getting out of the messy problems of economic recession

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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Getting Out of the Messy Problems of Economic Recession

By Ade Adewolu


In these days of global economic recession, many people have been looking into how and where they can recession-proof their income and secure a quality of life of their dreams. Some people felt the global economic recession actually shattered their life dreams. This article looks at possible ways of realizing one's dreams and achieving a good work-life balance.

On-line Jobs: These are now becoming more appealing, especially since the aftermath of the global economic recession. People are beginning to see the need for flexible working arrangements that allow for an unhindered income irrespective of when, where and how the job is done. The fact is that the global shift in paradigm has caused both small establishments and big corporations to engage in 'out-sourcing' of duties and responsibilities. Anyone can tap into the new and rapidly expanding opportunity offered on the web like,, among several other outsourcing opportunities.

Invest in Yourself: Most people consider taking on basic skills as beyond them. This need not be as the item being acquired is an investment. The more you learn about basic skills, the more you see of the opportunities to make good use of your present level of competence.

Learn Something Fun and New: One can easily engage in learning something that depends on a Laptop or skill one has a flair for. Learning becomes more fun as you see the bright side of it. Most people feel learning is boring and tough: It need not be. To recession-proof your income should be fun. Learning should be an opportunity to have some fun and see life from a totally new perspective. Most vocations now have an on-line support system.

Interact with Socially Active People: In looking for a way to and recession-proof your income, you are not alone. There are thousands of lively and socially active people out there who are currently looking to interact with people of like minds. Do away with the 9-5 lifestyle or 40 x 40 x 40 (40 hours/week x 40 weeks/year x 40 years of a lifetime). Social interactions would lead to more ideas and create new opportunities to earn from sources you had never contemplated.

Give yourself a New Quality of Life: It is an obvious fact that when you have good and unrestricted financial resources, time to do whatever you want whenever you want, quality of life improves. This is because you can fit your schedule around any commitment without the need to consider any employer restrictions.

Conclusion: To recession-proof your income requires a shift in mindset. The realization that it can be done, coupled with the vision in the mind gives a great manifestation. Anyone can do it.


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