global ecology and biogeography global ecology number 2...

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Volume 19, Number 2, March 2010


Research Review

R. A. Bradstock: A biogeographic model of fi re regimes in Australia: current and future implications 145–158

Research Papers

J. Gutiérrez Illán, D. Gutiérrez and R. J. Wilson: The contributions of topoclimate and land cover to species distributions and abundance: fi ne-resolution tests for a mountain butterfl y fauna 159–173

P. R. Peres-Neto and P. Legendre: Estimating and controlling for spatial structure in the study of ecological communities 174–184

S. J. Presley and M. R. Willig: Bat metacommunity structure on Caribbean islands and the role of endemics 185–199

F. Villalobos and H. T. Arita: The diversity fi eld of New World leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae) 200–211

C. Mellin, C. J. A. Bradshaw, M. G. Meekan and M. J. Caley: Environmental and spatial predictors of species richness and abundance in coral reef fi shes 212–222

S. K. Berke, A. R. Mahon, F. P. Lima, K. M. Halanych, D. S. Wethey and S. A. Woodin: Range shifts and species diversity in marine ecosystem engineers: patterns and predictions for European sedimentary habitats 223–232

W. Ma, J.-S. He, Y. Yang, X. Wang, C. Liang, M. Anwar, H. Zeng, J. Fang and B. Schmid: Environmental factors covary with plant diversity–productivity relationships among Chinese grassland sites 233–243

M. Jocque, R. Field, L. Brendonck and L. De Meester: Climatic control of dispersal–ecological specialization trade-offs: a metacommunity process at the heart of the latitudinal diversity gradient? 244–252

M. F. Garbulsky, J. Penuelas, D. Papale, J. Ardö, M. L. Goulden, G. Kiely, A. D. Richardson, E. Rotenberg, E. M. Veenendaal and I. Filella: Patterns and controls of the variability of radiation use effi ciency and primary productivity across terrestrial ecosystems 253–267

Y. Yang, J. Fang, W. Ma, D. Guo and A. Mohammat: Large-scale pattern of biomass partitioning across China’s grasslands 268–277

U. Herzschuh, H. J. B. Birks, X. Liu, C. Kubatzki and G. Lohmann: What caused the mid-Holocene forest decline on the eastern Tibet-Qinghai Plateau? 278–286

Global Ecology and Biogeography V


me 19 N


ber 2 M

arch 2010 Pag

es 145–286

Global Ecology and Biogeography

World list abbreviation: Global Ecol. Biogeogr.

www.blackwellpublishing.comThis journal is available online at Wiley InterScience.Visit to search thearticles and register for table of contents e-mail alerts.

Global Ecology and BiogeographyA Journal of Macroecology

Editor-in-Chief:David J. Currie

ISSN 1466–822X

Volume 19Number 2March 2010

Front cover: Coenonympha arcania (pearly heath), a butterfl y species whose distribution in Europe has its southern latitudinal limit in the mountain systems of central Spain. See Gutiérrez Illán et al., pp. 159–173. Photo: David Gutiérrez.

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