glowinkowski solutions booklet

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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1Glowinkowski Solutions

Glowinkowski Solutions

©2011 Glowinkowski™ International Limited


Glowinkowski International


Table of Contents


Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................3

Understanding more about your personality, and how it impacts on your role ...............................................4

“Who am I and what do I want to do?” ..............................................................................................................5

What’s our team purpose and what are we here to do? ....................................................................................6

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step ....................................................................................7

Glowinkowski Solutions - V1.2

©2011 Glowinkowski™ International Limited. All rights reserved.Glowinkowski International, Ltd.

5 St Peter’s Court, Middleborough, Colchester, Essex, CO1

©2011 Glowinkowski™ International Limited

Glowinkowski Solutions



Glowinkowski International drives up organisational performance through leadership development and behaviour coaching. Our coaching and consultancy delivers sustainable behaviour change resulting in quality leadership and high performance. We train and accredit individuals and organisations to use our tools and approaches, helping maximise the return on investment of the work we conduct. Our work is ‘valid and practical’; it is underpinned by rigorous research and is delivered by consultants who have been leaders in their own right, including those who have extensive experience of the educational sector.

Our work is pivoted on the precept of Model, Measure and iMplement. Our core model is called the Integrated Framework, which is shown below.

The framework positions the idea of Organisational Climate as the critical driver of performance. Climate is defined as ‘what it feels like to work here’. A highly positive Climate means that all individuals within an organisation understand what it is trying to achieve and how they contribute to this overarching ambition. Also, they feel challenged to apply their skills to effect change and apply discretionary effort to make decisions within a meritocracy. They feel a sense of pride and commitment towards the organisation’s goals; in short, they are engaged and self-motivated to succeed.

Our work has shown that all things being equal, such a positive Climate differentiates outstanding from average organisations, including Universities. In addition, where we support an organisation to enhance its Climate, we observe substantial improvements across a wide range of performance outcomes, whatever they are and however they are measured.

The Integrated Framework describes Organisational Climate as being driven by three critical ‘change levers’, which concern the effectiveness of the organisational structure or design, i.e. how well assembled is the enterprise, the quality of leadership behaviour, particularly at the senior team level, and, finally, the efficiency by which vital processes such as planning, communication, decision making and development are managed.

Based upon a quarter of a century of research and practical consultancy application, we describe these three factors as the ‘leadership dynamic’, which sets the ‘atmosphere’ (Climate), required for sustainable, superior performance. From our work with Universities we have enabled senior leaders and their teams to develop strategies for organisational improvement and to engage in leadership behaviours that underpin improved Climate and superior performance.



Critical SuccessFactors

Predispositions& Motivations



OrganisationalStructure Behaviours

Critical SuccessFactors

Critical SuccessFactors

Integrated Framework™

©2011 Glowinkowski™ International Limited


Glowinkowski International

Glowinkowski Predisposition Indicator (GPI™) and Glowinkowski Motivation Indicator (GMI)

Understanding more about your personality and how it impacts on your role

What are they?

• Do you find it easy to generate creative ideas and solve difficult problems?

• Do you find it easy to work to targets and deliver to deadlines?

• Do you find it comfortable to engage with other people and win their support?

• What aspects of your job give you pleasure and enjoyment?

The GPI™ and GMI have been developed over the last 12 years and have high statistical reliability and validity. Fundamentally, they will help you understand crucial attributes of your personality. In so doing, you will be better placed to build on your natural strengths and identify development needs.

How do they Work?

Predispositions are defined as reflecting the nature of ‘who we are’ and how we prefer to operate.

Over your life-time, your Predispositions are relatively stable. Your attitudes and beliefs are more fluid. Predispositions are different to how you actually behave. To learn to behave effectively in the varied situations in which you work you need to understand your underlying personality. GPI™ and GMI do this. In other words, you can learn to ‘behave out of character’ with enormous effectiveness and far less stress.

GPI™ examines three main areas of your personality, namely:

• How you prefer to approach solving problems and completing tasks.

• How often you prefer to engage with people and what you expect to gain from these interactions

• How you feel about yourself and manage your own emotions

Additional data is provided that helps you to understand how you prefer to learn and your approach to communicating the ideas you have, whether the ideas you generate concern improving what may already exist or something entirely new.

GPI™ data can be generated for individuals or for groups, e.g. the University’s senior management team. This group data is incredibly useful in helping a team to understand what each member brings to the table. This awareness helps a team to gel and communicate with each other far more effectively.

The GMI provides information about what you enjoy doing in the work environment. Among an exploration of six areas of motivation, GMI helps you to appreciate the comparative extent to which you enjoy being a manager, being liked by others, being respected for your knowledge and expertise.

What Do I Do?

You need to complete two electronic questionnaires and participate in a feedback session conducted by an accredited Glowinkowski consultant, which may be just you or you and your colleagues. This feedback can support you in a range of situations. For instance, when managing recruitment or, indeed, entering a recruitment process yourself; when reviewing your potential or that of your team; when identifying your own or your team’s development needs.

©2011 Glowinkowski™ International Limited

Glowinkowski Solutions


“Who am I and what do I want to do?”

What is it?

• Do the young people with whom you work find it easy to generate creative ideas and solve difficult problems?

• Do they find it easy to work to targets and deliver to deadlines?

• Do they find it comfortable to engage with other people and communicate their ideas?

• How energised are they about their aims and how they will achieve them?

Proprietary research conducted by Glowinkowski International coupled with assimilation of external, public domain research demonstrates that attributes of personality are established relatively early in life and remain quite stable thereafter. Making informed choices during University studies about the future is really important yet, currently, help is not well provided in the market-place. To close this gap, Glowinkowski International has developed GPi2™. This is an easily accessible assessment tool for young people from mid-teens through to early twenties.

How does it Work?

Predispositions are defined as reflecting the nature of ‘who we are’ and how we prefer to operate.

Over one’s life-time, Predispositions are relatively stable; they have more or less formed by adolescent years. One’s attitudes and beliefs are more fluid. Predispositions are different from how people actually behave and throughout life individuals are often expected to behave ‘out of character’. To learn to behave effectively in the many and varied situations a young

person will encounter and experience during the years ahead of them, gaining understanding of their underlying personality is enormously helpful, indeed we would say absolutely crucial. GPi2™ does this. In other words, by knowing ‘who you are’, young people can begin to learn to ‘behave out of character’ with enormous effectiveness and far less stress.

GPi2™ examines three main areas of your personality, namely:

• How you prefer to approach solving problems and completing tasks.

• How often you prefer to engage with people and what you expect to gain from these interactions

• Your underlying drive and energy and way you manage your own emotions

In using GPi2™ with young people, the aim is to give them the self-knowledge to enable them to make more informed choices about their learning paths, future training and careers as well as giving them an insight into their behaviour and that of others. The feedback provided is always contextualised to the impact Predispositions have on specific areas of life and relationships with others.

What do I do?

As a key post holder, you will be able to purchase a licence for multiple individuals within your organisation to access the on-line questionnaire. You or a colleague may wish to gain accreditation to deliver feedback by being trained by Glowinkowski International.

What next?

GIL has developed a programme of activities based around the concept of “Who Do You Think You Are?”. This includes GPi2™ as well as other activities for young people and a training and resources pack for the adults who work with them. The programme is designed for young people to start to develop the skills and behaviours they will need in order to make appropriate choices as they approach and during the early years of adulthood.

©2011 Glowinkowski™ International Limited


Glowinkowski International

Creating Team Direction

What’s our team purpose and what are we here to do?

Glowinkowski International’s Direction Setting Workshop

What is it?

The Direction Setting Workshop (DSW) for teams can run from one to three days. It is often said that the most important decision for an organisation’s senior leader is establishing their immediate team. This applies just as much in a University as it does in any other large commercial enterprise.

While attention may be paid to recruiting the team members, frequently too little is paid to harnessing their energy and commitment to act in a collaborative and collegiate manner; in other words to turn the group of individuals into a team. DSW concentrates upon achieving this.

How does it Work?

The objectives are

1. To enable the team to acquire and understand a sense of how the organisation is currently operating, particularly in terms of the Integrated Framework by reviewing the ‘state of play’ in terms of the ‘leadership dynamic’ and Climate as described in our introduction.

2. To build effective relationships between team members by providing them with the opportunity to understand their natural behavioural strengths and potential weakness through receiving feedback through Glowinkowski International’s Predisposition frameworks.

3. To provide the team with the opportunity to establish an agreed focus for itself as a team by defining the following:

• The fundamental purpose of the team

• The Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that the team needs to manage in order to fulfil its purpose

• The specific differentiating activities that enable the team to manage its CSFs

What do I do?

Before the workshop, there are a couple of pre-event activities that need to be undertaken. The first of these provides the opportunity to establish a measure, or estimate, of the prevailing Climate of the organisation. This is achieved by completing a Climate questionnaire and/or holding a series of Focus Groups with groups of people who work for members of the senior team. Also, workshop participants are required to complete the GPI™ questionnaire.

In the workshop itself, in establishing its purpose the team is articulating what its members are collectively paid to do. The Critical Success Factors relate to the issues that must be managed in order to achieve the team’s purpose. Achieving consensus on these aims is vital. Once the CSFs are set, which is accomplished via a highly interactive and engaging process, the next step for the team is to identify and list what has to be done to achieve them and, thereby, fulfil its purpose. In defining this list of activities, the team also considers how good it is at doing that sort of thing. This is crucial in determining what should be done, in which order, by whom, by what date. Where gaps are identified in capability levels, the team must work out how these can be closed, which may entail looking for a new member of the team who possesses the requisite abilities, buying in external help or developing one of the existing team.

Each activity is individually owned; someone agrees to be held accountable for its delivery. However, the team assumes joint commitment for achieving the CSFs. This fosters a spirit in the team of ‘commitment by all, accountability by one’.

Following an agreed period after the DSW, the team has the option of taking a further measurement of Climate to assess how their sharpened focus on the agreed activities has helped shift the Climate upwards and, thereby, improve the organisation’s overall performance.


©2011 Glowinkowski™ International Limited

Glowinkowski Solutions

7Leadership for Organisational Improvement (LOI™)

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step

What is it?

The fundamental purpose of Glowinkowski International’s Leadership for Organisational Improvement (LOI™) workshop process is to help a leadership team understand the quality of the environment or Climate in their organisation. This benchmarked assessment also looks at the way in which the organisation is assembled, i.e. its Organisational Design, the effectiveness by which key processes are managed and, crucially, the quality of the leaders’ own behaviours.

In this sense, LOI™ measures the core components of the Integrated Framework, i.e. Climate, and its three causal ‘change levers’ of Structure, Behaviours and Processes.

LOI™ can be delivered to the leadership team of a large organisation or to representative leaders from a group of smaller, different organisations. This can also be tailored for a leader who is new to their organisation as it enables him/her to acquire, very quickly, a clear picture of the Climate they are coming into and to establish some actions and behaviours which can be put into effect with minimal delay.

How does it Work?

The specific objectives are:

• To understand, at a very practical level, the value-adding role of the leader

• To diagnose the organisation’s current state as benchmarked against an international database

• To examine the leadership dynamic and recognise how leadership behaviour impacts upon organisational performance through the Climate it helps create

• To identify personal strengths and limitations in terms of the range of behaviours currently used, which can be linked to individual leader’s own GPI™ profile

• To identify and prioritise the improvement actions that individual team members need to undertake and those that need to be undertaken by the team collaboratively

What do I do?

The LOI™ workshop process starts about eight weeks before the event is scheduled to take place. The front-end work entails collecting data, comprising both quantitative questionnaires and qualitative data capture through Focus Groups. The questionnaires are all web-based 360 surveys. Each manager involved in an LOI™ intervention will receive data about their part of the organisation as well as the whole enterprise.

The workshop ends with a goal-setting session, which uses a matrix that combines data from the different measurement sets. This is a vitally important and unique aspect of LOI™ that recognises organisations do not have limitless resources, be that money, time or the capacity and capability of its people. The matrix enables the leadership to focus its firepower where it is going to have biggest impact.

It is recommended that 12 to 18 months after LOI™ a further measurement of Climate is conducted as this will demonstrate how the organisation has benefitted from the application of improved leadership skills.

8 Glowinkowski Solutions

Glowinkowski International Limited5 St Peter’s Court, Middleborough, Colchester, Essex, CO1 1WD. United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1206 710945 Fax +44 (0)1206

Glowinkowski Solutions - Version 1.2

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