getting your posts heard on social media is about getting these things right

Post on 23-Jan-2018



Social Media



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Writing So

They Read ItThe Ins And Outs Of Sharing

Content That Gets Picked Up By

The Search Engines And

Consumed By Your Tribe

Here’s what we’ll cover

Optimize | Get Heard

Dissecting a great

social media post

Taming the social


The principles of

being a social media


Put it all together

How/where/when/ to Syndicate content

Creating a solid foundation for your online megaphone

Repurposing your content

How to ride others’ content waves like a social media savvy

The 10 Principles of Being a

Social Savvy

be concise

be engaging

be personal

be relevant

be timely

be authentic

be truthful

be transparent

be friendly

The Nitty-Gritty To ‘Doing’ Social Media

Like A Social Savvy

My gift to you: My Online Marketing Toolkit

Editorial Calendars + Content production/distribution schedules

Avoid quiet! Schedule out posts 15-90 days out

Be mindful of holidays and national events and use

Seize opportunities that happen to tell your brand’s story / share info

Go ahead and add PR / Communications / Sales and News Reporter to your job description

The Most Important Part of Being

a Social Savvy

… above all else, keep it social, silly!

Dissecting A Great PostStep 1: Make it visually appealing.

Dissecting A Great PostStep 2: Does your message grab ‘em or lose ‘em?

Dissecting A Great PostStep 3: Hypertarget with hashtags and by matching

the communication style of your tribe

Dissecting A Great PostStep 3: More hypertargeting with Facebook page &

post Audience Optimization

Dissecting A Great PostStep 4: Duh, use a Call-To-Action see below!

Dissecting A Great PostStep 5: Information is useful do you know what

content is engaging and which is going flat?

Dissecting A Great PostStep 6: Be helpful & courteous | ‘mentions’

Dissecting A Great PostStep 7: Be relevant and timelyTip: use an Editorial Calendar to stay on top of relevant holidays

How do you get heard above the


How To Tame

The Social Algorithm

Know and use your long-tail keywords

How To Tame The Social Algorithm

Before you post! Are you adding value to the conversation?

How To Tame

The Social Algorithm

Speak the same language and use the same

communication styles as your tribe, so they can

find you!

How To Tame The Social Algorithm Back-end optimization to describe the content to the search

engines so when it matches a users query, your content is more

likely to show up in the results

Put your brand’s online

megaphone to work!


Use your SMP to syndicate and

cross-promote content to/from:

o Website

o Blog

o Writing submissions

o Landing pages

o Directory listings

o Email marketing

o OPPQC / ride the wave

o Share tips and tricks

o Share industry-related news and

other info

o Anywhere!!!

Provide Entrances Into Your Online

Network So They Can Hang Out

Once they’re in your network, keep them moving around

and engaging get them to DO something!

Landing page with CTA

FB post


Put your brand’s

content megaphone to work!

Lay a solid foundation for your

megaphone to work!• Content production schedule

• Content distribution schedule

• editorial calendar

• Syndication tool

• Social savviness

• Quality Content Curation

• Lead funnels w/no leaks

• Optimized SMP/site

• Budget/content/process

Step 1: Shamelessly Repurposing

Your Own Content

What to post

Old blog posts that did


Content on your site


Quick tips



Repurposing ideas

Step 2: Savvily share OPPQC that

you’ve carefully curated *as long as it’s NOT “gated!”

Hunting tactics Google Ghosting search technique

Trending topics on social media newsfeeds

Get social out there, engage in newsfeeds

TIP: turn the volume up / down to get QC!

Let the search lead you

Gathering tactics Google Alerts

Subscribe to Quality Content producers & curators / industry standards / competitors

TIP: use Social Media Dashboard as ‘inbox’ to manage information flow

RSS feeds

Turn the volume up or down on topics related to your

topic so you can ride others’ content waves

fine-tune ALL of your newsfeeds

Ok, so you’ve established

yourself as an authority &

resource, now what?

Have a plan

Have a purpose

A/B testing

CMGR assign responsibility

Create sales funnel(s)!

The Secret Reason You Want To Be

The Host/Hostess With The Mostest

(aka the one with all the answers!)

Because, by riding others’ content waves who

are known authorities / resources in your niche

and consistently …

Sharing Breaking news or other useful tips that

you have carefully curated and only sharing

selectively, taking great care to ensure No

garbage / NO spam / NO yucky

AHA! You become one too by association!

And people buy from folks like that!

The Secret Reason(s) You Want Folks

To Hang Out Online With Your Brand

They can ask questions because they have

access to you two-way conversation

They get answers to their questions / you

handle their objections as they interact with the

steady stream of AWESOME content you are

sharing on your SMP

They get to see your ‘bedside manner’

This is why it’s imperative that you’re

authentic and transparent and offline =


There is usually a better ‘fit’ between them and


You’re ‘right there’ when they are ready to buy

This is why you must have funnels in place

to capture and keep nurturing leads

That Funnel I mentioned… Website

Newsletter sign up

Get social with us

Contact us

Social Media channels (optimized)


Entrance into your site

social media channels

Facebook: add Services

CTA buttons (e.g. FB)

Rich Pins / Buy now Pinterest for


Email marketing

Digest: News you can use

Directory listings (optimized)

Yelp Check-In offers

Referral Marketing (capture WOM)

Make it a Sales Funnel that doesn’t


Thanks + a few extra tidbits... Check that it’s turned ON: can people

leave a review for your biz on your

Facebook page?

Will you leave a Facebook review on

Flutterby Media about this

presentation --- pretty please with

cherries on top, and be honest!

Ask for / give LinkedIn

recommendations and endorsements

Make sure you have 50 skills listed

Does your headline tell people about

you not about what you do? Use the

real estate!

Turn ON notify your connections so

you stay ‘in sight / in mind’

Will you please recommend and

endorse me on LinkedIn? Thanks!

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