As always, for pupus, the members weretreated to the famous Pukalani Superette tako pokeand their favorite foods, such as, sashimi, sushi,nishime, etc. along with Coors Light, Martini &Rossi Asti Spumante, water and Diet Coke.Everyone who played bingo won at least five prizes;some won six prizes.

The attendees were in for a big treat withthe presence of Medal of Honor recipient JoeSakato and his daughter Leslie, along with LawsonSakai, President of E Company in California,Director Shinichi Suzuki, and Assistant DirectorMinako Tsuruda of the new 442 movie, 442, Livewith Honor, Die with Dignity.

Thanks go to Tady Arisumi, President of

by Harold Nishida

100th/442nd RCT Maui Veterans Club (Go For Broke) • June 20, 2010

by Gail Nishimura


Summer’s here and yet almost over, asschools are getting ready for their opening in earlyAugust. How time flies…I actually got to attenda meeting in July! So nice to see new faces,actually I’m probably the new face since I don’tget to many meetings. Still it was nice to meetnew people. Don’t forget to turn in your

membership forms, we have a lot of things comingup starting next month.

Here’s Wes’ memo to all:

Hi Everyone, We had our July SD meeting on Thursday,July 1st. Another full agenda and we managed to

Arisumi Brothers for donating tickets for thismovie, which was being shown at Castle Theatrethe following day. Veterans were reminded to weartheir 442 and 100th Battalion shirts to the theatre.

The movie attracted 800 to 1,000 persons. Some of the veterans attending were: AkiraIshikawa (100th), Kiyoki Koki (I), Yasu Okinaka(L), Harold Kishaba (E), Motoshi Tokunaga (I),Takashi Masuda (100th), Shigeo Iwamasa (E),Hideo (Pakala) Takahashi (E), Joe Sakato (E),Lawson Sakai (E), Hisashi (Bugsy) Yamagishi(522nd), Tom Yamada (100th), Barney Itamura(L), Richard Hashi (S), Shigeru Nakamura (Tutto),Clarence (Mutt) Matsumoto (K), Takeo (Ike) Ikeda(F), Walter Sakamoto (522nd), Hiroshi Arisumi(232nd), Jiro Koja (M), Kazuichi Hamasaki (G),Howard Murakami (Regt. Hq.), Russell Takashima(K), Kaoru Muraoka (S), Kunio Kikuta (S), JotokuAsato (I), and Willie Goo (100th).

The movie was extremely powerful, andmost of the women in the theatre were cryingthroughout the viewing of it. Willie Goo pointedout to me the battles he was in and the hardships

endured. In return, I showed him the battles myfather fought in and how bad it was. Then, duringthe middle of the movie, he became silent andseemed really moved by the stories revealed bymany combat veterans, including three Medal ofHonor recipients, Dan Inouye, Joe Sakato, andBarney Hajiro.

At the end of the showing, the emcee askedall veterans to stand and be recognized by theaudience. The veterans received a rousing ovation,lasting about two minutes.

As they exited the theatre, each of themwas approached by members of the audience fora handshake and an expression of heartfelt thanksfor his service. Most women were teary-eyed,and some men offered to buy the veterans drinksat the bar. A most memorable day for all, especiallythe guys.

This documentary film is a must see.Veterans organizations should contact DirectorSuzuki to arrange for its showing at their localtheaters. Phone number, 1-323-469-2929; faxnumber, 1-323-460-7377, or websi te ,www.442film.com.


cover most of the topics. First, I’d like to welcome Lynn Heirakujito our organization. Lynn recently moved back toHonolulu from Washington DC. Her dad is fromK Company. Wade gave us an update on the status ofnext year’s 68th Anniversary Banquet. We’re stilllooking for a few volunteers to join the planningcommittee. Please let me know if you can help.

Wade also reported on the Joint MemorialService, which will be held on September 26th.We need someone to join the committee, who willin turn be able to chair the event in 2011. As youknow, we rotate this responsibility among the fourSD organizations. Next year will be our turn. Pleaselet me know if you can help. The SD membership renewal initiative isin full swing. The applications are slowly comingin. Ann and Susan are working on updating thedata base for the membership roster. Our goal isthe get as many members as possible onto our emailcirculation list. Laura, thank you for your work on the“Honouliuli Internment Camp” presentation. Wewill be hosting this event and have invited the sonsand daughters of the 100th, MIS and 1399 to joinus. This will be a social event with a presentationby the JCCH on Honouliuli, followed by dinner.It will be a great opportunity to meet our fellowSD organizations, so mark your calendars, August5th, and join us. Please send in your RSVP by July23rd. Email sons-daughters@442sd.org. We wouldlike to get a headcount as soon as possible.

The new sons and daughters website hasbeen up and running for the past five months. It’sbeen averaging over 10 hits per day. It’s a goodcommunication tool. We will be implementing thenext phase of improvements to the website. Wewill be upgrading the software, which will allowus to: 1. upload and download information fasterand easier; 2. have an interactive blog page; and 3.have multiple administrators. The goal is to sharethe responsibility of managing the website. For

example, one administrator could be in charge of“Upcoming Events,” another in charge of “PastEvents,” etc. If you’re interested in helping out asan administrator, please let me know. The newsoftware is quite user friendly!

Many thanks also to Pam Funai, whoattended our meeting and shared with us herexperience with various organizations includingthe GFBNEC. She had a lot to say about theconcept of developing a new educational center.As we move forward with our plan, we hopecontinue our discussions with Pam. Anita and Cindy reported on the VeteransArchive Program. They met with Shari Tamashiroat KCC to discuss a similar program that Shari iscurrently working on. The program involvesdigitizing photos and documenting the story of theveteran. This would become part of the 442’sarchive and also be placed on the web as part ofthe KCC collection. Thank you, Shari for sharingyour ideas with us. Anita and Cindy will bedeveloping a similar program and will present itat our September SD meeting. If anyone isinterested in helping with this, please let me know.

There will be no August SD meeting.Instead, we look forward to seeing you at theAugust 5th get together!

All for now, Wes.

We have other upcoming events (like theannual Christmas get together) that you can joinin on. Hope to meet you all one day. Don’t forgetabout your membership forms, turn them in soAnn and Susan can update our membership lists.

For the latest news, please visit our website:www.442sd.org. The upcoming 68th Anniversarywill also need lots more help, so let Wes know ifyou can help. Hope the rest of your summer isgreat. Take care.


by Susan UyemuraOTHER NEWS


2010 Orange County Nikkei CoordinatingCouncil Pioneer Awards

News release dated June 30, 2010:The Orange County, California Nikkei

Coordinating Council (OCNCC) honored Mr. JimJ. Yamashita on June 24, 2010 with their “Pioneerof the Year” award during an annual banquet heldat the Atrium Hotel in Orange County. Six otherindividuals, each representing various communityorganizations in OrangeCounty were alsorecognized for theircontributions to thecommunity.

Jim Yamashitais a member of the442nd RegimentalCombat Team, ItemCompany, Fou r thPlatoon.

The OCNCCchose to honor JimYamashita for hisongo ing work ineducating the publicabout Nisei soldiers andtheir Caucasian officerswho were killed-in-action (KIA) duringWorld War II. Jim has been collecting data,photographs and stories since 1989 regarding theKIA from the Japanese American community. Jimthen created an informative computer data diskfrom all of his materials.

The Americans of Japanese Ancestry World

War II Memorial Alliance encouraged Jim to createthe Echoes of Silence educational CD ROM projectto perpetuate the lives of the KIA. The disk containsthe profiles of all of the Nisei KIAs. Jim relentlesslyput years of work into the Echoes of Silence project;thousands of CDs have been distributed to thepublic. In early 2007, the Memorial Alliance askedJA Living Legacy to create an operationalpartnership to perpetuate the Echoes of Silenceproject through the creation of a website,

www.ajawarvets.org. TheEchoes of Silence CD ROMis available to anyone or anyorganization free of charge.

Nikkei WritersGuild will publish a multi-volume printed version of theEchoes of Silence materialby Veterans Day 2010. Thefirst volume is dedicated tothe 100th Battalion KIA.Volume II contains theprofiles of the 442ndRegimental Combat Teamand Volume III includesdetails about the MIS,1399th, 522nd, 232nd, anda l l o the r suppor t i ngcompanies.

Please contact Memorial Alliance / JALiving Legacy for more information or to requesta complimentary CD Rom on the Nisei soldier ofWorld War II, please visit their websitewww.ajawarvets.org info@jalivinglegacy.org orcall us at (657) 278-4483.

Marian and Jim Yamashita



From time to time the clubreceives inquiries aboutwhether we can use the largeAmerican flag that ispresented to the family whena veteran passes away.Unfortunately, the flag istoo large for us to use onthe clubhouse flagpole. However,the National Cemetery of the Pacific makes verygood use of these large flags. If you’ve ever beento Punchbowl for any holiday, like the 4th of July,Veterans Day, Flag Day, Memorial Day or for theAJA Joint Memorial Service, or when dignitariesare visiting, you can’t help but be impressed by theall of the flags lining the entrance to the cemeteryas well as the main drive to the Memorial.xxxxxx

These flags are all donated by familiesand a constant supply is needed toreplace the flags that are worn out fromexposure to the wind, rain and sun.

Donating the flag is simple. Takeit to the cemetery office during regularbusiness hours and fill out a form.The donor will receive a certificateof appreciation. The name of the

donor and the veteran’s name areengraved on a plaque which is displayed in thecemetery office.

So, keep the flag at home for as long asyou wish, and when you no longer need it, thereis no need to worry about how you are going to“divide” this flag for your heirs.

Put it to good use at Punchbowl.xxxxx

By Drusilla TanakaWhat Do We Do With Dad’s Flag?

Dear 442nd Veterans,Many, many mahalos and doomo arigatoo

gozaimashita for your support and participation atthe 125th Anniversary celebration of Kanyaku Iminon June 5th, 2010, at `Iolani Palace. The event wasentitled “Kulia I Ka Nu`u,” which was the motto ofQueen Kapiolani and means “Strive for the Summit,”in the same spirit of “Go For Broke.” Hosted by TheFriends of `Iolani Palace, it was a wonderfulcollaboration between the Palace and our AJAcommunity in Hawaii which, in addition tocommemorating the Japanese immigration andhonoring all the WWII AJA veterans, also benefittedefforts to produce a graphic novel about the

100th/442nd for Hawaii's school kids. It wastruly a special, unique event, the likes of whichI am not sure Hawaii will ever see again – whenelse can one meet the veterans, hear their stories,participate in a “re-creation of sorts” of that famousphoto of the 442 aloha ceremony at `Iolani Palacein 1943, tour the Palace, enjoy a concert withManoa DNA and Jake Shimabukuro, and thenattend a bon dance at `Iolani Palace, all in thesame day? So many talented and generous peopledonated their services and time, and in the caseof our wonderful title sponsors (Pacific GuardianLife, The Yamada Scott Family Foundation, and

By Stacey HayashiA Heartfelt Thanks


Atlas Insurance), cash. Even in these tougheconomic times, people still remember theexemplary service of the WWII AJA veterans.

While we only had 40 days (!!) to plan theevent, it was a huge success thanks to your supportand participation and a hardworking planningcommittee and tons of volunteers. About 1000attendees came to the Palace that day, many ofthem "new" supporters who have never met theAJA WWII veterans. Extra special thanks to theveterans who participated in the “talk story” session.

The crowd listened to the experiences ofthe veterans, including former Congressman NeilAbercrombie who sat spellbound in Mits Honda’sgroup! Please consider doing this on a more regularbasis; I know people want to hear your stories.

Due to space constraints I can’t list all whosupported the event, but it was so heartwarmingto see the AJA (and non-AJA!) community roll up

their sleeves and pitch in. Many people wereimpressed by the ceremony and Major GeneralVern Miyagi's wonderful speech, which was onlyappropriate for such a decorated group.xxxxx

I really hope those who attended enjoyedthemselves. I will never forget being on the stepsof the Palace, looking out at the crowd. Despitethe heat, it really gave me chicken skin imaginingthe “boys” 67 years ago, marching down KingStreet through the Palace Gates. Though yournumbers are inevitably diminishing with time, yourlegacy remains intact and only grows morelegendary. Thank you so much for your supportfor our event, but way more than that, thank youfor who you are, what you did, and what youcontinue to inspire in all of us.

Me ke aloha pumehana,Stacey Hayashi

Photo Courtesy: Dan Kawasaki


PAIDHonolulu, HawaiiPermit No. 209

The 442nd Veterans Club933 Wiliwili StreetHonolulu, HI 96826


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