global platform jordan brochure 2013

Post on 27-Mar-2016






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Global Platform Jordan Brochure 2013


trainthe world

changethe world

The global plaTform Jordan

We are ActionAid’s training hub for empowerment and activism - in the Arab region.

Global Platform Jordan provides innovative trainings and capacity develop-ment for organisations, youth groups and young individuals who wish to take positive action in their societies.

Through exciting trainings conducted both in Arabic and English, we en-courage and motivate young people to take action in their communities and promote social change in the entire Arab region.

We are determined to provide youth with knowledge, skills and attitude to be active global citizens with the ability to reduce social and economic inequality in the world!

At Global Platform Jordan you will find a dynamic, inspiring and open minded atmosphere where you can explore, develop and exchange ideas with people from all over the world.

Campaigning for Change1-2 months of social and personal change! This training is about effective campaigning for global justice. It is designed to provide you with tools, methods and experience in mobilizing the public and putting decisive pressure on decision makers. Participant will get an in depth insight into the chosen campaigns crea-tive development, facilitation and workshop planning through field trips, guest speakers and other out-of-the-house activities.

preparation courses for being an amazing volunteerGlobal Platform prepares young people before going into volunteer work or internships in the region. Giving them the skills, attitude and knowledge they need. Touching areas such as cultural understanding, concrete tools in planning and political and social challenges.

3-7 days of basic tools to foster social changeA range of topics such as youth leadership, campaigning, advocacy, facilitation, communication, social media, story-telling etc. The courses give you the basic tools to foster social change, whether as a leader, an activist, a campaigner, a volunteer, NGO staff member or commu-nicator. We also offer tailored toolbox courses matching the specific need of your organization.

plaTform Training Courses

global volunTeers and inTerns

Toolbox Courses

1-4 weeks of story-telling and social media skillsThe course is targeting young activists, media and communication staff and people engaged in the NGOs sector, that seeks to employ documentary as a tool to create social and political change, and to work with story-telling through video and social media.

3 weeks of education in becoming a super cool trainer“A roller coaster ride” – this is how people often describe this training. Using “learning by doing” and other alternative methods, we will assure that at the end of this training, you will be ready to plan, conduct and evaluate workshops, trainigs and other social projects.

Training of Trainers

soCial media and sTory-Telling

If you have other training needs, don’t hesitate to contact us. Together we can develop a format that will fit your needs perfectly. Our staff of local and international trainers is highly experienced in the fields of training, campaign- and event making, organisational practices, communication, media, international development etc in both English and Arabic. Besides our own staff we always try to involve our wide network of capacities and experts within the most innovative and progressive academic and activist movements in the arab region.

Tailor-made Courses

We learn so muCh by inTeraCTing WiTh eaCh oTher and i have never meT so Wonderful Trainers, They are like driving us Crazy WiTh neW ideas. so Think iT is one of The besT experienCes i have ever had..

This has been The besT Thing ThaT ever happened in my enTire life. The besT experienCe ever and iT

gave me The Tools and learning i needed and had been hoping for.

i meT so many amazing people from differenT baCkgrounds.

MohaMMad Raqa, CaMpaigning foR Change 2012

anisa TasniM RahMan, gLoBaL Change CoURse 2011

Tired of uninspiring education that expects you to sit down and shut up?

Our team of professional trainers are specialized in facilitating courses that revolutionize the concept of traditional education. At Global Platform Jordan we believe in learning that is:

Participatory (People are expected to participate, be active and share their experiences)

Experience based (We practice what we learn, and learn from practice - 50% theory and 50% practice)

Fun (Expect hard work and seriousness, BUT mixed with meeting new amazing people, playing games and having fun!)

our meThods

Global Platform Jordan is more than a training centre. It also functions as a “social activist hub” where young people, regardless of their back-grounds, come together and exchange ideas for new projects.

You are always most welcome at the Platform where you will find an international, creative and open minded atmosphere. Being a place where young people live and learn, something is always happening, such as: movie and documentary screenings, debates, cultural events, workshops and much more. The Global Platform is part of ActionAid’s Arab Region Program and work-ing together with ActionAid’s youth network, ACTIVISTA. In collaboration with ActionAid’s Arab Region Program we arrange courses and trainings for local and regional organisations throughout MENA.

“Like” us on Facebook and be updated on the next Global Platform event!

soCial plaTform

If you want to hear more about our projects, want to share your ideas or need inspiration for your own project:

- feel free to contact us!

We are always more than happy to get in contact with new potential partners from all over the Arab region. Together we could:

Cooperate on new initiatives, training ideas, projects or campaigns.

Create a training for your staff members through one of our Tailor-made Courses. We can assure you, that your staff will come back to work with renewed energy, a lot of inspiration, increased confidence and many new skills!

Additionally our platform facilities might be interesting for your institu-tion or organisation. We are able to accommodate larger groups and we have great rooms for meetings, trainings and conferences, small group rooms, wireless internet, living room and kitchen facilitices - all surrounded by a beautiful garden.

CooperaTe WiTh us

Join us!

global platform Jordan, bldg #9, beit Jibreen street, al-rabieh, amman, Jordanemail: globalplatformjordan@ms.dkphone: +962 6 551 5226

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