gnosticism and heresy proportional to the teachings of the roman catholic church

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


GNOSTICISM and HERESY Proportional to the


William John Meegan


I advise those that don’t know my research1 to get acquainted with it otherwise much of what will be discussed in this paper will make little or no sense at all.

Throughout my life I considered myself an initiate2 and devoted believer in the teachings of the Roman

Catholic Church; though, I surpassed its rudimentary teachings some time ago I am stil l amazed at its incredible artistic and mystical structure and how the Church is fulfi l ling the mission that Christ entrusted to its care since the dawn of Christianity. Everything about the Roman Cathol ic Church and its mythoi (so-called historicity)3 informs

the soul as to the WHYS and WHEREFORES of it trials and tribulations in its quest for knowledge of the WORD OF GOD: Holy Grail . Such research on the mythoi of Christianity explains what l ife is all about. In a very real sense my studies into the literature, artworks and monuments of Christianity is my personal prayer to God.

It can be said, truthfully, without prejudice that Gnosticism and Heresy collectively symbolizes the myriad

forms of mythological belief systems that exude out of the psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind of individual initiates meditating on the original narratives of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures ; however, modernity is led to believe that initially there was no standardized religious educational system that informed the vast majority of the populace (laity) as to what the standardized Christian belief system entailed or let’s say this is

the mythoi vis-à-vis the dawn of Judaism and Christianity that has passed down to posterity, as if it was historical, by those that wrote the mythoi of the sacred scriptures.

Personally, I beg to differ that this is what Gnosticism and Heresy is all about; however, I do believe that

Gnosticism and Heresy were conceived and written by highly knowledgeable orthodox Catholics theologians. One of the most glaring truths about Gnosticism and Heresy in contrast to the Catholic Church is that the narrative structure and demeanor of the four gospels of the New Testament in contrast to the Gnostic Gospels and those of the Heretics is that the literary ambiance of the New Testament has far more sophistication in its storylines and

content as to what a historical document should look like. It is as if the Gnostic and Heretical writi ngs were conceived as cat’s paws or as notes in a journal to teach the esotericism of the New Testament: i .e. see Gospel of

1 https :// and www.wi l l 2 An individual that actively participates in searching for knowledge of the WORD OF GOD 3 Personally, I see the whole of the historicity of the Roman Catholic Church (fi rs t seventeen hundred years ) as t he

continuous mythoi vis-à-vis the New Testament regarding the ministry of Jesus Christ. It i s wrong to bel ieve that the New

Testament ends the WORD OF GOD. God’s WORD is creatio continua and the Roman Cathol ic Church understands this .

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


Thomas4. I do not deny the true and valid spiritual teachings of the Gnostic and Heretical texts; however, these were only conceived as cat’s paws by the authors of the Old and New Testaments in order to fine-tune the

canonical texts as Christian historicity and to validate the reasons for them to be written esoterically in the manner in which they were. Gnostic and Heretical texts never claim a historicity in fact they claim the extreme opposite of that mode of thought. Another very important clue that Gnosticism and Heresies5 were conceived by the early Christian theologians is the fact that esotericism is NEVER DISCUSSED. Now isn’t that an eye-opener? If

Christianity was truly arguing against sects of Gnosticism and Heresies that would have been a priori point in arguing against them; therefore, something else is going on, beneath the mystical surface of these so-called anomalies, in the so-called conversation.

Truly what I believe is going on with the mythoi of Gnosticism and the Heresies are mystically encapsulated in the spiritual gift that God gives the worthy initiate: Initiatic Visionary Experience. At the moment that that vision takes place the whole of the mystical experience: i.e. new raison d’être (reason

for existence - new heaven and earth) is embossed upon the soul’s psyche. It is up to the initiate to individuate conceptually into understanding as much of that raison d’être as possible in his or her

lifetime. It is the true and false ideas (Gnosticism and Heresies) that the initiate ventures into in his or her

quest to envisage what the vision has imparted to it that Judaism and Catholicism has religiously

recorded mythologically in the mythoi of Gnosticism and Heresies literature. Thus the Old and New Testaments and the subsequent literature on Gnosticism and Heresies is put

into sequential order in the manner in which the psyche deals with the Initiatic Visionary Experience; however, if one was to put that psychic material in contexts with the supposed time/space continuum then the whole of the mythoi of the Judaeo Christian literature would be out of kilter; for the reason that,

the Judaeo Christian literature could only have been written after the initiate fully understood his Initiatic

Visionary Experience.

Gnosticism and Heresy is a cacophony of belief systems meant to symbolize CHAOS on both sides of the divide; whereas, Judaism and the Roman Catholic Church is understood to symbolize ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. Gnosticism and Heresy symbolizes the Trees of the Knowledge of Good and the Tree of the Knowledge of Evil: two trees in the Garden of Eden; whereas, the Roman Catholic Church symbolizes the Tree of Life. Of course

modernity would beg to differ; however, here we’re discussing the mythoi (alleged historicity) of Christianity not what modernity would have to say about it for Christians have had ENOUGH of modernity’s rhetorical nonsense.

Modernity is at a very great disadvantage because it is expected to believe a whole host of ideas from the Old and New Testaments from a literal historical perspective, which prevents the reader from envisaging the mystical

nature of the texts that is codified throughout the continuous mythoi of the sacred scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, that are not actual historical events at all .

In addition modernity is expected to believe and take into account data allegedly analyzed through Carbon-14

dating, which has nothing whatsoever to do with religious matters; yet, that data is expected to be taken into consideration by the religious, secular and/or scientific communities. Carbon-14 dating has been proven wrong in many an instance and always a new scientific system of data-dating is put into play when these false dating-systems are proven wrong. Without mentioning data-dating systems again in this paper it will be envisaged why it

is necessary that it and other dating systems like it should be summarily dismissed as a very problematic science. Let’s put it another way. There is not one anci ent document that actually can be dated to what is considered the BC era. All so-called or alleged codices and ancient scrolls and parchments are said to be scribal copies of that era;

thus, Carbon-14 dating of archeological digs has nothing to do with the religious mythoi of the sacred scriptures. Connecting ancient scrolls with archeological digs are assumptions at best (ASSUMED: ASS-U-ME makes an ASS out of you and me).

In addition it should be realized that secular documents and religious documents are entirely two different

genres of thought and the twain shall never meet. The secular document is written via ego-consciousness: off the

4 THE GNOSTIC BIBLE: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom from the Ancient and Medieval Worlds (2009), edited by Willis Barnstone and

Marvin Meyer, published by Shambhala, Boston and London

Expanded/dp/1590306317/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid =1453808310&sr=1 -1&keywords=th e+gnostic+bible+revised +and +exp anded +edition 5 SAINT IRENAEUS OF LYONS: AGAINST HERESIES (2015), by Saint Irenaeus of Lyons, published by Ex Fontibus Co. -2&keywords=against+heresies

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


top of one head so to speak and the religious documents are very mystical and esoterically constructed, which most l ikely took a ruling body of religious individuals, to author over extremely long periods of time, which was

most l ikely a monastery of monks. This is not an assumption; for the reason that, this statement is based upon over forty-years of research.

When religious documents are written both the secular and religious document is seamlessly melded into a single document, which is call sacred scriptures. The best analogy would be a monetary coin, which has two sides:

heads knows nothing of the tail. Take a look at the Great Seal of the United States. Most Americans have no idea that there is a reverse side to the Great Seal of the United States and neither do they know that the Great Seal’s reverse side is what is on the reverse side of the America Dollar Bil l . These concepts are exactly l ike that of the conceptual belief system that the individual has about ‘knowing him or herself’. Most people have no idea that

there is a complimentary unconscious mind that augments ego-consciousness ’ thought processes. Most people believe that ego-consciousness is the total psyche. All of these concepts outlined in this paragraph speak to the same paradigm of the psyche. Similarly, most people have no idea that the surface texts of the sacred scriptures

are not the whole of the WORD OF GOD in the Judaeo Christian Scriptures: in fact the surface textual historical story-line is not one mill ionth of what the esoteric and scientific alphanumeric and symbolic texts are conveying concerning the WORD OF GOD.

The Judaeo Christian Scriptures is analogous to the life of the initiate. A person can go through his or her entire life never-ever knowing the mystical nature of the world he or she lives in just as a person can read the Judaeo Christian Scripture on a literal historical level and never-ever knowing of the

mystical, symbolic and alphanumeric structure codified to the WORD OF GOD. It is very much like each side of a coin never-ever knowing of the existence of its reverse side.

Before getting into the discussion on Gnosticism and Heresy the reader is going to take a mystical journey through the esoteric structure of the Old and New Testaments as to how they were actually written and what

spiritual influences governed their authorship: meaning what other religious culture’s mythoi had a hand in authoring the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. This is going to take the reader psychically envisaging the entire panoramic view of the so called historicity and esoteric structure of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures: Western Civil ization. The average person tends to view the sacred scriptures, artworks and monuments of antiquity from a

historical rather than a spiritual perspective and that is because the psyche is hardwired to the time/space continuum to reason linearly: i .e. cause and effect. Religion has nothing to do with time: i.e. cause and effect. In addition the reader will see that I tend to envisage all of the so called historicity: i .e. mythoi of Christianity as creatio continua of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. The reader is going to have to consider that even up to the

present moment of his or her l ife, in respects to the entire panoramic view of the Judaeo Christian mythoi, is how he or she should think about the esoteric and spiritual WORD OF GOD.

How do I explain the inexplicable? The average initiate is l iving a n inauthentic l ife in the material world

simple because the psyche has a false conception of l ife. The soul via the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind enters into the world not having a clue as to how to live l ife; however, prior to coming into the world there is a universal spiritual paradigm: MATRIX OF WISDOM that is the foundation of the soul’s existence and it is the soul’s guide to l ife. The universal spiritual paradigm’s rules are analogous to the rules on a Chess

board, which never change. The psyche living l ife in the world has no idea that this universal spiritual paradigm is eternally with it and it is the psyche’s (ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind) onus to attune to it.

Coming into the materialistic world the soul is in fl ight from spirituality (God). The soul entering into the

material world splits into the two-part psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind, which in reality is the individual losing its soul. Now that the individual is housed in the two-part psyche its onus is to regain its soul. The child looses it mystical soulful sheen shortly after it comes into the world and becomes a human being living an inauthentic l ife not knowing it is out of synch with God. This pseudo-life becomes a mythology (facade) written on

the surface of l ife; whereas, esotericism, which explains the WORD OF GOD, exists in complete spiritual perfection beneath the surface text of that pseudo-life. The whole of the sacred scriptures and life everlasting via the mythoi of Christianity through the Christian eras mystically conveys this universal spiritual paradigm in its l iterature, artworks and monuments and in the lives of the innumerable souls that l ive under the protection of its umbrella.

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church



In order for the initiate to fully understand the roles that Gnosticism and Heresy played in the canonization of the Old and New Testaments the initiate has to first know that Judaism and Christianity in their entirety was

completely known and worked out as new and complimentary religions, down to their last detail nuances, long before the first word of the book of Genesis was written.

I ask my readers to suspend their disbelief on this issue and realize that Judaism and Christianity are both a set of diverse mythologies that were created simultaneously to complement each other. That concept is very difficult

to grasp seeing that Judaism and Christianity’s cultural religious mores tell an entirely different story, which deals with the phantasmagoria of fictional history in a psychic bubble known as the time/space continuum. Whereas, it is my hypothesis that the entire Old and New Testaments recount a single event, in the life of the spiritual initiate, and its duration is no more than a supposed nanosecond of time: i.e. The Initiatic Visionary Experience. It is that

supposed nanosecond of time that is stretched out into the myriad forms of vignettes throughout the Old and New Testament that elucidates the Initiatic Visionary Experience via the mythoi of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures.

The mythoi of Jesus Christ as narrated in the New Testament are already completely outlined in the first

chapter of Genesis. Those that are aware of my writings have seen the evidence I have put forward concerning these truths via demonstrable evidence in the form of sacred geometry codified to the textual materials of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. The mythoi of Jesus Christ is liken to the awakening of the Kundalini Serpent that rises up in the psyche of the initiate. This mythoi of the Kundalini is literally mapped out mathematically in relationship

to the ratio of chapters between the Old and New Testaments. If; therefore, the Old and New Testament were fully known and conceptualized prior to the first word of

Genesis then what is Gnosticism and Heresy all about? The Gnosticism and Heresies were supposed to have all been written after the Old and New Testaments were canonized into the Jewish and Christian religious literature.

Knowing that Judaism and Christianity were fully developed before the first word of Genesis was penned indicates very clearly that Gnosticism and the Heresies would have been fully argued and debated over prior to the canonization of the Old and New Testaments.

Another very important argument against Gnosticism and Heresies being diametrically opposite to the Judaeo Christian teachings is found in the fact that both these genres of thought use the same Judaeo Christian mythoi as used by the Old and New Testament authors.

Jesus Christ is a spiritual idea symbolizing Christ consciousness that the initiate inherit as a blessing (BLESSING

= Judaism semantics for the word CHRIST) from God; thus, Jesus Christ was not a human being; but, personified as one in the canonized texts of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures (Judaism = Blessing and Christianity = Christ) in order to explain the spiritual gift that God gives the worthy soul. Why; therefore, would Gnostics and Heretics use the

same mythoi that the New Testament authors used if they were opposed to orthodoxy? In addition, why does not esotericism: i.e. the symbolic and alphanumeric structure (Gematria) codified to the WORD OF GOD in the Old and New Testaments enter into the discussions and debates against Gnosticism and the Heresies?

When considering all these incongruities concerning the so-called mythoi and historicity of Gnosticism and

Heresies in the first four centuries of the Common Era one has to come to the conclusion that orthodox Judaism and Christianity created these adverse disciplines to augment their mainstream teachings.

Gnosticism and Heresies may well be prophetic insofar as they foretold the rise of Protestantism, which has over 27,000-sects in the world and it’s predicted statistically that there will be over 54,000-sects by 2025AD. Each

Protestant sect has a separate twist (spin) on the teachings of Christ. No two Protestant sects agree on anything. Protestantism is CHOAS in all of its glory; whereas, Catholicism is one universal Christian sect.

The Judaeo Christian Scriptures are all about the soul and the psyche and it is not feasible to take esotericism

or its mythoi out of its literature lest the bulk of the WORD OF GOD be lost back into the ethers of oblivion. Few people would be able to understand the plain everyday explanations as to the workings of the soul and the psyche and those explanations would not be believed anyway by the uninitiated.

WORD and IMAGE together are complex disciplinarian teachings that cannot be mystically and esoterically

conveyed from one human being to another. Yes, esotericism can be taught via a Mystery School (religious institution); however, the dynamics of understanding esotericism mystically is purely a personal adventure, which can only be traverse alone: the initiate has to be in a one-on-one relationship with God.

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


A Brief Description of GNOSTICISM’S, HERESIES’ and the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH’S Conceptual Paradigms

In the image of the Vesica Piscis, at the top of this paper, Gnosticism and Heresy is explained paradigmatically in a nutshell. 1) GNOSTICISM: is a cultural phenomenon that allows every individual in a religious institution

(instinctively) to seek advice directly from the WORD OF GOD in order to understand the spiritual laws of God and because of this phenomenology hundreds if not thousands of Gnostic texts have been published about the Judaeo Christian biblical stories and not one of them is wrong conceptually about the spiritual WORD OF GOD.

a. There is not one Gnostic sect coming out of antiquity that does not have the spiritual ability and knowledge of the WORD OF GOD to successfully challenge the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH as an equal.

i. FREEMASONRY has an excellent program, which follows the same CONSTANT rules and spiritual techniques as the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH; however, Freemasonry goes a step further and deal with the problems of the contraries: opposites.

1. I believe that Freemasonry is a split from Catholicism spiritual techniques. a. Take the Christian architecture and landscaping out of the

Cathedral properties of Europe and what remains? Modern day Roman Catholic Church buildings are nothing architecturally compared to the cathedrals of yore.

b. Whereas, the FREEMASONRY’S spiritual architecture and landscaping is still ongoing in the USA in Washington DC in the twenty-first century.

ii. ALCHEMY is born out of another materialistic science (chemistry) that used the symbolism of the bible to explain through the language of chemistry the WORD OF GOD; however, Alchemy would later split from that spiritual source and then went into oblivion and the only thing that remained was the materialistic science of Chemistry until the works of CG Jung appeared in the academic publications of psychology and psychiatry and now into the main popular corporate publications.

iii. PSYCHOLOGY has everything to do with how the sacred scriptures of the world were written; for the reason that, the bible is about nothing other than the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind teaching the individual about the soul and how to regain it.

1. CG Jung with all of his expertise in analytical psychology and psychiatry would psychologically throw the baby (religion) out with the bathwater.

2. CG Jung basically has analytical psychology without the original spiritual source material: i.e. the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX, which would fuse the psyche with knowledge of how the spiritual sacred scriptures of the world were written; however, without knowledge of that matrix all one has is analytical psychology. With this final piece of knowledge concerning the matrix CG Jung would have realized that one need not undergo analysis. Every single human being was meant to study the Prima Materia (psyche) via the matrix.

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


iv. ANY VOCATION ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH can be used to codify the WORD OF GOD and transubstantiated its mythoi into the EUCHARIST.

b. Gnosticism is basically the mythoi of the individual’s understanding of the spiritual law of God codified to the mythological clothing of the world (Esoteric Science’s mathematical and grammatical genres of thought codified to pseudo-mythological story-lines): human vernacular codified to spiritual codices published in the outer materialistic world’s societal mores.

c. In every sense Gnosticism is CHAOS not because individually and collectively they are untrue, on the contrary, every one of them are true; however, there is no STANDARD (universal) ORDER of mythology in their collectively.

2) HERESY: there is no doubt another word for sin, which is defined in the New Testament as false belief. PROTESTANTISM is a perfect example of HERESY for it has literally nothing whatsoever to do with CHRISTIANITY; though, it proclaims that it does. “Protestants are as far from having any truthful knowledge of Christianity as a sow is from the moon6”. Being able to read and/or quote the historical texts of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures, at will, has nothing to do with the WORD OF GOD.

a. Sin has nothing to do with morality, ethics, penal codes nor civil codes, which are collectively man-made, control systems: i.e. a secular materialistic way to live peacefully and civilly in society: however, the surface texts of the sacred scriptures is in a nutshell the materialistic Laws of Moses for it symbolizes linear thought, which is the codification of materialistic thought regarding this Utopia way of life.

b. Heresy is outlined in Christian Theology as false conceptual ideas about Christian dogma and/or traditions.

c. HERESIES are individually, collectively and categorically undeniable CHAOS; for the reason that, there is no truth and/or order to any kind of heresy.

d. In actuality Heresy symbolizes all false belief about all religions and/or the WORD OF GOD. e. Heresy tends to take the best parts of religious culture and water them down to secular

cultural mores: i.e. State and Federal Governments throwing the baby (religious institutions) out with the bathwater. This materialistic smorgasbord selection process is analogous to the TEMPTATIONS OF JESUS CHRIST in the wilderness. The psyche of the individual is continuously tempted by the societal mores, which attack the psyche incessantly similar to how corporate internet businesses’ advertising techniques attacks the psyche, via through known previous retail items sold that enamor the consumer’s mind by profiling from that individual’s psyche’s desires, wants, needs, browsing and/or previous purchases in addition to that individual’s every thought, word and deed recorded in cyberspace.

3) THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: there is no doubt, in my mind that the Roman Catholic Church was developed in 325AD during the Nicaea Council and I say this; for the reason that, the decisions for the ‘universal (catholic) church’ were decided definitively at that time7.

a. Emperor Constantine: i.e. CONSTANT (immutable law: ORDER OUT OF CHAOS) was the guiding principle to the idea of a universal Christian Church. I don’t believe Emperor Constantine every lived as a human being no matter what the materialistic evidence may be; rather, Emperor Constantine was a mythological character playing a role8.

b. Gnosticism and Heresy do not afford a universal principle by which a governing body could live peacefully and civilly in a civilized society.

6 This is a paraphrase of an old American Indian maxim: “you are as far from yourself as a sow is from the moon”. 7 At least this is the mythoi that were handed down to posterity; however, the truth is far more complex than this . 8 There will be more about Emperor Constantine below.

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


c. There can be no doubt that the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH is the archetypal paradigm of the CHRIST, which is the ideal spiritual principle outlining the WORD OF GOD.

d. The Roman Catholic Church brought into unanimity the best parts of Gnosticism and Heresy by developing the esoteric (hidden) and secular surface story-lines of the Old and New Testaments simultaneously. The best parts of these two genres of thought were already foreordained from the foundation of the earth: i.e. 10 x 10-matrix that is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. WISDOM OF MATRIX. Gnosticism and Heresy split apart in the precise selfsame manner that the soul splits into the two-part psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind, upon entering the world,

e. The history of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures says one thing on the surface of the textual story-lines; however, beneath the sacred scriptures, within the symbolic and alphanumeric lettering in the textual story-lines there are other esoteric (hidden) spiritual teachings that have a very important spiritual; yet, minor interest in the mythological story-lines of the surface texts. The textual surface story-line of the sacred scriptures is analogous to a footstool or analogous to the foundational floor in Chartres Cathedral, which will be discussed more fully below.

f. The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH is neither a Gnostic nor a Heretical sect; rather, it was developed in its totality during the Nicaea Council as an amalgamation of both paradigms.

i. Catholicism was created similar to Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., etc. 1. Each of these religions I have mentioned is brought forth from the same

spiritual source material as all the Gnostic and Heretical sects are in each of their religions; however, each of the founders of these religions are pseudo characters symbolizing the amalgamation of the spiritual and the best materialistic idea in their cultures.

2. Religion is nothing more than the institutionalization: i.e. the codification, amplification and concretization of the spiritual laws of creation.

3. Yes, humans write the WORD OF GOD, concretizing it, with the human vernacular based upon the Prima Materia (psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind). The inexplicable dynamic tetrahedral forces of the psyche are brought down into the human vernacular: i.e. mathematical and grammatical arts: i.e. Seven Liberal Arts and integrated as one esoteric science and codified into the mythological storylines of the sacred scriptures. The average person approaches the bible from a translated texts and/or the indigenous vernacular of the texts; yet, for the most part they are reading the text linearly as if it is a historical texts.

ii. However, the way that Catholicism was created is not truly possible to envisage seeing that Catholicism (a pseudo nomenclature), a universal paradigmatic thought process, was complete at its inception long before any of the cultures in Western Civilization were developed: i.e. Egypt, Persia, Africa, Greece, Roman and all of Europe, etc., etc. It is my contention that Catholicism was birthed long before the Russia and the Scandinavian countries and before the mythoi of the North and South Americas and before the Asian continent developed their mythoi and Australia and the Antarctic is not excluded from that observation.

1. The word ‘Catholicism’ regarding the Christian religion was I believe to be inclusive of the hypothesis laid out in the above paragraph seeing all true and valid spiritual religions around the world came from the same source material.

2. Below I will speak to cultures in Western Civilization.

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church



Like the Prodigal Son every person has to hit bottom and seek out his or her true spiritual roots. Each initiate, like King Arthur’s Knights, in quest for the Holy Grail, enters the forest alone. The story of Parzival is a long and arduous one. The story in the New Testament about the Prodigal Son was very simple and is narrated to make the journey home appear to be an easy one. The story of Siddhartha9 is a beautiful example of the individual’s personal quest to find the one true spiritual path. Siddhartha leaves home at about eleven years of age with a friend to seek the most spiritual teacher they could find. After a number of years Siddhartha friend became enamored by one teacher and remain in the company of that group; however, Siddhartha continued on his quest. Years later he would go back to the world, started a business, married and sire a son. When his son was fifteen Siddhartha went back out on his spiritual quest. On that renewed journey Siddhartha meets his friend again and his friend tries to talk Siddhartha into staying with his group; however, Siddhartha was still not satisfied and continue on his quest. After many more years Siddhartha found what he was seeking and he in the end became the Buddha. Siddhartha could not be a follower of another’s ideas he had to understand internally what life was all about; thus, he was a pioneer on how to seek knowledge of God. One of the best stories I every read about the loner’s quest, which I actually copied down by hand, at the time, thirty-five years ago, was called, THE WILDERNESS OF THE MIND OF MAN10 (a small pamphlet). The story was very much like Siddhartha; however, this was basically generic in scope where the individual went from temple to temple purchasing their cloths and books and learning the theology, rituals. songs and prayers; however, he continued on from te mple to temple each of them had a different color and ambience and he was taught, in all of them, to drink their sacred waters. He was never satisfied with any of these cults and their temples in his seemingly endless journey and towards the end he became quite desperate. His journey led him into the desert in the scorching heat of the sun: i.e. ego-consciousness and he was almost at the point of taking his last breath when he looked up and saw an oasis. He crawled to it and drank its waters and was spiritually refreshed. He was a happy man because he found the fountain of life. He was in the Garden of Bliss. After a time he thought of all those poor souls in the world that he could help. So he dug a very wide and deep canal to channel the sacred waters to the city and there he built a Grand Cathedral of Learning to archive the knowledge he had discovered. He designed the religious cloths, wrote books and songs, and devised theology, rituals and prayers to edify the world. The people came from all over the world and all was well for many years. Finally, one day a young man came to his temple and drank the waters from the fountain and said to him, “this water is stale.” He immediately scooped up some water and indeed he found it stale for the water had no life in it. He turned to his subordinates and gave them the keys to the temple and he returned to his oasis never again would he return to the city. There are many such stories of the initiate’s lone quest for the Holy Grail. The one I like the most out of all of them was never recognized as the quest for the Holy Grail and that was the individual whom bones were found at Nag Hammadi11 in 1945 when the Gnostic texts were found. There was a lone hermit12 who remained amidst his library of books until the day of his death. The generic paradigm in these above tales is the same. The one that truly quest for the Holy Grail obtains it and others seekers don’t quite measure up to the task. The task is a difficult undertaking for all true believers; nonetheless, they all remained true to their quest.

9 SIDDHATHA, by Hermann Hess -Hermann-Hesse-ebook/dp/B007Z58RLC/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1419114846&sr=1-1&keywords=s iddhartha

10 I could never find that smal l book in print aga in. 11 http://gnos is .org/naghamm/nhl .html 12 Scholars think this hermit was a servant sent to bury the codices; rather was he the last of a community of monks?

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church



My task here is to discuss the vistas of the Roman Catholic Church’s panoramic canvases in which the hierarchy of the Church since the dawn of Christianity laid out their spiritual understanding of the generic paradigm of the initiate’s (psyche’s) QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL. The narrative I am about to embark upon is going to sound like the mythoi of a fairy-tale; however, it is a mythology that each and every individual in the world is psychically caught up in and there is no escape from it for it is esoterically the universal spiritual psychic paradigm of creatio continua expressed mythologically for there is no other means on the face of the earth to convey it. What I call the mythoi of the psyche modernity in the real world would classify as the historicity of Western Civilization.

I have written many papers regarding my esoteric researches, which I have downloaded online for the benefit of those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. I have been researching the esotericism of the sacred scriptures for the better part of my life. The journey cannot be cut short seeing the journey last to the end of days. There were no short cuts for me and I don’t really think that my writings will reveal short cuts to others. Having purchased thousands of books in my day and have been guided here and there by others and through the numerous nuances in my writings, here and there, I can only hope that in some mystical way I can point others in the right direction.

There are a number of different artistic canvases that the artist can use to express him or herself. The musician use the canvas of air, the sculptor uses stone, the author uses paper or animal hide and the painter either uses blank walls, cloth canvas or animal hide. These venues that are used to convey religious vignettes and/or individual expressions are for the most part ravaged by time; however, the canvas of the star-studded universe held the Universal Astrological Paradigm for more than thirteen to twenty thousand years and most likely from time-immemorial and probably to the ends of time.

Culturally, Western Civilization can trace its beginning back to thirteen to twenty thousand years via the archeological site in Turkey called Gobekli Tepe and other archeological finds around the world; however, the immediate Egyptian and Christian cultures can trace its origins back via biblical stories that infer the dawn of the age of Gemini. I don’t believe that the mythoi of the biblical stories are representatives of the historicity of Western Civilization; nonetheless, they are deliberately meant to appear to be historical because there are two kinds of people in the world: the iconographer and the iconoclastic; thus, reading the bible is either done symbolically (spiritually and mystically) or iconoclastically (literally and historically). The main canvases that the Roman Catholic Church uses are mythologies, history and the esoteric science (symbols and alphanumeric structure codified to the letters of the indigenous coder use to write the texts) to convey the generic paradigm of the soul.

The Roman Catholic Church13 wrote the Old and New Testaments with four zodiacal markers: Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Pisces. In my analysis on ASTROLOGY’S UNIVERSAL PARADIGM: The Egyptian Temple of Khnum at Esneh: A Commentary on the ceiling’s Zodiacal Cycle14 I found these very same Astrological markers key to the entire Egyptian zodiacal design.

13 No Jew (iconoclastic individual) could ever have written as much as a single letter in the sacred scriptures. This is not

being mean-spiri ted; rather i t i s merely s tating a fact. 14https ://

Esneh_A_Commentary_on_the_cei l ing_s_Zodiaca l_Cycle

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


What was most fascinating in these researches is the fact that I obtained a great deal of the esoteric teachings of the Roman Catholic Church15: i.e. New Testament right out of the first four chapters of Genesis that enabled me to understand the following design in a spiritual 10 x 10 matrix: UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Materia (Perennial Matrix).

15 https :// and

https ://

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


This kind of esoteric knowledge could not be easily explained away; though, I was the only one at the time evaluating what I was intuiting. I had from this research very strong empirical evidence that the Roman Catholic Church wrote both the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament was esoterically and mythologically the interpretative source material that generated the writings of the New Testaments. From the Roman Catholic Church’s own historical timeline this had to have all been conceived and esoterically written in the AD era (none of it in the BC era).

I was receiving many mystical ideas from many sources; however, at all times I was guided by the Holy Spirit16 and I demanded of myself, at all times, in real time that I produce demonstrable evidence of these ideas, which I was able to demonstrate in the form of sacred geometry from the esoteric texts and/or exoteric texts relating to the mythoi of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures.

One extremely important idea that came to me was that the Egyptians’, Greeks’, Romans’ Nomadic Jewish cultural mythoi were the original source materials that collectively wrote the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. The Roman Catholic Church apparently amalgamated the esoteric and surface mythoi of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman mystery religions (Egyptian17, Eleusinian18 and Mithraic19 mysteries) overtly and synthesized them into the esoteric mythoi codified to the surface texts of the Judaeo Christian mythoi. In other words just like the ancient archeological site of Gobekli Tepe was buried in its pristine state, after it was built, so to was the Egyptian, Greek and Roman mystery religions buried esoterically beneath the texts of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. I will give brief examples of their esoteric codification below.


In the first word of Genesis, which extrapolate out to the GENESIS FORMULA20 it can be observed that in BERESHITH the last four letters of the Hebrew coder comes into creation first. In discussing the Greek Mysteries this nuance will take on further connotations. The last four letters of the Hebrew coder are TAV, SHIN, RESH and QOPH. TAV being the first Hebrew letter into creation symbolizes the Mark on the Forehead or the Kundalini Serpent, which more than implies a spiritual awakening, that inaugurate the beginning of a new creation. The Hebrew letter SHIN symbolizes tooth; whereas, RESH symbolizes head and QOPH symbolizes back of head. These four letters literally collectively ge nerate the image of the head of the SPHINX implying that all the other letters in the bible symbolizes the sands of the desert that buries the SPHINX’S body and all the connotations that go with that theme.

In addition the first word of Genesis has six letters, which symbolizes the six small pyramids on the Giza Plateau; whereas, YUD, ALEPH and BETH symbolize the smallest of the three larger pyramids and TAV, SHIN and RESH symbolized the second largest pyramid. The Great Pyramid is symbolized by the last four letters of the Hebrew coder (first into creation): TAV, SHIN, RESH and QOPH. Notice that the Great Pyramid has no CAPSTONE and this is why the letter QOPH is not found in the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. The letter QOPH in Hebrew symbolizes the higher realm of spirituality.

The Kundalini Serpent is also epitomized in the above circle of 32-Elohym when the left side is analyzed according to its four Kabbalistic categories: Sefirah, Single (simple), Double and Mother Letters: 48 + 48 + 48 + 24: i.e. 3½ times coiled around the central pole (diameter of the circle). The second Kundalini image is found in the 1449-Hebrew words in the first four chapters of Genesis: 1449 /

16 The Holy Spirit is ego-consciousness in commune with the unconscious mind (Mary the Virgin Mother of Christ). This

i s only possible having received the vision of God (1978), which such spiri tua l intercourse brings forth the Chris t Chi ld. 17 http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/On_the_Mysteries _of_the_Egyptians ,_Chaldeans ,_and_Assyrians 18 http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Eleus inian_Mysteries 19 http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Mithra ic_mysteries 20https ://


GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


207 = 7 or Seven Light Chakras. The Hebrew word LIGHT, in the first and fourth days of creation, has a Gematria value of 207 and the first four days of creation have a total of 207-Hebrew words that symbolize the LIGHT area of the circle of 32-Elohyms. The first four days of creation have 31 + 38 + 69 + 69 = 207: 7 x 207 = 1449. In addition the third and fourth days of creation each having 69-words fixing the pattern: 1449 / 69 = 21 and the 22nd small LIGHT CHAKRA is found in the 69-groups of words, in the first chapter of Genesis, held together by 80-hyphens. I won’t go into all the connotations concerning that nuance.

The last Kundalini Serpent image that I know of (there probably are others) is found with the

division of the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament has 929-chapters and the first chapter of Matthew discusses the genealogy of Jesus Christ, which is the 930th chapter. Adam lived to be 930-years of age: the old Adam is dead and the New Adam is alive. This nuance takes on many connotations. There are 260-chapters in the New Testament; however, the Book of Malachi has four chapters, which tells of Elijah returning. In the New Testament John the Baptist is discussed by Jesus Christ: And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses. But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. 12And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. 13For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 14And if ye will receive it, this is Elijah, which was for to come. 15He that hath ears to hear, let him hear (Matthew 7-15).

In the last book of the Old Testament Malachi speaks of Elijah returning; thus, the four chapters of Malachi gives the New Testament 264-chapters, which leaves 925-chapters for the Old Testaments; however, the last chapter of Zechariah, just before the book of Malachi, talks about Mount Olive split in two then into four parts: i.e. 1, 2 and 4 is the transposition of the Gematria value of first letter of Genesis: BETH = 412, which symbolizes the birth of consciousness. Are the four chapters of Malachi supposed to symbolize the foreskin of the penis that is removed in the circumcision rite? The Old Testament now has 924-chapters: 924 / 7 = 132 and the New Testament 264 / 2 = 132. Two and Seven

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


symbolize Venus in Astrology: 7 / 2 = 3½ (Kundalini), which infers that the New Testament is the spirituality of the Old Testament. Since Malachi had four verses I divided four into two-hundred and sixty-four: 264 / 4 = 66. This informs us that Malachi and the New Testament were combined symbolically to symbolize the entire new creation: i.e. Old and New Testaments: 66 = 39 + 27 (tetrahedral forces in creation). It was not a very difficult concept to grasp knowing that John the Baptist symbolized the teachings of the Old Testament.

In my paper on the CYCLES OF DIVINE CREATION21 I demonstrate that the first two chapters of Genesis have eleven cycles splitting into two scales generating the SCALES OF LIBRA. It is a system of 1584-cycles with 132-cycles per sign but only eleven cycles per sign’s anchored number (1-12). Anubis22 in the Egyptian mythoi is the one that weigh the decease’s Heart against the weight of a Feather. The Egyptian mythoi, concerning the weighing of the heart, is somewhat magically misleading via the sleight of hand seeing that if the heart even weighed so much as the weight of a feather, which symbolized the smallest desire for materialism, the heart was found wanting and was too heavy. The Egyptian mythoi are well represented in the Judaeo Christian Scriptures.

Those that study the book of Genesis will find a great deal of the Egyptian Mysteries discussed throughout both esoterically and exoterically especially when Joseph becomes the overlord of Egypt. Notice how Joseph taxes the Egyptians in relationship to how he taxes the Jews in the land of Goshen during the time of famine. I invite the reader to read my paper on CLOSING THE CIRCLE OF SPIRIUALITY: An Interpretation of the Genesis Formula23. Here I discuss Joseph and his brothers in Egypt and the taxation of the Egyptian people. What these stories in the book of Genesis shows is that though the Jews (Joseph’s relatives) immigrated to the land of Egypt they would neither participate nor melt seamlessly into the Egyptian culture. In fact the Jews deliberately made themselves the most hated people in all of Egypt because they were herders of animals: i.e. astrologers. Astrology, in and of itself, is a symbolic tool to decode the mythoi of the sacred scriptures; however, once spirituality is obtained Astrology is no longer needed; hence, the shunning of the animal herders. Remember the sacred scriptures are discussing the esotericism in i ts mythoi: this neither has anything to do with the historicity of the culture nor life in the real world (I suggest rereading the story of Cain and Abel).

21 22 http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Anubis


GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church



The Greeks were very influential and proactive in the creation of the Christian Mythoi. It is neither my onus nor purpose to illustrate that the Christian mythoi came out of the Mystery Schools of antiquity; rather, I am taking upon myself the onus of illustrating that there is a universal spiritual psychic paradigm in creation that is codified esoterically and exoterically into the sacred scriptures of the world in all times and climes via the spiritual sages of antiquity; though, the universal spiritual paradigm (God) never changes the outer world creation, in real time, is a creatio continua: meaning that the human interpretive mode is ever changing and it is up to the spiritual minded people in the world to keep up with the esotericism that needs to be codified to these new interpretive forms of creation in the outer world so that the individual and humanity as a whole never loses its spiritual identity. This is precisely what the Roman Catholic Church has been doing since the dawn of the Christian era. Esotericism codifies the universal spiritual paradigm into the mythoi of the world literature, artworks and monuments; therefore, though the outer world changes the esoteric science that codifies the WORD OF GOD never changes. In fact I have observed evidence that the esoteric masters continues to codify in modern times esoterically the outer psychic creatio continua. I am going to segue out of the Greek mythoi, for a moment, so that I can present examples of creatio continua that come out of the record of the American Civil War25 April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865. FIRST: the war was the Northern states against some of the South states (Union or Federalists against the Confederates). It is recorded that 365,000 Yankees (Union or Federalists) and 258,000 Rebels (Confederates) died in this war26. That is quite a rounding off of numbers especially when it is realized

24 http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Eleus inian_Mysteries and http://www.crysta l inks .com/eleus inian.html 25 http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/American_Civi l_War 26 These statistics are often disputed but the majori ty of repo rts point out 365,000 Union Soldiers and 258,000

Confederate Soldiers .

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


that the Ten Commandments actually have 613-minor laws that are derived from the ten major commandments, which totals to 623-laws: 365 + 258. Judaism breaks these laws down as 365-THOU SHALT NOTS and 248 THOU SHALT laws plus there is the Ten Commandment themselves to total to that count. Now this may appear, at first, as if it was all too coincidental until the second example is discussed. SECOND: Abraham Lincoln27 the sixteenth President of the United States was president during the Civil War ostensibly against slavery in the South; however, nothing is ever mentioned regarding the indentured white slavery of the North, which was far more prevalent than the Negro slavery in the South - because all of that Indenture Slavery in the North was enshroud in legal mumble jumbo. You say oranges I say apples: WHATEVER. I try not to get into that kind of fray and all that it entails. What captivated my attention about Abraham Lincoln was the fact that he signed the Emancipation Proclamation28 on January 1, 1863 and that was a stunner for me. Any other date in so-called history such as January 2, 1863 and I wouldn’t have thought much of it; however, what irked me was that President Abraham Lincoln waited until January 1, 1863 to sign that document: 628-days after the Civil War started. The Civil War may have started earlier because the Confederacy took over Federal Forts in the South and there were subsequent negotiations that failed; however, what was it that prevented Abraham Lincoln from signing the Emancipation Proclamation at anytime during the first 627-days after the official date that the Civil War started? If the Civil War was about slavery, instead of force relocations and a land grab of the southern territories besides destroying its aristocracy, which were far more civilized than the northern states, why didn’t President Abraham Lincoln sign the Emancipation Proclamation immediately on April 12, 1861 the date the Civil War started or soon thereafter? I mention all these nonessential details above to hone and lock in on January 1, 1863. From what I just written above it can be envisaged that January 1, 1863 was chosen, deliberately, almost in the middle of the Civil War (below: Battle of Gettysburg29) to sign the Emancipation Proclamation for a very specific purpose. There was little doubt in my mind that it related to Abraham of the Bible.

27 http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Abraham_Lincoln 28 http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Emancipation_Proclamation 29

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


If I had not done the research myself I would not have caught this anomaly in the so -called historical record. President Abraham Lincoln presided over the Civil War, which in a symbolic sense would have been his two families, which is analogous to the two families of Abraham in the book of Genesis. It also goes analogously to the dawn of Christianity and to the Genesis Formula, which is an extrapolation of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. When dissecting Abraham’s two families via Gematria before and after he received the name Abraham a remarkable discovery is made. Both family numerical values totals to a Gematria value of 1863, which is the same year President Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves. Hagar was Abraham slave and Sarai/Sarah was his wife. Needless to say that this kind of coincidence just doesn’t happen in the world unless a deliberately correlation is made between the two events: one in the bible and the other in real time synching them both into esotericism. The Genesis Formula from the extrapolation of the first word of Genesis has the pattern of 1, 3, 6 and 8 codified into it, which is a transposition of the number 1863. In addition the Calendar Year as introduced by Julius and Augustus Caesars also has the four months with 30-days locked into the Zodiacal calendar: Aries (1), Scorpio (8), Virgo (6) and Gemini (3). These two sets of zodiacal signs are ruled by Mars and Gemini. Much of this will be discussed below. This arrangement of the zodiacal signs locks in the butterfly like pattern into Zodiac/Calendar years which exudes the glyph of the STAR OF DAVID, which is the star heralding the Birth of Christ and is the same star the Magi followed. Also Bethlehem of Judea is located at 31.68 North Latitude30 and the name Lord Jesus Christ has the Gematria value of 316831. I have discussed all of this above about the American Civil War to point out that there is an unidentified organization (currently named the Masonic Order? See more of this below) that is using history to rewrite the Judaeo Christian Scriptures esoterically; thus, much of what is read as history is problematic. A great deal more evidence below will illustrate that much of what is thought of as history is an esoteric interpretation of the sacred scriptures and not a record of real time events.

The Greeks apparently created the Hebrew coder and that alone should say a great deal to the researcher. The last four letters in the Hebrew coder spells out the word CHRIST (krst) in Greek using

the Hebrew letters. How is that possible if the Greeks had nothing to do with the creation of the Hebrew coder? The name of the first book of the sacred scriptures is called GENESIS, which is interpreted as the number two (2) in the Greek vernacular, which implies that there is a sacred book before the first book

of the sacred scriptures. That book is the esotericism codified via symbols and arithmetical data to each letter of the Hebrew coder. The first ‘written’ Hebrew letter of the sacred scriptures is BETH [ב], symbolically representing the number two (2). The first esoteric Hebrew letter of the sacred scriptures is the letter PEI [פ], which inundates and surrounds the letter BETH in the white area of the page. It is this invisible esoteric book of the sacred scriptures that is mostly desired by the soul. BETH [ב] symbolizes ego-consciousness (Sun), which symbolizes the exotericism of the surface texts and PEI [פ] symbolizes the unconscious mind (Moon) that symbolizes esotericism, which is codified symbolically and alphanumerically into the mundane letters of the texts.

30 31

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


The Eleusinian mysteries32 are well represented in the third chapter of Genesis, when ego-consciousness (Adam the serpent: i.e. Pluto) snatches the unconscious mind (Eve: i.e. Persephone) from the Elysian Fields: i.e. Garden of Eden. In Jungian Analytical Psychology the only way to reach the Transcendent Function: i.e. in Catholicism the Eucharist is for there to be a verbal intercourse between Ego-consciousness and the Unconscious mind: i.e. the Mystical Alchemical Wedding, where the two become one. When Adam was naming the animals (Astrology) he was the sole authority and the last word on the subject because only ego-consciousness can discriminate and bring Order out of Chaos; thus, Adam become the first EXPERT. Adam success in the area of Astrology is what brought about the Transcendent Function (spiritual vision) where Adam finds himself equal with Eve. A human male find himself no more equal with the female than when he is naked in her arms: this is why the male quickly dresses after the act of sex in order for him to psychically regain his moral superiority.

The discussion that the serpent, in the Garden of Eden, had with Eve is an interesting study in the manner in which a lawyer is trained in law school to argue both sides of the Mobius strip33. Adam of course was the first lawyer. Does anybody have a problem with that interpretation? Marriage being an institution of trust amongst equals insidiously allows one or both partners to take advantage of that trust to tip the scales, so-to-speak, in his or her favor, which is of course a variation on the theme, “My way or the Highway”.

Let me belabor this issue for a moment. Adam was given the prohibition against eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil , from Yahweh, according to his mental acuity of being ego-consciousness and Elohym gave that same prohibition to Eve according to her mental acuity being that of the unconscious mind. Knowing that the psyche of male and female in Jungian Analytical Psychology, the male has in his psyche the Anima and the Female has in her psyche the Animus; thus, the Mystical Alchemical Wedding of Adam and Eve makes them equals. Eve truly had no excuse seeing her argument with the serpent is the same modus operandi played out by lawyers in a court of law. The judge sits there impartially knowing the truth; regardless, allowing two lawyers, whom both know the truth of the matter, to argue the merits of the Mobius strip seeing which lawyer will outwit the other. The Judicial System has nothing to do with the innocence or guilt or the right or wrong of the opposing party. However, in the Garden of Eden the penalties are far more stringent towards both parties because they both participated in the manipulation of the law. Notice the shyster mentality of

32 33

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


Adam in his accusations against Eve for giving him the fruit that he brow beat her into giving him. Even in the face of being caught and found guilty Adam was still professing innocence via the guilt of another. Adam was going for the technicality that it was Eve that actually gave the fruit to him and he did not actually take the fruit from the tree himself. Eve herself was also playing on that theme when she blamed the serpent, which was Adam. In other words their argument with Yahweh Elohym was in a vicious circle going nowhere. Adam and Eve’s never-ending circular argument tells us, that like Dante finding himself in a Dark Wood, Adam and Eve did not know how they got into that condition. Adam and Eve’s never-ending circular argument is like an addiction or an obsession, which are vicious circles in themselves; thus, it can be envisage exactly why the individual doesn’t get over him or herself. An individual’s arguments are impeccable, at least to him or herself, and nobody can argue him or her out of his or her ignorance. This is the primary dilemma of the materialistic world.

The Greeks influence in the writing of the New Testament is analogous to the esotericism culled out of the symbolic and alphanumeric structure of the Old Testament. The Greek coder has symbols and arithmetical data codified to them, which allowed for esotericism to be codified to the New Testament. In addition the writing of Plato and Aristotle (primary opposites) and their students also influenced the scribes of the Old and New Testaments.

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church



MITHRAIC34 is a mystery religion that originated in Persia involving worship of the god Mithras. It became popular among the Roman military, which the Roman Empire through their mythoi made their own. There are many features of the Mithraic mythoi that Christianity obviously incorporated into its mythoi both exoterically and esoterically; however, the one esoteric feature that truly caught my attention out of the Roman mysteries was the Julius and Augustus Caesar calendars, which merged into one calendar consolidating my understanding that the Roman Empire was involved in the creation of the Christian mythoi and at the same time could claim culturally to be somewhat removed from the Birth of Christianity through time and history; yet, the evidence is quite clear that the Roman Empire was there at the beginning or at least its mythoi illustrates that the Roman Empire had a direct guiding hand in the actual mathematical construct of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures and the Birth of Christ.

Many years ago I became somewhat excited and energized over the conception, birthdates and circumcision dates of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ35 and I wrote a paper on my findings that were previously published in the second work on my researches: THE SECRETS & MYSTERIES OF GENESIS: Antiquity’s Hall of Records (2003)36. Essentially, what I found was that by taking the birth date of John the Baptist, which was not in dispute, as far as I knew, and work back and forth through to the mythoi of the conception, birthdates and circumcision dates of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ , which are discussed in the New Testament many of the mysteries of Christianity would reveal themselves. John the Baptist’s birthday was June 24th and working forward July 1st would be the eight day from John’s birth making that date the day of circumcision. Again working back from June 24th October 1st would be John conception date. Since John the Baptist’s birthday was June 24th then December 25th had to be the birthday of Jesus Christ. This last come from a New Testament verse pointing out that John the Baptist’s mother Elisabeth was six months pregnant. Working forward January 1st had to be Christ circumcision date and working back from Jesus birth date of December 25th then April 1st (Judaism traditional date for the beginning of creation) was Jesus’ conception date; thus all the conception dates, birth dates and circumcision dates of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were accounted for spanning fifteen months. It does not take a genius to see that barring the Jewish law concerning

34 les/mithraschris tiani ty.html

35 36

Records/dp/1412010128/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1419209767&sr=8 -2&keywords=the+secrets+and+the+mysteries+of+genesis

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


circumcision rites both Jesus and John the Baptist would have been conceived on the Vernal and Autumn Equinoxes respectively and both would have been circumcised on the Winter and Summer Solstices respectively. Many agnostics were pointing out these things about the Mithraic and other mystery religions; however, here it is culled esoterically from out of the mythoi of the New Testament.

All of this above was alleged to have taken place historically between 7-6 BCE, which drew my attention to the Calendar Year first revised from the Roman calendar in 46 BCE. For me, at the time, it was just all too coincidental that seven from forty-six is thirty-nine: 46 – 7 = 39, which pointed to the construct of the Old Testament (39-books), Apocrypha (7-books) and New Testament (27-books) that put the death of Christ at 27 AD. All of this was just a bit too much to be totally unplanned especially since I had previously done a great deal of research on the Zodiac/Calendar Year with my researches on Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia’s Mathematical System, which also is discussed at length in the above named book.

Julius Caesar introduced the new calendar on January 1st 46 BCE and 38-years later (one grand Lunar Cycle) Augustus Caesar would revise Julius Caesar’s calendar on January 1st 8 BCE, which Augustus Caesar recalculated six of the twelve months, which has come down to us to this day. July/Cancer and August/Leo were named after Julius and Augustus Caesars respectively because the Moon (unconscious mind) and Sun (ego-consciousness) govern those astrological houses respectively. All this is important because once it is realized that when January 1st 8 BCE arrived it was right after New Year’s Eve, which was that year December 30th 9 BCE. Thus for the calendar to be correctly in line over the next two years the months had to be in synch with the Solstices and the Equinoxes. By the time that October 1st: i.e. John the Baptist’s conception date arrived most of the months was locked into the amount of days allocated to their months by the Augustus Caesar calendar. It was just a matter of October, November and December to finish out the first year of the Augustus Caesar calendar and then April 1st 7 BCE Jesus Christ is conceived and nine months later he is born on December 25th and circumcised on January 1st 6th BCE. Note that the entire first two years of Augustus Caesar’s Calendar from January 1st 8 BCE to January 1st 6 BCE is the time the Magi (astrologers) followed the Star of Bethlehem and came with the gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. It was not difficult at all after my research on Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia37 first published 1997 to realize that the Star of David in the midst of the Zodiac/Calendar year was the Star of Bethlehem. Many of the mythoi featured in the Mithraic Mysteries were esoterically and exoterically programme d to the Christian mythoi. None of this borrowing of the mythologies from other mystery religions took anything out of the mysticism and spirituality that is inherent in the Christian Mysteries. Within less than a decade from my researches on La Divina Commedia I had discovered that the Zodiac/Calendar year as introduced by Julius and Augustus Caesars was already codified into the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH when it was extrapolated out to the Genesis Formula. This I could not doubt, seeing the evidence I just laid out above illustrating that the Mithraic Mysteries was a preeminent participant in the creation of the Christian mythoi. In fact the Egyptian, Greek and Roman mystery religions are collectively the Judaeo Christian Scriptures: i.e. the Universal Catholic Church. The Genesis Formula informs the researcher that the Dawn of Christianity was the commencement of both the Old and New Testaments, which puts the Mithraic Mysteries right at the inception of the Christian Mysteries. The Christian Mysteries were complete at the dawn of their inception. John Anthony West made the same claim for the Egyptian culture in his work SERPENT IN THE SKY: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt38.

37 is -Wi l l iam-John-

Meegan/dp/076100842X/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1419213146&sr=1-5and https ://



GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


For me it is not surprising that after the Zodiac/Calendar Year was instituted in 8 BCE (when the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH: i.e. GENESIS FORMULA was scribed) that the mythoi of the Christian Martyrs in Roman Coliseums was a foregone conclusion: it is the Closing of the Mystic Circle. The design of the internal stadium of the Coliseum is in the shape of a Vesica Piscis: God/Man Christ. There can be no doubt that the mythoi of Christian Martyrdom were analogous to the Zodiac animals chewing up the initiate and exuding the Star of David, which symbolizes the Christ : i.e. tetrahedral forces in the psyche: i.e. creation. The lion is symbolic of the Sun: i.e. ego-consciousness dining with the unconscious mind or amalgamating the unconscious mind into the dynamics of Christ consciousness instead of ego-consciousness.

Christianity in speaking of martyrdom is illustrating through its mythoi the initiate becoming the Christ: i.e. Christian – Christ consciousness.

These are the mythoi of Christianity; however, these vicious acts of the lion chewing up the martyr are easily envisaged being played out psychically in the financial concrete jungle of New York City. Ego-consciousness is the patriarchal world (the lion of the jungle) and it chews up and spits out losers every day in New York City where the masses flow in and out of the financial markets like the tides of tsunamis. The losers in the financial markets just don’t go away in abject defeat. They go away to return and return continually. The definition of ‘crazy’ is do the same thing over and over again obtaining the same results eternally in imagining that things will change. In fact that mentality is precisely what Christ meant when he accused the scribes and Pharisees of being white sepulchers

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


The elements: Triplicities of Astrology: FIRE (April), EARTH (January), AIR (October) and WATER (July) (conception and circumcision dates of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ: Cardinal signs of

Astrology), which are the basic essential ingredients of creation: the four nuclear forces. When Astrology is in its creative mode that is when the Triplicities go to work on the psyche of the individual. These elements are those dynamic tetrahedral forces that grind up the psyche like fine flower to be molded into whatever shape the spiritual powers deem appropriate.

I would like to end this discussion of the Roman Empire’s influence on the mythoi of Christianity by discussing the Battle of the Milvian Bridge39 where Constantine and Maxentius fought the last battle of the Roman Civil War. Below is the artist Giulio Romano rendition of that battle.

The name CONSTANT-ine and MAX-entius points to the fact that this is all mythology. These events never took place in history. The ancient greatest fear was CHAOS. That in and of itself is a mythological theme as to why esotericism is codified to the ancient literature: ORDER is the Emperor. The word ‘CONSTANT’ in the name CONSTANTINE denotes ORDER; whereas, the word ‘MAX’ in the name MAXENTIUS denotes MAXIMUM: CHAOS. It is interesting that at this time Orthodox Christianity was having its alleged major battles with Gnosticism and Heresy throughout Christendom. It is just all too advantageous and all too coincidental that the Battle of Milvian Bridge is narrated in this manner. For example the battle took on October 28, 312. The year 312 AD happens to be the Gematria equivalent of the twentieth letter: RESH of the Hebrew coder when its letters are reduced to their lowest common denominators: RESH = Resh (200 = 2), Aleph (1) and Shin (300 = 3). Since Jews write from right to left (east to west) the number 213 would read 312: exotericism is diametrically opposite to esotericism. This is important to understand when it is realized that RESH crosses BETH (412) to spell out the first word of GENESIS: BERESHITH. This sphere that the letters BETH and RESH creates by crossing is an image of the known universe. The ‘cross’ that BETH and RESH make in their crossing each other is the Northern Cross pointing to the galactic core. Eusebius of Caesarea recounts that Constantine and his soldiers had a vision of the Christian God promising victory if they daubed the sign of the Chi-Rho, the first two letters of Christ's name in Greek, on their shields.

The Chi Rho40 (/ˈkaɪ ˈroʊ/) is one of the earliest forms of christogram, and is used by some Christians. It is formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters chi and rho (ΧΡ) of the Greek word "ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ" = Christ in such a way to produce the monogram. Although not technically a Christian cross, the Chi-Rho invokes the crucifixion of Jesus, as well as symbolizing his status as the Christ.

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GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


Note how the Chi Rho symbol of the cross looks very much like a glyph showing the six directions, which includes the seventh direction at the center within the sphere. The Zohar says that BERESHITH symbolizes the six directions. When the mathematics is done on that concept the results are amazing.

It cannot be coincidental that the Battle of the Milvian Bridge has all the symbolism derived from the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH, which is interpreted as “In the beginning” and Christianity obviously see the victory of Emperor Constantine as the beginning of a new Christian era.

The Hebrew letter RESH literally means HEAD and it is no coincidence that when Maxentius lost the battle

his head was cut off and put on a pole41 and paraded through the city. It is no coincidence that John the Baptist’s head was cut off (symbolizing the face in the Moon: silver platter: i.e. symbolically head on a pole: RESH crossing BETH: John the Baptist crossing Jesus Christ) seeing he represented the Old Testament and when he was

beheaded Christ came into his own. This same mythological theme is played out symbolically in the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel. I won’t go into it all here seeing I discussed it at length in my book, but the pope is seen symbolically on his knees getting his head mystically lopped off for now he is a representative of Christ: the pope’s ego is gone. In the Sistine Chapel there were originally 32-popes frescoed on the walls. There are now only 28-

popes left; however, that doesn’t negate the other four absent popes; thus, the new pope puts on the mantle and cowl of the papacy and that is why the head is lopped off because the first two and last two popes’ frescos were destroyed to fresco the Last Judgment on the Altar Wall. Interestingly the last pope to be frescoed in the Sistine Chapel was Pope Melchiades: a.k.a. Miltiades 311-314 AD42. In 312 AD Emperor Constantine was victorious on

the Milvian Bridge and in 313 AD the Edict of Milan was signed43. In 314 AD Pope Melchiades died. Within twelve years of the signing of the Edict of Milan the First Council of Nicaea44 is convened

and it is said Emperor Constantine ruled over the council proceedings. Remember that everything that has stood the test of time is CONSTANT; hence, the EMPEROR. It is very much like the old adage, “in the world of the blind the one eye man is king” .

When considering what has been outlined above one has to wonder why the mythoi of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge? Or why write the mythoi regarding the Edict of Milan or why write the mythoi outlining the convening of the Council of Nicaea? If anything these events should have taken place prior to the writings of the Old Testaments. Why put the cart before the horse? The above has illustrated that the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and the historicity of the Nomadic Jews writes the Old and New Testaments both exoterically and esoterically. The mythos of the Old and New Testaments by their own authority tells the reader they were written sometime in the AD era. This is especially true when the mythos of the Second Coming of Christ is codified to the f irst word of Genesis: BERESHITH; where, the letters Tav, Shin, Resh and Qoph: Christ (krst) is on their second t ime around.

There is an esoteric facet that most people overlook in viewing the vista of the historicity of Christianity and that is realizing exactly what the Anno Domini (AD or A.D.) and Before Christ (BC or B.C.)45 Eras represent. Yes, modernity understands that Christ, via the mythoi of the New Testament, was born December 25th 7 BC and died in 27 AD; however, strictly speaking one could interpret Anno Domini (AD or A.D.) and Before Christ (BC or B.C.) as AD being after the death of Christ and BC before the birth of the messiah, which places Christ between the two extremes. From what was culled esoterically out of the sacred scriptures, these concepts of Anno Domini (AD or A.D.) and Before Christ (BC or B.C.) Eras were conceived prior to the alleged BC Era, which leaves the researcher wondering how in the world Gnosticism and Heresy could ever have emerged in the midst of the Christian mythoi. In order for those pseudo Christian sects to have existed it would have been before the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH was penned; however, there are no records to that kind of mythology.

41 Chi Rho: here I see the mythoi deliberately pointing to the sphere of the seven directions outlined by the mythoi of the

first word of Genesis: BERESHITH because in those mathematical calculations RESH is symbolizing the HEAD on a pole. 42 43 44 45

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church



Joseph Campbell says46, “There’s a very interesting statement about the origin of the Grail. One early writer says that the Grail was brought from heaven by the neutral angels. You see, during the war in heaven between God and Satan, between good and evil, some angelic hosts sided with Satan and some with God. The Grail was brought down through the middle by the neutral angels. It represents that spiritual path that is between pairs of opposites, between fear and desire, between good and evil”.

From what has been discussed above about the Holy Grail: i.e. Judaeo Christian Scriptures there are no ambiguities in their interpretive construct and; yet, this is exactly what the mythoi of Christianity’s first 298-years after the death of Christ from 27 AD TO 325 AD. In 325 AD the Council of Nicaea discusses these alleged concepts: i.e. mythoi pertaining to the gospels of the Gnostics and Heretics.

Here is where the concepts of the Anno Domini (AD or A.D.) and Before Christ (BC or B.C.) Eras comes into play. Before Christ (BCE) has to symbolize prior to the writing of the Old Testament and After the Death of Christ (AD), which would have begun after 27 AD.

Taking the year of Christ’s death 27 AD and adding that year to the 298 years = 299; thus, the Nicaea Council would symbolize the tetrahedral forces of creation being that 299 is 19.5 percent of the 1533-verses of the book of Genesis. The Nicaea Council banning Gnosticism and Heresies is analogous to the story of Abram being called out of the land of Ur (Genesis 12:147): Gnosticism and Heresies symbolize Abram.

Extrapolating these 1533 years out from the year of Christ’s death puts the year at 1559 AD: 1533 + 26. January 15, 1559 – Elizabeth I of England is crowned in Westminster Abbey. February 27 – Queen Elizabeth I of England establishes the Church of England, with the Act of Uniformity 1558 and the Act of Supremacy 1559. The Oath of Supremacy is reinstated. August 17 1560 AD – The Roman Church is overthrown and Protestantism is established as the national religion in Scotland.

I won’t go into the all the nefarious activities of Elizabeth I forcing her sister Mary Queen of Scots to abdicate the throne. Years later Elizabeth I would imprison her sister Mary Queen of Scots, putting her on trial and executing her and this happen immediately after the pope excommunicated Elizabeth I. Note that Elizabeth herself was imprisoned for a year for her sympathies towards Protestantism. After she was crown queen she forms the Protestant Church of England, acting out the very crimes she was accused of when her sister Mary Queen of Scots (her mother-in-law, Catherine de' Medici) was in power. Mary Queen of Scots did not put on trial nor execute her sister Elizabeth I. As obvious as that is it does contrast the mentality of a Catholic (Mary) against the baseness of Protestantism (Elizabeth).

46 "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbel l with Bi l l Moyers 47 Genesis 12:1; i s the 300th verse of the bible showing that Abram symbol ized the tetrahedra l forces of creation.

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


The Exodus of England out of the Roman Catholic Church into the Diaspora of absolute Protestantism began at the end of the 1533 years (from the death of Christ) that symbolizes the verse count in the book of Genesis and that is quite fascinating that the stories of England are basically a rewriting of the sacred scriptures. This is rewriting the sacred scriptures into the historicity of England in not a new idea. My larger work on the Sistine Chapel illustrates that Christian arts is continuously a play off of the creation story out of Genesis from the Cross placed in the center of Jerusalem, Constantine’s Saint Peter’s Basilica, Chartres Cathedral and its reconstruction, Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia, the Sistine Chapel, Saint Peter’s Basilica built by Julius II and the writings of the Alchemists of the seventeenth century. If indeed the historicity of humanity is a reworking mythologically of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures the book of Exodus is about a third finished.

Isn’t it extraordinary that the names of these two queens Mary Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I would be analogous to Mary the mother of Christ and Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist? John the Baptist symbolized the teachings of Old Testament and Christ symbolizes the teachings of the New Testament: i.e. Protestantism versus Catholicism. The synchronicity of the numerical data incorporated into the Genesis texts and the historicity of Catholicism and England is just too perfect for their separate numerical data not to be in synch.

England moved into the chaos of Protestantism and that is meant literally. In modernity there are 27,000 sects of Protestantism around the world. Anybody that can read the bible can start of up his or her own Protestant church. Each Protestant can create via his or her own personally theology and dogma in a separate Protestant denomination in which his or her congregation is to pledge allegiance to. Protestantism is diametrically opposed to the standardization of Catholicism’s theology, dogma and traditions. Protestantism in modernity is what constitutes GNOSTICISM and HERESY.

The alleged arguments of Gnosticism and the Heresies had a great deal to do with what books of the bible were mythologically incorporated into Orthodox Christianity. Of course Gnosticism and Heresy had to do with Christian beliefs as to what doctrines and traditions were accepted and/or rejected; however, these mythological traditions of Gnosticism and Heretical views are ideal accounts as to what had to have transpired over the actual mystical period of writings the Judaeo Christian Scriptures; yet, the historicity: i.e. mythoi of Christianity has the cart before the horse insofar as it has Gnosticism and the Heretical arguments after the completion of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. Jesus Christ himself in the New Testament charged Peter, James and John not to tell of their experience s on the mountain until He had risen from the dead. Christ rose from the dead in 27 AD. “1And after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and brought them up into an high mountain apart, 2And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. 3And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him. 4Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. 5While he yet spoke, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. 6And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid. 7And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid. 8And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only. 9And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead. 10And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elijah must first come? 11And Jesus answered and said unto them, Eli jah truly shall first come, and restore all things. 12But I say unto you, that Elijah is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. 13Then the disciples understood that he spoke unto them of John the Baptist (Matthew 17:1-13).” Yet, in the quote on Matthew 7:15 it is learned that “he that is in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John the Baptist.” It is obvious that Christ neither wanted a temple made to Elijah (John

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


the Baptist) nor Moses. This would have created a CHAOS of confusion in the psyche of the initiate. If Moses, John the Baptist (Elijah) and Christ were considered equals in a possibly milieu of three psychic temple Christianity could never have come about. I see Christ edict to Peter, James and John as an extremely wise one because in every sense GNOSTICISM and HERESY are mythologically the contemplative thoughts of the initiate in his own personal journey (studies) in the Dark Wood seeking knowledge of the Holy Grail. Those contemplative thoughts exude every wicked imagination of the psyche. This is not to discount the bright ideas mixed amongst that CHAOS (needles in haystacks). Remember the first day of creation has Elohym (God) dividing the LIGHT from the DARKNESS.

Who would have the time to write all that conflicting nonsense down? Such writings would take the initiate off the path of true spirituality and the conflicting chaotic thoughts would span out into numerous avenues of competing ideas, which the initiate does not have the time to traverse. If one branch off into those Gnostic and Heretical thoughts one can lose his way in the forest and never return to the Grail Castle, which would be similar to the journey that Parzival traversed; however, Parzival did find his way back to the Grail Castle. This is why it is always best to return to the sacred scriptures for refreshment and to esoterically get back on the one true path. It is obvious that John the Baptist (Elijah) symbolized the knowledge of both the exoteric and esoteric texts. The beauty of knowing that is realizing that Christ is not the exoteric and esoteric knowledge of the sacred scriptures combined; rather, Christ is what is mystically exuded from their harmonious interplay, which is a similar idea to water begin produce via oxygen and hydrogen that is why Christ called himself the Water of Life. What about all those other people that John the Baptist baptized? Did they not also become the Son (offspring) of God? Did they not understand the harmonious interplay of exotericism and esotericism of the sacred scriptures? They would have had to have knowledge of esotericism because they were baptized just as Jesus was with the waters that are the sacred scriptures.

It would seem that Catholicism writing the historicity of Western Civilization in synch with the Judaeo Christian Scriptures is mythologically and esoterically explaining that it is the individual living life that writes the sacred scriptures for his own psyche: i.e. the book of life. A great example of building the temple in one’s own psyche is Dante Alighieri’s writing La Divina Commedia. Notice that Dante Alighieri returns and writes about his mystical journey through LA INFERNO, LA PURGATORIO and LA PARADISO after having the vision of the Trinity; however, there are no notes and/or archival records showing his thought process and/or diagrams discussing how he developed his ideas. Dante left no record of how he developed his secret mathematical system esoterically codified to the compositional structure of his work. All that is obtained is the finished product of esoteric documents as we have with La Divina Commedia and the historicity of Western Civilization. It is merely assumed that that so-called history took place. Yes, truly {assume: i.e. ass – u – me}: the word ‘assume’ makes and ass out of you and me.

Above I have this same Kabbalistic Tree of Life image displayed below that will be discussed further; however, here it is shown 90° to its right. Consider its three quaternaries, within this 10 x 10 matrix to symbolically represent the three temples to MOSES, CHRIST and ELIJAH, w hich mythologically they are. Moses the exoteric (ego-consciousness) author of the Pentateuch (mystically the entire Old and New Testaments48) and Elijah is the esoteric (unconscious mind) author of the Pentateuch. Here is unambiguous evidence that it is solely my erroneous thoughts and biases against the Jews, symbolically the materialist, as a whole that caused me to write that no Jew (materialist) never wrote the Old Testament. Having said the above, I ask the reader to look at the central quaternary and notice that these four astrological signs write the sum-total of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. These four astrological

48 Traditionally, any interpretation of the Pentateuch was cons idered the Torah; thus , even the New Testament i s

cons idered the TORAH, which of course i s apropos to our discuss ion.

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


signs are ruled by the Sun Signs of Astrology: Jupiter/Zeus, Mars, Mercury and Venus. Each one of these Sun Signs of Astrology governs a pair of astrological signs and when the central quaternary is contrasted to the first and third quaternaries it is found that the signs of the Zodiac far removed from ego-consciousness (Sun) are Scorpio and Sagittarius, which symbolizes the Water and Fire signs as do Piscis and Aries symbolize the Water and Fire signs. This seems to be symbolically what John the Baptist meant when he said that Christ would baptize with Water and Fire? Notice; also, that A quarius and Capricorn are not allowed into the central quaternary. This I believe is because these two astrological signs symbolize the Sun Sign of Astrology representing Saturn/Cronus symbolizing the Father of Time. The central quaternary has nothing to do with the time/space continuum, which illustrates that Scorpio and Sagittarius are symbolically beyond time and space also and between these two astrological signs is the path to the galactic core. These two signs and what’s between them have everything to do with how the Genesis Creation Story in the first four chapters of Genesis commences. The Sun Sign in the first and central quaternaries governing Taurus and Libra is Venus and the Sun Sign in the first and central quaternaries governing Gemini and Virgo is Mercury, which are Earth and Air signs. Cancer and Leo are Fire and Water signs, which represent the unconscious mind (Moon) and ego-consciousness (Sun) and they symbolize Boaz and Jachin that are the columns that stand at the temple door. The central quaternary is the Holy of Holies: Sanctum Sanctorum and Boaz and Jachin are not allowed into the most sacred space of the temple. John the Baptist, the Pope and any true Christian has to be beheaded, which is symbolically ego-consciousness ignored. This means that only when ego-consciousness (male) recognizes the harmonious relationship with the unconscious mind (female) can the twain enter into the Holy of Holies: Sanctum Sanctorum as the Christ: high priest.

Notice how the astrological signs in the third quaternary are structured in a circular mode going counterclockwise: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. Here I am going by the signs’ numerical order rather than their travels across the night skies equinoctially. The first quaternary has the signs going clockwise: Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra illustrating that the first and third quaternaries symbolize the opposites; in addition, the central quaternary displays the Sign of the Cross that every Roman Catholic signs in prayer. Here it is symbolized by the Roman Catholic touching different parts of his or her body: Piscis (forehead), Aries (chest), Taurus (right arm) and Gemini (left arm).

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


From what has just been discussed above it is easily envisaged how there is in place the creatio

continua in the Catholic Church; whereas, the Catholic Church (central quaternary) is continuously assimilating all that comes from the initiate out of the first and third quaternaries. It matters not what takes place within the heresies that comes from the secular authorities (heresies) nor does it matter what comes from the heavens above (Gnostism). All that exudes from the Creatio Continua has to conform to the Universal Psychic Spiritual Paradigm ad infinitum. I speak here of the temple that the initiate builds within his soul. I am not referring to the Roman Catholic Church ’s outward manifestations of buildings in real time. In a previous online publication of KNOW THYSELF: An Investigation into the Soul and the Psyche49 I discuss Herod’s Temple and the octagon shape Christian Temple that morphs from Solomon’s Temple. This is what is supposed to take place in the soul of the initiate. MEA CULPA, I have previously, for most of my adult life, while researching the Judaeo Christian Scriptures neither psychically nor intellectually recognized Judaism nor its true purpose, other than the Esoteric Science codified into the textual materials, of its storylines. It is now quite obvious to me that Judaism Temple: i.e. Solomon Temple: i.e. MATRIX #2 is the gathering of all the elements exoterically and esoterically that construct the temple from MATRIX #1, which symbolically represents ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. This bringing together the psychic material is the amalgamation of ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. This is symbolically Elijah (John the Baptist) restoring all things in regards to the biblical quote above discussing Matthew 17:1-13. It is from the temple of Solomon that Christianity builds internally, in the Soul, the Christian Temple: i.e. MATRIX #3. In the above mentioned article, KNOW THYSELF, it is illustrated that MATRIX #2 is the coming together of the opposites, which are separated in MATRIX #1. MATRIX #3 is much more complicated insofar as the MATRIX #2 has to be ground into wheat psychically so-to-speak in order to shape its content into whatever spiritual character is required to symbolically transubstantiate into MATRIX #3. Essentially it is the transubstantiation of the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind integrating harmoniously to acquire its soul for the purpose of being BORN AGAIN.

All three of these matrices can take on numerous mythological scenarios and discussions. No one conceptual theme can fully explain anyone of these matrices. For example MATRIX #2 can be seen as the Fallen Angel or the Sons of God having relationship with the daughters of men. MATRIX #3 can be seen as the tiers of wheat growing up next to the chaff and not until the harvest can the wheat be separated from the chaff by the winnowing fan on the threshing floor.

49 https ://

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


MATRIX #1 symbolizes separation of ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind, which basically means that the individual is merely living via natural instincts where basically he or she is controlled by the Animal Envoy. This person has no religious belief system per se other than those provided by the Matriarchal Society: i.e. unconscious mind. In a sense this is how people are presently living in modernity. People live by the spur of the moment, by the seat of their pants. The psyche has lost it soul. No thought is put into this database of knowledge: i.e. MATRIX #1.

MATRIX #2 symbolizes the conscious discourse between ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. This is analogous to oxygen and hydrogen put together to create water: this is the waters that John the Baptist baptized by. This is why the gods of the Old Testament are considered the Waters of Creation: i.e. Yahweh and Elohym because it is their merger that exudes the CHRIST of the New Testament: they point to the Christ.

It is Yahweh that becomes the Spirit of God and Elohym become Mary (aqua: i.e. water) or the Holy Spirit comes down from heaven to impregnate the Virgin Mary who conceives the Christ Child: i.e. this create MATRIX #3.

MATRIX #2 is trying to advance to MATRIX #3. Matrix #2 symbolizes the surface storyline of the scriptural text. Basically MATRIX #2 is prone to regressing to MATRIX #1 or progressing to the state of Christ consciousness that MATRIX #3 symbolizes.

However most of the priesthood and laity get caught up in the mythoi of the mythology and become frozen in the dogma and traditions of their religion, which symbolically freezes the individual into a symbolic sculpture or the individual, believe in his religious literature literally as the historicity of the Human Race. Matrix #2 is no more than linear thought. It is the swaddling cloth that is wrapped around the mummy or the cloth Mary wrapped around the Christ Child. The cloth is a thin strip that goes on endlessly like the texts of the surface texts of the sacred scriptures. This cocoon of swaddling cloth is analogous to the Baptism of Christ.

Swaddling clothes is analogous to the Labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral. The Labyrinth was built in the Romanesque style of architecture; which is basically DARKNESS; whereas, the Gothic style of architecture symbolized LIGHT. The Labyrinth path to the center is analogous to a ribbon symbolizing the soul being driven by the spirit; nonetheless, it symbolizes linear thought or swaddling clothes: singular path to the center. This psychically being frozen into place is seen throughout the New Testament literature and the artwork of Christianity (especially in the Sistine Chapel).

MATRIX #2 symbolizes the amalgamation of linear thought: exoteric and sacred geometry: esoteric.

MATRIX #3 symbolizes the ethereal temple of Christ within the psyche of the initiate. MATRIX #3 is analogous to the conceptual image symbolized by the circle: i.e. cosmology. The esoteric science codified beneath the texts holds the graphic images of sacred geometry. Cosmology is putting CHAOS, LINEAR THOUGHT and ESOTERICISM together into unanimity of purpose harmoniously. MATRIX #3 takes all three matrices and spiritualizes them into a comprehensible whole by obtaining an understanding of all three matrices, which is essentially the same matrix by receiving the vision from God. This is knowledge that cannot be taught to ego-consciousness.

Another way of expressing this idea is through the image of the tetractys. Two interlocking tetrahedrons (MATRIX #2) gyrating bringing forth the tetrahedral forces of creation. Because MATRIX

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


#2 is prone to resting in its statue like pose it rarely gets set into motion. It literally takes a vision of God to get these two interlocking tetrahedrons into motion.

MATRIX #3 is of course the tetrahedral forces in creation activated.


The mythoi of Julius Caesar (Cancer) and Augustus Caesar (Leo) symbolizes the psychic intercourse that the unconscious mind (Moon) has with ego-consciousness (Sun) and this is why the mythoi of the Zodiac/Calendar exudes the idea of the Calendar Year burying the Astrological year just as ego-consciousness buries the unconscious mind. These mythoi illustrate precisely why the Patriarchal Society (masculine) summarily dismisses the Matriarchal Society (feminine). These kinds of mythological scenarios are continuously played out in the various mythologies of the Christian Mythoi. In the archeological site of Gobekli Tepe we see the site is deliberately buried just as the symbols and alphanumeric structure of the letters that write the sacred scriptures are buried beneath a sea of words detailing the mythoi of the culture. Is this not the same as the crab burying its young in the sand as it flee back into the ocean? Or should we not call it Cancer burying the Sun or is that not the total eclipse of the sun, which is what the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH is all about and it is, for all intent and purpose, what the second chapter of Genesis is all about.

In the third day of creation we find that the waters came onto one place and the dry land appeared. That which was hidden is revealed. This is why the sands of the desert are analogous to the ocean waters. The desert has oases and the oceans have islands. I mentioned this because Andrew Collins found the Cave of the Birds50 beneath the sands of the Giza Plateau, which is in direct alighment to the second of the large pyramids. Now read the fifth day of creation where the birds fly out of the

50 -Egypts -Greatest-


GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


waters of the sea to live upon the earth. Symbolically the pyramids symbolized Egyptian legend of the creation mound that rose out of the waters of creation. In every respect the Genesis Creation Story is the same as the mythoi on the Giza Plateau. Ask yourself why the birds were mummified beneath the sands of the desert. It is because the birds symbolize human beings wrapped in swaddling cloth (cocoon) of their own making ready to break out of their confinement to preen their wings to soar into the heavens. I don’t doubt that the caves go right on to the second pyramid and then have caves branching off to the Great Pyramid and the smallest pyramid. The second pyramid would symbolize Solomon’s Temple and the Great Pyramid would symbolize Catholicism, which is a temple that can never be finished. To say that you have completed your internal Temple of God is to say that you can define God and that, for all intent and purpose, is impossible. Thi s is why there is no capstone topping the Great Pyramid.

Look at the three chambers of the Great Pyramids. The King’s Chamber is made up of exactly 100-granite stone: i.e. 10 x 10-matrix; however, it shafts point to Orion (2) and Draco (9); whereas, the Queen Chamber had no exposed shafts as does the King’s Chambers. It took an archeologist two centuries ago to tap out the possible locations of the Queen Chambers’ shafts and those shafts point to Sirius (3) and Ursa Minor (4), which points to splitting of the matrix into ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. This scenario shines a light on the Kundalini Serpent insofar as 7 / 2 = 3½. The Subterranean Chamber points to the Grail Stone because the cave is unfinished as is the Well of Souls beneath the Dome of the Rock51. Symbolically that rock is the Holy Grail, which is the same as the rock beneath Saint Peter’s Basilica (bones of Peter). When Peter answered Christ’s question as to who he was, Peter answering ‘the Christ’ sets himself up as the Christ as all Christians are Christ. This is why Jesus said upon this rock (Christ: i.e. Grail Stone) I will build My Church.


GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


We as human being wonder why children at birth act like animals and the answer is that they are not train to bring ORDER out of CHAOS. A child is continuously screaming and grasping for comfort. A child is continuously taking in things that are not good for it and this educates the mind towards those things that give it pleasure and; yet, are very dangerous to life’s journey. No one in society has any idea as to what life is all about and; thus, through time immemorial nothing truly changes. As pointed out with the Judaeo Christian Scriptures the Universal Spiritual Paradigm does not change and it is only through the meditation exercises on Gnosticism and Heresies that are considered interpretations of the sacred scriptures that change can take place; however, that is a long and arduous journey that few would dare to traverse. It is only through sincerity of thought that one illustrates to the higher spiritual powers one true intention of purpose and it is only by this means that the individual can receive the spiritual vision, which is Christ that opens up the ears and eyes of the spiritually minded; however, the journey still has to be traversed. The search for knowledge of God is endless. In my above commentary on the Egyptian, Greek and Roman mysteries amalgamating them all into the same moment in time in synch with the Hebrew historicity I have shown that none of the surface texts corresponded to the esoteric commentaries and therefore none of the so-called history can be valid evidence of historical events. This takes the time/space continuum out of the interpretation of the sacred scriptures. In addition my continuous commentary on the AD era to the present time in relationship to Gnosticism and Heresy is further evidence that these events are not historical. This commentary continued to the dawn of the Protestant age and up to the present time. One imagines that living in the NOW is one’s own life; however, the instant the moment passes it goes into the ethers and can only be preserved in the mythoi of literature. Even audio or film cannot record history simply because there is no way of preserving the thought process of conversations on audio tapes and/or activities on film. That is where history truly lies, in the mediation thoughts that create the conversation and or activities.

GNOSTICISM AND HERESY: Proportional to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church


I will end by telling you things I have observed, which I have written about previously. In the American Civil War I can show two instances of so-called history being esoterically structured. The seat of government of the United States of America is actually set in a 10 x 10 square city (100-miles) that is documented in the United States Constitution: Article 8, Section 1, which is analogous to the MATRIX above. Even the Oval Office of the President of the United States is set in the shape of the Vesica Piscis: Matrix #2. There are people out in the world that know this esoteric science: i.e. Masonic Order in one of those institutions for their House of the Temple is built in the form of the 10 x 10 matrix. These modern esoteric additions incorporated into the societal mores of the American culture should have a lot to say to the psyches of initiates on their spiritual journey.

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