glial imaging during synapse remodeling at the ...€¦ · glial imaging during synapse remodeling...

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Glial imaging during synapse remodelingat the neuromuscular junction

yi zuo1

and derron bishop2

Glia are an indispensable structural and functional component of the synapse. They modulate synaptic transmission and alsoplay important roles in synapse formation and maintenance. The vertebrate neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a classic modelsynapse. Due to its large size, simplicity and accessibility, the NMJ has contributed greatly to our understanding of synapsedevelopment and organization. In the past decade, the NMJ has also emerged as an effective model for studying glia–synapseinteractions, in part due to the development of various labeling techniques that permit NMJs and associated Schwann cells(the glia at NMJs) to be visualized in vitro and in vivo. These approaches have demonstrated that Schwann cells are activelyinvolved in synapse remodeling both during early development and in post-injury reinnervation. In vivo imaging has alsorecently been combined with serial section transmission electron microscopic (ssTEM) reconstruction to directly examinethe ultrastructural organization of remodeling NMJs. In this review, we focus on the anatomical studies of Schwann celldynamics and their roles in formation, maturation and remodeling of vertebrate NMJs using the highest temporal andspatial resolution methods currently available.

Keywords: Schwann cell, synapse elimination, reinnervation, in vivo imaging, ssTEM reconstruction


The nervous system is made up of two classes of cells: neuronsand glia. Neurons communicate with each other throughspecialized gaps called synapses. Neurotransmitters arereleased from presynaptic axon terminals and act upon post-synaptic receptors to elicit conductance changes in thepostsynaptic membrane. Much of our higher brain function,such as learning, memory and consciousness, is based uponthe interconnectivity of neurons through the �1014 excitatoryand inhibitory synapses in the cerebral cortex (Pakkenberget al., 2003). However, understanding the cellular basis ofhigher cortical functions becomes difficult considering thesesynapses not only vary in structure, location and excitability,but are also highly intermingled. Further exacerbating thisdifficulty is the fact that the connectivity and efficacy of anindividual synapse can be modified, particularly duringlearning and memory formation.

Given the complexity of the neuronal interconnections, arecent strategy to better understand synaptic dynamics hasbeen to literally watch a single synapse over time in livinganimals. Transgenic mice with fluorescent proteins in thecytoplasm of neuronal subsets (Feng et al., 2000) have madesuch studies not only possible, but also fairly routine. Therecent widespread use of these mice in time lapse imagingstudies has revealed a seeming paradox: dendritic spines andaxon boutons in the superficial cortex of living mice areboth stable and dynamic (Grutzendler et al., 2002;Trachtenberg et al., 2002; Portera-Cailliau et al., 2005).Despite the debate over animal lines, quantification criteria

and imaging techniques (Pan and Gan, 2008), the general con-sensus is that dynamics vary among synapses. While themajority of synapses appear to be stable over long periods oftime, some hotspots of dynamism remain (Holtmaat et al.,2005; Zuo et al., 2005). Considering glia are closely associatedwith synapses and actively participate in synaptic trans-mission and remodeling, understanding synaptic dynamismin the cortex will be difficult without fully understanding therole of the glial component of the synapse.

As with the understanding of pre and postsynaptic com-ponents of the synapse, the role of glia during synaptic modi-fications in vivo is just now beginning to be understood at aperipheral synapse, the neuromuscular junction (NMJ).Despite many attempts to examine glial dynamics in theliving brain (Davalos et al., 2005; Nimmerjahn et al., 2005),there are several advantages for using the NMJ as a modelsystem to study glial and synaptic interactions in vivo. In par-ticular, (1) NMJs are approximately 1000 times larger thansynapses in the brain; (2) neuronal and glial componentscan be monitored simultaneously at the same NMJ;(3) NMJs are easily accessible for imaging and electrophysio-logical examination; (4) the structural organization and mol-ecular components are well characterized in the vertebrateNMJ; (5) the NMJ is amenable for both molecular and ultra-structural studies that can ultimately reveal the underlying cel-lular and molecular mechanisms of observed structuralchanges. Accordingly, this review will focus on the role ofSchwann cells in anatomical organization of NMJs, with par-ticular emphasis on mammalian and amphibian in vivostudies. This is to distinguish it from many other generalreviews that focus on either glial functions in general(Barres and Barde, 2000; Haydon, 2001; Ransom et al.,2003; Allen and Barres, 2005; Volterra and Meldolesi, 2005;Halassa et al., 2007), or other aspects of Schwann cells(Scherer, 1997; Feng et al., 2005; Rousse and Robitaille, 2006).

Corresponding authors:Yi Zuo and Derron BishopEmails:;


Neuron Glia Biology, 2008, 4(4), 319–326. # Cambridge University Press, 2009doi:10.1017/S1740925X09990421

Structural organization of NMJsThe vertebrate NMJ is a typical ‘tripartite’ synapse, which ismade up of a presynaptic motor axon terminal, a postsynapticmuscle fiber and several terminal Schwann cells (TSCs). TSCsat NMJs are the counterparts to astrocytes in the centralnervous system (CNS). Despite the same embryologicorigin, TSCs are morphologically and functionally distinctfrom the myelinating Schwann cells (MSCs) that wrap themotor axons of peripheral nerves. MSCs are comparable tooligodendrocytes in the CNS, but typically associate withonly one axon in motor nerves. In adulthood, several TSCspartition and tile one NMJ with little overlap (Livet et al.,2007) (Zuo and Misgeld, unpublished data). Their totalnumber is actively regulated and correlates with the size ofthe NMJ (Lubischer and Bebinger, 1999). As shown by bothelectron and light microscopic studies, adult TSCs cap axonterminals, but largely avoid the synaptic cleft (see below)(Birks et al., 1960a; Heuser et al., 1976; Desaki and Uehara,1981). A basal lamina surrounds the muscle fiber andbecomes continuous with the TSC basal lamina. The portionof the basal lamina that is directly opposed to the nerve term-inals is referred to as the synaptic basal lamina. A schematicdrawing of a mammalian NMJ is illustrated in Fig. 1,showing the anatomical arrangement between TSCs, MSCs,presynaptic axon terminals, postsynaptic muscle cell and thesynaptic basal lamina. TSCs also closely monitor synapticactivity and influence transmitter release by the nerve term-inal. Work by Robitaille et al. (1997) demonstrates thatSchwann cells possess muscarinic ACh receptors, andrespond to neurotransmission with elevated cytosolic Ca2þ

concentration (Jahromi et al., 1992; Reist and Smith, 1992).This activation leads to a profound depression in transmitter

release through a G-protein-coupled receptor pathway(Robitaille, 1998; Castonguay and Robitaille, 2001).

Schwann cells at mature NMJsThe structural stability of the vertebrate NMJ has been studiedfor many years by visualizing presynaptic axon terminals ofmotor neurons with vital dyes or genetically coded fluor-escence, and postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs)on muscle fibers with fluorescent a-bungarotoxin. Whileadult mammalian NMJs exhibit minimal changes overmonths to years (Balice-Gordon and Lichtman, 1990), adultamphibian NMJs show some retraction and extension ofaxon terminal sprouts (Chen et al., 1991). This difference inNMJ dynamics may simply be related to the subtle evolution-ary diversity between these two vertebrates, but another moreintriguing possibility is suggested by a slight ultrastructuraldifference in Schwann cell and synapse apposition betweenmammalian and amphibian NMJs. Mammalian TSCs arecompletely excluded from the synaptic cleft (Fig. 2A)whereas in amphibians, perisynaptic Schwann cells (PSCs,the amphibian analog of TSCs), interdigitate small processesbetween the axon terminal and the synaptic basal lamina(Fig. 2B; Heuser and Reese, 1973).

So are Schwann cells processes in the synaptic cleft respon-sible for dynamism in amphibian NMJs? Although we cur-rently lack temporal and spatial resolution to unequivocallyanswer this question, there is strong evidence that Schwanncell processes guide axon terminal sprouting in normal adultamphibian NMJs. Using fluorescent peanut agglutinin(PNA), which binds to the extracellular matrix around glialcells (Ko, 1987), Ko and colleagues repeatedly imaged frog

Fig. 1. Structure of mouse NMJ. (A) Drawing illustrates the relationships between the axon (blue), Schwann cells (green) and AChRs (red). An illustration ofan electron micrograph shows the ultrastructural arrangement of TSC processes (green), axon terminal (blue), AChRs (red) and basal lamina (gray). (B) AChRs,(C) Schwann cells, (D) axon terminals and a (E) composite image from in vivo epifluorescent image. Scale bar: 10 mm. Panels B–E, original data.

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NMJs in vivo and showed that synaptic extracellular matrixextended distally and preceded axon terminal sprouts (Chenand Ko, 1994). An elegant follow-up experiment using corre-lated semi-serial section transmission electron microscopy(ssTEM) of identified sprouting NMJs further showed thatPSCs covered in extracellular matrix sprouted into extra-synaptic territory, potentially leading nerve terminals intonew synaptic territory (Ko and Chen, 1996).

If extension of Schwann cell processes induces axonalsprouting in mature synapses, then do stable Schwann cellsconfer this stability to axon terminals? To address this ques-tion, many studies have attempted to perturb Schwann cellstability and assess the integrity of neuromuscular synapses.In frog, an antibody to PSCs followed by complement-mediated cell lysis was used to ablate Schwann cells fromNMJs. In this way PSCs could be removed without damagingthe underlying nerve terminals or muscle fibers. One weekafter PSC ablation, presynaptic function decreased byapproximately one-half, while postsynaptic function wasunchanged. In addition, retraction of nerve terminalsincreased over ten-fold at PSC-ablated NMJs (Reddy et al.,2003). A similar dependence of axon terminal stability fromMSCs has been observed in various dysmyelinating axonpathologies (Scherer, 1999; Martini, 2001; Yin et al., 2004).The analogous experiment to PSC ablation at the mammalianNMJ requires injection of a subset of anti-disialosyl antibodiesto selectively remove TSCs. Acute TSC injury or ablationshows no major deleterious influence on synapse functionover the short term (hours) (Halstead et al., 2005).However, whether prolonged TSC loss interferes with NMJfunction and structural integrity remains unclear.

While loss of Schwann cells might lead to decreased synap-tic function, over-active Schwann cells (i.e., intrusion of TSCprocesses into synaptic clefts) disrupt mammalian NMJsand cause synapse remodeling. During development, TSC

processes are prevented from entering the synaptic cleft bysynaptic laminin, which is a heterotrimeric glycoprotein inthe synaptic basal lamina and concentrated at the synapticcleft of mouse NMJs. Mice lacking synaptic laminin subunitb2 exhibit developmental defects in NMJ formation. Inthese animals, Schwann cells invade into synaptic clefts andseparate the adhesion between the synaptic basal lamina andnerve terminals. As a result, the efficacy of neuromusculartransmission is significantly reduced and the synaptic connec-tion is disrupted (Noakes et al., 1995; Patton et al., 1998). Inanother example, Hayworth et al. (2006) used a Tet-Onsystem to induce expression of constitutively active ErbB2receptors (caErbB2Rs) in adult Schwann cells, and foundthat TSC sprouting preceded nerve terminal sprouting, result-ing in disruption of original synaptic sites. In summary, TSCdynamics must be tightly regulated to maintain normal func-tion of neuromuscular synapses.

TSCs extend processes and guide motornerves during reinnervationDespite the overall stability at normal adult NMJs, Schwanncells become ‘reactive’ following axon injury and participatein the removal of nerve terminal debris (Miledi and Slater,1968). During this process, Schwann cells invade betweenthe synaptic basal lamina and the degenerating nerve terminal(Miledi and Slater, 1970; Jirmanova, 1975). As Schwann cellsbegin to occupy the position of degenerating nerve terminalsat synaptic sites, they also synthesize and release quanta ofacetylcholine after denervation (Birks et al., 1960b; Milediand Slater, 1968; Bevan et al., 1973). Such release is morecommon at frog terminals than in mammals. Despitethe temptation to attribute some maintenance of thenerve-vacated synaptic site to this transmitter release, we

Fig. 2. Comparison of (A) mammalian and (B) amphibian NMJ ultrastructure. Schwann cells (green), axon terminals (blue) and AChRs (red) are arrangedsimilarly between mammalian and amphibian NMJs, with the exception of small TSC processes in the synaptic cleft in the amphibian junction. Scale bar, 500 nm.Panel A, original data. Panel B, adapted from Heuser and Reese (1973) with permission.

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still do not understand what functional significance, if any,it has.

Besides their phagocytic role during axon degeneration andwithdrawal, Schwann cells also play active roles in reestablish-ing synaptic connections during reinnervation. Cell culturestudies have shown that Schwann cells provide preferred sur-faces for axonal extension (Fallon, 1985; Bixby et al., 1988). Inmice, regenerating axons grow along old Schwann cell tubes,following them back to the original synaptic site (Nguyenet al., 2002). Axons also form ‘escaped fibers’, followingSchwann cell processes extending away from the junction(Son and Thompson, 1995; Ko and Chen, 1996; O’Malleyet al., 1999; Macleod et al., 2001). These TSC processes areoften longer than the escaped fibers that appear to begrowing along them, suggesting they guide the axon ratherthan follow. New synapses are formed along the newpathway of TSC processes and terminal extension (Kanget al., 2003). In partially denervated muscles, TSCs extendtheir processes from denervated synaptic sites to nearbyintact synapses forming cellular bridges. These Schwann cellbridges guide nerve sprouts from intact junctions to reachdenervated synaptic sites (Son and Thompson, 1995; Loveet al., 2003). Thus, Schwann cells determine structuralchanges at NMJs including how motor neurons distributetheir terminal processes and how synaptic connections arereestablished during reinnervation.

TSCs participate in early synapticformation and remodelingIn contrast to the stable adult NMJ, in vivo imaging of thedeveloping neuromuscular synapse shows high dynamicsduring both initial synapse formation and subsequent com-petitive rearrangements. In embryonic development,Schwann cell precursor cells follow motor axons throughthe periphery to reach muscles. During this journey, axonsprovide both migratory guidance and mitogenic stimulation

for Schwann cells (Jessen and Mirsky, 2005). Despiteco-migration of axons and Schwann cells, Schwann cells arenot required for the initial formation of NMJs. For example,in mutant mice lacking Schwann cells, axons still navigate totheir targets and form initial synaptic contacts (Morris et al.,1999; Woldeyesus et al., 1999; Lin et al., 2000; Wolpowitzet al., 2000). At these newly formed synapses, Schwann cellscontinue to depend on motor neurons to survive. Neonataldenervation leads to the rapid, apoptotic death of Schwanncells at rat NMJs, and injection of glial growth factor preventsthis apoptosis in vivo (Trachtenberg and Thompson, 1996).A recent study has further shown that induction ofcaErbB2Rs expression selectively in neonatal Schwanncells is sufficient to rescue them from denervation-inducedapoptosis (Hayworth et al., 2006).

In early postnatal development, initial synapse formation isfollowed by selective synapse elimination. At the mouse NMJ,multiple axons converge upon a single synaptic site at birth.During the first two postnatal weeks, all but one axon with-draw and the remaining axon occupies the entire junction.This reduction in innervation is not due to naturally occurringcell death that occurs prenatally, but rather due to a postnatalcompetition between axons to be the sole innervation sourceto the muscle fiber. Classic histological stains along withmore modern fluorescent time lapse imaging reveal that with-drawing axons become atrophic with a large distal bulb(O’Brien et al., 1978; Riley, 1981; Keller-Peck et al., 2001).Small orphaned segments termed axosomes often appear dis-tally to the bulb (Bishop et al., 2004). Both S100 antibodystaining (Bishop et al., 2004) and S100-GFP transgenic mice(Song et al., 2008) demonstrate that axosomes are fullyembedded within Schwann cells rather than other phagocyticcells like macrophages. Furthermore, ssTEM has revealedthese orphaned axosomes are not full of degenerated cellulardebris, but rather contain normal organelles (Fig. 3).

This simple observation raised the possibility that perhapsSchwann cells actively participate in synapse elimination byselectively dismantling seemingly healthy axons rather than

Fig. 3. Correlated confocal and ssTEM of developing NMJs. (A) A confocal projection of P9 NMJs showing axons (blue) and AChRs (red). A small axosome hasformed near the preterminal axon of the right NMJ. A surface reconstruction from 52 serial transmission electron micrographs appears below. A single electronmicrograph has been inserted into the surface reconstruction at a place corresponding to its three-dimensional location. A red dot has been placed in the upperright corner of the electron micrograph for orientation to panel B. (B) An electron micrograph through the center of the axosome (blue) from panel A shows that itis entirely engulfed by a cell that is surrounded by basal lamina that extends to the NMJ we presume to be a Schwann cell (green). The axosome contains normalappearing vesicles, mitochondria and neurofilaments. Scale bar, 1 mm. Original data.

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scavenging shed axonal debris. At this time we cannot confirmor reject this idea, but some insight might be drawn from arecent study aimed at determining the lysosomal contributionto axon removal in both glia and neurons. Song et al. (2008)used an ex vivo imaging preparation of mouse triangularissterni muscle (Kerschensteiner et al., 2008) to show thatdegradative events appear to begin within retracting axonsand then are completed through axosome formation anddegradation within the surrounding Schwann cells.

Future directions – combining in vivo andultrastructural examinationDespite the accumulating knowledge on the dynamics ofsynapse remodeling at the NMJ, many questions remain regard-ing Schwann cells’ role in synaptic plasticity. For example, whathappens to Schwann cells associated with the losing axon duringsynapse elimination? How do multiple TSCs partition andmaintain the stable adult NMJ? What happens to Schwanncells during synapse loss during aging and pathology?Answers to these questions rely on our ability to selectivelylabel synaptic and glial components in vivo, and follow theirdynamics with high spatial and temporal resolution.

Many approaches have been used to visualize Schwanncells in vivo. Fluorescent lectins (such as PNA) that bind tocomponents of glial extracellular matrix have been used suc-cessfully to label Schwann cells at frog NMJs (Astrow et al.,1998). In mice, one of the early attempts to label Schwanncells utilized a blue fluorescent dye – calcein blue. Whenlinked to an acetoxymethyl (AM) ester, calcein blue providesselective labeling of Schwann cells at NMJs in vivo (O’Malley

et al., 1999). However, these dye labeling methods have severaldrawbacks, such as unreliable cell labeling and the need forrepeated dye application. To overcome these problems, wehave generated transgenic mice that express fluorescent pro-teins under the control of a glial-specific promoter. Theprotein S100B is a commonly used marker for glial cells(Ludwin et al., 1976; Stefansson et al., 1982) and elements ofits promoter have been characterized and shown to driveexpression in stably transfected glial cells in vitro (Alloreet al., 1990; Jiang et al., 1993; Castets et al., 1997). One lineof these S100-green fluorescent protein (GFP) mice exhibitsbright and selective GFP expression in all Schwann cells inthe neuromuscular system and has been used for in vivoimaging (Zuo et al., 2004). This line has been furthercrossed with transgenic mice expressing cyan fluorescentprotein (CFP) under Thy-1 promoter in all motor neurons(Feng et al., 2000). By labeling AChRs with a non-blockingdose of rhodamine-conjugated a-bungarotoxin in thesemice, we are able to observe all three components (presynapticterminals, postsynaptic receptors and Schwann cells) of theNMJ in living mice. Following changes in TSCs at individualjunctions over time (days to months), our previous study hasshown that TSCs, like the nerve terminals they cover, aremostly stable in adult mice (Zuo et al., 2004) (Fig. 4).Furthermore, we have found enhanced TSC dynamics (move-ment, addition or loss) at aging NMJs, parallel with the post-synaptic AChR remodeling and axon branch re-organization.These studies represent one of the first studies tracing thedynamic nature of all three structural components of individ-ual synapses in living mammals.

In vivo imaging has provided valuable temporal infor-mation about the dynamics and sequence of morphological

Fig. 4. In vivo images of the same NMJ obtained two months apart in the sternomastoid muscle from a living mouse expressing CFP in neurons and GFP inSchwann cells. AChRs were labeled with a non-blocking concentration of rhodamine-conjugated a-bungarotoxin. Merged images show AChR in red, Schwanncells in green and axons in blue. There are no changes in AChRs, TSCs or axon pattern, suggesting the stability of the adult mammalian MMJ. Scale bar: 10 mm.Original data.

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changes in synapses and associated glia. However, it is difficultto infer detailed cellular mechanisms from in vivo imagingbecause the spatial resolution of light microscopy is currentlyinsufficient to elucidate the fine structural interactions withinthe synapse. The alternative is to use TEM to resolve subcellu-lar organelles, internal structural components and intercellu-lar interactions that light microscopy cannot. TraditionalTEM relies upon slicing extremely thin sections (�60 nm)through small areas of tissue. The odds of randomized slicesthrough large tissue samples capturing an event of interestare exceedingly low.

Since the electron microscope does not resolve color in thetraditional sense, differentiating cells among a larger homo-geneous population requires rendering one cell more electrondense than the others surrounding it. Traditionally, thisapproach requires using antibodies to a specific cell marker(i.e., anti-GFP to a GFP-labeled cell) followed by a secondaryantibody conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (Herrmannet al., 1994; Dunaevsky et al., 2001; Trachtenberg et al.,2002). An alternate approach is to label a cell with a photo-oxidizing fluorophore and bleach the fluorophore in the pres-ence of diaminobenzidine (Maranto, 1982; Calabrese andMaranto, 1986; Lubke, 1993; Herrmann et al., 1994). Bothapproaches are useful for relocating axons, but rely on increasedelectron density within an axon as the identifiable marker. Thedrawback is that the increased electron density often maskssubcellular features and, in the case of antibodies, can requirepermeabilizing tissue which degrades ultrastructure.

One way we have overcome this problem is to create elec-tron dense fiducial markers (Gan et al., 1999) near the pre-viously imaged NMJ and re-examine the spatial relationshipof different synaptic components through ssTEM reconstruc-tion. This approach ultimately permits highly resolved elec-tron micrographs to be interpreted in both a temporal andmacroscopic context. Such an approach has already revealedcellular mechanisms for axon pruning at the developingNMJ (Bishop et al., 2004) and axon terminal sprouting (Koand Chen, 1996).

As time lapse in vivo microscopy continues to reveal mor-phological changes in synapses and glia, finding ultrastruc-tural correlates will become critical for determining thesubcellular milieu underpinning these dynamics. Methodsthat make these correlations more routine at the NMJ willlikely translate to CNS synapses.


Ramon y Cajal posited over a century ago: ‘What is the func-tion of glia cells in neural centers? The answer is still notknown, and the problem is even more serious because itmay remain unsolved for many years to come until physiol-ogists find direct methods to attack it.’ Electrically unexcitable,scientists lacked the approach to examine glial cells for almosta century. Equipped with the modern pharmacological andgenetic tools, as well as new optical approaches, time mayfinally come for an understanding of glial function.


This work was supported by grants from American Federationfor Aging Research, the Ellison Medical Foundation and the

National Institute on Aging to Y.Z., and National Institutesof Health to D.L.B.

Statement of interestNone.


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A U T H O R S ’ A D D R E S S E S

1 Department of MolecularCell and Developmental BiologyUniversity of California Santa CruzSanta Cruz, CA, USA

2 Department of Medical EducationIndiana University School of Medicine – MuncieMuncie, IN, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to:Yi ZuoDepartment of MolecularCell and Developmental BiologyUniversity of California Santa CruzSanta CruzCA 95064, USAphone: (831) 459-3812email:

Derron BishopDepartment of Medical EducationIndiana University School of Medicine – MuncieMuncie, IN 47306, USAphone: (765) 751-5233email:

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