global health @ isfit 17th and 18th feb

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Health & Medicine



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ISFiT 2011 ( had Global Health as a theme.This material is from a full-day workshop and plenary session.


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Insight Driven Health

Workshop on Health Technology

«Innovation in Health» team

ISFiT - 17th Feb 2011, Trondheim

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Francis D’Silva

Accenture «Innovation in Health»

Twitter: @francisds

Olga Marie Lerflaten

Accenture «Innovation in Health»

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Agenda - Workshop on eHealth

• Health 101

• Opportunities for Innovation

– UN’s Millennium Development Goals

– Consumer-centric health

• Introduction to the group assignment

• Lunch break (12 noon)

• Group assignment

• Presentation of assignment

• Summarize for plenary session (on Friday)

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A healthy society generates

opportunity for its residents

• Health is about wellness of mind and body – i.e. it is more

than the absence of illness

• Health services are provided by government at different

levels of commitment and payment models

• Health services can be broadly segmented as

– Providers who provide the health service

– Payers who cover financial costs

– Public Health that provides the underlying foundation

– Vendors that provide the materials and technologies

• Different countries have different practices for providing

health services – See

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Accenture – a global company Consulting . Technology . Outsourcing





211 000

Health and Public Service

Bank, insurance and

capital markets

Comm. Media and high


Products Resources






$21,6 B

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Accenture’s Health practice

Help providers, payers and public health authorities improve their performance (Consulting – Technology – Outsourcing)

Develop ideas and prototypes (Technology Labs – Sophia Antipolis, San Jose, Chicago, Bangalore)

Researching and explaining the latest trends (Institute for Health & Public Service)

NB! Links to videos are local

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The big challenge/opportunity

“Connected Health”

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Clinical Information Systems

Hospital Management Systems

Information and services must flow

seamlessly for patients to enjoy a strong

user experience


Services must be useful for the user Trust must be maintained User-experience should be engaging Information quality must be high

The portal must tie into the supporting services Practices and procedures for the workforce must be

designed and implemented

Move data seamlessly without compromising accuracy, privacy for flexibility and usability

Interdisciplinary processes and collaboration

Data transfer between organisations (even across nation states) – without compromising trust

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Workshop 15 - Two themes

Millennium Development Goals Patient centric health-care

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Millennium Development Goals

11 (c) Accenture 2011. ISFiT 2011- Globalize this: Health (17th and 18th Feb 2011, Trondheim)

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that all 192 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. They include eradicating extreme poverty, reducing child mortality rates, fighting disease epidemics such as AIDS, and developing a global partnership for development

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Child mortality in India has been

declining gradually …. but

• 2.5 million child deaths per year

• 1.1 million newborn deaths

• 27 million births every year

• 60 % home deliveries

• Hospital born neonates sent

home early

• Most neonatal care is provided

at home

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Quality child health interventions

• Strengthening universal immunisation

• Home, Community and Facility based newborn and child

health interventions

• Strengthening referrals and interfacing with other

providers of child health services

• Surveillance activities for measles control

• Other potential areas of intervention as need emerges during

the course of the program

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Enabling mechanism

• To strengthen the State / districts/ block management structure for child health.

• Techno-managerial support related to implementation and systems

• Gap management and problem-solving related to technical solutions, planning, budgeting, management and financial issues

• Providing support (thus enabling) to the ASHAs and Yashodas (and other public health workers) for delivery of quality child health interventions at home/community/facility level

• Putting the child health agenda forward at all relevant platforms

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While devices and technologies

proliferate … services are missing

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Consumer electronics have the potential

to drive patient-centric services

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I want to lead a healthy lifestyle

• Kumar (45) has the best intentions to proactively manage his health.

– He has learnt that he should monitor his blood pressure and blood sugar levels to better

understand his own health.

– He would like to help from a nutritionist and a training studio

– He buys electronic devices from the local pharmacy that allow him to obtain the appropriate

data points for blood pressure and blood glucose.

• What if….

– these devices were calibrated by the health authorities as he docked them on his home PC

– a first time check and regular periodic intervals

– the data points were uploaded regularly to his family doctor and updated his centrally

managed electronic medical record. Spikes and other abberations in the data points could generate

alerts for the family doctor, who could escalate to the hospital or other specialists. And propose an

appointment with the appropriate medical personnel

– the national research institutes provided Kumar with a feed of aggregated data points for

comparison purposes (as a compensation for Kumar providing his own datafeeds)

– Kumar’s nutrionist could recommend certain food products that match his nutrition profile.

Kumar can view recommendations of the product made by other individuals and even

nutritionists or medical personnel

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I want to provide the best care


• Jenny is a single parent with responsibility for Tom, her 7 year-old son who

unfortunately suffers from epilepsy.

– Tom needs periodic monitoring to detect and avoid any serious complications like brain


– Tom is otherwise a very active child who hates having to miss his school and play. Jenny

learns about wearable computers used by high-performing athletes and obtains a Lifecap* and

Lifeshirt* that will non-invasively monitor Tom’s vital signs.

– These wearables will capture and store a continuous data feed

• What if …

– the doctors and medical personnel responsible for Tom’s care could be notified based on

fluctuations in Tom’s brain and physical activity

– the doctors and Jenny were warned about potential seizures based on previously analyzed

data patterns and available best practices from the national health institutes

– Jenny could provide the the raw datafeed and the aggregated data analysis to a research

community that could mine the data and provide Jenny and Tom with insights, products and

solutions that improves Tom’s conditions.

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Group assignment

Apps for eHealth

To accelerate activity to reach Millennium Development Goals!

To improve public health through increased patient-centricity!


Break up in four groups

Two groups per theme

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We are going to design an App!

• An app is program that runs on a mobile device

• Can run on the device alone or requires network connection

• Examples

– Mobile phone (SMS based)

– SmartPhone (iPhone, Android, Windows 7)

– Social media: Facebook, Twitter

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Choose one of two assignments

Patient-centric health Assignment: Design an app that can be implemented on a SmartPhone that guides a resident in developing a healthier lifestyle Criteria: Can work on Smartphones, certain portions to

be able to work on regular mobile phones Can work in a mobile broadband network Can be built over a period of 6 weeks by a team

of 3-5 people Example: An App where the user is guided on stop

smoking (or a weight watcher to manage diet) An App where allowing the user to update their

patient-portal with activity data

2 Millennium Development Goals

Assignment: Design a health information service that a rural health service (RHS) can use to interact with its population around maternal and neonatal health care Criteria: Must work on mobile phones (not

smartphones) Should work in an only-GSM network Can be built over a period of 6 weeks by a team

of 3-5 people Example: An App that allows pregnant mothers to sign-

up and to receive tips from the RHS and make an appointment for delivery. Describe what the RHS needs to be able to provide this service

An App for medical staff at the RHS to obtain basic guidance


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Create a concise and concrete description of the

App’s i) main purpose, ii) its target audience, iii)

functions and iv) design

Main criteria for evaluation: 1. Relevance

Does it solve a problem? or address a need?

2. Effect What’s in it for me (the user)? Value of the App How extensible is it?

3. Feasibility to implement Can it be done? What needs to be in place in order to implement the App?

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Gluten Free

A Gluten Free Glossary

Defines ”safe” food for people with gluten


Describes symptoms, reactions, treatments

when intake

A large amount of Apps in the market

focus on game and fun, but in addition

there are several Apps useful

23 Copyright © 2011 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Examples of some useful Apps:


Keeps track of your expenses

Organizes expenses according to category

(food, transportation, etc.)

Updated currency information

The camera can be used to save image of the


Export to excel

Get paid

Helps you to keep track of the hours you work

Uses a timer to track the hours used

Organize the hours according to project

accounts, salary basis

Generates PDF reports

Help 113

Emergency caller

Reports your GPS location when calling the

Norwegian emergency central

Emergency contact list

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Some tips … • People love to interact

– Social communities, co-production, games and fun increase the chance of people adapting and embracing the new service

– Interact with existing systems/services: Facebook, Gowalla, Twitter, etc.

• Communication with existing systems – There is a lot of information available. Look for public data sources.

– Why re-invent the wheel?

• A user centric approach – Describe a typical, specific situation and what the user will do with the App

– Think about the user, not the systems. What is best for the user, then focus on how to solve it

• Potential topics – Geo location

– Connect different systems

– Realtime information

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“Get rid of the crappy stuff and focus

on the good stuff“ – Steve Jobs 1. List All the Features You Think Users Might Like

At this point, you’re trying to capture all the tasks related to your main product idea. Don’t worry if your list is long; you’ll narrow it down later.

2. Determine Who Your Users Are Apart from the likelihood that your users are mobile and that they expect beautiful graphics, simple interactions, and high performance, what distinguishes them? In the context of the app you’re planning, what is most important to your users?

3. Filter the Feature List Through the Audience Definition If, after deciding on a few audience characteristics, you end up with just a few features, you’re on the right track: Great iOS applications have a laser focus on the task users want to accomplish. A good application definition statement for a grocery-shopping app might be: “A shopping list creation tool for thrifty people who love to cook.“

4. Don’t Stop There As you consider whether to add a new feature, ask yourself whether it is essential to the main purpose of your app and to your target audience. If it isn’t, set it aside.

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Over 1,000 iPhone apps on health &


• My Life Record ($10- $50)

•Absolute Fitness ($14.99)

• iScale ($4.99)

•StepTrakLite (free)

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Consumer app examples

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A provider app example

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Thank you!

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be”

Douglas Adams

Francis D’Silva

Olga Marie Lerflaten

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Insight Driven Health

If eHealth is the answer, what was the


Francis D’Silva, Accenture «Innovation in Health»

ISFiT 2011 – Trondheim (18th Feb 2011)

Copyright © 2010 Accenture All Rights Reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture.

eHealth has a potential greater than

“technology in the clinic”

• Health and Technology

• … and social responsibility

• Now….. Doing something about it!

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We see some macro trends that are

influencing the health sector

Increase in chronic and

lifestyle illnesses

Health services across

national borders

Silver generation and the

ageing population

Financial crisis

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The evolution of technology is

impacting our societies

33 (c) Accenture 2011. ISFiT 2011- Globalize this: Health (17th and 18th Feb 2011, Trondheim)

Our societies are

more aware of the

use of technology

Access to


Rapid technology

development and


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New models for collaboration


Processes Organization



Transforming business Analytics

We see four trends that can be acted


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We see some macro trends that are

influencing the health sector

Increase in chronic and

lifestyle illnesses

Health services across

national borders

Silver generation and the

ageing population

Financial crisis

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… but there are also other trends

Increase in chronic and

lifestyle illnesses

A growing digital divide

Silver generation and the

ageing population


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Accenture’s Skills to Succeed program - Driving measurable

impact through Corporate Citizenship investments

Set the Skills to Succeed Vision and Goal: By 2015, equip 250,000 people with the skills to get a job or build a business

Engage our Nonprofit partners and Internal Stakeholders to Develop a Skills to Succeed Outcome Framework: Make the connection between our investment and our societal impact

Drive Measureable Impact: Collaborate with our Nonprofit partners around the world to create programs advancing our shared agenda, analyze and report results, and share the learning

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Accenture Corporate


From inputs to results to outcomes for a positive societal



Pro Bono Services


Skills to Succeed Goal: By 2015, equip 250,000 people with the skills to

get a job or build a business

Community skill-building: People

are directly equipped with the skills

they need to get a job or build a

business in the local context.

Non-profit Capacity Building:

Enhancing their ability to deliver

quality S2S services to the

community and drive S2S outcomes.

Inspired and Motivated

Employees: to get involved and

make an impact on local community.

Positive Societal


Create Employment

Opportunities for


Build Sustainable


Increase Economic



Competitiveness in the

Job Market

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• AMREF's vision is Better Health for Africa. AMREF has 50 years’ experience in health development. Knowledge is a core product of AMREF’s activities. AMREF implements projects to learn, and shares this evidence-based knowledge with others to advocate for changes in health policy and practice

Example - African Medical and Research Foundation


Challenge • Insufficient medical assistance available for even the most basic of ailments

• Remote regions remain hard to reach by road and after forty-five years the early vision of

using aircraft backed by a radio network as a means of health delivery remains very much a

reality and a necessity

• Though AMREF has a deep knowledge of the content of the learning required, they have little

to no knowledge of e-Learning and how to develop and implement an effective solution

Accenture’s role • Understanding how e-Learning works • Developing a strategy for using e-Learning as part of educating the nurses • Developing and implementing the e-Learning solution

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Workshop 15 : 22 students – 19 nations!

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Workshop 15 - Two themes

Millennium Development Goals Patient centric health-care

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Choose one of two assignments An app is program that runs on a mobile device

Can run on the device alone or requires network connection

Patient-centric health Assignment: Design an app that can be implemented on a SmartPhone that guides a resident in developing a healthier lifestyle Criteria: Can work on Smartphones, certain portions to

be able to work on regular mobile phones Can work in a mobile broadband network Can be built over a period of 6 weeks by a team

of 3-5 people Example: An App where the user is guided on stop

smoking (or a weight watcher to manage diet) An App where allowing the user to update their

patient-portal with activity data

2 Millennium Development Goals

Assignment: Design a health information service that a rural health service (RHS) can use to interact with its population around maternal and neonatal health care Criteria: Must work on mobile phones (not

smartphones) Should work in an only-GSM network Can be built over a period of 6 weeks by a team

of 3-5 people Example: An App that allows pregnant mothers to sign-

up and to receive tips from the RHS and make an appointment for delivery. Describe what the RHS needs to be able to provide this service

An App for medical staff at the RHS to obtain basic guidance


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2 themes and 2 hours!

4 teams developed 4 ideas!

• Baby and Me

• iTraining

• M-Preg

• HealthWatcher

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Baby and Me

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Baby and Me

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Thank you – and thanks to the

participants of the workshop

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be”

Douglas Adams

Francis D’Silva

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