getting things done

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Getting Things Done

What is it?

What is Getting Things Done?

A system of getting things done based on a book of the same name

Book was written in 2001 by David Allen has sold over 1 million copies

The unabridged book comes on 7 audio CDs

I'm go to attempt to show you in 15 minutes


(this slide intentionally left blank)

For me...Start a project but it would get put on-hold - some kind of mental block stooped me from moving it forward

Stuff not getting done when it was supposed to get done which resulted in more admin or fines

Wasted opportunities come back from a shop and then realising there was something else I needed

So, lets look at how this system works...

Empty your brain


Probably the most important step


Every half-started project

Every commitment you've made to yourself

Every odd-job around the house you


We call this stuff

We'll talk about how to organise stuff shortly...


No action


Once you've got stuff, for each item, decide...

Does someone need to do something about this? Action!

Do you just need to hang on to this stuff? No Action

If no action is required...

File it

Bin it


File it in a single alphabetized filing systemBin itIncubate it keep it for the future (I'll show you how to do his in a cool way soon)

If action is required...

Do It!

Next Action List

Delegate It!


End world hunger

Become an astronaut

Do itDelegate maybe you boss needs to look review a document before sending to the customer. Start a Project if there are many steps to getting this done, create a project.Put it on a Next Action List


...anything with more than 1 step



Project: Sell Car

Get car valeted

Take a photo of car

Send photo + text to autotrader

Put this in a Next Action list

Next Action List(s)

It's all about Context, Soldier

Have seperate list depending on context. This make its easier to scan the list and make a good judgement about what to do next

Fair enough, anything else?

Well stocked desk

Fast Filing

Well stokced desk: StaplerRubber bandsLabellerPaper clipsPens and pencils

Fast FilingFiling a sinle piece of paper in a new file < 1 minIf not, you'll put it off (maybe put it back into the in tray)

Fair enough, anything else?

Weekly Review

Weekly review is essential. Reads all your project and next action lists, update as necessary adding, deleting

Ok, I said I would going to talk about how to incubate stuff enter... The Tickler file

The Tickler File

43 Folders: 1 to 31 and January to December31 + 12 = 43

If you only read one slide today...

Empty your brain

Decide Action / No Action

No Action File, Bin or Incubate

Action Do, Delegate, Project or Next Action

Tickler File

You need a well stocked desk

Fast Filing

Weekly Review is ESSENTIAL

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