global warming 2

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Global Warming

Eleni Nouvaki

Antonia Vasakou

What is global warmingGlobal warming is the raise in the temperature of

the atmosphere and the oceans. The temperature of the planet has increased about 0.6 degrees Celsius since late 19th century


Global warming is caused by either natural procedures (e.g. solar activity, release of greenhouse gases from volcanoes) or human activities (e.g. fumes , electric power).

How that happens

Part of the stratosphere is the ozone layer which functions like a greenhouse. As it allows a part of the solar rays to reach the Earth, there can be life and evolution,however it prevents some ultra-violet rays to reach the Earth. Due to the harmful gases that are produced by human activity, the ozone layer gets thinner and so the ultra-violet rays ,which were once stopped, can get through it.

The gases which come from industrial activity and from cars (fumes), create in the lower part of the atmosphere a thick layer which doesn’t allow the rays to return to space, increasing the temperature of the Earth and causing changes in the climate .

Greenhouse gases

The most important are:


1) We should try to reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases, using less our private cars and preferring public means of transport.

2) We can plant more trees so that the carbon dioxide is absorbed by them.

3) We should reduce the greenhouse effect, using renewable sources of energy (e.g. the wind , the sun, and biomass).

the end

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