gnipst bulletin 33.1

Post on 28-May-2017






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4th April , 2014 Volume No.: 33 Issue No.: 01

Contents • Message from GNIPST • Letter to the Editor • News Update • Health awareness • Disease Outbreak News • Forth Coming Events • Drugs Update • Campus News • Student’s Section • Editor’s Note • Archive •





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GNIPST BULLETIN is the official publication of Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology. All the members of GNIPST are proud to publish the 33rd Volume of “GNIPST BULLETIN”. Over the last three years this bulletin updating readers with different scientific, cultural or sports activities of this prestigious institute and promoting knowledge of recent development in Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences. Student’s section is informing readers about some curious facts of drug discovery, science, sports and other relevant fields. We look forward to seeing your submission and welcome comments and ideas you may have.


Depression May Be Linked to Heart Failure (4th April,


Depression may increase the risk of heart failure, a new study suggests. Researchers looked at nearly 63,000 people in Norway who underwent physical and mental health assessments. Over 11 years, close to 1,500 of the participants developed heart failure. Compared to people with no symptoms of depression, those with mild symptoms were 5 percent more likely to develop heart failure, and those with moderate to severe symptoms had a 40 percent increased risk.

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Light-activated neurons from stem cells restore function to paralyzed muscles (4th April, 2014)



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A new way to artificially control muscles using light, with the potential to restore function to muscles paralyzed by conditions such as motor neuron disease and spinal cord injury, has been developed by scientists at UCL and King's College London. The technique involves transplanting specially-designed motor neurons created from stem cells into injured nerve branches. These motor neurons are designed to react to pulses of blue light, allowing scientists to fine-tune muscle control by adjusting the intensity, duration and frequency of the light pulses.

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Insomnia may significantly increase stroke risk

(4th April, 2014) Insomnia, may significantly increase your risk of stroke and subsequent stroke hospitalizations. The risk was highest -- up to eight times -- among insomniacs 18-34 years old in a recent study. The risk also seems to be far greater when insomnia occurs as a young adult compared to those who are older, said researchers. For detail mail to editor

Teens' Screen Time May Affect Their Bone Health (4th April, 2014)

Spending too much time sitting in front of screens may be linked to poorer bone health in teen boys, according to a new study from Norway. It included 484 boys and 463 girls, aged 15 to 18, who underwent bone mineral density tests. They were asked about lifestyle habits, including how much time they spent in front of the television or computer on weekends, and their levels of physical



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activity. Boys had higher levels of screen time than girls, the researchers found. And the more time boys spent in front of a computer and the TV, the lower their bone mineral density

throughout the body. For detail mail to editor

Combining cell replication blocker with common cancer drug kills resistant tumor cells (4th April, 2014)

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI), a partner with UPMC Cancer Centre, have found that an agent that inhibits mitochondrial division can overcome tumor cell resistance to a commonly used cancer drug, and that the combination of the two induces rapid and synergistic cell death. Separately, neither had an effect. The researchers blocked Drp1 in breast cancer cell lines with an agent called mitochondrial division inhibitor-1 (mdivi-1) and found that when mdivi-1 and the cancer drug cisplatin were given together, they caused DNA damage, DNA replication stress, and greater than expected apoptosis rates. The synergistic drug combination acted through two independent biochemical pathways that caused the mitochondrial membrane to swell, increasing its permeability and allowing the leak of chemical signals that trigger apoptosis. For detail mail to editor

Diabetes Tied to Higher Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

(4th April, 2014) People with diabetes have double the risk of pancreatic cancer compared to people who don't have diabetes, according to a new analysis of 88 previous studies.Diabetes has been considered a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, but what's not clear is which condition comes first. This new analysis suggests that at least for some people, pancreatic cancer might be responsible for diabetes. For detail mail to editor



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Ebola Virus Disease

The Ebola virus causes Ebola virus disease (EVD) in humans, with a case fatality rate of up to 90%.

Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.

Genus Ebolavirus is 1 of 3 members of the Filoviridae family (filovirus), along with genus Marburgvirus and genus Cuevavirus. Genus Ebolavirus comprises 5 distinct species:

• Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BDBV) • Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV) • Reston ebolavirus (RESTV) • Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV) • Taï Forest ebolavirus (TAFV).

BDBV, EBOV, and SUDV have been associated with large EVD outbreaks in Africa, whereas RESTV and TAFV have not. The RESTV species, found in Philippines and the People’s Republic of China, can infect humans, but no illness or death in humans from this species has been reported to date.



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Ebola is introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals. In Africa, infection has been documented through the handling of infected chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines found ill or dead or in the rainforest.

Ebola then spreads in the community through human-to-human transmission, with infection resulting from direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and indirect contact with environments contaminated with such fluids. Burial ceremonies in which mourners have direct contact with the body of the deceased person can also play a role in the transmission of Ebola. Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through their semen for up to 7 weeks after recovery from illness.

Health-care workers have frequently been infected while treating patients with suspected or confirmed EVD. This has occurred through close contact with patients when infection control precautions are not strictly practiced.

Among workers in contact with monkeys or pigs infected with Reston ebolavirus, several infections have been documented in people who were clinically asymptomatic. Thus, RESTV appears less capable of causing disease in humans than other Ebola species.

However, the only available evidence available comes from healthy adult males. It would be premature to extrapolate the health effects of the virus to all population groups, such as immuno-compromised persons, persons with underlying medical conditions, pregnant women and children. More studies of RESTV are needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn about the pathogenicity and virulence of this virus in humans.



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Signs and symptoms

EVD is a severe acute viral illness often characterized by the sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function, and in some cases, both internal and external bleeding. Laboratory findings include low white blood cell and platelet counts and elevated liver enzymes.

People are infectious as long as their blood and secretions contain the virus. Ebola virus was isolated from semen 61 days after onset of illness in a man who was infected in a laboratory.

The incubation period, that is, the time interval from infection with the virus to onset of symptoms, is 2 to 21 days.


Other diseases that should be ruled out before a diagnosis of EVD can be made include: malaria, typhoid fever, shigellosis, cholera, leptospirosis, plague, rickettsiosis, relapsing fever, meningitis, hepatitis and other viral haemorrhagic fevers.

Ebola virus infections can be diagnosed definitively in a laboratory through several types of tests:

• enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) • antigen detection tests • serum neutralization test • reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay • virus isolation by cell culture.

Samples from patients are an extreme biohazard risk; testing should be conducted under maximum biological containment conditions.



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Prevention and treatment

No vaccine for EVD is available. Several vaccines are being tested, but none are available for clinical use.

Severely ill patients require intensive supportive care. Patients are frequently dehydrated and require oral rehydration with solutions containing electrolytes or intravenous fluids.

No specific treatment is available. New drug therapies are being evaluated.

Natural host of Ebola virus

In Africa, fruit bats, particularly species of the genera Hypsignathus monstrosus, Epomops franqueti and Myonycteris torquata, are considered possible natural hosts for Ebola virus. As a result, the geographic distribution of Ebolaviruses may overlap with the range of the fruit bats.

Ebola virus in animals

Although non-human primates have been a source of infection for humans, they are not thought to be the reservoir but rather an accidental host like human beings. Since 1994, Ebola outbreaks from the EBOV and TAFV species have been observed in chimpanzees and gorillas.

RESTV has caused severe EVD outbreaks in macaque monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) farmed in Philippines and detected in monkeys imported into the USA in 1989, 1990 and 1996, and in monkeys imported to Italy from Philippines in 1992.

Since 2008, RESTV viruses have been detected during several outbreaks of a deadly disease in pigs in Philippines and China. Asymptomatic infection in pigs has been reported and experimental inoculations have shown that RESTV cannot cause disease in pigs.



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Controlling Ebola Reston in domestic animals

No animal vaccine against RESTV is available. Routine cleaning and disinfection of pig or monkey farms (with sodium hypochlorite or other detergents) should be effective in inactivating the virus.

If an outbreak is suspected, the premises should be quarantined immediately. Culling of infected animals, with close supervision of burial or incineration of carcasses, may be necessary to reduce the risk of animal-to-human transmission. Restricting or banning the movement of animals from infected farms to other areas can reduce the spread of the disease.

As RESTV outbreaks in pigs and monkeys have preceded human infections, the establishment of an active animal health surveillance system to detect new cases is essential in providing early warning for veterinary and human public health authorities.

Reducing the risk of Ebola infection in people

In the absence of effective treatment and a human vaccine, raising awareness of the risk factors for Ebola infection and the protective measures individuals can take is the only way to reduce human infection and death.

In Africa, during EVD outbreaks, educational public health messages for risk reduction should focus on several factors:

• Reducing the risk of wildlife-to-human transmission from contact with infected fruit bats or monkeys/apes and the consumption of their raw meat. Animals should be handled with gloves and other appropriate protective clothing. Animal products (blood and meat) should be thoroughly cooked before consumption.

• Reducing the risk of human-to-human transmission in the community arising from direct or close contact with infected patients,



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particularly with their bodily fluids. Close physical contact with Ebola patients should be avoided. Gloves and appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn when taking care of ill patients at home. Regular hand washing is required after visiting patients in hospital, as well as after taking care of patients at home.

• Communities affected by Ebola should inform the population about the nature of the disease and about outbreak containment measures, including burial of the dead. People who have died from Ebola should be promptly and safely buried.

Pig farms in Africa can play a role in the amplification of infection because of the presence of fruit bats on these farms. Appropriate biosecurity measures should be in place to limit transmission. For RESTV, educational public health messages should focus on reducing the risk of pig-to-human transmission as a result of unsafe animal husbandry and slaughtering practices, and unsafe consumption of fresh blood, raw milk or animal tissue. Gloves and other appropriate protective clothing should be worn when handling sick animals or their tissues and when slaughtering animals. In regions where RESTV has been reported in pigs, all animal products (blood, meat and milk) should be thoroughly cooked before eating.

Controlling infection in health-care settings

Human-to-human transmission of the Ebola virus is primarily associated with direct or indirect contact with blood and body fluids. Transmission to health-care workers has been reported when appropriate infection control measures have not been observed.

It is not always possible to identify patients with EBV early because initial symptoms may be non-specific. For this reason, it is important that health-care workers apply standard precautions consistently with all patients – regardless of their diagnosis – in all work practices at all times. These include basic hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, the use of personal protective equipment (according to the risk of



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splashes or other contact with infected materials), safe injection practices and safe burial practices.

Health-care workers caring for patients with suspected or confirmed Ebola virus should apply, in addition to standard precautions, other infection control measures to avoid any exposure to the patient’s blood and body fluids and direct unprotected contact with the possibly contaminated environment. When in close contact (within 1 metre) of patients with EBV, health-care workers should wear face protection (a face shield or a medical mask and goggles), a clean, non-sterile long-sleeved gown, and gloves (sterile gloves for some procedures).

Laboratory workers are also at risk. Samples taken from suspected human and animal Ebola cases for diagnosis should be handled by trained staff and processed in suitably equipped laboratories.


Human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus (4th April, 2014)

National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) of China notified WHO of two additional laboratory-confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus. Read more



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FORTHCOMING EVENTS World Health Day: 7th April,2014


FDA allows marketing for first-of-kind dressing to control bleeding from certain battlefield wounds (3rd April, 2014)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration allowed marketing of an expandable, multi-sponge wound dressing to control the bleeding from certain types of wounds received in battle. For military use only, the XSTAT is a temporary dressing for wounds in areas that a tourniquet cannot be placed, such as the groin or armpit. The dressing can be used up to four hours, which could allow time for the patient to receive surgical care. Read more


Reminiscence, 2014(GNIPST Reunion) was held in College campus on 2nd February,2014.

1st Annual Sports of GNIPST was held on 3rd February,2014 in College campus ground.

An industrial tour and biodiversity tour was conducted in Sikkim for B.Pharm and B.Sc. students under the supervision of Mr. Asis Bala, Ms. Jeentara Begum and Ms. Moumita Chowdhury.



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B.Pharm 3rd year won the GNIPST Football Champions trophy, 2013. B.Pharm 3rd year won the final match 1-0 against B.Pharm 2nd year. Deep Chakraborty was the only scorer of the final.

Students of GNIPST organized pre puja celebration programme, ‘Saaranya’ on 7th October, 2013 in college Auditorium.

GNIPST organized a garment distribution programme on 28th September, 2013 at Dakshineswar Kali Temple and Adyapith, Kolkata. On this remarkable event about hundred people have received garments. More than hundred students and most of the faculties participated on that day with lot of enthusiasm.

GNIPST celebrated World Heart Day (29th September) and Pharmacist’s Day (25th September) on 25th and 26th September, 2013 in GNIPST Auditorium. A seminar on ‘Violence against woman’ and ‘female foeticide’ was held on GNIPST Auditorium on 25th September organized by JABALA Action Research Organization. On 26th September an intra-college Oral and Poster presentation competition related to World Pharmacist’s day and Heart day was held in GNIPST. Ms. Purbali Chakraborty of B.Pharm 4th year won the first prize in Oral Presentation. The winner of Poster presentation was the group of Ms. Utsa Sinha, Mr. Koushik Saha and Mr. Niladri Banerjee (B.Pharm 4th year). A good number of students have participated in both the competition with their valuable views.



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In 1998 who developed a low cost cardiac stent along with Dr. Soma Raju?

Who won the Able prize in 2014?

Answer of Previous Issue’s Questions:

A) Bay of Bengal B)Liverpool FC

Identify the person

Answer of Previous Issue’s Image: Vikram Sarabhai, the father of Indian Space


Send your thoughts/ Quiz/Puzzles/games/write-ups or any other contributions for Students’ Section& answers of this Section at



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I am proud to publish the 1st issue of 33rd Volume of GNIPST BULLETIN. GNIPST BULLETIN now connected globally through facebook account ‘GNIPST bulletin’

I want to convey my thanks to all the GNIPST members and the readers for their valuable comments, encouragement and supports.

I am thankful to Dr. Abhijit Sengupta, Director of GNIPST for his valuable advice and encouragement. Special thanks to Dr. Prerona Saha and Mr. Debabrata Ghosh Dastidar for their kind co-operation and technical supports. An important part of the improvement of the bulletin is the contribution of the readers. You are invited to send in your write ups, notes, critiques or any kind of contribution for the forthcoming special and regular issue.


Teacher’s day was celebrated on 5th September, 2013 by the students of GNIPST in GNIPST Auditorium.

Azalea (exotic flower ) , the fresher welcome programme for newcomers of GNIPST in the session 2013-14 was held on 8th August in GNIPST Auditorium.

One day seminar cum teachers’ development programme for school teachers on the theme of “Recent Trends of Life Sciences in Higher Education” organized by GNIPST held on 29th June, 2013 at GNIPST auditorium. The programme was inaugurated by Prof . Asit Guha, Director of JIS Group, Mr. U.S. Mukherjee, Dy Director of JIS Group and Dr. Abhijit Sengupta, Director cum



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Principal of GNIPST with lamp lighting. The programme started with an opening song performed by the B.Pharm students of this institute. The seminar consists of a series of lectures, video presentations and poster session. On the pre lunch session 4 lectures were given by Dr. Lopamudra Dutta, Mr. Debabrata Ghosh Dastidar, Ms. Swati Nandy and Ms. Tamalika Chakraborty respectively. On their presentation the speakers enlighten the recent development of Pharmacy, Genetics and Microbiology and their correlation with Life Sciences. On the post lunch session, Ms. Saini Setua and Ms. Sanchari Bhattacharjee explained the recent development and career opportunities in Biotechnology and Hospital Management. The programme was concluded with valedictory session and certificate distribution. About 50 Higher secondary school teachers from different schools of Kolkata and North& South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal participated in this programme. A good interactive session between participants and speakers was observed in the seminar. The seminar was a great success with the effort of faculties, staffs and students of our Institute. It was a unique discussion platform for school teachers and professional of the emerging and newer branches of Life Science.

The general body meeting of APTI, Bengal Branch has been conducted at GNIPST on 15th June, 2012. The program started with a nice presentation by Dr. Pulok Kr. Mukherjee, School of Natural Products, JU on the skill to write a good manuscript for publication in impact journals. It was followed by nearly two hour long discussion among more than thirty participants on different aspects of pharmacy education. Five nonmember participants applied for membership on that very day.



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GNIPST is now approved by AICTE and affiliated to WBUT for conducting the two years’ post graduate course (M.Pharm) in PHARMACOLOGY. The approved number of seat is 18.

The number of seats in B.Pharm. has been increased from 60 to 120.

AICTE has sanctioned a release of grant under Research Promotion Scheme (RPS) during the financial year 2012-13to GNIPST as per the details below: a. Beneficiary Institution: Guru Nanak Institution of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology. b. Principal Investigator: Dr. LopamudraDutta.

c. Grant-in-aid sanctioned:Rs. 16,25000/- only

d. Approved duration: 3 years

e. Title of the project: Screening and identification of potential medicinal plant of Purulia & Bankura districts of West Bengal with respect to diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism, Jaundice, hypertension and developing biotechnological tools for enhancing bioactive molecules in these plants.


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