gnoll primary school 5th january, 2021...

Post on 16-Feb-2021






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  • Wellfield Avenue, Neath, SA11 1AQ 01639 642938

    Gnoll Primary School

    5th January, 2021 Newsletter

    Dear Parent, Carer or Guardian,

    Happy New Year to you all. I sincerely hope that you all had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas, albeit under very strange circumstances.

    Can I apologise for all the changes in our daily operations and procedures here at Gnoll Primary for this Spring Term. I fully understand and appreciate the difficulty in keeping abreast with all of the changes and time needed to reorganise your plans for education, home learning and childcare. As a school we aim to filter the material provided to us and share the relevant information in a timely and concise manner. (Letter from Welsh Government on school website)

    News broke late last night that all schools in Wales were to close for face to face teaching until the earliest Monday 18th January.

    Therefore, I am writing to try and explain how we plan to support you and your children during this period. I appreciate that that the constant changes you are notified of are unsettling to everyone and I hope this letter addresses any questions or concerns you may have.

    Message I wrote back in my newsletter last April 2020.

    We are now one week in to our summer term and over the past week I have been busy trying to think of the best way to communicate and work with you better. Today we are launching a new flexible learning area on our school website. A new web area has been created and can be found on the school website - "Gnoll Flexible Learning Area". We have called this flexible learning and the aim is to continue to support the learning whether online or not. If you have any problems getting online to find it, or don’t have the right device for your child, please let us know and we will try and help. We will continue to communicate with you as parents during this time via text message, Twitter and the Gnoll Primary School website.

    On this website we have tried to provide the information you need in order for you to understand the approach we are taking and the expectations we have for your distance learning. Of course we may need to adapt things as we go along. The aim of this area is to support you and your children during this time. We have tried to give you an area where you can find relevant information and support rather than trawling the internet looking for information. There is so much out there which can lead to confusion and/or raised anxiety and concern. There are specific pages on information, wellbeing and learning which will offer the relevant support. I hope this will be useful and I would welcome your feedback or ideas of what is needed on here. The staff have also been busy this past week, creating new learning opportunities and phoning all of their class children. I have been really pleased with the positive feedback given by all and thank you for your continued support.

    Remote or Flexible Learning Opportunities:

    Since the first lockdown, we as a school have tried to establish worthwhile opportunities for Remote Learning and we have continually tried to evolve and better the experiences. Recently we delivered “Live” lessons which had a positive impact with the families that engaged. The interaction with families was very positive indeed. As a result we will continue with these for the next few weeks. There is an expectation that all children will access the learning whether remotely or through the school learning Hub. The Hubs will have a greater emphasis on learning this time around.

    After the last lockdown we saw standards in some areas dipping and we have spent much of the Autumn Term playing catch up with some of our children. The aim this time is to remain focused on the learning opportunities offered. As a result we are adapting our practice and trying to make the learning opportunities engaging and easier

  • Wellfield Avenue, Neath, SA11 1AQ 01639 642938

    for you to manage at home. I too am a parent and these activities can be quite daunting and challenging at times. Often my children were sent out to the garden to have some time out!

    I also appreciate that this is not the same as face to face teaching and this will also not have the same results . However, with your help and our support we can give it a real good go. This will also help in keeping your child/children motivated, engaged with their friends and applying their understanding through Teams/Zoom with school staff and access to digital platforms such as Hwb where you can access TTBlast and Spellblast and Oxford Owl Reading. All pupils have had experience of using these applications and from working this way via Hwb. We will provide you with explanations on how to access them. We will also keep open lines of communication throughout the school day to support you. Class teacher will be in touch daily providing online and live sessions, tasks and providing feedback on pupil’s work. Staff will also be available online via email to answer any questions you may have and aim to reply as soon as possible.

    During the last lockdown and from feedback from families, many of you were unable to participate due to the lack of digital equipment or not enough devices for everyone to use. We were successful in supporting around 54 families and those devices are still in those homes. I’ve also been made aware (through You Tube) that some pupils have been able to access the remote learning via their Xbox/PlayStation. This again is something that may help with home access and if you are sharing your device with your child/children. If you are in this situation please contact the school and we will do our utmost to try and support you.

    Key worker Families in need of a place at school

    If you are a KEY WORKER (NHS, police, fire/rescue, ambulance, military staff, teacher, school worker, social service staff, catering/ front line council staff) and there is not a suitable carer at home to look after your child, we have provision here at Gnoll Primary as Learning Hub. We are very proud to support our parents who are working in these vital roles and it is a privilege to support you and your children. For further information and to book places (if absolutely essential), please follow the following link: Gnoll Primary Hub access. Please complete the following questionnaire by 9:30am on Friday 8th January.

    As a childcare setting, we will...

    Offer breakfast club between 8.15am and 8.30am. Please use the back entrance to school to access the school hall.

    Open our Learning Hubs at 8.50am and close at 3.20pm. Drop off and pick up will be as normal at the same doors as before Christmas. Please adhere to the school procedures of last term.

    We request that all children wrap up warm and wear our school uniform.

    Create new childcare bubbles. o Year 5, Year 5/6, Year 6 Classes – Upper Key Stage 2 Learning Hub (UKS2LH) o Year 4, Year 3Sm, Year 3JJ – Lower Key Stage 2 Learning Hub (LKS2LH) o Year 2, Year 1/ 2, Year 1 – Upper Foundation Phase Learning Hub (UFPLH) o Rec & Year 1NJ, ReceptionSC & Nursery classes – Lower Foundation Phase Learning Hub (LFPLH) o Rainbow Rooms Learning Hub (RRLH)

    Where possible the children and staff will be consistent within these bubbles. However, we cannot guarantee how many children will attend or from what friendship, age or gender groups.

    Provide halfl day childcare for our nursery pupils. Provide daily hot meals. Please purchase through ParentPay. Provide free daily hot meals for our FSM families.

    As a school we will…

    Deliver daily Live sessions for each class.

    Share on School website (Flexible Learning Area) weekly home learning activities for all pupils.

    Provide a weekly BACS payment for the FSM families who do not attend the childcare.

    Keep in contact with our families via school website, text, twitter feeds, emails via HWB and / or phone calls.

  • Wellfield Avenue, Neath, SA11 1AQ 01639 642938

    Dates for the diary:

    Below are lists of important dates for your diaries.

    Monday 4th January 2021 - Buffer Day for School (No Children)

    Tuesday 5th January 2021 - Buffer Day for School (No Children)

    Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th January – School open to keyworker and Vulnerable families only

    Monday 18th January - Reopening of school to all pupils.

    15th – 19th February 2021 - Half Term Week

    26th March 2021 - Last Day of Spring Term

    12th April 2021 - First Day of Summer Term

    31st May - 4th June 2021 - Half Term Week

    16th July 2021 - Last Day of School Year

    2nd September 2021 - Start of new school Year.

    NB dates will be added to this list as and when they are organised.

    Once again, these continue to be difficult times for us all, together we are making a difference and keeping everyone safe and secure. We are all finding this time very challenging but I have been quite blown away by how well you have adapted and also how resilient you all have been. The staff are also adapting to the way we are working whether as childcare officers or distance learning facilitators. I can assure you that none of us ever received training in this way of working and it is all new to us too. One which is taxing us at times. We will continue to support you as best we can and the communication is so critical to us all. I look forward to see the work which is being shared with the staff and hopefully we will find a way to share this with each other. If you would like to discuss anything on these matters please contact the school office. Here’s to a healthy and stable New Year and 2021. Diolch o galon pawb.

    Rhys Harris


    School Email: School Website: Twitter: @GnollPrimary

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