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Glossary of TermsCOMMON LAW VENUE

Note. “UCC” means Uniform Commercial Code. According to UCC §§ 1-104 and 10-104, when there arises a conflict between current code and a deleted section, the deleted section controls. Nothing is ever actually deleted. Therefore, earlier editions of the UCC would be useful. Most of the references to the UCC in this Glossary are from the California Commercial Code (Le. the UCC in California) of 1996.

AB INITIO. adv. [Latin] From the beginning; from the first act. Black’s 1 ST

ABSOLUTE RIGHTS. As regards right to interfere with contractual obligations of another, “absolute rights” which individual may exercise without reference to motive are rights incident to ownership of property, rights growing out of contractual relations, and right to enter or refuse to enter contractual relations. By the “absolute rights” of individuals is meant those which are in their primary and strictest sense, such as would belong to their persons merely in a state of nature, and which every man is entitled to enjoy, whether out of society or in it. The rights of personal security, of personal liberty, and private property do not depend upon the Constitution for their existence. They existed before the Constitution was made, or the government was organized. These are what are termed the “absolute rights” of individuals, which belong to them independently of all government, and which all governments which derive their power from the consent of the governed were instituted to protect. W&P, Vol. 1. Compare droit-droit.

ACCEPTANCE. [<L accept (are), equiv. to ac- + cep take + -t- freq. suffix] The voluntary act of receiving something or agreeing to certain terms. In contract law, acceptance is consent to the terms of an offer, creating a binding contract; the taking and receiving of anything in good part, and as if it were a tacit agreement to a preceding act, which might have been defeated or avoided if such acceptance had not been made. The act of a person to whom a thing is offered or tendered by another, whereby he receives the thing with the intention of retaining it, such intention being evidenced by a sufficient act. Black’s 6 th . An agreement, either by express act or by implication from conduct, to the terms of an offer so that a binding contract is formed. • If an acceptance modifies the terms or adds new ones, it generally operates as a counteroffer. Black’s 7 th . A negotiable instrument, especially a bill of exchange, that has been accepted for payment. Black’s 7 th .

ACCEPTANCE BY SILENCE. When the court “implies a promise” or holds that good faith requires a party not to violate these expectations, it is recognizing that sometimes silence says more than words, and it is understanding its duty to the spirit of the bargain is higher than its duty to the technicalities of the language. Corbin on Contracts. See Note.

ACEDAHDBarron’s 3 rd BDLTBlack’s 1 st Black’s 4th

Black’s 5 th Black’s 6 th Black’s 7 th Bouvier’s 3 rd F&WOEDUCCWebster’sW&P

American College Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1959American Heritage Dictionary, 1969 Barron’s Law Dictionary, Third Edition, 1991 Barron’s Dictionary of Legal Terms, 1983 Black’s Law Dictionary, First Edition, 1891 Black’s Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition, 1951 Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, 1979 Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, 1990 Black’s Law Dictionary, Seventh Edition, 1999 Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, Rawle’s Third Revision, 1984 Funk & Waqnalls Standard Dictionary, Int’l Edition,1969The Oxford English Dictionary, 1979Uniform Commercial Code, 1996 Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary, 1996 Words and Phrases (90 Volumes), 1968 


Note: No one in the know who works for Big Brother is going to tell you what’s up. Your silence has cemented the walls of your political prison cell long enough. Once you understand “straw man,” “acceptance for value” and “holder in due course,” you will know what to say, how to say it, when to say it, and to whom to say it.

ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE. See Note, remedy, acceptance, value, holder in due course, banker’s acceptance.

Note: Acceptance for value is the key to becoming the holder in due course of any negotiable instrument, including your birth certificate. Here, the term “acceptance” refers to the recipient/acceptor and the item accepted (such as one’s birth certificate); “value” refers to that which is given by, or flows back from, the recipient of the item in exchange. The term “value” as employed in the UCC, is a highly significant term and comprehension of the Redemption Process requires full understanding of it.

ACCEPTANCE OF A BILL OF EXCHANGE. In mercantile law. The act by which the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn (called the “drawee”) assents to the request of the drawer to pay it, or, in other words, engages, or makes himself liable to pay it when due. It may be by parol1[1] or in writing, and either general or special, absolute or unconditional; and it may be impliedly, as well as expressly, given. But the usual and regular mode of acceptance is by the drawee’s writing across the face of the bill the word “acceptance,” and subscribing his name; after which he is termed the acceptor. Black’s 1 st . See banker’s acceptance, bill of exchange, sight draft.

ACCEPTANCE OF DRAFT; CERTIFIED CHECK. (a) means the drawee’s signed agreement to pay a draft as presented. It shall be written on the draft and may consist of the drawee’s signature alone. Acceptance may be made at any time and becomes effective when notification pursuant to instructions is given or the accepted draft is delivered for the purpose of giving rights on the acceptance to any person. (b) A draft may be accepted although it has not been signed by the drawer, is otherwise incomplete, is overdue, or has been dishonored. (c) lf a draft is payable at a fixed period after sight and the acceptor fails to date the acceptance, the holder may complete the acceptance by supplying a date in good faith. (d) “Certified check” means a check accepted by the bank on which it is drawn. Acceptance may be made as stated in subdivision (a) or by a writing on the check which indicates that the check is certified. The drawee of a check has no obligation to certify the check, and refusal to certify is not dishonor of the check. UCC 3-409.

ACCEPTOR. “Acceptor” means a drawee who has accepted a draft. UCC 3-103(1). The person who accepts a bill of exchange, (generally the drawee,) or who engages to be primarily responsible for its payment. Black’s 1 st . See Note.

Note: In your initial bill of exchange to the Secretary of the Treasury re your birth certificate, the Secretary of the Treasury is the acceptor.

ACCOMMODATION. An arrangement or engagement made as a favor to another, not upon a consideration received. Something done to oblige, usually spoken of a loan of money or commercial paper; also a friendly agreement or composition of differences. The word implies no consideration. While a party’s intent may be to aid a maker of note by lending his credit, if he seeks to accomplish thereby legitimate objectives of his own, and not simply to aid the maker, the act is not for accommodation. Black’s 6 th . 1. A loan or other financial favor. 2. The act of signing an accommodation paper as surety for another. Black’s 7 th . See Note.

Note: All of your licenses, permits, utilities services, bank accounts, travel documents, W-4 Forms, tax returns, paychecks, etc. are in your straw man’s fictitious name, and not your true name. When you sign any of these items, you are signing for accommodation on behalf of your straw man. See straw man.


ACCOMMODATION INDORSER. A party who places his name to a note without consideration for purposes of benefiting or accommodating some other party. Black’s 6 th . See Note, accommodation maker.

Note: When you sign a promissory note for a mortgage loan you are the accommodation indorser, your straw man, the accommodated party.

ACCOMMODATION LOAN. A loan for which the lender receives no consideration in return. Black’s 7 th . See accommodation.

ACCOM MODATION MAKER . One who puts his name to a note without any consideration with the intention of lending his credit to the accommodated party. Black’s 6 th . See Note.

Note: When you sign a traffic citation you are the accommodation maker, your straw man the accommodated party.

ACCOMMODATION NOTE. One to which accommodating party has put his name, without consideration, to accommodate some other party, who is to issue it and is expected to pay it. Black’s 6 th , UCC 3-419. See Note.

Note: All signatures made today in commerce, and in all contracts, are for accommodation. The flesh-and-blood man or woman signs for accommodation on behalf of his/her straw man. The abstract straw man, an artificial person created and operating within the bankruptcy, is the transmitting utility whereby all goods and services of the industrial society flow into and out of possession of the real man or woman. The straw man, having no life, brain, or body with which to apply a signature, must be accommodated by the actual/attached man or woman, also known, in this context, as a surety (see surety).

ACCOMMODATION PARTY. One who signs commercial paper in any capacity for purpose of lending his name (i.e. credit) to another party to instrument. Such party is a surety Black’s 6 th , UCC 3-419. See Note, surety.

Note: When you sign a traffic citation, IRS Form 1040, etc., you are the accommodation party.

ACCOMMODATION SURETY. See voluntary surety under surety.

ACCOUNT (1). “Account” means any right to payment for goods sold or leased or for services rendered which is not evidenced by an instrument or chattel paper, whether or not it has been earned by performance. * * * All rights to payment earned or unearned under a charter or contract involving the use or rights of a vessel and all rights incident to the charter or contract are accounts. UCC 9-106. See Note.

Note: Per second definition above, vessel (in Admiralty) = straw man. See vessel.

ACCOUNT (2). Referred to by some as the “Personal Treasury Account”, and formerly referred to by the Authors as the “Treasury Direct Account.” The sovereign creditor’s private-side account of the straw-man DEBTOR’S mirror-image, public-side, Social Security Account.


Note: Formerly referred to in the First Edition of the manual as the “Treasury Direct Account #.” Presently also referred to by some (other than the Authors) as the Personal Treasury Account.” The sovereign-creditor’s mirror-image private-side account number of the straw man-debtor’s public-side Social Security Account Number.

ACCOUNT DEBTOR. “Account debtor” means the person who is obligated on an account, chattel paper or general intangible. UCC 9-105(1)(a).


ACCUSATION. A formal charge against a person, to the effect that he is guilty of a punishable offense, laid before a court or magistrate having jurisdiction to inquire into the alleged crime. Black’s 6 th .

Note: Per listing of “Informer” on the birth document, and as subscribed thereto by one’s mother, one has, by definition, had an accusation preferred against one. This is also very possibly the basis for all subsequent insistences by Big Brother that the all-capital letters name applies to the man or woman so-identified by the birth document. See informer, identification of goods, proper, all-capital letters written.

ACTION. “Action” in the sense of a judicial proceeding includes recoupment, counter-claim, set-off, suit in equity, and any other proceedings in which rights are determined. UCC 1-201(1). See setoff.

ADHESION CONTRACT. A contract so heavily restrictive of one party, while so nonrestrictive of another, that doubts arise as to its representation as a voluntary and uncoerced agreement; implies a grave inequality of bargaining power. The concept often arises in the context of “standard-form printed contracts prepared by one party and submitted to the other on a ‘take it or leave it’ basis. The law has recognized there is often no true equality in bargaining power in such contracts and has accommodated that reality in construing them.” Barron’s 3 rd .

ADMIRALTY. A court which has a very extensive jurisdiction of maritime causes, civil and criminal. See Note, admiralty law, maritime.

Note: Admiralty courts, i.e. Municipal Court, Superior Court, etc., comprise the only jurisdiction that can enforce a criminal penalty for a civil offense. No other type of jurisdiction has this capability. This is why people must post bail prior to arraignment or trial and are sometimes sentenced to jail time (two aspects of criminal procedure) for civil “offenses,” such as traffic citations, wherein no party is injured and no property damaged.

ADMIRALTY LAW. The terms “admiralty” and “maritime” are virtually synonymous. Black’s 6 th .

AFFIANT. The person who makes and subscribes an affidavit. The word is used, in this sense, interchangeably with “deponent.” But the latter term should be reserved as the designation of one who makes a deposition. Black’s 1 st . See Note, affidavit:

Note: As relates to the Redemption Process, “affiant” is defined as the natural-born, flesh and blood, biological, sentient being whose name is designated in upper- and lower-case letters (one’s true name) in accordance with the rules of English grammar, who executes and signs an affidavit under oath.

AFFIDAVIT. A written or printed declaration or statement of facts, made voluntarily, and confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the party making it, taken before an officer with authority to administer such oath. Black’s 1 st . See Note, commerce.

Note: The capacity to issue one’s solemn declaration of truth, one’s sacred word is the most basic, fundamental, underlying, foundational concept of all commerce, society, and civilization. An “affidavit” is a written statement under oath executed and sworn to before an authorized officer on the maker’s commercial liability that all assertions contained within the affidavit are true, correct, and complete, not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. An affidavit is the most solemn, unequivocal, and ceremonial means extant to express truth without evasion, concealment, deception, or insincerity. As distinguished from “testimony,” an affidavit is not subject to cross-examination and is intended to be a complete, self-contained document. All truth is subjective, and only each free-will being possesses the right, duty, privilege, and capacity to state that affiant’s own truth in accordance with the unique nature, perspectives, and priorities of the affiant. No one has either the authority or the ability to state the truth of another. As per the maxim of law: “The order of things is confounded if everyone preserves not his jurisdiction.” Because truth is supreme in Commerce, an affidavit is the most important document in Commerce and stands as the truth unless rebutted point-for-point by counter-affidavit signed and certified on the executing party’s commercial liability as true, correct, and complete, not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Exodus 20:16, the “Ninth Commandment,” states: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” The Bible is especially


harsh on those who bear false witness. Lies are weapons that are easy to utter, difficult if not impossible to undo when spread as rumors, and can destroy lives. People often act on what is told to them and kill or are killed on the basis thereof, such as by marching off to war, believing “authorities” or blindly obeying one’s “superiors.” Caveat emptor is as wise an attitude in the field of words and ideas as it is concerning goods or services.


Note: An Affidavit of Information is a criminal complaint and equates to “a First Amendment Petition for Redress of Grievances Pursuant to 18 USC § 4, and a United States Constitutional Citation Criminal Complaint Affidavit and Brief of information for Public Notice Filing,” executed and certified on the issuer’s unlimited commercial liability as true, correct, and complete, and furnished to the united States Attorney or Magistrate as required by 18 USC § 4, misprision of felony. See affidavit. Compare information.

AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE. An affidavit intended to certify the service of a writ, notice, or other document. Black’s 1 st . See Note.

Note. When using the mails/United States Postal Service for service of commercial process, many times it is wise to also include an affidavit of service along with the item served. In doing so, one averts the potential claim by the recipient of the mailed item: “I received the envelope, but it was empty.” A sample affidavit of service is found in Section 9, “Handling Presentments.”

AGREEMENT. “Agreement” means the bargain of the parties in fact as found in their language or by implication from other circumstances including course of dealing or usage of trade or course of performance as provided in this code. Whether an agreement has legal consequences is determined by the provisions of this code, if applicable; otherwise by the law of contracts (Section 1-103). UCC 1-201(3). Compare contract. See Note.

Note: In other words, you have formed an agreement in fact and are inextricably linked to your straw man by course of dealing, usage, trade, and course of performance. The legal consequences of your “marriage” to your straw man is spelled out in the code, where applicable; and where not applicable, it refers to Section 1-103, which states that all other forms of law “ . . shall supplement its provisions?” The UCC is the supreme law on the planet. Legal consequences are dictated under the UCC. In law, and the UCC is the supreme law, there are only two kinds of people: debtors and creditors.


Note: A proper name appearing in all-capital letters falls outside the rules of English grammar. The rules of English grammar authorize the use of a capitalized letter only for a very limited number of well-

defined uses, such as the initial letter of a proper name. A capital letter is defined as: “(of letters) of the large size used at the beginning of a sentence or as the first letter of a proper name.” (ACED) No lexical authority for use of all-capital letters in the name of a man or woman has yet been referenced by those who would insist on corrupting the true names of men and women by displaying their name in all-capital letters. An all-capital letters-written version of one’s name is not one’s true name, but strictly an artificial construct, existing by force of law only. No authority of English grammar recognizes such a contrivance. The legal term, in propia persona, means “in one’s own proper person.” How can one do anything outside of “one’s own proper person” unless there exists some other “person” by whom/which one could act? Using the juristic artifice known as “legal fiction,” parties identified by their proper-noun name have been ascribed corrupted, all-capital letter names. All legal pleadings, court records, and licenses use only names appearing in all-capital letters—i.e. “newborn” artificial persons existing in contemplation of or by force of law alone. In earlier times in maritime law, “vessels in admiralty” were


identified by all-capital letters-written names. Now, people are covertly legally branded with such debasement. See legal fiction, proper, fictitious name, artificial, artificial person, idem sonans, informer.

ALLOCUTION. Formality of courts inquiry of prisoner as to whether he has any legal cause to show why judgment should not be pronounced against him on verdict of conviction. Black’s 4 th . 1. A trial judge’s formal address to a convicted defendant, asking him or her to speak in mitigation of the sentence to be imposed. 2. An unsworn statement from a convicted defendant to the sentencing judge or jury in which the defendant can ask for mercy, explain his or her conduct, apologize for the crime, or say anything else in an effort to lessen the impending sentence. See Note.

Note: This address (from a trial judge to a convicted defendant) is required under Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure § 32(c)(3)(C), and is not subject to cross-examination; i.e. the convicted defendant must always be given this opportunity to speak without interruption or cross-examination.

ALLODIAL. [< ML allodial(is), equiv. to allodi(um), ALLODIUM + alis —AL; see allodium] Free; not holden of any lord or superior; owned without obligation of vassalage or fealty; the opposite of feudal. Black’s 1 st . See Note, allodium. Compare feudal.

Note: One who has allodial title to something is accountable only to himself or his God with regard to that thing.

ALLODIUM. [<ML < OG allod (all ALL + -od patrimony, c., Icel. oth-, OE eth- in ethel akin (by graduation) to ath- of ATHELING)] Land held absolutely in one’s own right, and not of any lord or superior; land not subject to feudal duties or burdens. An estate held by absolute ownership, without recognizing any superior to whom any duty is due on account thereof. Black’s 1 st . See Note at allodial, atheling.

APOSTILLE. Law French. An addition; a marginal note or observation. A standard certification provided under the Hague Convention of 1961 for purpose of authenticating documents for use in foreign countries. Black’s 6 th .

Note: An apostille is issued by a Secretary of State of the United States of America—a foreign jurisdiction to the United States—to authenticate the office holder and signature of the county recorder or his/her deputies. The stamp and signature of the county recorder authenticates the stamp and signature of the notary public that has notarized the subject document. See United States of America, United States.

ART. [L ars skill, art] A principle put in practice and applied to some art, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter. Black’s 1 st .

ARTIFICIAL. Created by art, or by law; existing only by force of or in contemplation of law. Black’s 1 st . See Note.

Note: Names of persons appearing in all-capital letters are written in improper English and exist only by force of or in contemplation of law. Persons so-named are artificial persons. See juristic person, person, proper, all-capital letters-written, idem sonans, fictitious name.

ARTIFICIAL PERSON. See artificial, person.

ASHWANDER DOCTRINE. See Clearfield Trust Doctrine.

ATHELING. [ME; OE atheling (c. OHG edeling, adalung, OS ethiling) equiv. to athel(u) noble family + ing suffix of appurtenance] Early Eng. Hist. a man of royal blood; a prince. Webster’s.

ATTACH. Commercial Law. When the three basic prerequisites of security interest exist (agreement, value, and collateral) the security agreement becomes enforceable between the parties and is said to “attach.” UCC 9-203. Black’s 6 th .


ATTORN. v. Law [a. OF. atorne-r, aturne-r, atourne-r (whence law Latin attornare) to turn, turn to, assign, attribute, dispose, arrange, order, appoint, constitute, ordain, decree, f. a to + tourner to Turn. The analogical spelling is a(t)turn; but under the influence of Med.L. attornare, the late AF, became attorner, whence attorn passed into the Eng. law-books.] 1. Trans. To turn over to another; to assign, transfer (goods, tenants’ service, allegiance, etc. 2. To transfer oneself (i.e. one’s homage and allegiance) from one lord to another; to yield allegiance, or do homage to, as lord. 3. Mod. Law. To agree formally to be the tenant of one into whose possession the estate has passed; to do some act which constitutes a legal acknowledgment of the new landlord.” OED.

ATTORNEY. [a. OF. atorne, aturne, atourne, pa. pple. masc. of atourner to ATTORN, in sense of “one appointed or one constituted,’ whence all the specific uses. (The statement found in the law dictionaries for the last 200 years, that the word means ‘one who acts in the turn of another; is a bad guess.) For spelling cf. Attorn.] 1. One appointed or ordained to act for another; an agent, deputy, commissioner. In later times only fig. and perhaps with conscious reference to sense 2. obs. 2. (Attorney in fact, private attorney.) One duly appointed or constituted (by Letter or Power of Attorney) to act for another in business and legal matters, either generally, as in payment, receipt, and investment of money, in suing and being sued etc., or in some specific act, which the principal, by reason of absence, is unable to perform in person. Hence the contrast in ‘in person’ and ‘by attorney,’ frequent also in fig. senses. 3. (Attorney-at-Law, public attorney) A professional and properly-qualified legal agent practicing in the courts of Common Law (as a solicitor practiced in the courts of Equity); one who conducted litigation in these courts, preparing the case for barristers or counsel, whose duty and privilege it is to plead and argue in open court. 4. Transf. An advocate, pleader, mediator. 5. Specific title of the law officer of various councils, etc., and the clerk of various courts. 6. The King’s Attorney. (earlier) descriptive designation of the legal officer now called ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Mr. Attorney, the ‘style’ used in addressing (formerly also in speaking of) him. 7. attrib., as in attorney-cunning, etc. OED. See Note.

Note: The Constitution of the State of California (and likely all other states’), Article XX, Section 3, requires that an attorney’s license, in order to be valid, be issued by the State of California. The California Business and Professions Code, “B&P,” §§ 6002 and 6067 requires “a certificate of the oath” to “be indorsed upon “the license of a practicing attorney.” However, no attorney has any such state-issued “license to practice law”—only a Bar Card, which is evidence only of active membership (dues are current) in a foreign-owned, private union, the Bar Association. There are no state or federal regulatory agencies over bar associations or attorneys in America. State Bar Associations are subsidiaries of the American Bar Association, which is a branch or franchise of the Bar Council of England and Wales—hence the (Constitutionally prohibited) title of nobility: “Esquire.” Attorneys cannot reclaim their sovereignty (Redemption) and continue to practice as an attorney because they are held “in bar” (see bar) in the administration of the bankruptcy and cannot be sovereign by definition; they have masters. Corporations are re-presented exclusively by attorneys. Clients of attorneys are defined as “wards of the court.” “Wards of court” is defined as “infants and persons of unsound mind” (see client, wards of court). The US Attorney General is a member of the Secretariat of Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization). Union attorneys are only “at law,” as opposed to “in law.” “At” means “near” or “in the vicinity of,” and applies to statutory legal systems. “ln law” is the common law, actual law, where sovereigns once dealt with each other in handling disputes, but has not been available since Erie Railroad vs. Tompkins in 1938. Contemporary courts cannot accommodate anything other than artificial persons, e.g. corporations and “individuals” (corporations of one) like your straw man. See Note, attorney & client, Note at bar, escrow.

ATTORNEY & CLIENT. . . . attorney . . with an obligation to the courts and to the public, not to the client, and wherever the duties of his client conflict with those he owes as an officer of the court in the administration of justice, the former must yield to the latter. Corpus Juris Secundum, 1980, Section 4. See Note.

Note: By definition, the obligations and duties of attorneys extend to the court and the “public” (government) before any mere “client.” Clients are “wards of the court” and therefore “persons of unsound mind.” See client, wards of court.


ATTORNMENT. Law. Forms: see ATTORN v. [a. OF. atournement,, f. atourner: see ATTORN and -MENT.] 1. A turning over, transference, assignment. 2. spec. The transference of his homage and service by a tenant to a new feudal lord; hence, legal acknowledgment of the new landlord. OED.

AVER. In pleading. To declare or assert; to set out distinctly and formally; to allege. Black’s 1 st . In old pleading, to avouch or verify; to make or prove true; to make good or justify a plea.

AVERMENT. A mean proportion, medial sum or quantity, made out of unequal sums or quantities. In maratime law, loss or damage accidentally happening to a vessel or to its cargo during a voyage. Also a small duty paid to masters of ships, when goods are sent in another man's ship, for their care of the goods, over and above the freight. 

BAIL. n. Monetary amount for or condition of pretrial release from custody, normally set by a judge at the initial appearance. The purpose of bail is to ensure the appearance of the accused at subsequent proceedings. If the accused is unable to make bail, or otherwise unable to be released on his or her own recognizance, he or she is detained in custody. The Eighth Amendment (U.S. Const.) provides that excessive bail shall not be required. Black’s 6 th . The surety or sureties who procure the release of a person under arrest, by becoming responsible for his appearance at the time and place designated. Those persons who become sureties for the appearance of the defendant in court. Black’s 6 th .

Note: In the second definition above, the “natural person” man or woman is the surety for the appearance of the artificial person, individual, straw-man defendant.

BAILEE. “Bailee” means the person who, by a warehouse receipt, bill of lading, or other document of title, acknowledges possession of goods and contracts to deliver them. UCC 7-102(1)(a).

BANK. “Bank” means any person engaged in the business of banking. UCC 1-201. See person.

BANK ACCEPTANCE. Draft drawn on and accepted by bank. Bouvier’s 3 rd .

BANKER. In general sense a person that engages in business of banking. In narrower meaning, a private person who keeps a bank; one who is engaged in the business of banking without being incorporated. One who carries on the business of banking by receiving money on deposit with or without interest, by buying and selling bills of exchange, promissory notes, bonds or stock, or other securities, and by loaning money without being incorporated. Under some statutes, an individual banker, as distinguished from a “private banker” (q.v.), is a person who, having complied with the statutory requirements, has received authority from the state to engage in the business of banking, while a private banker is a person engaged in banking without having any special privileges or authority from the state. Black’s 6 th . See private bank.

BANKER’S ACCEPTANCE. . . A bill of exchange draft payable at maturity that is drawn by a creditor against his or her debtor. Banker’s acceptances are short-term credit instruments most commonly used by persons or firms engaged in international trade. They are comparable to short-term government securities (for example, Treasury Bills) and may be sold on the open market at a discount. Black’s 6 th . A bill of exchange drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank. . Black’s 7 th .

Note: Acceptance for value of any presentment and the resultant bill of exchange that issues therefrom is a banker’s acceptance, thereby making you a banker by definition. See bank, banker, private bank, House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933.

BANKERS NOTE. A commercial instrument resembling a bank-note in every particular except that it is given by a private banker or unincorporated banking institution. Black’s 1 st . See banker, private bank.

BANKRUPTCY. Popularly defined as insolvency, the inability of a debtor to pay his debts as they become due. Technically, however, it is the legal process under the Federal Bankruptcy Act by which assets of the debtor are liquidated as quickly as possible to pay off his creditors and to discharge the bankrupt, or free him of his debts, so he can start anew. In reorganization, on the other hand, liquidation may be avoided and the debtor may continue to function, pay his creditors, and carry on business. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note.


Note: the US Government declared bankruptcy under, inter alia, House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 and is presently in Chapter 11, Reorganization. See Chapter 11 Reorganization.

BAR. 1. A partition or railing running across a court-room, intending to separate the general public from the space occupied by the judges, counsel, jury, and others concerned in the trial of a cause. . . . the whole body of attorneys and counselors, or the members of the legal profession, collectively, who are figuratively called the “bar.” They are thus distinguished from the “bench,” which term denotes the whole body of judges. . . Black’s 6 th . See Note.

Note: Corporations are held “in bar,” i.e. controlled by attorneys. With regard to the bar and the bench, the Authors have confirmed that various British Companies own the following United States and State of California copyrighted “law”: The Thompson Group, LLC, LTD, with offices located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada owns, inter alia: West Publishing Company; Barclays West Group; Bancroft Whitney; Clark Bordman, Callaghan; Legal Solutions; Rutter Group; Warren, Gorham & Lamont; Lawyer’s Coop; Reed Elsevier owns, inter alia: Lexis; Deerings Codes. It has also been confirmed that Black’s Law Dictionary is copyrighted British law and that the American Bar Association is a branch or subset of the Bar Council (sole bar association in England and Wales). As the copyrighted property of a British company, all state Codes are private, commercial, British-owned “law.” It is thereby reasonably concluded that all state Courts, state bar associations, and the “State of [each of the 50 states of the Union],” all of which utilize and enforce private, de facto, commercial, British-owned “law” against state residents, are operating as private, foreign-owned, commercial tribunals or administrative agencies doing business in the states under cover and color of “[each of the 50 states of the Union] law.”

 BARRATRY. In maritime law. An act committed by the master or mariners of a vessel, for some unlawful or fraudulent purpose, contrary to their duty to the owners, whereby the latter sustain injury. It may include negligence, if so gross as to evidence Fraud. In criminal law. Common barratry is the practice of exciting groundless judicial proceedings. Black’s 1 st .

Note: Both of the above definitions apply equally to the courtroom scenario. In the first, the “master” is the judge (in some states and counties, such as Clark County, Nevada, judges are officially referred to as “Masters”), the “mariners” are the attorneys, the “vessel” is your straw man, the only rightful “owner” of the “vessel” is you, and the “injury” to you, the owner, is the loss of wealth or freedom. In the second, the judges and attorneys attempt to proceed against you without the requisite claim to do so, acting on behalf of artificial persons, fictitious entities, i.e. corporations/ governments.

Pursuant to Erie Railroad v Tompkins (1938) 304 U.S. 64-92, the bankruptcy of 1933 had placed everything under the 14th Amendment. Erie’s ruling that there was “no more general federal common law” was open admission of anarchy/tyranny. Law and contracts fell under a private, colorable Law Merchant in colorable admiralty-maritime, the “special” federal common law” (see special) of the Uniform Commercial Code. Issues are decided in general (see general) equity (conscience of the court), not special equity (explicit terms of express contracts). Adopting private commercial paper as money resulted in an AT law mixture of public, maritime, bankruptcy, equity, etc. in the same court. The judge moves from one to the other as the situation indicates, including shifting from equity to admiralty in order to impose criminal penalties in civil matters. This is why you must “post a bond”—something normally reserved for civil proceedings—on a misdemeanor traffic citation, a criminal proceeding (even though the matter is actually civil in nature). Arguing the Constitution is frivolous since one is in private, international, colorable, commercial/corporate contract Law Merchant pertaining to the “negotiable instruments” used in all “monetary” transactions.

BEARER. “Bearer” means the person in possession of an instrument, document of title, or certificated security payable to bearer or indorsed in blank. UCC 1-201(5).

BILL. Commercial transactions. A written statement of the terms of a contract, or specification of the items of a contract or of a demand. Also, a general name for any item of indebtedness, whether receivable or payable; . . Black’s 6 th . Also, the creditor’s written statement of his claim, specifying the items. . Black’s 1 st . In Mercantile Law. The creditor’s written statement of his claim, specifying the items. It differs from an account stated in this, that a bill is the creditor’s statement; an account stated is a statement that has been assented to by both parties. Bouvier’s 3 rd .


BILL OF EXCHANGE. A written order from A. to B., directing B. to pay C. a certain sum of money therein named. A bill of exchange is an instrument, negotiable in form, by which one, who is called the “drawer,” requests another, called the “drawee,” to pay a specified sum of money. A bill of exchange is an order by one person, called the “drawer” or “maker,” to another, called the “drawee” or “acceptor,” to pay money to another, (who may be the drawer himself,) called the “payee” or his order, or to the bearer. If the payee, or a bearer, transfers the bill by endorsement, he then becomes the “indorser.” Black’s 1 st . See Note, payee.

Note: Bill of exchange is synonymous with draft, or check. E.g. in the first definition, re our birth certificate bill of exchange to the Secretary of the Treasury. “A” is you, the drawer, or maker. “B”

is the Secretary of the Treasury, the drawee, or acceptor. The “money” is a certain amount of debt. “C” is your straw man, the payee and Debtor. Our bill of exchange is an order. It says to the Secretary of the Treasury “Command the Memory of account # [your Personal Account #: Social Security Account Number sans dashes] to charge the same to the Debtors [your straw man’s] Order or the Secretary of the Treasury’s Order.” Since the Debtor/straw man has no brain, it will end up being the Secretary of the Treasury’s Order. Re bills of exchange in response to presentments, the Debtor is the payee is the all-capital letters-written name of the presenter/offeror. The collateral for the loan is the presenter/offeror himself, i.e. the “natural person” man or woman who made the presentment to you, identified by his true name. Also: it has recently been discovered that the IRS has its own bank account (semi-secret), called a “Treasury Tax and Loan Account,” or “TTL,” in every banking/financial institution that deals in Federal Reserve Notes. It has also been verified that IRS levies are effected from the “Special Procedures Function Department (or Office)” via simple fax (bill of exchange) instructing the particular bank, savings & loan, credit union, brokerage house, etc., to debit the depositor’s/taxpayer’s account and credit the TTL.

BIRTH. The act of being born or wholly brought into separate existence. Black’s 1 st . See Note, and Note at birth record.

Note: A man or a woman is “born,” straw men are “wholly brought into separate existence.” Each event qualifies as a “birth.” The birth certificate documents a muddied mixture of the two events that allows the system to both claim that it is “your” birth certificate yet also claim to hold title to (not ownership of) the corporately colored straw man.

BIRTH CERTIFICATE. A formal document which certifies as to the date and place of one’s birth and a recitation of his or her parentage, as issued by an official in charge of such records. Furnishing of such is often required to prove one’s age. Black’s 6 th . See Note, birth, birth record, document of title, field warehouse receipt, bond.

Note: A birth certificate is a negotiable instrument (see negotiable instrument), a registered security (see securities), a stock certificate evidencing, or representing, the preferred stock (see preferred stock) of the corporation (“United States, Inc.”), and against which you are the surety (see surety); pedigree chattel (see chattel) document establishing the existence of your straw man (see straw man), a distinct artificial person (see artificial person, person) with a fictitious name (see fictitious name); document of title to a straw man; warehouse receipt (see field warehouse receipt) for your body; delivery receipt; industrial bond (see industrial bond) between you (flesh-and-blood man or woman) and the industrial society and corporate US Government (artificial person).

In America, the original birth document is generally created at the county level (sometimes at city level) via birth documents from the hospital (for which the hospital receives $4,000 from the county for causing the registration of the birth) and passed to the state and federal levels, and likely elsewhere. Per the definition of “birth” above, the document references both the newborn and the straw man. A certified birth certificate may be obtained at county or state level, depending on the state in question. “US DEPT. OF COMMERCE — BUREAU OF THE CENSUS” appears on many older birth certificates. Your birth certificate is one kind of security instrument used by the US Government to obtain loans from its creditor, the Federal Reserve System, under which it is bankrupt and in Chapter 11 Reorganization (see Chapter 11 Reorganization). According to a man who worked on a research project for one of the world’s largest brokerage houses, he discovered that in 1936 each American birth certificate was assigned a value of $630,000.00. The


investigative report beginning on page xxiii confirms that birth certificates today carry a value of $1,000,000.O0 and that upon notification of the receipt of a new birth certificate at the Department of Commerce, the Department of the Treasury takes out a loan from the Fed for $1-million and purchases a bond from the Department of Commerce, who then invests the funds in either the stock market or bond market. The collateral for the loan for the bond issued against the birth certificate is you; i.e. your body, labor, and property. A man in Santa Barbara, California who obtained his original birth certificate from the Department of Commerce some years ago via a Freedom of Information Act request reported the endorsements of 17 different foreign countries thereon. There may also be other types of birth documents used by the U.S. Government, or others, to obtain loans/credit.

BIRTH RECORD. Official statistical data concerning dates and places of persons’ birth, as well as parentage, kept by local government officials. Black’s 1 st . See Note, birth certificate.

Note: Under “birth certificate” the definition refers to “one’s birth,” and under “birth record” the definition refers to “persons” birth.” “One” means flesh-and-blood man or woman; “person” means artificial or juristic person. See individual.

BLANK. See blank endorsement, in blank.

BLANK INDORSEMENT. The endorsement of a bill of exchange or promissory note, by merely writing the name of the indorser*, without mentioning any person to whom the bill or note is to be paid; called “blank” because a blank or space is left over it for the name of the insertion of the indorsee**, or of any subsequent holder. Otherwise called an endorsement “in blank.” Black’s 1 st .

*INDORSER. He who indorses; i.e. being the payee or holder, writes his name on the back of a bill of exchange, etc. Black’s 1 st .

**INDORSEE. The person to whom a bill of exchange, promissory note, bill of lading, etc. is assigned by indorsement, giving him a right to sue thereon. Black’s 1st.

BONA FlDE PURCHASER. A “bona fide purchaser” is a purchaser for value in good faith and without notice of any adverse claim who takes delivery of a security in bearer form or of one in registered form issued to him or indorsed to him or in blank. UCC 8-302. One who has purchased property for value without any notice of any defects in the title of the seller. Black’s 6 th . “One who pays a valuable consideration, has no notice of outstanding rights of others and acts in good faith concerning the purchase.” Barron’s 3 rd . See Note.

Note: When you consummate the redemption process you are a bona fide purchaser of your birth certificate. In such case you actualize your standing as Holder in Due Course of the Document of Title to your straw man.

BOND. A certificate or evidence of a debt on which the issuing company or governmental body promises to pay the bondholders a specified amount of interest for a specified length of time, and to repay the loan on the expiration date. A long term debt instrument that promises to pay the lender a series of periodic interest payments in addition to returning the principal at maturity. In every case a bond represents debt—its holder is a creditor of the corporation and not a part owner as is the shareholder. . Black’s 6 th . See Note, birth certificate, industrial bond.

Note: The birth certificate is the bond instrument employed by the government to secure loans.

BOOTY. The capture of personal property by a public enemy on land, in contradistinction to prize, which is a capture of such property at sea. After booty has been in complete possession of the enemy for twenty-four hours, it becomes absolutely his, without any right of postliminy* in favor of the original owner, particularly when it has passed bona fide into the hands of a neutral; . . The right to booty belongs to the sovereign; but sometimes the right of the sovereign, or of the public, is transferred to the soldiers, to encourage them. . . . Bouvier’s 3 rd . See Note, vice-admiralty courts, prize, prize law.


*(P0STLIMINY) POSTLIMINIUM. A fiction of the civil law, by which persons or things taken by the enemy were restored to their former status on coming again under the power of the nation to which they formerly belonged. . . Bouvier’s 3 rd .

Note: Literally and legally, property taken from you by the IRS or the courts is booty. IRS “soldiers” are “encouraged” to capture booty by offering them rights to the booty they capture. It is believed that a taxpayer’s first six payments, in toto, in a particular case, or a significant percentage of any settlement proceeds, go directly to the agent assigned to the case. One-third of the booty captured in a maritime vice-admiralty court (e.g. traffic court) by the judge (pirate, headsman, executioner) goes to the judge’s personal retirement fund. This should also help explain the dramatic increase in the application of “forfeiture laws” and “seizure laws” in America.

CAPACITY.   Legal capacity is the attribute of a person who can acquire new rights, or transfer rights, or assume duties according to the mere dictates of his own will, as manifested in juristic acts, without any restraint or hindrance arising from his status or legal condition. Ability; qualification; legal power or right. Applied in this sense to the attribute of persons (natural or artificial) growing out of their status or juristic condition, which enables them to perform civil acts; as capacity to hold lands, capacity to devise, etc. Black’s 1 st .

CAPITAL (LETTER). adj. (of letters) of the large size used at the beginning of a sentence or as the first letter of a proper name.” ACED.

Note: Names written in all-capital letters are artificially constructed names of artificial persons. See all-capital letters-written, proper.

CAPITAL STOCK. the amount of money or property contributed by shareholders to be used as the financial foundation of the corporation. The total of a corporation’s capital stock is divided into shares. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note, stock.

Note: The capital stock of the corporate US Government consists of all property of all types “in this state” (see “in this state”) and also includes the preferred stock evidenced by all birth certificates that it holds, and the common stock instruments that issue thereupon and therefrom.

CENSUS. The official counting or enumeration of the people of a state or nation, with statistics of wealth, commerce, education, etc. In Roman Law. A numbering or enrollment of the people with a valuation of their fortunes. Black’s 1 st . See Note, census regalis, tax, taxpayer. See Note.

Note: The first definition (modern) above does not preclude the second (ancient). Please also note that the UCC venues (filing offices) operate in the private realm, and that filings therein are not contingent upon the provision of identifying numbers or serial numbers, such as Social Security Account Numbers.

CENSUS REGALIS. The royal property (or revenue). Bouvier’s 3 rd .

CERTIFICATE. A document in which a fact is formally attested. Black’s 7 th . A written assurance, or official representation, that some act has or has not been done, or some event occurred, or some legal formality complied with. Black’s 1 st .

CERTIFIED CHECK. See acceptance of draft.

CESTUI, CESTUY. He. Used frequently in composition in law French phrases. Black’s 1 st .

CESTUI QUE TRUST. (set-ee [or ses-twee] kee [or k¶] tr¶st). (Law French] One who possesses equitable rights in property and receives the rents, issues, and profits from it; BENEFICIARY. . . Black’s 7 th . He who has a right to a beneficial interest in and out of an estate the legal title to which is vested in another. The person who possesses the equitable right to property and receives the rents, issues, and profits thereof, the legal estate of which is vested in a trustee. Black’s 1st. See cestui, cestui que use, Note.


Note: “Cestui que trust” is French for, literally, “he that trusts.” This particular species of trust is known as a “constructive trust” and is “constructed” by operation of law (fiat2[2]). Such a trust is really only the “appearance” of a trust, i.e. it only looks “as if” it is a trust, but has no creator/trustor/grantor/settlor, the party (flesh-and-blood being) normally responsible for bringing a trust into existence. According to Corpus Juris Secundum every government is a constructive trust, concerning which, Black’s 5 th states: “A trust raised by construction of law, or arising by operation of law, as distinguished by an express trust. . . .Constructive trusts do not arise by agreement or from intention, but by operation of law, and [and, not or] fraud, active or constructive. . . .

The U.S. Government, i.e. Federal Reserve, creates by operation of its “law,” the colorable “cestui que trust” and is, as the creator, or “constructer,” of the trust the (non-flesh-and-blood) owner thereof. Every corporate entity, such as your straw man, has two diametrically opposite kinds of status concerning this trust. Every “citizen of the United States,” is simultaneously a co-trustee and co-beneficiary by operation of law. As co-trustee, your straw man has duties and obligations, such as paying taxes, obeying laws, and obtaining a license for almost every normal activity of life. As co-beneficiary, your juristic-person straw man is entitled to benefits, privileges, and opportunities, such as welfare, protection by law enforcement, and access to the courts, etc.

In court the judge acts as executor/administrator of the trust, managing the estates of the people who function as “persons” through the all-capital-letters juristic names existing as fictitious entities under limited liability. Through a court proceeding, the judge decides which corporate debtor entity owes what money or specific performance to which other corporate creditor entity, thereby “constructing” the terms of the constructive trust on the spot. The straw man is a non-living—and therefore “dead”—entity and, as a “citizen of the United States,” due to the 1933 U.S. bankruptcy, is also “civilly dead in the law,” i.e. no standing in law/insolvent. Such persons are thereby completely foreclosed from access to substance, law, and sovereignty—things which belong/pertain only to real people—and can possess only government-granted, limited-liability privileges (e.g. a “driving privilege”).

CESTUI QUE USE. The person for whose use and benefit property is being held by another, who holds legal title to the property. Black’s 7 th . He for whose use and benefit lands and tenements are held by another. The cestui que use has the right to receive the profits and benefits of the estate, but the legal title and possession (as well as the duty of defending the same) reside in another. Black’s 1 st . See cestui que trust 

CFR. See Code of Federal Regulations.

CHAPTER 11 REORGANIZATION. In addition to voluntary and involuntary proceedings in which a debtor is adjudged bankrupt, under Chapter 11 a debtor is permitted to postpone all payments on debts so that he can reorganize his business. While other bankruptcy proceedings seek to have the debtor’s assets sold and to have all the creditors paid to the extent possible, Chapter 11 seeks to give the debtor a breathing spell with the hope that his business will recover and all his creditors will be fully repaid. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note.

Note: The US Government, a/k/a “United States, Inc.,” a/k/a “Washington, DC” is legally bankrupt and in Chapter 11 Reorganization. The Secretary of the Treasury is receiver in Bankruptcy and runs the corporation on behalf of the creditor, the Federal Reserve. See United States, Note at escrow

 CHARGE. [< OF charg(i)e(r) < LL carricare to load a wagon] v. To impose a burden, obligation, or lien; to create a claim against property; to claim, to demand; to instruct a jury on matters of law. n. In general. An incumbrance, lien, or burden; an obligation, or duty; a liability; an accusation. In contracts. An obligation, binding upon him who enters into it, which may be removed or taken away by a discharge. Black’s 1 st .


CHARGE BACK. The action of a bank in debiting or otherwise revoking a credit given to a customer’s account, which credit usually has been given for a check deposited in the account. See Note, charge-back.

Note: Acceptance for value of the charges equates to revoking that much from the public side (of the double-entry bookkeeping system) over to the private side, and then charging the charges back to the public side (government) for our own benefit. See charge-back, double entry.

CHARGE-BACK. . (a) A collecting bank has a security interest in an item and any accompanying documents or the proceeds of either: . . . (2) In case of an item for which it has given credit available for withdrawal as of right, to the extent of the credit given, whether or not the credit is drawn upon or there is a right of * * * charge-back. UCC 4-210(a)(2). See charge back.

CHATTEL. An article of personal property; any species of property not amounting to a freehold or fee in land.... The term “chattels” is a more comprehensive one than “goods,” as it includes animate as well as inanimate property. Black’s 1 st .

CHATTEL MORTGAGE. An absolute pledge, to become an absolute interest if not redeemed at a fixed time. Bouvier’s 3 rd .

CHATTEL PAPER. “Chattel paper” means a writing or writings which evidence both a monetary obligation and a security interest in a lease of specific goods, but a charter or other contract involving the use or hire of a vessel is not chattel paper. When a transaction is evidenced both by * * * a security agreement or a lease and by an instrument or series of instruments, the group of writings taken together constitutes chattel paper * * *. UCC 9-105(b).

CITIZEN. “Citizens” are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well a collective rights. Black’s 6 th .

CIVIL LAW. That body of law which every particular nation, commonwealth, or city has established peculiarly for itself; more properly called “municipal” law, to distinguish it from the “law of nature,” and from international law.. .The system of jurisprudence held and administered in the Roman Empire, particularly as set fort in the compilation of Justinian and his successors—comprising the Institutes, Code, Digest, and Novels, and collectively denominated the “Corpus Juris Civilis,”—as distinguished from the common law of England and canon law. Black’s 6 th . See municipal, citizen. Compare common law.

CLAIM. A challenge of property or ownership of a thing which is wrongfully withheld; to demand as one’s own; to assert. A right or title. Black’s 4 th . See Note.

Note: A claim is a dispute over title, most fundamentally, as to “who holds legal title to your straw man.” The holder of legal title to your straw man is the master and creditor; your straw man is the slave and debtor. We must reclaim and reunite right and title to our straw man in order to dissolve the bonds of indentured servitude. The “subject/citizen” is the straw man; you are the sovereign. According to the UCC, acquiring rights evidences value. You acquired rights to title of your straw man at the moment of his conception. See value, droit-droit.

 CLEARFIELD TRUST DOCTRINE. Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen... Where private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is concerned... For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government. Clearfield Trust Co. v . United States, 318 U.S. 363-371 (1942). See Note.

Note: The Clearfield Doctrine is stare decisis* upon all courts, and imposes that “an entity cannot compel performance upon its corporate statutes or corporation rules unless it, like any other corporation, is the Holder in Due Course of some contract or commercial agreement between it, and the one on whom its demands for performance are made, and is willing to produce said document, and to place the same into evidence before trying to enforce its demands.


*STARE DECISIS. n. [Latin “to stand by things decided”] The doctrine of precedent, under which it is necessary for a court to follow earlier judicial decisions when the same points arise again in litigation. Black’s 7 th .

CLIENT. A client is one who applies to a lawyer or counselor for advice and direction in a question of law, or commits his cause to his management in presenting a claim or defending against a suit in a court of justice; one who retains the attorney, is responsible to him for his fees, and to whom the attorney is responsible for the management of the suit; one who communicates facts to an attorney expecting professional advice. Clients are also called “wards of the court” in gard to their relationship with their attorneys. Corpus Juris Secundum, 1980, Section 4. See Note, attorney & client.

Note: Clients are “wards of the court,” i.e. “infants and persons of unsound mind.”

The Scarecrow/Straw Man in “The Wizard of Oz” was a “person of unsound mind.”

See wards of court, Attorney & Client, Wizard of Oz, The.

CODE. A system used for brevity or secrecy of communication, in which arbitrarily chosen words, letters, or symbols are assigned definite meanings. Webster’s. A collection, compendium or revision of laws. A complete system of positive law, scientifically arranged and promulgated by legislative authority. Black’s 4 th . See Note.

Note: All “law” today is code, and as such must be deciphered or decoded (generally by special decoders, called attorneys). See Note at bar.

CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS. [CFR] The annual of executive-agency regulations published in the daily Federal Register, combined with previously issued regulations that are still in effect. —Abbr. CFR. Black’s 7 th .

CODE OF HAMMURABI. The oldest known written legal code, produced in Mesopotamia during the rule of Hammurabi (who reigned from 1792 to 1750 B.C. Black’s 7 th . See Note.

Note: The main principle espoused by the Code of Hammurabi was: “The strong shall not oppress the weak.”

COLLATERAL. “Collateral” means the property subject to a security interest, and includes accounts and chattel paper which have been sold....” UCC 9-105(c). See Note.

Note: The property “subject to a security interest,” the collateral, is your straw man and, by implication, your body, labor, and property. Your birth certificate is chattel paper (a security). “Accounts” does not exclude Social Security Account Numbers (SSANs). The US government has a legal security interest in both your straw man and SSAN. As a negotiable instrument valued at $63O,0OO.OO3[3] (in 1936) your birth certificate has probably been bought/sold/traded/pledged many times.

COLOR. Semblance; disguise. Color is often used to designate the hiding of a set of facts behind a sham, taking advantage of the confidence but technically proper, legal theory or legal right. Barron’s 3 rd . See color of law.

COLOR OF LAW. The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state, is action taken under “color of law.” Black’s 5 th . See Note.

Note: All “law” practiced by attorneys today is “color of law.” Said colorable law (as state and federal titles openly state) is “code,” and is privately copyrighted and foreign-owned.


COLORABLE. That which is in appearance only, and not in reality, what it purports to be, hence counterfeit, feigned, having the appearance of truth. Black’s 5 th . See Note:

Note: “Colorable” = “phony?

COMMERCE. (<MF < L commerc(ium), equivalent to commerc(ari) (to) trade together (com + mercari, derivative of merc-, singular of merx goods + -ium noun suffix)] The exchange of goods, productions, or property of any kind; the buying, selling, and exchanging of articles. The transportation of persons or property by land, water and air. The various agreements which have for their object facilitating the exchange of the products of the earth or the industry of man, with an intent to realize a profit. Black’s 1 st . An interchange of goods or commodities, esp. on a large scale between different countries (foreign commerce), or between different parts of the same country (domestic commerce); sexual intercourse. Webster’s. Commerce is a term of the largest import. It comprehends intercourse for the purposes of trade in any and all its forms, including the transportation, purchase, sale and exchange of commodities between the citizens of our country or the citizens or subjects of other countries, and between the citizens of different states. The power to regulate it embraces all the instruments by which such commerce may be conducted. Black’s 1 st . The exchange of goods, productions, or property of any kind; the buying, selling, and exchanging of articles. .. Intercourse by way of trade and traffic between different peoples or states. . including not only the purchase, sale, and exchange of commodities, but also the instrumentalities and agencies by which it is promoted and the means and appliances by which it is carried on, and transportation of persons as well as of goods, both by land and sea.... Also interchange of ideas, sentiments, etc., as between man and man” Black’s 5 th . See Note, Maxims of Commerce.

Note: Commerce in everyday life is the vehicle or glue (bond, tissue) that holds, or binds, the corporate body politic (society as a whole) together. Per Title 27 United States Code, “USC” § 72.11, all crime is classified as commercial in nature. For examples of this see the UCC definition of defendant in this Glossary, and the item entitled “Prisoners, Prisons, and Courts,” as well as the photocopy of the above-mentioned 27 USC 72.11, in Appendix.

More specifically, commerce consists of a mode of interacting, doing business, or resolving disputes whereby all matters are executed under oath, certified on each party’s commercial liability by sworn affidavit, or what is intended to possess the same effect, as true, correct, and complete, not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This affidavit format is usually required in written mailers such as an IRS Form 1040, 8300, etc., an application form for a Driver’s license, Voter Registration, or a Treasury Direct Account, a Notary’s “Copy Certification by Document Certification” form, and on nearly every single document upon which those in the System desire others to be bound or obligated. Such means of signing is an oath, or “commercial affidavit,” executed under penalty (or penalties) of perjury “true, correct, and complete,” whereas in a court setting testimony (oral commercial affidavit) is stated in judicial terms by being sworn to be “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.” In addition to asserting all matters under solemn oath of personal, commercial, financial, and legal liability for the validity of each and every statement, the participant must provide material evidence, i.e. ledgering or bookkeeping, proving the truth, validity, relevance, and verifiability of each and every particular assertion to sustain credibility. Commerce is antecedent to and more fundamental to society than courts or legal systems, and exists and functions without respect to courts or legal systems, but not vice versa. Commercial Law, the non-statutory variety as presented below in Maxims 1-10, is the economic extension of Natural Law into man’s social world and is universal in nature. The foundational, invariant, necessary, and sufficient principles or “Maxims of Commerce” pertaining herein are:

1. A workman is worthy of his hire (Exodus 20:15; Lev. 19:13; Matt. 10:10; Luke 10:7; II Tim. 2:6. Legal maxim: “It is against equity for freemen not to have the free disposal of their own property.”).


2. All are equal under the Law (God’s Law — Moral and Natural Law). (Exodus 21:23-25; Lev. 24:17-21; Deut. 1:17, 19:21; Matt., 22:36-40; Luke 10:17; Col. 3:25. Legal maxims: “No one is above the law.”; “Commerce, by the law of nations, ought to be common, and not to be converted into a monopoly and the private gain of a few.”).

3. In Commerce truth is sovereign (Exodus 20:16; Ps. 117:2; John 8:32; II Cor. 13:8. Legal maxim: “To lie is to go against the mind.” Oriental proverb: “Of all that is good, sublimity is supreme.”).

4. Truth is expressed by means of an affidavit (Lev. 5:4-5; Lev. 6:3-5; Lev 19:11-1 3; Num. 30:2; Matt. 5:33; James 5:12).

5. An unrebutted affidavit stands as the truth in Commerce (1 Pet. 1:25; Heb. 6:13-1 5. Legal maxim: “He who does not deny, admits.”).

6. An unrebutted affidavit becomes the judgment in Commerce (Heb. 6:16-17 Any proceeding in a court, tribunal, or arbitration forum consists of a contest, or “duel,” of commercial affidavits wherein the points remaining unrebutted in the end stand as the truth and the matters to which the judgment of the law is applied.).

7. A matter must be expressed to be resolved (Heb. 4:16; Phil. 4:6; Eph. 6:19-21. Legal maxim: “He who fails to assert his rights has none.”).

8. He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default (Book of Job; Matt. 10:22. Legal maxim: “He who does not repel a wrong when he can, occasions it.”).

9. Sacrifice is the measure of credibility (One who is not damaged, put at risk, or willing to swear an oath on his commercial liability for the truth of his statements and legitimacy of his actions has no basis to assert claims or charges and forfeits all credibility and right to claim authority.) (Acts 7, life/death of Stephen, Legal maxim: “He who bears the burden ought also to derive the benefit.”).

10. A lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by Counter-affidavit point-for-point, resolution by jury, or payment (Gen. 2-3; Matt. 4; Revelation. Legal maxim: “If the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved.”).

COMMERCIAL LAW. A phrase used to designate the whole body of substantive jurisprudence (e.g. Uniform Commercial Code, Truth in Lending Act) applicable to the rights, intercourse, of persons engaged in commerce, trade or mercantile pursuits. Black’s 6 th . See Note, Commerce.

Note: Commercial Law is the economic extension of Natural Law into man’s social world and deals with the fundamental principles of human interaction concerning proof of claim (dispute over title) and resolution of disputes. The fundamental purpose of Commercial Law is “to maintain the commercial harmony, integrity, and continuity of society,” sometimes also stated as “to maintain the peace and dignity of the State.” Over the millennia these principles have been discovered through experience and distilled and codified into ten (10) fundamental maxims. There is no legal issue or dispute possible which is not a function of one or more of these principles. The ten maxims underlying commerce and all Commercial Law, including the UCC, are listed above under commerce. The UCC is a particular codification of Commercial Law, oriented towards the contemporary legal, financial, monetary, and banking systems. The entirety of world commerce now functions in accordance with the UCC-version of Commercial Law.

COMMERCIAL LIEN. See Note. Compare non-commercial lien.

Note: A commercial lien is a non-judicial claim or charge against property of a Lien Debtor for payment of a debt or discharge of a duty or obligation. A lien has the effect of permanently seizing property in three (3) months, ninety (90) days, upon failure of the Lien Debtor to rebut the Affidavit of Claim of Lien. The commercial grace of a lien is provided by the three-month delay of the


execution process, allowing for resolution (by “combat”) either verbally, in writing, or by Jury Trial within the 90-day period. A Distress bonded by an Affidavit of Information becomes a finalized, matured commercial lien and accounts-receivable ninety (90) days from the date of filing. The Lien Right of a Lien must be expressed in the form of an Affidavit sworn true, correct, and complete, with positive identification of the Affiant. The swearing is based on one’s own commercial liability.

A commercial lien differs from a true bill in commerce only in that ordinarily a true bill in commerce is private, whereas a lien is the same bill publicly declared, usually filed in the office of the County Recorder, and, like all such declarations, when uncontested by categorical point-for-point rebuttal of the affidavit, is a Security (15 USC) and an accounts-receivable.

A commercial lien differs from a non-commercial lien in that it contains a declaration of a one-to-one correspondence between and item or service purchased or offenses committed1 and a debt owed. A commercial lien does not require a court process for its establishment. However, a commercial lien can be challenged via a Seventh Amendment jury trial, but may not be removed by anyone except the Lien Claimant or a jury trial, properly constituted, convened, and conducted (due process). It cannot be removed by summary process (judge’s discretion). A commercial lien (or distress) can exist in ordinary commerce without dependence on a judicial process, and is therefore not a common law instrument unless challenged in a court of common law, whereupon it converts to a common law lien. A commercial lien must always contain an Affidavit in Support of Claim of Lien and cannot be removed without a complete rebuttal of the Lien Claimant’s affidavit categorically and point-for-point, in order to overthrow the one-to-one correspondence of the commercial Lien. Also, no common law process can remove a commercial lien unless that common law process guarantees and results in a complete rebuttal of the lien claimant’s Affidavit categorically and point-for-point (in order to overthrow the one-to-one correspondence of the commercial lien).


Note: System of jurisprudence, that originated in England and was later applied in the United States, that was originally based on the procedures developed by free, sovereign, allodial landowners to resolve disputes over Land, such as borders and ownership. After the Norman Conquest of 1066, “common law” came to be based on judicial precedent (court decisions) that was increasingly absorbed into the Crown. By such means, what is called “common law” in name became increasingly Roman Civil Law. True common law is completely independent of all governmental involvement. All governments are variants of Roman Civil Law, the law of kings, princes, and rulers. Nevertheless, common law remained based on transmitted, established principles rather than legislative enactment (statutes, statutory law, codes). Great care should be used concerning the precise manner in which the term, “common law,” is defined, understood, and used. One should ascertain the implication of the words, e.g. “what law is common where and to what?” Traditionally, in the absence of statutory law regarding a particular subject, the judge-made rules of common law are the laws on that subject. Thus the traditional phrase “at law” refers to the state of the law in a particular field prior to the enactment of legislation in that field. Compare statute, Roman Civil Law.

COMMON STOCK. A security representing an ownership interest in a corporation. Ownership may also be shared with preferred stock, which has prior claims to any dividends to be paid and, in the event of liquidation, prior claim to the distribution of the corporation’s assets. As owners of the corporation, common stockholders (shareholders) assume the primary risk if business is poor, realize the greater return in the event of success and elect the board of directors that controls the company. BDLT 1983. See Note, stock.


Note: In the above definition, security = birth certificate; corporation = “United States, Inc.”; preferred stock = your priority tax exemption; common stock = all issuances of presentments/negotiable instruments/”money,” the authority for which is based upon the holding of preferred stock; common stockholders (shareholders) = those preferred stockholders holding title to a birth-certificate straw man (presently the bankrupt US Government, which holds title to most straw men—except those that have been redeemed by their rightful title-holders).

COMPLAINT. In civil practice. In those states having a Code of Civil Procedure, the complaint is the first or initiatory pleading on the part of the plaintiff in a civil action. It corresponds to the declaration in the common-law practice. . . . In criminal law. A charge, preferred before a magistrate having jurisdiction, that a person named (or an unknown person) has committed a specified offense, with an offer to prove the fact, to the end that a prosecution may be instituted. It is a technical term, descriptive of proceedings before a magistrate. . . . The complaint is an allegation, made before a proper magistrate, that a person has been guilty of a designated public offense.... Black’s 1 st .

Note: A private man cannot commit a public offense—only a public man (straw man) can commit a public offense.

COMPULSORY. Adj. Involuntary; forced; coerced by Legal process or by statute. Black’s 6 th .

COMPULSORY COUNTERCLAIM. A pleading shall state as a counterclaim any claim which at the time of serving the pleading the pleader has against any opposing party, if it arises out of the transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter of the opposing party’s claim and does not require for its adjudication the presence of third parties of whom the court cannot acquire jurisdiction. But the pleader need not state the claim if. the opposing party brought suit by attachment or other process by which the court did not acquire jurisdiction to render a personal judgment on that claim. Fed.R. Civil P. 13(a). For claim to constitute a compulsory counterclaim, it must be logically related to original claim and arise out of same subject matter on which original claim is based; many of the same factual legal issues, or offshoots of same basic controversy between parties must be involved in a compulsory counterclaim. Black’s 6 th . (Codified at 28 United States Code Rule 13(a)).

Note: The above has been made difficult to understand likely because “compulsory counterclaim” is a highly significant legal term with regard to “creditors” and “debtors,” and accordingly, Redemption. The above definitions do not necessarily exclude matters and issues that have not yet been entered into or formally addressed by the court. The court is a public venue with jurisdiction over unredeemed/unreclaimed straw men only, and can never acquire jurisdiction over a private, non-negotiable matter. It is the position of the Authors that any actual or potential court case can, and should, be resolved documentarily by serving notice to the man wearing the black robe, dba “JUDGE,” in his private capacity, of your non-negotiable compulsory counterclaim. Moreover, your compulsory counterclaim was secured by accepting the case, and all documents related thereto, for value, whereby you became the holder in due course (“Super-plaintiff”) of the case and all other parties have been rendered bereft of defenses. This particular specie of counterclaim is likely so-named because the court must be spared the toil, expense, and potential liability of proceeding in a case where there can be only one possible outcome: a finding for the counterclaimant. This also appears to fall into the realm of “remedy.” See, conditional acceptance, defendant.

CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. An engagement to pay the draft or accept the offer on the happening of a condition. A “conditional acceptance” is in effect a statement that the offeree is willing to enter into a bargain differing in some respects from that proposed in the original offer. The conditional acceptance is, therefore, itself a counter-offer. Black’s 6 th . See Note, counterclaim, compulsory counterclaim.

Note: The act of accepting for value a presentment is a counterclaim and a conditional acceptance, conditioned upon the offeror’s failure to back out of the deal; i.e. withdraw his offer within 72 hours as allowed by the Federal Truth in Lending Act (15 USC § 1601 et seq.). See Truth in Lending Act, counterclaim, compulsory counterclaim.



Note: Accommodation of the Federal Bankruptcy, whereby the Governors of the 48 several states of the Union pledged their faith and credit to the aid of the National Government, and thereafter formed numerous socialist programs such as the “Council of State Governments,” Social Security Administration, etc., purportedly to deal with the economic “Emergency.” They operated under the “Declaration of Interdependence” of January 22, 1937 and published some of their activities in the “Book of the States,” Vol. II, page 144. See “in this state.”

CONSTRUCTIVE. That which is established by the mind of the law in its act of construing facts, conduct, circumstances, or instruments; that which has not the character assigned to it in its own essential nature but acquires such character in consequence of the way in which it is regarded by a rule or policy of law; hence, inferred, implied, made out by legal interpretation;—the word “legal” being used sometimes in lieu of “constructive.” Black’s 4 th . See Note.

Note: Corpus Juris Secundum defines a government as a “constructive trust.” Black’s 5th defines “constructive trust” as a mixture of “law and fraud.” Today all “courts” are private commercial tribunals collecting from the “assets,” i.e. every “citizen of the United States,” in the Chapter 11 Reorganization in bankruptcy of the US. As such, every court today is a court of general equity wherein the judge can “pick and choose” from any body of law on earth in forming his decision, with the final basis of decision-making being the “conscience of the court” (meaning whatever the judge feels). All such courts are corporate contract courts, dealing with fictitious entities and contracts between them. The straw man of each disputant, or party to the controversy, is within the bankruptcy and the corporate US, which is a “public trust” under the 14th Amendment. Such an arrangement has only two parties: co trustee and co-beneficiary. A public trust has no creator/trustor/grantor/settlor as with an express trust (which involves three parties, not two, as with a public trust). In sifting, sorting, and selecting from the law and facts of a case, a judge forms a “constructive trust” in which the judge “constructs” the terms of the particular trust contract emerging out of the dispute. A “trustee” of a public trust has duties and obligations; a “beneficiary”

receives or derives benefits from the trust. Every straw man today has duties as a co-trustee, along with privileges as a co-beneficiary, of the public trust. Consequently, in every court case today the judge is “constructing” the terms of the “constructive trust” to decide which straw man owes what recompense or specific performance to the other straw man.

CONTRACT. An agreement between two or more persons which creates an obligation to do or not to do a particular thing. Its essentials are competent parties, subject matter, a legal consideration, mutuality of agreement, and mutuality of obligation. Black’s 5 th .

Note: All contracts, whether express or implied, are subject to the universal essentials of contract law, pertaining to the fundamentals of the interaction between the parties. These fundamentals are well codified in many places, e.g. the California Civil Code, Sections 1549 et seq.:

§ 1549. Contract, what

A contract is an agreement to do or not to do a certain thing.

§ 1550. Essential elements of contract

It is essential to the existence of a contract that there should be:

1. Parties capable of contracting;

2. Their consent;

3. Lawful object; and,

4. A sufficient cause or consideration.

§ 1556. Who may contract


All persons are capable of contracting, except minors, persons of unsound mind, and persons deprived of civil rights.

 § 1565. Essentials of consent

The consent of the parties to a contract must be:

1. Free;

2. Mutual; and,

3. Communicated by each to the other.

§ 1567. An apparent consent is not real or free when obtained through:

1. Duress;

2. Menace;

3. Fraud;

4. Undue influence; or

5. Mistake.

§ 1598. When contract wholly void

Where a contract has but a single object, and such object is unlawful, whether in whole or in part, or wholly impossible of performance, or so vaguely expressed as to be wholly unascertainable, the entire contract is void.

§ 1608. Effect of its illegality

If any part of single consideration for one or more objects, or of several considerations for a single object, is unlawful, the entire contract is void.

§ 1620. Express contract, what

An express contract is one, the terms of which are stated in words.

§ 1621. Implied contract, what

An implied contract is one, the existence and terms of which are manifested by conduct.

§ 1441. Impossible or unlawful conditions void

A condition in a contract, the fulfillment of which is impossible or unlawful, within the meaning of the article on the object of contracts, or which is repugnant to the nature of the interest created by the contract, is void.

§ 1636. Contracts, how to be interpreted

A contract must be so interpreted as to give effect to the mutual intention of the parties as it existed at the time of contracting, so far as the same is ascertainable and lawful.


§ 1668. Certain contracts unlawful

All contracts which have for their object, directly or indirectly, to exempt anyone from responsibility for his own fraud, or willful injury to the person or property of another, or violation of law, whether willful or negligent, are against the policy of the law.

§ 1709. Fraudulent deceit

One who willfully deceives another with intent to induce him to alter his position to his injury or risk, is liable for any damage which he thereby suffers.

CONVEY. [ME convey(en) < AF convie(r) CVL conviare, equiv. to con- CON- + -viare, deny, of via way. .] to transfer, as property or title to property, from one person to another. American Heritage Dictionary.

CORPORATION. An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority or laws of a state. An association of persons created by statute as a legal entity. The law treats the corporation itself as a person that can sue and be sued. The corporation is distinct from the individuals who comprise it (shareholders). The corporation survives the death of its investors, as the shares can usually be transferred. Black’s 6 th . See corporation aggregate, corporation sole, public corporation.

CORPORATION AGGREGATE. A corporation aggregate is one composed of a number of individuals vested with corporate powers; and a “corporation” as the word is used in general popular and legal speech and as defined at the head of this title, means “corporation aggregate.” Black’s 6 th . Compare corporation sole.

CORPORATION SOLE. A corporation consisting of one person only, and his successors in some particular station, who is incorporated by law in order to give his successors in office some legal capacities and advantages, particularly that of perpetuity, which in their natural persons they could not have had. In this sense the sovereign in England is a sole corporation, so is a bishop, so are some deans distinct from their several chapters, and so is every parson and vicar. A corporation sole consists of a single person, who is made a body corporate and politic, in order to give him some legal capacities and advantages and especially that of perpetuity; as a bishop, dean, etc. Black’s 1 st . See Note. Compare corporation aggregate.

CORRESPONDENT. A securities firm, bank, or other financial organization which regularly performs services for another in a place or market to which the other does not have direct access.. .. Black’s 6 th .

CORRESPONDENT BANK. See correspondent.

CORRUPTION. An act done with an intent to give some advantage inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others. The act of an official or fiduciary person who unlawfully and wrongfully uses his station or character to procure some benefit for himself or for another person, contrary to duty and the rights of others.” Black’s 5 th .

COUNTERCLAIM. A claim presented by a defendant in opposition to or deduction from the claim of the plaintiff. Fed.R. Civil P. 13. If established, such will defeat or diminish the plaintiffs claim. Under federal rule practice, and also in most states, counterclaims are either compulsory (required to be made) or permissive (made at option of defendant). Black’s 6 th . See defendant, compulsory counterclaim.

Note: “Acceptance for value” by a sovereign of any presentment, if the presentment is not withdrawn by the presenter within the 72-hour grace period prescribed in the Federal Truth in Lending Act, is a contractually perfected counterclaim by definition, and a compulsory counterclaim, as well.

CREDIT. The credit of an individual is the trust reposed in him by those who deal with him that he is of ability to meet his engagements; and he is trusted because through the tribunals of the country he may be made to pay. . . Black’s 1 st . See Note.


Note: “Credit” means belief. It comes from the Latin word credere believe, trust. It is also inextricably linked with one’s name. If one examines the above abstract from Black’s 1 st , the inherent fraudulent nature of the current credit system is abundantly clear: The only “trust” is reposed in anyone by the folks at the Federal Reserve is because an individual “can be made to pay” via “the tribunals of the country,” a type of transaction requiring no trust with a built-in insurance policy/double indemnity for the con. Credit = belief = no substance = Federal Reserve Notes.

CREDITOR. “Creditor” includes a general creditor, a secured creditor, a lien creditor and any representative of creditors, including an assignee for the benefit of creditors, a trustee in bankruptcy, a receiver in equity and an executor or administrator of an insolvent debtor’s or assignor’s estate. UCC 1-201(12). See Note.

Note: Each type of “representative of creditor” listed above is, in itself, a precise description of the Secretary of the Treasury, who is the official Receiver in Bankruptcy over the bankrupt United States Government. Such also describes the underlings of the Secretary of the Treasury, one of whom is the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. In law (the most senior form of law on the planet is the UCC) there are only two kinds of people: Debtors and Creditors. The same is true in any statutory court. Judges and attorneys (unregistered foreign agents—see Note at bar) are also included in this definition. “Creditor,” per the Internal Revenue Code, also means “employer.” See Note at escrow, employer.

DEBTOR. “Debtor” means the person who owes payment or other performance of the obligation secured, whether or not he or she owns or has rights in the collateral, and includes the seller of accounts or chattel paper. UCC 9-105(d). See Note.

Note: A debtor is as enslaved as he is obligated. The Federal Reserve issued credit to the United States government against the (all-capital letters) name of your straw man shortly after the birth of the two of you (see birth), thus incurring the obligation to repay the credit (Federal Reserve Notes) that was loaned. However, since the straw man has no body or means of repaying anything, the burden shifts to you, the recipient of all the “benefits” (transmitting-utility benefits) attached to his (all-capital letters) name that have been bestowed upon you by the United States government your entire life in exchange for its use of your (straw man’s) name. Your straw man’s all-caps name is designated above as “your name” only because it is a piece of property that you own (but do not currently hold legal title to). Your straw man’s name is an artifice existing only in law and does not refer to or identify you. The name that refers to and identifies you is your “true name,” and is written according to the rules of English grammar for proper nouns.

DE FACTO. In fact, in deed, actually. This phrase is used to characterize an officer, a government, a past action, or a state of affairs which must be accepted for all practical purposes, but is illegal or illegitimate. Thus, an office, position or status existing under a claim or color of right such as a de facto corporation. Black’s 6 th . Compare de jure. See Note, color, color of law.

Note: The US Government is a de facto corporation (bankrupt/insolvent).

DE JURE. [Law Latin “as a matter of law”] Existing by right or according to law. Black’s 7 th . Descriptive of a condition in which there has been total compliance with all requirements of law. Of right; legitimate; lawful; by right and just title. In this sense it is the contrary of de facto. Black’s 6 th . Compare de facto.

DEFAULT. The omission or failure to fulfill a duty, observe a promise, discharge an obligation, or perform an agreement. In practice. Omission; neglect or failure. When a defendant in an action at law omits to plead within the time allowed him for that purpose, or fails to appear on the trial, he is said to make default, and the judgment entered in the former case is technically called a “judgment by default.” Black’s 1 st . See defaulter, defendant.

DEFAULTER. One who makes default. One who misappropriates money held by him in an official or fiduciary character, or fails to account for such money. Black’s 1 st .


DEFENDANT. “Defendant” includes a person in the position of defendant in a cross-action or counterclaim. UCC 1-201(13). See action, setoff.

DELIVERY. With respect to instruments, documents of title, chattel paper or certificated securities means voluntary transfer of possession. UCC 1-201(14); a voluntary transfer of title or possession from one party to another; a legally recognized handing-over of one’s possessory rights to another. Where actual delivery would be cumbersome or impossible, the courts will find a constructive delivery sufficient, provided the intention is clearly to transfer title. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note, pledge.

Note: Did your mother “voluntarily” “deliver” you into the warehouse district/county? Another delivery occurs when mothers pledge/indorse/transfer title of the straw man of the newborn sovereign child to the US Government by written indorsement, receiving in return a birth certificate/warehouse receipt as evidence of said delivery/pledge/deposit/transfer. The UCC authorizes your mother to do this as your representative under Section 3-402.

DEMUR. To present a demurrer; more broadly, to take an exception to a point of law or an allegation of facts on the basis of even if it is so it does not advance the interest of the party making the statement. Barron’s 3 rd . vb. To file a demurrer; to object to the legal sufficiency of a claim alleged in a pleading without admitting or denying the truth of the facts stated. Black’s 7 th . See demurrer.

DEMURRER. [Law French demorer “to wait or stay”] A pleading stating that although the facts alleged in a complaint may be true, they are insufficient for the plaintiff to state a claim for relief and for the defendant to frame an answer. • In most jurisdictions, such a pleading is now termed a motion to dismiss, but the demurrer is still used in a few states, including California, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania. Black’s 7 th . It imports that the objecting party will not proceed, but will wait the judgment of the court whether he is bound to do so. Black’s 1 st .

DENIAL. A traverse in the pleading of one party of an allegation of fact set up by the other; a defense.... Black’s 4 th . See traverse, traverser.

DIGNITY. In English law. An honor; a title, station, or distinction of honor. Dignities are a species of incorporeal hereditaments, in which a person may have a property or estate. Black’s 1 st . n. 1. The state of being noble; the state of being dignified. 2. An elevated title or position. 3. A person holding an elevated title; a dignitary. 4. A right to hold a title of nobility, which may be hereditary or for life. Black’s 7 th .

Note: An attorney’s English title of nobility comes from his/her “dignity” (for life).

DISCHARGE. The opposite of charge; hence to release; liberate; annul; unburden; disencumber. In the law of contracts. To cancel or unloose the obligation of a contract; to make an agreement or contract null and inoperative. Discharge is a generic term; its principal species are rescission, release, accord and satisfaction, performance, judgment, composition, bankruptcy, merger... Black’s 1 st . To satisfy or dismiss the obligations of contract or debt; the method by which a legal duty is extinguished. BDLT, 1983. See Note.

Note: Because of the bankruptcy of the US Government as memorialized in House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 (HJR-192), it is no longer possible to pay off debts. We used to be able to pay debts using gold or specie (gold or silver coin), but that was declared against public policy in HJR-192. Now we can only “discharge” debts by passing debt paper (Federal Reserve Notes) as “legal tender.”

 DISHONOR. A term applied to the non-fulfillment of commercial engagements. To dishonor a bill of exchange or promissory note, is to refuse or neglect to pay it at maturity. Bouvier’s 3 rd . In mercantile law and usage. To refuse or decline to accept a bill of exchange, or to refuse or neglect to pay a bill or note at maturity. A negotiable instrument is dishonored when it is either not paid or not accepted, according to its tenor*, on presentment for that purpose, or without presentment, where that is excused. Civil Code Cal. § 3141. Black’s 1 st .


*TENOR. By the tenor of an instrument signifies the true meaning of the matter therein contained. Cowell. Bouvier’s 3 rd .


Note: Referred to in Security Agreement (see Section 8) under “COLLATERAL.” A standard Bill of Exchange that comes into play if DEBTOR violates terms of Security Agreement—but also evidences monetary value of Secured Party’s perfected security interest (lien) in property of DEBTOR. Essentially, an “insurance policy” for Secured Party, agreed to by DEBTOR in advance of any dishonor, that “compels” DEBTOR to perform as agreed to avoid penalty. Basically, Secured Party is lienholder in first position against DEBTOR and all property in DEBTOR’S name. Before any third party can legally take title to any property in DEBTOR’S name (wherein Secured party holds all interest) Secured Party must issue a partial release re that property. In the case of a third party wishing to appropriate/seize/steal/confiscate any property in DEBTOR’S name, in order to get Secured Party to issue any such partial release, third party must first deal with monetary value of Secured Party’s perfected security interest established in Dishonor Settlement Agreement Bill of Exchange. The figure of $100-Billion is arbitrary, though it does have a ring of validity to it in terms of what is at stake (your existence).

DISPUTABLE PRESUMPTION. A species of evidence that may be accepted and acted upon when there is no other evidence to uphold contention for which it stands: and when evidence is introduced supporting such contention, evidence takes place of presumption, and there is no necessity for indulging in any presumption. A rule of law to be laid down by the court, which shifts to the party against whom it operates the burden of evidence merely. Black’s 6 th . See Note, rebuttable presumption, presumption.

Note: Right to legal title of your straw man is a disputable/rebuttable presumption that was presumed by the US Government, and can be successfully disputed/rebutted, i.e. eliminated, via “Acceptance for Value.” No one holds a higher right to title of your straw man than you, because you comprise the sole source of his existence and have acted as surety/guarantor for his misadventures since you attained the age of majority and were legally responsible for your own actions.

DISTRAINT. Seizure; the act of distraining or making a distress. . . . Black’s 4 th . See distress.

DISTRESS. The taking of a personal chattel out of the possession of a wrongdoer into the custody of the party injured to procure satisfaction of the wrong committed; the act of taking possession of personal property to hold as a pledge for the payment of a debt, the discharge of a duty, or for reparation of some injury done. Distress is not a judicial process, and under it only such property can be taken as is tangible and capable of seizure and sale. W&P, Vol. 13. Compare replevin.

Note: Though the Internal Revenue Service and Fed-member financial institutions conspire and pervert its use, this is one of the commercial devices that allow them to avoid the legal system when they take people’s money/property. Other names for a Distress are “Distraint Warrant” and “Warrant to Seize.”

A Distress has the instantaneous effect of a Commercial Arrest, suspending property in third-party custody of a bank, sheriff, etc. until some certain specific performance is satisfied, whereupon the distressed/arrested property must be returned to the distressed party in good condition, and all parties who were served a copy of the Distress or a notice of its existence served with a Notice of Release of Distress. One should not distress livestock or crops unless one is prepared to attend to them and return them to the distressed party in good condition in the event the Distress is satisfied. A Distress must be in the form of an affidavit sworn true, correct, and complete, with positive identification of the Affiant, and is based upon one’s own commercial liability. A Distress filed to stop the commission of a crime must not be ignored by any public official because such neglect would constitute “accessory to a crime.” A Distress need not be cash-bonded or insurance company-bonded, however, as a sworn criminal complaint, i.e. Affidavit of Information, will suffice. A Distress impounds property for ninety (90) days, and a Distress bonded by an Affidavit of Information becomes a finalized, matured commercial lien and accounts-receivable ninety (90) days from the date of filing. See Notice of interest, Notice of Distress, Distress Levy, and Seizure.


DISTRESS INFINITE. One that has no bounds with regard to its quantity, and may be repeated from time to time, until the stubbornness of the party is conquered. Such are distresses for fealty or suit of court, and for compelling jurors to attend. . . . Black’s 4 th .

Note: Technical name for a Distress that has no bounds with regard to its quantity, and may be repeated from time to time until the stubbornness of the party is conquered, in order to guarantee specific performance


Note: Also known as a levy or seizure. An instruction or directive to commercially seize for a temporary taking or suspension of use is a Fourth Amendment United Constitutional instrument known as a Warrant on Probable Cause, and hence must be supported by each of the following: Commercial Affidavit; Commercial True Bill in Commerce; Commercial Distress; and proof of Commercial Notice of Distress. All are required.

An Indemnification Bond, called a Distress Bond or Bond on Distress, must also accompany any Distress in order for the levy to be empowered in commerce so the third-party taker is insured against damages caused by an unlawful taking, even though the taking is only temporary. As with any insurance premium, the cost of the bond is not refundable.

Example: Every IRS withholding of wages or seizure of funds in a bank account that lasts longer than 21 days (period of a Notice of Interest) must be supported by a Bonded Distress. The face value of such a bond is at least double the amount distressed, costing at least ten percent (10%) of face value, and is purchased from an insurance/bonding company. Usual minimum face value of any such a Bond is $1,000, costing a minimum of $50 cash.

DISTRESS WARRANT. Summary or final process, unless when levied it is arrested by “counter-affidavit under statute.” W&P, Vol. 13.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. A territory situated on the Potomac River, and being the seat of government of the United States. It was originally ten miles square, and was composed of portion of Maryland and Virginia ceded by those states to the United States; but in 1846 the tract coming from Virginia was retroceded. Legally it is neither a state nor a territory, but is made subject, by the constitution, to the exclusive jurisdiction of congress. Black’s 1 st . See United States. See Note.

Note: A municipal corporation, incorporated February 21, 1871 (16 Stat. 419, Chap. LXII, 41st Congress, 3rd Session, “An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia”); Reorganized June 8, 1878 (20 Stat. 102, Chap 180, 45th Congress, 2nd Session, “An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia”).

 DOCUMENT. “Document” means document of title as defined in the general definitions of Division 1 (Section 1-201), and a receipt of the kind described in subdivision (2) of Section 7-201 * * * UCC 9-105(f). See Note.

Note: A birth certificate is a document of title to a straw man (trade name). A “receipt of the kind described in subdivision (2) of Section 7-201” is a warehouse receipt. Therefore, a birth certificate—a document of title—is a warehouse receipt. See UCC 7-202.

DOCUMENT OF TITLE. “Document of title” includes bill of lading, dock warrant, dock receipt, warehouse receipt, or order for delivery of goods . . . evidencing that the person entitled under the document . . . has the right to receive, hold and dispose of the document and the goods it covers. UCC 1-201(15). See Note, title.

Note: A birth certificate qualifies as a document of title because it is both a warehouse receipt and a dock receipt.


DOUBLE ENTRY. A system of bookkeeping, in which the entries are posted twice into the ledger, once as a credit and once as a debit. Black’s 6 th . A system of mercantile bookkeeping, in which the entries in the day-book, etc., are posted twice into the ledger. First, to a personal account, that is, to the account of the person with whom the dealing to which any given entry refers has taken place; secondly, to an impersonal account, as “goods” Black’s 1 st . See Note.

Note: The government employs, covertly, a double-entry bookkeeping system. Our straw men, “persons,” have assets and offsetting liabilities posted on the “personal side.” We, as natural men and women, “goods,” have assets and offsetting liabilities posted on the “impersonal side.” We have, as it were, been “double-crossed.” See charge back.

DRAFT. An order in writing directing a person other than the maker to pay a specified sum to a named person...Drafts may or may not be negotiable instruments, depending on whether the elements of negotiability are satisfied. Draft is synonymous with bill of exchange. Barron’s 3 rd . “Draft” means a draft as defined in Section 3-104 or an item, other than an instrument*, that is an order. UCC 4-104(7). An instrument is a “note” if it is a promise, and is a “draft” if it is an order. UCC 3-104(e). Compare sight draft.

*INSTRUMENT. “Instrument” means a negotiable instrument. UCC 3-104(b).

DRAWEE. “Drawee” means a person ordered in a draft to make payment. UCC 3-103(2). One to whom a bill of exchange or a check directs a request to pay a certain sum of money specified therein. In the typical checking account situation, the bank is the drawee, the person writing the check is the maker or drawer, and the person to whom the check is written is the payee. Barron’s 3 rd . Compare acceptor. See Note.

Note: In your bill of exchange to the Secretary of the Treasury re acceptance for value of your birth certificate, the Secretary of the Treasury is the drawee and you are the drawer.

DRAWER. “Drawer” means a person who signs or is identified in a draft as a person ordering payment. UCC 3-103(3). See Note.

Note: When you sign a check, you are the drawer and you are ordering your bank, the drawee, to pay a sum certain to the order of the payee. When you sign the bill of exchange re acceptance for value of your birth certificate, you are also the drawer, and you are ordering the Secretary of the Treasury, the drawee, to pay a sum certain to the order of the payee, your straw man, or to the order of the Secretary of the Treasury himself. You are ordering the payment of money, which in this case, is debt.

DROIT. (drwah or droyt). [French “right”] 1. A legal right or claim. 2. The whole body of law. Black’s 7 th . See droit-droit.

DROIT-DROIT. (drwah-drwah), n. [Law French “double right”] Hist. The unification of the right of possession with the right of property. — Also termed jus duplicatum; dreit dreit. Black’s 7 th . See Note. Compare absolute rights.

Note: As with the cestui que trust this term also comes to us from Norman French attorneys. You have had the “right of possession” of your juristic, straw-man name your entire life, but you have not had the right of property over the name because legal title was held elsewhere. “Acceptance For Value” unites right of possession with right of property of your straw man. He can then go to work for you, rather than Big Brother.

DULOCRACY. (d[y]oo-lok-rð-see), n. [fr. Greek doulos “servant” + kratein “to rule”] A government in which servants or slaves have so many privileges that they essentially rule. — Also spelled doulocracy. Black’s 7 th . Compare mixed war.

DUMMY. n. One who purchases property and holds legal title for another, usually to conceal the identity of the true owner; a straw man. Adj. Sham; make-believe; pretended; imitation. Person who serves in place


of another, or who serves until the proper person is named or available to take his place (e.g. dummy corporate officers; dummy owners of real estate). Black’s 6 th . See Note, dummy corporation.

Note: Your straw man is a dummy. Re “the proper person” referred to above, see in propria persona.

DUMMY CORPORATION. Corporation formed for sham purposes and not for conduct of legitimate business; e.g. formed for sole reason of avoiding personal liability. Black’s 6 th . See Note.

Note: The United States government formed the dummy corporation identified as your straw man (without yours or your mother’s knowledge or consent) for the sham purpose of making you personally liable for repayment of loans of credit from the Federal Reserve.

E.G. (L exempli gratia) for example. ACED.

EMPLOYEE. For purposes of this chapter, the term “employee” includes an officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing. The term “employee” also includes an officer of a corporation. Internal Revenue Code, Sec. 3401(d) Subtitle C. See Note, employer. 

Note: The above definition is part of a masterfully constructed circular trail with no particular beginning or end, with the operative definition of the term in question to be found within the definition of another term. The above definition also contains the lexicographer’s cardinal sin of using the same term within the definition of the term being defined. In order to comprehend fully the meaning of “employee,” as enforced by the Internal Revenue Service, we must look elsewhere, as well. 

According to the definition of “employer” (below) in the Internal Revenue Code, “IRC,” an “employee” is an “individual.” However essential the term “individual” may be in defining what an “employee” is, it does not appear in the IRC definition of “employee,” nor is it defined anywhere else in the IRC. It is defined, however, in Title 5 United States Code § 552a(a)(2) as “United States Government employee,” a definition compatible with related terms in the IRC. For the second half of the circular trail see employer and the accompanying Note. 

EMPLOYER. For purposes of this chapter, the term “employer” means the person for whom an individual performs or performed any service, of whatever nature, as the employee of such person, except that . . (1) if the person for whom the individual performs or performed the services does not have control of the payment of the wages for such services, the term “employer means the person having control of the payment of such wages....” Internal Revenue Code Sec. 3401(d) Subtitle C. See Note. 

Note: One’s “employer” is not the company for which one works or performs labor. One’s “employer” is the “person having control of the payment of - . . wages.” 

The only type of entity that has total control over the finances of another, according to the supreme law on the planet, the U.C.C., is a creditor over a debtor. Since the Internal Revenue Service, “IRS,” controls the payment of all wages in America, it follows that the IRS is either the ultimate creditor or an agent for the ultimate creditor, over those who earn wages and are also classified as debtors. 

The IRS is a revenue- (re-venue) and intelligence-gathering agency under the Commissioner of Internal Revenue—who works under the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, and does NOT work for the US Government (see Secretary, Note at escrow). He is the Receiver in Bankruptcy for the creditor of the bankrupt United States Government, i.e. the owner of the private Federal Reserve Bank (see Chapter 11 Reorganization). Simply stated, the Federal Reserve is the creditor and the US Government is the debtor. Under the U.C.C., U.C.C. 1-201(12) (see creditor), the IRS, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and the Secretary of the Treasury (of Puerto Rico) all qualify as “creditors” because they are acting as agents for the actual creditor and Real Party of Interest (see Real Party of Interest). 


It is easy to see then, that having control over all finances of the debtor-United States Government would also include control of the payment of wages by the debtor-United States Government to all United States Government employees. And, since the IRS controls the payment of wages to everyone in America, everyone in America must be a United States Government employee. The $64-Question is: How can this be? 

According to the above definition of “employer,” an employee is an “individual.” According to Title 5 United States Code § 552a(a)(2), an “individual” is a “United States Government employee.” Therefore: since the Federal Reserve, or Fed, controls the payment of wages to “United States Government employees,” the Fed is the actual employer of “United States Government employees,” which includes all American wage earners. I.e. United States Government employees are “employed” by the Fed, NOT the United States Government. Does that mean that you are a United States Government employee? No, but it does mean that the utility that transmits between you and the United States Government, i.e. your straw man, is. 

This is the missing link: Your straw man is the “employee-individual” who “performs services” for the employer-Federal Reserve-creditor. Minimally, he/she/it performs the service of making you liable/accountable for the indebtedness of the bankrupt US Government to its creditor, the Federal Reserve. Until you secure your position as the creditor over your straw man, he/she/it remains an Individual” and a “United States Government employee.” the payment of wages to whom is controlled by the Federal Reserve, his/her/its legal employer. As soon as you displace the Fed as holder of your birth certificate, all the rules that formerly worked on behalf of the Fed now work on your behalf, with you as the creditor and your straw man as your employee. See employee, individual, person, employer identification number.  


Note: As you likely observed in the above exposition of “employee” and “employer” there is only one “lawful” employer of all unredeemed straw men in America: the owner of the Federal Reserve. That entity has such standing because he is the creditor over his , the United States Government, and because he has control of the payment of wages to all his debtor’s employees (the unredeemed straw men), thereby making him the “employer” by definition. This contrived definition of “employer” constitutes lexical legerdemain of the highest order. The point is, once you hold standing as creditor over your straw man debtor, you also acquire standing as “employer” because you, as creditor, are accorded the same standing as any other creditor. Though no longer mentioned in documents to the Secretary of the Treasury, it is not unfeasible to consider your straw man’s Social Security Account Number, less the dashes, to be akin to an Employer Identification Number for you. the new “employer.” 

EQUITY. (ME equfte, t. L: m.s. aequitas equity, justice] Law. a. the application of the dictates of conscience or the principles of natural justice to the settlement of controversies. b. a system of jurisprudence or a body of doctrines and rules developed in England and followed in the United States, serving to supplement and remedy the limitations and the inflexibility of the common law. . . ACED. most generally, “justice” Historically, “equity” developed as a separate body of law in England in reaction to the inability of the common law courts, in their strict adherence to writs and forms of action, to entertain or provide a remedy for every injury. The King therefore established the high court of chancery, the purpose of which was to administer justice according to principles of fairness in cases where the common law would give no or inadequate redress. Equity law, to a large extent, was formulated in maxims, such as “equity suffers not a right without a remedy,” or “equity follows the law,” meaning that equity will derive a means to achieve a lawful result when legal procedure is inadequate. Equity and law are no longer bifurcated4[4] but are now merged in most jurisdictions, though equity jurisprudence and equitable doctrines are still independently viable. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note. 

Note: This is a very nobly described and apparently altruistic form of law, and may have even been so at one time. Today, equity has much more insidious implications because it is founded entirely on the “conscience of the court,” i.e. literally whatever the judge in question wants to do. See admiralty law, vice-admiralty courts, Note at barratry. 


ESCROW. [ME < AF escro(u)we < OF escro(u)e scroll] A written instrument, such as a deed, temporarily deposited with a neutral third party, the escrow agent, by the agreement of two parties to a valid contract. The escrow agent will deliver the document to the benefited party when the conditions of the contract have been met. The depositor has no control over the instrument in escrow. In common law, escrow applied to the deposits of instruments for conveyance of land, but now it applies to all instruments so deposited. Money or property so deposited is also loosely referred to as escrow. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note. 

Note: The Department of the Treasury was severed from the United States in the Act of 1920 and is no longer part of the US government. The Secretary of the Treasury is the Receiver in Bankruptcy for the United States (per Reorganization Plan No. 26 (1950), Title 5 USC 903, Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, page 5967), i.e. the escrow agent between the bankrupt corporate United States and its creditors, the Federal Reserve System and its owners. The Treasury Secretary does not work for the US Government. He is Governor of the World Bank and Governor of the International Monetary Fund (both are headquartered in Washington, D.C.) and, as the Receiver in Bankruptcy, manages the bankrupt US government, in Chapter 11 Reorganization, on behalf of the creditor. The Department of the Treasury’s web site states that “The Secretary oversees the activities of the Department in . . . serving as the financial agent for the United States Government. . .“ See Secretary. 

ESQUIRE. (ME esquire, esquire, squire, fr. MF escuier, esquire shield bearer, squire, fr. LL scutarius, fr. L scutum shield + arius —ary; akin to OHG sceida sheath] A member of the English gentry ranking immediately below a knight. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged, 1976. A man belonging to the higher order of English gentry, ranking immediately below a knight. . . Applied to various officers in the service of a king . . In the U.S. the title belongs officially to lawyers. . . OED. Originally, a shield-bearer or armor-bearer, an attendant on a knight; in modern times, a title of dignity next in degree below knight and above gentleman. Webster’s Revised Unabridged College Dictionary. In English law. A title of dignity next above gentleman, and below knight. . .Black’s 1 st . 

Note: The above definitions leave no doubt as to the true nature of an esquire. According to the supreme lexical authority in the world, The Oxford English Dictionary, an “esquire” is part of the English gentry (nobility) ranking just below knight, a title (of nobility/dignity) belonging to an officer in the service of a king, and pertains officially to U.S. lawyers. An esquire is a shield-bearer for and between the king/queen and any other with whom the king/queen wishes to engage in battle. With regard to the definitions from Black’s 1 st above, the law that is practiced in America is not American law—rather, it is copyrighted, international, private, admiralty/maritime “law” owned by British corporations (for specific corporate owners see “Note” at bar).

ESTOP. To stop, bar, or impede; to prevent; to preclude. Black’s 1 st .

ESTOPPEL. Party is prevented by his own acts from claiming a right to detriment of other party who was entitled to rely on such conduct and has acted accordingly. An estoppel arises when one is concluded and forbidden by law to speak against his own act or deed. Estoppel is a bar or impediment which precludes allegation or denial of a certain fact or state of facts, in consequence of previous allegation or denial or conduct or admission, or in consequence of a final adjudication of the matter in a court of law. It operates to put party entitled to its benefits in same position as if thing represented were true. . . . Estoppel is or may be based on . . . actual or constructive fraudulent conduct, admissions or denials by which another is induced to act to his injury, agreement on and settlement of facts by force of entering into contract, concealment of facts. Black’s 5 th .

ET SEQ. An abbreviation for et sequentia, “and the following.” Thus a reference to “p. 1, et seq., means “page first and the following pages.” Black’s 1 st .

EX PARTE. One side only; by or for one party; done for, in behalf of, or on the application of, one party only. Black’s 1 st .

FAULT. In the civil law. Negligence; want of care. An improper act or omission, injurious to another and transpiring through negligence, rashness, or ignorance. There are three degrees of faults,— the gross, the slight, and the very slight fault. The gross fault is that which proceeds from inexcusable negligence or ignorance; it is considered as nearly equal to fraud. The slight fault is that want of care which a prudent


man usually takes of his business. The very slight fault is that which is excusable, and for which no responsibility is incurred. Black’s 1 st . 

FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE (FRN) The highest example of a commercial lien is a Federal Reserve Note, commonly found in commercial circulation and in some wallets, and is a commercial lien upon the labor and industry of all Americans by the lnternational Banking System. The Fundamental Principles and Processes of Commercial Law, by Hartford VanDyke. See Note. 

Note: For a comprehensive technical treatment of the nature of Federal Reserve Notes see “A Memorandum of Law” in Appendix.  

FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES. The highest example of a commercial lien is a Federal

Reserve Note, commonly found in commercial circulation and in some wallets, and is a commercial lien upon the labor and industry of all Americans by the International Banking System. The Fundamental Principles and Processes of Commercial Law, by Hartford VanDyke. See Note. 

Note: The monetary unit for most of the world’s trade, Federal Reserve Notes, “FRNs,” is not defined in law dictionaries, though the former “United States Notes” are. FRNs are commercial, military*, private, Federal Reserve Reinsurance** scrip***. They are permanently unfulfilled, irredeemable evidences of debt. All FRNs are loaned/borrowed into existence. It is a closed system and, just like in the board game MonopolyTM, bankruptcies are inevitable. Only the principal amount is loaned/borrowed into circulation. However, because interest payments must be made, the only source for these payments is the original principal amount, whereby it is mathematically impossible to ever pay off the resultant debt of principal plus interest. More FRNs must be borrowed into existence in order to make interest payments and yet still be able to retire the principal amount of the original loan, thus pushing the borrower further into debt; a never-ending, ever-worsening cycle. Federal Reserve Notes are “promises to pay,” as described above, but they are corporate promises to pay. There is no such thing as “personal income.” For a comprehensive technical treatment of the nature of Federal Reserve Notes see “A Memorandum of Law” in Appendix. See MonopolyTM. 

*MILITARY. Pertaining to war or to the army; concerned with war. Black’s 6 th . See Note. 

Note: The Amendatory Act to the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917—namely the Emergency Banking Relief Act of March 9, 1933—defined the American people as the enemy, legally, of the United States Government because of the US bankruptcy, through which the private, international Federal Reserve System “became the Government” (Creditor of the United States). See “Ramifications of the Bankruptcy — The Nature of Federal Reserve Notes” in Appendix.

**REINSURANCE. sharing of risk among insurance companies. Part of the fee paid by the insured. By spreading the risk, reinsurance allows an individual company to take on clients whose coverage would be too great a burden for one insurer to carry alone. Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms, 1991. See Note. 

Note: For a comprehensive treatment of how you have become the “reinsurer” of loans of FRNs, and a chapter of American History that is not taught in schools, see “Ramifications of the Bankruptcy — The Nature of Federal Reserve Notes” in Appendix.  

**REINSURE To insure under a contract by which a first insurer relieves himself from a part or from all of the risk and devolves it upon another insurer. ACED. See Note. 

Note: See “Ramifications of the Bankruptcy — The Nature of Federal Reserve Notes” in Appendix.  

***SCRIP. A certificate to be exchanged for goods, as at a company store. Webster’s. See Note.


  Note: “Company store” = any place using FRNs/US jurisdiction. 

FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. The rules governing proceedings instituted in the U.S. District Courts. Black’s 7 th . 


Note: The jurisdiction of the “United States” is signified by the phrases “in this state,” “this State” and the like, by two-capital letter federal postal designations (CA, NY, TX, FL, etc.), or by a five-digit ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) Code. See “in this state,” Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session, District of Columbia, United States.    

FEUDAL. [<OHG fehida; c. OE faehth enmity] Pertaining to feuds or fees; relating to or growing out of the feudal system or feudal law; having the quality of a feud, as distinguished from “allodial” Black’s 1 st . Compare allodial. 

FIAT. [Latin “let it be done”] An order or decree, especially an arbitrary one. Black’s 7 th . 

FICTITIOUS NAME. A counterfeit, feigned, or pretended name taken by a person, differing in some essential particular from his true name, (consisting of Christian name and patronymic*,) with the implication that it is meant to deceive or mislead. Black’s 4 th . See Note. 

*PATRONYMIC. Name of the house/father/family; surname. 

Note: Opposite of a “true name.” Your all-capital letters straw man name is a fictitious name created by the bankrupt, corporate US Government at the time of your birth (see birth) and “wholly brought into separate existence” via the birth certificate. You have mistakenly believed that the fictitious, all capital letters name referred to or identified you when, in fact, it is only a piece of property (corporation; corporately colored) that is inextricably linked with you and your true name. The US Government presently holds title (original birth document) to the fictitious name, but title is easily recovered by your redemption of the document of title, i.e. the birth certificate. See legal fiction, capital letter, all-capital letters-written, idem sonans, artificial person, proper.  

FIDELITY BOND. Contract of fidelity insurance. A guaranty of personal honesty of officer furnishing indemnity against his defalcation* or negligence. A contract whereby, for a consideration, one agrees to indemnify another against loss arising from the want of honesty, integrity, or fidelity of an employee or other person holding a position of trust. Black’s 6 th . See Note. 

*DEFALCATION The act of a defaulter; act of embezzling; failure to meet an obligation; misappropriation of trust funds or money held in any fiduciary capacity; failure to properly account for such funds. Commonly spoken of officers of corporations or public officials. Black’s 6 th . 

Note: The Security Agreement is a fidelity bond indorsed by the straw man. As with all other documents requiring the straw man’s signature (driver’s license, IRS Form 1040, etc.) the straw man’s surety/guarantor, i.e. you (now also the Secured Party after Redemption), signs for accommodation. 

FIELD WAREHOUSE RECEIPT. Document issued by warehouseman evidencing receipt of goods which have been stored. Such may be used as collateral for loans. Black’s 6 th . See Note. 

Note: The county recorder issues such a field warehouse receipt “evidencing receipt of goods which have been stored” in the warehouse/county, i.e. newborn babies. The birth certificate is a field warehouse receipt and, as such, “may be used as collateral for loans.” 

FLAG, LAW OF. In maritime law. The law of that nation or country whose flag is flown by a particular vessel. “A shipowner who sends his vessel into a foreign port gives notice by his flag to all who enter into


contracts with the master that he intends the law of that flag to regulate such contracts, and that they must either submit to its operation or not contract with him.” Black’s 4 th . 

Note: The law of flag pertains to the legal and lawful import or use of a non-verbal, symbolic notice pertaining to jurisdiction and applicable law. The significance in admiralty and maritime jurisdictions is stated above in quotes and pertains to the current legal system in America. This aspect of law comes closer to the true essence of the nature and significance of “names” than any other. In a courtroom the judge only wants to recognize your “all-capital letter” flag (i.e. . your corporately colored, artificial person, juristic-name, DEBTOR, trademark flag. See trademark. 


FRAUD. An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right. A false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of that which should have been disclosed, which deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the shall act upon it to his legal injury. Any kind of artifice employed by one person to deceive another... A generic term, embracing all multifarious means which human ingenuity can devise, and which are resorted to by one individual to get advantage over another by false suggestions or by suppression of truth, and includes all surprise, trick, cunning, dissembling, and any unfair way by which another is cheated. Black’s 5 th . Fraud vitiates every transaction and all contracts. Indeed, the principle is often stated, in broad and sweeping language, that fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters, and that it vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents, and even judgments. Fraud, as it is sometimes said, vitiates every act, which statement embodies a thoroughly sound doctrine when it is properly applied to the subject matter in controversy and to the parties thereto and in proper forum. 37 American Jurisprudence 2d, Fraud, § 8.  

FRCP. See Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. 

GENERAL. Pertaining to or designating the genus or class, as distinguished from that which characterizes the species, or individual. Universal, not particularized; as opposed to special. Principal or central; as opposed to local. Open or available to all; as opposed to select. Obtaining commonly, or recognized universally; as opposed to particular. Universal or unbounded; as opposed to limited. Comprehending the whole; as distinguished from anything applying to or designated for a portion only. Black’s 1 st . Compare special. 

GENERAL INTANGIBLES.... “General intangibles” means any personal property (including things in action) other than goods, accounts, * * * chattel paper, documents, instruments, and money. * * . U.C.C. §9-106. 

GENTILE. adj. of or pertaining to any people not Jewish. ACED. n. a person who is not Jewish, esp. a Christian. . . . Webster’s. See goy, goyim. 

GOOD FAITH. “Good faith” means honesty in fact and the observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing. U.C.C. §3-103(4). See Note.

Note: Good faith is sincere inner intent to be honest, truthful, and open in all aspects of a contract offered or being negotiated. 

GOODS. “Goods” includes all things which are movable at the time the security interest attaches. . . . U.C.C. §9-105(h). A term of variable content and meaning. . . All things. . . .which are movable at the time of identification to the contract for sale . . . investment securities, and things in action. Also includes the unborn young of animals . . Black’s 6 th . See Note. 

Note: “all things which are movable” = newborn children; “at the time the security interest attaches” = birth, and execution/registration of the birth document/certificate; “identification to the contract” = newborn’s footprints and informer’s (mother’s) signature; “contract” = birth certificate; “things in action” = newborn children; “unborn young of animals” = human fetuses. According to


STRONG’S, referenced in “goyim” below, “animals” = goyim. See field warehouse receipt, identification of goods, goyim.  

GOY. n. pl. goy•im (goy’im), goys. Often disparaging. a non-Jewish person; gentile. Also, goi. [<Yiddish < Heb goi people, non-Jews] Webster’s. See goyim, gentile.  

GOYIM. . . . a foreign nation; hence a Gentile; also (fig.) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts:— Gentile, heathen, nation, people. THE NEW STRONG’S EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE, 1995. See Note, goy, gentile.

  Note: Literally, goyim means “nation.” It is also Jewish slang for “cattle” or “animals.” See goods.

HOLDER. The holder of a bill of exchange, promissory note, check, or other commercial paper, is the person who has legally acquired possession of the same, by endorsement or delivery, and who is entitled to receive payment of the instrument. Person who is in possession of a document of title or an instrument or an investment security drawn, issued or endorsed to him or to his order, or to bearer or in blank. Black’s 6 th . With respect to a negotiable instrument, means the person in possession if the instrument is payable to bearer or, in the case of an instrument payable to an identified person, if the identified person is in possession. “Holder,” with respect to a document of title means the person in possession if the goods are deliverable to bearer or to the order of the person in possession. U.C.C. 1-201(20). See Note. 

Note: A “holder” is not necessarily the holder in due course. See holder in due course.

HOLDER IN DUE COURSE. In commercial law, a holder of an instrument who took it for value, in good faith, and without notice of any claim or defense against it (U.C.C. 3-302(1)], and who can enforce the instrument free from all claims and personal defenses [U.C.C. 3-305]. A payee may be a holder in due course. A holder does not become a holder in due course of an instrument by purchase of it at a judicial sale or by taking it under legal process, or by acquiring it in taking over an estate, or by purchasing it as part of a bulk transaction not in regular course of business of the transferor. A purchaser of a limited interest can be a holder in due course only to the extent of the interest purchased Black’s 6 th . Compare bona fide purchaser. See Note. 

Note: “Acceptance for Value” is the key to becoming the holder in due course of your birth certificate. A “holder” is not necessarily the holder in due course. Per the first definition above, you are the only one who can be the holder in due course of your birth certificate. According to the second definition above, no one, including government, can ever become a holder in due course by any of the methods listed—which forms the basis of government’s presumption that they hold title to your birth certificate. The government is only a “holder” of your birth certificate, and by presumption alone. You, however, are the rightful owner—and the only bona fide holder in due course, should you choose to exercise your option to reclaim it. In commercial law, the phrase “holder in due course” signifies the operation and standing of one with preeminent and irrefutable claim on a document or instrument. See disputable presumption .  

HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 192 OF JUNE 5, 1933. “. . . Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled: That (a) every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the obligee the right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency, or in an amount in money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be against public policy, and no such provision shall be contained in or made with respect to any obligation hereafter incurred. Every obligation heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not any such provision is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar, in any such coin or currency, which at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. . . . .” Public Law 73-10. See Note, and Note at escrow. 

Note: As a result of House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 (HJR 192), a debt can no longer be “paid” because the only way lawful payment can be made— with gold or silver coin or currency—-was made “illegal.” Since the new “legal tender” consists solely of private Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs), which are private commercial instruments representing debt, transference of such instruments between users merely “discharges” the relative debt between them. No matter how


much exchange of FRNs transpires between users, the debt incurred in the creation of those FRNs still exists, and interest is owing. For the “privilege” of receiving FRNs (instead of United States Notes) in the name of one’s corporate straw man, one must pay a fine, as the surety/guarantor of the straw man, called income tax, out of the supply of FRNs at one’s disposal, to the owners of the FRNs, the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB). The more FRNs one acquires—i.e. the more liability one accumulates —the more he is fined. The fine is tendered to the unregistered foreign agency and private accountancy firm/collection agency of the FRB, the Internal Revenue Service. 

How do FRNs come into existence? By the sureties of the credit (the “owners” of the birth certificates, i.e. American men and women) “borrowing” credit via a pledge. How is the pledge actualized? By signature. Before the bankruptcy, money was backed by substance. After the Wizard (see Wizard of 0z, The) had conned us out of our unalienable right to pay debts with gold (substance), and hence our sovereignty, there had to be something else to back the currency. The bankrupt US Government fabricated a juristic, mirror-image name from our true name (transmitting utility), inscribed it on our birth certificate (valued at $630000 in 1936), used the birth certificate as a negotiable document of title (a security) to the newly created straw man and hypothecated it (see hypothecate) to the Federal Reserve in exchange for credit, gave us transmitting-utility “benefits” in exchange for use of our property (the straw man’s name), thereby hooking us into the cycle and obligating us, our labor, and our property as surety for the “loan”—all without our knowledge or consent. In other words, the bankrupt Federal Government has hypothecated everything you own and ever can own, including your labor, to the Federal Reserve in exchange for credit (belief/air/FRNs). All wealth of the nation was “legally” transferred from the people to the Government (see “Executive Order Outlawing Gold” in Appendix and Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session), people were converted into chattel property (animals), and juristic-name straw men were “wholly brought into separate existence” on our birth certificates. The political--industrial society was then set up to run strictly via straw men. One can now enjoy the benefits of the American industrial society (“buy or sell”) only in the name of one’s straw man. Prior to HJR 192 money represented substance. Now “money” represents debt, because it is issued as “credit.” How does one now obtain money? By getting a “loan of credit” (belief/air) from the creditors. How does one get such a loan? Simply by signing one’s name. The foundational instrument for all money—the endorsed document—is thereby created, and the FRB creditors issue the credit—purely an accounting procedure—against the pledged/hypothecated assets, i.e. you, your labor, and your property. The “lender” (FRB) has no stake or risk in the process. 

Since the basis of all money-creation is the common signature, this very process can be employed to one’s benefit when faced with a presentment (see presentment). Per HJR 192 the signature on the page demanding “payment” has in fact created the “money” being demanded. After Redemption, because one has regained standing as Creditor instead of status of Debtor, one can “Accept For Value” any such offer of “money” for one’s own benefit. For a detailed treatise of exactly how FRN “money” is brought into existence, and how this relates to your everyday commercial dealings.

Also, if one carefully reads through the legalese above in HJR 192, one can see that no obligee (the one who is owed money) can “require payment. . in . . . a particular kind of coin or currency. . . .” The fact that debts can be discharged with FRNs does not also authorize an obligee to “require payment’ in FRNs (or any other particular/specific currency). When a corporation or government agency “requires payment” from you in FRNs, are they violating HJR 192 and acting “against public policy”? 

HUMAN BEING. See monster. Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 1930. 

HYPOTHECATE. [“’Hypotheca’ was a term of the Roman law, and denoted a pledge or mortgage. . . “ Black’s 1 st .] 1. to pledge to a creditor as security without delivering over; mortgage. 2. to put in pledge by delivery, as stocks given as security for a loan. ACED. To pledge something as security without turning over possession of it. Hypothecation creates a right in the creditor to have the thing pledged sold in order that the claim may be satisfied out of the sale proceeds. Barron’s 3 rd . To pledge a thing without delivering the possession of it to the pledgee. “The master, when abroad, and in the absence of the owner, may hypothecate the ship, freight, and cargo, to raise money requisite for the completion of the voyage.”. . . Black’s 1 st . See Note. 


Note: Your body, labor, and property have been “put in pledge,” “mortgaged,” hypothecated to the Federal Reserve creditors by the US Government borrowing credit (Federal Reserve Notes) against your birth certificate. Your body, labor, and property are the surety (substance) that guarantees repayment of the loan. The birth certificate has the name of your straw man inscribed on it and is the security instrument in the transaction. For a detailed explanation of how the process occurs see “Investigative Report” beginning on page xxiii. 

IDEM SONANS. (Latin): Sounding the same or alike; having the same sound. A term applied to names which are substantially the same, though slightly varied in the spelling, as “Lawrence” and Lawrance,” and the like. Black’s 1 st . See Note, 

Note: Your straw man’s name (in all-capital letters) sounds exactly like your true name (initial letters only capitalized) when spoken. When written, however, the two names represent two entirely different entities: One is a legal construct, the name of an artificial person and refers to and identifies your straw man; the other is your true name and refers to and identifies you, and expresses your standing as a sentient being and a sovereign. See fictitious name, all-capital letters-written, proper, artificial person.  

IDENTIFICATION. Proof of identity.... Black’s 6 th . See identification of goods. 

IDENTIFICATION OF GOODS. “. . . .goods to which the contract refers even though the goods so identified are non-conforming . . . Such identification can be made at any time and in any manner explicitly agreed to by the parties. U.C.C. § 2-501. Black’s 6 th . See Note, 

Note: “Goods” people; “contract” = birth certificate; “non-conforming” = the man or woman described on the original birth document/contract no longer conforms to the identification factors (foot prints, eye color, hair color, height, weight, etc.) described on the original birth document/contract; ‘identification can be made at any time” = identification can be made at birth or any time subsequent thereto; ‘in any manner explicitly agreed to by the parties~ = any way you can be persuaded to accept the accusation and identify yourself with the name on the birth certificate. The mother is the party who usually signs the birth document in the box designated “informer” or “informant.” Per Black’s, an informer “prefers an accusation” (a criminal matter). This is the foundational incident of being “accused” of having/owning/being associated with an all-capital letters name. You “own” the straw man’s name, but it does not refer to or identity you; the name that refers to and identifies you is your true name. Until you redeem your birth certificate, title to the straw man is held by the U.S. Government in the form of the original birth document. See goods, informer, information, and accusation.

IMPAIRING THE OBLIGATION OF CONTRACT. A law which impairs the obligation of a contract is one which renders the contract in itself less valuable or less enforceable, whether by changing its terms and stipulations, its legal qualities and conditions, or by regulating the remedy for its enforcement. To “impair an obligation of a contract”, within prohibition of Art. I, § 10, U.S. Const., is to weaken it, lessen its value, or make it worse in any respect or in any degree, and any law which changes the intention and legal effect of the parties, giving to one a greater and to the other a less interest or benefit, or which imposes conditions not included in the contract or dispenses with the performance of those included, impairs the obligation of the contract. A statute “impairs the obligation of a contract” when by its terms it nullifies or materially changes existing contract obligations.” Black’s 5 th . 

IN BAR. See bar. 

IN BLANK. A term applied to the indorsement of a bill or note, where it consists merely of the indorser’s name, without restriction to any particular indorsee. . . Black’s 1 st . See blank indorsement. 

IN ITINERE. In eyre*; on a journey or circuit. In old English law, the justices in itinere (or in eyre) were those who made a circuit through the kingdom once in seven years for the purposes of trying causes. In course of transportation; on the way; not delivered to the vendee. In this sense the phrase is equivalent to “in transitu.” Black’s 1 st . 


*EYRE Justices in eyre were judges commissioned in Anglo-Norman times in England to travel systematically through the kingdom, once in seven years, holding courts in specified places for the trial of certain descriptions of causes. Black’s 1 st .

IN PERSONAM. Lat: into or against the person. Barron’s 3 rd . 

IN PROPIA PERSONA In one’s own proper person. Black’s 1 st . See proper, dummy. 

IN REM. A technical term used to designate proceedings instituted against the thing, in contradistinction to personal actions, which are said to be in personam. Black’s 1 st . 

Note: All IRS proceedings and actions are in rem under admiralty law, by definition a subset of the U.C.C..

“IN THIS STATE”. See Note, Federal Zone; Senate Document No. 43 73 rd Congress , 1st Session; Conference of Governors, March 6, 1933.  

Note: Per California Revenue & Taxation Code §§ 6017, 11205, 17018, and 23034, the terms, “in this state,” “this state,” and “State,” are defined for tax jurisdiction purposes as “District of Columbia” (a/k/a “United States”). Accordingly, “California” is not included in “this state” within the above-cited sections of the California Revenue & Taxation Code. The federal postal designation “CA,” however, is included in “this state.” 

INDIVIDUAL. United States Government employee. 5 USC 552a(a)(2). See Note. 

Note: The internal Revenue Code, “IRC” and all state revenue/taxation codes are in harmony with the above definition, but only by inference. Upon careful examination of the definitions of “employee” and “employer” in the IRC it will be discovered that, with regard to law, an “individual” is a “United States Government employee” is an artificial person is a juristic person is a public corporation of one is a straw man—and is NOT a flesh-and-blood man or woman. An “individual” is a corporate public persona existing only in the public sphere, having been created by law. “Individual” = the straw man. Drafters of “codes” and laws have taken everyday, common-speech words such as “individual,” “employee,” and “person” and given them such arcane (from the Latin arcanus secret, hidden), convoluted, corrupted, perverted, or encrypted meanings that they are generally unknown or unknowable to the uninitiated, even after serious study. The net result is that most folks are commercially/legally/financially ensnared and enslaved because of their ignorance (“Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”). See employee, employer, organization, person, public law. 

INDORSEMENT. The act of a payee, drawee, accommodation indorser, or holder of a bill, note, check, or other negotiable instrument, in writing his name upon the back of the same, with or without qualifying words, whereby the property in the same is assigned and transferred to another. Black’s 1 st . 

INDORSER. He who indorses; i.e. being the payee or holder, writes his name on the back of a bill of exchange, etc. Black’s 1 st . 

INDORSEE. The person to whom a bill of exchange, promissory note, bill of lading, etc. is assigned by endorsement, giving him a right to sue thereon. Black’s 1 st . 

INDUSTRIAL BOND. See Note, bond. 

Note: The straw man created by the birth certificate is the industrial bond between you and the industrial (goods- and services-producing) society. The government assumes (deceitfully) the priority tax exemption and accepts the charges for the public benefit. When you accept for value title to your straw man, you extinguish the industrial bond that kept you in the public side (commercial, negotiable, debtor, and bankrupt) and move to the private side (standing in law, non-negotiable, creditor, and solvent). You redeem your birth certificate, and transfer title to yourself of


your straw man, the all-capital Letters name on your birth certificate, thereby transferring ownership of the nexus to the industrial goods and services (public) of the nation to yourself. 

INFORMANT. See informer. 

INFORMATION. In practice. An accusation exhibited against a person for a criminal offense, without an indictment. An accusation in the nature of an indictment, from which it differs only in being presented by a competent public officer on his oath of office, instead of a grand jury on their oath. . In French Law. The act or instrument which contains the depositions of witnesses against the accused. Black’s 1 st . See Note. 

Note: The birth certificate fulfills all above definitions of an information. 

INFORMER. A person who informs or prefers* an accusation against another, whom he suspects of the violation of some penal statute.... Black’s 1 st . See Note. 

*PREFER To bring before; to prosecute; to try; to proceed with. Thus, preferring an indictment signifies prosecuting or trying an indictment. . Black’s 6 th .  

Note: Flesh-and-blood men and women, i.e. people, are not subject to “penal statutes” or any other kind of statute. Such apply only to artificial persons such as corporations and other straw men. On some birth certificates the signatory is listed as “Informer” or “Informant,” a term that carries criminal implications. Legally newborn is an undocumented enemy of the state, a public enemy, according to the Amendatory Act of March 9, 1933 to the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917. Any such informer (usually the mother) is “informing” on—i.e. lodging a formal complaint/accusation by deposition and attesting to the identity of—the baby. If an all-capital letters name appears on the document, then the informer may also “prefer an accusation” that the name as inscribed belongs to the infant connected therewith. This can serve as the basis for any subsequent insistence that the all-capital letters name applies to you, the flesh-and-blood man or woman. See information, birth, accusation.  

INSTRUMENT. An instrument is a “note” if it is a promise and is a “draft” if it is an order. If an instrument falls within the definition of both “note” and “draft,” a person entitled to enforce the instrument may treat it as either. U.C.C.3-104(e). “Instrument” means a negotiable instrument (defined in Section 3-104), or a certificated security (defined in Section 8-102) or any other writing which evidences a right to the payment and is not itself a security agreement or lease and is of a type which is in ordinary course of business transferred by delivery with any necessary endorsement or assignment * * *. U.C.C.9-105(1). “instrument” means a negotiable instrument. U.C.C.3-104(b).

INTER ALIA. Lat.: among other things... Barron’s 3 rd . 

IRS FORM 1O4OES. See Note, U.C.C.-1 Filing Instructions (Section 7). 

Note: (Used in conjunction with Secretary of the Treasury documents) This form contains a payment voucher and utilizes the all-capital letters name of your juristic person straw man and his statutory mailing location, as well as a slot for a dollar figure. There is no signature requirement. Although the ultimate effect of the use of one of these forms in the Redemption Process has not yet been conclusively determined, it is recommended that one of these forms accompany each Bill of Exchange (payment) sent to the Secretary of the Treasury—but it is not recommended that any dollar amount be filled in. It is believed that the IRS will insert the specific dollar amount that allows them to properly adjust your Account and still provide for a portion to cover their expenses. 

JURAT. [fr. Latin jurare “to swear”] A certification added to an affidavit or deposition stating when and before what authority the affidavit or deposition was made. • A jurat typically says “subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of [month], [year]”. . . Black’s 7 th .  


JURISTIC. adj. . . . Of or relating to law <a corporation is a typical example of a juristic person>. Black’s 7 th . Pertaining or belonging to, or characteristic of, jurisprudence, or a jurist, or the legal profession. Black’s 4 th . See Note, juristic person. 

Note. Your corporation-of-one, artificial-person straw man has a juristic name and belongs/pertains strictly to jurisprudence and is a juristic person. 


Note: Black’s 7 th mentions juristic person under the definition of “artificial person ,” which is defined under “person”: 

PERSON. . . . An entity (such as a corporation) having the rights and duties of a human being. Black’s 7 th .

          ARTIFICIAL PERSON. An entity, such as a corporation, created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a human being; a being, real or imaginary, who for the purpose of legal reasoning is treated more or less as a human being. Also termed fictitious person; juristic person; legal person . .. Black’s 7 th . 

Note: The legal definition of “human being” is conveniently missing from the law dictionary containing the above definitions. The difference between a human being and an artificial person has been so blurred—intentionally and legally—by those who enrich themselves at your expense via the “legal system,” that the two terms are so overlapped they are essentially indistinguishable. Treating people as “numbers” or “corporations” is the order of the day for governments, and the virulent hatred of mankind espoused by those who dominate the world has been “legally justified” through such specious subterfuge as the foregoing “definitions.” See monster.

JUS TERTII The right of a third person. This is set up by way of defense in many actions where it is sought to establish relations of landlord and tenant, or bailer and bailee, by a plea of selling up the “jus tertii.” Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1914 Ed.

KANGAROO COURT. A sham legal proceeding in which a person’s rights are totally disregarded and in which the result is a foregone conclusion because of the bias of the court or other tribunal. Black’s 5 th .

LACHES. 1. Unreasonable delay or negligence in pursuing a right or claim — almost always an equitable one — in a way that prejudices the party against whom relief is sought. 2. The equitable doctrine by which a court denies relief to a claimant who has unreasonably delayed or been negligent in asserting the claim, when that delay or negligence has prejudiced the party against whom relief is sought. Black’s 7 th .

LAW MERCHANT. A system of customary law that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages and regulated the dealings of mariners and merchants in all the commercial countries of the world until the 17th century. Many of the law merchants principles came to be incorporated into the common law, which in turn formed the basis of the Uniform Commercial Code. — Also termed commercial law; lex mercatoria. Black’s 7 th .

LAW OF NATIONS. A system of rules and principles established among nations, and intended for the regulation of their mutual intercourse; otherwise called “international law.” Black’s 1 st .

LAW OF NATURE. See natural law.

LAW OF THE FLAG. See flag, law of.

LAW OF THE LAND. Due process of law. Black’s 1 st .


LEGAL FICTION. Something assumed* in law to be fact irrespective of the truth or accuracy of that assumption. Example: the legal fiction that a day has no fractions – Fields V. Fairbanks North Star Borough, 818 P.2d 658(1991). Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law, l996.n. A presumption of fact assumed by a court for convenience, consistency or to achieve justice. There is an old adage: ~Fictions arise from the law, and not law from fictions. The Real Life Dictionary of the Law. A legal fiction is an assumption** that something that is (or may be) false or nonexistent is true or real. Legal fictions are assumed or invented to help do justice. For example, bringing a lawsuit to throw a nonexistent “John Doe” off your property used to be the only way to establish a clear right to the property when legal title was uncertain. Oran’s Dictionary of the Law. See Note.

*ASSUME 1. To take up or take responsibility for; to receive; to undertake. See assumption. 2. To pretend. 3. To accept without proof. Oran’s Dictionary of the Law.  

**ASSUMPTION. Formally transforming someone else’s debt into your own debt. Compare with guaranty. The assumption of a mortgage usually involves taking over the seller’s “mortgage debt” when buying a property (often a house). Oran’s Dictionary of the Law. 

Note: According to the dictionary, a fiction is something created by the imagination. In the field of law, judges have used their imagination to develop an artifice that allows them to call the truth a lie, and a lie the truth. This particular type of fiction is termed a “legal” fiction because it was fabricated within the legal profession; essentially, it is the “Doctrine of Pretending.” Judges operate their courts based on “let’s pretend” and do so with license, but without the inconvenience of having to inform you of what they have decided to pretend. Judges live in an artificial world based on pretense, lies, and deceit and are expert dissemblers***. A legal fiction is an assumption of purported fact without having shown the fact to be true or valid, i.e. an acceptance with no proof. If one does not wish to be the victim of such chicanery one must be forever on guard to challenge or rebut a judge’s arbitrary presumptions and assumptions, such as the ALL-CAPS NAME. Also, there is a widespread misconception that a corporation is a “legal fiction.” A corporation is not a legal fiction, but it did, however, acquire its all-capital-letter formatted/spelled NAME by use of the arbitrary, juristic legal fiction of a judge’s right to “presume” or “assume” that the name is spelled in such fashion. Such artifice goes against the grammatical prescriptions of both the law and the rules of English grammar and amounts to fraud. And because most of the world’s population has been legally/financially/politically subjugated and relegated to the status of mere chattel property—”animals”—by use of this artifice, it amounts to fraud of incomprehensible proportions.

***DISSEMBLE To conceal or disguise the true nature of (intentions, feelings, etc.) so as to deceive. . To conceal one’s true nature, intentions, etc.; act hypocritically. F&W. 

LEGAL NAME. A person’s full name as recognized in law, consisting of a first name (usu. given at birth or at a baptism or christening) and a last name (usu. a family name). Black’s 7 th . (under “name”). 

Note: One’s “legal name” is the name of the legal person “recognized in law.” The only names recognized in law are those of artificial persons and are written in all-capital letters. Your straw man’s name is your true name corrupted into an all-capital letters format. “Recognized in law” = existing by force of, or in contemplation of, law = legal name = juristic name = juristic person = artificial person = straw man. 

LETTER OF ADVICE. A communication from one person to another, advising or warning the latter of something which he ought to know, and commonly apprising him beforehand of some act done by the writer which will ultimately affect the recipient. It is usual and perfectly proper for the drawer of a bill of exchange to write a letter of advice to the drawee, as well as to prevent fraud or alteration of the bill, as to let the drawee know what provision has been made for the payment of the bill. Black’s 1 st . 

LEVY. n. 1. The imposition of a fine or tax; the fine or tax so imposed. 2. The enlistment of soldiers into the military; the soldiers so enlisted. 3. The legally sanctioned seizure and sale of property; the money obtained from such a sale. vb. 1. To impose or assess (a fine or tax) by legal authority. 2. To enlist for service in the military. 3. To declare or wage (a war). 4. To take or seize property in execution of a judgment. Black’s 7 th . Compare lien levy. 


LICENSE. In international law. Permission granted by a belligerent state to its own subjects, or to the subjects of the enemy, to carry on a trade interdicted by war. In the law of contracts. A permission, granted by a competent authority, conferring the right to do some act which without such authorization would be illegal, or would be a trespass or tort. Also the written evidence of such permission. Black’s 1 st . A permit, granted by an appropriate governmental body, generally for a consideration, to a person, firm, or corporation to pursue some occupation or to carry on some business subject to regulation under the police power. A license is not a contract between the state and the licensee, but is a mere personal permit. Black’s 6 th . A revocable permission to commit some act that would otherwise be unlawful. Black’s 7 th . See Note. Compare marque, mark, Mark of the Beast.  

Note: The last definition does not include “natural persons,” i.e. men and women, only artificial persons. When one applies for a driver’s license one is doing so in the name of one’s straw man , and one is also tacitly attesting that he or she will be a “driver” (a commercial status) involved in the “transportation of persons or property for hire or compensation,” an occupation/business subject to regulation under the police power. Police seek to enforce/maintain “person control.”

LIEN. [< L ligament tie, bandage] A qualified right of property which a creditor has in or over specific property of his debtor, as security for the debt or charge or the performance of some act. Black’s 1 st . A claim, encumbrance, or charge on property for payment of some debt, obligation or duty. Black’s 6 th . “A fine imposed pursuant to the provisions of subchapter C of chapter 227 of this title... and is a lien in favor of the United States. . .“ POSTSENTENCE ADMINISTRATION 18 USC § 3613 Ch. 229. A charge, hold, or claim upon the property of another as security for some debt or charge. The term connotes the right the law gives to have a debt satisfied out of the property to which it attaches, if necessary by the sale of the property. Barron’s 3 RD . A charge or security or incumbrance upon property... . Black’s 4 th . See Commercial Lien. See Note. 

Note: A lien is a public declaration of commercial debt or obligation. “Debt” tends to refer to money or property. “Obligation” tends to refer to the fulfillment of specific performance, such as the fulfillment of oath of public office or satisfying all provisions of tax-financed due process, such as the provision for a jury trial (common law/commercial law) instead of a summary process (statutory law). A government lien is a fine. See Note at House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933.  

LIEN, COMMERCIAL, or COMMERCIAL LIEN. See commercial lien. 

LIEN LEVY. See Note. 

Note: Also known as a levy. An instruction or directive to commercially seize for a permanent taking is a Fourth Amendment United Constitutional instrument known as a Warrant on Probable Cause or Writ of Attachment, and hence must be supported by each of the following: Commercial Affidavit; Commercial True Bill in Commerce/Complete Assessment; Commercial Lien; and proof of Commercial Notice of Lien Levy. All are required. 

An Indemnification Bond must also accompany a Lien Levy if a disinterested third party is to be used for the Levy process, instead of repossession or Marque and Reprisal, so the disinterested third-party taker (person with no commercial interest in property taken or collected, e.g. bank, banker, sheriff) is insured against damages caused by an unlawful taking. A Bonded Lien Levy may be used at a future date to exercise an Execution Sale or Transfer via commercially legitimate Auction. 


Note: “Limited liability” is a fabrication, fiction, and fraud. No statute of limitations or limited liability exists in commerce as per the maxims of law: “Once a fraud, always a fraud,” and “A thing void in the beginning does not become valid by lapse of time.” A limited liability person is: a creature of contract: required to be insured and bonded; bound to and limited by the contractual terms and conditions of the insurance policy and bond creating, defining, and underwriting the person’s office; obligated to provide or prove solvency to participate in any public forum or jurisdiction by providing to any adverse party upon


demand a copy of the insurance policy and bond re said person’s office prior to any court proceeding; and defined by the insurance policy and bond as to the contractual terms and conditions of said person’s office, scope of authority, basis of functioning, identity, rank, liability, and solvency. The principles of equality under the law and the integrity of contracts demand that all “public officials” alleging legal authority to use deadly force exercise scrupulous integrity in the enforcement of the law said officials administer, in compliance with contracts pertaining to oath of office, job description, and the insurance policy and bond that define, limit and underwrite said official’s office. 

LIS PENDENS LIEN. See non-commercial lien.  

LITIGANT . A party to a lawsuit; one engaged in litigation; usually spoken of active parties, not of nominal ones.

LITIGATE. To dispute or contend in form of law;to settle a dispute or seek relief in a court of law; to carry on a suit. To bring into or engage in litigation; the act of carrying on a suit in a law court; a judicial contest; hence, any controversy that must be decided upon evidence. To make the subject of a lawsuit; to contest in law; to prosecute or defend by pleadings, evidence, and debate in a court. See also Adjudge; Adjudication.

LITIGATION. A lawsuit. Legal action, including all proceedings therein. Contest in a court of law for the purpose of enforcing a right or seeking a remedy. A judicial contest, a judicial controversy, a suit at law.

LITIGIOUS /latijas/. That which is the subject of a law-suit or action; that which is contested in a court of law. In another sense, "litigious" signifies fond of litigation; prone to engage in suits.

MAKER. “Maker” means a person who signs or is identified in a note as a person undertaking to pay. UCC 3-103(5). The person who creates or executes a note, that is, issues it, and in signing the instrument makes the promise of payment contained therein. One who signs a check; in this context, synonymous with drawer. Black’s 6 th . 

MANDAMUS. Lat: we command. An extraordinary writ issued from a court to an official compelling performance of a ministerial act that the law recognizes as an absolute duty, as distinct from other types of acts that may be a matter of the official’s discretion. It is extraordinary in the sense that it is used only when all other judicial remedies have failed or are inadequate. Barron’s 3 rd . 

MARITIME. Pertaining to navigable waters, i.e. to the sea, ocean, great lakes, navigable rivers, or the navigation or commerce thereof. Black’s 6 th . See navigable waters. 

MARITIME JURISDICTION. Jurisdiction over maritime causes is granted to Federal district courts. Procedure in maritime actions is governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Supp. Admiralty Rules. Black’s 6 th . 

MARITIME LAW. That which the Congress has enacted or the Federal courts, sitting in admiralty, or in the exercise of their maritime jurisdiction, have declared and would apply. . . Substantively, in the United States, it is federal law, and jurisdiction to administer it is vested in the federal courts, though not to the entire exclusion of the courts of the states. Black’s 6 th . 

MARK. A license to make reprisals. See LETTER OF MARQUE. F&W. n. 1. A symbol, impression, or feature on something, usu. to identify it or distinguish it from something else. 2. TRADEMARK (1). 3. SERVICEMARK. Black’s 7 th . Compare marque, letter of marque, Mark of the Beast, servicemark, trademark.

MARK OF THE BEAST. “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:17, New Testament. See Note. 

Note: The word “mark” is synonymous with “marque” and both words have the same etymology. A common definition of the two is “a license of reprisal.” The definition of “license” in Black’s 1 st . is: “In international law [i.e. trade or commerce]. Permission granted by a belligerent state to its own subjects, or to the subjects of the enemy, to carry on a trade interdicted by war.” As we have seen


in the Amendatory Act of March 9, 1933 to the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917 (see Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917, license) the American people were legally classified as enemies of their own government. To “do business” with their new enemy, the U.S. Government thereafter instituted wholesale licensing and issued Marks/Marques, or licenses, “to the subjects of the enemy, to carry on a trade interdicted by war,” thus enabling American men and women to “buy or sell” and otherwise engage in “trading with the enemy” despite being at war. 

The Powers That Be consider you to be nothing more than an animal, a beast, to be birthed and bred, herded and harvested, and sold and slaughtered as they see fit. For you, as a beast, to be identified and validated and permitted to “buy or sell’ in today’s industrial society you must have a special mark, without which you are not allowed to participate. It is interesting that the word “mark” is also a synonym for the terms “servicemark” and “trademark” (see servicemark, trademark), the special marks used to identify and distinguish “the services of a certain provider” or the product or products of a certain “manufacturer or seller.” 

MARQUE. A letter of reprisal on an enemy, as at sea in wartime, chiefly in the phrase letter of marque. F&W. See letter of marque. Compare mark. 

MATERNITY ACT OF 1921. See Note. 

Note: In 1921, the federal Maternity Act created birth “registration,” or what we now know as the “birth certificate.” It was known as the “Maternity Act” and was sold to the American people as a law for improving maternal and infant mortality, for protecting the health of mothers and infants, and for “other purposes.” One of those other purposes provided for the establishment of a federal bureau designed to cooperate with state agencies in the overseeing of its operations and expenditures. The Maternity Act was eventually repealed, but parts of it have been found in other legislative acts. 

MAXIMS OF COMMERCE. See Note, commerce. 

Note: Commerce is antecedent to and more fundamental to society than courts or legal systems, and exists and functions without respect to courts or legal systems, but not vice versa. Commercial Law, the non-statutory variety as presented below in Maxims 1-10, is the economic extension of Natural Law into man’s social world and is universal in nature. The foundational, invariant, necessary, and sufficient principles or “Maxims of Commerce” are: 

1.      A workman is worthy of his hire (Exodus 20:15; Lev. 19:13; Mat 10:10; Luke 10:7; II Tim. 2:6. Legal maxim: “It is against equity for freemen not to have the free disposal of their own property.”).

2.      All are equal under the Law (God’s Law — Moral and Natural Law). (Exodus 21:23-25; Lev. 24:17-21; Deut. 1:17, 19:21; Matt., 22:36-40; Luke 10:17; Col. 3:25. Legal maxims: “No one is above the law.”; “Commerce, by the law of nations, ought to be common, and not to be converted into a monopoly and the private gain of a few.”).

3.      In Commerce truth is sovereign (Exodus 20:16; Ps. 117:2; John 8:32; II Cor. 13:8. Legal maxim: “To lie is to go against the mind.” Oriental proverb: “Of all that is good, sublimity is supreme.”).

4.      Truth is expressed by means of an affidavit (Lev. 5:4-5; Lev. 6:3-5; Lev 19:11-13; Num. 30:2; Mall. 5:33; James 5:12). 

5.      An unrebutted affidavit stands as the truth in Commerce (1 Pet. 1:25; Heb. 6:13-1 5. Legal maxim: “He who does not deny, admits.”). 

6.      An unrebutted affidavit becomes the judgment in Commerce (Heb. 6:16-17. Any proceeding in a court, tribunal, or arbitration forum consists of a contest, or “duel,” of commercial affidavits


wherein the points remaining unrebutted in the end stand as the truth and the matters to which the judgment of the law is applied.). 

7.      A matter must be expressed to be resolved (Heb. 4:16; Phil. 4:6; Epl. 6:19-21. Legal maxim: “He who fails to assert his rights has none.”). 

8.      He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default (Book of Job; Matt. 10:22. Legal maxim: “He who does not repel a wrong when he can, occasions it”). 

9.      Sacrifice is the measure of credibility (One who is not damaged, put at risk, or willing to swear an oath on his commercial liability for the truth of his statements and legitimacy of his actions has no basis to assert claims or charges and forfeits all credibility and right to claim authority.) (Acts 7, life/death of Stephen, Legal maxim: “He who bears the burden ought also to derive the benefit.”). 

10.  A lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by Counteraffidavit point-for-point resolution by jury, or payment (Gem 2-3; Matt. 4; Revelation. Legal maxim: “If the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved.”). 

Because truth is sovereign in commerce, and everyone is responsible for adhering to truth in all speaking, writing, and acting, all commercial processes function via affidavit certified and sworn on each affiant’s commercial liability as “true, correct, and complete,” attesting under oath to the validity, relevance, and veracity of all matters stated or demanded. Usually in written matters, such as on an IRS Form 1040, 8300, etc., Voter Registration Application, Driver’s License Application, Notary Form for Document Certification, Application for a Treasury Direct Account, and on nearly every document that those who run the System desire anyone to sign in a commercially binding matter, signature is required under penalty (or penalties) of perjury “true, correct, and complete.” In a court setting, however, testimony (oral commercial affidavit) is stated in the judicial equivalent by being sworn to be “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.” In addition to asserting all matters under solemn oath of personal, commercial, financial, and legal liability for the validity of each and every statement, participant must provide material evidence, i.e. ledgering/bookkeeping, substantiating that each fact or entry is true, valid, relevant, and verifiable. Without said acceptance of liability and facts provided to support one’s assertions, no credibility is established. Inasmuch as commerce existed prior to, and can continue to exist irrespective of, courts or legal systems, but not vice versa, commerce is more fundamental than courts or legal systems. 

MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE. A substance used to transfer energy from one source to another. American Heritage Dictionary. 

MISSION. A definite task assigned to an individual or unit of the armed forces F&W. See Note. 

Note: Apparently the Internal Revenue Service, Securities and Exchange Commission, other “government” and quasi-governmental agencies are de facto military units because they are each operating off a prescribed “mission.” 

MIXED WAR. Mixed war is war carried on between a nation on one side and private individuals on the other. W&P, Vol. 27. See Note, “Mixed War” in Appendix. Compare dulocracy. 

Note: Mixed war occurs whenever the government of a nation is an enemy of, and at war against, its own people. The most insidious and perfidious type of mixed war exists when the government acts against the people under guise of protecting the people’s rights and upholding the nation’s most cherished values and ideals. In such cases, government officials are “wolves in sheep’s clothing,” occupying positions of prestige and power, with the support of the people, while treasonously betraying that trust. This is an ideal confidence game whereby arch-charlatan criminals can engage in piracy on an ongoing basis under color of law and be tolerated or even treated as heroes by their victims. (For a more comprehensive treatment of this subject see article in Appendix entitled “Mixed War.”) 


MONEY. “Money” means a medium of exchange authorized or adopted by . . . government . . . UCC 1-201(24). See Note. 

Note: Prior to the Bankruptcy of the US Government, money consisted of gold and silver specie, or their equivalent in certificate form. Gold—which is portable land, substance—is the money of sovereigns. Fiat money, “money by decree,” “MonopolyTM money,” is the money of artificial persons, called corporations (banks and governments), trusts, individuals (see individual), etc.  

MONOPOLY TM . Trademark. A board game in which a player attempts to gain a monopoly of real estate by advancing around the board and purchasing property, acquiring capital by collecting rent from other players whose pieces land on his property. Webster’s. See Note, Federal Reserve Notes. 

Note: First copyrighted in 1935 by Parker Brothers. Logo includes the caricature of an English banker, replete with top hat, tails, and cane. Another allegorical clue from the Powers That Be as to what is actually going on (monopolization of all ownership of real estate/land and wealth). The objective in the game of MonopolyTM is to drive into bankruptcy all other players. If you examine the nature of economics in America today you will see that all land is owned by the state (see Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session), and everyone is competing for the same, fixed amount of “MonopolyTM money,” called Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs), and attempting to “stay above water” and avoid bankruptcy. This is, by definition, a de facto state of war between the participants—in both the board game and the game of life. The only way to stay in the game of MonopolyTM and avoid bankruptcy is to obtain more MonopolyTM money from other players. The only way to stay in the game of life and avoid bankruptcy is to somehow obtain more FRNs (acquire more liability/debt instruments/debt) called “money” from those around you. 

MONSTER. A human-being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. A monster hath no inheritable blood and cannot be heir to any land. Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 1930. A prodigious birth; a human birth or offspring not having the shape of mankind: which cannot be heir to any land, albeit it be brought forth in marriage. Black’s 1 st . See Note. 

Note: Under “human being” Ballentine’s says only “See monster.” Neither of the above major law dictionaries defines “human being” only “monster.” 

MORTMAIN. [ME mort(e) mayn(e), t. OF: m. mortemain, trans. of ML mortua manus dead hand] n. Law. The condition of land or tenements held without right of alienation, as by an ecclesiastical corporation; inalienable ownership. . ACED. A term applied to denote the alienation of lands or tenements to any corporation, sole or aggregate, ecclesiastical or temporal. These purchases, having been made chiefly by religious houses, in consequence of which lands became perpetually inherent in one dead hand, this has occasioned the general appellation of “mortmain” to be applied to such alienations. Black’s 1 st . See religious men. 

MUNICIPAL. [< I municipal(is), equiv. to municip- (s. of municeps) citizen of a free town (muni(a) duties + cip-, var. s. of capere to take) + -alis AL] adj. of or pertaining to the local government of a town or city. Webster’s. See civil law. 

NATURAL LAW. Law which so necessarily agrees with the nature and state of man, that without observing its maxims, the peace and happiness of society can never be preserved. . . [K]nowledge of [natural laws] may be attained merely by the light of reason, from the facts of their essential agreeableness with the constitution of human nature. Natural law exists regardless of whether it is enacted as positive law, although there may be instances where natural law cannot be judicially enforced. Barron’s 3 rd .  

NATURAL PERSON. A human being, as opposed to artificial or fictitious “persons,” such as corporations. The phrase “natural person” does not include corporate entities, but the phrase “person,” without qualification, may or may not include artificial persons, depending on the context. Thus, the phrase “no person” in the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause has been held to include natural and artificial persons, but the same phrase “no person” in the Fifth Amendment’s “privilege against self-


incrimination” clause has been held to include only natural persons and not corporations since the privilege is personal and may not be asserted by an artificial person. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note. 

Note: This is how the IRS justifies insisting that natural men and women testify against themselves: people unwittingly answer to the name of their fictitious name-straw man and the IRS enforces its commercial agenda against them. The above definition is enlightening, but it is taken from a law dictionary. Please realize that, in the scheme of life, it is just as impossible for a “person” to be “natural” as it is for a man to be artificial. 


Note: The right of an accused party to be informed of the “nature and cause” of any criminal accusation is secured by the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution. This term refers to the two (2) elements that are absolutely essential for establishing any claim, charge, or demand as commercially and lawfully valid, whether criminal or civil, and without which any mailer affirmed is devoid of credibility or legal force or effect: 

• CAUSE. Only individual free-will men and women act; no nation, government, or agency acts. At the origin of each and every allegation and act is the man or woman who is the cause thereof. The cause of an accusation is therefore the accurately and verifiably identified particular man or woman who initiates the allegations, claims, or charges, the credibility of which is established by the degree of commercial liability the alleging party stakes on what he or she asserts. By initiating something that can result in harm or loss to another, the alleging party simultaneously agrees to be held personally, legally, and commercially accountable and liable for the accuracy, validity, relevance, and verifiability of everything the affiant states, claims, or demands. The degree of credibility for whatever an alleging party states, claims, or charges is established by the extent of the liability the accuser places at risk, to be forfeited in the event anything he or she states is untrue or unlawful, in accordance with the Commercial Maxim: “Sacrifice is the measure of credibility.” Consenting to being held unlimitedly commercially liable establishes unlimited credibility, and is effected by affidavit certified and sworn on the affiant’s unlimited commercial liability true, correct, and complete, not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Consenting to be held limitedly commercially liable establishes limited credibility, such as occurs whenever an attorney or public official declares “true and correct” as per 28 USC 1746 and stakes liability up to the limits of the insurance policy and bond of the attorney’s or public official’s office. Not consenting to be held commercially liable at all establishes on the record that everything such an alleging party asserts is of no force and effect in law, which occurs whenever any attorney or public official brings allegations, claims, or charges against someone and fails to provide proof of the commercial liability staked on whatever is stated or alleged. Only by providing to the accused party on demand a copy of the insurance policy and bond of the attorney or public official initiating or participating in the action can the attorney or official, who is acting under contract of limited liability, prove official authority, scope of functioning, solvency, and limit of liability. The information provided must also include the identity of the underwriter of the liability staked and all information necessary to file a claim against the insurance underwriting. This is true for every public official—attorney, police, clerk of the court, county recorder, judge, or otherwise—and any attorney or official on whom the demand for all essential insurance and bonding information is made who fails to provide the demanded information self-impeaches and self-invalidates every action, statement, writing, or testimony of that attorney or official in entirety. 

• NATURE. The nature of an accusation is the proof, i.e. ledgering(bookkeeping set forth with a one-to-one accounting of goods or services provided or offenses committed with corresponding monetary values, with each and every matter established by affidavit sworn on the commercial liability of the executing party. 

NAVIGABLE WATERS. Those waters which afford a channel for useful commerce. Black’s 6 th . 


NEGLIGENCE. The omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided by those ordinary considerations which ordinarily regulate human affairs, would do, or the doing of something which a reasonable and prudent man would not do. Gross negligence (is) conscious and voluntary act or omission which is likely to result in grave injury when in face of clear and present danger of which alleged tortfeasor is aware. . . Indifference to present legal duty and utter forgetfulness of legal obligations... . “Willful, wanton, or reckless negligence (is) that the actor has intentionally done an act of an unreasonable character in disregard of a risk known to him or so obvious that he must be taken to have been aware of it, and so great as to make it highly probable that harm would follow. It usually is accompanied by a conscious indifference to the consequences, amounting almost to willingness that they shall follow; and it has been said that this is indispensable. . . .extreme departure from ordinary care.” Black’s 5 th . See Note. 

Note: Gross negligence is equivalent to fraud. 

NEGOTIABLE. [< L negotiatus traded, equivalent to negoti(um) business (neg- not + otium liesure) + -ABLE] “Negotiable” means that which is capable of being transferred by assignment; a thing which may be transferred by a sale and indorsement or delivery. Black’s 1 st . adj. (of bills, securities, etc.) transferable by delivery, with or without endorsement, according to the circumstances, the title passing to the transferee. Webster’s.

NEGO TI ABLE INSTRUMENT . [< L negotiatus traded, equivalent to negoti(um) business (neg- not + otium liesure) + -ABLE] A negotiable instrument is a written promise or request for the payment of a certain sum of money to order or to bearer. A general name for bills, notes, checks, transferable bonds or coupons, letters of credit and other negotiable written securities. Black’s 1 st . A writing which is signed by the maker or drawer, contains an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum certain in money, is payable on demand or at a definite time, and is payable to order or to bearer. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note. 

Note: a birth certificate is a negotiable instrument. It is, like any negotiable instrument, freely transferable, assignable, and divisible through endorsement. 

NOBILITY. n. pl. 1. Persons of social or political preeminence, usu. derived by inheritance or from the sovereign. . . Black’s 7 th .  

Note: An attorney holds a position of, or British title of nobility from the king/queen and acts as an esquire, or shield-bearer, for and between the king/queen and those with whom the king/queen wishes to do battle. 

NOM. Used in expressions demoting a pseudonym, a false or assumed name. OED. See nom de guerre.  

NOM DE GUERRE. [F, lit., war name] a fictitious name. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged, 1976. Lit. ‘war name’, a name assumed by, or a name assigned to, a person engaged in some action or enterprise. OED. See Note. Compare nom.  

Note: Any fictitious name is a war name, or nom tie guerre. The U.S. government, formally at war with you since the Amendatory Act (March 9, 1933) to the Trading With the Enemy Act (October 6, 1917), used the legal-fiction artifice of the “right to presume” on your behalf, and assigned you a false name, a war name in the form of your all-capital-letters, straw-man name, a non de guerre. See legal fiction. 


Note: A lien that does not represent a true bill in commerce, usually because it does not contain a declaration of a one-to-one correspondence between an item or service purchased or offenses committed, and a debt owed. Because of this defect, a non-commercial lien must be adjudicated by a court of common law and is, therefore, known as a Lis Pendens Lien. The commercial value of a Lis Pendens Lien rests upon the outcome of the pending litigation, hence it is a security, but not an accounts-receivable until it is adjudicated as such. A commercial lien does not require a court process for its establishment, whereas a Lis Pendens Lien does. A Lis Pendens Lien is a common law lien because it has no force without a common law judgment. 


NON-NEGOTIABLE. Not negotiable; not capable of passing title or property by indorsement and delivery. Black’s 1 st . Any document of title that is not a negotiable document. An instrument which may not be transferred by indorsement and delivery or by delivery alone, though it may be assigned. Black’s 6 th . See Note, negotiable.

Note: The word “Non-Negotiable” appearing on what might otherwise look like a negotiable instrument, signifies that (1) the contract is not negotiable and strictly private; (2) between the drawer and the drawee, or the obligor and obligee, only; and (3) the debtor/payee may not pass title/transfer the document by delivery or indorsement, though it may be assigned. See drawee, preferred stock. 

NON PROSEQUITUR. Lat. He does not follow up, or pursue. If, in the proceedings in an action at law, the plaintiff neglects any of those steps which he ought to take within the time prescribed by the practice of the court for that purpose, the defendant may enter judgment of non pros against him, whereby it is adjudged that the plaintiff does not follow up (non prosequitur) his suit as he ought to do, and therefore the defendant ought to have judgment against him. Under current rules practice such failure would result in a dismissal of the action or in a default judgment for defendant. Fed.R. Civil P. 41, 55. Black’s 6 th . See Note: 

Note: When any plaintiff fails to respond as required to the Affidavit of Specific Negative Averment and Bill of Peace (see Section 10, Handling Presentments) and prove standing and swear to not being an enemy, under the principle of non prosequitur the defendant may enter judgment for dismissal for plaintiffs failure to follow up as he/she should. 

NOTARY PUBLIC. A public officer whose function is to attest and certify, by his hand and official seal, certain classes of documents, in order to give them credit and authenticity in foreign jurisdictions, to take acknowledgments of deeds and other conveyances, and certify the same; and to perform certain official acts, chiefly in commercial matters, such as the protesting of notes and bills, the noting of foreign drafts, and marine protests in cases of loss or damage. Black’s 1 st . 

Note: Notaries public are “officers of the state” and, in some states, notaries may become officers of the court, as well. The seal of a notary public gives credit and authenticity to documents in foreign jurisdictions, hence the apostille. A notary public performs certain official acts, “chiefly in commercial matters.” Commerce is pre-judicial and non-judicial. Notaries Public once played a major role in world commerce, and still retain the same powers though many have fallen out of use since America converted to non-substance, fiat (by decree) money (Federal Reserve Notes). 

NOTE. A writing acknowledging a debt and promising payment. For the instrument to be negotiable it must be signed by the maker and contain an unconditional promise to pay a sum certain in money on demand or at a definite time to order or to bearer. A note is not payment but only a promise to pay. The term note is synonymous with promissory note. The term may be qualified by its unique characteristics. For example, a note that is backed by a pledge of collateral such as real or personal property is called a secured note. Barron’s 3 rd .  


Note: Also called a Notice of Seizure. The issuance of a Distress must be immediately followed by service upon the Distress Defendant of at least a Notice of Distress; and, preferably, should be accompanied by a full copy of the Bonded Distress as service of the Bonded Distress itself constitutes superior Notice of its existence. Formal service of a copy of the actual Distress is the highest rank of service of a Notice of Distress. 


Note: A “Notice of Interest” is a temporary, three- (3) week (21 days) Affidavit process stating that the affiant has an interest in certain property, but which generally does not contain an explicit statement in Affidavit form as to how the interest has arisen or been created. Its use is based on


issues arising from a particular incident and may be employed against the specified property one time only relative to a particular incident. Therefore a Notice of Interest is an imperfect commercial instrument, in the nature of a commercial Distress and Lien, which will be void after 21 days. A Notice of Interest is a commercial, non-judicial lis pendens, and in order to protect one’s interest in the property after 21 days from the date of filing (at the County Recorder’s office), a superseding, superior instrument such as a bonded Distress or a Lien with a 90-day grace period must be used to supplement the Notice of Interest (a Distress can be bonded by an Affidavit of Information, i.e. criminal complaint). The capacity of a Notice of Interest to effect commercial arrest of property is weaker than a Distress process (except when applied by an organization such as the IRS, which evokes fear and unquestioning obedience in the officers of banks, other types of financial institutions, and corporate employers). 


Note: When a lien is issued, it must be immediately followed by service upon the lien debtor of at least a Notice of Lien; and, preferably, accompanied by a full copy of the Lien itself. A Notice of Lien served upon a lien debtor must contain specific instructions as to where a true, correct, and compete copy of the lien can be found, studied, and copied. 

There is no such thing as a “lien” issued by the IRS; only a “Notice of Lien.” This is similar to receiving notice of a concert, paying for a ticket, and then finding out that there is no concert and never was. “Notice” of a thing is not the thing itself. The County Recorder of every county in America fraudulently records IRS “Notices of Liens“ as actual liens in the Tax Lien Index of the county, constituting the second greatest securities fraud in American history, behind the Federal Reserve Note securities fraud. 

NOTICE OF SEIZURE. See Notice of Distress. 

OATH. An affirmation of truth of a statement, which renders one willfully asserting untrue statements punishable for perjury. An outward pledge by the person taking it that his attestation or promise is made under an immediate sense of responsibility to God. A solemn appeal to the Supreme Being in attestation of the truth of some statement. Black’s 5 th .  

OBLIGEE. One who is entitled to receive a sum of money or to have an act or deed performed as promised or agreed to by the obligor. Barron’s 3 rd . Compare obligor.  

OBLIGOR. One who has promised or is otherwise obligated to perform an act or deed, such as the payment of a sum of money under a promissory note or other contract. Barron’s 3 rd . Compare obligee. 

OFFER. A proposal to do a thing. A proposal to make a contract. Also an attempt. Black’s 1 st . 

ORDER, In general sense   A mandate; precept; a command or direction authoritatively given; a rule or regulation. In practice. Every direction of a court or judge made or entered in writing, and not included in a judgment is denominated an “order.” An application for an order is a motion. An order is also an informal bill of exchange . . . It is further a designation to whom a bill of exchange or negotiable promissory note is to be paid. Black’s 1 st . See Note. 

Note: None of the above definitions are incompatible with each other as relates to the courtroom setting. The “Order of the court” is a pecuniary mandate for funds and is directly related to “charges.” In this sense it is not dissimilar to a “money order.” 

ORGANIZATION. “Organization” includes a corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, partnership or association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal or commercial entity. UCC 1-201(28). See Note. 

Note: The term pertains to two or more people in a specific commercial/contractual relationship, or any other entity involved in commerce; all “individuals,” i.e. all straw men, fall under the definition of organization. 


ORDER. “Order” means a written instruction to pay money signed by the person giving the instruction. The instruction may be addressed to any person, including the person giving the instruction, or to one or more persons jointly or in the alternative, but not in succession. An authorization to pay is not an order unless the person authorized to pay is also instructed to pay. UCC 3-103(6). 


Note: Particularity is defined as per 28 USC Supplemental Rules for Certain Admiralty and Maritime claims Rule E(2)(a):

“Complaint. In actions to which this rule is applicable the complaint shall state the circumstances from which the claim arises with such particularity that the defendant or claimant will be able, without moving for a more definite statement, to commence an investigation of the facts and to frame a responsive pleading.” 

PARTY. “Party” means a party to an instrument. UCC 3-103(8).

PASSPORT. In international law. A document issued to a neutral merchant vessel, by her own government, during the progress of a war, and to be carried on the voyage, containing a sufficient description of the vessel, master, voyage, and cargo to evidence her nationality and protect her against the cruisers of the belligerent powers. This paper is otherwise called a “pass,” sea-pass,” sea-letter,” or “sea-brief,” A license or safe conduct, issued during the progress of a war authorizing a person to remove himself or his effects from the territory of one of the belligerent nations to another country, or to travel from country to country without arrest or detention on account of the war. . . . Black’s 1 st . . . In most countries of continental Europe passports are given to travelers (sic). These are intended to protect them on their journey to protect them from all molestation while they are obedient to the laws. The secretary of state may issue, or cause to be issued, in foreign countries by such diplomatic or consular officers of the United States, and under such rules as the president may prescribe, passports, but only to citizens of the United States. Bouvier’s 3 rd . See vessel. 

Note: Passports are issued to “vessels,” i.e. straw men “citizens of the United States,” in times of war. The US government officially declared war on all American men, women, and children, i.e. American non-straw men natural persons, in the Amendatory Act of March 9, 1933 (a/k/a Emergency Banking Relief Act) to the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917. See MonopolyTM, Appendix for “Executive Order Outlawing Ownership of Gold” or “Under Executive Order of the President,” issued April 5, 1933. 

PAY. v. To discharge a debt by tender of payment due; to deliver to a creditor the value of a debt, either in money or in goods for his acceptance. UCC 2-511, 3-604. Black’s 6 th . See payment, redemption.  

PAYEE. In mercantile law. The person in whose favor a bill of exchange, promissory note, or check is made or drawn; the person to whom or to whose order a bill, note, or check is made payable. Black’s 1 st . See Note. 

Note: In our bill of exchange to the Secretary of the Treasury, re our birth certificate, the payee is our straw man. 

PAYMENT. The fulfillment of a promise, or the performance of an agreement. A discharge of an obligation or debt... In a more restricted legal sense payment is the performance of a duty, promise, or obligation, or discharge of a debt or a liability, by the delivery of money or other value by a debtor to a creditor, where the money or other valuable thing is tendered and accepted as extinguishing debt or obligation in whole or in part. Also, the money or other thing so delivered. UCC 2-511, 3-604. Black’s 6 th . See redemption. 

PEONAGE. See Note. 

Note: Peonage means involuntary servitude, prohibited by the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution, by which someone is compelled to act or forfeit the fruits of his labors to pay an alleged debt or obligation. 


PERFECTION OF SECURITY INTEREST. In secured transactions law, the process whereby a security interest is protected, as far as the law permits, against competing claims to the collateral, which usually requires the secured party to give notice of the interest as by filing in a government office (e.g. in office of Secretary of State). Perfection of a security interest deals with those steps legally required to give a secured party interest in subject property against debtors creditors. Black’s 6 th . A security interest is perfected when it has attached and when all the applicable steps required for perfection have been taken. Such steps are specified in Sections 9-302, 9-304, 9-305 and 9-306. If such steps are taken before the security interest attaches, it is perfected at the time when it attaches. UCC 9-303(1). See attach. 

PERSON. [< L persona mask] Persons are divided by law into natural and artificial. Natural persons are such as the God of nature formed us; artificial persons are such as are created and devised by human laws, for the purposes of society and government, which are called “corporations” or “bodies politic.” Black’s 1 st . “Persons” are of two kinds, natural and artificial. In law, a human being is called a “natural person.” Artificial persons include a collection [corporation aggregate] or succession of natural persons [successive officeholders in a corporation sole] forming a corporation. Black’s 4 th . In law, an individual or incorporated group having certain legal rights and responsibilities. This has been held to include foreign and domestic corporations. Precise definition and delineation of the term has been necessary for purposes of ascertaining those to whom the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution affords its protection, since that amendment expressly applies to “persons.” Barron’s 3 rd . Compare natural person. See Uniform Negotiable instruments Law, § 191; Uniform Sales Act, § 76; Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act, § 58. See Note. 

Note: A straw man is a person with a fictitious name written in “legalese,” i.e. a language foreign to the rules of English grammar. Men and women (with true names written properly, i.e. initial letters only capitalized) are not persons, but are sometimes referred to as “natural persons.” However, it is as impossible for a “person” to be “natural” as it is for a man to be artificial. “Person” is a moniker hatched by lawyers. See straw man. 

PLEDGE. A deposit of personal property as security for a debt; delivery of goods by a debtor to a creditor until the debt is repaid; generally defined as a lien or contract that calls for the transfer of personal property only as security. The pledgor can pledge intangible as well as tangible personal property as long as it is capable of delivery, and it can confer ownership rights upon the person to whom delivery is made. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note. 

Note: The bankrupt US Government pledged your body, labor, and property to its creditors (Federal Reserve) as collateral for a loan ($630,000.00: established in 1936—see Note at collateral) using your birth certificate (negotiable instrument, document of title) as the security for the loan. 

POSITIVE LAW. Law actually and specifically enacted or adopted by proper authority for the government of an organized jural society. Black’s 6 th . 

POSTLIMINIUM. A fiction of the civil law, by which persons or things taken by the enemy were restored to their former status on coming again under the power of the nation to which they formerly belonged.... Bouvier’s 3rd. Compare postliminy. 

POSTLIMINY. “The right of ‘postlimini,’ says Vattel, is that in virtue of which persons and things taken by the enemy are restored to their former state on coming actually into the power of the nation to which they belong. . . .” “Postliminy” is defined to be the principle of the law of nations under which property, if taken by the enemy in time of war, is restored to its former state upon coming again under the power of the nation to which it formerly belonged.... W&P, Vol. 33. Compare postliminium. 

POUND BREACH. The act or offense of breaking a pound, for the purpose of taking out the cattle or goods impounded. ... Black’s 4 th . 

PREFERRED. Possessing or accorded a priority, advantage, or privilege. Generally denoting a prior or superior claim or right of payment as against another thing of the same kind or class. Black’s 4 th . See stock. 



PRESCRIPTION. .. . 3. The extinction of a title or right by failure to claim or exercise it over a long period. 4. Also, the act of establishing authoritative rules; a rule so established. Black’s 7 th . 

PRESENTMENT. “Presentment” means a demand made by or on behalf of a person entitled to enforce an instrument (1) to pay the instrument made to the drawee or a party obliged to pay the instrument, or in the case of a note or accepted draft payable at a bank, to the bank, or (2) to accept a draft made to the drawee. . . . UCC 3-501(a). . . . may be made by any commercially reasonable means, including an oral, written, or electronic communication; is effective when the demand for payment or acceptance is received by the person to whom presentment is made. ... UCC 3-501(1). The production of a negotiable instrument [bill of exchange] to the drawee for his acceptance, or to the drawer or acceptor for payment; or of a promissory note to the party liable, for payment of the same. Presentment is a demand for acceptance or payment made upon the maker, acceptor, drawee or other payor by or on behalf of the holder. U.C.C. § 3-504(1). Black’s 6 th . See Note, summary proceeding. 

Note: The above definition means that, after acquiring title to your straw man, when in court, the judge’s communications constitute commercial presentments. When you accept for value a written presentment, such as a traffic citation, you short-circuit the regular routine and the issuer/maker of the citation/promissory note, the policeman, is responsible for the “money” created and any income tax liability associated therewith. The “demand for acceptance” aspect is not a demand for “acceptance for value,” but a demand that one become the “acceptor,” i.e. accept responsibility.  

PRESUMPTION; THIRD PARTY DOCUMENTS; ADMISSIBILITY. (1) * * * A bill of lading. . . or any other document authorized or required by the contract to be issued by a third party * * * is admissible as evidence of the facts stated in the document by the third party in any action arising out of the contract which authorized or required the document. (2) In any action arising out of the contract which authorized or required the document referred to in subdivision (1). (a) A document in due form purporting to be the document referred to in subdivision (1) is presumed to be authentic and genuine. This presumption is a presumption affecting the burden of producing evidence. (b) If the document is found to be authentic and genuine, the facts stated in the document by the third party are presumed to be true. This presumption is a presumption affecting the burden of proof. UCC 1-202. See Note. 

Note: In other words, the birth certificate establishing your straw man, was issued by a third party, i.e. the county Department of Health, and then recorded in the County Recorder’s Office (district warehouseman). It is presumed to be authentic and genuine, admissible as evidence of the facts, and able to be relied upon as factual in any legal proceeding. If ever challenged legally, the burden of proof, as always, lies with the one making the claim. The remedy is in the UCC. The current holder of your birth certificate cannot “answer the bell” when you claim title to your birth certificate. The filing of a UCC-1 Financing Statement and Security Agreement, i.e. Lien, naming your birth-certificate-created, juristic-name straw man as the Debtor and the real you as the Secured Party, conclusively rebuts any and all presumption that anyone else holds any valid claim against the all-capital letters-written straw man name appearing on your birth certificate or Social Security Card. The people of the world have been enslaved for want of knowledge of this fact of commercial law. 

PRESUMPTIONS; NATURE. Except as otherwise provided in section 1-202, the presumptions established by this code are presumptions affecting the burden of producing evidence. UCC 1-210. 

PRESUMPTION. A presumption is an assumption of fact that the law requires to be made from another fact or group of facts found or otherwise established in the action. A presumption is not evidence. A presumption is either conclusive or rebuttable. Every rebuttable presumption is either (a) a presumption affecting the burden of producing evidence or (b) a presumption affecting the burden of proof. Black’s 6 th . A disputable presumption, called also an “inconclusive” or “rebuttable” presumption, is an inference of law which holds good until it is invalidated by proof or a stronger presumption. Black’s 4 th . See Note, disputable presumption, rebuttable presumption. 


Note: Re ownership of your straw man, a presumption of ownership was made and title thereto (birth certificate) was taken without your knowledge or consent (or your mother’s). It is a presumption easily nullified via “Acceptance For Value.” 

PRIORITY. Precedence; going before. A legal preference or precedence. When two persons have similar rights in respect of the same subject-matter, but one is entitled to exercise his right to the exclusion of the other, he is said to have priority. Black’s 4 th . 

PRIVATE BANK. An unincorporated banking institution owned by an individual or partnership and, depending on state statutes, subject to or free from state regulation. Black’s 1 st . See banker. 

PRIVATE BANKER. A private banker is one who conducts the business of banking without incorporation, and without any special privilege or authority of law (Perkins v. Smith, 116 N.Y. 441; People v. Doty, 80 N.Y. 225). A private banker may, when not prohibited by law, conduct the business of banking, and may make such lawful contracts with his dealers in relation thereto, as to receiving and the repayment of money, as may be mutually agreed upon between the parties. A private banker, then, is one who conducts the business of banking without incorporation, or a fixed capital stock invested; which is by law required of all duly incorporated banks, excepting mutual savings banks which, under the law as enacted by some of the States, may become incorporations for the purpose of doing a savings bank business, without capital stock. Magee on Banks and Banking — A Treatise an the Law of National and State Banks, 1906. 

PRIZE. In admiralty law. A vessel or cargo, belonging to one of two belligerent powers, apprehended or forcibly captured at sea by a war vessel or privateer of the other belligerent, and claimed as enemy’s property, and therefore liable to appropriation and condemnation under the laws of war. Black’s 1 st . See prize law, booty, vice-admiralty courts. 

Note: Prize on land is called “booty.” See booty. 

PRIZE LAW. The system of laws and rules applicable to the capture of prize at sea; its condemnation, rights of the captors, distribution of the proceeds, etc. Black’s 1 st . See vice-admiralty courts, booty. 

PROCEEDS. “Proceeds” includes whatever is received upon the sale, exchange, collection or other disposition of collateral or proceeds. .. . Money, checks, deposit accounts and the like are “cash proceeds.” All other proceeds are “noncash proceeds.” UCC 9-306(1). 

PROMISE. “Promise” means a written undertaking to pay money signed by the person undertaking to pay. An acknowledgment of an obligation by the obligor is not a promise unless the obligor also undertakes to pay the obligation.” UCC 3-103(9). 

PROMISSORY NOTE. A note; a kind of negotiable instrument wherein the maker agrees (promises) to pay a sum certain at a definite time. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note. 

Note: “promissory note” is synonymous with “note.” 

PROPER. Gram. a. (of a name, noun, or adjective) designating a particular person or thing, written in English with an initial capital letter: John, Chicago, Monday, American. . . . ACED. in grammar, used to designate a specific individual, place, etc.: Donald, Rover, Boston, etc. are proper nouns, written with an initial capital letter. WEBSTER’S NEW TWENTITH CENTURY DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, Unabridged Second Edition, 1975. 

Note: A true name has an initial capital letter only. There is no provision in the rules of English grammar for proper nouns to be written any other way, including an all-capital letters format. An all-capital letters name is a legal artifice, existing only by force of or in contemplation of law. See capital letter, all-capital letters-written, artificial.  

PROPIA PERSONA. See in propia persona.  


PROTEST. . . . A notarial act, being a formal statement in writing made by a notary under his seal of office, at the request of a holder of a bill or note, in which such bill or note is described, and it is declared that the same was on a certain day presented for payment (or acceptance, as the case may be,) and that such payment or acceptance was refused, and stating the reasons, if any, given for such refusal, whereupon the notary protests against all parties to such instrument, and declares that they will be held responsible for all loss or damage arising from its dishonor. . Black’s 1 ST .  

PROVE. “Prove” with respect to a fact means to meet the burden of establishing the fact (subdivision (8) of Section 1-201). UCC 3-103(10). 

PROVOST MARSHAL. In military law, the officer acting as head of the military police of any post, camp, city or other place in military occupation, or district under the reign of martial law. He or his assistants may, at any time, arrest and detain for trial, persons subject to military law committing offenses, and may carry into execution any punishments to be inflicted in pursuance of a court martial. In English law, an officer of the royal navy who had the charge of prisoners taken at sea, and sometimes also on land. Black’s 4 th . See stratocracy, martial law. 

Note: America is under martial law, and has been since the Civil War. When all administrative remedies have been exhausted, the Provost Marshal of any military base may be appealed to for assistance against oppressive domestic forces (enemies of the Constitution, foreign and domestic). 

PUBLIC. adj. Pertaining to a state, nation, or whole community; proceeding from, relating to, or affecting the whole body of people or an entire community. Open to all; notorious. Common to all or many; general; open to common use. Belonging to the people at large; relating to or affecting the whole people of a state, nation, or community; not limited or restricted to any particular class of the community. Black’s 6 th . “That vast multitude, which includes the ignorant, the unthinking, and the credulous, who in making a purchase, do not stop to analyze, but are governed by general appearance and General impressions.” J.W Collins Co. v. F.M. Paist Co. (DC Pa) 14 F2d614). Ballentine’s Law Dictionary. 

PUBLIC CORPORATION. Public corporations are those which are exclusively instruments of the public interest. Bouvier’s 3rd. An artificial person created for the administration of pubic affairs. Unlike a private corporation it has no protection against legislative acts altering or even repealing its charter. Instrumentalities created by state, formed and owned by it in public interest, supported in whole or in part by public funds, and governed by managers, deriving their authority from state. Black’s 6 th . See Note. 

PUBLIC LAW. That branch or department of law which is concerned with the state in its political or sovereign capacity, including constitutional and administrative law, and with the definition, regulation, and enforcement of rights in cases where the state is regarded as the subject of the right or object of the duty,—including criminal law and criminal procedure,— and the law of the state, considered in its quasi-private personality, i.e. as capable of holding and exercising rights, or acquiring and dealing with property, in the character of an individual. Black’s 1st. See Note. 

Note: If the term “state” is meant to designate a “government” pertaining to a collective or “body politic,” it is a fictitious entity and therefore cannot be sovereign. In Juilliard v. Greenman, (1884) 110 U.S. 421, the Supreme Court states: 

“Congress can exercise no power by virtue of any supposed inherent sovereignty in the General Government, indeed, it may be doubted whether the power can be correctly said to appertain to sovereignty in any proper sense as an attribute of an independent political community. The power to commit violence, perpetrate injustice, take private property by force without compensation to the owner, and compel the receipt of promises to pay in place of money, may be exercised, as it often has been, by irresponsible authority, but it cannot be considered as belonging to a government founded upon law. But be that as it may, there is no such thing as a power of inherent sovereignty in the Government of the UNITED STATES.” 

The fact that Black’s refers to “the state in its.. .sovereign capacity” confirms that every man and woman is a state, as only a real being with free will can be sovereign. 


As for “private” vs. “public,” after the bankruptcy of the US, the country came under private law, i.e. the private contract and corporate “law” of the Creditors in bankruptcy. Private contract is outside the Constitution; see the Ashwander and Clearfield cases. This private law is called “public ” policy . The “public” has been drawn into the private. A deliberate confusion of terms prevails whereby that which is now called “public” is in fact private corporate/contract law in a private commercial law merchant. Consequently, explicit clarification of the meaning of the words used in any legal proceeding is essential. 

PUBLIC MINISTER. In international law. A general term comprehending all the higher classes of diplomatic representatives,—as ambassadors, envoys, residents,—but not including the commercial representatives, such as consuls. Black’s 1 st . 

PUBLIC POLICY. Community common sense and common conscience, extended and applied throughout the state to matter of public morals, health, safety, welfare, and the like; it is that general and well-settled public opinion relating to man’s plain, palpable duty to his fellowmen, having due regard to all circumstances of each particular relation and situation. Black’s 6 th . Public policy is manifested by public acts, legislative and judicial, and not by private opinion, however eminent. . . . It is said to be determined from legislative declarations, or, in their absence, from judicial decisions. Bouvier’s 3rd. See Note, public law. 

Note: A general concept, taking in the whole of society considered as a single, collective entity, “the public,” in contrast to the same benevolent principles applied on behalf of the individual men and women within the society. Since Erie Railroad v Tompkins in 1938, shortly after the declared bankruptcy of the United States Government, we have had only public policy, not public law. The above definition (from Black’s 6 th , 1990) cannot be found in Black’s 4 th . (1957), printed at the time the subject of public policy was being implemented to replace public law. I.e. the switch has taken place and the institution of “public policy” is now entrenched. E.g. in addition to the “UCLA School of Law” there is also a “UCLA School of Public Policy and Social Research.” Look around and see for yourself. 

PUBLIC PROPERTY. That which is dedicated to the use of the public, and/or that over which the state has dominion and control. Thus the term may be used either to describe the use to which the property is put, or to describe the character of its ownership. Barron’s 3 rd . 

PUBLIC VESSEL. One owned and used by a nation or government for its public service, whether in its navy, its revenue service, or otherwise. Black’s 6 th , See Note. 

Note: Your straw-man vessel, a public vessel, is used by the US Government in its revenue (re-venue) service and otherwise. See vessel. 

PURCHASE. “Purchase” includes taking by sale, discount negotiation, mortgage, pledge, lien, issue or re-issue, gift, or any other voluntary transaction creating an interest in property. UCC 1-201(32). The term “purchase” includes any contract to purchase or otherwise acquire. Securities Exchange Act 3. See Note. 

Note: the US Government “purchased” all of our straw-men birth certificates, in bulk transactions) when our mothers unwittingly pledged us; first by delivering us into this world, and then by registering our mirror-image straw man name with the state (thereby granting a perfected security interest in the property identified as the corporately colored straw man). 

PURCHASE MONEY SECURITY INTEREST. A secured interest which is created when a buyer uses the money of the lender to make the purchase and immediately gives to the lender a security interest. UCC 9-107. Compare security interest. See Note. 

Note: When you borrow to purchase a new automobile, the “purchase money” for the car comes from the lending bank. The lending bank is listed on the certificate of title as “lienholder.” This is a designation of the lending bank’s purchase money security interest in the car. The funny thing is, however, when a loan takes place at a Federal Reserve Member-bank “the money of the lender” does not come from the


“lender”/bank; it comes from the borrower. Banks do not loan their own money; i.e. no account belonging to the bank is debited in the loan transaction. The banker does a Banker’s Acceptance of the borrower’s promissory note (cash) and “loans” it back to the “borrower” at interest (see Modern Money Mechanics, page 9, published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago).

QUO WARRANTO. [Law Latin “by what authority”] See Note.

Note: A writ intended to prevent exercise of powers that are not conferred by law.

RANSOM. (Heb., kofer) The compensation required to avoid bodily punishment or to free oneself from an undesirable state or condition (Isa. 43:3). The term kofer is related to the Akkadian kapãru (“to wipe off”) or kuppuru (“to expiate”). The substitution for a penal sum for corporal punishment was widespread in the ancient world. Thus, the Hittite Code provides for fixed damages for bodily harm; and the Bedouin, too, allowed for ransom as an alternative to blood vengeance. Except in the case of murder (Num. 35:31-34), the Israelites followed this practice too, though fixed sums do not seem to have existed in early times. Instead the principle of “measure for measure” was employed (Ex. 21:36; Lev. 24:18), together with specific standards for determining the compensation (Ex. 21:19; 22:16). Later, set amounts were established (Deut. 22:29), such as the “redemption” fees for those consecrated to YHWH (Lev. 27). To be distinguished from kofer in the sense of “ransom,” which is paid to an aggrieved party, is kofer in the sense of “bribe,” which is paid to a judge in the hope of influencing his decision (1 Sam. 12:3; Amos 5:12). See also “Captives, Ransoming of. Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1972. Compare redemption.

REAL PARTY IN INTEREST. The person who will be entitled to benefits of a court action if successful; one who is actually and substantially interested in the subject matter, as opposed to one who has only a nominal, formal, or technical interest in or connection with it. Barron’s 3 rd . See Real Party of Interest.


Note: This term is not defined in law dictionaries, just as “Federal Reserve Notes” is not defined. Big Brother’s operation cannot afford the light of day, and so, must remain in the shadows. The Real Party, or Parties, of interest are unknown. A Real Party IN interest, defined directly above, is merely an intermediate link in the chain. The actual boss is the Real Party OF Interest.

REBUTTABLE PRESUMPTION. An ordinary presumption which must, as a matter of law, be made once certain facts have been proved, and which is thus said to establish a prima facie conclusion; it may be rebutted or overcome through the introduction of contrary evidence, but if it is not, it becomes conclusive. After rebutting evidence is introduced, under prevailing doctrine the competing facts are weighed on their own merits, without further reference to the presumption. Barron’s 3 rd . See also disputable presumption, presumption

REDEEM. [< L redimere buy back, re + -imere to buy, variant of emere, to purchase] To buy back. To free property or article from mortgage or pledge by paying the debt for which it stood as security. To repurchase in a literal sense; as, to redeem one’s land from a tax-sale. It implies the existence of a debt and means to rid property of that encumbrance. Black’s 6 th .

REDEMPTION. Salvation from the states or circumstances that destroy the value of human existence or human existence itself. The word “redeemer” and its related terms “redeem” and “redemption” appear in the Bible some 130 times and are derived from two Hebrew roots: pdh and g’l. Though used to describe divine activity as well, they arose in ordinary human affairs and it is in this context in which they must first be understood. Pdh is the more general of the two, with cognates* of related meaning in Akkadian, Arabic, and Ethiopic. It belongs to the domain of commercial law, and refers to the payment of an equivalent for what is released or secured. The verb pdh, unlike g’l, indicates nothing about the relation of the agent to the object of redemption, which in the Bible is always a person or another living being. Its usage does not differ in cultic activity from that of a normal commercial transaction. In both cases a person or an animal is released in return for money or an acceptable replacement (cf. Ex. 13:13; 34:20; Lev. 27:27; 1 Sam. 14:45 with Ex. 21:7-8; Lev. 19:20; Job 6:23). G’l is more restricted in usage and does not appear to have cognates in other Semitic languages. It is connected with family law and reflects the Israelite conception of the importance of preserving the solidarity of the clan. The go’el (“redeemer”) is the next of kin who acts


to maintain the vitality of his extended family group by preventing any breaches from occurring in it. Thus he acquires the alienated property of his kinsman (Lev. 25:25) or purchases it when it is in danger of being lost to a stranger (cf. Jer. 32:6ff). . . . While the Bible uses both padah and ga’al for redemption, the Talmud applies padah to ransom (see * Ransom) and ga’al to redemption. . . Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1972. See Note. Compare ransom. See pay, payment.

* COGNATE. A person or thing related in origin.

Note: According to the Encyclopaedia Judaica, the subject of Redemption belongs in the “domain of commercial law”; has to do with payment of an equivalent for “what is released or secured”; is essentially commercial in nature, whether “cultic” (religious, sacred) or strictly commercial, and wherein “a person or an animal is released in return for money or an acceptable substitute.”

REGISTER. [< L regere to rule; rex king] To record formally and exactly; to enroll; to enter precisely in a list or the like. Black’s 6 th . See Note, reify.

Note: From the Latin, regere to rule; rex king. Essentially, to register is to “king-ify” or to “ruler-ify” oneself or one’s property; i.e. to submit and place oneself or one’s property in a position to be subjected/owned/controlled/dominated/regulated, thus facilitating taxation. From Luke 2:1 — “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.” (Holy Bible, King James Version). Registration is the necessary step prior to taxation. According to UCC 9-302 registration of anything constitutes the granting of a perfected security interest (legal title) in the property registered.

REGISTER OF SHIPS. A register kept by the collectors of customs, in which the names, ownership and other facts relative to merchant vessels are required by law to be entered. The register is evidence of the nationality and privileges of an American ship. The certificate of such registration, given by the collector to the owner or master of the ship, is also called the “ship’s register.” See Note.

Note: The “collectors of customs” (U.S. Customs Service) is under the Department of the Treasury, as is the Internal Revenue Service. Your straw man is a merchant vessel. See vessel.

REGISTERED. Denoting cattle, horses, dogs, etc., having pedigrees verified and filed by authorized associations of breeders. Webster’s.

REIF. A robbery. Cowell. Black’s 4 th .See reification, reify.

REIFICATION. The embodiment of a right to the payment of money in an instrument so that transfer of the instrument transfers also the right. The term can also refer generally to the embodiment of any other property in a writing, which writing represents the property. Black’s 6 th . See reif, reify.

Note: What was once known as simple highway robbery, a reif, is now known as reification, or the “registration” of the property—in the juristic name of your straw man, of course. Consulting the words “reif” and “reify” one can see that government has given itself license to overtly rob and steal from its subjects under the euphemistically defined term “reification,” another term for “registration” which, according to UCC 9-302, is surrender of equitable title to the property registered; an act which precludes the necessity for the Registrar (Secured Party) to file a UCC-1 Financing Statement against the Registrant (Debtor) to perfect the security interest in the property.

REIFY. [f. L re(s) thing + -(I)FY] v.t. to convert into or regard as a concrete thing: to reify an abstract concept. ACED. See Note, reif, Note at register.

Note: This term is essentially identical in concept with the word “register,” which literally translates to: to “king-ify,” or “ruler-ify” oneself or one’s property. The “abstract concept” that “someone else has a right to your body, labor, property, and wealth” is “converted into a concrete thing” when you register yourself or your property. A reif, or robbery, occurs thereby and legal title to one’s property (straw man’s name) is surrendered to the entity with whom/which registered. The


fact of registration obviates the need for the Registrar/Secured Party to file a UCC-1 Financing Statement against the Registrant/Debtor for the property in question.

RELIGIOUS MEN. Such as entered into some monastery or convent. In old English deeds, the vendee was often restrained from aliening to ‘Jews or religious men’ lest the lands should fall into mortmain. Religious men were civilly dead. Black’s 4 th . See mortmain.

REMEDY. Remedy is the means by which the violation of a right is prevented, redressed, or compensated. Black’s 1 st . New. The purpose is to make it clear that both remedy and rights (as defined) include those remedial rights of “self help” which are among the most important bodies of rights under this Act, remedial rights being those which an aggrieved party can resort on his own motion. UCC 1-201(34). See Note.

Note: “Acceptance For Value” is remedy.

REMITTER. “Remitter” means a person who purchases an instrument from its issuer if the instrument is payable to an identified person other than the purchaser. UCC 3-103(11).

REPLEVIN. n. 1. An action for the repossession of personal property wrongfully taken or detained by the defendant, whereby the plaintiff gives security for and holds the property until the court decides who owns it. 2. A writ obtained from a court authorizing the retaking of personal property wrongfully taken or detained. . . . Black’s 7 th . “Replevin” is a remedy ground and granted upon a distress, being a redeliverance of the thing distrained to remain with the first possessor, on security or pledges given by him to try the right with the distrainer, and to answer him in a course of law? The Pocket Lawyer and Family Conveyancer, 105 (3d ed. 1833). Black’s 7 th . The word means a redelivery to the owner of the pledge or thing taken in distress. Black’s 1 st . See Note, distress.

Note: The definition from The Pocket Lawyer (1833) does not reference the use of a court, nor does it conflict in any manner with the pre-judicial and non-judicial processes of Commercial Law.

RES. Lat. In the civil law. A thing; an object. As a term of the law, this word has a very wide and extensive signification, including not only things which are objects of property, but also such as are not capable of individual ownership. . . And in old English law it is said to have a general import, comprehending both corporeal and incorporeal things of whatever kind, nature, or species. . .. By “res,” according to the modern civilians, is meant everything that may form an object of rights, in opposition to “persona,” which is regarded as a subject of rights. “Res,” therefore, in its general meaning, comprises actions of all kinds; while in its restricted sense it comprehends every object of right, except actions. . . This has reference to the fundamental division of the Institutes, that all law relates either to persons, to things, or to actions. . In modern usage, the term is particularly applied to an object, subject matter, or status, considered as the defendant in an action, or as an object against which, directly, proceedings are taken. Thus, in a prize case*, the captured vessel is “the res.” And proceedings of this character are said to be in rem. (See IN PERSONAM, IN REM.) “Res” may also denote the action or proceeding, as when a cause, when not between adversary parties, is entitled “In re----.” Black’s 1 st . See Note, in personam, in rem.

*PRIZE LAW. The system of laws and rules applicable to the capture of prize** at sea; its condemnation, rights of the captors, distribution of the proceeds, etc. Black’s 1 st .

**PRIZE. In admiralty law. A vessel or cargo, belonging to one of two belligerent powers, apprehended or forcibly captured at sea by a war vessel or privateer of the other belligerent, and claimed as enemy’s property, and therefore liable to appropriation and condemnation under the laws of war. Black’s 1 st . Compare booty. See vice admiralty courts.

Note: Your straw man is a “vessel” under admiralty law, and also prize in war [war was officially declared against American citizens by the US Government under FDR in the Amendatory Act of March 9, 1933 (a/k/a Emergency Banking Relief Act)] to the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917. Prize on land is called “booty.”


RES JUDICATA. A matter adjudged; a thing judicially acted upon or decided; a thing or matter settled by judgment. ... Black’s 1 st .

RESOURCES. Money or any property that can be converted to meet needs; means of raising money or supplies; capabilities of raising wealth or to supply necessary wants; available means or capability of any kind. Black’s 6 th . See Note.

Note: The government looks upon the “Department of Health and Human Resources” as just that. Which definitions apply to you?

RETAIL. To sell by small parcels, and not in the gross. To sell in small quantities. Black’s 1 st . Compare wholesale.

Note: We acquire title to our birth-certificate straw men in retail. Re the double-entry bookkeeping system of the Department of the Treasury, retail is the credit, or private side, and wholesale is the debit, or public side.

REVENUE. As applied to the income of a government, this is a broad and general term, including all public monies, which the state collects and receives, from whatever source, and in whatever manner. Black’s 1 st . See Note.

Note: Government income—revenue—is a “re-venue” of funds from the private venue to the public venue.

REVENUE AGENT. Any duly authorized Commonwealth Internal Revenue Agent of the Department of the Treasury of Puerto Rico. 27 CFR § 250.11. See Note below, and Note at escrow.

Note: The above is the only definition of “Revenue Agent” in all of the Code of Federal Regulations and elsewhere (Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth). The IRS is ensconced in a private trust (Puerto Rico Trust # 62) that operates out of Puerto Rico. A Revenue Agent is an unregistered foreign agent operating in America in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. “Secretary of the Treasury” is an abbreviation of the actual title, “Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico.”

RIGHT(S). “Rights” includes remedies. U.C.C  §1-201(36). As a noun, and taken in a concrete sense, a right signifies a power, privilege, faculty, or demand, inherent in one person and incident upon another. “Rights” are defined generally as “powers of free action.” And the primal rights pertaining to men are undoubtedly enjoyed by human beings purely as such, being grounded in personality, and existing antecedently to their recognition by positive Law. But leaving the abstract moral sphere, and giving to the term a juristic content, a “right” is well defined as “a capacity residing in one man of controlling, with the assent and assistance of the state, the actions of others.” Black’s 1 st . See remedy.


Note: There are fundamentally only two kinds of law in human society: “real law,” of which original English common law, as well as Commercial Law, are particular cultural styles and developments, and “Roman Civil Law.” The latter is a perversion of the former. Common law and Commercial Law, as expressions of real law pertaining to free, sovereign people, are independent of organized governments. In common law, for instance, a king has no access, without permission, to the meanest commoner’s hovel, which is the source of the phrase: “A man’s home is his castle.” Roman Civil Law is the “law” of government rulers—kings, princes, emperors, dictators, etc. Over the centuries governments have usurped the forms, trappings, and genius of common law and Commercial Law, transmuting them into forms of Roman Civil Law to use as tools of rulership. The spirit of truth, fairness, and justice of real law have been stifled and distorted from their just intent into means to implement tyranny.

The principles of both real law and Roman Civil Law are simple. Real law is expression of two fundamental precepts:


1) Every man has free will and is therefore sovereign over himself and his own domain. A man is fully entitled to do whatever he wishes with his life except transgress against the similar inherent right of others. If one damages another he loses his sovereignty and rights to the degree necessary to provide rectitude and recompense to the one he wronged. In short: “Thou shalt not transgress against the rights of thy neighbor.”

2) All social intercourse is contract, whether express (written, bilateral) or implied (unwritten, ratified by acts not signature). Therefore, whatever contracts you enter into you are obligated to fulfill.

Roman Civil Law has but one principle:

The will of the ruler has the force and effect of law.

All human governments are necessarily some form of Roman Civil Law, because no basis in real law can exist for any “ruler” to “rule” (i.e. to usurp, enforced by force, the rights, options, or property of) another man. Also, the fact that all life is contract is the source of the timeless maxim of law: Contract makes the law. This maxim is found in virtually every culture, language, and legal system in the world. All law is inherently contract, whether express or implied. An express contract is formalized in writing, specifying the various rights and duties of the parties and all the terms and conditions to which the parties agree, with the voluntary consent of each party indicated by his signature. An implied contract is ratified by act instead of signature. An implied contract is formed, for instance, when one goes into a restaurant and orders a meal. Although no written contract is signed, a contract is formed nonetheless by the act of ordering the meal, on the basis of which one non-verbally consents to pay for it.

Roman Civil Law functions chiefly by implied contract, ratified by the presumed, “implied assent” of the “ruled” through either not asserting and preserving their own rights and freedom vis-à-vis the ruler or, worse yet, accepting the “benefits” that the government offers and thereby incurring whatever obligations are contractually implied by the acceptance. The Creditors of the bankrupt US Government operate against you by the presumption that they are the holder of your birth certificate and that it is an open-ended lien against your rights, property, and labor as security to pay on the reorganization in bankruptcy. As discussed, the Redemption process consummately and permanently rebuts/terminates the presumption, thereby liberating you.

RULE 9(a), FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. It is not necessary to aver* the capacity of a party to sue or be sued or the authority of a party to sue or be sued in a representative capacity or the legal existence of an organized association of persons that is made a party, except to the extent required to show the jurisdiction of the court. When a party desires to raise an issue as to the legal existence of any party or the capacity of any party to sue or be sued or the authority of a party to sue or be sued in a representative capacity, the party desiring to raise the issue shall do so by specific negative averment*, which shall include such supporting particulars as are peculiarly within the pleaders knowledge. See Note.

*AVER In pleading. To declare or assert; to set out distinctly and formally; to allege. Black’s 1 st .

**AVERMENT In pleading. A positive statement of facts, in opposition to argument or inference. Black’s 1 st .

Note: When the Legal Masters of the world do not want you to understand the rules of law, they write it in a manner as appears above. As Rule 9(a) applies to you: It is entirely within your knowledge that your true name is written with initial letters capitalized only, that you are not the ALL-CAPS Defendant, and that neither the existence, solvency, or standing to sue of any of the alleged parties to the action has been proved to you. The Affidavit Denying that a Corporation Exists. fulfills the above “specific negative averment” requirement.

RULE 12(b)(6), FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. Rule 12. Defenses and Objection — When and How Presented — By Pleading or Motion — Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings. . . (b) How Presented. Every defense, in law or fact, to a claim for relief in any pleading, whether a claim, counterclaim, cross-


claim, or third-party claim, shall be asserted in the responsive pleading thereto if one is required, except that the following defenses may at the option of the pleader be made by motion: (1) lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter, (2) lack of jurisdiction over the person, (3) improper venue, (4) insufficiency of process, (5) insufficiency of service of process, (6) failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, (7) failure to join a party under Rule 19. [Underline emphasis added]


SALE. . . a “sale” consists in the passing of title from the seller to the buyer for a price (Section 2-401). A “present sale” means a sale which is accomplished by the making of the contract. UCC 2-106(1).

SECRETARY. The Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico. 27 CFR § 250.11. See Note, Revenue Agent, Note at escrow.

Note: The above is the only definition for “Secretary” or “Secretary of the Treasury” in all of the Code of Federal Regulations and elsewhere. The title “Secretary of the Treasury’ is an abbreviation of the actual title: “Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico.” The IRS is domiciled in Puerto Rico under Puerto Rico Trust # 62, which would make the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, Paul H. O'Neill, the Trustee thereof. The Secretary of the Treasury is not a U.S. government employee. He is an unregistered foreign agent operating in America in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, and is the receiver in bankruptcy (Reorganization Plan No. 26, Title 5 USC 903, Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, page 5967) for the U.S. Government on behalf of the Federal Reserve creditors, and the governor of both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which are each headquartered in Washington, D.C.

The Treasury Department also claims a number of “bureaus” through which the Secretary administers the Chapter 11 bankruptcy: Comptroller of the Currency; Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; Internal Revenue Service; United States Secret Service; United States Customs Service; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms; Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN); Treasury Forfeiture Fund; Bureau of the Public Debt; United States Mint; Financial Management Service; Bureau of Engraving and Printing; Office of Thrift Supervision; United States Savings Bonds Division; and Community Development Financial Institutions. Each bureau is assigned and engaged in its own “mission” (military objective) ascribed by the Secretary and openly publishes such. These bureaus and the personnel operating within them are unregistered foreign agencies and agents on America soil also in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. Please notice that the identifier “United States” is not a part of the official title for either “Department of the Treasury or “Secretary of the Treasury.”

In the popular TV series “Mission: Impossible” (and in the movies by the same name), after “Mr. Phelps” (or his motion-picture counterpart) receives his instructions for the next “impossible mission,” the voice announces “Your mission, should you decide to accept it, . . “ and later, in the event that Mr. Phelps or his Impossible Mission Team are caught, the admonishment: “the “Secretary will disavow all knowledge of you and your team . . . .” A “mission” (see mission) is a specific task or objective assigned to a member of a military unit, or the unit itself. The “Secretary” referred to is the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, a/k/a Secretary of the Treasury, presently Lawrence H. Summers, who runs the de facto military units under him in military-style “missions” with his Impossible Mission Force, a/k/a “IMF,” a/k/a “International Monetary Fund” (of which he is Governor); and also by managing each “IMF,” a/k/a “Individual Master File,” in the Puerto Rico-based IRS, and of which there is one Individual Master File for every “citizen of the United States”-straw man that has a Social Security Account Number and a Social Security Card with the straw man’s all-capital-letters nom de guerre (war name, see nom de guerre, Mark of the Beast) printed thereon. The Wizard has owned outright the United States Government since 1933, and has “owned” Hollywood, an indispensable resource in achieving the “Impossible Mission,” since 1938.

SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. See Note, Secretary, Secretary of The Treasury of Puerto Rico.

Note: An abbreviated form of the actual title, “Secretary of The Treasury of Puerto Rico”


SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY OF PUERTO RICO. See Note, Secretary, Secretary of The Treasury.

Note: Secretary of The Treasury of Puerto Rico = Secretary = Secretary of The Treasury.

SECURED PARTY. “Secured party” means a lender, seller or other person in whose favor there is a security interest, including a person to whom accounts or chattel paper have been sold. When the holders of obligations issued under an indenture of trust, equipment trust agreement or the like are represented by a trustee or other person, the representative is the secured party. UCC 9-105(m).

SECURITIES. Stock certificates, bonds or other evidence of a secured indebtedness or of a right created in the holder to participate in the profits or assets distribution of a profit-making enterprise; more generally, written assurances for the return or payment of money; instruments giving to their legal holders right to money or other property. As such, securities have value and are used in regular channels of commerce. The basic purpose of the sale of securities is to raise capital for business and government. Barron’s 3 rd .

Note: It has been reported to the Authors by a county-level government official that numbers appearing in red ink on securities signifies that they are private numbers, as opposed to pubic numbers such as those attached to straw men. Numbers appearing in black ink pertain to the public sphere.

SECURITY AGREEMENT. “Security agreement” means an agreement which creates or provides for a security interest. UCC 9-105. An agreement which creates or provides for a security interest between the debtor and the secured party. UCC 9-105(h). An agreement granting a creditor a security interest in personal property, which security interest is normally perfected either by the creditor taking possession of the collateral or by filing financing statements in the proper public records. Black’s 6 th . See attach, security interest, fidelity bond.

SECURITY INTEREST. “Security interest” means an interest in personal property or fixtures which secures payment or performance of an obligation. . . . UCC 1-201(37)(a). Interest in property obtained pursuant to security agreement. Black’s 6 th . A form of interest in property which provides that the property may be sold on default in order to satisfy the obligation for which the security interest is given. UCC 9-102. Lien created by an agreement. Bankruptcy Code § 101. A security interest is perfected when it has attached and when all the applicable steps required for perfection have been taken. Such steps are specified in Sections 9-302, 9-304, 9-305 and 9-306. If such steps are taken before the security interest attaches, it is perfected at the time when it attaches. UCC 9-303(1). See attach, security agreement, perfection of security interest .

SEIZURE. See Distress Levy.

SENATE DOCUMENT NO. 43, 73rd CONGRESS, 1st SESSION. “. . .The ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called ownership is only by virtue of government, i.e. law amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.” See Note, “in this state,” Conference of Governors , March 6, 1933 .

Note: All objects and spaces, tangible and intangible property, including “money,” in America and most of the world, represent DEBT—that is, all such things that have not presently been claimed under the UCC by a Redemptor (sovereign). Non-sovereigns are “mere users” of everything they “own.” Everything is “legally” owned by the State. If you do not believe this, just stop paying property taxes or automobile registration fees and see what happens. Read in the background of the annual renewal sticker (with the year on it) on the license plate of your car. It says “Official Use Only.” The state holds a perfected security interest in your car because you chose to register it with the DMV (see UCC 9-302(3)(b) et. seq.). Basically, the state has the assets (title to the equity), and the “owner” has the liabilities (accountability for use)—unless, of course, the owner captures his or her straw man and sets things straight. If you examine the Vehicle Code of your state you will find that there is no code/law requiring registration of any automobile that is not used for the “transportation of persons or property for hire or compensation.” Registration of an automobile with


the Department of Motor Vehicles is legal identification of the character of the property: non-private.

SERVICEMARK. A name, phrase, or other device used to identify and distinguish the services of a certain provider. • Servicemarks identify and afford protection to intangible things such as services, as distinguished from the protection already provided for marks affixed to tangible things such as goods and products. — Often shortened to mark. — Also spelled service mark; service-mark. Cf. TRADEMARK (1). Black’s 7 th . See Note. Compare trademark, mark.

SETOFF. A debtor’s right to reduce the amount of a debt by any sum the creditor owes the debtor; the counterbalancing sum owed by the creditor. Black’s 7 th . See Note, action, defendant.

Note: A setoff is a bookkeeping entry and is used by the system to transfer debt between straw men. In court the judge does a setoff between two straw men— yours, and the one on whose behalf the presentment issuer (flesh-and-blood cop, prosecutor, etc.) works (e.g. City of New York, County of Dade, etc.).

SEVEN POINTS. See Note. For a comprehensive treatment, see article entitled “The Seven-Point Instrument” in Appendix.

Note: in commercial law, any document or instrument (whether a legal brief, security, promissory note, affidavit, or contract) must contain seven (7) essential elements to be valid. If any of these elements is missing the paper is commercially defective, void, or expressly fraudulent. These essential elements are:

1. Accurate identification of the parties to the instrument, contract, or dispute.

2. Nature and content of the allegations or claims set forth with particularity.

3. Ledgering—accounting of the remedy or relief sought as recompense or compensation for specific wrongs or contractual violations or defaults.

4. Surety—identification of the property sought or pledged as the stakes over which the dispute occurs, and to be forfeited to the prevailing party to pay the debt or damage or satisfy the judgment.

5. Facts and law—specific laws violated and facts set in evidence by exhibit.

6. Certification—statement under oath by party asserting an allegation or claim that everything asserted is “true, correct, and complete,” whether criminal or civil.

7. Witnesses—third party certification substantiating the legal identity of the party executing the instrument (notary).

SIGHT DRAFT. A bill of exchange for the immediate payment of money. Barron’s 3 rd . A bill of exchange for the immediate collection of money. Black’s 6 th .

SIGNED. “Signed” includes any symbol executed or adopted by a party with present intention to authenticate a writing. U.C.C 1-201 (39).


Note: Account number attached to the juristic name appearing on the birth certificate (straw man). The number belongs to the straw man, the card to the Social Security Administration. In securities and the like, it is believed that a serial number appearing in red ink (as on the reverse of a new Social Security Card) signifies a “private” number, as opposed to “public.” Remember that the big game is an accounting game, and that the ledger must always balance. I.e. whatever


appears on the public side of the ledger in the straw man’s account must be balanced out on the private side. The red number is attached to somebody’s true name.


Note: Sovereign, as an adjective, means the unity and nexus of individual free will with Truth. The unit of sovereignty, autonomy, and government is each free-will being. Note: A sovereign is accountable only to himself and/or his God.

SOVEREIGN POWER, OR SOVEREIGNTY. That power in a state to which none other is superior or equal.Black’s 1 st . See Note.


Note: Sovereign power equates to accountability only to oneself and/or one’s God.

SOVEREIGNTY. The possession power; supreme political authority; paramount control of the constitution and frame of government and its administration; the self-sufficient source of political power, from which all specific political powers are derived; the international independence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign dictation; also a political society or state which is sovereign and independent. Black’s 1 st . See Note.

Note: You can regain your sovereignty by “Accepting For Value” your birth certificate, Social Security Card (containing your nine-digit “Personal Account Number” within the Treasury Department/IRS; i.e. the same number as the Social Security Account Number but without the dashes; also referred to sometimes as one’s “Employer Identification Number), and other government-issued documents, and attaching copies of said documents, stamped “Accepted For Value,” to your UCC-1 filing in the Commercial Registry (U.C.C filing office usually within the Office of the Secretary of State) of any state. Every Secretary of State is the Receiver in Bankruptcy for that State, the Trustee “of this state.” To file in any State or Federal District (e.g. Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, etc.) is as good as any other: “Filed anywhere is filed everywhere.” The term “in this state” or “of this state” is an all-encompassing phrase, a chameleon “box,” containing every aspect, State, and agency of the bankrupt Federal Government. See “in this state.”

SPECIAL. Relating to or designating a species, kind, or sort; designated for a particular purpose; confined to a particular purpose, object, person, or class. The opposite of general. Black’s 1 st . Compare general.

SPECIE. Coin of the precious metals, of a certain weight and fineness, and bearing the stamp of the government, denoting its value as currency. Black’s 1 st .

STARE DECISIS. n. [Latin “to stand by things decided”] The doctrine of precedent, under which it is necessary for a court to follow earlier judicial decisions when the same points arise again in litigation. Black’s 7 th

STATUTE. An act of the legislature, adopted under its constitutional authority, by prescribed means and in certain form, so that it becomes the law governing conduct within its scope. Statutes are enacted to prescribe conduct, define crimes, create inferior government bodies, appropriate public monies, and in general to promote the public welfare. Barron’s 3 rd . Compare civil law, common law. See Note.

Note: Statutory law is concerned with persons (artificial) and their privileges, duties, and obligations within and subordinate to collective public/government welfare. It does not, and cannot, deal with sovereign men and women (people). Anyone who answers to the name of his/her straw man, or who conducts his/her personal or commercial or industrial affairs in the name of his/her straw man (via licenses, permits, etc.) is subjecting themselves to statutory law by virtue of “benefits” and “privileges” acquired through the transmitting-utility straw man. This liability is removed when one accepts for value title to the straw man, i.e. the birth certificate.


STOCK. An equity or ownership position in a corporation [stockholders own the corporation]; usually created by a contribution of the capital of the corporation. Its unit of measurement is the share, and the owner of one or more shares of stock of the company is entitled to participate in the company’s management and profits, and in distribution of assets upon dissolution of the company. Ownership of stock may be evidenced by a written instrument known as a stock certificate [birth certificate = stock certificate] Distribution of profits to stockholders occurs through the payment of dividends. However, for tax purposes, not all corporations pay dividends to their stockholders, but rather reinvest profits in the business, thereby increasing the value of the stock to the investor.

There are two general types of stock. Common stock is the “. . . ordinary stock of the corporation which entitles the owner to pro rata dividends without any priority or preference over any other shareholders or class of shareholders, but equally with all other shareholders except preferred stockholders.” Preferred stock is a class of stock entailing certain rights beyond those attached to common stock; “corporate stock” having preference rights. It represents a contribution to the capital of the corporation and is in no sense a loan of money. . . . By general definition preferred stock is stock entitled to a preference over other kinds of stock in the payment of dividends. The dividends come out of earnings (income) and not out of capital. Unless there are net earnings there is no right to dividends;” other rights which may be attendant to preferred stock are limitless; however whatever rights are given must be clearly noted. It is part of the capital stock of a corporation which enjoys priority over the remaining stock, or common stock, in the distribution of profits and, in the event of dissolution of the corporation, in the distribution of assets as well. Barron’s 3 rd .

The holder of preferred stock is not a creditor of the corporation; creditors have a priority over preferred stockholders; preferred stock cannot be given a lien on the property; a mortgage to secure preferred stock is valid. Black’s 4 th .

The capital of a merchant, tradesman, or other person including his merchandise, money and credits. The goods and wares he has for sale and traffic. They are not a debt. Stock is property and not a credit. Black’s 4 th . See Note.

Note: Common stock is public, preferred stock is private. You are, inherently, a preferred stockholder, although you have not been aware of it. The priority tax exemption is the preferred stock, and is evidenced by legal title to the straw man, the original birth document. The state (bankrupt Federal Government) is the common stockholder of record because they presently hold title to your birth certificate, the evidence of the preferred stock (a security instrument). You have the right to operate/use your straw man, but you do not presently hold title to your straw man. Title to your straw man is held by the state. You have been mistakenly answering to the name of the straw man, posing as the straw man (obtaining licenses, permits, etc.), and acting like the corporately colored straw man (hiring attorneys, paying income tax, fines, charges, etc.). Somewhere along the way you lost track of your true identity (sovereign), and have been behaving like a straw man (slave/debtor) ever since out of ignorance and necessity. All common stock issues from the preferred stock. You have a superior, inalienable right to reassume your role as preferred stockholder because you are the only one who can be the Holder in Due Course of the security instrument evidencing your portion of the preferred stock: your birth certificate.

STRAMINEUS HOMO. A man of straw, one of no substance, put forward as bail or surety. Black’s 1 st . See straw man.

STRATOCRACY. A military government; government by military chiefs of an army. Black’s 6 th .

STRAW MAN or PARTY. A “front”; a third party who is put up in name only to take part in a transaction in name only. Nominal party to a transaction . . . Black’s 6 th . The term is also used in commercial and property contexts when a transfer is made to a third party, the straw man [person], simply for the purpose of retransferring to the transferor in order to accomplish some other purpose not otherwise permitted. Barron’s 3 rd . See Note, stramineus homo.

Note: The straw man is an artificial person (see artificial person) created by law at one’s birth via the inscription of an ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS NAME (see all-capital letters-written) on the birth document/certificate (see birth certificate), which is a document of title and a negotiable


instrument. The straw man has a fictitious name (see fictitious name) written in a manner not provided for in the rules of English grammar (see proper). Your straw man has a same-sounding (see idem sonans) name as you (man or woman), but is artificial and exists only by force of or in contemplation of law (see person). A straw man is a distinct legal entity (corporation) that benefits the creator (US Government) because the creator can then accomplish things in the name of the straw man that would not otherwise be permitted—e.g. secretly acquire property, do business with one’s enemies, etc. The people of the world have been politically and financially ravaged because they did not know of their alter ego*, public-persona straw man. Bankrupt governments use such straw men for the purpose of siphoning wealth from otherwise sovereign men and women and conveying the proceeds to their creditor, the Federal Reserve/IMF. After Redemption, you can use your straw man for your benefit, rather than continuing to be enslaved and abused because of it.

Under the U.C.C, our straw man is defined as, and serves as, a “transmitting utility” (see transmitting utility). The operators/controllers of the political/economic/industrial system have set it up so that the only way for men, women, and children to access the industrial goods and services of the nation is through a nominal third party, a front man, a dummy (see dummy), a public corporation of one (see public corporation), a corporately colored juristic person, a straw man, a utility—through which said goods and services may be transmitted. I.e. the only way one can acquire the goods and services of the nation is through the straw man. You cannot keep your body alive and survive in the world today without the industrial goods and services of the nation, so you are forced to interface through your straw man in order to partake of them. Because the straw man has no body, and because you are the one actually benefiting from the consumption/use of the industrial goods and services of the nation, and because, prior to Redemption, you do not hold title to your straw man, you are the one responsible for discharging the public liability associated with the “benefits” that come to you in the name of your straw man.

The “purpose not otherwise permitted” mentioned above is “extraction of ‘income tax’ from a sovereign,” i.e. you— something you would not otherwise agree to. All “income” is “corporate income,” and the straw man is a dummy public corporation. Because the straw man is registered (birth certificate), and because you cannot work for another except through his labor license (Social Security Card) or have a bank account except through his serial number (Social Security Account Number), taxes are relatively easily monitored, assessed, and collected. All claims made against you, whether civil or criminal, are instituted in the name of your straw man, the title to which is currently held by the U.S. Government. Accordingly, upon acquiring legal title to your straw man you have the capacity to protect your interests so that no one can come against you via your straw man and perfect a claim.

A straw man is a construct of law, is a fictitious entity, is a person, is an artificial person, is a juristic person, is a dummy, is a dummy corporation, is a public corporation, is a public vessel, is a vessel, is a transmitting utility, is an individual, is an employee, is a United States Government employee.

*ALTER EGO. [L: literally, another I] 1. A second self. 2. An inseparable friend. ACED.

SUMMARY. Immediate; preemptory; off-hand; without a jury; provisional: statutory. Black’s 1 st .

SUMMARY PROCEEDING. Any proceeding by which a controversy is settled, case disposed of, or trial conducted, in a prompt and simple manner, without the aid of a jury, without presentment of indictment, or in other aspects out of the regular course of the common law. Black’s 1 st .

SUM CERTAIN. “Sum certain” is any amount that is settled, stated, or exact; re negotiable instruments: the sum must be ascertainable at the time the instrument is made and computable solely by examination of it; in commercial law, in order for an instrument to be negotiable, it must contain an unconditional promise to pay a sum certain. U.C.C 3-104(1)(b).



Note: The holder in due course of a negotiable instrument.

SURETY. One who has contracted himself to be answerable for the debt, default, or miscarriage of another. ACED. “one who undertakes to pay money or perform other acts in the event that his principal fails to do so; the surety is directly and immediately liable for the debt.” Barron’s 3 rd . A surety is one who at the request of another, and for the purpose of securing to him a benefit, becomes responsible for the performance by the latter, of some act in favor of a third person, or hypothecates property as security therfor. Black’s 1 st . See voluntary surety (below), Note.

VOLUNTARY SURETY. A surety who receives no consideration for the promise to act as a surety. Black’s 7 th .

Note: You are the surety for the straw man “wholly brought into separate existence” (“birth”) by your birth certificate. See bail.

TAX. [< ML taxare to tax, appraise, L to appraise, handle, tangere to touch] a rate or sum of money assessed on a citizen’s person, property, or activity for the support of a government levied upon real assets or real property (property tax), upon income derived from wages, etc. (income tax), or upon sale or purchase of goods (sales tax). Barron’s 3 rd . See Note, census, census regalis.

Note: Under the current debt-based system and commercial law, tax, lien, and fine are synonymous.

TAX EXEMPTION; PRIORITY TAX EXEMPTION. See Note, sovereign, allodium, atheling, preferred stock.

Note: Priority tax exemption = preferred stock = value.

TAX RETURN. The form on which an individual, corporation or other entity reports income, deductions and exemptions and calculates their tax liability. A tax return is generally for a one year period, however, in some cases, the period may be less than a year. A federal tax return is filed with the Internal Revenue Service, and a state return is filed with the revenue department of the state. Black’s 6 th . See Note.

Note: It is called a “return” because a portion of the Federal Reserve Notes that have “come in” are sent back, restored, or re-delivered—i.e. returned—to their rightful owner, the Federal Reserve Bank. Per the Grace Commission Report under Reagan, none of the money collected by the IRS goes toward the operation of the government or for the benefit of the country. Until January 1, 1999, all instruments were payable to the IRS and all such collections were channeled to the Fed under endorsements such as: “Deposit any FRB credit US. oblig.” Now IRS collections are made payable to “United States Treasury.” All “income” is “corporate income” and all corporations are artificial persons existing in the public sphere, by force of law. All corporations are held in bar (see in bar) by the creditor of the bankrupt US Government via the creditor’s agents: Secretary of the Treasury, and the respective Secretaries of State (local deputies for Secretary of the Treasury), throughout “US jurisdiction.” Please note that the two entities cited in the definition above are both corporate, artificial persons: an “individual” is a public corporation of one; a “corporation” is a corporation aggregate. This is why “officer of a corporation” is the only extraneous entity cited in Internal Revenue Code definition of “employee” other than “United States Government employee.” See individual, public corporation, artificial person, dummy, dummy corporation, employee, straw man.

TAXPAYER. One who is subject to a tax on income, regardless of whether or not he or she pays the tax. Internal Revenue Code 7701 (a)14. See Note, census, census regalis, transmitting utility, individual, employee, employer.

Note: Being a public corporation and an individual, the straw man is the “One who is subject to a tax on income. . . ,” but the straw man does not, indeed cannot, pay the tax. You, as the straw man’s surety (see surety), pay the tax on his/her/its behalf.



TENOR. By the tenor of an instrument signifies the true meaning of the mailer therein contained. Cowell. Bouvier’s 3 rd .

TERTIUS INTERVENIENS. (Lat.) In Civil Law one who, claiming an Interest to the subject or thing in dispute in action between other parties, asserts his right to act with the plaintiff, to be joined with him, and to recover the matter in dispute, because he has an interest in it; or to join the defendant, and with him oppose the interest of the plaintiff, which it is his interest to defeat. He differs from the intervenor, or him who interpleads in equity. 4 Bower, Inst. n. 3819. Vol. III, page 3262.

TITLE (1) [< ME variant of titel, OE titul < L titul(us) superscription, title] Law. a legal right to the possession of property, esp. real property; the ground or evidence of such right; the instrument constituting evidence of such right; a unity combining all of the requisites of complete legal ownership. Also: ownership; a term used in property law to denote the composite of facts that will permit one to recover or to retain possession of a thing. Webster’s. See Note.

Note: Your birth certificate is only a certificate of title to your straw man, and confirms only that the issuer of the certificate held the actual title at the time of registration (the issuer may have since assigned or sold the original birth document). You are the source, origin, and cause of the property registered in the birth certificate: the corporate, all-capital letters trade name of your straw man. As his surety (see surety), you bear all liability for his misadventures in the public sphere, including being personally financially responsible for his “fair share” of the National Debt and any other penalties or charges attached to his name. You are also the only one referred to or identified on the original birth document (mother, father, place of birth, exact minute of birth, footprints, handprints, eye color, weight, height/length, blood type, etc.). Accordingly, you are the only one with a right to title of your birth certificate. You are the only one who can ever be the “holder in due course” (see holder in due course) of your birth certificate, a negotiable instrument. The present holder is just that: a “holder.” Only the one with a right to title can ever be the holder in due course of the title. You have allowed title to be held by another by your silence. To reclaim it, redeem it, all you need to do is speak up in the proper venue, forum, and form. See document of title.

TITLE (2) The radical meaning of this word appears to be that of a mark, style, or designation; a distinctive appellation; the name by which anything is known. Thus, in the law of persons, a title is an appellation of dignity or distinction, a name denoting the social rank of the person bearing it; as “duke” or “count.” . . . . Black’s 1 st . See Note.

Note: The term “Esquire,” flaunted by most attorneys in America, is a title of nobility—the granting of which is prohibited by the Constitution—in the British class system of contemporary feudalism signifying status above the rank of “gentleman” and below the rank of “knight.”

TORT. Wrong; injury; the opposite of right. So called, according to Lord Coke, because it is wrested, or crooked, being contrary to that which is right and straight. . . In modern practice, tort is constantly used as an English word to denote a wrong or wrongful act, for which an action will lie, as distinguished from a contract. . . A tort is a legal wrong committed upon the person or property independent of contract. It may be either (1) a direct invasion of some legal right of the individual; (2) the infraction of some public duty by which special damage accrues to the individual; (3) the violation of some private obligation by which like damage accrues to the individual. In the former case, no special damage is necessary to entitle the party to recover. In the two latter cases, such damage is necessary, See Note.

Note: “Torts” are a fabrication and a fraud. In order to keep judges from having criminal charges filed against them and to thwart obstinate patriots, a way of cheating on the rules was needed (in order to stay in business within the system) wherein a civil charge could be converted to criminal, and vice versa. The solution was a third system of law within the courts called “torts.” “Tort” means “a twisting.” When words such as “accused of,” “counts,” and “fraud” appear in a civil complaint it is said to be “in the nature of a criminal process.” Since it is in the nature of a criminal process one can respectfully reserve the right to remain silent and not be a witness against himself. All interrogatories are thereby thwarted—there is no discovery—and the tort claim is killed. They


must proceed criminally with a jury trial—and it’s all over because it isn’t simple for them anymore and it’s no longer profitable. That’s how tort claims are stopped.


Note: Any alphabetical variant of someone’s true name set forth in ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS in order to express an idem sonans legal construct signifying a juristic person, corporate entity, or other type of artificial contrivance such as a corporation, trust, partnership, “doing business as (dba),” or the like. A trade name functions as a “transmitting utility” in commerce for and on behalf of the real being. In accordance with the “Law of the Flag,” a trade name is artificial, abstract, and corporate in nature while an Affiant is a genuine biological being. Under no circumstances whatsoever can a trade name be equated with the real being on whose behalf the trade name may function as a flag, transmitting utility, or proprietary trademark.

TRADEMARK. n. 1. A word, phrase, logo, or other graphic symbol used by a manufacturer or seller to distinguish its product or products from those of others. • The main purpose of a trademark is to guarantee a product’s genuineness. In effect, the trademark is the commercial substitute for one’s signature. . . . In its broadest sense, the term trademark includes a servicemark. — Often shortened to mark. . . . Black’s 7 th . Compare servicemark,

TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT OF OCTOBER 6, 1917. (HR. 4960, Public, No. 91) “. . . (b) During time of war or during any other period of national emergency declared by the President, the President may, through any agency that he may designate, or otherwise, investigate, regulate, or prohibit, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of licenses or otherwise, any transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of credit between or payments by banking institutions as defined by the President, and export, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency, by any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof; and the President may require any person engaged in any transaction referred to in this subdivision to furnish under oath, complete information relative thereto, including the production of any books of account, contracts, letters or other papers, in connection therewith in the custody or control of such person, either before or after such transaction is completed. . .” and “(c) Such other individuals, or body or class of individuals, as may be natives, citizens, or subjects of any nation with which the United States is at war, other than citizens of the United States, wherever resident or wherever doing business, as the President, if he shall find the safety of the United States or the successful prosecution of the war shall so require, may, by proclamation, include within the term “enemy’.” [Underline emphasis added] See Note.

Note: A Government’s tactic of fostering emergencies and stepping in as hero to extricate the people from the “difficulty” by dramatically increasing state power is as old as governments themselves. The U.S. bankruptcy occurring in 1861 placed the country under Emergency War Powers (12 Stat 319), which has never been repealed and exists in Title 50 United States Code (USC) §§212, 213, 215, Appendix 16, 26 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Chapter 1 § 303.1-6(a), and 31 CFR Chapter 5 § 500.701 Penalties. The “Civil War” was not fought over slavery, but over private bank control of America. On October 6, 1917, the United States passed the Trading With the Enemy Act (H.R. 4960, Public Law 91), granting itself extraordinary additional powers under the cover of WWI.

On March 9, 1933, just after Roosevelt’s Inauguration, Congress passed the Amendatory Act (48 Stat. 1) to the Trading With the Enemy Act, at a time when the United States was not in a shooting war with any foreign foe. This was due to the Government having become an administration for the Creditors in Bankruptcy. The amended version provided legal justification for dramatic increases in the power, scope, and authority of the U.S. Government (now owned by, and an administrative agency of, the FR/IMF bankers). Aspects of such increase are:

The President became “King” via Section 1 of Title 1 of the Act:

“The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereinafter taken, promulgated, made, or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the authority conferred by


subdivision (b) of section 5 of the Act of October 6, 1917, as amended, are hereby approved and confirmed.

This means that anything the President wants to do is “approved and confirmed” automatically, in advance (“hereinafter”) and backed by the full force, effect, and power of the “Government” Title 12 USC 95(a) states in part:

“(a) In order to provide for the safer and more effective operation of the National Banking System and the Federal Reserve System [indicating that the President acts for, on behalf of, and under the direction of the Federal Reserve], . . during such emergency period as the President of the United States by proclamation may prescribe,. . .”

Every President since Roosevelt has reaffirmed the “national emergency” and issued “Executive Orders” under 12 USC 95(a), while continuing the “reorganization” of the country to the FR/IMF Bankers. Since March 18, 1968, 31 USC 5112 (84 Stat. 1769; 1970) and 31 USC 5119, FRNs have not been redeemable in silver. In 1971-1973 President Nixon declared total international bankruptcy, rendering private Federal Reserve “Notes” unredeemable, non-negotiable (“floating”) pieces of paper as a medium of exchange. These Notes are listed in 26 USC 165(g) as “worthless securities.”

The original Trading With the Enemy Act excluded citizens of the United States from being treated as the enemy when involved in transactions wholly within the United States. The Amendatory Act of March 9, 1933, however, included the people of the United States as the enemy by inserting the following:

“. . . .by any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof; .“ Chapter 1, Title 1, Section 1(b).

By operation of law the American people became the “enemy” of the private FR/IMF Creditors in bankruptcy, which have thereafter been administering their prize/conquest through their alter ego, the “U.S. Government.” To regulate and control their slaves/chattel property, they rendered all intercourse illegal amongst the American people without obtaining paid-for permission through licensing. To travel, a driver’s license is required; to open a business requires a business license (not to mention additional and ongoing mountains of red tape); to work for another, one must obtain licensing through a Social Security Account Number and card. Revelation 13:17 in the New Testament states; “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Per Black’s 5 th a mark/marque is a “license of reprisal.” A Social Security Account Number is a commercial tracking number (Federal Reserve bank account number) enabling the bankers to monitor (tax and regulate) their commercial chattel property (you) anywhere in the world. See licensing.

TRADING WITH THE ENEMY. The federal offense of carrying on commerce with a nation or with a subject or ally of a nation with which the United States is at war. Black’s 7 th . See mark, marque, Mark of the Beast

TRANSMIT. [ME transmitte < L transmitte(re) (to) send across, equiv. to trans- TRANS- + mittere to send] v.t. to convey or pass along (an impulse, force, motion, etc.). Webster’s. See convey.

TRANSMITTING UTILITY. “Transmitting utility” means any person primarily engaged in the railroad, street railway or trolley bus business, the electric or electronics communications transmission business, the transmission of goods by pipeline, or the transmission or the production and transmission of electricity, steam, gas or water, or the provision of sewer service. UCC 9-105(n). . . the proper place to file in order to perfect a security interest in collateral of a transmitting utility is the office of the Secretary of State. . . UCC 9-401(5). If the debtor is a transmitting utility . . and a filed financing statement so states, it is effective until a termination statement is filed.... UCC 9-403(6). See Note.


Note: We all use electrical, water, telephone, sewer service, etc. in our lives. The bills for these services come in the name of our straw man, but we are the ones who must pay them. We are afforded access to these services—i.e. they are “transmitted” to us—by virtue of our straw man, in whose all-capital letters-written fictitious name we have a nexus to the public venue. Your straw man interfaces between you and the public industrial society. He transmits to you, the man/woman, from the public venue to the private venue, all manner of services that are available only from the public venue via artificial persons, i.e. straw men whose names appear in all-capital letters. The term “utility” in patent law means: “Industrial value; the capability of being so applied in practical affairs as to prove advantageous in the ordinary pursuits in life, or add to the enjoyment of mankind.” A transmitting utility is used to convey/send/transfer industrial value from one entity to another or from one place to another; i.e. from the industrial corporations to flesh-and-blood men and women, or from the public side to the private side of the national economy. The proper venue for filing when the Debtor is a transmitting utility is the Office of the Secretary of State (Commercial Registry) per UCC 9-401 (5)—..and not the County Recorder’s office, as with all other types of Debtor filings. However, after filing in the Commercial Registry, there is nothing prohibiting one from also refiling/recording such filing in the Office of the County Recorder if one so desires. The transmitting utility filing is also permanent (UCC 9-403(6)) and need not be renewed every five years like other types of filings in the Commercial Registry— more evidence that this route constitutes Remedy. See straw man.

TRAVERSE. In the language of pleading, a traverse signifies a denial. Thus, where a defendant denies any material allegations of fact in the plaintiffs declaration, he is said to traverse it, and the plea itself is thence frequently termed a “traverse.” . . Black’s 1 st . See traverser.

TRAVERSER. In pleading. One who traverses or denies. A prisoner or party indicted; so called from his traversing the indictment. See Note.

Note: If a traverse means prison or indictment, what is the advantage of a traverse? Why not just accept for value and deny existence of their corporation?

TREASURY DIRECT ACCOUNT. See Note, Account Number.

Note: The Treasury Department offers 11-digit-numbered “Treasury DirectTM” accounts to the general public for the purchase of government securities. In the First Edition of this manual the Authors cited and employed a nine-digit number that was referred to as one’s Treasury Direct Account,” i.e. the Social Security Account Number less the two dashes. Although the notion appears to have some validity, it is believed by the Authors that the nine-digit “Treasury Direct Account” does not exist per se. However, It is also believed that this number, i.e. the private account, indeed does exist.

Some of the evidence leading to the above conclusions may be seen in number designations appearing in recent IRS correspondence to an associate. The IRS referred to three different numbers in the following format:

Case Number: 123456789

Account Number: 123456789

                     Social Security Number: 123-45-6789

The only difference in the three numbers is the presence or absence of the two dashes. Since the IRS makes the distinction of a different number based on the removal of the dashes, it is believed that “Account Number” refers to the private account—the account that was formerly identified as the “Treasury Direct Account” in the First Edition of the manual. Therefore, for purposes of identification of the dash-less nine-digit number in the Bill of Exchange and Verified Actual and Constructive Notice (Invoice) to the Secretary of the Treasury, the Authors recommend using Account Number only.


TRUE. Conformable to fact; correct; exact; actual; genuine; honest. In one sense, that only is “true” which is conformable to the actual state of things. In that sense a statement is “untrue” which does not express things exactly as they are. But in another and broader sense the word “true as a synonym of “honest,” “sincere,” not “fraudulent.” Black’s 1 st .


Note: A true bill in commerce is a ledgering, or bookkeeping/accounting, with every entry established via affidavit certified and sworn on the responsible party’s commercial liability as true, correct, and complete, and always contains and is characterized by a one-to-one correspondence between an item or service purchased or offenses committed and the corresponding debt owed. This commercial relationship is what is known as “Just Compensation” (Fifth Amendment to the Constitution). In the relationship between the Government and the American people, a true bill is called a warrant (Fourth Amendment to the Constitution), and the direct taking of property by legislative act (e.g. by the Federal Reserve’s Internal Revenue Code) is called a “Bill of Pains and Penalties” (Constitution, Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, and Article I, Section 9, Clause 3—”Bill of Attainder”).

TRUE NAME. When a defendant is indicted or prosecuted by a fictitious or erroneous name, and in any stage of the proceedings his true name is discovered, it must be inserted in the subsequent proceedings, referring to the fact of his being charged by the name mentioned in the indictment or information. Oklahoma Statutes, Chapter 22, § 403. See Note, legal fiction. Compare fictitious name.

Note: Also defined in Black’s 4 th within the definition of another term, “fictitious name” (see fictitious name). According to the rules of English grammar, only the initial letter of a name of a man or woman (a proper noun) is capitalized. The combination of one’s Christian or given name, plus one’s family name or surname, when written in this manner, forms one’s true name. “Names” falling outside the rules of English grammar are artificial constructs and exist only by force of or in contemplation of law, i.e. are corporate or are corporately colored. Governmental/judicial use of an all-caps spelling is a presumption irrespective of the facts. See legal fiction.

TRUTH IN LENDING ACT. “This regulation, known as Regulation Z, is issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to implement the Federal Truth in Lending Act, which is contained in title 1 of the Consumer Credit Protection Act as amended (15 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.). . . The consumer may exercise the right to rescind until midnight of the third business day following consummation, delivery of the notice required by paragraph (b) of this section, or delivery of all material disclosures, whichever occurs last. . . .“ 12 Code of Federal Regulations Chapter II (1-1-98 Edition) PART 226—TRUTH IN LENDING (REGULATION Z).

UCC § 1-103. Supplementary General Principles of Law Applicable. Unless displaced by the particular provisions of this code, the principles of law and equity, including the law merchant and the law relative to capacity to contract, principal and agent, estoppel, fraud, misrepresentation, duress, coercion, mistake, bankruptcy, or other validating or invalidating cause shall supplement its provisions.

UCC § 1-104. Construction Against Implicit Repeal. This code being a general act intended as a unified coverage of its subject matter, no part of it shall be deemed to be impliedly repealed by subsequent legislation if such construction can reasonably be avoided. UCC. See Note.

Note: Nothing in the UCC has ever been repealed, nor can it ever be. In the event of conflict between a deleted section and a current section, the deleted section controls. If this is examined one will see that it cannot be any other way. Potentially countless commercial transactions can be consummated based on the current UCC at any given time. To “cancel” any portion of the UCC at a later point is to throw into upheaval and chaos all commercial agreements that were based on the deleted portion, an act that would carry unimaginably astronomical liability to the many actors who attempted to effect such change.

UCC § 3-419. Instruments signed for accommodation. See item by the same name in Appendix. 


UCC § 9-302. When filing Is Required to Perfect Security Interest; Security Interests to Which Filing Provisions Do Not Apply. . . . (3) The filing of a financing statement otherwise required by this division is not necessary or effective to perfect a security interest subject to any of the following: (a) A statute or treaty of the United States which provides for a national or international registration or a national or international certificate of title which specifies a place of filing different from that specified in this division for filing of the security interest. . . .(4) Compliance with a statute or treaty described in subdivision (3) is equivalent to the filing of a financing statement under this division and a security interest in the property subject to the statute or treaty can be perfected only by compliance therewith.. . UCC. See Note.

Note: The current holder of your birth certificate, be it the United States government or other, is exempted from the need to file a UCC-1 Financing Statement against the all-capital letters-written straw—man name that appears on your birth certificate . . . .Basically, the existence of the birth certificate is proof that the registrant voluntarily surrendered legal title to the property registered. See UCC § 9-302(3)(b) for the DMV’s parallel exemption re vehicles and boats.

UCC § 10-104. Leases Subject to Other Statutes. (a) A lease, although subject to this division, is also subject to any applicable: * * * (1) Certificate of title statute of this state. . . .(2) Certificate of title statute of another jurisdiction . . . . (3) . . .(b) In case of conflict between* * * this division, other than Section 10-105, subdivision (c) of Section 10-304, and subdivision (c) of Section 10-305, and a law referred to in subdivision (a), * * * that law controls.

ULTRA VIRES. Unauthorized; beyond the scope of power allowed or granted by a corporate charter or by law. Black’s 7 th .

UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (UCC). One of the Uniform Laws drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and the American Law Institute governing commercial transactions (including sales and leasing of goods, transfer of funds, commercial paper, bank deposits and collections, letters of credit, bulk transfers, warehouse receipts, bills of lading, investment securities, and secured transactions). The UCC has been adopted in whole or substantially by all states. Black’s 6 th . A code of laws governing various commercial transactions, including the sale of goods, banking transactions, secured transactions in personal property, and other matters, that was designed to bring uniformity in these areas to the laws of the various states, and that has been adopted, with some modifications, in all states, as well as in the District of Columbia and in the Virgin Islands. Barron’s 3 rd . Unless displaced by the particular provisions of this code, the principles of law and equity, including the law merchant and the law relative to capacity to contract, principal and agent, estoppel, fraud, misrepresentation, duress, coercion, mistake, bankruptcy, or other validating or invalidating cause shall supplement its provisions. UCC 1-103. See Note.

Note: To paraphrase the third definition above, the UCC is the supreme law on the planet, and all other forms of law are encompassed by it and included in it. Pennsylvania was the first state to adopt the UCC (July 1, 1954), and Louisiana the last (January 11, 1975). The following quote is from the BANK OFFICERS HANDBOOK OF COMMERCIAL BANKING LAW WITHIN THE UNITED STATES, Sixth Edition, ¶[ 22.01 [1], and pertains to certain types of transactions:

“There are twelve transactions to which the UCC does not apply. They are as follows:

“1. Security interests governed by federal statutes.. 

“2. Landlord liens. . . . 

“3. Liens for services or material provided. . . . 

“4 Assignment for claims for wages. . . . 

“5. Transfers by governmental agencies. . . .

“6. Certain isolated sales of accounts or chattel paper. 


“7. Insurance policies. . . . 

“8. Judgments. . . . 

“9. Rights of setoff . . . (see setoff)

“10. Real estate interests. . . .

“11. Tort claims. . . . "

“12. Bank accounts. . . ."

UNITED STATES [U.S., US]. “United States” means— (A) a federal corporation: . . . 28 USC § 3002(15), Ch. 176. It is clear that the United States . . .is a corporation . . 534 FEDERAL SUPPLEMENT 724. This term has several meanings. It may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in family of nations, it may designate territory over which sovereignty of United States extends, or it may be collective name of the states which are united by and under the Constitution. Black’s 6 th . The United States Government is a Foreign Corporation with respect to a State. 19 Corpus Juris Secundum § 884, In re: Merriam’s Estate, 36 N.Y. 505, 141 N.Y. 479, Affirmed in U.S. v. Perkins 163 U.S. 625. See Note, District of Columbia, “in this state,” Clearfield Trust Doctrine. Compare United States of America.

Note: It is well settled that “United States” et al is a corporation , originally incorporated February 21, 1871 under the name “District of Columbia,” 16 Stat. 419 Chap. 62 (reorganized June 11, 1873); a bankrupt organization per House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933, Senate Report 93-549, and Executive Orders 6072, 6102, 6111, and 6246; a de facto (see de facto) government; originally the 10-square miles tract ceded by Maryland and Virginia and comprising Washington, D.C., plus the possessions, territories, forts, docks, and arsenals (tract from Virginia was retroceded in 1846), For a corporate history of “United States, Inc.” see “Demise of the American Constitutional Republic” in Appendix.

UNITED STATES CODE. A multi-volume published codification of federal statutory law. • In a citation, it is abbreviated as USC, as in 42 USC § 1933. Black’s 7 th .

UNITED STATES NOTES. Promissory notes, resembling bank-notes, issued by the government of the United States. Black’s 6 th . Compare Federal Reserve Notes See Note.

Note: The last president to print United States Notes was JFK. Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy were each assassinated by the Powers That Be for the same reason: they were making significant changes with the money or the banking system. Assassinations were attempted on other presidents by the same people for the same reason, but were unsuccessful.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [USA]. The republic whose organic law is the constitution adopted by the people of the thirteen states that declared their independence of the government of Great Britain on the fourth day of July, 1776. . . . If the nation comes down from its position of sovereignty and enters the domain of commerce, it submits itself to the same laws of commerce that govern individuals therein. It assumes the position of ordinary citizen and it cannot recede from the fulfillment of its obligations. Bouvier’s 3 rd . A federal republic formed after the War of Independence and made up of 48 conterminous*

states, plus the state of Alaska and the District of Columbia in North America, plus the state of Hawaii in the Pacific. Black’s 7 th . Compare United States, District of Columbia. See Clearfield Trust Doctrine .

*CONTERMINOUS. Adj. 1. Sharing a common boundary. 2. Enclosed within a common boundary. Black’s 7 th .

USC. See United States Code.


UTILITY. [ME utilite <OF utelite < L utilitat- (s. of utilitas), equiv. to util(is) useful. . . + -itat —ITY] something useful; a useful thing. Webster’s. See transmitting utility.

VALUE. [< L valere, to be worth] equivalent worth or return in money, material, services, etc. Webster’s. “(44) . . .a person gives “value” for rights if he or she acquires them in any of the following ways: (a) In return for a binding commitment to extend credit or for the extension of immediately available credit whether or not drawn upon and whether or not a charge-back is provided for in the event of difficulties in collection. (b) As security for, or in total or partial satisfaction of, a preexisting claim. (c) By accepting delivery pursuant to a preexisting contract for purchase, (d) Generally, in return for any consideration sufficient to support a simple contract.” UCC 1-201(44). (a) An instrument is issued or transferred for value if any of the following apply: . . (3) The instrument is issued or transferred as security for, an antecedent claim against any person... UCC 3-303(a)(3). See Note.

Note: A necessary provision of law is “remedy” (see remedy). The operation of “Acceptance For value” is, by deduction, remedy. When you file a UCC-1 Financing Statement and redeem your original birth document and claim title to your straw man, no one can dispute/challenge the claim, and title passes. You have, by definition, an innate right to title of the birth-certificate straw man—antecedent to and superior to all others—because its very existence is derived entirely from you, thereby evidencing “value.” In fact, every one of the above definitions applies directly to you and your straw man. A good exercise would be to work through all the definitions until you understand how the value aspect applies to you. Once you fully understand how you have given, and continue to give, value you will know how you acquired your rights, and you will also acquire an unshakable certainty of your true standing in the societal scheme of things. The fact that you have “given value” is confirmed and tacitly acknowledged and validated by government in its silence and registration of the UCC-1 Financing Statement. Among other things: “The instrument [your birth document] is.. . transferred [redeemed by you]. . . as security for, an antecedent claim against any person [your straw man]” based on your preexisting claim. See acceptance by silence, remedy, presumption.

VEHICLE. That in or on which persons, goods, etc. may be carried from one place to another, especially along the ground. . That which is used as an instrument of conveyance, transmission or communication. Term refers to every device in, upon or by which a person or property is or may be transported upon a highway. . . Black’s 6 th . See Note.

Note: According to the above definition, a transmitting utility is a straw man is a vehicle. As well, another definition for “vehicle” is “an inland vessel in admiralty.” See vessel, admiralty.

VESSEL. . . though, the term “vessel,” in admiralty law, is not limited to ships or vessels engaged in commerce. Black’s 6 th . See Note, res.

Note: In admiralty, names of vessel are designated in all-capital letters. Whenever you appear in any public forum it is always via your straw man, your all-capital-letters vessel, much like an officer stands on the bridge of his ship and sails it into port. All law is now admiralty/maritime and you can no longer go into court as a man or woman, only by “sailing your vessel” into the jurisdiction of the court. Everyone speaks from his/her vessel, in terms of one vessel-officer to another. Each is trying to get the other officer to recognize the condition of his/her vessel; i.e. its registration. If a vessel is unregistered on the high seas in time of war it is presumed or assumed to be a pirate vessel to be confiscated and investigated. If the vessel is registered, then the issue is exactly what public entity is it registered to, and is that entity on the public side or the private? Your straw man is a transmitting utility is a vessel is an inland vessel in admiralty is a public vessel is a vehicle. In times of war (now) neutral vessels (straw men) require passports. See public vessel, passport.

VICE-ADMIRALTY COURTS. In English law. Courts established in the queen’s possessions beyond the seas, with jurisdiction over maritime causes, including those relating to prize. See Note, prize, prize law, booty.

Note: The United States of America is lawfully the possession of the English Crown per original commercial joint venture agreement between the colonies and the Crown, and the Constitution, which brought all of the states (only) back under British ownership and rule. The American people,


however, had a sovereign standing in law independent of any connection to the states or the Crown. This fact necessitated that the people be brought back, one at a time, under British rule, and the commercial process was the method of choice in order to accomplish this. All courts in America are vice-admiralty courts in the Crown’s private commerce. See Notes at bar, barratry.


WAR. Hostile conflict by means of armed forces, carried on between nations, states, or rulers, or sometimes by parties within the same nation or state; a period of such conflict. Black’s 7 th . See Note.

Note: The above definition includes the war by the US Government against the American people, as declared in the Amendatory Act of March 9, 1933 to the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917. See Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917.

WAR, MIXED. See mixed war.

WAR POWERS. See Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917.

WARDS OF COURT. Infants and persons of unsound mind. Black’s 4 th .

Note: According to Corpus Juris Secundum clients of attorneys are “wards of the court,” thereby also qualifying them as persons of unsound mind. See client, attorney & client.

WAREHOUSEMAN. A “warehouseman’ is a person engaged in the business of storing goods for hire. UCC 7-102(h). See Note, goods.

Note: Some birth certificates have two sets of numbers printed on the back of them. One of the numbers pertains to the state “warehouse district” where the birth took place. The state is the warehouse. Each county is a warehouse district. The Governor is the main warehouseman. The county recorder of each county is the district warehouseman. The birth certificate is a warehouse receipt, or field warehouse receipt. It is also a dock receipt. The “ship” the “vessel in admiralty” i.e. your mother, was docked/berthed at a specific warehouse (hospital) in a specific warehouse district (county), and the “goods” (you) were born/birthed/berthed and “delivered” thereto. See warehouse receipt, field warehouse receipt, delivery.

WAREHOUSE RECEIPT. A receipt issued by a person (bailee) engaged in the business of storing goods for hire. U.C.C. § 1-201(45). A warehouse receipt constitutes a document of title under the Uniform Commercial Code, which evidences that the person in possession of the document is entitled to receive, hold, and dispose of the document and the goods it covers U.C.C. § 1-201(15). A warehouse receipt may be a negotiable instrument, depending on its terms. Barron’s 3 rd . “A warehouse receipt. or other document of title is negotiable (a) If by its terms, the goods are to be delivered to bearer or to the order of a named person; or (b) Where recognized in overseas trade, if it runs to a named person or assigns.” U.C.C 7-104(1). See field warehouse receipt, former California Civil Code §1858.04.

WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Where an offer or admission is made "without prejudice," or a motion is denied or a suit dismissed "without prejudice," it is  meant as a declaration that no rights or privileges of the party concerned are to be considered as thereby waived or lost except in so far as may be expressly conceded or decided. The words "without prejudice" import into any transaction that the parties have agreed that as between themselves the receipt of money by one and its payment by the other shall not of themselves have any legal effect on the rights of the parties, but they shall be open to settlement by legal controversy as if the money had not been paid.

A dismissal "without prejudice" allows a new suit to be brought on the same cause of action. The words "without prejudice", as used in judgment, ordinarily import the contemplation of further proceedings, and, when they appear in an order or decree, it shows that the judicial act is not intended to be res judicata of the merits of the controversy.


WITHOUT RECOURSE. This phrase, used in making a qualified indorsement of a negotiable instrument, signifies that the indorser means to save himself from liability to subsequent holders, and is a notification that, if payment is refused by the parties primarily liable, recourse cannot be had to him.  See U.C.C  §3-414(1)  An indorser "without recourse" specially declines to assume any responsibility for payment. He assumes no contractual liability by virtue of the indorsement itself, and becomes a mere assignor of the title to the paper, but such an indorsement does not indicate that the indorsee takes with notice of defects, or that he does not take on credit of the other parties to the note.

WITH PREJUDICE.. The term as applied to judgment of dismissal is a conclusive of rights of parties as if action had been prosecuted to final adjudication adverse to the plaintiff.

WITH RECOURSE. Term which may be used in indorsing negotiable instrument and by which the indorser indicates that he remains liable for payment of the instrument.

WHOLESALE. To sell by wholesale is to sell by large parcels, generally in original packages, and not by retail. Black’s 1 st . Compare retail.

Note: The US government acquired title to our birth-certificate straw men in wholesale, or bulk purchase. Re the double-entry bookkeeping system of the Department of the Treasury, wholesale is the debit, or public side, and retail is the credit, or private side.

WIZARD OF OZ, THE. Motion Picture. 1939. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Book by L. Frank Baum; Adaptation by Noel Langley; Screenplay by Noel Langley, Florence Ryerson, and Edgar Allan Woolf; Lyrics by E. Y. Harburg; Produced by Melvyn LeRoy; Directed by Victor Fleming. See Note.

Note: Just as you can read between the gory lines in the newspaper on any day and discover clues issued by the Powers That Be—if you look hard enough—as to what is actually going on, such notice can also be found in lighter fare, like the movies. Such a movie was The Wizard of Oz, an allegory for the new state of affairs in America in the 1930s following the stock market crash and factual bankruptcy of the US Government immediately thereafter.

The setting was Kansas: Heartland America, and geographical center of the USA. In comes the twister, the tornado. i.e. whirling confusion—the stock market crash, theft of America’s gold, US bankruptcy, the Great Depression—and whisks Dorothy and Toto up into a new, artificial dimension somewhere above the solid ground of Kansas. When they finally land in Oz, Dorothy comments to her little companion:

“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

That’s right. After the bankruptcy, Kansas was no longer just plain old “Kansas”—it was now “KS,” artificial corporate venue of the bankrupt United States, newly established “federal territory,” part of the “Federal Zone,” and Dorothy and Toto were “in this state” (see “in this state”).

In the 1930s, the all-capital letters-written (see all-capital letters-written) straw man (see straw man), newly created artificial aspect of the former American sovereigns, had no brain—and Americans were too confused and distracted by all the commotion to figure out that they even had a straw man. The Scarecrow identified his straw-man persona for Dorothy:

“Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. Of course, I’m not bright about doing things.”

And in his classic song, “If I Only Had a Brain,” the Scarecrow/Straw Man succinctly augured:

“I’d unravel every riddle,

For every ‘individdle,’ (see individual)


In trouble or in pain?”

Translation: Once one discovers that his straw man exists, all political and legal mysteries, complexities, and confusions are resolved—and once one takes legal title to his straw man, he can protect himself from any legal trouble or legal damage.

The Tin Man, or “T-l-N”—Taxpayer identification Number—Man, was a hollow man of metal, a “vessel,” or “vehicle” (see vessel, vehicle), newly created commercial code words for the straw man. Just like the Scarecrow/Straw Man had no brain, this Tin Man vessel had no heart. Both were “artificial persons” (see person). One of the definitions of “tin” in Webster’s is “counterfeit.” The Tin Man also represented the mechanical and heartless aspect of commerce and commercial law. Just like they say in the Mafia: “Nothing personal—it’s just business.” The heartless Tin Man also carried an ax, traditional symbol for God—i.e. modern commercial law—in most earlier, dominant civilizations, including fascist states. In the words of the Tin Man, expressing relief after Dorothy had oiled his arm:

“I’ve held that ax up for ages.”

The word “ace” is etymologically related to the word “ax,” and in a deck of cards the only one above the King is the Ace, i.e. God. One of the “Axis” Powers of World War II, Italy, was a fascist5[5] state. The symbol for fascism is the “fasces,” a bundle of rods with an ax bound up in the middle and its blade projecting. The fasces may be found on the reverse of the American Mercury-head Dime (the Roman deity Mercury was the God of Commerce), and on the wall behind, and on each side of, the speaker’s podium in the US Senate (each gold fasces is approximately six feet in height). At the base of the seal of the US Senate are two crossed fasces.

The Lion, “king of beasts,” or “king of the animals” (some members of society regard you and your family and friends as nothing more than animals, “cattle,” to be bred and birthed, herded and harvested, and sold and slaughtered according to the whims of those who run the global plantation)—a denigration in itself—representing the once-fearless American people, had lost his courage. After your first round with the UCC-constituted IRS “defending” your T-I-N man dummy corporation vessel/vehicle, individual-employee, public corporation, all-capital letters-written juristic name, artificial-person straw man, you probably lost some of your courage too. You didn’t know it, but the IRS has been dealing with you strictly under the laws of Commerce—and just like the Tin Man, Commerce is heartless.

To find the Wizard you had to “follow the yellow brick road,” i.e. follow the trail of America’s stolen gold and you will find the thief who stole it. In the beginning of the movie the Wizard was represented by the traveling mystic, Professor Marvel,’ whom Dorothy encountered when she ran away with Toto. His macabre shingle touted that he was “Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe, Past, Present, and Future.” Boy, that Professor Marvel must have been a regular wizard to be acclaimed by the future crowned heads of Europe—before they were even crowned! Before the bankers stole America, they had long since disempowered the Christian monarchies of Europe and looted their kingdoms. Maybe this “Professor Marvel” fellow knew something about the future that other folks didn’t. With a human skull peering down from its painted perch above the door inside his wagon, the good professor lectured Dorothy of the priests of Isis and Osiris and the days of the pharaohs of Egypt.

When Dorothy Gale and her new friends emerged from the forest they were elated to see Emerald City before them, only a short jaunt away. The Wicked Witch of the West, desperate for the ruby slippers that Dorothy was wearing, would have to make her move before our heroes were inside the walls. A significant point here is that in the original book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz , published in 1900, (39 years earlier), the slippers were not ruby, or red, but silver. At the time the book was written America still had all its gold and silver, and the value of one ounce of gold was set at 15 ounces of silver, silver being the more plentiful of the two metals. Just as the silver slippers carried

5[5] The root word of “fascist” is fas, defined in Black’s 6 th as: “Lat. Right; justice; the divine law. In primitive times it was the will of the gods, embodied in rules regulating not only ceremonials but the conduct of all men.”


Dorothy, America’s stockpile of silver, and gold, backing the currency carried the country to a position of preeminence throughout the world at that time. But, as mentioned, when the movie came out in 1939 the slippers were not silver, but red.

Between 1916 and 1933, most of America’s gold was rounded up by the private Federal Reserve Bank and shipped off to Fed owners in England and Germany. The reason for this was that Federal Reserve Notes could be redeemed in gold and the use of Federal Reserve Notes carried an interest penalty that could only be paid in gold. We traded gold for (worthless) paper with green ink on it, and our previous currency, United States Notes, carried no such interest requirement—but such was the bargain that came with the Federal Reserve Notes. When bankruptcy was declared in 1933, Americans were required to turn in all gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates by May 1st -May Day (the birthday of Communism in Bavaria in 1776, the birthday of the IRS, and celebrated worldwide as the “International Workers Holiday”—a holy day to the Wizard and his tribe). Talking to people who were alive at that time, you may find out that the general sentiment toward such thievery bordered on a second revolution. Maybe it was just too much of a clue, or too much salt in the wound for Dorothy to be skipping down the “Yellow Brick Road” in a pair of “silver slippers” so, for whatever reason, a color less likely to annoy or provoke was selected.

With regard to the choice of “ruby,” or red-colored, slippers: Red’s primary significance, at least on documents and the like, is that it is the color of blood, as in flesh-and-blood, and symbolizes a living, breathing man or woman, i.e. non-corporate/artificial. It also signifies “private,” as opposed to “public.” Your new Social Security Card has a red serial number on the reverse, likely signifying the private-side account attached to your public-side Social Security Account Number prior to Redemption. For postal employees, red-sticker Registered Mail means “personal accountability” (private)—all other mail carries “limited liability” (public). It is likely that the ruby slippers symbolized the American people with blood in their veins—as opposed to “citizen of the United States”-straw men with the counterfeit “corporate blood” of blue/black ink on a birth certificate. No matter their color in the movie, the Wicked Witch of the West wanted those slippers at any cost and had to move fast before Dorothy and crew could make it to Emerald City.

Her tactic was to cover the countryside with poppy flowers, or “poppies” the source of heroin, opium, and morphine, symbolically drugging them into unconsciousness, and then just waltz in and snatch the slippers. In other words, the best way to subjugate the American people and boost the goods was to dull their senses by getting them hooked on drugs (Note: LSD was created the same year, 1939, by Dr. Albert Hoffman). The poppies/drugs worked on Dorothy, the Lion and Toto, our flesh-and-blood friends, but had no effect on the Scarecrow or the Tin Man, the artificial entities. The two of them cried out for help and Glenda, the Good Witch of the North, answered their prayers with a blanket of snow—i.e. cocaine, a stimulant— nullifying the narcotic effect of the poppies/opium on Dorothy, the Lion and Toto. At this writing, aside from marijuana, the two most available drugs on the streets of America are heroin and cocaine in their various forms.

As they all scampered toward Emerald City, the city of green (Federal Reserve Notes, the new fiat “money,” or “money by decree”), we heard the Munchkins singing on the glory of the Wizard’s creation:

“You’re out of the woods,

You’re out of the dark,

You’re out of the night,

Step into the sun, step into the light,

Keep straight ahead for,

The most glorious place on the face of the Earth or the stars!”


The foregoing jingle abounds with Illuminist-Luciferian symbols and metaphors re darkness and light.

The Wicked Witch of the West made her home in a round, medieval watchtower, ancient symbol of the Knights Templar of Freemasonry, who are given to practice witchcraft and also credited as the originators of modern banking, circa 1099 A.D. The Wicked Witch of the West was also dressed in black, the color symbolizing the planet Saturn, sacred icon of the Knights Templar, and the color of choice of judges and priests for their robes. Who was the Wicked Witch of the West? Remember, in the first part of the film her counterpart was “Almira Gulch,” who, according to Aunt Em, “owned half the county.” Miss Gulch alleged that Dorothy’s dog, Toto, had bitten her. She came to the farm with an “Order from the Sheriff” demanding that they surrender Toto to her custody. Aunt Em was not immediately cooperative, and answered Miss Gulch’s allegations that Toto had bitten her:

“He’s really gentle. With gentle people, that is.”

Could “gentle” really mean “Gentile”? (see Gentile) When Miss Gulch defied them to withhold Toto and “go against the law,” dear old Aunt Em was relegated to “pushing the Party line” for Big Brother. She dutifully succumbed to the pressure and counseled Dorothy reluctantly:

“We can’t go against the law, Dorothy. I’m afraid poor Toto will have to go.”

When Dorothy refused to surrender Toto, Miss Gulch lashed out:

“If you don’t hand over that dog I’ll bring a damned suit that’ll take your whole farm!”

Today, 70% of all attorneys in the world reside in the West—America, to be exact— and 95% of all lawsuits in the world are filed under US jurisdiction. The Wicked Witch of the West and Miss Gulch, my dear friends, represent judges and attorneys; i.e. the American legal system (including the attorney-run US Congress), executioner and primary henchman for transferring all wealth in America—everything—from the people over to the banks and the government (see Note at bar). The Wicked Witch of the West wanted the silver slippers—the precious metals—and her counterpart, Miss Gulch, wanted to take Toto. What does the word “toto” mean in “attorney language,” i.e. Latin? “Everything!”

Dorothy and the gang tell for the Wizard’s illusion in the beginning, but soon wised up and discovered the Wizard for what he was: a confidence man. When asked about helping the Scarecrow/Straw Man, among other babblings about “getting a brain” and “universities” the Wizard also cited “the land of ‘E Pluribus Unum,’” which is Latin for “one out of many.” I.e. converting the many into one = New World Order, or Novus Ordo Seclorum, a Latin phrase placed on the American One Dollar Bill shortly after the bankruptcy. He also proudly revealed/confessed that he was:

“Born and bred in the heart of the Western wilderness, an old Kansas man myself!”

The bankers did pretty well in Europe, but as the Wizard pointed out, they made a killing in the “Western wilderness,” i.e. America, with the theft of American gold, labor, and property from the—quoting John D. Rockefeller—”grateful and responsive rural folk” who populated the country at that time.

When Dorothy asked Glenda, the Good Witch of the North (Santa Claus, Christianity), for help in getting back to Kansas, Glenda replied:

“You don’t need to be helped. You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas.”

Translation: you’ve always had the right and power to reclaim your sovereignty, you just forgot. The actual act of reclaiming your sovereignty—remedy (see remedy)—a simple UCC-1 Form to the Secretary of State, and Invoice and Bill of Exchange to the Secretary of the Treasury, can be completed from scratch in a few hours.


America and Americans have intimate, firsthand knowledge of the heartless mechanics of the laws of commerce, religiously applied by the unregistered foreign agents at the Internal Revenue Service6[6]. The IRS, accountancy firm and collection agency for the private Federal Reserve Bank, was constituted under the UCC at its inception in 1954 and has been operating strictly in that realm ever since.

You may have wondered what is the meaning behind the words in the title “The Wizard of Oz.” Look them up in a dictionary. Like almost everything else, it’s right out there in the open for you to see if you will just look closely enough. One definition of “wizard” is: “a very clever or skillful person.” “O-z” is an abbreviation of “onza,” o-n-z-a, the Italian word for “ounce,” or “ounces,” the unit of measurement of gold, silver, and other precious metals. No matter how large the quantity of gold or silver being discussed, the amount is always expressed in ounces. E.g. rather than “hundreds of tons” of gold, its “so many million ounces” of gold. As attested by the factual history of this country: the “Wizard of Oz” was the Wizard of Ounces.

Everything worked out for Dorothy, i.e. the American people, in the end and she “made it home.” Meaning: there is remedy in law (see remedy). It’s there—it was just encoded and disguised and camouflaged. Fortunately, the code has been cracked, and there is a way home, just like in the movie. Like Dorothy said, “There’s no place like home”—and there isn’t! There’s nothing like sovereignty for a sovereign ! (see Note at vice-admiralty courts) We have commercial remedy in the Redemption Process. Will you continue to be conned by the confidence men and worship the Wizard’s Light Show, or will you wise up like Dorothy did and “look behind the scenes”?

WRIT. A precept in writing, couched in the form of a letter, running in the name of the king, president, or state, issuing from a court of justice, and sealed with its seal, addressed to a sheriff or other officer of the law, or directly to the person whose action the court desires to command, either as the commencement of a suit or as other proceeding or as incidental to its progress, and requiring the performance of a specified act, or giving authority and commission to have it done. Black’s 1 st .


7[1] PAROL. A word; speech; hence, oral or verbal; expressed or evidenced by speech only; not expressed by writing. . . . Black’s 4 th .

8[2] Fiat: [L. let it be done] A positive and authoritative command that something be done; an order or decree; authorization. F&W.

9[3] This figure is based upon research allegedly performed by a large, well-known brokerage house. Is it “coincidental” that the inheritance tax exemption is essentially the same amount? Does not one’s physical death and the death certificate also terminate the corresponding straw man (just as the birth certificate brought it into existence), thereby closing the account?

10[4] Bifurcated: [Latin: bi- BI- + furca fork] Divided into two branches.

11[5] The root word of “fascist” is fas, defined in Black’s 6 th as: “Lat. Right; justice; the divine law. In primitive times it was the will of the gods, embodied in rules regulating not only ceremonials but the conduct of all men.”




12[6] See Revenue Agent


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