glen innes severn council meeting 27 october 2016 · glen innes severn council – open ordinary...

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Glen Innes Severn Council Meeting

27 OCTOBER 2016

Glen Innes Severn Council – Open Ordinary Meeting – 27 October 2016

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From the meeting held at the Glen Innes Severn Learning Centre,

William Gardner Conference Room, Grey Street, Glen Innes on:

Thursday, 27 October 2016 at 6.00pm

Table of Contents

1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO COUNTRY ................................................................. 4

2 OPENING BY MINISTER FROM THE FRATERNAL ............................................. 4

3 APOLOGIES ........................................................................................................... 4

4 DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTS / PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS ...................................................................................... 4

5 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS ORDINARY MEETING - 22 SEPTEMBER 2016 TO BE CONFIRMED............................................................................................... 5

1.10/16 RESOLUTION .................................................................................. 5

6 MAYORAL MINUTE ............................................................................................... 5

6.1 Mayoral Luncheon ........................................................................................ 5 2.10/16 RESOLUTION .................................................................................. 5

6.2 Branding Strategy ......................................................................................... 6

6.3. Local Government NSW Conference .......................................................... 6

6.4 Roads and Maritime Services New England Highway Draft Corridor Strategy ......................................................................................................... 7 3.10/16 RESOLUTION .................................................................................. 7

7 NOTICE OF MOTIONS ........................................................................................... 7

8 NOTICE OF MOTION OF RESCISSION ................................................................ 7

9 REPORTS ............................................................................................................... 7

9.1 Recording of Voting by Councillors on all Matters .................................... 7 4.10/16 RESOLUTION .................................................................................. 7

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9.2 Joint Organisation of Councils: Getting the Boundaries Right: Council Submission ..................................................................................... 8

5.10/16 RESOLUTION .................................................................................. 8

9.3 Disclosures by Councillors and Designated Persons Returns: Tabling of Returns ........................................................................................ 8

6.10/16 RESOLUTION .................................................................................. 8

9.4 Review of Principal Activities in the Operational Plan measured against the Delivery Program ...................................................................... 8 7.10/16 RESOLUTION .................................................................................. 8

9.5 Financial Assistance Grant Calculations - 2016/17 Details ....................... 9

8.10/16 RESOLUTION .................................................................................. 9

9.6 External Customer Survey Report .............................................................. 9

9.10/16 RESOLUTION .................................................................................. 9

9.7 Rates for Bald Nob Bush Fire Brigade Headquarters ................................ 9 10.10/16 RESOLUTION ................................................................................ 9

9.8 Finance Report - September 2016 ............................................................. 10 11.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 10

9.9 Rates and Charges Collections - September 2016 .................................. 10 12.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 10

9.10 Australia Day Committee - Appointment of New Members to the Committee ................................................................................................... 11 13.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 11

9.11 Aboriginal Designated Employment ......................................................... 11

14.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 11

9.12 Workplace Injury Management Report - September 2016 ....................... 11

15.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 11

9.13 Library and Learning Centre Report - September 2016 ........................... 12 16.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 12 17.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 12

9.14 Department of Corporate and Community Services: Monthly Report - August and September 2016 ....................................................... 12 18.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 12

9.15 Green Waste Processing Contract ............................................................ 12 19.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 13

9.16 Australian Standing Stones Management Board - Adoption of Constitution................................................................................................. 13 20.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 13

9.17 Aboriginal Land Claims at Glen Innes ...................................................... 14 21.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 14

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9.18 Department of Development, Planning and Regulatory Services: Monthly Report - September 2016 ............................................................. 14

22.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 14

9.19 Transfer of Redundant Closed Road, Joss House Road ........................ 14 23.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 15

9.20 ALGA National Local Roads and Transport Congress ............................ 15 24.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 15 25.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 15

9.21 Infrastructure Services: Capital Works Progress Report ........................ 16 26.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 16

9.22 Department of Infrastructure Services: Monthly Report - September 2016 .......................................................................................... 16

27.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 16

10 CORRESPONDENCE, MINUTES, PRESS RELEASES ...................................... 16

10.1 Correspondence and Press Releases ....................................................... 16 28.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 16

10.2 Minutes of Committee Meetings for Information ..................................... 17

29.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 17

11 REPORTS FROM DELEGATES .......................................................................... 17

30.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 18

12 MATTERS OF AN URGENT NATURE ................................................................. 18

13 CLOSED COUNCIL REPORTS ............................................................................ 19 31.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 19

13.1 Performance Management: General Manager .......................................... 19 32.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 19

33.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 19 34.10/16 RESOLUTION .............................................................................. 20

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COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community members addressed Council. PRESENT: Cr Steve Toms (Mayor), Cr Carol Sparks (Deputy Mayor), Cr Glenn Frendon, Cr Dianne Newman, Cr Andrew Parsons, Cr Colin Price and Cr Jeff Smith. IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Hein Basson (General Manager), Mr Malcolm Donnelly (Manager of Technical Services), Mr Graham Price (Director of Development, Planning and Regulatory Services), Mr Paul Della (Chief Financial Officer) and Mrs Debbie Duffell (Executive Assistant). OPENED: 6.00pm.

1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO COUNTRY The Mayor read the following “Acknowledgement to Country”:

“I would like to acknowledge the Ngoorabul people who are the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet today. I would also like to pay respects to past and present Elders of the Ngoorabul nation and extend that respect to other Aboriginal people present.”

2 OPENING BY MINISTER FROM THE FRATERNAL Pastor Adam Cinzio opened the Meeting with a prayer.

3 APOLOGIES No apologies were given as all Councillors were in attendance.


Cr Glenn Frendon declared a significant conflict of interest with regards to Item 9.19 “Transfer of Redundant Closed Road, Joss House Road” as this item partly concerns property that his brother owns. He indicated that he would leave the room and not partake in any discussions or voting on this item. Cr Steve Toms declared a non-significant conflict of interest with regards to Item 9.16 “Australian Standing Stones Management Board – Adoption of Constitution” as he is a member of this Committee and his wife is the Chair of this Committee. However,

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he indicated that he will remain in the room, partake in the discussions and vote on this item.


Moved Cr D Newman Seconded Cr C Price


That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 22 September 2016, copies of which were circulated, be taken as read and confirmed as a correct record of the proceedings of the Meeting.



6.1 Mayoral Luncheon

The Mayor advised that arrangements have been made for the Mayoral Luncheon and Fundraiser to be held on Monday, 28 November from 12 noon to 2.00pm at the Services Club, which has also offered to administrate the ticket selling for the event. Invitations will be forwarded shortly and the event will also be advertised to alert other members of the public who may wish to attend. The Mayor suggested a slight variation be made to the previous resolution regarding the Mayoral luncheon, in that the monies from the fundraiser go directly to the Mayoral Donation Fund subset of Council’s Donation Fund so that the Mayor has full discretion to direct these monies, indicating that for 2016 he would like to use the monies for the Vegetable Creek Palliative Care Bed and the Cross Road Soup Kitchen. Moved Cr S Toms Seconded Cr G Frendon


That the profit from the 2016 Mayoral Luncheon go directly to the Mayoral Donation Fund component of Council’s Donation Fund; giving the Mayor full discretion for the disbursement of these funds. Further, that Council notes that in relation to the 2016 Mayoral Luncheon, it is the Mayor’s intention for these monies to be dispersed to the Vegetable Creek Palliative Care Bed and the Cross Roads Soup Kitchen.


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6.2 Branding Strategy

The Mayor advised that he attended a Branding Workshop on 13 October 2016, initiated by Glen Innes Tourist Association and Business in Glen, and facilitated by Greg Alder of Total Destination Branding. The one-day Workshop involved around 20 people from various locations with a variety of interests, and covered topics including a review of branding principles and a review of the current branding. The Mayor reported that the working group gave its general support to retain Celtic Country as part of the branding, and additionally the concept of naming our district “Glen Innes Highlands” received unanimous support.

A two-page report has been forwarded to the working group by Bill Baker and another meeting of the working group will be held on 17 November 2016 to further discuss branding options and the most appropriate way forward for the Glen Innes community.

6.3. Local Government NSW Conference

The Mayor reported that the Deputy Mayor, General Manager and himself attended the Local Government NSW Conference in Wollongong from 16 to 18 October.

Sixty motions received from constituent Councils were dealt with, and addresses were given by the Premier, Minister for Local Government and the Minister for Disability Services.

With some Councils under administration after being merged and a number of Councils taking court action against the State Government regarding forced amalgamations, it was understandable for particular attendees to still have a significant focus on the Local Government reform initiatives undertaken by the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

A positive message was received from the speaker from the Office of Sport who advised that the Office will in future be taking a greater interest in Council sporting infrastructure.

Kitty Chiller, Chef de Mission for the Australian Olympic Team in Rio, gave a powerful speech around leadership and her experience as a volunteer. The Mayor relayed to the Meeting one of her key messages; i.e. “Take responsibility for your own potential”.

The contingent also attended the Aboriginal Reconciliation Breakfast on the Monday morning – facilitated by the NSW Reconciliation Council.

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6.4 Roads and Maritime Services New England Highway Draft Corridor Strategy

The Mayor informed Council of this draft strategy which highlights improvements that Roads and Maritime Services are looking to make in relation to the New England Highway over the next 10 to 20 years, commenting that submissions close on 7 November 2016. Only two (2) projects in the strategy relate to our region, being the Tenterfield By Pass and the Bolivia Range Upgrade.

Moved Cr S Toms Seconded Cr J Smith


That Council responds to the NSW Roads and Maritime Services’ New England Highway Draft Corridor Strategy; highlighting the importance of the New England Highway for the New England Region, stating the importance of regular pavement improvement and maintenance to this road, the addition of more overtaking lanes, and the strategic importance and promotion of this inland highway as an alternate route between Sydney and Brisbane in potentially reducing traffic numbers of the congested Pacific Highway and further supporting the New England region.



There were no notice of motions received.


There were no notice of motion of rescission received.


9.1 Recording of Voting by Councillors on all Matters

REPORT FROM: GENERAL MANAGER’S OFFICE Author: Hein Basson - General Manager

Debbie Duffell - Executive Assistant

Moved Cr C Price Seconded Cr A Parsons


That Council maintains the status quo with regards to its current method of voting, but encourages the Mayor and other Councillors to call for a division of votes where necessary and appropriate. CARRIED

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9.2 Joint Organisation of Councils: Getting the Boundaries Right: Council Submission

REPORT FROM: GENERAL MANAGER’S OFFICE Author: Hein Basson - General Manager Moved Cr C Price Seconded Cr A Parsons


That Council lodge a submission with the Office of Local Government on the discussion paper “Joint Organisations: Getting the boundaries right” by the extended date of 2 November 2016; arguing for the proposed boundary of the New England Joint Organisation to be extended to provide for six (6) member councils, instead of the current five (5), by including Walcha Shire Council.


9.3 Disclosures by Councillors and Designated Persons Returns: Tabling of Returns

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Debbie Duffell - Executive Assistant Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr D Newman


That Council notes the tabled Disclosures by Councillors and Designated Persons Returns, and the Register of Returns for 2015/16, in accordance with Section 450 (A) of the Local Government Act 1993.


9.4 Review of Principal Activities in the Operational Plan measured against the Delivery Program

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Anna Watt - Director of Corporate and Community Services Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr D Newman


That Council notes the progress of the Principal Activities, attached as Annexure A to this report, against the actions in the Operational Plan 2016/17 and measured against Council’s Delivery Program.

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9.5 Financial Assistance Grant Calculations - 2016/17 Details

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Anna Watt - Director of Corporate and Community Services Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr D Newman


That Council notes the information in this report. CARRIED

9.6 External Customer Survey Report

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Anna Watt - Director of Corporate and Community Services Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr C Sparks


1. That Council notes the Jetty Research report with recommendations attached as an annexure to this report.

2. That Council requests the Director of Corporate and Community Services to include the Jetty Research report attached as an annexure to this report as important reference material for the development of the new 2017 – 2027 Community Strategic Plan.

3. That Council requests the Director of Corporate and Community Services to make provision in the 2019/20 Operational Plan to engage a consultant to complete a further external customer satisfaction survey to gauge where improvements have been made.


9.7 Rates for Bald Nob Bush Fire Brigade Headquarters

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Paul Della - Chief Financial Officer Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr J Smith


1. That Council in future reimburses the landowner an amount equal to the Council rates incurred on property Lot 1 DP 1199861 following payment of said rates

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effective from 1 July 2016, as the property is being used for a community facility.

2. That Council authorises the Director of Corporate and Community Services to amend the existing lease agreement to incorporate provision for the reimbursement of an amount equal to the Council rates incurred on property Lot 1 DP 1199861 as noted in paragraph one (1) above as the property is being used for a community facility.


9.8 Finance Report - September 2016

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Merle Westendorp - Financial Accountant

Paul Della - Chief Financial Officer

Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr J Smith


That Council notes the following information:

The cash book report disclosing a total reconciled cash balance of $3,651,857.24;

The investment report disclosing total invested funds of $13,000,000.00 with total cash and investments of $16,651,857.24 (compared with $19,291,970.88 in September 2015); and

The loan liability report showing a total loan liability of $16,400,610.46 (compared with $17,629,313.45 in September 2015).


9.9 Rates and Charges Collections - September 2016

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Andrea Davidson - Rates Officer Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr C Price


That Council notes the information in this report. CARRIED

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9.10 Australia Day Committee - Appointment of New Members to the Committee

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Mahri Koch - Communications and Committee Liaison

Officer Moved Cr D Newman Seconded Cr A Parsons


That Council endorses the following additional two (2) Community Representatives to the Australia Day Committee:

Ann Fairbanks;

Kerry Hill.


9.11 Aboriginal Designated Employment

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Peter Sayers - Manager of Administration and Human

Resources Moved Cr C Price Seconded Cr G Frendon


1. That Council notes the information in this report.

2. That the Manager of Administration and Human Resources writes to the Aboriginal Consultative Committee attaching a copy of this report for their information.


9.12 Workplace Injury Management Report - September 2016

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Ann Blunt - WHS Co-ordinator Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr G Frendon


That Council notes the information in this report. CARRIED

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9.13 Library and Learning Centre Report - September 2016

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Kerry Byrne - Manager of Library / Learning Centre Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr C Sparks


That Council notes the information in this report. CARRIED

Cr Sparks foreshadowed another motion.

Moved Cr C Sparks Seconded Cr A Parsons


That Council considers providing for the supply and installation of a Shade Sail at the northern end of the Library for the purpose of providing shade for children activities during preparation of the 2017/18 Budget and Operational Plan. CARRIED

9.14 Department of Corporate and Community Services: Monthly Report - August and September 2016

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Anna Watt - Director of Corporate and Community Services Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr C Price


That Council notes the information in this report.


9.15 Green Waste Processing Contract


Author: Graham Price - Director of Development, Planning and Regulatory Services

Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr D Newman

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That Council accepts the tender of Davis Earthmoving and Quarrying for Green Waste Processing at the Glen Innes, Emmaville, Red Range and Deepwater Landfill locations. CARRIED Cr S Toms earlier declared a non-significant conflict of interest in relation to the following matter, indicating that he will remain in the room, partake in the discussion and vote on the item.

9.16 Australian Standing Stones Management Board - Adoption of Constitution


Author: Graham Price - Director of Development, Planning and Regulatory Services Hein Basson - General Manager

Moved Cr C Price Seconded Cr A Parsons


1. That Council endorses the Charter of the College of Guardians and the Constitution of the Australian Standing Stones Management Board attached as annexures to this report.

2. That Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993, delegates the following functions to the Australian Standing Stones Management Board:

2.1 The authority to decide on the design and colours of its official dress and associated regalia;

2.2 The authority to decide on the specific program detail and flow of official events for which it is responsible at the annual Celtic Festival, in liaison with the Chairperson of the Celtic Festival Committee.

2.3 The authority to decide on the type and format of events that are held outside of the annual Celtic Festival, e.g. solstice event celebrations and other Celtic commemorative events.

2.4 The authority to, in corroboration with senior executive staff members of GISC, decide on the design, colour scheme and wording of signage erected at the site.

2.5 The authority for the Chairperson to liaise directly with the media to promote the site.

2.6 The authority for the Chairperson to liaise with relevant groups in accordance with the Terms of Reference of the ASSMB.


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9.17 Aboriginal Land Claims at Glen Innes


Author: Greg Doman - Manager of Regulatory and Planning Services

Moved Cr C Price Seconded Cr A Parsons


That the Director of Development, Planning and Regulatory Services prepares the necessary documentation and supporting evidence to the Aboriginal Land Claims Investigation Unit, Crown Lands, NSW Department of Primary Industries in relation to Lot 721 DP 753282 Claim 9041 demonstrating that the land was:

Lawfully used or occupied at the time of claim lodgement; and

Is needed or likely to be needed for an essential public purpose into the foreseeable future.


9.18 Department of Development, Planning and Regulatory Services: Monthly Report - September 2016


Author: Natasha Green - Trainee Customer Service Officer Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr C Price


That Council notes the information in this report. CARRIED Cr Frendon left the Chambers at 7.07pm as he had earlier declared a significant conflict of interest in relation to the following item; not partaking in any of the discussions or voting on the item.

9.19 Transfer of Redundant Closed Road, Joss House Road

REPORT FROM: INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Author: Malcolm Donnelly - Manager of Technical Services Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr J Smith

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1. That Council grants authority to the Mayor and General Manager to execute all necessary documentation under the Seal of Council for the transfer of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11 of DP1190573 to the owner of Assessment 11820-02000000-000.

2. That Council grants authority to the Mayor and General Manager to execute all necessary documentation under the Seal of Council for the transfer of Lot 8 of DP1190573 to the owner of Assessment 11819-00000000-000, for a nominal consideration of one (1) dollar.

CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Cr Frendon returned to the Chambers at 7.10pm.

9.20 ALGA National Local Roads and Transport Congress

REPORT FROM: INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Author: Cathi Tibbs - Personal Assistant Moved Cr C Price Seconded Cr A Parsons


That Council authorises the Mayor and Director of Infrastructure Services to attend the 2016 National Local Roads and Transport Congress, and the associated Toowoomba Tour and Heavy Vehicle Demonstration, as delegates of Council.


Cr Smith foreshadowed another motion.

Moved Cr J Smith Seconded Cr G Frendon


That Council requests the Director of Infrastructure Services to prepare a report for the November 2016 Ordinary Council Meeting in relation to the perception that too many plant items are not being used. CARRIED Cr C Price requested that his dissenting vote against the motion be recorded.

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9.21 Infrastructure Services: Capital Works Progress Report

REPORT FROM: INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Author: Keith Appleby - Director of Infrastructure Services Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr C Price


That Council notes the information in this report. CARRIED

9.22 Department of Infrastructure Services: Monthly Report - September 2016

REPORT FROM: INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Author: Cathi Tibbs - Personal Assistant Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr C Price


That Council notes the information in this report. CARRIED


10.1 Correspondence and Press Releases

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Sarah Clarke - Records Supervisor Moved Cr C Price Seconded Cr A Parsons


That the information be noted. CARRIED

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10.2 Minutes of Committee Meetings for Information

REPORT FROM: CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Author: Sarah Clarke - Records Supervisor Moved Cr C Sparks Seconded Cr D Newman


That the information be noted. CARRIED

11 REPORTS FROM DELEGATES The following meetings were held by Section 355 Community Committees of Council during between 24 September 2016 and 16 October 2016:

Name of Committee

Councillor Delegate(s) Date

Australia Day Committee Cr Parsons 5/10/16

Australian Celtic Festival Committee Cr Toms, Cr Price 6/10/16

Glen Innes and District Sports Council Cr Parsons 10/10/16

Community Access Committee Cr Parsons, Cr Smith 10/10/16

Minerama Committee Cr Newman 12/10/16

Library Committee Cr Sparks 13/10/16

The following is a list of meetings and functions attended by Councillors between 24 September 2016 and 16 October 2016:

Name of Councillor Name of Meeting / Function Date


Cr Toms National Police Remembrance Day Service, Armidale


‘Elected Life Councillor Training’ 30/9/16 and 1/10/16

White Rock Wind Farm Sub Committee 6/10/16

Meeting with Local Member, Adam Marshall, and Cr Carol Sparks


Australian Celtic Festival Committee 6/10/16

Young Diggers Dog Squad Dinner 7/10/16

‘Post War Glamour’ Exhibition, Glen Innes Art Gallery and Learning Centre Opening


Local Health Advisory Committee 10/10/16

Interagency Committee 12/10/16

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Branding Public Meeting 12/10/16

Branding Workshop 13/10/16

Councillor Tour – Rural areas 14/10/16

Emmaville Fete Opening 15/10/16

Cr Sparks ‘Elected Life Councillor Training’ 30/9/16 and 1/10/16

Meeting with Local Member, Adam Marshall, and Cr Steve Toms


Library Committee 13/10/16

Councillor Tour – Rural areas 14/10/16

Cr Frendon ‘Elected Life Councillor Training’ 30/9/16 and 1/10/16

Information Session on Council Procurement Processes


Councillor Tour – Rural areas 14/10/16

Cr Newman ‘Elected Life Councillor Training’ 30/9/16 (part)

Minerama Committee 12/10/16

Cr Parsons ‘Elected Life Councillor Training’ 30/9/16 and 1/10/16

Glen Innes Show Society Special Meeting and October General Meeting


Deepwater Progress Association 11/10/16

Branding Workshop 12/10/16

Cr Price Glen Innes Severn Tourist Association Inc. AGM 26/9/16

GLENRAC 27/9/16

‘Elected Life Councillor Training’ 30/9/16 and 1/10/16

Australian Celtic Festival 6/10/16

Glen Innes Severn Tourist Association Inc. 10/10/16

Councillor Tour – Rural areas 14/10/16

Cr Smith ‘Elected Life Councillor Training’ 30/9/16 and 1/10/16

Councillor Tour – Rural areas 14/10/16

Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr C Sparks


That the information be noted. CARRIED

12 MATTERS OF AN URGENT NATURE There were no matters of an urgent nature.

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13 CLOSED COUNCIL REPORTS Moved Cr C Price Seconded Cr A Parsons


That Council considers the confidential report(s) listed below in a meeting closed to the public in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993:

Item Report Reason

13.1 Performance Management: General Manager

(a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).

CARRIED All members of the public and staff, with the exception of the General Manager, left the room at 7.39pm.

13.1 Performance Management: General Manager

REPORT FROM: GENERAL MANAGER’S OFFICE Author: Hein Basson - General Manager

Debbie Duffell - Executive Assistant

Moved Cr C Price Seconded Cr D Newman


1. That Council notes the overall rating and summary of comments by the General Manager’s Appraisal Committee regarding the performance of the General Manager for the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.

2. That Council notes that the General Manager’s remuneration package has been adjusted in terms of Clause 8.5 of the (Standard) Contract of Employment and as discussed in more detail in the body of the report, as from 1 July 2016.

3. That Council notes the contents of the various other documents attached to this report as Annexures A to E.

CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr C Price


That Council moves out of Closed Council into Open Council.


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Moved Cr A Parsons Seconded Cr C Price


That the confidential Closed Council Resolutions be recommended for adoption to the Ordinary Meeting of the Whole of Council.


The Meeting closed at 8.16pm.

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