giving advice why don't you.... when do you need advice? you need advice when you have a. problem

Post on 08-Jan-2018






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Why do you need advice? You need advice to _____ a problem. fix


Giving Advice Why don't you... When do you need advice? You need advice when you have a. problem Why do you need advice? You need advice to _____ a problem. fix What problems do you have? school friends family money health girlfriends Do you have problems with _______ ? What strange things does Mr. Bean do? What advice does Mr. Bean need? Watch carefully! Advice for Mr. Bean _____ _____ ____ go to bed earlier? Why don't you You _________ get more sleep! should You __________ put your alarm clock in a glass of water. shouldn't Youd ________ wake up on time! better Youd better _____ shave your nose hair with an electric razor. not You'd better.../ You'd better not... Why don't you... ? You should.../ You shouldn't... Why dont you see a doctor? You should see a doctor. Youd better see a doctor.Youd better not wait! You shouldnt wait. A. Why dont you ask for directions? B. Youd better charge it before it dies. C. Youd better tell her to be quiet. D. You should go to the dentist. E. Youd better study harder next time. F. You should take off your winter coat. G. Youd better turn off that loud music and take an aspirin. H. Why dont you get a job? I. You should turn off the air conditioner. J. Why dont you go to the SK store and see if they can fix it? Match the problems with the advice. Problem Advice 1.) I have a headache. _____ 2.) I have a toothache. _____ 3.) Its too cold in here. _____ 4.) Im too hot. _____ 5.) My cell phone broke. _____ 6.) My cell phone battery is almost dead. _____ 7.) Im lost! _____ 8.) I failed the math test. _____ 9.) I dont have any money. _____ 10.) My little sister is too noisy. _____ G A. Why dont you ask for directions? B. Youd better charge it before it dies. C. Youd better tell her to be quiet. D. You should go to the dentist. E. Youd better study harder next time. F. You should take off your winter coat. G. Youd better turn off that loud music and take an aspirin. H. Why dont you get a job? I. You should turn off the air conditioner. J. Why dont you go to the SK store and see if they can fix it? Match the problems with the advice. Problem Advice 1.) I have a headache. _____ 2.) I have a toothache. _____ 3.) Its too cold in here. _____ 4.) Im too hot. _____ 5.) My cell phone broke. _____ 6.) My cell phone battery is almost dead. _____ 7.) Im lost! _____ 8.) I failed the math test. _____ 9.) I dont have any money. _____ 10.) My little sister is too noisy. _____ D I F J B A E H C G

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