globalwatch-jan 04th, 2013

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The list of its members is astonishing, to say the least, as it includes gigantic names in the corporate, financial and political world. Some examples of corporations: ABC News, American Express, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Ford Motor, Google, Halliburton, Heinz, IBM, Nike, Sony Corporation America and Visa. Examples of members: Barack Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Obama's advisor), Hilary Clinton, Dick Cheney, John McCain and David Rockefeller.


A Weekly Global Watch Media Publica�on ( January 4th, 2013

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“The Number one weekly report which provides concrete evidence of a New World Order & One World Government agenda”

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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report The New World Order -- You have probably heard these words used in recent years, perhaps beginning with President George Bush in 1990. But what does this phrase mean? Who has been using the expression? When and where did this idea of a new world order originate? How will this new world order be implemented? More importantly, how will this new world order affect you? The words "new world order" have been in use for decades, and did not originate with President Bush. The "old world order" is one based on independent nation-states. The "new world order" involves the elimination of the sovereignty and independence of nation-states and some form of world government. Most of the new world order proposals involve the conversion of the United Nations and its agencies to a world government, complete with a world army, a world parliament, a world court, global taxation, and numerous other agencies to control every aspect of human life (education, nutrition, health care, population, immigration, communications, transportation, commerce, agriculture, finance, the environment, etc.). The various notions of the "new world order" differ as to details and scale, but agree on the basic principle and substance, and will mean the end of the United States of America, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights as we now know them. In the late nineteenth century, with the industrial revolution sweeping Europe and America, certain individuals dreamed of a world far different from the one in which they lived, a world organized in such a way that wars would be impossible and every aspect of human life would be arranged by educated men for the benefit of all. These dreamers included men of great ability and wealth who devoted their talents and fortunes to carry out their plans. The point of origin of these people was England, and their idea initially was to extend the British Empire to include the whole earth. If British rule were complete, how could there be any reason for war, and who could attempt it? The most prominent of the individuals who developed the idea of a new world order were Cecil Rhodes, Andrew Carnegie, and members of the Fabian Society, particularly H. G. Wells. Cecil Rhodes went from England to Africa in an attempt to improve his poor health, and acquired enormous wealth by developing diamond mining properties. He died in 1902 and donated his fortune to establish a Rhodes scholarship program at Oxford University to carry out his ideas. The scholarships were to go to promising young men from the British colonies and the United States, with the majority going to Americans. Andrew Carnegie went from Scotland to the United States and founded U. S. Steel, earning for himself a substantial sum of money. Carnegie used his wealth to set up foundations to fund educational, religious, and political organizations to "cultivate the international mind" and promote world peace. Some of his money went to the Federal Council of Churches. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was established, and began funding educational initiatives. By the end of World War II, the U. S. State Department was largely controlled by Rhodes scholars and members of this Carnegie Endowment, and was emphasizing the idea of world peace through the United Nations. The Fabian Society was a group of intellectuals in England who believed that socialism was the way to organize the world for social and economic progress. H.G. Wells was originally a member of the Fabian Society and wrote extensively on political topics, influencing thinking in international affairs. In one of his books, entitled The New World Order (1939), Wells stated that world socialism was inevitable, and that there would be a difficult and painful transition period in which many "quite gallant and graceful-looking people" would "die protesting against it."

The basic concept of the new world order is world government. For Rhodes and Carnegie, it was British rule expanded to cover the earth, or at least British influence through English-speaking countries to organize the rest of world according to the English way of life and thinking. Wells and others set out to bring the world under socialism, step by step, in a gradual process. Over the years, proposals were made successively for world federation, a League of Nations, and the United Nations. The new world order is to be implemented through regionalism. Basically, the world is to be divided into geographical regions, internationally, nationally, and locally, and these regions are to be the new units of government, replacing the old, traditional notions of nation-states, cities, towns, villages, etc. Control over every aspect of human life is to be exercised in the form of an administrative dictatorship, from the top down, through an enormous bureaucracy of appointed officials, specialists, and planners accountable only to the elected executives. One of the groups steering the direction of world government you will now see in this weeks edition.

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publica�on of Rema Marke�ng (www.remamarke� and is published every Friday.

For any queries regarding this service please contact us at admin@remamarke� ©Rema Marke�ng 2012. All Rights Reserved.

“And I saw, and behold a white horse; and he that sat on him had a

bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth

conquering, and to conquer” - Revelation 6:2

Reformed theology, which derives its eschatology from St. Augustine of Hippo, has an interesting interpretation of Revelation 6:2. Augustine's treatise called the "City of God" served to advance the agenda of the Roman Catholic Church, which was to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. Because of this,

rather than interpreting the book of Revelation as a prophecy of the end times, Catholic and Reformed theologians have historically allegorized the prophecies in order to apply them to Christ and the Church. For instance D James Kennedy a notable reformed theologian says in his publication “The Real Meaning of the Zodiac”

"[Sagittarius] is a centaur--part man and part horse, and he is an

archer. The word Sagittarius means 'The Archer.' In Akkadian, he is

called Nun-ki, which means 'The Prince of the Earth.'. ...this depicts

Christ...the victorious one--the risen and victorious king. He comes

now as an archer... destroying Satan... The human portion of the

Centaur is drawing a bow and aiming an arrow at Antares, the very

heart of the Scorpion... So here we see that Christ, the Conquering

One, is the One whose arrow is aimed at the Scorpion.

"That this is a picture of Christ is made clear in Revelation 6:2

where we read of Christ coming forth in glory: 'And I saw, and

behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown

was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.'

Here is the One who comes upon a white horse, who has a bow, and

goes forth conquering and to conquer. The one who is conquered is,

first of all, the leader of the host of all of the ungodly, namely--

Satan, or the Scorpion, Sagittarius (Christ) is the conqueror of the

Scorpion." (D. James Kennedy)

However many (non reformed) bible prophecy ministries, which seeks the literal sense of Scripture unless a symbolic interpretation is warranted, contends that Revelation. 6:2 cannot be spiritualized as Jesus Christ coming forth in glory to conquer Satan, the reason being that all four riders referred to in Revelation 6:1-7 (and known as the four horseman of the apocalypse) are riders symbolizing first four seals of judgements which occur before the events of the sixth seal which

seems to refer to the literal second coming of Christ.

The second rider symbolizes war, the third rider symbolizes famine and the fourth rider symbolizes a combination of wars, famine, pestilence and the spread of diseases from the animal world into the human population. But who then does the First Horseman of the Apocalypse represent? Most bible prophecy commentators will make reference to the fact that the scriptures does indicate that the first rider has any arrows. Therefore by having a bow without arrow seems to suggest one who comes with a façade of peace although the objective is to control. It is also interesting that Revelation 19 refers to the second coming of Christ as a climactic event in which Christ returns to the earth on a white horse. And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat

upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth

judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his

head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man

knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in

blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies

which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in

fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp

sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule

them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the

fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture

and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of

Lords. Revelation 19:11-16

Thus some believe that the first rider of the apocalypse could also be a “false Christ” or the actual coming of the Antichrist since Daniel 8 states that through the concept of “peace” that the Antichrist will destroy many.




What stirred interest with many bible prophecy researchers during medieval times was that the seal of the Knights Templar depicted two knights riding a single horse.

However, a single horseman riding on a white horse is actually the logo of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). This logo appears in the CFR magazine, Foreign Affairs.

The Council on Foreign Relations whose logo is displayed above, depicts a naked Messiah riding on a white horse. If you know anything about international politics or the plan for a New World Order, then you will be aware that the CFR has been named “the most influential foreign policy think tank in the world” by international journalists. The list of its members is astonishing, to say the least, as it includes gigantic names in the corporate, financial and political world. Some examples of corporations: ABC News, American Express, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Ford Motor, Google, Halliburton, Heinz, IBM, Nike, Sony Corporation America and Visa. Examples of members: Barack Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Obama’s advisor), Hilary Clinton, Dick Cheney, John McCain and David Rockefeller. On the CFR logo, below the naked rider on the white horse, is a motto, an inscription in Latin, “Ubique”. It's meaning is "Everywhere," or "We are everywhere." Implicit in this Latin word is the connotation of "You are always being watched”.

Many conspiracy researchers will draw a link from this to the all seeing eye at the top of the pyramid of power seen on the American dollar bill. The naked wild man in the CFR logo holds forth his right arm and hand in an erect position, a salute toward the sky, the fingers cast in the recognizable Masonic gesture demonstrated by initiates of the 6th degree of Freemasonry. The man's nakedness gives evidence he is a "Wild Man," a rebel; yet, by his demeanour and attitude, the Rider of the White Horse clearly is a determined warrior confident of his mission. The hand/arm salute of the CFR's naked man atop the white horse, in Masonic textbooks, is called the "Sign of Admiration." Its explanation is bound up in the ancient pagan temple rituals of apostate Israel's under the leadership of King Solomon.

For instance above we see Napoleon Bonaparte, known mason, making the identical hand gesture to that seen in the CFR logo. The late Manly P. Hall, 33°, officially declared by international Freemasonry as the Scottish Rite's greatest "Scholar of the 20th Century," revealed to his Masonic brethren the true, hidden meaning of the One who rides the White Horse. 5



According to Hall, the works of the Mason, if exemplary and exceptional, may well earn him the status of godhood. Such men are rewarded by the Great Architect of the Universe (Lucifer) with superhuman wisdom and powers. Thus endowed, the exalted, divine Mason seethes with "Luciferian energy;" Hall says he is a "dynamo" of action, a "Warrior on the block." The Great Invocation, a mantram for the New Age movement and those that spill out from the teachings of Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatasky states. "Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth..."

Another interesting reference to the word “CFR” is that even in Islamic Eschatology they refer to the coming Antichrist as one marked with the letters CFR. Under Arabic interpretation this has been commonly interpreted as meaning “Cafir” or “Infidel” but the reference to the same letters used by an organization like the Council on Foreign Relations is very interesting.

The Council on Foreign Relations is a sister organization to the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London (commonly known as Chatham House) and was formed in 1922 as a non-commercial, non-political organization supporting American foreign relations. From its inception the Council was bipartisan, welcoming members of both Democratic and Republican parties. It also welcomed Jews and African Americans, although women were initially barred from membership. Its proceedings were almost universally private and confidential. A critical study found that of 502 government officials surveyed from 1945 to 1972, more than half were members of the Council.

Today it has about 5,000 members (including five-year term members between the ages of 30–41), which over its history have included senior serving politicians, more than a dozen Secretaries of State, former national security officers, bankers, lawyers, professors, former CIA members and senior media figures such as Angelina Jolie.

The Council has been the subject of debates over sovereignty as well as the subject of numerous conspiracy theories. This is primarily due to the number of high-ranking government officials (along with world business leaders and prominent media figures) in its membership and the large number of aspects of American foreign policy that its members have been involved with.

Echoing the most common accusation, the John Birch Society claims that the CFR is "Guilty of conspiring with others to build a one world





The CFR's Study No. 7, published November 25, 1959, openly declared its true purpose: "...building a New International Order [which] must be responsive

to world aspirations for peace, [and] for social and economic international order [code for world

government]...including states labeling themselves as 'Socialist.'"

One could safely say that a nutshell descriptor of the CFR is "to bring about a New World Order through the manipulation of U.S. foreign policy and relations and through international economic interdependence." The CFR is a serpentine network of international revolutionaries and fascist ideologues whose goal is to end American sovereignty and bring about a global, Marxist paradise. House, a socialist, wrote in his book, Philip Dru: Administrator, that he was working for "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx." He told of a "conspiracy" which would gain control of both political parties, and use them as instruments in the creation of a socialist world government. (John McManus, The Insiders, pg. 7.) Many of its own members admit the CFR goal is to subvert the democratic process. CFR member and Judge Advocate General of the US Navy Admiral Chester Ward writes "The main purpose of the (CFR) is promoting the disarmament of

US sovereignty and national dependence and submergence into and

all powerful, one world government.".

This high ranking military officer went on to explain their procedures for influencing policy, claiming: "Once the ruling members of the CFR shadow government have

decided that the US government should adopt a particular policy,

the very substantial research facilities of the CFR are put to work to

develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new

policy and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically,

any opposition."

In September 2012 a report emerged disclosing information from 2008 that was not made available to the public, indicating that the CFR has a written plan to advance "global governance," placing restrictions on the national sovereignty of the United States and other nations and implementing broad international laws that govern the internal affairs of the countries of the world in areas such as homeland security, climate change, terrorism, and economic policy.

The document in question is titled, "International Institutions and Global Governance Program, World Order in the 21st Century." A key paragraph in the document is as follows: “Re-conceptualizing “sovereignty” in an age of globalization. The

post-Cold War era has posed challenges to traditional concepts of

state sovereignty, in at least four respects. First, some failing and

post-conflict states have become wards of the international

community, submitting to a form of UN “neo-trusteeship.” Second,

some countries by their conduct have lost their immunity from

intervention, as part of an emerging doctrine of “contingent

sovereignty.” Third, nearly all states – including the United States –

have voluntarily forfeited some historic freedom of action to 12

manage transnational threats and exploit international opportunities.

Finally, some countries, particularly in the EU, have chosen to

“pool” their sovereignty in return for economic, social, and political

benefits. The program could provide a valuable intellectual

contribution by tracing the scope and implications of these


The paragraph cited above contains some highly troubling realities that have developed within the last century which have led to the assumption on the part of the CFR that in today's world it is acceptable that politicians have voluntarily forfeited their nations' national sovereignty and in doing so have given up some of their historic freedom. Such actions of forfeiting freedom and sovereignty have occurred more often than not by signing onto global treaties originating at the United Nations. And in the case of the United States, these actions have directly violated the historic principles that were long assumed to be central to U.S. Constitution. CFR, however, proposes even more violations of sovereignty and forfeiture of freedom by mandating treaties under the auspices of the United Nations that would govern how nations respond to "global warming," internal and external threats of violence, and the stabilization of the economy, among other issues. In terms of practicality, these broad principles would mandate, for example, that nations submit to international carbon emissions standards that would directly limit the types of automobiles citizens drive and the types of industries that are allowed. Coal, for example, would be disallowed.




With regard to the use of military force to defend the nation's security, actions would need to be made "multilaterally" rather than "unilaterally," meaning that before the United States could deploy its military it would need the consent of other member nations who would decide if such actions were necessary. And in the case of internal threats of violence, nations that hold sacred the right of its citizens to keep and bear arms, such as the United States, would have to rethink and reconfigure its laws so that more restrictions would be placed on personal freedoms in the name of national and global security. Firearms rights activists say that this would mean strict gun control and gun bans. Many political observers have noted that the U.N. "small arms treaty" is a direct outgrowth of the concept of multilateral cooperation in which a nation and its citizens must be willing to forfeit some of their sovereignty and freedom.

These concepts and initiatives did not originate with the United Nations, however. The United Nations is merely the vehicle by which these concepts and initiatives are implemented. The source for these concepts and and initiatives is CFR, a private nonprofit entity that is unelected by citizens anywhere but which wields enormous power and influence over politicians and the policies they implement in their respective governments. The proof that CFR is pushing toward the roll back of national sovereignty is found all over the pages of the document provided above. And CFR is perhaps the only entity in the world with the power and clout to hold a nation and its politicians hostage, forcing treasonous violations of the rule of law and the centrality of constitutional authority.




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