getting to understand more about fire prevention systems

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Getting to Understand More about Fire Prevention Systems

Whenever we have an office, factory or commercial establishment, amongst the most vital things that we should take care is the need to have a good fire prevention system. What exactly are the major differences between fire prevention and fire suppression? While the former is all about preventing fire before it actually breaks out, fire suppression systems help in controlling and detecting fire if they have unfortunately started in a place. Hence, whenever we talk about a foolproof fire prevention system, we should pay a lot of importance to fire protection that encompasses fire suppression too.

Importance of Adhering to Standards and Practices

There are a number of fire suppression systems that one can think of. For example, fire alarms, smoke detecting devices and systems which suppress gaseous substance emission are a few examples which form the backbone of such systems. While talking about such systems, we should also keep in mind that that there should be fire systems compliant to AS5062-2006 and other such updates that keep happening every now and then. The main objective of these standards is to have a uniform way in which fire prevention and safety systems are implemented across offices, factories and other such places.

Fire Prevention in Moving Vehicles

While fire breaks out in offices and factories, one cannot underestimate the need for having a good bus fire system in place for these vehicles. Buses normally carry dozens of passengers and hence there cannot be any laxity on the subject matter. In fact, if one looks at the fire prevention and suppression systems here, they are akin to any good mobile plant and equipment fire protection. The only difference is that while in vehicles, the systems move along with the vehicle; in factories they are static in nature.

When we talk about vehicle fire system, it has to be taken into account, the need to operate the same in very difficult and dangerous locations. For example, it might not be prudent to depend on water alone, when going in for such systems and we should pay more attention to powders and other fire retardant systems.

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